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2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00
// _artillery.gsc
// Sets up the behavior for the 122mm Howitzer (Russian), Pak43 (German) and 47mm AT-Gun (Japanese).
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
build_template( "artillery", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
// guzzo 6/9/08 - if we don't want a separate deathmodel, don't pass one in to build_deathmodel()
if( isdefined( no_deathmodel ) && no_deathmodel )
build_deathmodel( "artillery_ger_pak43" );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_rus_m30" );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_jap_47mm" );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_ger_pak43", "artillery_ger_pak43" );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_rus_m30", "artillery_rus_m30" );
build_deathmodel( "artillery_jap_47mm", "artillery_jap_47mm_d" );
build_shoot_shock( "tankblast" );
build_deathfx( "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion", undefined, "explo_metal_rand" );
build_treadfx( type );
build_life( 999, 500, 1500 );
//build_rumble( "tank_rumble", 0.15, 4.5, 600, 1, 1 );
// Sumeet - sets the team on the artilleries.
if ( issubstr( model,"usa") )
build_team( "allies" );
build_team( "axis" );
arty_anims(); // sets up the anims
// Anthing specific to this vehicle, used globally.
self.state = "arty_start";
self.crewsize = 0;
self.arty_crew_info["animname"][0] = "commander";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_a"][0] = "tag_handle_right";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_b"][0] = "tag_commander";
self.arty_crew_info["animname"][1] = "arty_left";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_a"][1] = "tag_shield_left";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_b"][1] = "tag_shield_left";
self.arty_crew_info["animname"][2] = "arty_right";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_a"][2] = "tag_shield_right";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_b"][2] = "tag_shield_right";
self.arty_crew_info["animname"][3] = "loader";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_a"][3] = "tag_handle_left";
self.arty_crew_info["tag_b"][3] = "tag_loader";
arty_crew_init(self); // inits the crew
arty_targets = getentarray(, "targetname" );
arty_spawners = [];
vehicle.arty_crew = [];
for( i = 0; i < arty_targets.size; i++ )
arty_target = arty_targets[ i ];
if( issubstr( arty_target.classname, "actor" ) )
arty_spawners[arty_spawners.size] = arty_target;
// spawn the crew, set them up
for (i = 0; i < arty_spawners.size; i++)
// spawn the guy in
vehicle.arty_crew[self.arty_crew.size] = arty_spawners[i] spawn_crewmember();
vehicle.arty_crew[i].position = i;
vehicle.arty_crew[i].animname = vehicle.arty_crew_info["animname"][i];
vehicle.arty_crew[i].tag_a = vehicle.arty_crew_info["tag_a"][i];
vehicle.arty_crew[i].tag_b = vehicle.arty_crew_info["tag_b"][i];
vehicle.arty_crew[i] thread arty_crew_death_think(vehicle);
vehicle.arty_crew[i] thread arty_crew_dismount(vehicle);
vehicle notify ("arty crew ready");
// dpg 9/21/07 so guys can keep firing w/o the commander
if( self.animname == "commander" )
self waittill_multiple("damage","death");
self animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.primaryweapon, "right");
// Sumeet - Only notify if the vehicle is alive.
