// Update menudefinition.h in the code source if you change this file. #define ITEM_TYPE_TEXT 0 // simple text #define ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON 1 // button, basically text with a border #define ITEM_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON 2 // toggle button, may be grouped #define ITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX 3 // check box #define ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD 4 // editable text, associated with a dvar #define ITEM_TYPE_COMBO 5 // drop down list #define ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX 6 // scrollable list #define ITEM_TYPE_MODEL 7 // model #define ITEM_TYPE_OWNERDRAW 8 // owner draw, name specs what it is #define ITEM_TYPE_NUMERICFIELD 9 // editable text, associated with a dvar #define ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER 10 // mouse speed, volume, etc. #define ITEM_TYPE_YESNO 11 // yes no dvar setting #define ITEM_TYPE_MULTI 12 // multiple list setting, enumerated #define ITEM_TYPE_DVARENUM 13 // multiple list setting, enumerated from a dvar #define ITEM_TYPE_BIND 14 // bind #define ITEM_TYPE_MENUMODEL 15 // special menu model #define ITEM_TYPE_VALIDFILEFIELD 16 // text must be valid for use in a dos filename #define ITEM_TYPE_DECIMALFIELD 17 // editable text, associated with a dvar, which allows decimal input #define ITEM_TYPE_UPREDITFIELD 18 // editable text, associated with a dvar #define ITEM_TYPE_GAME_MESSAGE_WINDOW 19 // game message window #define ITEM_TYPE_SCALEFORM 20 // Flash movie for Scaleform GFx #define ITEM_TYPE_BIND2 21 // bind2 #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT 0 // aligns left of text to left of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER 1 // aligns center of text to center of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT 2 // aligns right of text to right of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_X_MASK 3 #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEGACY 0 // aligns bottom of text to top of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_TOP 4 // aligns top of text to top of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_MIDDLE 8 // aligns middle of text to middle of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_BOTTOM 12 // aligns bottom of text to bottom of containing rectangle #define ITEM_ALIGN_Y_MASK 12 #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEGACY_LEFT 0 #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEGACY_CENTER 1 #define ITEM_ALIGN_LEGACY_RIGHT 2 #define ITEM_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT 4 #define ITEM_ALIGN_TOP_CENTER 5 #define ITEM_ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT 6 #define ITEM_ALIGN_MIDDLE_LEFT 8 #define ITEM_ALIGN_MIDDLE_CENTER 9 #define ITEM_ALIGN_MIDDLE_RIGHT 10 #define ITEM_ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT 12 #define ITEM_ALIGN_BOTTOM_CENTER 13 #define ITEM_ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT 14 #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL 0 // normal text #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_BLINK 1 // fast blinking #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED 3 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE 6 // drop shadow ( need a color for this ) #define ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_MONOSPACE 128 #define WINDOW_BORDER_NONE 0 // no border #define WINDOW_BORDER_FULL 1 // full border based on border color ( single pixel ) #define WINDOW_BORDER_HORZ 2 // horizontal borders only #define WINDOW_BORDER_VERT 3 // vertical borders only #define WINDOW_BORDER_KCGRADIENT 4 // horizontal border using the gradient bars #define WINDOW_BORDER_RAISED 5 // darken the bottom and right sides of the border #define WINDOW_BORDER_SUNKEN 6 // darken the top and left sides of the border #define WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY 0 // no background #define WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED 1 // filled with background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_GRADIENT 2 // gradient bar based on background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER 3 // shader based on background