#name "bulletweapon" #dll "all" "weapon" #target_dir "weapons/sp/" // target location 1 (single-player) #target_dir "weapons/mp/" // target location 2 (multi-player) #target_dir "xmodel/" #target_dir "" #target_dir "xanim/" #file_ext "*" #version 60 // This tells the configstring converter what the file type identifier should be enum { "WEAPONFILE" } configstringFileType // This uses the config string convert's multi-target folder // mechanism to make the weapon either a single-player weapon // or a multi-player weapon. // The first character is used to specify which target folder to go in enum { "1: Single-Player", "2: Multi-Player" } targetFolder string displayName string modeName enum { "none", "other", "pistol", "smg", "autorifle", "mg", "sniper", "rocketlauncher", "explosive", "turret", "c4", "radio" } playerAnimType string altWeapon string AIOverlayDescription enum { "bullet", "binoculars" } weaponType enum { "rifle", "mg", "smg", "pistol", "item", "spread" } weaponClass enum { "none", "small", "medium", "large" } penetrateType enum { "bullet_small", "none", "bullet_large", "bullet_ap", "shotgun", "grenade_bounce", "grenade_explode", "rocket_explode", "projectile_dud", "mortar_shell", "tank_shell" } impactType enum { "primary", "offhand", "item", "altmode" } inventoryType enum { "Full Auto", "Single Shot", "2-Round Burst", "3-Round Burst", "4-Round Burst" } fireType enum { "bottom", "top", "left", "dp28", "ptrs", "lmg" } clipType int 1 0 1 twoHanded int 1 0 1 rifleBullet int 0 0 1 armorPiercing int 0 0 1 boltAction int 0 0 1 aimDownSight int 1 0 1 rechamberWhileAds int 0 0 1 noADSAutoReload // SRS 3/27/08: exposing noAdsAutoReload to GDT int 0 0 1 noPartialReload int 0 0 1 segmentedReload int 0 0 1 adsFire int 0 0 1 noAdsWhenMagEmpty int 0 0 1 avoidDropCleanup int 0 0 1 enhanced int 0 0 1 bayonet int 0 0 1 cancelAutoHolsterWhenEmpty int 0 0 1 suppressAmmoReserveDisplay int 0 0 1 laserSightDuringNightvision int 0 0 1 blocksProne int 0 0 1 silenced int 0 0 1 mountableWeapon float 1600 0 8000 autoAimRange float 3200 0 8000 aimAssistRange float 3200 0 8000 aimAssistRangeAds float 1600 0 10000 enemyCrosshairRange int 1 0 1 crosshairColorChange float 1 0 5 moveSpeedScale float 1 0 5 adsMoveSpeedScale float 1 0 5 sprintDurationScale int 30 0 99 gunMaxPitch int 30 0 99 gunMaxYaw float 0.33 0 1 lowAmmoWarningThreshold string ammoName int 100 0 999 maxAmmo int 0 0 1000 startAmmo string clipName int 10 0 999 clipSize int 1 1 20 shotCount int 0 0 999 dropAmmoMin int 0 0 999 dropAmmoMax int 0 0 999 reloadAmmoAdd int 0 0 999 reloadStartAdd int 30 0 1000 damage int 30 0 1000 minDamage int 25 0 1000 meleeDamage float 15000 1 15000 maxDamageRange float 16000 1 16000 minDamageRange int 30 0 1000 playerDamage float 1.0 0 10 locNone float 4.0 0 10 locHelmet float 4.0 0 10 locHead float 5.0 0 10 locNeck float 1.0 0 10 locTorsoUpper float 0.9 0 10 locTorsoLower float 0.8 0 10 locRightArmUpper float 0.6 0 10 locRightArmLower float 0.4 0 10 locRightHand float 0.8 0 10 locLeftArmUpper float 0.6 0 10 locLeftArmLower float 0.4 0 10 locLeftHand float 0.8 0 10 locRightLegUpper float 0.6 0 10 locRightLegLower float 0.4 0 10 locRightFoot float 0.8 0 10 locLeftLegUpper float 0.6 0 10 locLeftLegLower float 0.4 0 10 locLeftFoot float 0 0 10 locGun float 0.1 0.0 10.0 fireTime float 0.1 0 10.0 fireDelay float 0.7 0.0 10.0 meleeTime float 0.0 0.0 10.0 meleeChargeTime float 0.25 0.05 10.0 meleeDelay float 0.0 0.0 10.0 meleeChargeDelay float 2.0 0.0 10.0 reloadTime float 2.0 0.0 10.0 reloadEmptyTime float 0 0.0 10.0 reloadEmptyAddTime float 0 0.0 10.0 reloadStartTime float 0 0.0 10.0 reloadEndTime float 0 0.0 10.0 reloadAddTime float 0 0.0 10.0 reloadStartAddTime float 0.1 0.0 10.0 rechamberTime float 0 0.0 10.0 rechamberBoltTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 dropTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 raiseTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 altDropTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 altRaiseTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 quickDropTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 quickRaiseTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 firstRaiseTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 emptyDropTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 emptyRaiseTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 sprintInTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 sprintLoopTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 sprintOutTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 deployTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 breakdownTime float 0.5 0.0 10.0 nightVisionWearTime float 0.0 0.0 10.0 nightVisionWearTimeFadeOutEnd float 0.0 0.0 10.0 nightVisionWearTimePowerUp float 0.5 0.0 10.0 nightVisionRemoveTime float 0.0 0.0 10.0 nightVisionRemoveTimePowerDown float 0.0 0.0 10.0 nightVisionRemoveTimeFadeInStart float 0 -300 300 standMoveF float 1 -300 300 standMoveR float -1.5 -300 300 standMoveU float 0 -300 300 standRotP float 0 -300 300 standRotY float 0 -300 300 standRotR float 110 0 3000 standMoveMinSpeed float 110 0 1000 standRotMinSpeed float 4 0 300 posMoveRate float 5 0 300 posRotRate float 0 -300 300 sprintOfsF float 0 -300 300 sprintOfsR float 0 -300 300 sprintOfsU float 0 -300 300 sprintRotP float 0 -300 300 sprintRotY float 0 -300 300 sprintRotR float 1 0 10 sprintBobH float 1 0 10 sprintBobV float 1 0.01 10 sprintScale float -3 -300 300 duckedSprintOfsF float -5 -300 300 duckedSprintOfsR float -5 -300 300 duckedSprintOfsU float 0 -300 300 duckedSprintRotP float 0 -300 300 duckedSprintRotY float 0 -300 300 duckedSprintRotR float 1 0 10 duckedSprintBobH float 1 0 10 duckedSprintBobV float 1 0.01 10 duckedSprintScale float 0 -300 300 duckedMoveF float 1 -300 300 duckedMoveR float -1.5 -300 300 duckedMoveU float 0 -300 300 duckedRotP float 0 -300 300 duckedRotY float 0 -300 300 duckedRotR float -2 -300 300 duckedOfsF float 2 -300 300 duckedOfsR float -0.2 -300 300 duckedOfsU float 60 0 3000 duckedMoveMinSpeed float 60 0 1000 duckedRotMinSpeed float 0 -300 300 proneMoveF float 1 -300 300 proneMoveR float -1.5 -300 300 proneMoveU float 0 -300 300 proneRotP float 0 -300 300 proneRotY float 0 -300 300 proneRotR float -6 -300 300 proneOfsF float 3.5 -300 300 proneOfsR float 0.8 -300 300 proneOfsU float 10 0 300 posProneMoveRate float 10 0 300 posProneRotRate float 0 0 3000 proneMoveMinSpeed float 0 0 1000 proneRotMinSpeed int 80 0 150 hipIdleAmount int 25 0 150 adsIdleAmount float 1.0 0 100 hipIdleSpeed float 1.0 0 100 adsIdleSpeed float 0.5 0 1 idleCrouchFactor float 0.15 0 1 idleProneFactor float 0 0 10 adsSpread float 0 -30 30 adsAimPitch float 0.3 0 10 adsTransInTime float 0.6 0 10 adsTransOutTime float 0.1 0 5 adsTransBlendTime float 0.6 0 5 adsReloadTransTime float 1 0 1 adsCrosshairInFrac float 0.2 0 1 adsCrosshairOutFrac float 65 1 160 adsZoomFov float 0.5 0 1 adsZoomInFrac float 0.1 0 1 adsZoomOutFrac float 1.0 0 10 adsBobFactor float 0 0 100 adsViewBobMult float 0 0 90 adsViewErrorMin float 0 0 90 adsViewErrorMax float 4 0 90 hipSpreadStandMin float 3 0 90 hipSpreadDuckedMin float 2 0 90 hipSpreadProneMin float 10 0 90 hipSpreadMax float 10 0 90 hipSpreadDuckedMax float 10 0 90 hipSpreadProneMax float 0.25 0 1 hipSpreadFireAdd float 0 0 10 hipSpreadTurnAdd float 0 0 10 hipSpreadMoveAdd float 1.5 0 50 hipSpreadDecayRate float 1.375 0 10 hipSpreadDuckedDecay float 1.6 0 10 hipSpreadProneDecay int 4 0 100 hipGunKickReducedKickBullets float 20 0 100 hipGunKickReducedKickPercent float -5 -100 100 hipGunKickPitchMin float -3 -100 100 hipGunKickPitchMax float -15 -100 100 hipGunKickYawMin float 15 -100 100 hipGunKickYawMax float 250 0 1000 hipGunKickAccel float 500 0 10000 hipGunKickSpeedMax float 15 0 100 hipGunKickSpeedDecay float 1 0 100 hipGunKickStaticDecay int 4 0 100 adsGunKickReducedKickBullets float 20 0 100 adsGunKickReducedKickPercent float -30 -100 100 adsGunKickPitchMin float -20 -100 100 adsGunKickPitchMax float -17 -100 100 adsGunKickYawMin float 17 -100 100 adsGunKickYawMax float 250 0 1000 adsGunKickAccel float 1000 0 10000 adsGunKickSpeedMax float 10 0 100 adsGunKickSpeedDecay float 1 0 100 adsGunKickStaticDecay float 20 -100 100 hipViewKickPitchMin float 40 -100 100 hipViewKickPitchMax float -15 -100 100 hipViewKickYawMin float 15 -100 100 hipViewKickYawMax float 2000 10 10000 hipViewKickCenterSpeed float 20 -200 200 adsViewKickPitchMin float 95 -200 200 adsViewKickPitchMax float -10 -200 200 adsViewKickYawMin float 30 -200 200 adsViewKickYawMax float 2000 10 10000 adsViewKickCenterSpeed float 30 0 180 swayMaxAngle float 6 1 50 swayLerpSpeed float 0.1 -2 2 swayPitchScale float 0.1 -2 2 swayYawScale float 0.1 -2 2 swayHorizScale float 0.1 -2 2 swayVertScale float 5 0 20 swayShellShockScale float 30 0 180 adsSwayMaxAngle float 6 1 50 adsSwayLerpSpeed float 0.1 -2 2 adsSwayPitchScale float 0.1 -2 2 adsSwayYawScale float 0.1 -2 2 adsSwayHorizScale float 0.1 -2 2 adsSwayVertScale float 720 1 100000 fightDist float 1400 1 100000 maxDist string aiVsAiAccuracyGraph string aiVsPlayerAccuracyGraph string reticleCenter string reticleSide int 32 1 480 reticleCenterSize int 16 1 480 reticleSideSize int 0 0 480 reticleMinOfs float 0 0 1 hipReticleSidePos string adsOverlayShader string adsOverlayShaderLowRes enum { "none", "crosshair", "FG42", "Springfield", "binoculars" } adsOverlayReticle int 320 1 640 adsOverlayWidth int 240 1 480 adsOverlayHeight string gunModel string gunModel2 string gunModel3 string gunModel4 string gunModel5 string gunModel6 string gunModel7 string gunModel8 string gunModel9 string gunModel10 string gunModel11 string gunModel12 string gunModel13 string gunModel14 string gunModel15 string gunModel16 string handModel string worldModel string worldModel2 string worldModel3 string worldModel4 string worldModel5 string worldModel6 string worldModel7 string worldModel8 string worldModel9 string worldModel10 string worldModel11 string worldModel12 string worldModel13 string