
1926 lines
49 KiB

#include maps\_utility;
// TREYARCH: Added to make the math stuff work again since ABS and whatnot was changed / removed.
#include animscripts\Utility;
#include animscripts\SetPoseMovement;
#include animscripts\Combat_utility;
#include animscripts\shared;
#include common_scripts\Utility;
#include maps\_spawner;
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
// CODER_MOD: Bryce( 05/08/08 ): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println( "File: _drones.gsc. Function: init()\n" );
// MikeD: Do not start the drones if compiling reflections
if( GetDvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): took out weaponlist call since it disappeared...
level.drone_impact = loadfx( "impacts/flesh_hit" );
level.drone_muzzleflash = loadfx( "weapon/muzzleflashes/standardflashworld" );
if( !isdefined( level.traceHeight ) )
level.traceHeight = 400;
if( !isdefined( level.droneStepHeight ) )
level.droneStepHeight = 100;
if( !isdefined( level.max_drones ) )
level.max_drones = [];
if( !isdefined( level.max_drones["axis"] ) )
level.max_drones["axis"] = 32;
if ( level.max_drones["axis"] > 32 )
level.max_drones["axis"] = 32;
if( !isdefined( level.max_drones["allies"] ) )
level.max_drones["allies"] = 32;
if ( level.max_drones["allies"] > 32 )
level.max_drones["allies"] = 32;
if ( isSplitScreen() )
level.max_drones["axis"] = 8;
level.max_drones["allies"] = 8;
if( !isdefined( level.drones ) )
level.drones = [];
if( !isdefined( level.drones["axis"] ) )
level.drones["axis"] = struct_arrayspawn();
if( !isdefined( level.drones["allies"] ) )
level.drones["allies"] = struct_arrayspawn();
array_thread( getentarray( "drone_axis", "targetname" ), ::drone_triggers_think );
array_thread( getentarray( "drone_allies", "targetname" ), ::drone_triggers_think );
// CODER_MOD: Bryce( 05/08/08 ): Useful output for debugging replay system
if( getdebugdvar( "replay_debug" ) == "1" )
println( "File: _drones.gsc. Function: init() - COMPLETE\n" );
if( !isdefined( ) )
self.targeted = level.struct_targetname[];
if( !isdefined( self.targeted ) )
self.targeted = [];
level.struct_targetname = [];
count = level.struct.size;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
struct = level.struct[i];
if( !isdefined( struct.targetname ) )
struct_targetname = level.struct_targetname[struct.targetname];
if( !isdefined( struct_targetname ) )
targetname_count = 0;
targetname_count = struct_targetname.size;
level.struct_targetname[struct.targetname][targetname_count] = struct;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
struct = level.struct[i];
if( !isdefined( ) )
struct.targeted = level.struct_targetname[];
self endon( "death" );
if( self.targetname == "drone_allies" )
team = "allies";
team = "axis";
self build_struct_targeted_origins();
qFakeDeath = true;
if( ( isdefined( self.script_allowdeath ) ) &&( self.script_allowdeath == 0 ) )
qFakeDeath = false;
qSightTrace = false;
if( ( isdefined( self.script_trace ) ) &&( self.script_trace > 0 ) )
qSightTrace = true;
//make sure it has data
assert( isdefined( self.targeted ) );
assert( isdefined( self.targeted[0] ) );
// MikeD( 06/26/06 ): Added the ability to kill this thread, if script_ender is defined.
if( IsDefined( self.script_ender ) )
level endon( self.script_ender );
self waittill( "trigger" );
if( !isdefined( self.script_repeat ) )
repeat_times = 999999;
repeat_times = self.script_repeat;
if( ( ( isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) ) &&( self.script_noteworthy == "looping" ) ) ||( ( isdefined( self.script_looping ) ) &&( self.script_looping > 0 ) ) )
assert( isdefined( self.script_delay ) ||( isdefined( self.script_delay_min ) && isdefined( self.script_delay_max ) ) );
self endon( "stop_drone_loop" );
for( i = 0; i < repeat_times; i++ )
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): kill old drone spawn wais, rather then building them up
level notify( "new drone spawn wave" );
//how many drones should spawn?
spawnSize = undefined;
if( isdefined( self.script_drones_min ) )
max = self.targeted.size;
if( isdefined( self.script_drones_max ) )
max = self.script_drones_max;
if( self.script_drones_min == max )
spawnSize = max;
spawnSize = ( self.script_drones_min + randomint( max - self.script_drones_min ) );
self thread drone_spawngroup( self.targeted, qFakeDeath, spawnSize, qSightTrace, team );
if( isdefined( self.script_delay ) )
if( self.script_delay < 0 )
wait( self.script_delay );
wait( self.script_delay_min + randomfloat( self.script_delay_max - self.script_delay_min ) );
if( ( isdefined( self.script_requires_player ) ) &&( self.script_requires_player > 0 ) )
self waittill( "trigger" );
if( !isdefined( self.script_repeat ) )
repeat_times = 999999;
else //one time only
//how many drones should spawn?