color #define WINDOW_STYLE_TEAMCOLOR 4 // team color #define WINDOW_STYLE_DVAR_SHADER 5 // draws the shader specified by the dvar #define WINDOW_STYLE_LOADBAR 6 // shader based on background color #define MODE_BOTTOMUP_ALIGN_TOP 0 // text appears on bottom of list and moves up to specified Y coordinate as old text fades out #define MODE_BOTTOMUP_ALIGN_BOTTOM 1 // text appears on bottom of list and moves away from specified Y coordinate as new text pushes it up #define MODE_TOPDOWN_ALIGN_TOP 2 // text appears on top of list and moves away from specified Y coordinate as new text pushes it down #define MODE_TOPDOWN_ALIGN_BOTTOM 3 // text appears on top of list and moves down to specified Y coordinate as old text fades out #define MENU_TRUE 1 #define MENU_FALSE 0 #define HUD_VERTICAL 0x00 #define HUD_HORIZONTAL 0x01 #define RANGETYPE_ABSOLUTE 0 #define RANGETYPE_RELATIVE 1 // list box element types #define LISTBOX_TEXT 0x00 #define LISTBOX_IMAGE 0x01 // list feeders #define FEEDER_HEADS 0x00 // model heads #define FEEDER_MAPS 0x01 // text maps based on game type #define FEEDER_SERVERS 0x02 // servers #define FEEDER_CLAN_MEMBERS 0x03 // clan names #define FEEDER_ALLMAPS 0x04 // all maps available, in graphic format #define FEEDER_REDTEAM_LIST 0x05 // red team members #define FEEDER_BLUETEAM_LIST 0x06 // blue team members #define FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST 0x07 // players #define FEEDER_TEAM_LIST 0x08 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_MODS 0x09 // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_DEMOS 0x0a // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_SCOREBOARD 0x0b // team members for team voting #define FEEDER_Q3HEADS 0x0c // model heads #define FEEDER_SERVERSTATUS 0x0d // server status #define FEEDER_FINDPLAYER 0x0e // find player #define FEEDER_CINEMATICS 0x0f // cinematics #define FEEDER_SAVEGAMES 0x10 // savegames #define FEEDER_PICKSPAWN 0x11 #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS 0x12 // list of players in your party #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS_TALK 0x13 // icon for whether they are speaking or not #define FEEDER_MUTELIST 0x14 // list of musted players #define FEEDER_PLAYERSTALKING 0x15 // list of players who are currently talking #define FEEDER_SPLITSCREENPLAYERS 0x16 // list of all players who are playing splitscreen #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS_READY 0x17 // icon for whether they are ready or not #define FEEDER_PLAYER_PROFILES 0x18 // player profiles #define FEEDER_PARTY_MEMBERS 0x19 // list of players in your party #define FEEDER_PARTY_MEMBERS_TALK 0x1a // icon for whether they are speaking or not #define FEEDER_PARTY_MEMBERS_READY 0x1b // icon for whether they are ready or not #define FEEDER_PLAYLISTS 0x1c // list of all playlists #define FEEDER_GAMEMODES 0x1d // list of all game type modes, including any player custom modes #define FEEDER_CATEGORIES 0x1e // list of all categories #define FEEDER_LEADERBOARD 0x1f // list of rows for a leaderboard #define FEEDER_MYTEAM_MEMBERS 0x20 // list of marine team members #define FEEDER_MYTEAM_MEMBERS_TALK 0x21 // icon for whether they are speaking #define FEEDER_ENEMY_MEMBERS 0x22 // list of opfor team members #define FEEDER_ENEMY_MEMBERS_TALK 0x23 // icon for whether they are speaking #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS_STAT 0x24 // last round stats for lobby members #define FEEDER_MYTEAM_MEMBERS_STAT 0x25 // last round stats for marine team members #define FEEDER_ENEMY_MEMBERS_STAT 0x26 // last round stats for opfor team members #define FEEDER_ONLINEFRIENDS 0x27 // list of your online friends #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS_RANK 0x28 // rank icon #define FEEDER_PARTY_MEMBERS_RANK 0x29 // rank icon #define FEEDER_ENEMY_MEMBERS_RANK 0x2a // rank icon #define FEEDER_MYTEAM_MEMBERS_RANK 0x2b // rank icon #define FEEDER_TESTMAPS 0x2c // department test maps #define FEEDER_SYSTEMLINK_LOBBY_MEMBERS 0x2d // list of players in a system link lobby #define FEEDER_LOBBY_MEMBERS_CONTROLLER 0x2e // icon for controller quadrant for splitscreen #define FEEDER_PARTY_MEMBERS_CONTROLLER 0x2f // icon for controller quadrant for splitscreen #define