437 lines
13 KiB
437 lines
13 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
have a info_volume target spawners
to turn them on/off - probably the best way to handle this
TODO: switch over the previous script_string stuff in the other function
self endon("deactivate_zone");
spawners = undefined;
dog_spawners = [];
spawners = getentarray(self.target,"targetname");
//iprintlnbold("There are " + spawners.size + " spawners available");
for (i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++)
if ( issubstr(spawners[i].classname, "dog") )
dog_spawners = array_add( dog_spawners, spawners[i] );
if(dog_spawners.size >0)
for (i = 0; i < dog_spawners.size; i++)
spawners = array_remove( spawners, dog_spawners[i] );
if(self.targetname == "center_building_combined")
level.southwest = getentarray("southwest_center_building_spawners", "targetname");
level.southeast = getentarray("southeast_center_building_spawners", "targetname");
level.northeast = getentarray("northeast_center_building_spawners", "targetname");
level.northwest = getentarray("northwest_center_building_spawners", "targetname");
while(getdvarint("noclip") == 0 ||getdvarint("notarget") != 0 )
//test to see if any players are in the volume
zone_active = false;
players = get_players();
if(players[i] istouching(self))
zone_active = true;
//players are in the volume, activate any associated spawners
if( zone_active )
//iprintlnbold("Player is in volume: " + self.targetname);
if(self.targetname == "center_building_combined" && !level.all_blockers)
if(!level.got_southwest && flag("sw_magic_box"))
for( i = 0; i < (level.southwest).size; i++)
spawners = array_add( spawners, level.southwest[i]);
level.got_southwest = true;
if(!level.got_southeast && flag("se_magic_box"))
for( i = 0; i < (level.southeast).size; i++)
spawners = array_add( spawners, level.southeast[i]);
level.got_southeast = true;
if(!level.got_northeast && flag("ne_magic_box"))
for( i = 0; i < (level.northeast).size; i++)
spawners = array_add( spawners, level.northeast[i]);
level.got_northeast = true;
if(!level.got_northwest && flag("nw_magic_box"))
for( i = 0; i < (level.northwest).size; i++)
spawners = array_add( spawners, level.northwest[i]);
level.got_northwest = true;
if(level.got_southwest && level.got_southeast && level.got_northeast && level.got_northwest)
level.all_blockers = true;
//make sure that there are no duplicate spawners
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_spawns, spawners[x] );
spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_spawns,spawners[x]);
//iprintlnbold("Adding valid spawner at origin " + spawners[x].origin);
// // activate initial dogs for center building
// if(self.targetname == "center_building_upstairs" || self.targetname == "center_building_combined")
// {
// init_dogs = [];
// init_dogs = getentarray("zombie_spawner_dog_init", "targetname");
// for(i = 0; i < init_dogs.size; i++)
// {
// no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, init_dogs[i] );
// if(no_dupes)
// {
// init_dogs[i].locked_spawner = false;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = array_add(level.enemy_dog_spawns, init_dogs[i]);
// }
// }
// }
// else // activate any dogs if in other buildings
// {
// // do check again for dogs
// for(x=0;x<dog_spawners.size;x++)
// {
// //make sure that there are no duplicate spawners
// no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x] );
// if(no_dupes)
// {
// dog_spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x]);
// }
// }
// }
//players are not in the volume, so disable the spawners
//iprintln("Player is NOT in volume: " + self.targetname);
spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
level.enemy_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_spawns, spawners[x]);
//iprintlnbold("Removing spawner at origin " + spawners[x].origin);
// // deactivate initial dogs for center building
// if(self.targetname == "center_building_upstairs" || self.targetname == "center_building_combined")
// {
// init_dogs = [];
// init_dogs = getentarray("zombie_spawner_dog_init", "targetname");
// for(i = 0; i < init_dogs.size; i++)
// {
// no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, init_dogs[i] );
// if(no_dupes)
// {
// init_dogs[i].locked_spawner = true;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = array_add(level.enemy_dog_spawns, init_dogs[i]);
// }
// }
// }
// else // deactivate any dogs if in other buildings
// {
// // do check again for dogs
// for(x=0;x<dog_spawners.size;x++)
// {
// dog_spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x]);
// }
// }
//wait a second before another check
manage_outside_zone( zone_area, key, building)
outside_zones = [];
dog_spawners = [];
outside_zones = getentarray(zone_area + "_outside", key);
outside_zones = getentarray(zone_area + "_building", key);
zone = outside_zones[0];
spawners = undefined;
// JMA - if the zone is pointing to specific spawners
spawners = getentarray(zone.target,"targetname");
