/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cl_main.c -- client main loop #include "quakedef.h" // we need to declare some mouse variables here, because the menu system // references them even when on a unix system. // these two are not intended to be set directly cvar_t cl_name = {"cl_name", "player", true}; cvar_t cl_color = {"_cl_color", "0", true}; cvar_t cl_shownet = {"cl_shownet","0"}; // can be 0, 1, or 2 cvar_t cl_nolerp = {"cl_nolerp","0"}; cvar_t lookspring = {"cl_lookspring","0", true}; cvar_t lookstrafe = {"cl_lookstrafe","0", true}; cvar_t sensitivity = {"m_sensitivity","3", true}; cvar_t m_pitch = {"m_pitch","0.022", true}; cvar_t m_yaw = {"m_yaw","0.022", true}; cvar_t m_forward = {"m_forward","1", true}; cvar_t m_side = {"m_side","0.8", true}; cvar_t sbar_updateperframe = {"sbar_updateperframe","1", true}; client_static_t cls; client_state_t cl; // FIXME: put these on hunk? efrag_t cl_efrags[MAX_EFRAGS]; entity_t cl_entities[MAX_EDICTS]; entity_t cl_static_entities[MAX_STATIC_ENTITIES]; lightstyle_t cl_lightstyle[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; dlight_t cl_dlights[MAX_DLIGHTS]; int cl_numvisedicts; entity_t *cl_visedicts[MAX_VISEDICTS]; int cl_numlightvisedicts; entity_t *cl_lightvisedicts[MAX_VISEDICTS]; /* ===================== CL_ClearState ===================== */ void CL_ClearState (void) { int i; if (!sv.active) Host_ClearMemory (); // wipe the entire cl structure memset (&cl, 0, sizeof(cl)); SZ_Clear (&cls.message); // clear other arrays memset (cl_efrags, 0, sizeof(cl_efrags)); memset (cl_entities, 0, sizeof(cl_entities)); memset (cl_dlights, 0, sizeof(cl_dlights)); memset (cl_lightstyle, 0, sizeof(cl_lightstyle)); memset (cl_temp_entities, 0, sizeof(cl_temp_entities)); memset (cl_beams, 0, sizeof(cl_beams)); // // allocate the efrags and chain together into a free list // cl.free_efrags = cl_efrags; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_EFRAGS-1 ; i++) cl.free_efrags[i].entnext = &cl.free_efrags[i+1]; cl.free_efrags[i].entnext = NULL; } /* ===================== CL_Disconnect Sends a disconnect message to the server This is also called on Host_Error, so it shouldn't cause any errors ===================== */ void CL_Disconnect (void) { // stop sounds (especially looping!) S_StopAllSounds (true); // bring the console down and fade the colors back to normal // SCR_BringDownConsole (); // if running a local server, shut it down if (cls.demoplayback) CL_StopPlayback (); else if (cls.state == ca_connected) { if (cls.demorecording) CL_Stop_f (); Con_DPrintf ("Sending clc_disconnect\n"); SZ_Clear (&cls.message); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_disconnect); NET_SendUnreliableMessage (cls.netcon, &cls.message); SZ_Clear (&cls.message); NET_Close (cls.netcon); cls.state = ca_disconnected; if (sv.active) Host_ShutdownServer(false); } cls.demoplayback = cls.timedemo = false; cls.signon = 0; } void CL_Disconnect_f (void) { CL_Disconnect (); if (sv.active) Host_ShutdownServer (false); } /* ===================== CL_EstablishConnection Host should be either "local" or a net address to be passed on ===================== */ void CL_EstablishConnection (char *host) { if (cls.state == ca_dedicated) return; if (cls.demoplayback) return; CL_Disconnect (); cls.netcon = NET_Connect (host); if (!cls.netcon) Host_Error ("CL_Connect: connect failed\n"); Con_DPrintf ("CL_EstablishConnection: connected to %s\n", host); cls.demonum = -1; // not in the demo loop now cls.state = ca_connected; cls.signon = 0; // need all the signon messages before playing } /* ===================== CL_SignonReply An svc_signonnum has been received, perform a client side setup ===================== */ void CL_SignonReply (void) { int i; char str[8192]; Con_DPrintf ("CL_SignonReply: %i\n", cls.signon); switch (cls.signon) { case 1: MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.message, "prespawn"); break; case 2: MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.message, va("name \"%s\"\n", cl_name.string)); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.message, va("color %i %i\n", ((int)cl_color.value)>>4, ((int)cl_color.value)&15)); MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_stringcmd); sprintf (str, "spawn %s", cls.spawnparms); MSG_WriteString (&cls.message, str); break; case 3: MSG_WriteByte (&cls.message, clc_stringcmd); MSG_WriteString (&cls.message, "begin"); Cache_Report (); // print remaining memory break; case 4: SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (); // allow normal screen updates //PENTA: Is this the right place to call stuff like this? R_AutomaticLightPos(); //We do this here since automaticlightpos can change the lightmapbright for (i=0; i<cl.worldmodel->nummeshes; i++) { MESH_SetupMeshColors(&cl.worldmodel->meshes[i]); } R_LoadSkys(); break; } } /* ===================== CL_NextDemo Called to play the next demo in the demo loop ===================== */ void CL_NextDemo (void) { char str[1024]; if (cls.demonum == -1) return; // don't play demos SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (); if (!cls.demos[cls.demonum][0] || cls.demonum == MAX_DEMOS) { cls.demonum = 0; if (!cls.demos[cls.demonum][0]) { Con_Printf ("No demos listed with startdemos\n"); cls.demonum = -1; return; } } sprintf (str,"playdemo %s\n", cls.demos[cls.demonum]); Cbuf_InsertText (str); cls.demonum++; } /* ============== CL_PrintEntities_f ============== */ void CL_PrintEntities_f (void) { entity_t *ent; int i; for (i=0,ent=cl_entities ; i<cl.num_entities ; i++,ent++) { Con_Printf ("%3i:",i); if (!ent->model) { Con_Printf ("EMPTY\n"); continue; } Con_Printf ("%s:%2i (%5.1f,%5.1f,%5.1f) [%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f]\n" ,ent->model->name,ent->frame, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2], ent->angles[0], ent->angles[1], ent->angles[2]); } } /* =============== SetPal Debugging tool, just flashes the screen =============== */ void SetPal (int i) { #if 0 static int old; byte pal[768]; int c; if (i == old) return; old = i; if (i==0) VID_SetPalette (host_basepal); else if (i==1) { for (c=0 ; c<768 ; c+=3) { pal[c] = 0; pal[c+1] = 255; pal[c+2] = 0; } VID_SetPalette (pal); } else { for (c=0 ; c<768 ; c+=3) { pal[c] = 0; pal[c+1] = 0; pal[c+2] = 255; } VID_SetPalette (pal); } #endif } /* =============== CL_AllocDlight =============== */ dlight_t *CL_AllocDlight (int key) { int i; dlight_t *dl; // first look for an exact key match if (key) { dl = cl_dlights; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++) { if (dl->key == key) { memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl->key = key; dl->owner = NULL;//PENTA: return dl; } } } // then look for anything else dl = cl_dlights; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++) { if (dl->die < cl.time) { memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl->key = key; dl->owner = NULL;//PENTA: return dl; } } dl = &cl_dlights[0]; memset (dl, 0, sizeof(*dl)); dl->key = key; dl->owner = NULL;//PENTA: return dl; } /* =============== CL_DecayLights =============== */ void CL_DecayLights (void) { int i; dlight_t *dl; float time; time = cl.time - cl.oldtime; dl = cl_dlights; for (i=0 ; i<MAX_DLIGHTS ; i++, dl++) { if (dl->die < cl.time || !dl->radius) continue; dl->radius -= time*dl->decay; if (dl->radius < 0) dl->radius = 0; } } /* =============== CL_LerpPoint Determines the fraction between the last two messages that the objects should be put at. =============== */ float CL_LerpPoint (void) { float f, frac; f = cl.mtime[0] - cl.mtime[1]; if (!f || cl_nolerp.value || cls.timedemo || sv.active) { cl.time = cl.mtime[0]; return 1; } if (f > 0.1) { // dropped packet, or start of demo cl.mtime[1] = cl.mtime[0] - 0.1; f = 0.1; } frac = (cl.time - cl.mtime[1]) / f; //Con_Printf ("frac: %f\n",frac); if (frac < 0) { if (frac < -0.01) { SetPal(1); cl.time = cl.mtime[1]; // Con_Printf ("low frac\n"); } frac = 0; } else if (frac > 1) { if (frac > 1.01) { SetPal(2); cl.time = cl.mtime[0]; // Con_Printf ("high frac\n"); } frac = 1; } else SetPal(0); return frac; } /* =============== CL_RelinkEntities PENTA: Modifications in dynamic light handling. =============== */ void CL_RelinkEntities (void) { entity_t *ent; int i, j; float frac, f, d; vec3_t delta; float bobjrotate; vec3_t oldorg; dlight_t *dl; // determine partial update time frac = CL_LerpPoint (); cl_numvisedicts = 0; // // interpolate player info // for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) cl.velocity[i] = cl.mvelocity[1][i] + frac * (cl.mvelocity[0][i] - cl.mvelocity[1][i]); if (cls.demoplayback) { // interpolate the angles for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { d = cl.mviewangles[0][j] - cl.mviewangles[1][j]; if (d > 180) d -= 360; else