2003-03-16 12:20:39 +00:00
AUTHORS no message 2003-01-17 21:18:53 +00:00
autogen.sh no message 2003-01-17 21:18:53 +00:00
configure.ac - fixed nvparse build stage 2003-03-10 00:51:34 +00:00
Makefile.am - fixed linux/sdl compilation 2003-03-16 12:20:39 +00:00
NEWS no message 2003-01-17 21:18:53 +00:00
README no message 2003-01-17 21:18:53 +00:00

This part of the source deals with building the sdl version of tenebrae.

*** the tools ***

You'll find here the files to use with automake/autoconf buildtools. the required versions are :

automake >= 1.6
autoconf >= 2.50

It is certainly possible to build tenebrae.sdl on non UNIX systems, but you'll have to figure it out by yourself :) 

*** the procedure ***

1) run './autogen.sh'

this step is necessary if you got the source from cvs. This script will create the configure script and some Makefile parts.

2) run './configure'

It will try to analyse your system for compatibility with the source. If something is missing, this script might pinpoint it. 
Besides, this script accepts several parameters. You can have a look at the list with the '--help' parameter.

The added ones are :


Tenebrae is built by default with user preference directory, which basically means that '$HOME/.quake' is the first place where the game will seek game data.


This one defines the directory where the program may find the game data (that is : id1 and tenebrae directories). The default value is '${datadir}/games/quake' where 'datadir' is another option of the configure script. 


This one is currently not supported and so disabled by default. It allows the use of x86 assembly code.

3) run 'make'

this is the real build part of the pocedure. But you know about this, don't you ?

4) install tenebrae data