spawnSize = undefined;
if( isdefined( self.script_drones_min ) )
max = self.targeted.size;
if( isdefined( self.script_drones_max ) )
max = self.script_drones_max;
if( self.script_drones_min == max )
spawnSize = max;
spawnSize = ( self.script_drones_min + randomint( max - self.script_drones_min ) );
// slayback 10/21/07: added initial delay option for one-time drone spawners
self drone_triggers_delay_first_spawn();
self thread drone_spawngroup( self.targeted, qFakeDeath, spawnSize, qSightTrace, team );
if( isDefined( self.count ) && self.count > 1 )
wait( 0.05 );
self thread drone_triggers_think();
// slayback 10/21/07: if delay is specified on non-looping triggers, wait before spawning drones
// self = the drone spawn trigger
if( IsDefined( self.script_delay ) )
if( self.script_delay > 0 )
wait( self.script_delay );
else if( IsDefined( self.script_delay_min ) && IsDefined( self.script_delay_max ) )
if( self.script_delay_max > self.script_delay_min )
wait( RandomFloatRange( self.script_delay_min, self.script_delay_max ) );
drone_spawngroup( spawnpoint, qFakeDeath, spawnSize, qSightTrace, team )
spawncount = spawnpoint.size;
if( isdefined( spawnSize ) )
spawncount = spawnSize;
spawnpoint = array_randomize( spawnpoint );
if( spawncount > spawnpoint.size )
spawncount = spawnpoint.size;
for( i = 0; i < spawncount; i++ )
if (isdefined(self.script_int))
wait randomfloat(0.1, 1.0);
while(!self ok_to_trigger_spawn())
spawnpoint[i] thread drone_spawn( qFakeDeath, qSightTrace, team );
level._numTriggerSpawned ++;
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
drone_spawn( qFakeDeath, qSightTrace, team )
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): Added check to make sure we dont get a bunch of these queued up
// by co-op guys
level endon( "new drone spawn wave" );
if( !isdefined( qFakeDeath ) )
qFakeDeath = false;
//if qSightTrace, wait until player can't see the drone spawn point
if( !isdefined( qSightTrace ) )
qSightTrace = false;
while( ( qSightTrace ) &&( self spawnpoint_playersView() ) )
wait 0.2;
if( level.drones[team].lastindex > level.max_drones[team] )
//spawn a drone
guy = spawn( "script_model", groundpos( self.origin ) );
if( IsDefined( self.angles ) )
guy.angles = self.angles;
else if( IsDefined( self.targeted ) )
guy.angles = VectorToAngles( self.targeted[0].origin - guy.origin );
assert( isdefined( level.drone_spawnFunction[team] ) );
guy [[level.drone_spawnFunction[team]]]();
guy drone_assign_weapon( team );
guy.targetname = "drone";
// Added by Alex Liu 10/16/07 to allow script to identify specific drones
// Drones now have the same script_noteworthy as their spawn points( the structs, not the trigger )
guy.script_noteworthy = self.script_noteworthy;
guy MakeFakeAI(); = team;
guy.fakeDeath = qFakeDeath;
guy.drone_run_cycle = %combat_run_fast_3;
guy thread drone_think( self );
// CODER_MOD: Austin (6/24/08): used to track berserker kill streaks
if ( guy.fakeDeath && maps\_collectibles::has_collectible( "collectible_berserker" ) )
guy thread maps\_collectibles_game::berserker_death();
//first check if it's within the players FOV
if( !isdefined( level.cos80 ) )
level.cos80 = cos( 80 );
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): Added check for all players POV
players = get_players();
player_view_count = 0;
success = false;
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
forwardvec = anglestoforward( players[i].angles );
normalvec = vectorNormalize( self.origin - players[i] GetOrigin() );
vecdot = vectordot( forwardvec, normalvec );
prof_end( "drone_math" );
if( vecdot > level.cos80 ) //it's within the players FOV so try a trace now
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
success = bullettracepassed( players[i] GetEye(), self.origin +( 0, 0, 48 ), false, self );
prof_end( "drone_math" );
if( success )
if( player_view_count != 0 )
return true;
//isn't in the field of view so it must be out of sight
return false;
drone_assign_weapon( team )
if( team == "allies" )
if( IsDefined( level.drone_weaponlist_allies ) && level.drone_weaponlist_allies.size > 0 )
randWeapon = randomint( level.drone_weaponlist_allies.size );
self.weapon = level.drone_weaponlist_allies[randWeapon];
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( self.weapon ), "_drones::couldn't assign weapon from level.drone_weaponlist because the array value is undefined." );
switch( level.campaign )
case "american":
self.weapon = drone_allies_assignWeapon_american();
case "british":
self.weapon = drone_allies_assignWeapon_british();
case "russian":
self.weapon = drone_allies_assignWeapon_russian();
if( IsDefined( level.drone_weaponlist_axis ) && level.drone_weaponlist_axis.size > 0 )
randWeapon = randomint( level.drone_weaponlist_axis.size );
self.weapon = level.drone_weaponlist_axis[randWeapon];
ASSERTEX( IsDefined( self.weapon ), "_drones::couldn't assign weapon from level.drone_weaponlist because the array value is undefined." );
