#name "xanim" #dll "all" "xanim" #target_dir "xanim/" #file_ext "*" #version 10 string filename string notetrackfile string model int 0 0 1 looping enum {"delta", "relative", "absolute", "mp_torso", "mp_legs", "mp_fullbody", "additive"} type int 1 0 1 useBones string node float .05 .05 180 angleError float .025 .025 1000 translationError string boneStabilizers vcontainer { ////////////////// // Source Files // ////////////////// vcontainer { fileedit(filename) [ exec { label("Anim File:") reldir("xanim_export/") tooltip("The animation used in conjunction with the model specified below (.XANIM_EXPORT)") } ] fileedit(model) [ exec { label("Model File:") reldir("model_export/") tooltip("The 'base-pose' model used for the animation. All bone positions/rotations are relative to this (.XMODEL_EXPORT)") } ] fileedit(notetrackfile) [ exec { label("Notetrack File:") reldir("xanim_export/") tooltip("The Notetrack file used in conjunction with the xanim specified above(.NT_EXPORT)") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Source Files") } ] ////////////// // Settings // ////////////// vcontainer { checkbox(looping) [ exec { label("Looping") tooltip("Enables the animation to continously loop") } ] checkbox(useBones) [ exec { label("Use Bones") tooltip("??? Not needed for viewmodels, but is needed for practically everything else") } ] scrollbox(type) [ exec { label("Type") tooltip("'delta' - use for AI anims, 'absolute' - puts everything where it is relative to (0, 0, 0) in the Maya file, 'relative' - puts everything where it is relative to the parent node in the hierarchy") } ] edit(node) [ exec { label("Node") tooltip("Specifies the name of an object exported from the Maya file that will act as a reference point for the anim. Used to get scripted animations in the right place. The anim has to be 'delta' and must be played as a scripted animation.") } ] floatedit(angleError, .05, 1) [ exec { label("Angle Error") tooltip("Used for Compression, default value works well") } ] floatedit(translationError, .025, .1) [ exec { label("Translation Error") tooltip("Used for Compression, default value works well") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Settings") } ] ///////////////// // MP Specific // ///////////////// vcontainer { multiedit(boneStabilizers) [ exec { label("Bone Stabilizers") width(640) height(80) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("MP Specific") } ] }