worldModel14 string worldModel15 string worldModel16 string worldClipModel string knifeModel string worldKnifeModel string idleAnim string emptyIdleAnim string fireAnim string lastShotAnim string rechamberAnim string meleeAnim string meleeChargeAnim string reloadAnim string reloadEmptyAnim string reloadStartAnim string reloadEndAnim string raiseAnim string dropAnim string firstRaiseAnim string altRaiseAnim string altDropAnim string quickRaiseAnim string quickDropAnim string emptyRaiseAnim string emptyDropAnim string sprintInAnim string sprintLoopAnim string sprintOutAnim string nightVisionWearAnim string nightVisionRemoveAnim string adsFireAnim string adsLastShotAnim string adsRechamberAnim string adsUpAnim string adsDownAnim string deployAnim string breakdownAnim string viewFlashEffect string worldFlashEffect string viewShellEjectEffect string worldShellEjectEffect string viewLastShotEjectEffect string worldLastShotEjectEffect string worldClipDropEffect string pickupSound string pickupSoundPlayer string ammoPickupSound string ammoPickupSoundPlayer string breakdownSound string breakdownSoundPlayer string deploySound string deploySoundPlayer string finishDeploySound string finishDeploySoundPlayer string fireSound string fireSoundPlayer string lastShotSound string lastShotSoundPlayer string emptyFireSound string emptyFireSoundPlayer string crackSound string whizbySound string meleeSwipeSound string meleeSwipeSoundPlayer string meleeHitSound string meleeMissSound string rechamberSound string rechamberSoundPlayer string reloadSound string reloadSoundPlayer string reloadEmptySound string reloadEmptySoundPlayer string reloadStartSound string reloadStartSoundPlayer string reloadEndSound string reloadEndSoundPlayer string altSwitchSound string altSwitchSoundPlayer string raiseSound string raiseSoundPlayer string firstRaiseSound string firstRaiseSoundPlayer string putawaySound string putawaySoundPlayer string nightVisionWearSound string nightVisionWearSoundPlayer string nightVisionRemoveSound string nightVisionRemoveSoundPlayer string standMountedWeapdef string crouchMountedWeapdef string proneMountedWeapdef string mountedModel string hudIcon string killIcon string dpadIcon string ammoCounterIcon enum { "4:1", "1:1", "2:1" } hudIconRatio enum { "4:1", "1:1", "2:1" } killIconRatio enum { "4:1", "1:1", "2:1" } dpadIconRatio enum { "4:1", "1:1" } ammoCounterIconRatio enum { "None", "Magazine", "ShortMagazine", "Shotgun", "Rocket", "Beltfed", "AltWeapon" } ammoCounterClip int 1 0 1 flipKillIcon keyenum("rumble.gdf") fireRumble keyenum("rumble.gdf") meleeImpactRumble float 0 0 100 adsDofStart float 0 0 100 adsDofEnd string hideTags string notetrackSoundMap vcontainer { scrollbox(targetFolder) [ exec { label("Target Folder") tooltip("Select platform-gametype this weapon will be used in.") width(270) } ] edit(displayName) [ exec { label("Display Name") tooltip("Localization alias for weapon name displayed on HUD in game.") width(500) } ] edit(modeName) [ exec { label("Mode Name") tooltip("Localization alias for selective fire mode text displayed on HUD in game.") width(500) } ] scrollbox(playerAnimType) [ exec { label("Player Anim Type") tooltip("Select an Player Anim Type - specifies \"playerAnimType\" in playeranim.script") } ] edit(altWeapon) [ exec { label("Alt Weapon Name") tooltip("Weapon to switch to when this weapon's selective fire mode is switched in the game.") width(500) } ] edit(AIOverlayDescription) [ exec { label("AI Description") tooltip("Localization alias for text shown when crosshair is placed over a friendly. Eg. Rifleman, Submachine Gunner, etc.") width(500) } ] scrollbox(inventoryType) [ exec { label("Inventory") tooltip("Select what sort of inventory this weapon is.") } ] scrollbox(weaponType) [ exec { label("Type") tooltip("Select a weapon type.") } ] scrollbox(weaponClass) [ exec { label("Class") tooltip("Select an appropriate class for this weapon.") } ] scrollbox(penetrateType) [ exec { label("Penetration") tooltip("Type of bullet penetration.") } ] scrollbox(impactType) [ exec { width(300) label("Impact Type") tooltip("The impact type, used to play impact effects based on surfacetype") } ] scrollbox(fireType) [ exec { width(300) label("Fire Type") tooltip("Behavior of the weapon when the trigger is held down.") } ] scrollbox(clipType) [ exec { width(300) label("Clip Type") tooltip("Determines how the clip gets inserted into the weapon.") } ] hcontainer { // checkbox(twoHanded) // [ // exec // { // label("Two Handed") // tooltip("Not used in CoD2.") // righttext() // } // ] checkbox(rifleBullet) [ exec { label("Rifle Bullet") tooltip("Uses pistol bullets if not checked. Rifle bullets apply damage to the highest priority hit location (locationdamage.gdt) along the bullet's path, and will go through people. Pistol bullets don't.") righttext() } ] checkbox(armorPiercing) [ exec { label("Armor Piercing") tooltip("Does damage to armored targets if checked.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(boltAction) [ exec { label("Bolt Action") tooltip("Turn this on for bolt-action weapons only. Animation control.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(aimDownSight) [ exec { label("ADS") tooltip("Must be turned on for proper viewmodel appearance of a weapon that can be Aimed Down the Sight (ADS).") righttext() } ] checkbox(adsFire) [ exec { label("ADS Fire Only") tooltip("Can only be fired ADS. Firing from the hip brings up ADS.") righttext() } ] checkbox(rechamberWhileAds) [ exec { label("ADS Rechamber") tooltip("Weapon can be rechambered while in ADS.") righttext() } ] } // SRS 3/27/08: exposing noAdsAutoReload to GDT hcontainer { checkbox(noADSAutoReload) [ exec { label("No ADS Auto-Reload") tooltip("Disallow auto-reloading while the weapon is in ADS.") width(350) labelwidth(350) righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(noAdsWhenMagEmpty) [ exec { label("No ADS With Empty Magazine") tooltip("Disallow ADS when magazine is empty.") width(350) labelwidth(350) righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(avoidDropCleanup) [ exec { label("No Auto-Cleanup of Dropped Weapon") tooltip("Avoid having dropped weapons of this type deleted to make room for new ones.") width(350) labelwidth(350) righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(noPartialReload) [ exec { label("No Partial Reload") tooltip("When noPartialReload is set for a weapon, it can not be reloaded unless reloadAmmoAdd amount of ammo can be put into the gun. If reloadAmmoAdd is 0, it's treated as the weapon's clip size.") righttext() } ] checkbox(segmentedReload) [ exec { label("Segmented Reload") tooltip("Turn on for weapons that reload X rounds at a time (Lee-Enfield, bolt-action sniper rifles), set reload amounts in Reload Ammo Add and Reload Start Add.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(enhanced) [ exec { label("Enhanced") tooltip("This weapon will be an upgraded version of the ones with the same ammo type.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(bayonet) [ exec { label("Bayonet") tooltip("This weapon is equipped with a bayonet, which will be used for melee attacks.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(blocksProne) [ exec { label("Cannot Go Prone") tooltip("The player cannot go prone when they have this weapon equiped.") righttext() } ] checkbox(silenced) [ exec { label("Silenced") tooltip("This weapon is considered silenced.") righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(laserSightDuringNightvision) [ exec { label("Draw Laser Sight in Nightvision") tooltip("When using nightvision, this weapon will emit an infrared laser.") width(350) labelwidth(350) righttext() } ] } //////////////////////////////////////// // Mountable weaponry //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { checkbox(mountableWeapon) [ exec { label("Weapon can be mounted") tooltip("This weapon can be mounted on mount brushes") width(300) labelwidth(280) righttext() } ] hcontainer { floatedit(deployTime, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Deploy Time") tooltip("The time it takes to deploy this weapon") width(280) labelwidth(140) } ] floatedit(breakdownTime, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Breakdown Time") tooltip("The time it takes to breakdown this weapon if it is deployed") width(280) labelwidth(140) } ] } hcontainer { edit(standMountedWeapdef) [ exec { label("Standing Weapondef") tooltip("This is the weapondef in turretsettings.gdt that will be used if the weapon is mounted while standing") width(280) labelwidth(150) } ] edit(mountedModel) [ exec { label("Mounted Model") tooltip("This is the model that will be used if the weapon is mounted") width(280) labelwidth(120) } ] } hcontainer { edit(crouchMountedWeapdef) [ exec { label("Crouching Weapondef") tooltip("This is the weapondef in turretsettings.gdt that will be used if the weapon is mounted while crouching") width(280) labelwidth(150) } ] } hcontainer { edit(proneMountedWeapdef) [ exec { label("Prone Weapondef") tooltip("This is the weapondef in turretsettings.gdt that will be used if the weapon is mounted while prone") width(280) labelwidth(150) } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Mountable Weaponry") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(enemyCrosshairRange, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Enemy Crosshair Range") tooltip("The range in at which friendly names appear and friendly or enemy changes your crosshair color.") width(280) labelwidth(180) } ] checkbox(crosshairColorChange) [ exec { label("Crosshair Color Change") tooltip("Change crosshair color if pointing at friendly or enemy") width(200) labelwidth(200) righttext() } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(moveSpeedScale, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Speed Scale") tooltip("When using this weapon, player movement speed is multiplied by this amount.") labelwidth(180) } ] floatedit(adsMoveSpeedScale, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("ADS