#include "ui/menudef.h" #define ORIGIN_CHOICE1 80 150 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE2 80 170 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE3 80 190 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE4 80 210 #define ORIGIN_CHOICE5 80 230 { assetGlobalDef { fadeClamp 1.0 // sets the fadeup alpha fadeCycle 1 // how often fade happens in milliseconds fadeAmount 0.1 // amount to adjust alpha per cycle } menuDef { name "background_main" rect 0 0 640 480 focusColor COLOR_FOCUSED onEsc { } onOpen { //setdvar ui_version_show "0"; //execnow "splitscreencontrols"; execnow "g_friendlyfiredist 0"; execnow "g_friendlynamedist 0"; execnow "loc_warnings 0"; execnow "loc_warningsaserrors 0"; } // gradient_top /*itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 55 854 75 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN 0 background "gradient_top" visible 1 decoration }*/ // gradient_bottom /*itemDef { style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER rect 0 351 854 75 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FULLSCREEN 0 background "gradient_bottom" visible 1 decoration }*/ /*itemDef { visible 1 rect 0 60 288 72 origin 0 0 style WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER background "logo_cod2" decoration }*/ // itemDef { text "@PLATFORM_SELECT" textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT origin 499 438 visible 1 decoration } itemDef { name signedinas type ITEM_TYPE_TEXT rect 0 0 250 15 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT VERTICAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT style WINDOW_STYLE_EMPTY textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED ownerdraw UI_LOGGEDINUSER visible 1 decoration } itemDef { // text "@MENU_CONTROLS" type ITEM_TYPE_BUTTON rect 0 0 250 15 HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT VERTICAL_ALIGN_DEFAULT origin ORIGIN_CHOICE2 textscale TEXTSIZE_DEFAULT textfont UI_FONT_NORMAL forecolor COLOR_UNFOCUSED visible 1 execKeyInt DPAD_RIGHT { scriptmenuresponse "DPAD_RIGHT"; } execKeyInt DPAD_LEFT { scriptmenuresponse "DPAD_LEFT"; } execKeyInt DPAD_UP { scriptmenuresponse "DPAD_UP"; } execKeyInt DPAD_DOWN { scriptmenuresponse "DPAD_DOWN"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_A { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_A"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_B { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_B"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_X { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_X"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_Y { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_Y"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_LSHLDR { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_LSHLDR"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_RSHLDR { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_RSHLDR"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_START { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_START"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_BACK { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_BACK"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_LSTICK { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_LSTICK"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_RSTICK { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_RSTICK"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_LTRIG { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_LTRIG"; } execKeyInt BUTTON_RTRIG { scriptmenuresponse "BUTTON_RTRIG"; } } } }