FEEDER_MYTEAM_MEMBERS_SQUAD 0x30 // squad icon #define FEEDER_ENEMY_MEMBERS_SQUAD 0x31 // squad icon #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_MEMBERS 0x32 // Squad members displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_MEMBERS_FULL 0x33 // Squad members' name, rank, talk, leader displayed in PC MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_NAMES 0x34 // Squad names displayed in MP 'Join Squad' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_NAMES2 0x35 // Squad names displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_NAMES_FULL 0x36 // Squad names, lock, invite displayed in PC MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_CUSTOM_GAMETYPES 0x37 // list of all the gametypes for custom matches #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_MEMBER_RANK 0x38 // Squad members' rank displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_MEMBER_TALK 0x39 // Squad members' talk icon displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_LOCKED 0x3a // Squad lock icon displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_MEMBER_INVITED 0x3b // Squad invite icon displayed in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_INVITE 0x3c // Squad invite icon displayed in MP 'Join Squad' menu #define FEEDER_INGAME_SQUAD_LEADER 0x3d // Squad leader icon displayled in MP 'Pause' menu #define FEEDER_FRIENDS 0x3e // list of your friends #define FEEDER_PENDINGFRIENDS 0x3f // list of your pending friends #define FEEDER_INVITES 0x40 // list of the game invites from your friends // display flags #define CG_SHOW_BLUE_TEAM_HAS_REDFLAG 0x00000001 #define CG_SHOW_RED_TEAM_HAS_BLUEFLAG 0x00000002 #define CG_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME 0x00000004 #define CG_SHOW_CTF 0x00000020 #define CG_SHOW_OBELISK 0x00000040 #define CG_SHOW_HEALTHCRITICAL 0x00000080 #define CG_SHOW_SINGLEPLAYER 0x00000100 #define CG_SHOW_TOURNAMENT 0x00000200 #define CG_SHOW_DURINGINCOMINGVOICE 0x00000400 #define CG_SHOW_IF_PLAYER_HAS_FLAG 0x00000800 #define CG_SHOW_LANPLAYONLY 0x00001000 #define CG_SHOW_MINED 0x00002000 #define CG_SHOW_HEALTHOK 0x00004000 #define CG_SHOW_TEAMINFO 0x00008000 #define CG_SHOW_NOTEAMINFO 0x00010000 #define CG_SHOW_OTHERTEAMHASFLAG 0x00020000 #define CG_SHOW_YOURTEAMHASENEMYFLAG 0x00040000 #define CG_SHOW_ANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00080000 #define CG_SHOW_TEXTASINT 0x00200000 #define CG_SHOW_HIGHLIGHTED 0x00100000 #define CG_SHOW_NOT_V_CLEAR 0x02000000 #define CG_SHOW_2DONLY 0x10000000 #define UI_SHOW_LEADER 0x00000001 #define UI_SHOW_NOTLEADER 0x00000002 #define UI_SHOW_FAVORITESERVERS 0x00000004 #define UI_SHOW_ANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00000008 #define UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME 0x00000010 #define UI_SHOW_NEWHIGHSCORE 0x00000020 #define UI_SHOW_DEMOAVAILABLE 0x00000040 #define UI_SHOW_NEWBESTTIME 0x00000080 #define UI_SHOW_FFA 0x00000100 #define UI_SHOW_NOTFFA 0x00000200 #define UI_SHOW_NETANYNONTEAMGAME 0x00000400 #define UI_SHOW_NETANYTEAMGAME 0x00000800 #define UI_SHOW_NOTFAVORITESERVERS 0x00001000 // font types #define UI_FONT_DEFAULT 0 // auto-chose betwen big/reg/small #define UI_FONT_NORMAL 1 #define UI_FONT_BIG 2 #define UI_FONT_SMALL 3 #define UI_FONT_BOLD 4 #define UI_FONT_CONSOLE 5 #define UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE 6 #define UI_FONT_MAX 6 // owner draw types // ideally these should be done outside of this file but // this makes it much easier for the macro expansion to // convert them for the designers ( from the .menu files ) #define CG_OWNERDRAW_BASE 1 #define CG_PLAYER_AMMO_VALUE 5 #define CG_PLAYER_AMMO_BACKDROP 6 #define CG_PLAYER_HEAT_VALUE 7 #define CG_PLAYER_STANCE 20 #define CG_SPECTATORS 60 #define CG_HOLD_BREATH_HINT 71 #define CG_CURSORHINT 72 #define CG_PLAYER_POWERUP 73 #define CG_PLAYER_HOLDABLE 74 #define CG_PLAYER_INVENTORY 75 #define CG_CURSORHINT_STATUS 78 // like 'health' bar when pointing at a func_explosive #define CG_PLAYER_BAR_HEALTH 79 #define CG_MANTLE_HINT 80 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_NAME 81 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_NAME_BACK 82 #define CG_CENTER_MESSAGE 90 // for things like "You