609 lines
17 KiB
609 lines
17 KiB
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CODViewModelControlWindow.mel - MEL Script
// Infinity Ward's Viewmodel procs for Maya
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used for working with Viewmodel model and animation
// files
// Richard Cheek
// Eric Pierce
// Copyright <20>2006 Infinity Ward,
// a division of Activision, Inc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the single run version of MakeVMExportRig
// It runs on the open vmGun file.
global string $CurrentViewModel = "ViewModel_Rig.mb";
global string $CurrentDefMeshModel = "ViewModel_DefMesh.mb";
global string $CurrentViewModelSleeves = "viewmodelSleeves_OpForce";
global string $Root_Directory = "C:/cod5/cod/cod5modtools/";
global proc MakeSingleVMExportRig()
// Set up vars
global string $Root_Directory ;
string $Tokenize[];
string $Tokenize2[];
int $TokSize;
string $EachVMGun;
string $MayaName;
string $ExportName;
int $loop;
string $Result;
// Get the file name
string $EachVMGun = `file -q -sn`;
// Check to see if it is a VMGun file
if(`gmatch $EachVMGun "*.VMGun.mb"` == 0)
warning "File must be a .VMGun.mb type to create a new gunsleeve file";
// Calculate Maya name
tokenize $EachVMGun "/" $Tokenize;
$TokSize = `size $Tokenize`;
$MayaName = "";
for ($loop = 0; $loop < $TokSize -1 ; $loop ++ )
$MayaName = $MayaName + $Tokenize[$loop];
$MayaName = $MayaName + "/";
tokenize $Tokenize[$TokSize - 1] "." $Tokenize2;
$MayaName = $MayaName + "viewmodel_" + $Tokenize2[0] + "_gunsleeves.mb";
// Calculate the export name
$ExportName = $Root_Directory + "public/model_export/viewmodels/modern_weapons/viewmodel_" + $Tokenize2[0] + "_animated.XMODEL_EXPORT";
SetUpVMExportRig $EachVMGun $ExportName $MayaName;
// PROC: MakeVMExportRig
// The view models need 3 files exported to the game engine, 1. the gun, 2. the arms and 3. both together.
// We don't need both together on the animation side because the guns are all referenced in to the main rig.
// This proc creates the 'both' rig by importing the 2 files and parenting them together so the automatic
// exporter will work.
// This proc will need to be ran on all the guns every time the arms rig changes.
// This proc will also set up the export settings. To do this some selection sets will need to be set up in
// in the maya files. For the guns we need a selection set called `GunExport` and the arm meshes need
// one called 'ArmExport'.
// These selection sets will tell the proc what nodes need to be selected to go into the export settings.
global proc MakeVMExportRig()
// Add confirm dialog
string $Confirm = `confirmDialog -title "Confirm" -message "This will delete any unsaved changes. Are you sure?\n\nPlease make sure all the *gunsleave files are checked out." -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
if ($Confirm == "No")
// Start by getting a list of all the .VMGuns files in the view model directory.
string $GunList[] ;
source CalcSubDirFileList;
string $TopDir = "C:/trees/cod3/cod3_animation_source/viewmodels/modern_weapons";
$GunList = `CalcSubDirFileList $TopDir "VMGun.mb"`;
string $Tokenize[];
string $Tokenize2[];
int $TokSize;
string $EachVMGun;
string $MayaName;
string $ExportName;
int $loop;
string $Result;
for ( $EachVMGun in $GunList )
// Calculate Maya name
tokenize $EachVMGun "/" $Tokenize;
$TokSize = `size $Tokenize`;
$MayaName = "";
for ( $loop = 0; $loop < $TokSize -1 ; $loop ++ )
$MayaName = $MayaName + $Tokenize[$loop];
$MayaName = $MayaName + "/";
tokenize $Tokenize[$TokSize - 1] "." $Tokenize2;
$MayaName = $MayaName + "viewmodel_" + $Tokenize2[0] + "_gunsleeves.mb";
// Calculate the export name
$ExportName = $Tokenize[0] + "/" + $Tokenize[1] + "/cod3/cod3/model_export/viewmodels/" + $Tokenize[5] +"/viewmodel_" + $Tokenize2[0] + "_animated.XMODEL_EXPORT";
SetUpVMExportRig $EachVMGun $ExportName $MayaName;
// PROC: Parent_Extra
// This proc connects the chosen extra control to the selected object with a parent constraint.