if ( isdefined( vehicle ) && ( > 0 ) )
vehicle notify ("shut down arty");
vehicle setspeed (0,100000,100000);
self endon( "death" );
vehicle waittill ("shut down arty");
self unlink();
self animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.primaryweapon, "right");
self.deathAnim = self.olddeathAnim; = self.oldhealth;
self.ignoreall = false;
artycrew_animation_think(vehicle, tag)
vehicle endon ("changing positions");
vehicle endon ("shut down arty");
self endon ("death");
// self endon ("crew dismounted");
// flak endon ("crew dismounted");
// flak endon ("newcrew");
for (;;)
self thread arty_crew_play_anim(vehicle, vehicle.state, tag);
self waittill ("artycrew animation done");
arty_crew_play_anim(vehicle, animname, tag)
vehicle endon ("changing positions");
vehicle endon ("shut down arty");
//vehicle waittill ("arty sequence started");
self endon( "death" );
tagOrigin = vehicle getTagOrigin (tag);
tagAngles = vehicle getTagAngles (tag);
if (isalive (self))
self animscripted("arty_anim_done", tagOrigin, tagAngles, level.scr_anim[self.animname][animname]);
self.allowDeath = 1;
self waittillmatch ("arty_anim_done","end");
self notify ("artycrew animation done");
vehicle notify ("artycrew animation done");
self endon( "shut down arty" );
self endon( "stop_arty_fire_loop" );
while( 1 )
if( self.state =="arty_fire" )
self waittill("artycrew animation done");
self notify( "arty_fire" );
self fireweapon();
wait( 1 );
wait( 1 );
// guzzo 4-24-08, removed this prerequisite; wasn't necessary because they're assumed to be spawned and already on the gun when using this function.
// self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_commander", self.arty_crew[0]);
// self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_shield_left", self.arty_crew[1]);
// self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_shield_right", self.arty_crew[2]);
// self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_loader", self.arty_crew[3]);
// self waittill_multiple ("arty crew 1 in place", "arty crew 2 in place", "arty crew 3 in place", "arty crew 4 in place");
self disconnectpaths();
// take guns away
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
if( isalive( self.arty_crew[i] ) )
self.arty_crew[i] animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.arty_crew[i].primaryweapon, "none");
// TODO what happens if a guy dies between the start of this thread and here? an assert, that's what. need to figure out solution (magic_bullet_shield?, isalive() check?)
// link to the open up tags
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
if( isalive( self.arty_crew[i] ) )
self.arty_crew[i] linkto (self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_b);
// the stop anims play once here
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
if( isalive( self.arty_crew[i] ) )
self.arty_crew[i] thread artycrew_animation_think(self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_b);
// play idles now
self waittill ("artycrew animation done");
self.state = "arty_idle";
// artillery script api goes here
// SRS 11/01/07 - added stopAtGoal (bool) to pass through to SetVehGoalPos()
arty_move( goal_pos, stopAtGoal )
self endon ("shut down arty");
self endon ("death");
self notify ("changing positions");
// unlink so they can move around
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] unlink ();
self.arty_crew[i] endon ("death");
self connectpaths();
// think of a way to convert this so each guy goes at once, a custom anim_reach basically
// guys get in place for pushing
if (isdefined(self.arty_crew[0]))
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_start", "tag_handle_right", self.arty_crew[0]);
if (isdefined(self.arty_crew[1]))
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_start", "tag_shield_left", self.arty_crew[1]);
if (isdefined(self.arty_crew[2]))
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_start", "tag_shield_right", self.arty_crew[2]);
if (isdefined(self.arty_crew[3]))
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_start", "tag_handle_left", self.arty_crew[3]);
//give guns
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.arty_crew[i].primaryweapon, "right");
self waittill_multiple ("arty crew 1 in place", "arty crew 2 in place", "arty crew 3 in place", "arty crew 4 in place");
// take guns away
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.arty_crew[i].primaryweapon, "none");
self disconnectpaths();
// the close up animation
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] linkto (self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_a);
// the close up animation
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] thread artycrew_animation_think(self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_a);
// closed up the arty piece
self waittill ("artycrew animation done");
self.state = "arty_push";
// SRS 11/01/07
if( !IsDefined( stopAtGoal ) )
stopAtGoal = 1;
// move the arty
self SetSpeed( 5, 100, 100 );
self setVehGoalPos( goal_pos, stopAtGoal );
// this needs to start working at somepoint
self waittill( "goal" );
//wait 15;
self notify ("changing positions");
self.state = "arty_stop";
// unlink so they can move around
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] unlink ();
self connectpaths();
//give back guns
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.arty_crew[i].primaryweapon, "right");
// get into idle / fire positions
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_commander", self.arty_crew[0]);
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_shield_left", self.arty_crew[1]);
