#include "ui/menudef.h" #ifdef PC #define SCOREBAR_OFFSET 0 4 #else #define SCOREBAR_OFFSET 0 0 #endif #define SCORE_BAR() \ itemDef \ { \ style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER \ rect 0 3 640 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP \ origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET\ background "line_horizontal_scorebar" \ forecolor 0 0 0 1 \ visible when( team( name ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" && dvarString( "scr_allies" ) == "sas" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) \ decoration \ } \ itemDef \ { \ style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER \ rect 0 3 640 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP \ origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET\ background "line_horizontal_scorebar" \ forecolor 0.6 0.64 0.69 1 \ visible when( team( name ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" && dvarString( "scr_allies" ) == "usmc" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) \ decoration \ } \ itemDef \ { \ style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER \ rect 0 3 640 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP \ origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET\ background "line_horizontal_scorebar" \ forecolor 0.52 0.28 0.28 1 \ visible when( team( name ) == "TEAM_AXIS" && dvarString( "scr_axis" ) == "ussr" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) \ decoration \ } \ itemDef \ { \ style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER \ rect 0 3 640 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP \ origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET\ background "line_horizontal_scorebar" \ forecolor 0.65 0.57 0.41 1 \ visible when( team( name ) == "TEAM_AXIS" && dvarString( "scr_axis" ) == "arab" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) \ decoration \ } \ #define SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET -200 #define SCOREBAR_WIDTH 1000 { menuDef // Stub: the scoreboard is controlled by code { name "scoreboard" rect 0 0 640 480 visible when(dvarBool( missionsuccessbar ) == 1); onEsc { close scoreboard; } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 2 640 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 3 640 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "menu_white_line_faded" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 21 640 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 22 640 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { rect 0 20 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( locString( "@MENU_MISSION_SUCCESS" ) ); textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor 0.95 0.72 0.21 1.0 textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } //SPLITSCREEN itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET 0 SCOREBAR_WIDTH 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET 2 SCOREBAR_WIDTH 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET 3 SCOREBAR_WIDTH 18 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "menu_white_line_faded" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET 21 SCOREBAR_WIDTH 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect SCOREBAR_LEFT_OFFSET 22 SCOREBAR_WIDTH 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { rect 0 20 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( locString( "@MENU_MISSION_SUCCESS" ) ); textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER forecolor 0.95 0.72 0.21 1.0 textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_NORMAL visible when( dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } } } /* { menuDef // Stub: the scoreboard is controlled by code { name "scoreboard" rect 0 0 640 480 onEsc { close scoreboard; } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 0 640 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 2 640 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } // SCORE_BAR itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 21 640 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 0 0 0 0.5 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 22 640 2 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET background "line_horizontal_scorebar" forecolor 1 1 1 1 visible when( !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { rect 36 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( team( score ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( (team( name ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" || team( name ) == "TEAM_AXIS") && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 36 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( player( score ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( team( name ) == "TEAM_FREE" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 134 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( otherteam( score ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( (team( name ) == "TEAM_ALLIES" || team( name ) == "TEAM_AXIS") && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 0 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( gameTypeName() ); textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_SMALL textalign ITEM_ALIGN_CENTER textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when( (timeLeft() % 8 < 4 || timeLeft() < 0) && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 0 0 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin 2 32 exp text ( gameTypeName() ); textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_SMALL_SS textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when( (timeLeft() % 8 < 4 || timeLeft() < 0) && dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 36 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( marinesfield( score ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( team( name ) == "TEAM_SEPCTATOR" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } itemDef { rect 134 22 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_LEFT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin SCOREBAR_OFFSET exp text ( opforfield( score ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( team( name ) == "TEAM_SEPCTATOR" && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ) decoration } #ifdef PUBLIC_BETA #define TIMEOFFSET 18 #else #define TIMEOFFSET 0 #endif itemDef { rect SCOREBAR_OFFSET 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin 0 (22+TIMEOFFSET) exp text ( secondsAsCountdown( timeLeft() ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE visible when ( timeLeft() >= 30 && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { rect SCOREBAR_OFFSET 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin 0 (22+TIMEOFFSET) exp text ( secondsAsCountdown( timeLeft() ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE forecolor 1 0.75 0 1 visible when ( timeLeft() >= 10 && timeLeft() < 30 && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } itemDef { rect SCOREBAR_OFFSET 1 1 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP origin 0 (22+TIMEOFFSET) exp text ( secondsAsCountdown( timeLeft() ) ); textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE textscale 0.4 textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWEDMORE forecolor 1 0.5 0 1 visible when ( timeLeft() >= 0 && timeLeft() < 10 && !dvarInt( "splitscreen" ) ); decoration } } } */