global proc Parent_Extra ( string $Side)
// Get the selected object as this will be the node the extra control is connected to.
string $Sel[] = `ls -sl`;
// Calc the hand
string $HandGRP;
if ( $Side == "RI" )
$HandGRP = "rig:Hand_Extra_RI_GRP";
$HandGRP = "rig:Hand_Extra_LE_GRP";
// Make the connection
string $ParentC[] = `parentConstraint -weight 1 $Sel[0] $HandGRP ` ;
// Store the constraint in the extra control.
setAttr -type "string" ($HandGRP + ".Parent") $ParentC[0];
// PROC: SetUpVMExportRig
// This proc is the main workhorse of MakeVMExportRig
global proc SetUpVMExportRig(string $GunFileName, string $ExportName, string $MayaName)
global string $CurrentDefMeshModel;
global string $CurrentViewModelSleeves;
global string $Root_Directory;
string $Result;
// check it's not a incrementalsave file
$Result = `match "incrementalSave" $GunFileName`;
if ($Result != "")
print ("\n" + $GunFileName + " is in an incrementalSave folder, ignoring");
// check it's not in a CVS folder, which means it's probably in a base folder too
$Result = `match "CVS" $GunFileName`;
if ($Result != "")
print ("\n" + $GunFileName + " is in a CVS folder, ignoring");
source CODExportModelWindow;
file -f -new;
// Load in the view model rig.
file -f -type "mayaBinary" -o ($Root_Directory + "public/bin/maya/rigs/viewmodel/" + $CurrentDefMeshModel);
// Now import in the new gun.
file -import -type "mayaBinary" $GunFileName;
// Next connect the gun to the rig.
select -r J_Gun ;
select -add tag_weapon;
//Lastly set up the export settings.
// First check that there isn't any entrys from old settings, if so delete them
if (`attributeExists ModelCount IWGlobalNode`)
// Unlock the node to add or remove an attribute
lockNode -lock off IWGlobalNode;
delete IWGlobalNode;
createNode "renderLayer" -n "IWGlobalNode";
addAttr -ln ModelCount -at byte IWGlobalNode;
setAttr IWGlobalNode.ModelCount 0;
addAttr -ln "postExportConvert" -dt "string" IWGlobalNode;
setAttr -type "string" "IWGlobalNode.postExportConvert" "Export Only";
// Add a new model export entry
// Add 1 to the Model count attribute
int $ModelCount = `getAttr IWGlobalNode.ModelCount`;
$ModelCount ++;
setAttr IWGlobalNode.ModelCount $ModelCount;
// Add all the extra attributes to the IWGlobalNode for the new Model
AddModelAttributes $ModelCount;
// Set the Force Export Selected Joints to 1
setAttr "IWGlobalNode.ForceExportSelectedJoints1" 1;
// Set the export name
setAttr -type "string" IWGlobalNode.ModelFileName1 $ExportName;
// name the maya file
file -rename $MayaName;
//system("shell p4 edit " + $MayaName);
// Print out results for debugging use
print "\nMaya name : ";
print $MayaName;
print "\nExport name :";
print $ExportName;
print "\nVMGun file : ";
print $GunFileName;
// Check to see if the maya file exists and is readable
int $FileResult = `filetest -r $MayaName`;
// If it doesn't exist simply save the file.
if ($FileResult == 0)
print ("\n" + $MayaName + " did not exist, so saving a new file\n");
file -save;
// Check if the file is writable
$FileResult = `filetest -w $MayaName`;
if ($FileResult == 1)
print ("\n" + $MayaName + " existed, but is writable, so saving the file\n");
file -save;
print ("\n" + $MayaName + " existed, but is NOT writable, so trying to set the read only flag before saving\n");
// Make it writable
system ("attrib -r \"" + $MayaName + "\"");
file -save;
// add the export nodes from the model quick selection sets
select -r GunExport;
select -tgl DefViewSkeleton;
select -tgl tag_view;
select -tgl $CurrentViewModelSleeves;
// Set Exports
SetExportNodesME 1;
// Save the file once more to avoid Maya's prompt to save changes
file -save;
// Automatically export the XMODEL file
StartTheExportME 0;
// Relock the node to protect it
lockNode IWGlobalNode;
// PROC: VM_ChangeGun
// This changes the gun if one is already loaded.
global proc VM_ChangeGun()
// First off check a rig is referenced.
int $Result = `objExists rig:DefMesh:tag_view`;
if ($Result == 0)
$Result = `objExists ConRig:DefMesh:tag_view`;
if ($Result == 0)
warning "No View Model rig is referenced";
// Next check that a gun is also loaded.
