#name "rumble" #dll "all" "configstringconvert" #source_dir "rumble/" #target_dir "rumble/" #file_ext "*" #version 1 // This tells the configstring converter what the file type identifier should be string "RUMBLE" configstringFileType string lowRumbleFile string highRumbleFile float 0 0 100 duration float 1 1 10000 range int 1 0 1 fadeWithDistance int 0 0 1 broadcast vcontainer { fileedit(highRumbleFile) [ exec { label("High Rumble File") reldir("share/raw/rumble/") width(500) } ] fileedit(lowRumbleFile) [ exec { label("Low Rumble File") reldir("share/raw/rumble/") width(500) } ] floatedit(duration, 120, 8000) [ exec { label("Duration (in sec)") } ] checkbox(broadcast) [ exec { label("Broadcast to World") tooltip("If checked, this rumble will broadcast to any entities in range. Otherwise, it only affects the player it is applied to directly.") righttext() } ] vcontainer { floatedit(range, 120, 8000) [ exec { label( "Range" ) width( 150 ) labelwidth( 50 ) } ] checkbox(fadeWithDistance) [ exec { label( "Fade Intensity With Distance" ) tooltip( "If checked, rumble intensity will lerp from full (at the origin) to nothing (at the extent of it's range)." ) width( 350 ) labelwidth( 350 ) righttext() } ] } [ exec { groupBox( "" ) visible( broadcast == 1 ) } ] }