Move Speed Scale") tooltip("When using this weapon and in ADS, player movement speed is multiplied by this amount.") labelwidth(180) } ] } floatedit(sprintDurationScale, 0.1, 5) [ exec { label("Sprint Duration Scale") tooltip("When sprinting with this weapon, sprint duration is multiplied by this amount.") labelwidth(180) width(260) } ] hcontainer { floatedit(lowAmmoWarningThreshold, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Clip-Ammo Low Warning %") tooltip("The game optionally displays low-ammo warnings when remaining clip ammo goes below this percentage.") labelwidth(180) width(280) } ] } hcontainer { spinedit(gunMaxPitch, 1, 99) [ exec { label("Max Gun Pitch") tooltip("Maximum allowed vertical ascent of the viewmodel due to recoil (degrees).") } ] spinedit(gunMaxYaw, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Max Gun Yaw") tooltip("Maximum allowed horizontal travel of the viewmodel due to recoil (degrees).") } ] } //////////////////////////////////////// // Aim Assist //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { floatedit(autoAimRange, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Auto Aim Range") tooltip("(Console only.) The range in world units up to which entering ADS will lock-on to enemies. (1 world unit = 1 inch)") } ] hcontainer { floatedit(aimAssistRange, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Aim Assist Range") tooltip("(Console only.) The range in world units up to which the crosshair will stick to targets. (1 world unit = 1 inch)") } ] floatedit(aimAssistRangeAds, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Aim Assist Range ADS") tooltip("(Console only.) The range in world units up to which the crosshair will stick to targets in ADS. (1 world unit = 1 inch)") width(260) labelwidth(160) } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Aim Assist (Console only)") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Ammunition //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { edit(ammoName) [ exec { label("Ammo Name") tooltip("Allows different weapons to share the same ammo pool.") width(500) } ] edit(clipName) [ exec { label("Clip Name") tooltip("Allows different weapons to share clips. Used for weapons that have a selective fire option, and would therefore need to use the same type of clip.") width(500) } ] hcontainer { spinedit(maxAmmo, 10, 20) [ exec { label("Max Ammo") tooltip("Max ammo the player can collect for this weapon. No effect on AI.") } ] spinedit(startAmmo, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Start Ammo") tooltip("How much ammo the player gets when starting with this weapon. One clip/magazine from this amount will be already in the weapon. No effect on AI.") } ] spinedit(clipSize, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Clip Size") tooltip("Specifies how many bullets per clip/magazine.") } ] } hcontainer { spinedit(dropAmmoMin, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Drop Min") tooltip("When dropped by AI/player/hand-placed in editor, contains at least this much ammo. Not limited to real-life clip/magazine size.") } ] spinedit(dropAmmoMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Drop Max") tooltip("When dropped by AI/player/hand-placed in editor, contains no more than this much ammo. Not limited to real-life clip/magazine size.") } ] spinedit(shotCount, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Shotgun Shot Count") tooltip("Specifies how many chunks per shotgun blast.") } ] } hcontainer { spinedit(reloadAmmoAdd, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Reload Ammo Add") tooltip("For weapons with Segmented Reload turned on. Amount to add when reloading with some amount of bullets still remaining in the weapon.") } ] spinedit(reloadStartAdd, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Reload Start Add") tooltip("For weapons with Segmented Reload turned on. Amount to add for the first reload segment (ie: when weapon is empty.)") } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(cancelAutoHolsterWhenEmpty) [ exec { label("Do Not Auto-Holster When Empty") tooltip("When weapons are empty, they are normally auto-swapped to the next usable weapon in the player's inventory. This disables that.") width(300) labelwidth(280) righttext() } ] } hcontainer { checkbox(suppressAmmoReserveDisplay) [ exec { label("Hide Display of Reserve Ammo") tooltip("") width(300) labelwidth(280) righttext() } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Ammunition") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Damage //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { spinedit(minDamage, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Min Dmg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet, applied beyond Min Dmg Range.") } ] floatedit(minDamageRange, 120, 8000) [ exec { label("Min Dmg Range") tooltip("Range in world units, beyond which the minimum damage is applied. (1 world unit = 1 inch)") } ] } hcontainer { spinedit(damage, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Max Dmg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet, applied up to Max Dmg Range. Damage falls off linearly from Max Dmg Range until reaching Min Dmg at Min Dmg Range.") } ] floatedit(maxDamageRange, 120, 8000) [ exec { label("Max Dmg Range") tooltip("Range in world units, up to which the maximum damage is applied. (1 world unit = 1 inch)") } ] } hcontainer { spinedit(meleeDamage, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Melee") tooltip("Damage per melee hit.") } ] spinedit(playerDamage, 1, 10) [ exec { label("AI-player damage") tooltip("Damage done to player when hit by an AI") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Damage") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Location Damage //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(locNone, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("None") tooltip("Unrelated to weapon. Used for damage that's not location based, such as grenades or falling. Included here for completeness.") } ] floatedit(locHelmet, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Helmet") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locHead, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Head") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locNeck, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Neck") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locTorsoUpper, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Upper Torso") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locTorsoLower, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Lower Torso") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftArmUpper, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Upper Arm") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightArmUpper, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Upper Arm") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftArmLower, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Lower Arm") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightArmLower, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Lower Arm") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftHand, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Hand") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightHand, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Hand") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftLegUpper, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Upper Leg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightLegUpper, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Upper Leg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftLegLower, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Lower Leg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightLegLower, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Lower Leg") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(locLeftFoot, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Left Foot") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] floatedit(locRightFoot, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Right Foot") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } floatedit(locGun, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Gun") tooltip("Damage per-bullet multiplier.") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Location Damage") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // State Timers //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(fireTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Fire") tooltip("Rate of fire in seconds per round. Maximum possible rate is 0.05 seconds per round, or 1200 rounds per minute.") } ] floatedit(fireDelay, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Fire Delay") tooltip("Delay in seconds between pressing the fire button and the weapon actually firing.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(meleeTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Melee") tooltip("Rate of fire in seconds per melee attack.") } ] floatedit(meleeDelay, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Melee Delay") tooltip("Delay in seconds between pressing the fire button and the melee attack actually happening.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(meleeChargeTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Melee Charge") tooltip("Rate of fire in seconds per melee charge attack.") } ] floatedit(meleeChargeDelay, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Melee Charge Delay") tooltip("Delay in seconds between pressing the fire button and the melee charge attack actually happening.