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2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\pel1b_event2_util;
#include maps\_music;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
Sumeet - New section for event 2 - Pretty much copy from Alex's work , just a bit tuned.
// flags setup for flame event
flag_init( "cave_artillery_active" );
// initial setup for plane and napalm drops
level.plane_bomb_model[ "p51" ] = "aircraft_bomb";
level.plane_bomb_fx[ "p51" ] = level._effect["napalm_explosion"];
level.plane_bomb_sound[ "p51" ] = "temp_sound"; // temp
maps\_planeweapons::build_bomb_explosions( "p51", randomfloatrange(.3,.5), 3, 5000, 700, 250, 1000 );
// threat bias groups
createthreatbiasgroup( "oblivious_enemies" );
setthreatbias( "players", "oblivious_enemies", -1000000 );
setthreatbias( "heroes", "oblivious_enemies", 0 );
// spawn functions for sumeets event2
level thread setup_spawn_functions();
// setup to change the colors of hero characters
level thread change_heros_colors();
// first napalm drop
level thread initial_plane_napalm_drop();
// second napalm drop
level thread second_plane_napalm_drop();
// Flame tank gets into the second area
level.flametank thread flametank_carnage_event();
// thread the objective for event2
level thread setup_objectives();
// main function for cave effects
level thread cave_effects();
// Dialogue setup
level thread dialogue_setup();
// Give heros individual colors
trigger = getent("ev2_pacing_starts", "targetname");
trigger waittill("trigger");
// disable the heros coler first and then assign colors again
level.sarge disable_ai_color();
level.walker disable_ai_color();
level.sarge set_force_color( "o" );
level.walker set_force_color( "g" );
// CO-OP Optimization
// Spawn the friendlies only in non-coop 2 player mode
trig1 = getent("ev2_allies_reinforcements_trig","targetname");
trig1 notify("trigger");
trig2 = getent("ev2_allies_reinforcementsb_trig","targetname");
trig2 notify("trigger");
else if( NumRemoteClients() == 1 ) // only one remote client
// only spawn the guys on the other side of the tank
trig2 = getent("ev2_allies_reinforcementsb_trig","targetname");
trig2 notify("trigger");
//////////////// First napalm drop event
trigger = getent( "ev2_initial_plane_spawn", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
level notify( "event2_bombing_starts" );
wait( 0.5 );
plane1 = getent( "event2_bombing_plane_01", "targetname" );
plane2 = getent( "event2_bombing_plane_02", "targetname" );
// thread a sound of planes going by
plane1 thread bomber_sound_flyby("auto4986", 0.1 );
plane2 thread bomber_sound_flyby("auto4984", 0.1 );
plane1 thread load_bombs( 6 );
plane2 thread load_bombs( 6 );
wait( 0.7 );
plane1 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_011", false, 1 );
plane1 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_012", false, 1 );
plane1 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_013", false, 1 );
plane2 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_021", false, 1 );
plane2 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_022", false, 1 );
plane2 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_023", false, 1 );
level waittill( "event2_bombing_drop_011" );
// Added this to support the network traffic
thread drop_bombs_rumble();
// set the battlechatter on
thread battlechatter_on( "allies" );
thread battlechatter_on( "axis" );
level thread napalm_chain( "initial_napalm_drops_chain" );
level waittill( "ev2_blow_up_stuff" );
level thread initial_napalm_drones1();
level waittill( "ev2_blow_up_stuff2" );
level thread initial_napalm_drones2 ();
radiusdamage( ( 44310, 5649, 200 ), 50, 5000, 5000 );
wait( 4 );
PlayFx( level._effect["fireball_explosion"], ( 44012, 4927, 214.4 ) );
trigger = getent( "ev2_plane_strafe_trigger", "targetname" );
trigger notify( "trigger" );
// CO-OP Optimization
if( !NumRemoteClients() || ( NumRemoteClients() == 1 ) )
// only spawn drones in two player co-op or single player
level thread play_explosion_death_anim( "ev2_blow_up_guys_3", "script_noteworthy" );
level thread play_explosion_death_anim( "ev2_blow_up_guys_4", "script_noteworthy" );
// CO-OP Optimization
if( !NumRemoteClients() || ( NumRemoteClients() == 1 ) )
// only spawn drones in two player co-op or single player
level thread play_explosion_death_anim( "ev2_blow_up_guys_1", "script_noteworthy" );
level thread play_explosion_death_anim( "ev2_blow_up_guys_2", "script_noteworthy" );
// planes are spawned and moved by this trigger
trigger = getent( "ev2_plane_strafe_trigger", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// tells the tank to start moving
level notify( "plane_strafe_start" );
wait( 0.1 );
plane1 = getent( "event2_bombing_plane_1", "targetname" );
plane2 = getent( "event2_bombing_plane_2", "targetname" );
plane3 = getent( "event2_bombing_plane_3", "targetname" );
// thread a sound of planes going by
plane1 thread bomber_sound_flyby("auto2598", 0.1 );
plane2 thread bomber_sound_flyby("auto3941", 0.1 );
plane3 thread bomber_sound_flyby("auto3946", 0.1 );
plane1 thread load_bombs( 2 );
plane2 thread load_bombs( 2 );
plane3 thread load_bombs( 2 );
plane1 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_1", true );
plane2 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_2", true );
plane3 thread drop_bombs( "event2_bombing_drop_3", true );
level thread additional_bomb( "plane_drop_bomb_extra", "event2_bombing_drop_3" );
// spawn enemies when the first bomb is dropped
level waittill( "event2_bombing_drop_1" );
// Added this to support the network traffic
thread drop_bombs_rumble();
// leave some residual fire effects
wait( 1 );
fire_points = getstructarray( "naplam_battle_residual_fire", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < fire_points.size; i++ )
playfx( level._effect["fire_foliage_large"], fire_points[i].origin );
level notify( "bombing_complete" );
bomber_sound_flyby( vehiclenode_targetname, wait_time )
node = getvehiclenode( vehiclenode_targetname, "targetname" );
node waittill("trigger");
if ( isdefined(wait_time) )
self playsound( "p51_bomber_by" );
//////////////// First napalm drop event end
///////////////////////////Spawn Function
// guys in the trench ignoring the player.
ignore_players_guy = getentarray( "ignore_player_guy", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( ignore_players_guy, ::add_spawn_function, ::force_to_goal_ignore_player );
// spawn in friendlies in event 2
friendlies = getentarray( "ev2_allies_reinforcements", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( friendlies, ::add_spawn_function, ::friendlies_setup );
// spawn in radio guy
radio_guy = getentarray( "ev2_radio_guy", "script_noteworthy" );
array_thread( radio_guy, ::add_spawn_function, ::radio_guy_setup );
// event 2 friendlies setup
// put a magic bullet shield
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
// radio guy setup
// put a magic bullet shield
self thread magic_bullet_shield();
level.radio_guy = self;
/////////////////////// spawn functions end
self endon("death");
// waittill the flametank is in the second area
// unless this happens the second event cant take control of the tank
// Additionalwait to make sure the player has reached around the area of the flametank.
// let the trench guys know that players are here
setthreatbias( "players", "oblivious_enemies", 0 );
// set the turretturn rate slow to show the weight of the tanks and flame.
level.flametank.turretrotscale = 1;
// start the flametank
self setspeed(4,5,8);
// move the tank along the path
trigger = getvehiclenode( "auto3964", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
//TUEY setmusicstate DROP_OFF
// Flame guys on the left 1 , near to napalm drop
self thread flame_battle_left1();
// flame guys on the right 1, before the tree sniper
self thread flame_battle_right1();
// TODO : Add sniper flame event
// flame guys on the left 2, after the tree sniper
self thread flame_battle_left2();
// flame guys on the right 2
self thread flame_battle_right2();
// flame guys on the right 2- actually near the caves
self thread flame_battle_left3();
//setup for tank tree sniper
self thread flametank_tree_sniper();
// Flame events of the flame tanks
// get the tree where sniper will be
tree = getent( "test_tree", "script_noteworthy" );
tree thread flame_notify();
model_tag_origin = spawn( "script_model", tree.origin );
model_tag_origin setmodel("tag_origin");
model_tag_origin linkto( tree, "tag_origin", ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// let the flametank come near the tank
node = getvehiclenode("auto5390","targetname");
node waittill("trigger");
// play the leaf effect
playfxontag( level._effect["sniper_leaf_loop"], model_tag_origin, "TAG_ORIGIN" );
// stop the tank
level.flametank setspeed( 0, 10, 10 );
// spawn the sniper guy
sniper_spawner = getent( "ev2_tree_sniper", "targetname" );
sniper = force_spawn_guy( sniper_spawner );
if ( isdefined(sniper) && isalive(sniper))
level.flametank clearturrettarget();
// set the guy as the tank target
level.flametank setturrettargetent( sniper );
// fire the flame
level.flametank fireweapon();
// start moving again
level.flametank setspeed( 0, 10, 10 );
level.flametank clearturrettarget();
// stop firing the flame
level.flametank stopfireweapon();
level.flametank setspeed( 4, 5, 8 );
node = getvehiclenode("auto5390","targetname");
node waittill("trigger");
wait( 0.05 );
guy = get_ai_group_ai( "tree_guy" )[0];
if( isdefined(guy) && isalive(guy))
self waittill( "broken", broken_notify, attacker );
guy animscripts\death::flame_death_fx();
// get the struct and spawn in the rope
node = getent("auto17", "targetname");
createrope( node.origin, (0,0,0), 100, guy, "j_ankle_ri" );
// he should hang now
guy startragdoll();
// kill the guy
guy dodamage( + 300, guy.origin, attacker );
///////////// Event left 1
// next event waits on this notification
level endon("flaming_left1_done");
// start firing at this node
start_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto3718", "targetname");
start_fire_node waittill("trigger");
// set the turret target to first struct of the zig zag pattern, tank is still moving
self thread set_turret_target_by_name( "fire_point_left_1" );
self fireweapon();
// tell the level that flametank owns the show
level notify("flametank_started_flaming");
// now that it targeted in the area, start a thread that will target specific guys in the area
self thread fire_guys_in_area( "flaming_left1_done", "axis_area_trig_left1", "axis_area_goal_left1" );
// stop at this node, fire at a zig zag pattern
stop_n_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto3731", "targetname");
stop_n_fire_node waittill("trigger");
self setspeed(0,10,10);
///////////// Event right1
level endon("flaming_right1_done");
//wailtill first event is done
level waittill("flaming_left1_done");
// tell the tank to move ahead
self setspeed(4,5,8);
// start firing at this node
start_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5206", "targetname");
start_fire_node waittill("trigger");
// set the turret target to first struct of the zig zag pattern, tank is still moving
self thread set_turret_target_by_name( "fire_point_right_1" );
self fireweapon();
// now that it targeted in the area, start a thread that will target specific guys in the area
self thread fire_guys_in_area( "flaming_right1_done", "axis_area_trig_right1", "axis_area_goal_right1" );
// stop at this node, fire at a zig zag pattern
stop_n_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto3721", "targetname");
stop_n_fire_node waittill("trigger");
self setspeed(0,10,10);
///////////// Event left 1
level endon("flaming_left2_done");
// next event waits on this notification
level waittill("flaming_right1_done");
// trigger the flame guys to get flamed
trigger = getent("event2_japs_flow_left_2", "script_noteworthy");
trigger notify("trigger");
// tell the tank to move ahead
self setspeed(4,5,8);
// start firing at this node
start_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5200", "targetname");
start_fire_node waittill("trigger");
// set the turret target to first struct of the zig zag pattern, tank is still moving
self thread set_turret_target_by_name( "fire_point_left_2" );
self fireweapon();
// now that it targeted in the area, start a thread that will target specific guys in the area
self thread fire_guys_in_area( "flaming_left2_done", "axis_area_trig_left2", "axis_area_goal_left2" );
// stop at this node, fire at a zig zag pattern
stop_n_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5199", "targetname");
stop_n_fire_node waittill("trigger");
self setspeed(0,10,10);
///////////// Event right1
level endon("flaming_right2_done");
//wailtill first event is done
level waittill("flaming_left2_done");
// trigger the flame guys to get flamed
trigger = getent("event2_japs_flow_right_2", "script_noteworthy");
trigger notify("trigger");
// tell the tank to move ahead
self setspeed(4,5,8);
// start firing at this node
start_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5228", "targetname");
start_fire_node waittill("trigger");
// set the turret target to first struct of the zig zag pattern, tank is still moving
self thread set_turret_target_by_name( "fire_point_right_2" );
self fireweapon();
// now that it targeted in the area, start a thread that will target specific guys in the area
self thread fire_guys_in_area( "flaming_right2_done", "axis_area_trig_right2", "axis_area_goal_right2" );
// stop at this node, fire at a zig zag pattern
stop_n_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5227", "targetname");
stop_n_fire_node waittill("trigger");
self setspeed(0,10,10);
///////////// Event left 3 - actually this event flames guys coming out of caves.
level endon("flaming_left3_done");
// next event waits on this notification
level waittill("flaming_right2_done");
// trigger the flame guys to get flamed
trigger = getent("event2_japs_flow_left_3a", "script_noteworthy");
trigger notify("trigger");
// wait for a frame approx - to avoide too many ents in the snapshot
// trigger the flame guys to get flamed
trigger = getent("event2_japs_flow_left_3b", "script_noteworthy");
trigger notify("trigger");
// tell the tank to move ahead
self setspeed(4,5,8);
// start firing at this node
start_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto5231", "targetname");
start_fire_node waittill("trigger");
// set the turret target to first struct of the zig zag pattern, tank is still moving
self thread set_turret_target_by_name( "fire_point_left_3" );
self fireweapon();
// now that it targeted in the area, start a thread that will target specific guys in the area
self thread fire_guys_in_area( "flaming_left3_done", "axis_area_trig_left3", "axis_area_goal_left3" );
// stop at this node, fire at a zig zag pattern
stop_n_fire_node = getvehiclenode("auto3724", "targetname");
stop_n_fire_node waittill("trigger");
self setspeed(0,10,10);
///////////Flame tank AI
// Decides how flametank will behave, whom it will shoot, and when to start with the next flame event
fire_guys_in_area( event_flag, trigger_targetname, goal_volume )
// get the actual trigger
area_trigger = getent( trigger_targetname, "targetname");
// start a thread to check how many guys are alive in the area
self thread check_ai_existance( event_flag, area_trigger, goal_volume );
// failsafe progression break avoider - if tank cant kill guys somehow it will go ahead
self thread should_move_ahead( randomintrange(15, 20), event_flag );
// find all AI touching the trigger, and target them
// clear the old target if it has one
self clearturrettarget();
// get AI array
axis_guys = getAIarrayTouchingVolume( "axis", goal_volume );
// intialize i
i = 0;
if ( axis_guys.size >= 2 )
i = randomintrange( 0, axis_guys.size - 1 ); // pick up a random guy in the crowd
// only if there is anymore left
if ( axis_guys.size >= 1 )
// check if he is alive and touching the trigger
if( !flag(event_flag) && isalive( axis_guys[i] ) && axis_guys[i] istouching( area_trigger ) )
// target the guy
self setturrettargetent( axis_guys[i], ( 0, 0, randomintrange(30, 60) ) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_on_target", randomintrange(3,5));
else if( !flag(event_flag) )
// set the flag
flag_set( event_flag );
// notify the level, in case
level notify(event_flag);
// stop firing the flame, clear the target
self stopfireweapon();
self clearturrettarget();
// send a notification to the level, same as setting the flag
level notify(event_flag);
// checks the existance of guys in a perticular area trigger
check_ai_existance( event_flag, area_trigger, goal_volume )
// count how many guys are in the trigger right now
ai_count = 0;
// get AI array
axis_guys = getAIarrayTouchingVolume( "axis", goal_volume );
// loop through guys
for( i = 0; i< axis_guys.size; i++ )
// check if he is alive and touching the trigger
if( isalive( axis_guys[i] ) && axis_guys[i] istouching( area_trigger ) )
// if there are only couple left then move further
if ( ai_count == 0 && !flag(event_flag) )
// set the flag
flag_set( event_flag );
// notify the level, in case
level notify(event_flag);
// stop firing the flame, clear the target
self stopfireweapon();
self clearturrettarget();
// if in given time tank cant kill everyone in goalvolume then it will just move ahead
should_move_ahead( timeout, event_flag )
wait( timeout );
// if the flag is not already set then set it and let the tank move further
if( !flag(event_flag) )
// notify the level
level notify( event_flag );
// stop firing the flame, and clear ent target
self stopfireweapon();
self clearturrettarget();
//////////////////// Outro animation sequence
// get the guys to do the outro animation
guys = [];
guys[0] = level.walker; // roebuck
guys[1] = level.sarge; // polonsky
guys[2] = level.radio_guy;
guys[0].animname = "walker";
guys[1].animname = "sarge";
guys[2].animname = "radio_guy";
guys[0] disable_ai_color();
guys[1] disable_ai_color();
guys[2] disable_ai_color();
guys[0].ignoreall = true;
guys[1].ignoreall = true;
guys[2].ignoreall = true;
anim_struct = getstruct( "outro_anim", "targetname" );
goal_node_roebuck = getnode( "roebuck_outro", "targetname" );
goal_node_polonsky = getnode( "polonsky_outro", "targetname" );
goal_node_radio = getnode( "radio_outro", "targetname" );
//TUEY Set Music State to LEVEL_END
guys[0] thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( anim_struct, "roebuck_reached_outro", "outro_in", "outro_loop" );
guys[1] thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( anim_struct, "polonsky_reached_outro", "outro_in", "outro_loop" );
guys[2] thread pacing_vignette_in_place_think( anim_struct, "radio_guy_reached_outro", "outro_in", "outro_loop" );
flag_wait_all( "roebuck_reached_outro", "polonsky_reached_outro", "radio_guy_reached_outro" );
//-- Check and see if the player is close by, if he is, then run the outro
players = get_players();
player_close = false;
for( i=0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( distancesquared(players[i].origin, guys[0].origin) < 400*400 )
player_close = true;
//-- Take away weapons and make players immune
for( i=0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] DisableWeapons();
players[i] EnableInvulnerability();
guys[2] notify( "radio_anim_starting" );
anim_single( guys, "outro", undefined, undefined, anim_struct );
objective_state( 7, "done" );
pacing_vignette_in_place_think( goal_node, flag_name, anim_in, anim_looping )
//-- plays the animation
startorg = getstartOrigin( goal_node.origin, goal_node.angles, level.scr_anim[self.animname][anim_in] );
startang = getstartAngles( goal_node.origin, goal_node.angles, level.scr_anim[self.animname][anim_in] );
self.goalradius = 32;
//self setgoalnode( goal_node );
self SetGoalPos( startorg, startang );
self disable_ai_color();
self PushPlayer( true );
self waittill( "goal" );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "orientdone", 1 );
anim_single_solo( self, anim_in, undefined, undefined, goal_node );
thread anim_loop_solo( self, anim_looping, undefined, undefined, goal_node );
if(self.animname == "radio_guy")
self thread outro_animate_radio_model(goal_node);
flag_set( flag_name );
#using_animtree( "animated_props" );
radio_model = spawn( "script_model", self.origin );
radio_model setmodel( "char_usa_marine_radiohandset" );
radio_model linkto( self, "tag_weapon_left", (0,0,0), (0,0,0) );
radio_model UseAnimTree( #animtree );
radio_model.animname = "radio";
thread anim_loop_solo( radio_model, "outro_loop", undefined, undefined, goal_node );
self waittill( "radio_anim_starting" );
anim_single_solo( radio_model, "outro", undefined, undefined, goal_node );
radio_model delete();
///////// Setup objectives - also sets the checkpoints
// initial objective: Flank the enemy base
objective_add( 3, "current", &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_EV2_FLANK", ( 43393.7, 4060.1, 168.2 ) );
// air raid starts: Hold position till end of bombing
trigger = getent( "ev2_initial_plane_spawn", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
objective_state( 3, "done" );
objective_delete( 3 );
// autosave
autosave_by_name( "airstrike done" );
// add the flametank follow objective
objective_add( 4, "current", &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_EV2_FOLLOW_FLAME" );
Objective_additionalPosition(4, 0, level.flametank);
level.flametank thread objective_follow_me( 4, "tank_destroyed" );
//objective_OnEntity( 4, level.flametank );
// end of air raid: support follow flame tank
level thread trigger_wait_with_notify( "cave_entrance_trigger", "targetname", "tank_destroyed" );
// When tank dies or when player hits the tunnel entrance trigger: Reach the mountain top through caves
level waittill( "tank_destroyed" );
objective_state( 4, "done" ); //
// autosave
autosave_by_name( "flametank dead" );
// assault the cave entrance
objective_add( 5, "current", &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_EV2_ASSAULT_CAVE" );
// When tank dies or when player hits the tunnel entrance trigger: Reach the mountain top through caves
// At the last room: clear enemies at artillery
cave_entrance_trigger = getent( "cave_entrance", "targetname" );
cave_entrance_trigger waittill( "trigger" );
objective_state( 5, "done" );
// autosave
autosave_by_name( "cave entrance" );