switch( level.campaign )
case "american":
self.weapon = drone_axis_assignWeapon_japanese();
case "british":
self.weapon = drone_axis_assignWeapon_german();
case "russian":
self.weapon = drone_axis_assignWeapon_german();
weaponModel = GetWeaponModel( self.weapon );
self Attach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_right" );
self.bulletsInClip = WeaponClipSize( self.weapon );
array = [];
array[array.size] = "m1garand";
return array[randomint( array.size )];
array = [];
array[array.size] = "lee_enfield";
return array[randomint( array.size )];
array = [];
array[array.size] = "mosin_rifle";
array[array.size] = "ppsh";
return array[randomint( array.size )];
array = [];
array[array.size] = "kar98k";
return array[randomint( array.size )];
array = [];
array[array.size] = "type99_rifle";
return array[randomint( array.size )];
wait( 0.25 );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
//set friendlyname on allies
if( != "allies" )
if( !IsDefined( level.names ) )
if( isdefined( self.script_friendname ) )
{ = self.script_friendname;
switch( level.campaign )
case "american":
self maps\_names::get_name_for_nationality( "american" );
case "russian":
self maps\_names::get_name_for_nationality( "russian" );
case "british":
self maps\_names::get_name_for_nationality( "british" );
assert( isdefined( ) );
subText = undefined;
if( !isdefined( self.weapon ) )
subText = ( &"WEAPON_RIFLEMAN" );
switch( self.weapon )
case "m1garand":
case "m1garand_wet":
case "lee_enfield":
case "m1carbine":
case "SVT40":
case "mosin_rifle":
subText = ( &"WEAPON_RIFLEMAN" );
case "thompson":
case "thompson_wet":
case "BAR":
case "ppsh":
if( ( isdefined( self.model ) ) &&( issubstr( self.model, "medic" ) ) )
assert( isdefined( subText ) );
self setlookattext(, subText );
drone_think( firstNode )
self endon( "death" ); = 1000000;
self thread drone_setName();
level thread maps\_friendlyfire::friendly_fire_think( self );
self thread drones_clear_variables();
structarray_add( level.drones[], self );
level notify( "new_drone" );
if( level.script != "pel1" )
self.turrettarget = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin+( 0, 0, 50 ) );
self.turrettarget linkto( self );
self endon( "drone_death" );
assert( isdefined( firstNode ) );
//fake death if this drone is told to do so
if( ( isdefined( self.fakeDeath ) ) &&( self.fakeDeath == true ) )
self thread drone_fakeDeath();
self endon( "drone_shooting" );
if( IsDefined( level.drone_think_func ) )
self [[level.drone_think_func]]();
self.no_death_sink = false;
if( IsDefined( firstNode.script_drone_no_sink ) && firstNode.script_drone_no_sink )
self.no_death_sink = true;
self drone_runChain( firstNode );
wait( 0.05 );
self.running = undefined;
idle_org = self.origin;
idle_ang = self.angles;
self useAnimTree( #animtree );
idleAnim[0] = %stand_alert_1;
idleAnim[1] = %stand_alert_2;
idleAnim[2] = %stand_alert_3;
while( isdefined( self ) )
self AnimScripted( "drone_idle_anim", idle_org, idle_ang, idleAnim[randomint( idleAnim.size )] );
self waittillmatch( "drone_idle_anim", "end" );
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
drone_mortarDeath( direction )
self useAnimTree( #animtree );
switch( direction )
case "up":
self thread drone_doDeath( %death_explosion_up10 );
case "forward":
self thread drone_doDeath( %death_explosion_forward13 );
case "back":
self thread drone_doDeath( %death_explosion_back13 );
case "left":
self thread drone_doDeath( %death_explosion_left11 );
case "right":
self thread drone_doDeath( %death_explosion_right13 );
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
drone_fakeDeath( instant )
if( !isdefined( instant ) )
instant = false;
self endon( "delete" );
self endon( "drone_death" );
// SRS testing special explosive death anims
explosivedeath = false;
explosion_ori = ( 0, 0, 0 );
// LDS testing special flamebased death anims
flamedeath = false;
while( isdefined( self ) )
if( !instant )
self setCanDamage( true );
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, damage_ori, type );
// SRS testing special explosive death anims
if( type == "MOD_GRENADE" || type == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" || type == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE" ||
self.damageweapon = "none";
explosivedeath = true;
explosion_ori = damage_ori;
else if( type == "MOD_BURNED" )
flamedeath = true;
self notify( "death", attacker, type );
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): changed attacker == level.player to isplayer( attacker )
if( == "axis" && ( isplayer( attacker ) || attacker == level.playervehicle ) )
level notify( "player killed drone" );
if( ( isdefined( self.customFirstAnim ) ) &&( self.customFirstAnim == true ) )
self waittill( "customFirstAnim done" );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self notify( "Stop shooting" );
self.dontDelete = true;
deathAnim = undefined;
self useAnimTree( #animtree );
// SRS Did the guy take damage from an explosive?