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(reloadTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload") tooltip("The number of seconds over which the non-empty reload animation will be played. In segmented reload weapons, this is the animation that loops to give the player ammo.") } ] floatedit(reloadEmptyTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload Empty") tooltip("The number of seconds over which the empty reload animation will be played.") } ] floatedit(reloadEmptyAddTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload Empty Add Time") tooltip("During an empty reload, when the gun will literally get more ammo (ammo counter fills up). Uses Reload Add if set to zero.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(reloadStartTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload Start") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(reloadEndTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload End") tooltip("For a segmented reload weapon, the number of seconds over which the reload end animation will be played.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(reloadAddTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload Add") tooltip("During an partial reload, when the gun will literally get more ammo (ammo counter fills up).") } ] floatedit(reloadStartAddTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Reload Start Add") tooltip("Animations will get scaled to match this time.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(rechamberTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Rechamber") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(rechamberBoltTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Rechamber Bolt") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(dropTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Drop") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(raiseTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Raise") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(firstRaiseTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("First Raise") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(altDropTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Alt Drop") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(altRaiseTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Alt Raise") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(quickDropTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Quick Drop") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(quickRaiseTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Quick Raise") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(emptyDropTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Empty Drop") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(emptyRaiseTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Empty Raise") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(sprintInTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Sprint In") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(sprintLoopTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Sprint Loop") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(sprintOutTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Sprint Out") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(nightVisionWearTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Nightvision Wear") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(nightVisionWearTimeFadeOutEnd, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("...end of fade-out") tooltip("At this point in 'Nightvision Wear', player's vision has faded to black as they bring their goggles down.") } ] floatedit(nightVisionWearTimePowerUp, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("...power up") tooltip("At this point in 'Nightvision Wear', the player's goggles start their power up.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(nightVisionRemoveTime, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("Nightvision Remove") tooltip("How long this weapon state will last. The viewmodel animations will get scaled to match the times set.") } ] floatedit(nightVisionRemoveTimePowerDown, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("...power down") tooltip("At this point in 'Nightvision Remove', the player's goggles cut to black.") } ] floatedit(nightVisionRemoveTimeFadeInStart, 0.05, 0.2) [ exec { label("...start fade-in") tooltip("At this point in 'Nightvision Remove', the player's vision fades from black to normal as they remove their goggles.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("State Timers") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Sprint Movement Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(sprintOfsF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Forward") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will slide forward by this amount. (-ive for backward)") } ] floatedit(sprintOfsR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Right") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(sprintOfsU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Up") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(sprintRotP, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Pitch") tooltip("Viewmodel will pitch by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for down/up respectively)") } ] floatedit(sprintRotY, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Yaw") tooltip("Viewmodel will yaw by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(sprintRotR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Roll") tooltip("Viewmodel will roll by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(sprintBobH, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Horiz Bob") tooltip("A multiplier applied to the standard horizontal bob for weapons when sprinting domain 0-10") } ] floatedit(sprintBobV, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Vert Bob") tooltip("A multiplier applied to the standard vertical bob for weapons when sprinting domain 0-10") } ] floatedit(sprintScale, 0.01, 1) [ exec { label("MoveSpeed Scale") tooltip("A multiplier applied to xy movement of the viewmodel during sprint higher is faster") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Sprint Movement Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Stand Movement Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(standMoveF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Forward") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate forward/backward by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for forward/backward respectively)") } ] floatedit(standMoveR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Right") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(standMoveU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Up") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(standRotP, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Pitch") tooltip("Viewmodel will pitch by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for down/up respectively)") } ] floatedit(standRotY, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Yaw") tooltip("Viewmodel will yaw by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(standRotR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Roll") tooltip("Viewmodel will roll by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(standMoveMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Move Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] floatedit(posMoveRate, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Pos Move Rate") tooltip("Controls speed of viewmodel translation while moving in stand and crouch, transitions between stand and crouch, and crouch into prone.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(standRotMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Rot Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] floatedit(posRotRate, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Pos Rot Rate") tooltip("Rotational speed of viewmodel in standing and crouching. If this is set in the prone section, a value should be entered here so that the viewmodel is able to rotate back to normal in crouch and stand.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Stand Movement Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Crouch Sprinting Movement Settings //////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////// // Vahn commented out so it doesn't // show in Asset Manager since this // feature was cut //////////////////////////////////////// // vcontainer // { // hcontainer // { // floatedit(duckedSprintOfsF, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Offset Forward") // tooltip("Viewmodel will translate forward/backward by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for forward/backward respectively)") // } // ] // // floatedit(duckedSprintOfsR, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Offset Right") // tooltip("Viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") // } // ] // // floatedit(duckedSprintOfsU, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Offset Up") // tooltip("Viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for up/down respectively)") // } // ] // } // // hcontainer // { // floatedit(duckedSprintRotP, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Rot Pitch") // tooltip("Viewmodel will pitch by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for down/up respectively)") // } // ] // // floatedit(duckedSprintRotY, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Rot Yaw") // tooltip("Viewmodel will yaw by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") // } // ] // // floatedit(duckedSprintRotR, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Rot Roll") // tooltip("Viewmodel will roll by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") // } // ] // } // // hcontainer // { // floatedit(duckedSprintBobH, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Horiz Bob") // tooltip("A multiplier applied to the standard horizontal bob for weapons when crouch sprinting domain 0-10") // } // ] // // floatedit(duckedSprintBobV, 0.1, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("Vert Bob") // tooltip("A multiplier applied to the standard vertical