
313 lines
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2008-11-20 00:00:00 +00:00
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
custom_stealth_detection_range_setup( health, front, back, corpse_front, corpse_back, shot, cautious )
level.stealth_enemy_init_health = health;
level.stealth_enemy_detect_front = front;
level.stealth_enemy_detect_back = back;
level.stealth_enemy_detect_corpse_front = corpse_front;
level.stealth_enemy_detect_corpse_back = corpse_back;
level.stealth_enemy_detect_shot = shot;
level.stealth_enemy_cautious_approach = cautious;
custom_stealth_ai( ai_group_name )
self thread custom_stealth_reduce_initial_health();
level thread custom_stealth_monitor_damage( self, ai_group_name );
self thread custom_stealth_react_to_approaching_player( ai_group_name );
self thread custom_stealth_idle();
self thread custom_stealth_enter_combat();
// This runs on the level, not the ai entity
// When the trigger is pulled, alert the ai group of the player presence
custom_stealth_react_to_gun_fire( ai_friends )
level endon( "end_stealth" );
while( 1 )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if( players[i] AttackButtonPressed() )
level notify( "attack_button_pressed" );
if( players[i] close_to_any_friend( ai_friends ) )
level thread custom_stealth_full_alert( players[i].origin, ai_friends );
wait( 0.05 );
self.old_health =; = level.stealth_enemy_init_health;
custom_stealth_monitor_damage( guy, ai_friends )
self endon( "enemy_in_sight" );
guy waittill( "damage", dmg );
// check to see if this kills the ai
if( <= 0 )
level thread custom_stealth_soft_alert( guy.origin, ai_friends );
level thread custom_stealth_full_alert( guy.origin, ai_friends );
custom_stealth_react_to_approaching_player( ai_friends )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "enemy_in_sight" );
detection_range = 0;
while( 1 )
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
// 1. Depending on if the player is in front arc or back arc of the entity
// react to him at different detection distances
if ( self entity_is_in_front_of_me( players[i] ) )
detection_range = level.stealth_enemy_detect_front;
if ( distance( players[i].origin, self.origin ) < detection_range )
if( bullettracepassed( players[i] getEye(), self.origin + (0,0,48), false, self ) )
iprintlnbold( "Getting too close" );
if( level.stealth_enemy_cautious_approach )
// turn towards player if necessary
self turn_towards_target( players[i] );
// say something: papers please
iprintlnbold( "German: where's your papers?" );
wait( 2 );
// gives player a chance to kill him or take cover
wait( 1 );
if( bullettracepassed( players[i] getEye(), self.origin + (0,0,48), false, self ) == false )
// alert everyone
iprintlnbold( "German: Intruders!" );
level thread custom_stealth_full_alert( players[i].origin, ai_friends );
detection_range = level.stealth_enemy_detect_back;
// 2. Now check to see if the player is within that distance
if ( distance( players[i].origin, self.origin ) < detection_range )
iprintlnbold( "Getting too close" );
if( level.stealth_enemy_cautious_approach )
// turn towards player if necessary
self turn_towards_target( players[i] );
// say something: papers please
iprintlnbold( "German: where's your papers?" );
wait( 2 );
// gives player a chance to kill him. Thread will end here if he dies
wait( 3 );
// alert everyone
iprintlnbold( "German: Intruders!" );
level thread custom_stealth_full_alert( players[i].origin, ai_friends );
wait( 0.1 );
custom_stealth_full_alert( enemy_origin, ai_friends )
friends = get_ai_group_ai( ai_friends );
level notify( ai_friends );
for( i = 0; i < friends.size; i++ )
friends[i] notify( "stop_idle_anim" );
friends[i] notify( "enemy_in_sight" );
custom_stealth_soft_alert( enemy_origin, ai_friends )
friends = get_ai_group_ai( ai_friends );
for( i = 0; i < friends.size; i++ )
// if the enemy is in front
if( friends[i] point_is_in_front_of_me( enemy_origin ) )
if( distance( enemy_origin, friends[i].origin ) < level.stealth_enemy_detect_corpse_front )
if( bullettracepassed( enemy_origin + (0,0,48), friends[i].origin + (0,0,48), false, friends[i] ) )
level notify( ai_friends );
friends[i] notify( "stop_idle_anim" );
friends[i] notify( "enemy_in_sight" );
// ai cannot see the enemy and depend purely on distance
if( distance( enemy_origin, friends[i].origin ) < level.stealth_enemy_detect_corpse_back )
level notify( ai_friends );
friends[i] notify( "stop_idle_anim" );
friends[i] notify( "enemy_in_sight" );
entity_is_in_front_of_me( target_entity )
// We do this by:
// 1, Form a line going from left to the right of self.
// 2. Find the perpendicular vector from this line to the target entity's origin
// 3. Dot product this vector with self's forward angle
// 4. If the dot is positive (same direction vectors) it's in front
point1 = self.origin; // 2 points needed to determine a line
right_vector = anglestoright( self.angles );
point2 = point1 + right_vector;
vector_to_target = VectorFromLineToPoint( point1, point2, target_entity.origin );
forward_vector = anglestoforward( self.angles );
dot_product = vectordot( forward_vector, vector_to_target );
if( dot_product >= 0 )
return true;
return false;
point_is_in_front_of_me( target_point )
point1 = self.origin; // 2 points needed to determine a line
right_vector = anglestoright( self.angles );
point2 = point1 + right_vector;
vector_to_target = VectorFromLineToPoint( point1, point2, target_point );
forward_vector = anglestoforward( self.angles );
dot_product = vectordot( forward_vector, vector_to_target );
if( dot_product >= 0 )
return true;
return false;
turn_towards_target( target_entity )
self notify( "stop_idle_anim" );
vector_to_target = vectornormalize( target_entity.origin - self.origin );
new_pos = self.origin + vector_to_target * 60;
self.goalradius = 4;
self setgoalpos( new_pos );
self waittill( "goal" );
close_to_any_friend( ai_friends )
friends = get_ai_group_ai( ai_friends );
for( i = 0; i < friends.size; i++ )
if( distance( self.origin, friends[i].origin ) < 1024 )
return true;
return false;
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "enemy_in_sight" );
self.ignoreall = 1;
self.goalradius = 4;
self.pacifist = 1;
if( isdefined( self.script_patroller ) && self.script_patroller == 1 )
// patrollers don't need special anims
self.animname = "generic";
//self thread anim_loop_solo( self, "patrol_idle_all", undefined, "stop_idle_anim" );
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "enemy_in_sight" );
self notify( "stop_idle_anim" );
level notify( "entering_combat" );
self stopanimscripted();
self.ignoreall = 0;
self.goalradius = 1024;
self.pacifist = 0; = self.old_health;
self FindBestCoverNode();