595 lines
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595 lines
12 KiB
// file: rhi2_util.gsc
// description: utility script for rhineland2
// scripter: slayback
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
// --------------
// --------------
return get_players()[0];
// --------------
// --------------
// Grab starting AI, probably heroes
startguys = GetEntArray( "starting_allies", "targetname" );
ASSERT( IsDefined( startguys ) && startguys.size > 0, "grab_starting_guys(): can't find the starting guys!" );
return startguys;
// renames a friendly.
// newName: the name
// doWait: if calling at level start, set to true so that you override _name::get_name()
rename_friendly( newName, doWait )
if( IsDefined( doWait ) && doWait == true )
self waittill("set name and rank" );
self.name = newName;
// sets a new friendlychain for the AIs in the level.friends array, and sets their leader as the player
// (basically everything to set a new friendlychain)
set_friendlychain( nodeTN )
ASSERTEX( flag( "friends_setup" ), "set_friendlychain(): level.friends needs to be set up before this runs." );
define_active_chain( nodeTN );
level.friends set_squad_goal();
define_active_chain( nodeTN )
chain_startNode = GetNode( nodeTN, "targetname" );
ASSERT( IsDefined( chain_startNode ), "define_active_chain(): can't find friendlychain start node" );
get_playerone() SetFriendlyChain( chain_startNode );
// self = the array we're setting up to follow the player
for (i = 0; i < self.size; i++)
self[i] SetGoalEntity( get_playerone() );
// adds a guy to level.friends
friend_add( guy )
if( IsDefined( level.friends ) )
level.friends = array_add( level.friends, guy );
// removes a guy from level.friends
friend_remove( guy )
if( IsDefined( level.friends ) )
level.friends = array_remove( level.friends, guy );
// makes a guy follow the player around
// self = the guy
// interval = the amount of time to wait before checking where the player is at
friend_follow_player( interval, followdist )
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "friend_follow_player_stop" );
if( !IsDefined( self.goalradius ) )
println( "friend_follow_player(): a friendly's goalradius wasn't defined! aborting." );
if( !IsDefined( interval ) || interval <=0 )
interval = 0.5;
while( 1 )
if( is_active_ai( self ) )
if( DistanceSquared( level.player.origin, self.origin ) > (followdist*followdist) )
// move the guy
self SetGoalPos( level.player.origin );
//println( "friendly moving!" );
wait( interval );
// removes a guy from level.friends when he dies
// self = the guy
self waittill( "death" );
friend_remove( self );
// spawns a guy
// spawner = the spawner to spawn a guy from
spawn_guy( spawner )
spawnedGuy = spawner StalingradSpawn();
spawn_failed (spawnedGuy);
assert (isDefined (spawnedGuy));
return spawnedGuy;
// grabs triggers and does stuff to them
fs_trigs = GetEntArray( "flood_spawner", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < fs_trigs.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( fs_trigs[i] ) )
fs_trigs[i] thread trigger_floodspawn_think();
fc_trigs = GetEntArray( "trigger_friendlychain", "classname" );
for( i = 0; i < fc_trigs.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( fc_trigs[i] ) )
fc_trigs[i] thread trigger_friendlychain_think();
if( IsDefined( self.script_noteworthy ) )
if( self.script_noteworthy == "delete" )
self waittill( "trigger" );
wait( 0.1 );
self Delete();
// deletes a floodspawn trigger with a script_noteworthy=delete
if( IsDefined( self.script_noteworthy ) )
if( self.script_noteworthy == "delete" )
self waittill( "trigger" );
wait( 0.1 );
self Delete();
// otherwise it's telling us about another trigger, related to it in some way, that we want to delete
// for example for multipath stuff
otherTrig = GetEnt( "self.script_noteworthy", "targetname" );
if( IsDefined( otherTrig ) )
self waittill( "trigger" );
otherTrig Delete();
// waits until a trigger area is clear of enemies
// team = "axis", "allies", "neutral"
waittill_triggerarea_clear( trig, team, maxWait )
startTime = GetTime();
ais = [];
loop = true;
if( !IsDefined( trig ) )
println( "waittill_triggerarea_clear(): trig is not defined! aborting." );
while( 1 )
//println( "waittill_triggerarea_clear(): starting check loop" );
foundOne = false;
ais = GetAiArray( team );
if( ais.size <= 0 )
// see if any of the axis are standing in our trigger
for( i = 0; i < ais.size; i++ )
guy = ais[i];
if( guy IsTouching( trig ) )
//println( "waittill_triggerarea_clear(): found a guy touching the trigger" );
foundOne = true;
// break if we didn't find anyone in the trigger
if( !foundOne )
println( "waittill_triggerarea_clear(): didn't find anyone touching the trigger, done waiting." );
// break if our maxwait has been exceeded
if( IsDefined( maxWait ) )
if( ( GetTime() - startTime ) > ( maxWait * 1000 ) )
println( "waittill_triggerarea_clear(): maxWait exceeded, done waiting." );
wait( 0.25 );
// returns an array of AIs - should usually be off of script_noteworthy
get_ais( value, key )
ents = GetEntArray( value, key );
guys = [];
endnodes = [];
if( !IsDefined( ents.size ) || ents.size <=0 )
ASSERTMSG( "get_ais(): couldn't find any AIs of key/value " + key + "/" + value );
return guys;
// get the guys
for( i = 0; i < ents.size; i++ )
ent = ents[i];
if( is_active_ai( ent ) )
guys[guys.size] = ent;
return guys;
// wait for every AI in array "group" to die, before the script continues.