bob for weapons when crouch sprinting domain 0-10") // } // ] // floatedit(duckedSprintScale, 0.01, 1) // [ // exec // { // label("MoveSpeed Scale") // tooltip("A multiplier applied to xy movement of the viewmodel during crouched sprint higher is faster") // } // ] // } // } // [ // exec // { // groupBox("Crouch Sprinting Movement Settings") // } // ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Crouch Movement Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(duckedMoveF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Forward") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate forward/backward by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for forward/backward respectively)") } ] floatedit(duckedMoveR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Right") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(duckedMoveU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Up") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(duckedRotP, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Pitch") tooltip("Viewmodel will pitch by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for down/up respectively)") } ] floatedit(duckedRotY, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Yaw") tooltip("Viewmodel will yaw by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(duckedRotR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Roll") tooltip("Viewmodel will roll by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(duckedOfsF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Forward") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will slide forward by this amount. (-ive for backward)") } ] floatedit(duckedOfsR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Right") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(duckedOfsU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Up") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } floatedit(duckedMoveMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Move Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] floatedit(duckedRotMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Rot Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Crouch Movement Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Prone Movement Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(proneMoveF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Forward") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate forward/backward by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for forward/backward respectively)") } ] floatedit(proneMoveR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Right") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(proneMoveU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Up") tooltip("Viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(proneRotP, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Pitch") tooltip("Viewmodel will pitch by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for down/up respectively)") } ] floatedit(proneRotY, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Yaw") tooltip("Viewmodel will yaw by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(proneRotR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Rot Roll") tooltip("Viewmodel will roll by this amount if the player is moving in this stance. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(proneOfsF, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Forward") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will slide forward by this amount. (-ive for backward)") } ] floatedit(proneOfsR, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Right") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate horizontally by this amount. (+/- for left/right respectively)") } ] floatedit(proneOfsU, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Offset Up") tooltip("When the player changes to this stance, the viewmodel will translate vertically by this amount. (+/- for up/down respectively)") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(proneMoveMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Move Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] floatedit(posProneMoveRate, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Pos Move Rate") tooltip("Controls the speed of viewmodel translation while moving in this stance and changing to crouched.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(proneRotMinSpeed, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Rot Min Speed") tooltip("Not used.") } ] floatedit(posProneRotRate, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Pos Rot Rate") tooltip("Controls the speed of viewmodel rotation while moving in this stance.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Prone Movement Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Idle Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { spinedit(hipIdleAmount, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Amount") tooltip("Strength of viewmodel wavering motion when in hipfire position.") } ] spinedit(adsIdleAmount, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Amount") tooltip("Strength of range of viewmodel (or sniper rifle overlay) wavering motion when in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipIdleSpeed, 0.1, 1.0) [ exec { label("Hip Speed") tooltip("How fast the viewmodel wavers in hipfire position within Hip Amount.") } ] floatedit(adsIdleSpeed, 0.1, 1.0) [ exec { label("ADS Speed") tooltip("How fast the viewmodel wavers in ADS within ADS Amount.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(idleCrouchFactor, 0.01, 0.1) [ exec { label("Crouch Factor") tooltip("Hip/ADS Amount multiplier for reducing viewmodel wavering when in this stance.") } ] floatedit(idleProneFactor, 0.01, 0.1) [ exec { label("Prone Factor") tooltip("Hip/ADS Amount multiplier for reducing viewmodel wavering when in this stance.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Idle Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // ADS Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(adsSpread, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Spread") tooltip("Size of bullet spread cone when firing in ADS mode. Bullets will project randomly within the confines of the cone.") } ] floatedit(adsAimPitch, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Aim Pitch") tooltip("Adjusts the pitch of the viewmodel in ADS. Defaults to 0, -6 is perfectly centered.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(adsTransInTime, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Trans In Time") tooltip("Time it will take to switch from hipfire to ADS.") } ] floatedit(adsTransOutTime, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Trans Out Time") tooltip("Time it will take to switch from ADS to hipfire.") } ] } hcontainer { // floatedit(adsTransBlendTime, 0.01, 0.1) // [ // exec // { // label("Trans Blend Time") // tooltip("Not used in CoD2.") // } // ] floatedit(adsReloadTransTime, 0.01, 0.1) [ exec { label("Reload Trans Time") tooltip("Time it takes once you start the reload to re-enter ADS. (ie: It allows you to finish up reloading while you enter ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(adsCrosshairInFrac, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Crosshair In Frac") tooltip("Fraction of the hipfire-to-ADS transition time over which the crosshair disappears.") } ] floatedit(adsCrosshairOutFrac, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Crosshair Out Frac") tooltip("Fraction of the ADS-to-hipfire transition time over which the crosshair appears.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(adsZoomFov, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Zoom FOV") tooltip("Field of view when in ADS.") } ] floatedit(adsZoomInFrac, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Zoom In Frac") tooltip("Fraction of the hipfire-to-ADS transition time over which the FOV zoom-in effect happens.") } ] floatedit(adsZoomOutFrac, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Zoom Out Frac") tooltip("Fraction of the ADS-to-hipfire transition time over which the FOV zoom-out effect happens.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(adsBobFactor, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Bob Factor") tooltip("Strength of viewmodel bobbing due to player movement when using this weapon.") } ] floatedit(adsViewBobMult, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("View Bob Mult") tooltip("Bob Factor multiplier for view bobbing due to player movement when using this weapon in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(adsViewErrorMin, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Min View Error") tooltip("Min View Error.") } ] floatedit(adsViewErrorMax, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Max View Error") tooltip("Max View Error.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("ADS Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Hip Spread //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(hipSpreadStandMin, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Stand Min") tooltip("Smallest diameter the crosshairs can contract to.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadMax, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Stand Max") tooltip("Largest diameter the crosshairs can expand to while standing.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadDecayRate, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Decay Rate") tooltip("Rate at which the crosshairs try to return to the Min hip spread size.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipSpreadDuckedMin, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Crouch Min") tooltip("Size of the crosshairs at rest when crouched.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadDuckedMax, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Crouch Max") tooltip("Largest diameter the crosshairs can expand to while crouched.