#name "flametable" #dll "all" "weapon" #target_dir "weapons/sp/" // target location 1 (single-player) #target_dir "weapons/mp/" // target location 2 (multi-player) #target_dir "xmodel/" #target_dir "" #target_dir "xanim/" #file_ext "*" #version 48 // This tells the configstring converter what the file type identifier should be enum { "FLAMETABLEFILE" } configstringFileType // This uses the config string convert's multi-target folder // mechanism to make the weapon either a single-player weapon // or a multi-player weapon. // The first character is used to specify which target folder to go in enum { "1: Single-Player", "2: Multi-Player" } targetFolder string name string fire string smoke string heat string drips string streamFuel string streamFlames string streamFuel2 string streamFlames2 string flameOffLoopSound string flameIgniteSound string flameOnLoopSound string flameCooldownSound float 200 -10000 10000 flameVar_streamChunkGravityStart float -240 -10000 10000 flameVar_streamChunkGravityEnd float 100 1 500 flameVar_streamChunkMaxSize float 3 1 10 flameVar_streamChunkStartSize float 60 1 500 flameVar_streamChunkEndSize float 0.3 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkStartSizeRand float 0.7 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkEndSizeRand float 1 0.1 10 flameVar_streamChunkDistScalar float 0.2 0.02 1 flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayScale float 90 1 1000 flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayVelMax float 800 10 2000 flameVar_streamChunkSpeed float 0.4 0 20 flameVar_streamChunkDecel float 0.75 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkVelocityAddScale float 2.4 0.02 10 flameVar_streamChunkDuration float 150 0.0 500 flameVar_streamChunkDurationScaleMaxVel float 0.4 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkDurationVelScalar float 0 -5 5 flameVar_streamChunkSizeSpeedScale float -2 -5 5 flameVar_streamChunkSizeAgeScale float 0.1 0.01 5 flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalStart float 0.8 0.01 5 flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalEnd float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMinLifeFrac float 0.9 0.1 1 flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMaxLifeFrac float 0.8 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFrac float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracStart float 0.2 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracEnd float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFrac float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracStart float 1 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracEnd float 180 0 180 flameVar_streamChunkRotationRange float 4.13224 0.1 50 flameVar_streamSizeRandSinWave float 7.23244 0.1 50 flameVar_streamSizeRandCosWave float 0.025 0.01 1 flameVar_streamDripsChunkInterval float 0.0 0.0 1.0 flameVar_streamDripsChunkMinFrac float 0.8 0 1 flameVar_streamDripsChunkRandFrac float 0.025 0.01 1 flameVar_streamSmokeChunkInterval float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamSmokeChunkMinFrac float 0.8 0 1 flameVar_streamSmokeChunkRandFrac float 0.2 0 3 flameVar_streamChunkCullDistSizeFrac float 0.2 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkCullMinLife float 0.8 0 1 flameVar_streamChunkCullMaxLife float 1 0.1 50 flameVar_streamFuelSizeStart float 3 0.1 50 flameVar_streamFuelSizeEnd float 96 0.01 512 flameVar_streamFuelLength float 16 1 200 flameVar_streamFuelNumSegments float 1 0.1 5 flameVar_streamFuelAnimLoopTime float 1 0.1 50 flameVar_streamFlameSizeStart float 3 0.1 50 flameVar_streamFlameSizeEnd float 96 0.01 512 flameVar_streamFlameLength float 16 1 128 flameVar_streamFlameNumSegments float 1 0.1 5 flameVar_streamFlameAnimLoopTime float 750 0 1000 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadius float 120 0 1000 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadiusFlutter float 0.7 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightR float 0.4 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightG float 0 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightB float 0.1 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterR float 0.1 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterG float 0.1 0 1 flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterB float 0.8 0.1 3 flameVar_fireLife float 0.6 0 3 flameVar_fireLifeRand float 0.75 0 1 flameVar_fireSpeedScale float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_fireSpeedScaleRand float 60 -200 200 flameVar_fireVelocityAddZ float -20 -200 200 flameVar_fireVelocityAddZRand float 0.3 0 1 flameVar_fireVelocityAddSideways float -200 -500 0 flameVar_fireGravity float -300 -500 0 flameVar_fireGravityEnd float 60 0 200 flameVar_fireMaxRotVel float 4 0 10 flameVar_fireFriction float 15 0 100 flameVar_fireEndSizeAdd float 1 0.1 20 flameVar_fireStartSizeScale float 1 0 20 flameVar_fireEndSizeScale float 5 0.1 10 flameVar_dripsLife float 0.6 0 3 flameVar_dripsLifeRand float 0.75 0 1 flameVar_dripsSpeedScale float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_dripsSpeedScaleRand float 60 -200 200 flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZ float -20 -200 200 flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZRand float 0.3 0 1 flameVar_dripsVelocityAddSideways float 200 -1000 1000 flameVar_dripsGravity float 200 -1000 1000 flameVar_dripsGravityEnd float 60 0 200 flameVar_dripsMaxRotVel float 4 0 10 flameVar_dripsFriction float 0 0 100 flameVar_dripsEndSizeAdd float 0.1 0.1 20 flameVar_dripsStartSizeScale float 0 0 20 flameVar_dripsEndSizeScale float 2.5 0.1 5 flameVar_smokeLife float 1 0.1 5 flameVar_smokeLifeRand float 0.35 0 1 flameVar_smokeSpeedScale float 10 0 100 flameVar_smokeVelocityAddZ float -80 -500 0 flameVar_smokeGravity float -100 -500 0 flameVar_smokeGravityEnd float 20 0 180 flameVar_smokeMaxRotation float 20 0 200 flameVar_smokeMaxRotVel float 4 0 10 flameVar_smokeFriction float 80 0 200 flameVar_smokeEndSizeAdd float 20 0 200 flameVar_smokeStartSizeAdd float 0.7 0 3 flameVar_smokeOriginSizeOfsZScale float 4 -30 100 flameVar_smokeOriginOfsZ float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_smokeFadein float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_smokeFadeout float 0.2 0 1 flameVar_smokeMaxAlpha float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_smokeBrightness float 72 0 300 flameVar_smokeOriginOffset float 0.6 0 1 flameVar_collisionSpeedScale float 0.5 0 1 flameVar_collisionVolumeScale vcontainer { scrollbox(targetFolder) [ exec { label("Target Folder") tooltip("Select platform-gametype this weapon will be used in.") width(270) } ] edit(name) [ exec { label("Table Name") width(400) } ] vcontainer { edit(fire) [ exec { label("Fire Material") width(400) } ] edit(smoke) [ exec { label("Smoke Material") width(400) } ] edit(heat) [ exec { label("Heat Material") width(400) } ] edit(drips) [ exec { label("Drip Material") width(400) } ] edit(streamFuel) [ exec { label("StreamFuel