// group = the AI array
// maxWait = the maximum amount of time you want to wait before just moving on
// amount = the number of guys REMAINING that you'll be satisfied with before moving on
// kill_rest = once "amount" has been reached, should we kill the rest off artifically?
waittill_group_dies( group, maxWait, amount, kill_rest )
level.groupIsDead = false;
level.groupTimerDone = false;
if( group.size <= 0 )
if( IsDefined( maxWait ) )
level thread waittill_group_dies_timeout( maxWait );
// if we time out, kill the rest of the guys
kill_rest = true;
if( !IsDefined( amount ) )
amount = 0; // we want the player to kill them all
if( !IsDefined( kill_rest ) )
kill_rest = true;
level.deathWaitTracker = group.size;
println( "^5Waiting for " + level.deathWaitTracker + " AI to die..." );
for( i = 0; i < group.size; i++ )
if( IsAlive( group[i] ) )
level thread death_wait( group[i], amount, kill_rest, group );
while( !level.groupIsDead && !level.groupTimerDone )
wait( 0.25 );
waittill_group_dies_timeout( timer )
startTime = GetTime();
while( !level.groupIsDead && ( ( GetTime() - startTime ) < ( timer * 1000 ) ) )
wait( 0.25 );
if( !level.groupIsDead )
level.groupTimerDone = true;
println( "waittill_group_dies_timeout() timed out after " + timer + " seconds. Killing fools and continuing." );
println( "waittill_group_dies_timeout() didn't get a chance to time out." );
death_wait( ent, amount, kill_rest, group )
while( IsAlive( ent ) )
if( !level.groupTimerDone )
wait( 0.25 );
if( !IsDefined( amount ) )
amount = 0;
println( "death_wait(): Waiting for " + level.deathWaitTracker + " AI to die... Needs to be: " + amount );
if( level.deathWaitTracker <= amount )
if( kill_rest )
for( i = 0; i < group.size; i ++ )
guy = group[i];
if( is_active_ai( guy ) )
guy thread bloody_death( true, 3.0 );
if( amount > 0 && level.deathWaitTracker <= 0 )
level.groupIsDead = true;
level.groupIsDead = true;
// kill all the axis in the map.
kill_all_axis( delay )
axis = GetAIArray( "axis" );
if( axis.size <= 0 )
if( !IsDefined( delay ) )
delay = 0;
for( i = 0; i < axis.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( axis[i] ) )
axis[i] thread bloody_death( true, delay );
// Fake death
// self = the guy getting worked
bloody_death( die, delay )
self endon( "death" );
if( !is_active_ai( self ) )
if( IsDefined( self.bloody_death ) && self.bloody_death )
self.bloody_death = true;
if( IsDefined( delay ) )
wait( RandomFloat( delay ) );
tags = [];
tags[0] = "j_hip_le";
tags[1] = "j_hip_ri";
tags[2] = "j_head";
tags[3] = "j_spine4";
tags[4] = "j_elbow_le";
tags[5] = "j_elbow_ri";
tags[6] = "j_clavicle_le";
tags[7] = "j_clavicle_ri";
for( i = 0; i < 3 + RandomInt( 5 ); i++ )
random = RandomIntRange( 0, tags.size );
//vec = self GetTagOrigin( tags[random] );
self thread bloody_death_fx( tags[random], undefined );
wait( RandomFloat( 0.1 ) );
if( die )
self DoDamage( self.health + 50, self.origin );
// self = the AI on which we're playing fx
bloody_death_fx( tag, fxName )
if( !IsDefined( fxName ) )
fxName = level._effect["flesh_hit"];
PlayFxOnTag( fxName, self, tag );
is_active_ai( suspect )
if( IsDefined( suspect ) && IsSentient( suspect ) && IsAlive( suspect ) )
return true;
return false;
// cool IW steez, not sure if I will use it though
schoolcircle(nodename, guys)
//Makes any number of Allied troops assemble with a leader, useful for regrouping for in-level briefings
//nodename = targetname of the nodes used by the grunts
//guys = array of guys to distribute at the destination
nodearray = getnodearray( nodename, "targetname" );
assertEX( nodearray.size >= guys.size , "You have more guys than nodes for them to go to." );
for( i = 0; i < guys.size; i++ )
guys[ i ] thread schoolcircle_nav( nodearray, i );
schoolcircle_nav(nodearray, i)
self endon ("death");
wait 2.5; //soft wait to avoid traffic jams w/ leader
self setgoalnode(nodearray[i]);
self.goalradius = 32;
self.dontavoidplayer = true;
self allowedstances ("stand");
if(nodearray[i].script_noteworthy == "kneel")
thread schoolcircle_crouch(self);
soldier waittill ("goal");
soldier allowedstances ("crouch");
// Guzzo steez
while( 1 )
//set_hud_text( level.event_info, "total_friends: " + level.totalfriends );
//set_hud_text( level.extra_info, "maxfriendlies: " + level.maxfriendlies );
//total_ai = GetAiArray( "axis", "allies" );
axis_ai = GetAiArray( "axis" );
set_hud_text( level.ai_info, "total axis: " + axis_ai.size );
wait 1.5;
level.event_info = NewHudElem();
level.event_info.alignX = "right";
level.event_info.x = 110;
level.event_info.y = 245;
level.extra_info = NewHudElem();
level.extra_info.alignX = "right";
level.extra_info.x = 100;
level.extra_info.y = 262;
level.ai_info = NewHudElem();
level.ai_info.alignX = "right";
level.ai_info.x = 100;
level.ai_info.y = 277;
set_hud_text( hud_elem, text )
hud_elem setText( text );