if( explosivedeath )
// Alex Liu( 4-8-08 )
// determin direction to play animation
direction = drone_get_explosion_death_dir( self.origin, self.angles, explosion_ori, 50 );
self thread drone_mortarDeath( direction );
else if( flamedeath )
deaths[0] = %ai_flame_death_a;
deaths[1] = %ai_flame_death_b;
deaths[2] = %ai_flame_death_c;
deaths[3] = %ai_flame_death_d;
// Bloodlust - if not explosive death, then check if drone is running
else if( isdefined( self.running ) )
deaths[0] = %death_run_stumble;
deaths[1] = %death_run_onfront;
deaths[2] = %death_run_onleft;
deaths[3] = %death_run_forward_crumple;
deaths[0] = %death_stand_dropinplace;
self thread drone_doDeath( deaths[randomint( deaths.size )] );
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
drone_delayed_bulletdeath( waitTime, deathRemoveNotify )
self endon( "delete" );
self endon( "drone_death" );
self.dontDelete = true;
if( !isdefined( waitTime ) )
waitTime = 0;
if( waitTime > 0 )
wait( waitTime );
self thread drone_fakeDeath( true );
camp = level.campaign;
team =;
alias = undefined;
if(camp == "american" && team == "allies")
alias = "generic_death_american";
if(camp == "american" && team == "axis")
alias = "generic_death_japanese";
if(camp == "russian" && team == "allies")
alias = "generic_death_russian";
if(camp == "russian" && team == "axis")
alias = "generic_death_german";
if(isdefined(alias) && SoundExists(alias))
self thread play_sound_in_space( alias );
#using_animtree( "fakeshooters" );
drone_doDeath( deathAnim, deathRemoveNotify )
self moveTo( self.origin, 0.05, 0, 0 );
traceDeath = false;
if( ( isdefined( self.running ) ) && self.running )
traceDeath = true;
self.running = undefined;
self notify( "drone_death" );
self notify( "Stop shooting" );
self unlink();
self useAnimTree( #animtree );
self thread drone_doDeath_impacts();
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
cancelRunningDeath = false;
if( traceDeath )
//trace last frame of animation to prevent the body from clipping on something coming up in its path
//backup animation if trace fails: %death_stand_dropinplace
offset = getcycleoriginoffset( self.angles, deathAnim );
endAnimationLocation = ( self.origin + offset );
endAnimationLocation = physicstrace( ( endAnimationLocation +( 0, 0, 128 ) ), ( endAnimationLocation -( 0, 0, 128 ) ) );
//thread debug_line( endAnimationLocation +( 0, 0, 256 ), endAnimationLocation -( 0, 0, 256 ) );
d1 = abs( endAnimationLocation[2] - self.origin[2] );
if( d1 > 20 )
cancelRunningDeath = true;
//trace even more forward than the animation( bounding box reasons )
forwardVec = anglestoforward( self.angles );
rightVec = anglestoright( self.angles );
upVec = anglestoup( self.angles );
relativeOffset = ( 50, 0, 0 );
secondPos = endAnimationLocation;
secondPos += vector_multiply( forwardVec, relativeOffset[0] );
secondPos += vector_multiply( rightVec, relativeOffset[1] );
secondPos += vector_multiply( upVec, relativeOffset[2] );
secondPos = physicstrace( ( secondPos +( 0, 0, 128 ) ), ( secondPos -( 0, 0, 128 ) ) );
d2 = abs( secondPos[2] - self.origin[2] );
if( d2 > 20 )
cancelRunningDeath = true;
prof_end( "drone_math" );
if( cancelRunningDeath )
deathAnim = %death_stand_dropinplace;
self animscripted( "drone_death_anim", self.origin, self.angles, deathAnim, "deathplant" );
self thread drone_ragdoll( deathAnim );
self waittillmatch( "drone_death_anim", "end" );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self setcontents( 0 );
if( isdefined( deathRemoveNotify ) )
level waittill( deathRemoveNotify );
wait 3;
if( !isdefined( self ) )
if( !isdefined(self.no_death_sink) || (isdefined(self.no_death_sink) && !self.no_death_sink ))
self MoveTo( self.origin - ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 );
wait( 3 );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self.dontDelete = undefined;
self thread drone_delete();
drone_ragdoll( deathAnim )
time = self GetAnimTime( deathAnim );
wait( time * 0.55 );
if( isdefined( self.weapon ) )
weaponModel = GetWeaponModel( self.weapon );
if( isdefined( weaponModel ) )
self detach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_right" );
self StartRagDoll();
bone[0] = "J_Knee_LE";
bone[1] = "J_Ankle_LE";
bone[2] = "J_Clavicle_LE";
bone[3] = "J_Shoulder_LE";
bone[4] = "J_Elbow_LE";
impacts = ( 1 + randomint( 2 ) );
for( i = 0; i < impacts; i++ )
playfxontag( level.drone_impact, self, bone[randomint( bone.size )] );
self playsound( "bullet_small_flesh" );
wait( 0.05 );
drone_runChain( point_start )
self endon( "drone_death" );
self endon( "drone_shooting" );
//self endon( "drone_cover" );
runPos = undefined;
while( isdefined( self ) )
//check for script_death, script_death_min, script_death_max, and script_delete
if( isdefined( point_start.script_death ) )
//drone will die in this many seconds
self.dontDelete = true;