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadDuckedDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Crouch Decay") tooltip("Multiplier of Decay Rate for crouched stance, controlling how fast the crosshairs return to Crouch Min.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipSpreadProneMin, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Prone Min") tooltip("Size of the crosshairs at rest when prone.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadProneMax, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Prone Max") tooltip("Largest diameter the crosshairs can expand to while prone.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadProneDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Prone Decay") tooltip("Multiplier of Decay Rate for prone stance, controlling how fast the crosshairs return to Prone Min.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipSpreadFireAdd, 0.01, 0.1) [ exec { label("Fire Add") tooltip("Amount by which the crosshairs expand per bullet fired.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadMoveAdd, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Move Add") tooltip("Rate of crosshair expansion due to player movement.") } ] floatedit(hipSpreadTurnAdd, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Turn Add") tooltip("Rate of crosshair expansion due to player panning the view in any direction.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Hip Spread Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Gun Kick //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { spinedit(hipGunKickReducedKickBullets, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Red. Kick Bullets") tooltip("Hipfire viewmodel control reduced kick number of bullets. This is the number of bullets before the weapon uses a full kick amount.") } ] spinedit(adsGunKickReducedKickBullets, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Red. Kick Bullets") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control reduced kick number of bullets. This is the number of bullets before the weapon uses a full kick amount.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickReducedKickPercent, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Red. Kick Percent") tooltip("Hip viewmodel control reduced kick percentage. This is the percentage of the full kick amount to kick the gun for the first few bullets.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickReducedKickPercent, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Red. Kick Percent") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control reduced kick percentage. This is the percentage of the full kick amount to kick the gun for the first few bullets.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickPitchMin, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Pitch Min") tooltip("Hipfire viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel climb/descent. From -100 to 100. Actual viewmodel angle will not exceed Max Gun Pitch.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickPitchMin, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Pitch Min") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickPitchMax, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Pitch Max") tooltip("Hipfire viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel climb/descent. From -100 to 100. Actual viewmodel angle will not exceed Max Gun Pitch.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickPitchMax, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Pitch Max") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickYawMin, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Yaw Min") tooltip("Hipfire viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick left/right'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel yawing. From -100 to 100. Actual viewmodel angle will not exceed Max Gun Yaw.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickYawMin, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Yaw Min") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick left/right'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel yawing. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickYawMax, 1, 5) [ exec { label("Hip Yaw Max") tooltip("Hipfire viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick left/right'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel yawing. From -100 to 100. Actual viewmodel angle will not exceed Max Gun Yaw.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickYawMax, 1, 5) [ exec { label("ADS Yaw Max") tooltip("ADS viewmodel control. +/- sign means 'kick left/right'. Larger absolute numbers increase viewmodel yawing. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickAccel, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Accel") tooltip("Rate at which viewmodel attempts to recenter in hipfire. Directly opposes yaws and pitch accumulation.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickAccel, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Accel") tooltip("Rate at which viewmodel attempts to recenter in ADS. Directly opposes yaws and pitch accumulation.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickSpeedMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Speed Max") tooltip("Maximum deflection speed reached by the viewmodel in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickSpeedMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Speed Max") tooltip("Maximum deflection speed reached by the viewmodel in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickSpeedDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Hip Speed Decay") tooltip("Strength of decay on viewmodel deflection speed in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickSpeedDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("ADS Speed Decay") tooltip("Strength of decay on viewmodel deflection speed in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipGunKickStaticDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("Hip Static Decay") tooltip("Strength of decay on viewmodel recentering once it has stopped deflecting.") } ] floatedit(adsGunKickStaticDecay, 0.1, 1) [ exec { label("ADS Static Decay") tooltip("Strength of decay on viewmodel recentering once it has stopped deflecting.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Gun Kick Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // View Kick //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(hipViewKickPitchMin, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Pitch Min") tooltip("Hipfire view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] floatedit(adsViewKickPitchMin, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Pitch Min") tooltip("ADS view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipViewKickPitchMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Pitch Max") tooltip("Hipfire view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] floatedit(adsViewKickPitchMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Pitch Max") tooltip("ADS view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick down/up'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick climb/descent. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipViewKickYawMin, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Yaw Min") tooltip("Hipfire view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick right/left'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick yaw. From -100 to 100.") } ] floatedit(adsViewKickYawMin, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Yaw Min") tooltip("ADS view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick right/left'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick yaw. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipViewKickYawMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Hip Yaw Max") tooltip("Hipfire view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick right/left'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick yaw. From -100 to 100.") } ] floatedit(adsViewKickYawMax, 1, 10) [ exec { label("ADS Yaw Max") tooltip("ADS view kick control. -/+ sign means 'kick right/left'. Larger absolute numbers increase view kick yaw. From -100 to 100.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipViewKickCenterSpeed, 10, 100) [ exec { label("Hip Center Speed") tooltip("Speed with which the view continuously attempts to recenter in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsViewKickCenterSpeed, 10, 100) [ exec { label("ADS Center Speed") tooltip("Speed with which the view continuously attempts to recenter in ADS.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("View Kick Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Sway settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(swayMaxAngle, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Max Angle") tooltip("Max angle change that will be applied to the hipfire viewmodel sway.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayMaxAngle, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Max Angle") tooltip("Max angle change that will be applied to the ADS viewmodel sway.