#include "ui/menudef.h" #include "ui_mp/common_macro.inc" //#define OPTIONS_STYLE 1 #include "ui_mp/menustyle.inc" #include "ui/choices_setup_common.menu" #define PC_INGAME 1 #include "ui_mp/overlaybg.inc" { menuDef { name callvote fullScreen 0 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN // Size and position of the menu focusColor COLOR_FOCUSED // Menu focus color for text and items #ifdef CONSOLE blurWorld 7.0 #endif onEsc {close self; } //PREPROC_SHADER_DRAW( -120 0 880 480, 0 0, "white", 0 0 0 0.75, 0, 1, 0 0 0 0 ) BACKGROUND_BLACK_LETTERBOX_BLURWORLD_VIS( 1.0, 1 ) OVERLAY_BACKGROUND #include "ui_mp/scriptmenus/callvote_buttons.inc" CHOICE_MENU_TITLE( "@MPUI_CALLVOTE" ) #undef BACK_OPEN #define BACK_OPEN close self; #include "ui_mp/navcontrols.inc" } menuDef { name changegametype fullScreen 0 rect 0 0 640 480 // Size and position of the menu focusColor COLOR_FOCUSED // Menu focus color for text and items #ifdef CONSOLE blurWorld 7.0 #endif onEsc {close self; } // PREPROC_SHADER_DRAW( -120 0 880 480, 0 0, "white", 0 0 0 0.75, 0, 1, 0 0 0 0 ) BACKGROUND_BLACK_LETTERBOX_BLURWORLD_VIS( 1.0, 1 ) OVERLAY_BACKGROUND CHOICE_MENU_TITLE( "@MPUI_CALLVOTE" ) #include "ui_mp/scriptmenus/callvote_buttons.inc" #undef CHOICE_X_START #define CHOICE_X_START 130 #undef CHOICE_Y_START #define CHOICE_Y_START 30 CHOICE_SECTION_TITLE( 1, "@MPUI_CHANGE_GAME_TYPEMAP" ) itemDef { visible 1 rect -450 95 240 20 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP forecolor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale CHOICE_TEXTSIZE textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 textalignx 10 ownerdraw UI_NETGAMETYPE action { play "mouse_click"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { name maplist rect -260 210 200 195 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP //404 271 192 130 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED textscale CHOICE_TEXTSIZE textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT elementwidth 120 elementheight 22 textalignx 6 textaligny 0 forecolor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR focusColor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR disableColor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR backcolor 0 0 0 0 border 1 bordersize 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 0.15 outlinecolor 1 1 1 0.2 feeder FEEDER_ALLMAPS visible 1 columns 1 2 190 25 mouseEnter { setitemcolor maplist2 bordercolor 1 1 1 0.55 } mouseExit { setitemcolor maplist2 bordercolor 1 1 1 0.15 } } itemDef { name mappreview style 0 ownerdraw UI_MAPPREVIEW rect -260 75 200 135 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP border 0 bordercolor .5 .5 .5 .5 origin 0 0 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name vote text "@MPUI_VOTE" type 1 textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED rect 220 -26 40 20 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textscale TEXTSIZE_SMALL textalignx 0 textaligny 18 forecolor TEXTBUTTON_COLOR visible 1 mouseEnter { play "mouse_over"; } action { play "mouse_click"; uiScript voteTypeMap; close self; } } #undef BACK_OPEN #define BACK_OPEN exec "wait"; close self; #include "ui_mp/navcontrols.inc" } menuDef { name kickplayer fullScreen 0 rect 0 0 640 480 // Size and position of the menu focusColor COLOR_FOCUSED // Menu focus color for text and items #ifdef CONSOLE blurWorld 7.0 #endif onEsc {close self;} //PREPROC_SHADER_DRAW( -120 0 880 480, 0 0, "white", 0 0 0 0.75, 0, 1, 0 0 0 0 ) BACKGROUND_BLACK_LETTERBOX_BLURWORLD_VIS( 1.0, 1 ) OVERLAY_BACKGROUND CHOICE_MENU_TITLE( "@MPUI_CALLVOTE" ) #include "ui_mp/scriptmenus/callvote_buttons.inc" #undef CHOICE_X_START #define CHOICE_X_START 350 #undef CHOICE_Y_START #define CHOICE_Y_START 30 CHOICE_SECTION_TITLE( 1, "@MPUI_KICK_PLAYER" ) // CHOICE_BUTTON( 36, "@MPUI_VOTE", close self; uiScript voteTempBan; ) itemDef { name playerlist visible 1 rect -330 90 320 330 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_RIGHT VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX textscale CHOICE_TEXTSIZE textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT elementwidth 120 elementheight 22 textalignx 6 textaligny 0 forecolor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR focusColor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR disableColor CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR backcolor 0 0 0 0 border 1 bordersize 1 bordercolor 1 1 1 0.15 outlinecolor 1 1 1 0.2 feeder FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST columns 1 2 190 18 mouseEnter { setitemcolor maplist bordercolor 1 1 1 0.55 } mouseExit { setitemcolor maplist bordercolor 1 1 1 0.15 } } itemDef { name vote text "@MPUI_VOTE" type 1 textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED rect 220 -26 40 20 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM textalign ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT textscale TEXTSIZE_SMALL textalignx 0 textaligny 18 forecolor TEXTBUTTON_COLOR visible 1 mouseEnter { play "mouse_over"; } action { play "mouse_click"; uiScript voteTempBan; close self; } } #undef BACK_OPEN #define BACK_OPEN close self; #include "ui_mp/navcontrols.inc" } } /* #define ORIGIN_CHOICE1 80 84 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE2 80 108 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE3 80 132 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE4 80 156 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE5 80 180 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE6 80 204 #define ORIGIN_OK 80 372 { */ /* menuDef { name "callvote" rect 0 0 640 480 focuscolor COLOR_FOCUSED style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY blurWorld 6.0 onEsc { close callvote; } // Gradient itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER //rect -107 0 554 480 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN background "gradient" visible 1 decoration } #include "ui/bars.menu" itemDef { type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT visible 1 origin ORIGIN_TITLE forecolor 1 1 1 1 text "@MENU_OPTIONS" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_TITLE decoration } // MENU CHOICES execKey "1" { play "mouse_click"; exec "cmd callvote map_restart"; close callvote } execKey "2" { play "mouse_click"; exec "cmd callvote map_rotate"; close callvote } execKey "3" { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open changemap } execKey "4" { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open changegametype } execKey "5" { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open kickplayer } itemDef { name "button_restartmap" visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE1 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_1_RESTART_MAP" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; exec "cmd callvote map_restart"; close callvote; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { name "button_nextmap" visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_2_NEXT_MAP" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; exec "cmd callvote map_rotate"; close callvote; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { name "button_changemap" visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE3 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_3_CHANGE_MAP" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open changemap; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { name "button_changegametype" visible 1 rect 0 0 174 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE4 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_4_CHANGE_GAME_TYPEMAP" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open changegametype; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { name "button_kickplayer" visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE5 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_5_KICK_PLAYER" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; close callvote; open kickplayer; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } } */ /* menuDef { name "changemap" rect 0 0 640 480 focuscolor COLOR_FOCUSED style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY blurWorld 6.0 onEsc { close changemap; } // Gradient itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER //rect -107 0 554 480 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN background "gradient" visible 1 decoration } #include "ui/bars.menu" itemDef { type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT visible 1 origin ORIGIN_TITLE forecolor 1 1 1 1 text "@MPUI_CHANGE_MAP_LOWER" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_TITLE decoration } // CHANGE MAP itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 192 270 origin 73 80 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED outlinecolor .5 .5 .5 .5 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textaligny -1 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT elementwidth 120 elementheight 24 feeder FEEDER_ALLMAPS forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED focusColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED disableColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED columns 1 2 190 25 mouseEnter { fadein message_arena; } mouseExit { fadeout message_arena; } } itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_OK forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_OK" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; uiScript voteMap; close changemap; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } }*/ /* menuDef { name "changegametype" rect 0 0 640 480 focuscolor COLOR_FOCUSED style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY blurWorld 6.0 onEsc { close changegametype; } // Gradient itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER //rect -107 0 554 480 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN background "gradient" visible 1 decoration } #include "ui/bars.menu" itemDef { type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT visible 1 origin ORIGIN_TITLE forecolor 1 1 1 1 text "@MPUI_CHANGE_GAME_TYPEMAP" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_TITLE decoration } // CHANGE GAME TYPE itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_CHOICE1 forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 ownerdraw UI_NETGAMETYPE action { play "mouse_click"; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 192 222 origin 73 128 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED outlinecolor .5 .5 .5 .5 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textaligny -1 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT elementwidth 120 elementheight 24 feeder FEEDER_ALLMAPS forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED focusColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED disableColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED columns 1 2 190 25 mouseEnter { fadein message_arena; } mouseExit { fadeout message_arena; } } itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_OK forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_OK" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; uiScript voteTypeMap; close changegametype; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } } */ /* menuDef { name "kickplayer" rect 0 0 640 480 focuscolor COLOR_FOCUSED style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY blurWorld 6.0 onEsc { close kickplayer; } // Gradient itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER //rect -107 0 554 480 rect 0 0 640 480 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN VERTICAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN background "gradient" visible 1 decoration } #include "ui/bars.menu" itemDef { type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT visible 1 origin ORIGIN_TITLE forecolor 1 1 1 1 text "@MPUI_KICK_PLAYER" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_TITLE decoration } // KICK PLAYER itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 192 270 origin 73 80 style WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED outlinecolor .5 .5 .5 .5 type ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textaligny -1 elementtype LISTBOX_TEXT elementwidth 120 elementheight 24 feeder FEEDER_PLAYER_LIST forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED focusColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED disableColor COLOR_UNFOCUSED columns 1 2 190 25 mouseEnter { fadein message_arena } mouseExit { fadeout message_arena } } itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 0 128 24 origin ORIGIN_OK forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON text "@MPUI_OK" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textaligny 20 action { play "mouse_click"; uiScript voteTempBan; close kickplayer; } onFocus { play "mouse_over"; } } } } */