
391 lines
10 KiB

#include maps\_hud_util;
#include maps\_utility;
level thread onPlayerConnect();
level waittill( "connecting", player );
//player thread hintMessageDeathThink();
//player thread lowerMessageThink();
player thread initNotifyMessage();
if ( level.splitscreen )
titleSize = 2.0;
textSize = 1.5;
iconSize = 24;
font = "default";
point = "TOP";
relativePoint = "BOTTOM";
yOffset = 30;
xOffset = 0;
titleSize = 2.5;
textSize = 1.75;
iconSize = 30;
font = "objective";
point = "TOP";
relativePoint = "BOTTOM";
yOffset = 30;
xOffset = 0;
// CODER_MOD - BNANDAKUMAR (7/16/08): Added the player as the 4th argument to make sure the hudelem is created only for that player alone
self.notifyTitle = createFontString( font, titleSize, self );
self.notifyTitle setPoint( point, undefined, xOffset, yOffset );
//self.notifyTitle.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
self.notifyTitle.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyTitle.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyTitle.archived = false;
self.notifyTitle.alpha = 0;
// CODER_MOD - BNANDAKUMAR (7/16/08): Added the player as the 4th argument to make sure the hudelem is created only for that player alone
self.notifyText = createFontString( font, textSize, self );
self.notifyText setParent( self.notifyTitle );
self.notifyText setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
//self.notifyText.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
self.notifyText.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyText.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyText.archived = false;
self.notifyText.alpha = 0;
// CODER_MOD - BNANDAKUMAR (7/16/08): Added the player as the 4th argument to make sure the hudelem is created only for that player alone
self.notifyText2 = createFontString( font, textSize, self );
self.notifyText2 setParent( self.notifyTitle );
self.notifyText2 setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
//self.notifyText2.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
self.notifyText2.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyText2.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyText2.archived = false;
self.notifyText2.alpha = 0;
// CODER_MOD - BNANDAKUMAR (7/16/08): Added the player as the 4th argument to make sure the hudelem is created only for that player alone
self.notifyIcon = createIcon( "white", iconSize, iconSize, self );
self.notifyIcon setParent( self.notifyText2 );
self.notifyIcon setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
self.notifyIcon.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyIcon.archived = false;
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
// CODER_MOD - BNANDAKUMAR (9/10/08): Added 3rd line of notification text
self.notifyText3 = createFontString( font, textSize, self );
self.notifyText3 setParent( self.notifyTitle );
self.notifyText3 setPoint( point, relativePoint, 0, 0 );
//self.notifyText3.glowColor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.7);
self.notifyText3.glowAlpha = 1;
self.notifyText3.hideWhenInMenu = true;
self.notifyText3.archived = false;
self.notifyText3.alpha = 0;
self.doingNotify = false;
self.notifyQueue = [];
notifyMessage( notifyData )
self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
if ( !self.doingNotify )
self thread showNotifyMessage( notifyData );
self.notifyQueue[ self.notifyQueue.size ] = notifyData;
showNotifyMessage( notifyData )
self endon("disconnect");
self.doingNotify = true;
waitRequireVisibility( 0 );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.duration ) )
duration = notifyData.duration;
else if ( level.gameEnded )
duration = 2.0;
duration = 4.0;
self thread resetOnCancel();
if ( isDefined( notifyData.sound ) )
self playLocalSound( notifyData.sound );
//if ( isDefined( notifyData.leaderSound ) )
// self maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::leaderDialogOnPlayer( notifyData.leaderSound );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.glowColor ) )
glowColor = notifyData.glowColor;
glowColor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
anchorElem = self.notifyTitle;
if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleText ) )
if ( level.splitScreen )
if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleLabel ) )
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.titleLabel, notifyData.titleText );
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.titleText );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleLabel ) )
self.notifyTitle.label = notifyData.titleLabel;
self.notifyTitle.label = &"";
if ( isDefined( notifyData.titleLabel ) && !isDefined( notifyData.titleIsString ) )
self.notifyTitle setValue( notifyData.titleText );
self.notifyTitle setText( notifyData.titleText );
self.notifyTitle setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
self.notifyTitle.glowColor = glowColor;
self.notifyTitle.alpha = 1;
if ( isDefined( notifyData.notifyText ) )