were killed by ..." #define CG_TANK_BODY_DIR 95 #define CG_TANK_BARREL_DIR 96 #define CG_DEADQUOTE 97 #define CG_PLAYER_BAR_HEALTH_BACK 98 #define CG_MISSION_OBJECTIVE_HEADER 99 #define CG_MISSION_OBJECTIVE_LIST 100 #define CG_MISSION_OBJECTIVE_BACKDROP 101 #define CG_PAUSED_MENU_LINE 102 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_ICON_FRAG 103 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_ICON_SMOKEFLASH 104 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_AMMO_FRAG 105 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_AMMO_SMOKEFLASH 106 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_NAME_FRAG 107 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_NAME_SMOKEFLASH 108 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_SELECT_FRAG 109 #define CG_OFFHAND_WEAPON_SELECT_SMOKEFLASH 110 #define CG_SAVING 111 #define CG_PLAYER_LOW_HEALTH_OVERLAY 112 #define CG_INVALID_CMD_HINT 113 #define CG_PLAYER_SPRINT_METER 114 #define CG_PLAYER_SPRINT_BACK 115 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_BACKGROUND 116 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_AMMO_CLIP_GRAPHIC 117 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_PRIMARY_ICON 118 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_AMMO_STOCK 119 #define CG_PLAYER_WEAPON_LOW_AMMO_WARNING 120 #define CG_BATTLE_COMPASS_MARKERS 122 #define CG_BATTLE_FULLMAP_MARKERS 123 #define CG_SUCCESSFUL_CMD_HINT 130 #define CG_WAR_TEXT 135 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_TICKERTAPE 145 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_TICKERTAPE_NO_OBJ 146 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_DOGS 147 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_ARTILLERY_ICON 148 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_SQUAD_OBJECTIVE 149 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_PLAYER 150 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_BACK 151 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_POINTERS 152 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_ACTORS 153 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_TANKS 154 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_HELICOPTERS 155 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_PLANES 156 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_AUTOMOBILES 157 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_FRIENDS 158 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_MAP 159 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_NORTHCOORD 160 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_EASTCOORD 161 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_NCOORD_SCROLL 162 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_ECOORD_SCROLL 163 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_GOALDISTANCE 164 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_DPAD 165 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_1 166 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_2 167 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_3 168 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_4 169 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_ENEMIES 170 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_DOGS 176 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_VEHICLES 177 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_ARTILLERY_ICON 178 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_SQUAD_OBJECTIVE 179 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BACK 180 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_MAP 181 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_POINTERS 182 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_PLAYER 183 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_ACTORS 184 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_FRIENDS 185 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_LOCATION_SELECTOR 186 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BORDER 187 #define CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_ENEMIES 188 #define CG_PLAYER_COMPASS 189 #define CG_VEHICLE_RETICLE 190 #define CG_HUD_TARGETS_VEHICLE 191 #define CG_HUD_TARGETS_JAVELIN 192 #define CG_TALKER1 193 #define