Material") width(400) } ] edit(streamFuel2) [ exec { label("StreamFuel2 Material") width(400) } ] edit(streamFlames) [ exec { label("StreamFlame Material") width(400) } ] edit(streamFlames2) [ exec { label("StreamFlame2 Material") width(400) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Materials") } ] vcontainer { edit(flameOffLoopSound) [ exec { label("Flame Off Loop") width(400) } ] edit(flameIgniteSound) [ exec { label("Flame Ignite") width(400) } ] edit(flameOnLoopSound) [ exec { label("Flame On Loop") width(400) } ] edit(flameCooldownSound) [ exec { label("Flame Cooldown") width(400) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Sounds") } ] vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkGravityStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Gravity Start") tooltip("Stream Gravity at Start") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkGravityEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Gravity End") tooltip("Stream Gravity at End") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkStartSize, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Size Start") tooltip("Starting size of each stream chunk") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkEndSize, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Size End") tooltip("Goal ending size of each stream chunk") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkStartSizeRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Random Size Start") tooltip("Maximum percentage of start size to reduce each chunk by randomly") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkEndSizeRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Random Size End") tooltip("Maximum percentage of end size to reduce each chunk by randomly") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkMaxSize, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Size Max") tooltip("Maximum size any stream chunk can be") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSizeSpeedScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Size from Speed") tooltip("Controls the rate at which size increases based on current speed") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSizeAgeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Size from Age") tooltip("Controls the rate at which size increases based on current age") } ] } } vcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDistScalar, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Spacing") tooltip("Controls the chunk spacing.. lower values cause more overlapping, with decreased performance") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Spacing Turn Scale") tooltip("Sets the maximum distance scaling based on angular motion") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDistSwayVelMax, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Max Chunk Spacing Scale") tooltip("Sets the maximum sway rate, at which the full dist scaling is applied") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSpeed, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Speed") tooltip("Speed of chunks when they leave the nozzle") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDecel, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Decel") tooltip("Fraction of current speed to reduce per second") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkVelocityAddScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Speed from Player") tooltip("Fraction of movement speed to add to the firing velocity") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDuration, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Duration") tooltip("Lifetime of each chunk in seconds") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDurationScaleMaxVel, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Max Vel Scale") tooltip("Velocity at which to apply full duration scaling") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDurationVelScalar, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Max Dur Scale") tooltip("Maximum movement duration scalar") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Start Fire Spawn Interval") tooltip("Interval between spawning flames from chunks at start of chunk life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireIntervalEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("End Fire Spawn Interval") tooltip("Interval between spawning flames from chunks at end of chunk life") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMinLifeFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Life Frac to Start Fire Spawns") tooltip("Don't spawn fire before this life frac") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkSpawnFireMaxLifeFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Life Frac to Stop Fire Spawns") tooltip("Don't spawn fire after this life frac") } ] } } vcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Flame Age") tooltip("Make sure all flames spawned by chunks are at least this old when spawned") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Flame Life Start") tooltip("Starting point for adjusting min flame life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkFireMinLifeFracEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Flame Life End") tooltip("End point for adjusting min flame life") } ] } } vcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Drip Age") tooltip("Make sure all drips spawned by chunks are at least this old when spawned") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Drip Life Start") tooltip("Starting point for adjusting min drip life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkDripsMinLifeFracEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Flame Drip End") tooltip("End point for adjusting min drip life") } ] } } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkRotationRange, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Chunk Rotation Range") tooltip("Maximum rotation (roll) of chunks") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamSizeRandSinWave, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Sin Thickness variety") tooltip("Stream thickness fluctuation frequency (SINE)") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamSizeRandCosWave, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Cos Thickness variety") tooltip("Stream thickness fluctuation frequency (COSINE)") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamDripsChunkInterval, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drip Chunk Interval") tooltip("Interval between spawning a chunk that will (in it's lifetime) randomly spawn a Drips particle") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamDripsChunkMinFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Drip Spawn Frac") tooltip("Minimum life fraction to spawn a Drips particle at") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamDripsChunkRandFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drip Random Factor") tooltip("Random fraction of life frac to