self thread drone_delayed_bulletdeath( 0 );
if( ( isdefined( point_start.script_death_min ) ) &&( isdefined( point_start.script_death_max ) ) )
//drone will die between min-max seconds
self.dontDelete = true;
self thread drone_delayed_bulletdeath( point_start.script_death_min + randomfloat( point_start.script_death_max - point_start.script_death_min ) );
if( ( isdefined( point_start.script_delete ) ) &&( point_start.script_delete >= 0 ) )
self thread drone_delete( point_start.script_delete );
if( !isdefined( point_start.targeted ) )
point_end = point_start.targeted;
if( ( !isdefined( point_end ) ) ||( !isdefined( point_end[0] ) ) )
index = randomint( point_end.size );
runPos = groundpos( point_end[index].origin );
//check for radius on node, since you can now make them run to a radius rather than an exact point
if( isdefined( point_end[index].radius ) )
assert( point_end[index].radius > 0 );
//offset for this drone( -1 to 1 )
if( !isdefined( self.droneRunOffset ) )
self.droneRunOffset = ( 0 - 1 +( randomfloat( 2 ) ) );
if( !isdefined( point_end[index].angles ) )
point_end[index].angles = ( 0, 0, 0 );
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
forwardVec = anglestoforward( point_end[index].angles );
rightVec = anglestoright( point_end[index].angles );
upVec = anglestoup( point_end[index].angles );
relativeOffset = ( 0, ( self.droneRunOffset * point_end[index].radius ) , 0 );
runPos += vector_multiply( forwardVec, relativeOffset[0] );
runPos += vector_multiply( rightVec, relativeOffset[1] );
runPos += vector_multiply( upVec, relativeOffset[2] );
prof_end( "drone_math" );
if( isdefined( point_start.script_noteworthy ) )
self ShooterRun( runPos, point_start.script_noteworthy );
self ShooterRun( runPos );
point_start = point_end[index];
if( isdefined( runPos ) )
if( isdefined( point_start.script_noteworthy ) )
self ShooterRun( runPos, point_start.script_noteworthy );
self ShooterRun( runPos );
if( ( isdefined( point_start.script_delete ) ) &&( point_start.script_delete >= 0 ) )
self thread drone_delete( point_start.script_delete );
if( isdefined( self.voice ) )
self.voice = undefined;
drone_delete( delayTime )
if( ( isdefined( delayTime ) ) &&( delayTime > 0 ) )
wait( delayTime );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self notify( "drone_death" );
self notify( "drone_idle_anim" );
// guzzo 6-4-08 if the drones array doesn't contain the drone, don't remove it. this can happen because drone_delete() is called from both
// drone_doDeath() and drone_runChain()
if( !( is_in_array( level.drones[].array, self ) ) )
structarray_remove( level.drones[], self );
if( !isdefined( self.dontDelete ) )
if( isdefined( self.turrettarget ) )
self.turrettarget delete();
if( isdefined( self.shootTarget ) )
self.shootTarget delete();
self detachall();
self delete();
#using_animtree( "fakeShooters" );
ShooterRun( destinationPoint, event )
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self notify( "Stop shooting" );
self UseAnimTree( #animtree );
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
//calculate the distance to the next run point and figure out how long it should take
//to get there based on distance and run speed
d = distance( self.origin, destinationPoint );
if( !isdefined( self.droneRunRate ) )
self.droneRunRate = 200;
speed = ( d / self.droneRunRate );
//set his trace height back to normal
self.lowheight = false;
//orient the drone to his run point
self turnToFacePoint( destinationPoint, speed );
//if I want the guy to do a jump first do that here before continuing the run
customFirstAnim = undefined;
if( IsDefined( event ) )
switch( event )
case "jump":
customFirstAnim = %jump_across_100;
case "jumpdown":
customFirstAnim = %jump_down_56;
case "wall_hop":
customFirstAnim = %traverse_wallhop;
case "step_up":
customFirstAnim = %step_up_low_wall;
case "trench_jump_out":
customFirstAnim = %trench_jump_out;
case "low_height":
self.lowheight = true;
case "mortardeath_up":
self thread drone_mortarDeath( "up" );
case "mortardeath_forward":
self thread drone_mortarDeath( "forward" );
case "mortardeath_back":
self thread drone_mortarDeath( "back" );
case "mortardeath_left":
self thread drone_mortarDeath( "left" );
case "mortardeath_right":
self thread drone_mortarDeath( "right" );
case "shoot":
forwardVec = anglestoforward( self.angles );
rightVec = anglestoright( self.angles );
upVec = anglestoup( self.angles );
relativeOffset = ( 300, 0, 64 );
shootPos = self.origin;
shootPos += vector_multiply( forwardVec, relativeOffset[0] );
shootPos += vector_multiply( rightVec, relativeOffset[1] );
shootPos += vector_multiply( upVec, relativeOffset[2] );
self.shootTarget = spawn( "script_origin", shootPos );
self thread ShooterShoot( self.shootTarget );
// thread drone_debugLine( self.shootTarget.origin, self.origin, (1,1,1), 500000000 );