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(swayLerpSpeed, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Lerp Speed") tooltip("Speed at which the sway will lerp in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayLerpSpeed, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Lerp Speed") tooltip("Speed at which the sway will lerp in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(swayPitchScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Pitch Scale") tooltip("Amount of pitch change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway pitch in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayPitchScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Pitch Scale") tooltip("Amount of pitch change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway pitch in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(swayYawScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Yaw Scale") tooltip("Amount of yaw change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway yaw in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayYawScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Yaw Scale") tooltip("Amount of yaw change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway yaw in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(swayHorizScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Horiz Scale") tooltip("Amount of yaw change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway horizontal offset in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayHorizScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Horiz Scale") tooltip("Amount of yaw change in the viewmodel to apply to the sway horizontal offset in ADS.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(swayVertScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Vert Scale") tooltip("Amount of pitch change in the view model to apply to the sway vertical offset in hipfire.") } ] floatedit(adsSwayVertScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("ADS Vert Scale") tooltip("Amount of pitch change in the view model to apply to the sway vertical offset in ADS.") } ] } floatedit(swayShellShockScale, 0.05, 0.1) [ exec { label("Shell Shock Scale") tooltip("This scale gets applied to the weapon sway while you're in shell shock.") } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Sway Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // AI Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(fightDist, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Fight Distance") tooltip("Aggro radius. AI using this weapon try to fight enemies detected in this radius. Center of this circle constantly traces along AI's path up to maxdist.") } ] floatedit(maxDist, 1, 100) [ exec { label("Max Distance") tooltip("Effective range radius. AI must get to this distance before opening fire on their target with this weapon.") } ] } fileedit(aiVsAiAccuracyGraph) [ exec { label("AI Vs. AI Accuracy") tooltip("Graph file for in-game editing of the non-linear accuracy curve used by the AI for this weapon against another AI.") reldir("share/raw/accuracy/aivsai/") width(500) } ] fileedit(aiVsPlayerAccuracyGraph) [ exec { label("AI Vs. Player Accuracy") tooltip("Graph file for in-game editing of the non-linear accuracy curve used by the AI for this weapon against the player.") reldir("share/raw/accuracy/aivsplayer/") width(500) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("AI Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Reticle Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { fileedit(reticleCenter) [ exec { label("Center Reticle") tooltip("Center Reticle.") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) } ] fileedit(reticleSide) [ exec { label("Side Reticle") tooltip("Side Reticle.") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) } ] hcontainer { spinedit(reticleCenterSize, 1, 2) [ exec { label("Center Size") tooltip("Center Size.") } ] spinedit(reticleSideSize, 1, 2) [ exec { label("Side Size") tooltip("Side Size.") } ] } hcontainer { floatedit(hipReticleSidePos, 0.1, 0.2) [ exec { label("Side Position") tooltip("Side Position.") } ] spinedit(reticleMinOfs, 1, 2) [ exec { label("Min Offset") tooltip("Min Offset.") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Reticle Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // ADS Overlay Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { edit(adsOverlayShader) [ exec { label("Shader") tooltip("Overlay for sniper rifles in ADS. Uses a quarter circle image to construct a full scope view.") width(500) } ] edit(adsOverlayShaderLowRes) [ exec { label("Shader") tooltip("Low resolution verision of the overlay for sniper rifles in ADS. Uses a quarter circle image to construct a full scope view. The image is used for 480 verticle resolution or lower and for split screen.") width(500) } ] scrollbox(adsOverlayReticle) [ exec { label("Reticle") tooltip("Selects a preset image?") } ] hcontainer { spinedit(adsOverlayWidth, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Width") } ] spinedit(adsOverlayHeight, 1, 10) [ exec { label("Height") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("ADS Overlay Settings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // XModels //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { fileedit(gunModel) [ exec { label("View Gun 1") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel) [ exec { label("World Gun 1") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(handModel) [ exec { label("Default view Hand") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldClipModel) [ exec { label("World Clip Model") reldir("pc/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(knifeModel) [ exec { label("Knife Model") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldKnifeModel) [ exec { label("World Knife Model") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] multiedit(hideTags) [ exec { label("Hide Tags") tooltip("name of tags to hide on this model. one per line") width(500) height(80) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("XModels") } ] vcontainer { hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel2) [ exec { label("View Gun 2") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel2) [ exec { label("World Gun 2") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel3) [ exec { label("View Gun 3") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel3) [ exec { label("World Gun 3") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel4) [ exec { label("View Gun 4") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel4) [ exec { label("World Gun 4") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel5) [ exec { label("View Gun 5") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel5) [ exec { label("World Gun 5") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel6) [ exec { label("View Gun 6") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel6) [ exec { label("World Gun 6") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel7) [ exec { label("View Gun 7") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel7) [ exec { label("World Gun 7") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel8) [ exec { label("View Gun 8") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel8) [ exec { label("World Gun 8") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel9) [ exec { label("View Gun 9") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel9) [ exec { label("World Gun 9") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel10) [ exec { label("View Gun 10") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel10) [ exec { label("World Gun 10") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel11) [ exec { label("View Gun 11") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel11) [ exec { label("World Gun 11") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel12) [ exec { label("View Gun 12") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel12) [ exec { label("World Gun 12") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel13) [ exec { label("View Gun 13") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel13) [ exec { label("World Gun 13") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel14) [ exec { label("View Gun 14") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel14) [ exec { label("World Gun 14") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel15) [ exec { label("View Gun 15") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel15) [ exec { label("World Gun 15") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(gunModel16) [ exec { label("View Gun 16") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldModel16) [ exec { label("World Gun 16") reldir("share/main/xmodel/") width(500) } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Alternate Models", 0) } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // XAnims //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { fileedit(idleAnim) [ exec { label("Idle") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(emptyIdleAnim) [ exec { label("Empty Idle") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(fireAnim) [ exec { label("Fire") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(lastShotAnim) [ exec { label("Last Shot") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(rechamberAnim) [ exec { label("Rechamber") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(meleeAnim) [ exec { label("Melee") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(meleeChargeAnim) [ exec { label("Melee Charge") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) tooltip("The anim played for a melee charge (use for bayonet weapons)") } ] fileedit(reloadAnim) [ exec { label("Reload") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(reloadEmptyAnim) [ exec { label("Reload Empty") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(reloadStartAnim) [ exec { label("Reload Start") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(reloadEndAnim) [ exec { label("Reload End") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(raiseAnim) [ exec { label("Raise") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(dropAnim) [ exec { label("Drop") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(firstRaiseAnim) [ exec { label("First Raise") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(altRaiseAnim) [ exec { label("Alt Raise") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(altDropAnim) [ exec { label("Alt Drop") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(quickRaiseAnim) [ exec { label("Quick Raise") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(quickDropAnim) [ exec { label("Quick Drop") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(emptyRaiseAnim) [ exec { label("Empty