if ( level.splitScreen )
if ( isDefined( notifyData.textLabel ) )
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.textLabel, notifyData.notifyText );
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.notifyText );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.textLabel ) )
self.notifyText.label = notifyData.textLabel;
self.notifyText.label = &"";
if ( isDefined( notifyData.textLabel ) && !isDefined( notifyData.textIsString ) )
self.notifyText setValue( notifyData.notifyText );
self.notifyText setText( notifyData.notifyText );
self.notifyText setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
self.notifyText.glowColor = glowColor;
self.notifyText.alpha = 1;
anchorElem = self.notifyText;
if ( isDefined( notifyData.notifyText2 ) )
if ( level.splitScreen )
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text2Label ) )
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.text2Label, notifyData.notifyText2 );
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.notifyText2 );
self.notifyText2 setParent( anchorElem );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text2Label ) )
self.notifyText2.label = notifyData.text2Label;
self.notifyText2.label = &"";
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text2Label ) && !isDefined( notifyData.textIsString ) )
self.notifyText2 setValue( notifyData.notifyText2 );
self.notifyText2 setText( notifyData.notifyText2 );
self.notifyText2 setText( notifyData.notifyText2 );
self.notifyText2 setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
self.notifyText2.glowColor = glowColor;
self.notifyText2.alpha = 1;
anchorElem = self.notifyText2;
if ( isDefined( notifyData.notifyText3 ) )
if ( level.splitScreen )
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text3Label ) )
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.text3Label, notifyData.notifyText3 );
self iPrintLnBold( notifyData.notifyText3 );
self.notifyText3 setParent( anchorElem );
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text3Label ) )
self.notifyText3.label = notifyData.text3Label;
self.notifyText3.label = &"";
if ( isDefined( notifyData.text3Label ) && !isDefined( notifyData.textIsString ) )
self.notifyText3 setValue( notifyData.notifyText3 );
self.notifyText3 setText( notifyData.notifyText3 );
self.notifyText3 setText( notifyData.notifyText3 );
self.notifyText3 setPulseFX( 100, int(duration*1000), 1000 );
self.notifyText3.glowColor = glowColor;
self.notifyText3.alpha = 1;
anchorElem = self.notifyText3;
if ( isDefined( notifyData.iconName ) && !level.splitScreen )
self.notifyIcon setParent( anchorElem );
self.notifyIcon setShader( notifyData.iconName, 60, 60 );
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
self.notifyIcon fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 1;
waitRequireVisibility( duration );
self.notifyIcon fadeOverTime( 0.75 );
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
waitRequireVisibility( duration );
self notify ( "notifyMessageDone" );
self.doingNotify = false;
if ( self.notifyQueue.size > 0 )
nextNotifyData = self.notifyQueue[0];
newQueue = [];
for ( i = 1; i < self.notifyQueue.size; i++ )
self.notifyQueue[i-1] = self.notifyQueue[i];
self.notifyQueue[i-1] = undefined;
self thread showNotifyMessage( nextNotifyData );
// waits for waitTime, plus any time required to let flashbangs go away.
waitRequireVisibility( waitTime )
interval = .05;
while ( !self canReadText() )
wait interval;
while ( waitTime > 0 )
wait interval;
if ( self canReadText() )
waitTime -= interval;
// TODO - find coop version of this
//if ( self maps\mp\_flashgrenades::isFlashbanged() )
// return false;
return true;
self endon ( "notifyMessageDone" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
level endon ( "game_ended" );
self waittill ( "death" );
self notify ( "resetOnCancel" );
self endon ( "resetOnCancel" );
self endon ( "notifyMessageDone" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
level waittill ( "cancel_notify" );
self.notifyTitle.alpha = 0;
self.notifyText.alpha = 0;
self.notifyIcon.alpha = 0;
self.doingNotify = false;
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self.lowerMessage = createFontString( "default", level.lowerTextFontSize );
self.lowerMessage setPoint( "CENTER", level.lowerTextYAlign, 0, level.lowerTextY );
self.lowerMessage setText( "" );
self.lowerMessage.archived = false;
timerFontSize = 1.5;
if ( level.splitscreen )
timerFontSize = 1.4;
self.lowerTimer = createFontString( "default", timerFontSize );
self.lowerTimer setParent( self.lowerMessage );
self.lowerTimer setPoint( "TOP", "BOTTOM", 0, 0 );
self.lowerTimer setText( "" );
self.lowerTimer.archived = false;
pendingNotifies = true;
timeWaited = 0;
while( pendingNotifies && timeWaited < 12 )
pendingNotifies = false;
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( players[i].notifyQueue ) && players[i].notifyQueue.size > 0 )
pendingNotifies = true;
if( pendingNotifies )
wait .2;
timeWaited += .2;