case "shoot_then_run_after_notify":
forwardVec = anglestoforward( self.angles );
rightVec = anglestoright( self.angles );
upVec = anglestoup( self.angles );
relativeOffset = ( 300, 0, 64 );
shootPos = self.origin;
shootPos += vector_multiply( forwardVec, relativeOffset[0] );
shootPos += vector_multiply( rightVec, relativeOffset[1] );
shootPos += vector_multiply( upVec, relativeOffset[2] );
self.shootTarget = spawn( "script_origin", shootPos );
self thread ShooterShoot( self.shootTarget );
self waittill ("Stop shooting");
self clearanim(%combat_directions, 0);
self clearanim(%exposed_reload, 0);
case "cover_stand":
self thread drone_cover( event );
// important waittill: will wait until drone gets this notify before continuing along the path
self waittill( "drone out of cover" );
self setFlaggedAnimKnob( "cover_exit", %coverstand_trans_OUT_M, 1, .1, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "cover_exit", "end" );
case "cover_crouch":
self thread drone_cover( event );
// important waittill: will wait until drone gets this notify before continuing along the path
self waittill( "drone out of cover" );
self setFlaggedAnimKnob( "cover_exit", %covercrouch_run_out_M, 1, .1, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "cover_exit", "end" );
// TFLAME - 3/14/08 - Added anims for drones walking in distance on sniper
case "sniper_distance_walk":
walkanims = [];
walkanims[0] = "weary_walka";
walkanims[1] = "weary_walkb";
walkanims[2] = "weary_walkc";
walkanims[3] = "weary_walkd";
rand = randomint( 3 );
self.droneRunRate = 50;
self.drone_run_cycle = level.drone_run_cycle[walkanims[rand]];
self.running = false;
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim();
// TFLAME - 5/5/08 - Adding stuff for drones at end of sniper during officer sniping event
case "lowwalk":
walkanim = "sneaking_walk";
self.drone_run_cycle = level.drone_run_cycle[walkanim];
self.droneRunRate = 140;
self.running = false;
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim();
case "water_deep":
rand = randomint( 2 );
if( rand == 1 )
self.droneRunRate = 100;
self.drone_run_cycle = level.drone_run_cycle["run_deep_a"];
self.running = false;
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim();
self.droneRunRate = 100;
self.drone_run_cycle = level.drone_run_cycle["run_deep_b"];
self.running = false;
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim();
randomAnimRate = undefined;
//recalculate the distance to the next point since it changed now
d = distance( self.origin, destinationPoint );
speed = ( d / self.droneRunRate );
case "run_fast":
self.droneRunRate = 200;
self.drone_run_cycle = %combat_run_fast_3;
self.running = false;
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim();
randomAnimRate = undefined;
//recalculate the distance to the next point since it changed now
d = distance( self.origin, destinationPoint );
speed = ( d / self.droneRunRate );
minRate = 0.5;
maxRate = 1.5;
randomAnimRate = minRate + randomfloat( maxRate - minRate );
if( isdefined( customFirstAnim ) )
self.customFirstAnim = true;
self.running = undefined;
randomAnimRate = undefined;
angles = VectorToAngles( destinationPoint - self.origin );
offset = getcycleoriginoffset( angles, customFirstAnim );
endPos = self.origin + offset;
endPos = physicstrace( ( endPos +( 0, 0, 64 ) ), ( endPos -( 0, 0, level.traceHeight ) ) );
t = getanimlength( customFirstAnim );
assert( t > 0 );
self clearanim( self.drone_run_cycle, 0 );
self notify( "stop_run_anim" );
self moveto( endPos, t, 0, 0 );
self setflaggedanimknobrestart( "drone_custom_anim" , customFirstAnim );
self waittillmatch( "drone_custom_anim", "end" );
self.origin = endPos;
self notify( "customFirstAnim done" );
//recalculate the distance to the next point since it changed now
d = distance( self.origin, destinationPoint );
speed = ( d / self.droneRunRate );
if( ( ( isdefined( event ) ) &&( event == "jumpdown" ) ) &&( level.script == "duhoc_assault" ) )
structarray_remove( level.drones[], self );
if( isdefined( self.turrettarget ) )
self.turrettarget delete();
if( isdefined( self.shootTarget ) )
self.shootTarget delete();
self detachall();
self delete();
self.customFirstAnim = undefined;
//drone loops run animation until he gets to his next point
self thread ShooterRun_doRunAnim( randomAnimRate );
//actually move the dummies now )
self drone_runto( destinationPoint, speed );
prof_end( "drone_math" );
drone_runto( destinationPoint, totalMoveTime )
//-- GLocke: Removed this assert after talking to MikeD since the
// function just returns if totalMoveTime is < 0.1
//assert( totalMoveTime > 0 );
if( totalMoveTime < 0.1 )
//Make several moves to get there, each point tracing to the ground
//X = ( x2-x1 ) * p + x1
percentIncrement = 0.1;
percentage = 0.0;
incements = ( 1 / percentIncrement );