for (i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++)
if ( issubstr(spawners[i].classname, "dog") )
dog_spawners = array_add( dog_spawners, spawners[i] );
if(dog_spawners.size >0)
for (i = 0; i < dog_spawners.size; i++)
spawners = array_remove( spawners, dog_spawners[i] );
check_ent = undefined;
//test to see if any players are in the volume
zone_active = false;
players = get_players();
if (isDefined(check_ent))
for (i = 0; i < check_ent.size; i++)
for (j = 0; j < players.size; j++)
if (players[j] istouching(check_ent[i]))
zone_active = true;
for(j=0; j<outside_zones.size; j++)
if(players[i] istouching(outside_zones[j]))
zone_active = true;
// grab all zombie rise locations within volume
zombie_rise_locations = [];
zombie_rise_locations = GetStructArray(zone.targetname + "_zombie_rise", "targetname");
// players are in the volume
if( zone_active )
// activate any associated spawners
//make sure that there are no duplicate spawners
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_spawns, spawners[x] );
spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
level.enemy_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_spawns,spawners[x]);
// activate any dogs
//if(flag("dog_round") && dog_spawners.size > 0)
// // do check again for dogs
// for(x=0;x<dog_spawners.size;x++)
// {
// //make sure that there are no duplicate spawners
// no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes( level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x] );
// if(no_dupes)
// {
// dog_spawners[x].locked_spawner = false;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x]);
// }
// }
// activate any associated zombie_rise locations
for(i=0; i<zombie_rise_locations.size; i++)
// check for dupes
no_dupes = array_check_for_dupes(level.zombie_rise_spawners, zombie_rise_locations[i]);
zombie_rise_locations[i].locked_spawner = false;
level.zombie_rise_spawners = add_to_array(level.zombie_rise_spawners, zombie_rise_locations[i]);
//players are not in the volume
// so disable the spawners
spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
level.enemy_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_spawns, spawners[x]);
//// disable any dogs
// dog_spawners[x].locked_spawner = true;
// level.enemy_dog_spawns = array_remove_nokeys(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_spawners[x]);
// disable any zombie_rise locations
for(i=0; i<zombie_rise_locations.size; i++)
level.zombie_rise_spawners = array_remove_nokeys(level.zombie_rise_spawners, zombie_rise_locations[i]);
//wait a second before another check
activate_building_zones( zone_name, key)
//managed zones are areas in the map that have associated spawners/goals that are turned on/off
//depending on where the players are in the map
volume_entity = [];
volume_entity = getentarray(zone_name,key);
volume_entity[i] thread manage_building_zone();
//iprintlnbold("Center Building zones combined...");
// stop zone activity
// adding upstairs spawners to center building zone
spawners = GetEntArray( "zombie_spawner_init", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < spawners.size; i++ )
spawners[i].targetname = "center_building_combined_spawners";
//Prepare some level variables for center building combined
level.all_blockers = false;
level.got_southwest = false;
level.southwest = [];
level.got_southeast = false;
level.southeast = [];
level.got_northeast = false;
level.northeast = [];
level.got_northwest = false;
level.northwest = [];
// activate new zone
activate_building_zones("center_building_upstairs_buy", "targetname");
dog_array = GetEntArray("center_stairs_blocker_dog_spawn", "targetname");
for(i = 0; i < dog_array.size; i++)
dog_array[i].targetname = "zombie_spawner_dog_init";
dog_array[i].script_noteworthy = "zombie_dog_spawner";
level.enemy_dog_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_array[i]);
// we can now activate bouncing betties
level thread maps\nazi_zombie_sumpf_bouncing_betties::purchase_bouncing_betties();
//bouncing betties!!
level thread maps\nazi_zombie_sumpf_bouncing_betties::give_betties_after_rounds();
//ESM - initialize the ammo box
// level thread maps\nazi_zombie_sumpf_ammo_box::initAmmoBox();
dog_array = GetEntArray(area_location, "targetname");
for(i = 0; i < dog_array.size; i++)
dog_array[i].targetname = "zombie_spawner_dog_init";
dog_array[i].script_noteworthy = "zombie_dog_spawner";
level.enemy_dog_spawns = add_to_array(level.enemy_dog_spawns, dog_array[i]);
deactivate_building_zones( zone_name, key)
volume_entity = [];
volume_entity = getentarray(zone_name,key);
volume_entity[i] notify("deactivate_zone");
activate_outdoor_zones( zone_area, key)
//managed zones are areas in the map that have associated spawners/goals that are turned on/off
//depending on where the players are in the map
thread manage_outside_zone(zone_area, key, 0);
self waittill( zone_area + "_building_unlocked");
//iprintlnbold(zone_area + "_building_unlocked");
thread manage_outside_zone(zone_area, key, 1);