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_shield_right", self.arty_crew[2]);
self thread anim_reach_for_all("arty_stop", "tag_loader", self.arty_crew[3]);
self waittill_multiple ("arty crew 1 in place", "arty crew 2 in place", "arty crew 3 in place", "arty crew 4 in place");
// self.arty_crew[0] anim_reach_solo( self.arty_crew[0], "arty_stop", "tag_commander", undefined, self );
// self.arty_crew[1] anim_reach_solo( self.arty_crew[1], "arty_stop", "tag_shield_left", undefined, self );
// self.arty_crew[2] anim_reach_solo( self.arty_crew[2], "arty_stop", "tag_shield_right", undefined, self );
// self.arty_crew[3] anim_reach_solo( self.arty_crew[3], "arty_stop", "tag_loader", undefined, self );
//take away guns
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] animscripts\shared::placeWeaponOn( self.arty_crew[i].primaryweapon, "none");
self disconnectpaths();
// link to the open up tags
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] linkto (self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_b);
// the stop anims play once here
for (i = 0; i < self.arty_crew.size; i++)
self.arty_crew[i] thread artycrew_animation_think(self, self.arty_crew[i].tag_b);
// play idles now
self waittill ("artycrew animation done");
self.state = "arty_idle";
self notify ("arty move done");
anim_reach_for_all(the_anim, the_tag, guy)
// self is the vehicle, guy is the crew member
guy anim_reach_solo( guy, the_anim, the_tag, undefined, self );
self notify ("arty crew " + (guy.position + 1) + " in place");
self.state = "arty_fire";
// fire animation loop goes here, needs notetack for when we actually fire it
self thread arty_fire_loop();
// guzzo 8-6-08, to help network traffic
while( !OkTospawn() )
wait( 0.05 );
spawn = self spawn_ai();
if ( spawn_failed( spawn ) )
assertex( 0, "spawn failed from arty piece" );
spawn endon( "death" );
spawn.olddeathAnim = spawn.deathAnim;
//spawn.deathAnim = level.scr_anim[ "triple25_gunner1" ][ "deathin" ];
spawn.allowDeath = true;
spawn.oldhealth =; = 1;
spawn.ignoreall = true;
return spawn;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
// commander anims
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_fire"] = %crew_artillery1_commander_fire;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_idle"] = %crew_artillery1_commander_idle;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_pinned"] = %crew_artillery1_commander_pinneddown;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_push"] = %crew_artillery1_handleright_push_medium;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_stop"] = %crew_artillery1_handleright_stop;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_start"] = %crew_artillery1_handleright_start;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_rot_cw"] = %crew_artillery1_handleright_rotate_cw;
level.scr_anim["commander"]["arty_rot_ccw"] = %crew_artillery1_handleright_rotate_ccw;
// left guy
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_fire"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_fire;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_idle"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_idle;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_pinned"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_pinneddown;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_push"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_push_medium;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_stop"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_push_stop;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_start"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_push_start;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_rot_cw"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_rotate_cw;
level.scr_anim["arty_left"]["arty_rot_ccw"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldleft_rotate_ccw;
// right guy
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_fire"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_fire;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_idle"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_idle;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_pinned"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_pinneddown;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_push"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_push_medium;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_stop"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_push_stop;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_start"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_push_start;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_rot_cw"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_rotate_cw;
level.scr_anim["arty_right"]["arty_rot_ccw"] = %crew_artillery1_shieldright_rotate_ccw;
// loader anims
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_fire"] = %crew_artillery1_loader_fire;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_idle"] = %crew_artillery1_loader_idle;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_pinned"] = %crew_artillery1_loader_pinneddown;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_push"] = %crew_artillery1_handleleft_push_medium;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_stop"] = %crew_artillery1_handleleft_stop;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_start"] = %crew_artillery1_handleleft_start;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_rot_cw"] = %crew_artillery1_handleleft_rotate_cw;
level.scr_anim["loader"]["arty_rot_ccw"] = %crew_artillery1_handleleft_rotate_ccw;