dividedMoveTime = ( totalMoveTime * percentIncrement );
startingPos = self.origin;
oldZ = startingPos[2];
for( i = 0; i < incements; i++ )
prof_begin( "drone_math" );
percentage += percentIncrement;
x = ( destinationPoint[0] - startingPos[0] ) * percentage + startingPos[0];
y = ( destinationPoint[1] - startingPos[1] ) * percentage + startingPos[1];
if( self.lowheight == true )
percentageMark = physicstrace( ( x, y, destinationPoint[2] + 64 ), ( x, y, destinationPoint[2] - level.traceHeight ) );
percentageMark = physicstrace( ( x, y, destinationPoint[2] + level.traceHeight ), ( x, y, destinationPoint[2] - level.traceHeight ) );
//if drone was told to go up more than level.droneStepHeight( 100 ) units, keep old height
if( ( percentageMark[2] - oldZ ) > level.droneStepHeight )
percentageMark = ( percentageMark[0], percentageMark[1], oldZ );
oldZ = percentageMark[2];
prof_end( "drone_math" );
//thread drone_debugLine( self.origin, percentageMark, ( 1, 1, 1 ), dividedMoveTime );
self moveTo( percentageMark, dividedMoveTime, 0, 0 );
wait( dividedMoveTime );
ShooterShoot( target )
self thread ShooterShootThread( target );
#using_animtree( "fakeShooters" );
ShooterShootThread( target )
self notify( "Stop shooting" );
// for special drones, dont make earlier threads die
if (!isdefined(self.script_noteworthy))
self notify( "drone_shooting" );
else if (isdefined(self.script_noteworthy) && self.script_noteworthy != "run_n_gun_drones")
self notify( "drone_shooting" );
self endon( "Stop shooting" );
self UseAnimTree( #animtree );
self.running = undefined;
self thread aimAtTargetThread( target, "Stop shooting" );
shootAnimLength = 0;
while( isdefined( self ) )
if( self.bulletsInClip <= 0 ) // Reload
weaponModel = getWeaponModel( self.weapon );
if( isdefined( self.weaponModel ) )
weaponModel = self.weaponModel;
//see if this model is actually attached to this character
numAttached = self getattachsize();
attachName = [];
for( i = 0; i < numAttached; i++ )
attachName[i] = self getattachmodelname( i );
// self detach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_right" );
// self attach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_left" );
self setflaggedanimknoballrestart( "reloadanim", %exposed_reload, %root, 1, 0.4 );
// JesseS( 3/16/2007 ): took out clipsize call since it's gone now
//self.bulletsInClip = self animscripts\weaponList::ClipSize();
self.bulletsInClip = randomintrange (4, 8);
self waittillmatch( "reloadanim", "end" );
//self detach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_left" );
//self attach( weaponModel, "tag_weapon_right" );
// Aim for a while
self Set3FlaggedAnimKnobs( "no flag", "aim", "stand", 1, 0.3, 1 );
wait( 1 + randomfloat( 2 ) );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
// And shoot a few times
numShots = randomint( 4 )+1;
if( numShots > self.bulletsInClip )
numShots = self.bulletsInClip;
for( i = 0; i < numShots; i++ )
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self Set3FlaggedAnimKnobsRestart( "shootinganim", "shoot", "stand", 1, 0.05, 1 );
playfxontag( level.drone_muzzleflash, self, "tag_flash" );
if( == "axis" )
// slayback 10/21/07: updated weapon sounds
switch( level.campaign )
case "american":
//self playsound( "weap_type99_fire" ); // no Type 99 sounds yet
case "russian":
self playsound( "weap_kar98k_fire" );
case "british":
self playsound( "weap_kar98k_fire" );
// slayback 10/21/07: updated weapon sounds
switch( level.campaign )
case "american":
self playsound( "weap_m1garand_fire" );
case "russian":
self playsound( "weap_nagant_fire" );
case "british":
self playsound( "weap_enfield_fire" );
// Remember how long the shoot anim is so we can cut it short in the future.
if( shootAnimLength == 0 )
shootAnimLength = gettime();
self waittillmatch( "shootinganim", "end" );
shootAnimLength = ( gettime() - shootAnimLength ) / 1000;
wait( shootAnimLength - 0.1 + randomfloat( 0.3 ) );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
ShooterRun_doRunAnim( animRateMod )
if( isdefined( self.running ) && self.running )
self notify( "stop_shooterrun" );
self endon( "stop_shooterrun" );
self.running = true;
if( !isdefined( animRateMod ) )
animRateMod = 1.0;
self endon( "stop_run_anim" );
adjustAnimRate = true;
while( ( isdefined( self.running ) ) &&( self.running == true ) )
animRate = ( self.droneRunRate / 200 );
if( adjustAnimRate )
animRate = ( animRate * animRateMod );
adjustAnimRate = false;
self setflaggedanimknobrestart( "drone_run_anim" , self.drone_run_cycle, 1, .2, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "drone_run_anim", "end" );
if( !isdefined( self ) )
drone_debugLine( fromPoint, toPoint, color, durationFrames )
for( i = 0; i < durationFrames*20; i++ )
line( fromPoint, toPoint, color );
wait( 0.05 );
turnToFacePoint( point, speed )
// TODO Make this turn gradually, not instantly.