Raise") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(emptyDropAnim) [ exec { label("Empty Drop") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(sprintInAnim) [ exec { label("Sprint In") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(sprintLoopAnim) [ exec { label("Sprint Loop") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(sprintOutAnim) [ exec { label("Sprint Out") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(nightVisionWearAnim) [ exec { label("Nightvision Wear") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(nightVisionRemoveAnim) [ exec { label("Nightvision Remove") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(adsFireAnim) [ exec { label("ADS Fire") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(adsLastShotAnim) [ exec { label("ADS Last Shot") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(adsRechamberAnim) [ exec { label("ADS Rechamber") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(adsUpAnim) [ exec { label("ADS Up") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(adsDownAnim) [ exec { label("ADS Down") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(deployAnim) [ exec { label("Deploy") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] fileedit(breakdownAnim) [ exec { label("Breakdown") reldir("share/main/xanim/") width(500) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("XAnims") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Particle Effects //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { fileedit(viewFlashEffect) [ exec { label("View Flash") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldFlashEffect) [ exec { label("World Flash") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(viewShellEjectEffect) [ exec { label("View Shell Eject") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldShellEjectEffect) [ exec { label("World Shell Eject") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(viewLastShotEjectEffect) [ exec { label("View Last Shot Eject") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldLastShotEjectEffect) [ exec { label("World Last Shot Eject") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] fileedit(worldClipDropEffect) [ exec { label("World Clip Drop Effect") reldir("share/raw/") width(500) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Effects") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Sounds //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { edit(pickupSound) [ exec { label("Pickup") width(400) } ] edit(pickupSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Pickup (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(ammoPickupSound) [ exec { label("Ammo Pickup") width(400) } ] edit(ammoPickupSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Ammo Pickup (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(fireSound) [ exec { label("Fire") width(400) } ] edit(fireSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Fire (Player)") tooltip("Fire sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Fire' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(lastShotSound) [ exec { label("Last Shot") width(400) } ] edit(lastShotSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Last Shot (Player)") tooltip("Last Shot sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Last Shot' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(emptyFireSound) [ exec { label("Empty Fire") width(400) } ] edit(emptyFireSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Empty Fire (Player)") tooltip("Empty Fire sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Empty Fire' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(crackSound) [ exec { label("crack") width(400) } ] edit(whizbySound) [ exec { label("whizby") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(meleeSwipeSound) [ exec { label("Melee Swipe") width(400) } ] edit(meleeSwipeSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Melee Swipe (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(meleeHitSound) [ exec { label("Melee Hit") tooltip("Leave empty to use default") width(400) } ] edit(meleeMissSound) [ exec { label("Melee Miss") tooltip("Leave empty to use default") width(400) } ] } vcontainer { hcontainer { edit(deploySound) [ exec { label("Deploy") width(400) } ] edit(deploySoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Deploy (Player)") tooltip("Rechamber sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Deploy' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(finishDeploySound) [ exec { label("Finish Deploy") width(400) } ] edit(finishDeploySoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Finish Deploy (Player)") tooltip("Rechamber sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Finish Deploy' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(breakdownSound) [ exec { label("Breakdown") width(400) } ] edit(breakdownSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Breakdown (Player)") tooltip("Rechamber sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Breakdown' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } } hcontainer { edit(rechamberSound) [ exec { label("Rechamber") width(400) } ] edit(rechamberSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Rechamber (Player)") tooltip("Rechamber sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Rechamber' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(reloadSound) [ exec { label("Reload") width(400) } ] edit(reloadSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Reload (Player)") tooltip("Reload sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Reload' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(reloadEmptySound) [ exec { label("Reload Empty") width(400) } ] edit(reloadEmptySoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Reload Empty (Player)") tooltip("Reload Empty sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Reload Empty' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(reloadStartSound) [ exec { label("Reload Start") width(400) } ] edit(reloadStartSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Reload Start (Player)") tooltip("Reload Start sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Reload Start' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(reloadEndSound) [ exec { label("Reload End") width(400) } ] edit(reloadEndSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Reload End (Player)") tooltip("Reload End sound used by player. If not defined, player will play normal 'Reload End' that is used by the AI.") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(altSwitchSound) [ exec { label("Alt Switch") width(400) } ] edit(altSwitchSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Alt Switch (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(raiseSound) [ exec { label("Raise") width(400) } ] edit(raiseSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Raise (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(firstRaiseSound) [ exec { label("First Raise") width(400) } ] edit(firstRaiseSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("First Raise (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(putawaySound) [ exec { label("Put Away") width(400) } ] edit(putawaySoundPlayer) [ exec { label("Put Away (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(nightVisionWearSound) [ exec { label("NightVis Wear") width(400) } ] edit(nightVisionWearSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("NightVis Wear (Player)") width(400) } ] } hcontainer { edit(nightVisionRemoveSound) [ exec { label("NightVis Remove") width(400) } ] edit(nightVisionRemoveSoundPlayer) [ exec { label("NightVis Remove (Player)") width(400) } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Sounds") } ] vcontainer { multiedit(notetrackSoundMap) [ exec { label("") labelwidth(0) tooltip("Sounds to play when viewmodel hits different notetrack events. One per line, format is: NOTETRACKNAME,soundalias") width(500) height(120) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Viewmodel Notetrack-to-Sound Mappings") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Rumbles //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { scrollbox(fireRumble) [ exec { width(500) } ] scrollbox(meleeImpactRumble) [ exec { width(500) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("Rumbles") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // UI //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { fileedit(hudIcon) [ exec { label("Hud Icon") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) labelwidth(180) } ] scrollbox(hudIconRatio) [ exec { label(" Aspect:") width(110) labelwidth(60) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(killIcon) [ exec { label("Kill Icon") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) labelwidth(180) } ] scrollbox(killIconRatio) [ exec { label(" Aspect:") width(110) labelwidth(60) } ] checkbox(flipKillIcon) [ exec { label(" Flip:") tooltip("Used for weapons that need to have their kill icon horizontally flipped before displaying. (For MP obituaries).") lefttext() width(65) labelwidth(40) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(dpadIcon) [ exec { label("DPad Icon") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) labelwidth(180) } ] scrollbox(dpadIconRatio) [ exec { label(" Aspect:") width(110) labelwidth(60) } ] } hcontainer { fileedit(ammoCounterIcon) [ exec { label("Ammo Counter Icon") reldir("pc/main/") width(500) labelwidth(180) } ] scrollbox(ammoCounterIconRatio) [ exec { label(" Aspect:") width(110) labelwidth(60) } ] } scrollbox(ammoCounterClip) [ exec { label("Ammo Counter Clip Style") width(300) labelwidth(180) } ] } [ exec { groupBox("User Interface") } ] //////////////////////////////////////// // Depth of Field Settings //////////////////////////////////////// vcontainer { hcontainer { floatedit(adsDofStart, 0.1, 0.5) [ exec { label("ADS Start") } ] floatedit(adsDofEnd, 0.1, 0.5) [ exec { label("ADS End") } ] } } [ exec { groupBox("Depth of Field Settings") } ] }