add to the minimum fraction when deciding on Drips spawn time") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamSmokeChunkInterval, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Chunk Interval") tooltip("Interval between spawning a chunk that will (in it's lifetime) randomly spawn a Smoke particle") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamSmokeChunkMinFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Smoke Spawn Frac") tooltip("Minimum life fraction to spawn a Smoke particle at") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamSmokeChunkRandFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Random Factor") tooltip("Random fraction of life frac to add to the minimum fraction when deciding on Smoke spawn time") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkCullMinLife, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Min Cull Age") tooltip("Don't cull chunks younger than this age") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkCullMaxLife, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Max Cull Age") tooltip("Don't cull chunks older than this age") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamChunkCullDistSizeFrac, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Cull Percent") tooltip("Cull chunks within this percentage of our size") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamFuelSizeStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fuel Start Size") tooltip("Stream fuel size at start") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamFuelSizeEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fuel End Size") tooltip("Stream fuel size at end") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamFuelLength, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fuel Length") tooltip("Stream fuel length") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamFuelNumSegments, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Num Fuel Segments") tooltip("Number of stream fuel segments") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamFuelAnimLoopTime, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fuel Loop Time") tooltip("Animation cycle time for animated fuel sprites") } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamFlameSizeStart, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Flame Size Start") tooltip("Stream flame size at start") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamFlameSizeEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Flame Size End") tooltip("Stream flame size at end") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamFlameLength, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Flame Length") tooltip("Stream flame length") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamFlameNumSegments, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Flame Segments") tooltip("Number of stream flame segments") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_streamFlameAnimLoopTime, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Flame Loop Time") tooltip("Animation cycle time for animated flame sprites") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Stream Variables") } ] vcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadius, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Light Radius") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source radius") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightRadiusFlutter, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Light Flutter Radius") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source radius modulation") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightR, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Light Red") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color R") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightG, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Light Green") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color G") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightB, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Light Blue") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color B") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterR, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Flutter Red") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color modulation R") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterG, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Flutter Green") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color modulation G") } ] floatedit(flameVar_streamPrimaryLightFlutterB, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Primary Flutter Blue") tooltip("Primary flamethrower light source color modulation B") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Light Variables") } ] vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_fireLife, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Lifetime") tooltip("Life duration of flames") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireLifeRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Life Rand") tooltip("Random additive applied to life duration") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_fireSpeedScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Speed Scale") tooltip("Fraction of chunk speed that is applied to starting velocity of flames") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireSpeedScaleRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Speed Scale Rand") tooltip("Randomize speed scale by this fraction") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_fireVelocityAddZ, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Z Vel") tooltip("Upwards velocity applied to flame velocity") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireVelocityAddZRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Z Vel Rand") tooltip("Random additive applied to upwards velocity") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_fireVelocityAddSideways, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Side Vel") tooltip("Random sideways velocity as fraction of forward velocity") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_fireGravity, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Gravity") tooltip("Fire gravity at start of life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireGravityEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Gravity Rand") tooltip("Fire gravity at end of life") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_fireMaxRotVel, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Max RotVel") tooltip("Maximum rotational velocity of flame") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireFriction, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Friction") tooltip("Fraction of starting velocity to decelerate per second") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireEndSizeAdd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire End Size") tooltip("Add this to the size of