CG_TALKER2 194 #define CG_TALKER3 195 #define CG_TALKER4 196 #define CG_FRIENDLYARROWS 197 #define CG_FRIENDLYNAMES 198 #define UI_OWNERDRAW_BASE 200 #define UI_HANDICAP 200 #define UI_EFFECTS 201 #define UI_PLAYERMODEL 202 #define UI_GAMETYPE 205 #define UI_SKILL 207 #define UI_NETSOURCE 220 #define UI_NETFILTER 222 #define UI_VOTE_KICK 238 #define UI_NETGAMETYPE 245 #define UI_SERVERREFRESHDATE 247 #define UI_SERVERMOTD 248 #define UI_GLINFO 249 #define UI_KEYBINDSTATUS 250 #define UI_JOINGAMETYPE 253 #define UI_MAPPREVIEW 254 #define UI_MENUMODEL 257 #define UI_SAVEGAME_SHOT 258 #define UI_SAVEGAMENAME 262 #define UI_SAVEGAMEINFO 263 #define UI_LOADPROFILING 264 #define UI_RECORDLEVEL 265 #define UI_AMITALKING 266 #define UI_TALKER1 267 #define UI_TALKER2 268 #define UI_TALKER3 269 #define UI_TALKER4 270 #define UI_PARTYSTATUS 271 #define UI_LOGGEDINUSER 272 #define UI_RESERVEDSLOTS 273 #define UI_PLAYLISTNAME 274 #define UI_PLAYLISTDESCRIPTION 275 #define UI_USERNAME 276 #define UI_CINEMATIC 277 #define UI_TOTALONLINE 278 #define UI_CATEGORYNAME 279 #define UI_CATEGORYDESCRIPTION 280 #define UI_PLAYLISTICON 281 #define UI_CATEGORYICON 282 #define UI_GAMETYPE_MAPNAME 283 #define CG_HUD_WAR_MOMENTUM_PROGRESS 284 #define CG_HUD_WAR_MOMENTUM_MULTIPLIER 285 #define CG_HUD_WAR_MOMENTUM_MULTIPLIER_DETAIL 286 #define CG_HUD_WAR_MOMENTUM_MULTIPLIER_BLITZKRIEG 287 #define CG_COMPETITIVE_MODE_SCORES 288 #define UI_LOAD_STATUS_SCREEN 289 #define UI_LEADERBOARD_GAMEMODE 290 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_BACK_1 290 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_BACK_2 291 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_BACK_3 292 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_BACK_4 293 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_ARROW_1 294 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_ARROW_2 295 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_ARROW_3 296 #define CG_PLAYER_ACTIONSLOT_ARROW_4 297 #define UI_DIFFICULTY_INFO 298 #define UI_DIFFICULTY_ICON 299 #define UI_LOBBY_CHAT 300 // Edge relative placement values for rect->h_align and rect->v_align #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_SUBLEFT 0 // left edge of a 4:3 screen (safe area not included) #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT 1 // left viewable (safe area) edge #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER 2 // center of the screen (reticle) #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT 3 // right viewable (safe area) edge #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN 4 // disregards safe area #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_NOSCALE 5 // uses exact parameters - neither adjusts for safe area nor scales for screen size #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_TO640 6 // scales a real-screen resolution x down into the 0 - 640 range #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER_SAFEAREA 7 // center of the safearea #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_MAX HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER_SAFEAREA #define HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_SUBLEFT #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUBTOP 0 // top edge of the 4:3 screen (safe area not included) #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP 1 // top viewable (safe area) edge #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER 2 // center of the screen (reticle) #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM 3 // bottom viewable (safe area) edge #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN 4 // disregards safe area #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_NOSCALE 5 // uses exact parameters - neither adjusts for safe area nor scales for screen size #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_TO480 6 // scales a real-screen resolution y down into the 0 - 480 range #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER_SAFEAREA 7 // center of the save area #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_MAX VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER_SAFEAREA #define VERTICAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUBTOP