407 lines
7.7 KiB
407 lines
7.7 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
player_add_points( event, mod, hit_location )
if( level.intermission )
if( !is_player_valid( self ) )
points = 0;
switch( event )
case "death":
points = level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_kill"];
points += player_add_points_kill_bonus( mod, hit_location );
case "damage":
points = level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_damage"];
case "damage_ads":
points = Int( level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_damage"] * 1.25 );
assertex( 0, "Unknown point event" );
points = round_up_to_ten( points ) * level.zombie_vars["zombie_point_scalar"];
self.score += points;
self.score_total += points;
self set_player_score_hud();
player_add_points_kill_bonus( mod, hit_location )
if( mod == "MOD_MELEE" )
return level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_bonus_melee"];
if( mod == "MOD_BURNED" )
return level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_bonus_burn"];
score = 0;
switch( hit_location )
case "head":
case "helmet":
score = level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_bonus_head"];
case "neck":
score = level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_bonus_neck"];
case "torso_upper":
case "torso_lower":
score = level.zombie_vars["zombie_score_bonus_torso"];
return score;
player_reduce_points( event, mod, hit_location )
if( level.intermission )
points = 0;
switch( event )
case "no_revive_penalty":
percent = level.zombie_vars["penalty_no_revive_percent"];
points = self.score * percent;
case "died":
percent = level.zombie_vars["penalty_died_percent"];
points = self.score * percent;
case "downed":
percent = level.zombie_vars["penalty_downed_percent"];;
points = self.score * percent;
assertex( 0, "Unknown point event" );
points = self.score - round_up_to_ten( int( points ) );
if( points < 0 )
points = 0;
self.score = points;
self set_player_score_hud();
add_to_player_score( cost )
if( level.intermission )
self.score += cost;
// also set the score onscreen
self set_player_score_hud();
minus_to_player_score( cost )
if( level.intermission )
self.score -= cost;
// also set the score onscreen
self set_player_score_hud();
// Penalize all of the other players
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] != self && !players[i].is_zombie )
players[i] player_reduce_points( "no_revive_penalty" );
self player_reduce_points( "downed" );
// SCORING HUD --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Updates player score hud
set_player_score_hud( init )
num = self.entity_num;
score_diff = self.score - self.old_score;
self thread score_highlight( self.score, score_diff );
if( IsDefined( init ) )
self.old_score = self.score;
// Create the huds and sets values/text to the hudelems on the upper left
// // TODO: We need to clean up the score huds if a player disconnects
// if( !IsDefined( level.score_leaders ) )
// {
// level.score_leaders = [];
// }
// level.score_leaders[level.score_leaders.size] = self;
// if( !IsDefined( level.hud_scores ) )
// {
// if( is_coop() )
// {
// level.hud_names = [];
// }
// level.hud_scores = [];
// }
// level.hud_y_size = 20;
// level.hud_score_x_offset = 100;
// num = self.entity_num;
// y = level.hud_scores.size * level.hud_y_size;
// // Only show the names if we're playing coop.
// if( is_coop() && !IsSplitscreen() )
// {
// level.hud_names[num] = create_score_hud( 0, y );
// level.hud_names[num] SetText( self );
// level.hud_scores[num] = create_score_hud( level.hud_score_x_offset, y );
// }
// else
// {
// level.hud_scores[num] = create_score_hud( 0, 0, true );
// }
// Creates the actual hudelem that will always show up on the upper left
//create_score_hud( x, y, playing_sp )
// font_size = 8;
// // Use newclienthudelem if playing sp or splitscreen
// if( IsDefined( playing_sp ) && playing_sp )
// {
// font_size = 16;
// hud = NewClientHudElem( self );
// }
// else
// {
// hud = NewHudElem();
// }
// level.hudelem_count++;
// hud.foreground = true;
// hud.sort = 1;
// hud.x = x;
// hud.y = y;
// hud.fontScale = font_size;
// hud.alignX = "left";
// hud.alignY = "middle";
// hud.horzAlign = "left";
// hud.vertAlign = "top";
// hud.color = ( 0.8, 0.0, 0.0 );
//// hud.glowColor = ( 0, 1, 0 );
//// hud.glowAlpha = 1;
// hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
// return hud;
//sort_score_board( init )
// // Figure out the order by score
// players = get_players();
// for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
// {
// for( q = i; q < players.size; q++ )
// {
// if( players[q].score > players[i].score )
// {
// temp = players[i];
// players[i] = players[q];
// players[q] = temp;
// }
// }
// }
// // Place the scores in order by score
// for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
// {
// num = players[i].entity_num;
// y = i * 20;
// if( IsDefined( level.hud_scores[num] ) )
// {
// if( level.hud_scores[num].y != y )
// {
// level.hud_scores[num].y = y;
// level.hud_names[num].y = y;
// }
// }
// }
// Creates a hudelem used for the points awarded/taken away
create_highlight_hud( x, y, value )
font_size = 8;
if( IsSplitScreen() )
hud = NewClientHudElem( self );
hud = NewHudElem();
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 0;
hud.x = x;
hud.y = y;
hud.fontScale = font_size;
hud.alignX = "right";
hud.alignY = "middle";
hud.horzAlign = "right";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
if( value < 1 )
// hud.color = ( 0.8, 0, 0 );
hud.color = ( 0.423, 0.004, 0 );
hud.color = ( 0.9, 0.9, 0.0 );
hud.label = &"SCRIPT_PLUS";
// hud.glowColor = ( 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 );
// hud.glowAlpha = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
hud SetValue( value );
return hud;
// Handles the creation/movement/deletion of the moving hud elems
score_highlight( score, value )
self endon( "disconnect" );
// Location from hud.menu
score_x = -103;
score_y = -71;
x = score_x;
if( IsSplitScreen() )
y = score_y;
players = get_players();
num = ( players.size - self GetEntityNumber() ) - 1;
y = ( num * -18 ) + score_y;
// places = places_before_decimal( score ) - 1;
// if( IsDefined( playing_sp ) && playing_sp )
// {
// // Adds more to the X if the score is larger
// x += places * 20;
// }
// else // playing coop
// {
// x = level.hud_score_x_offset;
// y = level.hud_scores[self.entity_num].y;
// Adds more to the X if the score is larger
// x += places * 10;
// }
time = 0.5;
half_time = time * 0.5;
hud = create_highlight_hud( x, y, value );
// Move the hud
hud MoveOverTime( time );
hud.x -= 20 + RandomInt( 40 );
hud.y -= ( -15 + RandomInt( 30 ) );
wait( half_time );
// Fade half-way through the move
hud FadeOverTime( half_time );
hud.alpha = 0;
wait( half_time );
hud Destroy();