#name "xmodel" #dll "pc" "xmodel" #dll "ps3" "xmodel" #dll "xenon" "xmodel" #dll "wii" "xmodel_wii" #target_dir "xmodel/" #target_dir "xmodelparts/" #target_dir "xmodelsurfs/" #target_dir "xmodelpieces/" #file_ext "*;*.dds;*.tga;*.jpg" #version 38 enum { "rigid", "animated", "multiplayer body", "viewhands", "pieces" } type string filename float 0 0 1000000 highLodDist int 0 0 1 forceMediumLodRigid string mediumLod float 0 0 1000000 mediumLodDist int 0 0 1 forceLowLodRigid string lowLod float 0 0 1000000 lowLodDist int 0 0 1 forceLowestLodRigid string lowestLod float 0 0 1000000 lowestLodDist int 0 0 1 crossFadeLods int 0 0 15 cosmetic int 0 0 1 groundLit int 0 0 1 noRadialNormals float 0 -1000000 1000000 radialOriginX float 0 -1000000 1000000 radialOriginY float 0 -1000000 1000000 radialOriginZ int 0 0 1 allowHidingAllParts enum { "None", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Lowest" } collisionLOD string hitBoxModel string skinOverride string boneControllers string boneStabilizers string physicsPreset string physicsConstraints vcontainer { hcontainer { scrollbox(type) [ exec { tooltip("Rigid is for non-animated objects, animated is for objects that must animate.") width(320) } ] } fileedit(filename) [ exec { tooltip("the default high LOD distance is 250.") reldir("model_export/") } ] floatedit(highLodDist, 1, 10) hcontainer { checkbox(forceMediumLodRigid) [ exec { tooltip("Use this to save memory/CPU or for a collision mesh.") labelwidth(160) } ] } fileedit(mediumLod) [ exec { tooltip("the default medium LOD distance is 500.") reldir("model_export/") } ] floatedit(mediumLodDist, 1, 10) hcontainer { checkbox(forceLowLodRigid) [ exec { tooltip("Use this to save memory/CPU or for a collision mesh.") labelwidth(160) } ] } fileedit(lowLod) [ exec { tooltip("the default low LOD distance is 1000.") reldir("model_export/") } ] floatedit(lowLodDist, 1, 10) hcontainer { checkbox(forceLowestLodRigid) [ exec { tooltip("Use this to save memory/CPU or for a collision mesh.") labelwidth(160) } ] } fileedit(lowestLod) [ exec { tooltip("the default lowest LOD distance is 0.") reldir("model_export/") } ] floatedit(lowestLodDist, 1, 10) hcontainer { scrollbox(collisionLOD) [ exec { tooltip( "The lod that will be used for bullet collision. Leaving this on 'None' means this model will not block bullets" ) } ] } vcontainer { spinedit(cosmetic,1,1) [ exec { tooltop("Set cosmetic level, 0 to disable") } ] } vcontainer { checkbox(crossFadeLods) [ exec { tooltip("Cross fades lods during transitions.") } ] } vcontainer { checkbox(groundLit) [ exec { tooltip("This is for foliage to make it render faster.") visible( type == "rigid" ) } ] } vcontainer { checkbox(allowHidingAllParts) [ exec { tooltip("Allows hiding of any independent parts.") visible( type == "rigid" || type == "animated" ) } ] } vcontainer { checkbox(noRadialNormals) hcontainer { floatedit(radialOriginX, 1, 10) [ exec { width(190) labelwidth(100) } ] floatedit(radialOriginY, 1, 10) [ exec { width(190) labelwidth(100) } ] floatedit(radialOriginZ, 1, 10) [ exec { width(190) labelwidth(100) } ] } } fileedit(hitBoxModel) [ exec { tooltip("use this to specify a different hit box for your model.") reldir("model_export/") } ] multiedit(skinOverride) [ exec { tooltip("To make this work, first put the name of the material assigned to the model you as exported, followed by a space and then the name of the new material you wish to replace it with. Multiple materials may be overridden by using multiple lines.") width(640) height(80) } ] multiedit(boneControllers) [ exec { tooltip("This is used to specify a tag to control a bone or set of bones?") width(640) height(80) } ] multiedit(boneStabilizers) [ exec { width(640) height(80) } ] fileedit(physicsPreset) [ exec { tooltip("Use this to choose a physics preset file for your model, leave blank for default unmovable object.") reldir("share/main/physic/") } ] fileedit(physicsConstraints) [ exec { tooltip("Use this to choose a physics constraints file for your model.") reldir("share/main/physconstraints/") } ] }