objective_add( 6, "current", &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_EV2_CAVE_CLEAR", ( 40871.2, -218.9, 885.508 ) );
// At the last room: clear enemies at artillery
final_trigger = getent( "last_cave_room_reached", "targetname" );
final_trigger waittill( "trigger" );
// autosave
autosave_by_name( "artillery room" );
// change the objective string to clear the artillery room
objective_string( 6, &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_EV2_ART_CLEAR" );
// when the room is cleared. Obj is done
final_room = getent( "final_room_trigger", "targetname" );
wait( 5 );
while( 1 )
cleared = true;
axis_guys = GetAiArray( "axis" );
for( i = 0; i < axis_guys.size; i++ )
if( axis_guys[i] istouching( final_room ) )
cleared = false;
if( cleared )
wait( 1 );
objective_state( 6, "done" );
// set the battlechatter on
thread battlechatter_off( "allies" );
thread battlechatter_off( "axis" );
// Final outro objective
objective_add( 7, "current", &"PEL1B_OBJECTIVE_FOLLOW_SQUAD", ( 41063.2, -538.3, 857.6 ) );
// start the outro
level thread pel1b_outro();
objective_monitor_endon(num, endon_str)
self endon("stop objective monitor");
level waittill(endon_str);
Objective_additionalPosition( num, 0, (0,0,0) );
self notify("stop objective monitor");
self endon("stop objective monitor");
self waittill("death");
Objective_additionalPosition( num, 0, (0,0,0) );
self notify("stop objective monitor");
objective_follow_me( num, endon_str )
self thread objective_monitor_endon(num, endon_str);
self thread objective_monitor_death(num);
/* level endon( endon_str );
self endon("death");
Objective_Position( num, self.origin );
/////////////////////Effects section for caves
// waittill player makes the cave entrace close enough
trigger1 = getent( "ev2_start_art_dust", "targetname" );
trigger1 waittill( "trigger" );
flag_set( "cave_artillery_active" );
level notify( "cave_artillery_active" );
// start debri falling effects
level thread cave_dust_fx_loop();
// waittill player makes the cave entrace close enough, stop rumble.
trigger1 = getent( "ev2_stop_art_dust", "targetname" );
trigger1 waittill( "trigger" );
flag_clear( "cave_artillery_active" );
level endon( "stop_dust_fx" );
//TUEY Set music state to CAVE
while( flag( "cave_artillery_active" ) )
wait( randomfloat( 3 ) + 3 );
playsoundatposition( "mortar_dirt", ( 41063.2, -538.3, 857.6 ) );
// dust effects around the players
level thread play_dust_fx_near_players();
/////////////////////////// Sumeet Dialogue section
level thread ev2_pacing_dialog();
level thread ev2_bombing_dialog();
level thread ev2_wait_for_tank_dialog();
level thread ev2_tank_move_up_dialog();
level thread ev2_stay_behind_tank_dialog();
level thread ev2_enter_tunnel_dialog();
say_dialogue( theLine )
self.og_animname = self.animname;
self.animname = "generic";
self anim_single_solo( self, theLine );
self.animname = self.og_animname;
wait( 8 );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "good_work" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "move_gully" );
level.walker say_dialogue( "watch_trees" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "keep_tight" );
level waittill( "ev2_blow_up_stuff2" );
wait( 1 );
level.walker say_dialogue( "airforce_know" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "heads_down" );
trigger = getent( "ev2_plane_strafe_trigger", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
wait( 1 );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "tanks_cover" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "help_clear" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "stay_cover" );
level waittill("flametank_started_flaming");
level.walker say_dialogue( "tank_move_up" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "move_with_it" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "go_now" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "stay_with" );
trigger = getent( "flametank_middle", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
if ( isdefined(level.flametank) && isalive( level.flametank ) )
level.sarge say_dialogue( "watch_tank" );
trigger = getent( "cave_entrance", "targetname" );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "take_left" );
level.walker say_dialogue( "hear_you" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "this_is_it" );
level.sarge say_dialogue( "clear_caves" );