desiredAngles = VectorToAngles( point - self.origin );
if( !isdefined( speed ) )
speed = 0.5;
else if( speed > 0.5 )
speed = 0.5;
if( speed < 0.1 )
self rotateTo( ( 0, desiredAngles[1], 0 ), speed, 0, 0 );
Set3FlaggedAnimKnobs( animFlag, animArray, pose, weight, blendTime, rate )
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self setAnimKnob( %combat_directions, weight, blendTime, rate );
self SetFlaggedAnimKnob( animFlag, level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["up"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
self SetAnimKnob( level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["straight"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
self SetAnimKnob( level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["down"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
Set3FlaggedAnimKnobsRestart( animFlag, animArray, pose, weight, blendTime, rate )
if( !isdefined( self ) )
self setAnimKnobRestart( %combat_directions, weight, blendTime, rate );
self SetFlaggedAnimKnobRestart( animFlag, level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["up"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
self SetAnimKnobRestart( level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["straight"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
self SetAnimKnobRestart( level.drone_animArray[animArray][pose]["down"], 1, blendTime, 1 );
applyBlend( offset )
if( offset < 0 )
unstraightAnim = %combat_down;
self setanim( %combat_up, 0.01, 0, 1 );
offset *= -1;
unstraightAnim = %combat_up;
self setanim( %combat_down, 0.01, 0, 1 );
if( offset > 1 )
offset = 1;
unstraight = offset;
if( unstraight >= 1.0 )
unstraight = 0.99;
if( unstraight <= 0 )
unstraight = 0.01;
straight = 1 - unstraight;
self setanim( unstraightAnim, unstraight, 0, 1 );
self setanim( %combat_straight, straight, 0, 1 );
aimAtTargetThread( target, stopString )
self endon( stopString );
while( isdefined( self ) )
targetPos = target.origin;
turnToFacePoint( targetPos );
offset = getTargetUpDownOffset( targetPos );
applyBlend( offset );
wait( 0.05 );
getTargetUpDownOffset( target )
pos = self.origin; // getEye();
dir = ( target[0] - pos[0], target[1] - pos[1], target[2] - pos[2] );
dir = VectorNormalize( dir );
return dir[2];
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["stand"]["down"] = %stand_aim_down;
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["stand"]["straight"] = %stand_aim_straight;
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["stand"]["up"] = %stand_aim_up;
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["crouch"]["down"] = %crouch_aim_down;
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["crouch"]["straight"] = %crouch_aim_straight;
level.drone_animArray["aim"] ["crouch"]["up"] = %crouch_aim_up;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["stand"]["down"] = %stand_shoot_auto_down;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["stand"]["straight"] = %stand_shoot_auto_straight;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["stand"]["up"] = %stand_shoot_auto_up;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["crouch"]["down"] = %crouch_shoot_auto_down;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["crouch"]["straight"] = %crouch_shoot_auto_straight;
level.drone_animArray["auto"] ["crouch"]["up"] = %crouch_shoot_auto_up;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["stand"]["down"] = %stand_shoot_down;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["stand"]["straight"] = %stand_shoot_straight;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["stand"]["up"] = %stand_shoot_up;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["crouch"]["down"] = %crouch_shoot_down;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["crouch"]["straight"] = %crouch_shoot_straight;
level.drone_animArray["shoot"] ["crouch"]["up"] = %crouch_shoot_up;
drone_cover( type )
self endon( "drone_stop_cover" );
if( !IsDefined( self.a ) )
self.a = SpawnStruct();
self.running = undefined;
anim_array = [];
if( type == "cover_stand" )
anim_array["hide_idle"] = %coverstand_hide_idle;
anim_array["hide_idle_twitch"] = array(
anim_array["hide_idle_flinch"] = array(
self.a.array = anim_array;
self setFlaggedAnimKnobRestart( "cover_approach", %coverstand_trans_IN_M, 1, .3, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "cover_approach", "end" );
self thread drone_cover_think();
else if( type == "cover_crouch" )
anim_array["hide_idle"] = %covercrouch_hide_idle;
anim_array["hide_idle_twitch"] = array(
self.a.array = anim_array;
self setFlaggedAnimKnobRestart( "cover_approach", %covercrouch_run_in_M, 1, .3, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "cover_approach", "end" );
self thread drone_cover_think();
self endon( "drone_stop_cover" );
while( 1 )
useTwitch = ( randomint( 2 ) == 0 );
if( useTwitch )
idleanim = animArrayPickRandom( "hide_idle_twitch" );
idleanim = animarray( "hide_idle" );
self drone_playIdleAnimation( idleAnim, useTwitch );
drone_playIdleAnimation( idleAnim, needsRestart )
self endon( "drone_stop_cover" );
if( needsRestart )
self setFlaggedAnimKnobRestart( "idle", idleAnim, 1, .1, 1 );
self setFlaggedAnimKnob ( "idle", idleAnim, 1, .1, 1 );
self.a.coverMode = "hide";
self waittillmatch( "idle", "end" );
// Find the direction the drone should fly towards from explosion
//( Alex Liu 4-8-08 )
// returns:
// "up" -> If the explosion is clos to the drone( set by up_distance )
// "left", "right", "forward", "back" -> Direction to throw the drone
// NOTE: up_distance must be a non-zero positive value
drone_get_explosion_death_dir( self_pos, self_angle, explosion_pos, up_distance )
if( Distance2D( self_pos, explosion_pos ) < up_distance )
return "up";
// we need the angle between the self forward angle and the angle to the explosion
// However to get this we need to draw a right triangle, find 2 sides, then ATan
p1 = self_pos - vectornormalize( AnglesToForward( self_angle ) ) * 10000;
p2 = self_pos + vectornormalize( AnglesToForward( self_angle ) ) * 10000;
p_intersect = PointOnSegmentNearestToPoint( p1, p2, explosion_pos );
side_away_dist = Distance2D( p_intersect, explosion_pos );
side_close_dist = Distance2D( p_intersect, self_pos );
if( side_close_dist != 0 )
angle = ATan( side_away_dist / side_close_dist );
// depending on if the explosion is in front or behind self, modify the angle
dot_product = vectordot( anglestoforward( self_angle ), vectornormalize( explosion_pos - self_pos ) );
if( dot_product < 0 )
angle = 180 - angle;
if( angle < 45 )
return "back";
else if( angle > 135 )
return "forward";
// now we need to know if this is to the left or right
// We can simply creat another point either to the left or right side of self( I choose right )
// and see if it's closer to the explosion. The new point must be closer than up_distance, or
// the result can be wrong.
self_right_angle = vectornormalize( AnglesToRight( self_angle ) );
right_point = self_pos + self_right_angle *( up_distance * 0.5 );
if( Distance2D( right_point, explosion_pos ) < Distance2D( self_pos, explosion_pos ) )
return "left";
return "right";