if (d < -180) d += 360; cl.viewangles[j] = cl.mviewangles[1][j] + frac*d; } } bobjrotate = anglemod(100*cl.time); // start on the entity after the world for (i=1,ent=cl_entities+1 ; i<cl.num_entities ; i++,ent++) { if (!ent->model) { // empty slot if (ent->forcelink) R_RemoveEfrags (ent); // just became empty continue; } // if the object wasn't included in the last packet, remove it if (ent->msgtime != cl.mtime[0]) { ent->model = NULL; continue; } VectorCopy (ent->origin, oldorg); if (ent->forcelink) { // the entity was not updated in the last message // so move to the final spot VectorCopy (ent->msg_origins[0], ent->origin); VectorCopy (ent->msg_angles[0], ent->angles); R_FillEntityLeafs (ent); } else { // if the delta is large, assume a teleport and don't lerp f = frac; for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { delta[j] = ent->msg_origins[0][j] - ent->msg_origins[1][j]; if (delta[j] > 100 || delta[j] < -100) f = 1; // assume a teleportation, not a motion } // interpolate the origin and angles for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { ent->origin[j] = ent->msg_origins[1][j] + f*delta[j]; d = ent->msg_angles[0][j] - ent->msg_angles[1][j]; if (d > 180) d -= 360; else if (d < -180) d += 360; ent->angles[j] = ent->msg_angles[1][j] + f*d; } R_FillEntityLeafs (ent); } // rotate binary objects locally if (ent->model->flags & EF_ROTATE) ent->angles[1] = bobjrotate; if (ent->effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD) R_EntityParticles (ent); #ifdef QUAKE2 if (ent->effects & EF_DARKFIELD) R_DarkFieldParticles (ent); #endif if (ent->effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH) { vec3_t fv, rv, uv; dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->origin[2] += 16; AngleVectors (ent->angles, fv, rv, uv); VectorMA (dl->origin, 18, fv, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->minlight = 32; dl->die = cl.time + 0.1; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 0.9; dl->color[2] = 0.7; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->origin[2] += 16; dl->radius = 400 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_DIMLIGHT) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } //PENTA: After tutorial done by james.dale@ukonline.co.uk if (ent->effects & EF_BLUE) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->origin[2]+=16; //dont let light be to close on ground dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 0.5; dl->color[1] = 0.5; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_RED) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->origin[2]+=16; //dont let light be to close on ground dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 0.2; dl->color[2] = 0.2; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_GREEN) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 0.2; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 0.2; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_FULLDYNAMIC) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; dl->style = ent->style; if (ent->baseline.light_lev != 0) { dl->radius = ent->light_lev; } else { dl->radius = 350; } VectorCopy(ent->color,dl->color); if ((dl->color[0] == 0) && (dl->color[1] == 0) && (dl->color[2] == 0)) { dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; } if (ent->skinnum >= 16) { dl->filtercube = R_CubeMapLookup(ent->skinnum); } else { dl->filtercube = 0; } VectorCopy(ent->angles,dl->angles); dl->pflags = ent->pflags; } if ((ent->effects & (EF_BLUE | EF_RED)) == (EF_BLUE | EF_RED)) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 0.9; dl->color[1] = 0.2; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } #ifdef QUAKE2 if (ent->effects & EF_DARKLIGHT) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200.0 + (rand()&31); dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->dark = true; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } if (ent->effects & EF_LIGHT) { dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.001; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->owner = ent; } #endif if (ent->model->flags & EF_GIB) R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 2); else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ZOMGIB) R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 4); else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER) R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 