the chunk, to give the end size of the flame") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_fireStartSizeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire Start Scale") tooltip("Multiply this by the size of the chunk, to give the start size of the flame") } ] floatedit(flameVar_fireEndSizeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Fire End Scale") tooltip("Multiply this by the size of the chunk, to give the end size of the flame") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Fire Variables") } ] vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_dripsLife, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Lifetime") tooltip("Life duration of drips") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsLifeRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Life Rand") tooltip("Random additive applied to life duration") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_dripsSpeedScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Speed Scale") tooltip("Fraction of chunk speed that is applied to starting velocity of drips") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsSpeedScaleRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Speed Scale Rand") tooltip("Randomize speed scale by this fraction") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZ, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Z Vel") tooltip("Upwards velocity applied to drips velocity") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsVelocityAddZRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Z Vel Rand") tooltip("Random additive applied to upwards velocity") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_dripsVelocityAddSideways, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Side Vel") tooltip("Random sideways velocity as fraction of forward velocity") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_dripsGravity, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Gravity") tooltip("Drips gravity at start of life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsGravityEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Gravity Rand") tooltip("Drips gravity at end of life") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_dripsMaxRotVel, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Max RotVel") tooltip("Maximum rotational velocity of drips") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsFriction, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Friction") tooltip("Fraction of starting velocity to decelerate per second") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsEndSizeAdd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips End Size") tooltip("Add this to the size of the chunk, to give the end size of the drips") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_dripsStartSizeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips Start Scale") tooltip("Multiply this by the size of the chunk, to give the start size of the drips") } ] floatedit(flameVar_dripsEndSizeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Drips End Scale") tooltip("Multiply this by the size of the chunk, to give the end size of the flame") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Drip Variables") } ] vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeLife, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Lifetime") tooltip("Life duration of smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeLifeRand, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Life Rand") tooltip("Random additive applied to life duration") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_smokeSpeedScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Speed Scale") tooltip("Fraction of chunk speed that is applied to starting velocity of smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeVelocityAddZ, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Z Vel") tooltip("Upwards velocity applied to drips velocity") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeGravity, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Gravity") tooltip("Smoke gravity at start of life") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeGravityEnd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Gravity Rand") tooltip("Smoke gravity at end of life") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeMaxRotation, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Max Rot") tooltip("Maximum rotation (ROLL) of smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeMaxRotVel, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Max RotVel") tooltip("Maximum rotational velocity of smoke") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_smokeFriction, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Friction") tooltip("Fraction of starting velocity to decelerate per second") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeStartSizeAdd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Start Size") tooltip("Add this to the size of the chunk, to give the start size of the smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeEndSizeAdd, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke End Size") tooltip("Add this to the size of the chunk, to give the end size of the smoke") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeOriginSizeOfsZScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Size Z Ofs") tooltip("Fraction of size to add to the Z origin of the smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeOriginOfsZ, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Z Ofs") tooltip("Absolute value to add to the starting Z origin") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_smokeFadein, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Fadein") tooltip("Fraction of life to spend fading the smoke in") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeFadeout, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Fadeout") tooltip("Fraction of life to spend fading the smoke out") } ] } floatedit(flameVar_smokeMaxAlpha, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Max Smoke Alpha") tooltip("Maximum alpha for smoke") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeBrightness, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Brightness") tooltip("Brightness value of smoke. 1.0 = untouched") } ] floatedit(flameVar_smokeOriginOffset, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Smoke Spawn Ofs") tooltip("Offset multiplier to shift smoke create location") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Smoke Variables") } ] vcontainer { floatedit(flameVar_collisionSpeedScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Coll Speed Scale") tooltip("Reduce speed by this scale when colliding with solid objects") } ] floatedit(flameVar_collisionVolumeScale, 1, 110) [ exec { label("Coll Vol Scale") tooltip("Value used to scale the volume/size of the flame chunks used for character collision") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Collision Variables") } ] }