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By default, MODSound is going to produce only uncompressed sound.
If you want to enable compressed sound, here is what you need to do:
1. Have the DirectX SDK installed. (March 2008 or later required)
2. Make sure that your DirectX SDK Utilities\bin\x86 folder is in the PATH environment variable.
To set it from the command line use this:
set PATH=%DXKSDK_DIR%\Utilities\Bin\x86;%PATH%
Two tools are used from that folder AdpcmEncode.exe and WMAEncode.exe
As an alternative to adding PATH to your folder, you can copy these two tools to the same directory where MODSound.exe is.
3. Download the open-sourced SOX tool (Sound-Exchange) and place it in the same directory where MODSound.exe.
You can download prebuilt sox executable from here:
You need only sox.exe from the archive.
Take a look for more up to date version into
4. Even without sox.exe you can still use compression, but it won't always be able to use xWMA.
xWMA has a strict requirments on what the sample rate of the wave files are, and sox is being used to resample these in case the requirment is not met.
Dimiter "malkia" Stanev,
Anytime you type MODSound -help it'll bring up help screen.