3); else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER2) R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 5); else if (ent->model->flags & EF_ROCKET) { R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 0); dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.01; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 0.9; dl->color[2] = 0.7; dl->owner = ent; //PENTA: Hack give the lava ball a lava cube map if (!strcmp (ent->model->name, "progs/lavaball.mdl")) { dl->filtercube = R_CubeMapLookup(17); dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 1; dl->color[2] = 1; dl->radius = 270; } } else if (ent->model->flags & EF_GRENADE) { R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 1); //PENTA: let a grenade give off light dl = CL_AllocDlight (i); VectorCopy (ent->origin, dl->origin); dl->radius = 200; dl->die = cl.time + 0.01; dl->color[0] = 1; dl->color[1] = 0.9; dl->color[2] = 0.7; dl->owner = ent; } else if (ent->model->flags & EF_TRACER3) R_RocketTrail (oldorg, ent->origin, 6); ent->forcelink = false; if (i == cl.viewentity && !cg_thirdperson.value) continue; #ifdef QUAKE2 if ( ent->effects & EF_NODRAW ) continue; #endif if (cl_numvisedicts < MAX_VISEDICTS) { cl_visedicts[cl_numvisedicts] = ent; cl_numvisedicts++; } } } /* =============== CL_ReadFromServer Read all incoming data from the server =============== */ int CL_ReadFromServer (void) { int ret; cl.oldtime = cl.time; cl.time += host_frametime; do { ret = CL_GetMessage (); if (ret == -1) Host_Error ("CL_ReadFromServer: lost server connection"); if (!ret) break; cl.last_received_message = realtime; CL_ParseServerMessage (); } while (ret && cls.state == ca_connected); if (cl_shownet.value) Con_Printf ("\n"); CL_RelinkEntities (); CL_UpdateTEnts (); // // bring the links up to date // return 0; } /* ================= CL_SendCmd ================= */ void CL_SendCmd (void) { usercmd_t cmd; if (cls.state != ca_connected) return; if (cls.signon == SIGNONS) { // get basic movement from keyboard CL_BaseMove (&cmd); // allow mice or other external controllers to add to the move IN_Move (&cmd); // send the unreliable message CL_SendMove (&cmd); } if (cls.demoplayback) { SZ_Clear (&cls.message); return; } // send the reliable message if (!cls.message.cursize) return; // no message at all if (!NET_CanSendMessage (cls.netcon)) { Con_DPrintf ("CL_WriteToServer: can't send\n"); return; } if (NET_SendMessage (cls.netcon, &cls.message) == -1) Host_Error ("CL_WriteToServer: lost server connection"); SZ_Clear (&cls.message); } /* ================= CL_Init ================= */ void CL_Init (void) { SZ_Alloc (&cls.message, 1024); CL_InitInput (); CL_InitTEnts (); // // register our commands // Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_name); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_color); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_upspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_forwardspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_backspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_sidespeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_movespeedkey); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_yawspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_pitchspeed); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_anglespeedkey); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_shownet); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_nolerp); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lookspring); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&lookstrafe); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sensitivity); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_pitch); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_yaw); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_forward); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&m_side); Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sbar_updateperframe); // Cvar_RegisterVariable (&cl_autofire); Cmd_AddCommand ("entities", CL_PrintEntities_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("record", CL_Record_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("stop", CL_Stop_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("playdemo", CL_PlayDemo_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("timedemo", CL_TimeDemo_f); }