#name "destructiblepiece" #dll "all" "configstringconvert" #source_dir "destructiblepiece/" #target_dir "destructiblepiece/" #file_ext "*" #version 5 // This tells the configstring converter what the file type identifier should be string "DESTRUCTIBLEPIECE" configstringFileType string model float 0 -1000000 100 breakHealth int 0 0 1 explosiveDamageOnly string breakEffect string breakSound string loopSound string breakNotify string spawnModel1 string spawnModel2 string modelD1 float 0 -1000000 100 breakHealthD1 int 0 0 1 explosiveDamageOnlyD1 string breakEffectD1 string breakSoundD1 string loopSoundD1 string breakNotifyD1 string spawnModel1D1 string spawnModel2D1 string modelD2 float 0 -1000000 100 breakHealthD2 int 0 0 1 explosiveDamageOnlyD2 string breakEffectD2 string breakSoundD2 string loopSoundD2 string breakNotifyD2 string spawnModel1D2 string spawnModel2D2 string modelD3 float 0 -1000000 100 breakHealthD3 int 0 0 1 explosiveDamageOnlyD3 string breakEffectD3 string breakSoundD3 string loopSoundD3 string breakNotifyD3 string spawnModel1D3 string spawnModel2D3 string modelD4 float 0 -1000000 100 breakHealthD4 int 0 0 1 explosiveDamageOnlyD4 string breakEffectD4 string breakSoundD4 string loopSoundD4 string breakNotifyD4 string spawnModel1D4 string spawnModel2D4 vcontainer { vcontainer { fileedit(model) [ exec { label("Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(breakHealth, .1, .2) [ exec { label("Break Health %") tooltip("Piece will fall off into physics after health is below this percentage if physPreset is specified, else it will disapper/swap in damage model") } ] checkbox(explosiveDamageOnly) [ exec { label("Explosives Only") tooltip("Only explosive damage can be done to this model.") } ] } fileedit(breakEffect) [ exec { label("Base Break Effect") reldir("share/raw/fx/") width(600) tooltip("Effect to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(breakSound) [ exec { label("Base Break Sound") width(600) tooltip("Sound to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(loopSound) [ exec { label("Loop Sound") width(600) tooltip("Loop sound to play when this model is showing") } ] edit(breakNotify) [ exec { label("Base Break Notify") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel1) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 1") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel2) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 2") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Base Model Properties") } ] vcontainer { fileedit(modelD1) [ exec { label("Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(breakHealthD1, .1, .2) [ exec { label("Break Health %") tooltip("Piece will fall off into physics after health is below this percentage if physPreset is specified, else it will disapper/swap in damage model") } ] checkbox(explosiveDamageOnlyD1) [ exec { label("Explosives Only") tooltip("Only explosive damage can be done to this model.") } ] } fileedit(breakEffectD1) [ exec { label("Break Effect") reldir("share/raw/fx/") width(600) tooltip("Effect to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(breakSoundD1) [ exec { label("Break Sound") width(600) tooltip("Sound to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(loopSoundD1) [ exec { label("Loop Sound") width(600) tooltip("Loop sound to play when this model is showing") } ] edit(breakNotifyD1) [ exec { label("Break Notify") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel1D1) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 1") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel2D1) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 2") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Damage Model 1 Properties") } ] vcontainer { fileedit(modelD2) [ exec { label("Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(breakHealthD2, .1, .2) [ exec { label("Break Health %") tooltip("Piece will fall off into physics after health is below this percentage if physPreset is specified, else it will disapper/swap in damage model") } ] checkbox(explosiveDamageOnlyD2) [ exec { label("Explosives Only") tooltip("Only explosive damage can be done to this model.") } ] } fileedit(breakEffectD2) [ exec { label("Break Effect") reldir("share/raw/fx/") width(600) tooltip("Effect to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(breakSoundD2) [ exec { label("Break Sound") width(600) tooltip("Sound to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(loopSoundD2) [ exec { label("Loop Sound") width(600) tooltip("Loop sound to play when this model is showing") } ] edit(breakNotifyD2) [ exec { label("Break Notify") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel1D2) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 1") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel2D2) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 2") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Damage Model 2 Properties") } ] vcontainer { fileedit(modelD3) [ exec { label("Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(breakHealthD3, .1, .2) [ exec { label("Break Health %") tooltip("Piece will fall off into physics after health is below this percentage if physPreset is specified, else it will disapper/swap in damage model") } ] checkbox(explosiveDamageOnlyD3) [ exec { label("Explosives Only") tooltip("Only explosive damage can be done to this model.") } ] } fileedit(breakEffectD3) [ exec { label("Break Effect") reldir("share/raw/fx/") width(600) tooltip("Effect to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(breakSoundD3) [ exec { label("Break Sound") width(600) tooltip("Sound to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(loopSoundD3) [ exec { label("Loop Sound") width(600) tooltip("Loop sound to play when this model is showing") } ] edit(breakNotifyD3) [ exec { label("Break Notify") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel1D3) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 1") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel2D3) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 2") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Damage Model 3 Properties") } ] vcontainer { fileedit(modelD4) [ exec { label("Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(breakHealthD4, .1, .2) [ exec { label("Break Health %") tooltip("Piece will fall off into physics after health is below this percentage if physPreset is specified, else it will disapper/swap in damage model") } ] checkbox(explosiveDamageOnlyD4) [ exec { label("Explosives Only") tooltip("Only explosive damage can be done to this model.") } ] } fileedit(breakEffectD4) [ exec { label("Break Effect") reldir("share/raw/fx/") width(600) tooltip("Effect to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(breakSoundD4) [ exec { label("Break Sound") width(600) tooltip("Sound to play when health gets to 0") } ] edit(loopSoundD4) [ exec { label("Loop Sound") width(600) tooltip("Loop sound to play when this model is showing") } ] edit(breakNotifyD4) [ exec { label("Break Notify") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel1D4) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 1") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] fileedit(spawnModel2D4) [ exec { label("Spawn Model 2") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(600) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Damage Model 4 Properties") } ] }