$Result = `objExists VM_Gun:J_Gun`;
if ($Result == 0)
warning "No Gun is referenced";
// Remove the ParentConstraint so the gun can be un-loaded
delete VMParentConstraint;
// Check for and remove any constraints that are on the hand extra controls
string $ParentRI = `getAttr rig:Hand_Extra_RI_GRP.Parent`;
string $ParentLE = `getAttr rig:Hand_Extra_LE_GRP.Parent`;
if ($ParentRI != "")
delete $ParentRI;
if ($ParentLE != "")
delete $ParentLE;
// Add in a new gun;
// PROC: VM_SwitchGunReference
// Simple proc to switch the reference file.
global proc VM_SwitchGunReference()
// Declare vars
string $GunFileName = `GetGunName`;
// check the file name
if ($GunFileName == "NoGun")
// Now switch the gun reference.
print $GunFileName;
file -loadReference "VM_GunRN" $GunFileName;
// Next connect the gun to the rig.
// PROC: GetGunName
// Simple proc to open a file load dialog to select the View model gun
global proc string GetGunName()
global string $Root_Directory;
$GunFileName = `fileDialog -dm ($Root_Directory + "public/bin/maya/animation_src/viewmodel/" + "*.VMGun.mb")`;
// check the file name
if ($GunFileName == "")
$GunFileName = "NoGun";
return $GunFileName;
// PROC: VM_ConnectGun
// This procedure creates a parent constraint between the gun and the rig
global proc VM_ConnectGun()
if (`objExists rig:DefMesh:tag_weapon`) select -r rig:DefMesh:tag_weapon ;
else select -r ConRig:DefMesh:tag_weapon;
select -tgl VM_Gun:J_Gun ;
parentConstraint -weight 1 -name VMParentConstraint;
select -cl;
// PROC: VM_AddNewGun
// This procedure opens a file load dialoge to select a gun file.
// The gun file is then loaded and attached to the rig.
// So the wrong maya file can't be loaded into the rig, all the gun files have been renamed .VMGun
global proc string VM_AddNewGun()
string $GunFileName = `GetGunName`;
// check the file name
if ($GunFileName == "NoGun")
return "falied";
// Now reference in the new gun.
file -r -type "mayaBinary" -namespace "VM_Gun" $GunFileName;
// Next connect the gun to the rig.
return $GunFileName;
// PROC: ImportVMRig
// This procedure is the same as the LoadVMRig proc below, but without the file -new
// Because the guns are stored seperatly, it's not a simple task of just loading a file.
// The Rig file has to be loaded, but then the gun file needs to come in and be attached to the rig.
global proc ImportVMRig()
global string $CurrentViewModel;
global string $Root_Directory;
// Reference in the view model rig.
file -r -type "mayaBinary" -namespace "rig" -options "v=0" ($Root_Directory + "public/bin/maya/animation_src/viewmodel/" + $CurrentViewModel);
// Next the gun file needs to be loaded.
// PROC: LoadVMRig
// This procedure loads the rig.
// Because the guns are stored seperatly, it's not a simple task of just loading a file.
// The Rig file has to be loaded, but then the gun file needs to come in and be attached to the rig.
global proc LoadVMRig()
global string $CurrentViewModel;
global string $Root_Directory;
string $Confirm = `confirmDialog -title "Confirm" -message "This will delete any unsaved changes. Are you sure?" -button "Yes" -button "No" -defaultButton "Yes" -cancelButton "No" -dismissString "No"`;
if ($Confirm == "No")
file -f -new;
currentUnit -linear "cm";
// Reference in the view model rig.
file -r -type "mayaBinary" -namespace "rig" -options "v=0" ($Root_Directory + "public/bin/maya/rigs/viewmodel/" + $CurrentViewModel);
// Next the gun file needs to be loaded.