mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 13:30:50 +00:00
Mainly to finally get rid of kplib. There's really no use to keep such code around if alternatives are already present.
5416 lines
183 KiB
5416 lines
183 KiB
"POLYMOST" code originally written by Ken Silverman
Ken Silverman's official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken
"POLYMOST2" changes Copyright (c) 2018, Alex Dawson
#include "build.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
#include "mdsprite.h"
#include "polymost.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "gamecvars.h"
CVAR(Bool, hw_detailmapping, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CVAR(Bool, hw_glowmapping, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CVAR(Bool, hw_polygonmode, 0, 0)
CVARD(Bool, hw_animsmoothing, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable model animation smoothing")
CVARD(Bool, hw_hightile, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable hightile texture rendering")
CVARD(Bool, hw_models, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable model rendering")
CVARD(Bool, hw_parallaxskypanning, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling panning when drawing a parallaxing sky")
//{ "r_projectionhack", "enable/disable projection hack", (void*)&glprojectionhacks, CVAR_INT, 0, 2 }, What is this?
CVARD(Bool, hw_shadeinterpolate, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable shade interpolation")
CVARD(Float, hw_shadescale, 1.0f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "multiplier for shading")
CVARD(Bool, hw_useindexedcolortextures, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "enable/disable indexed color texture rendering")
static bool recursion;
if (!recursion)
recursion = true;
self = videoSetVsync(self);
recursion = false;
CUSTOM_CVARD(Int, hw_texfilter, TEXFILTER_ON, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "changes the texture filtering settings")
static const char* const glfiltermodes[] =
if (self < 0 || self > 6) self = 0;
OSD_Printf("Texture filtering mode changed to %s\n", glfiltermodes[hw_texfilter]);
CUSTOM_CVARD(Int, hw_anisotropy, 4, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG, "changes the OpenGL texture anisotropy setting")
//{ "r_yshearing", "enable/disable y-shearing", (void*)&r_yshearing, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 1 }, disabled because not fully functional
// For testing - will be removed later.
CVAR(Int, skytile, 0, 0)
extern char textfont[2048], smalltextfont[2048];
bool playing_rr;
bool playing_blood;
int32_t rendmode=0;
typedef struct { float x, cy[2], fy[2]; int32_t tag; int16_t n, p, ctag, ftag; } vsptyp;
#define VSPMAX 2048 //<- careful!
static vsptyp vsp[VSPMAX];
static int32_t gtag, viewportNodeCount;
static float xbl, xbr, xbt, xbb;
int32_t domost_rejectcount;
typedef struct { float x, cy[2]; int32_t tag; int16_t n, p, ctag; } yax_vsptyp;
static yax_vsptyp yax_vsp[YAX_MAXBUNCHES*2][VSPMAX];
typedef struct { float x0, x1, cy[2], fy[2]; } yax_hole_t;
static yax_hole_t yax_holecf[2][VSPMAX];
static int32_t yax_holencf[2];
static int32_t yax_drawcf = -1;
static float dxb1[MAXWALLSB], dxb2[MAXWALLSB];
//POGOTODO: the SCISDIST could be set to 0 now to allow close objects to render properly,
// but there's a nasty rendering bug that needs to be dug into when setting SCISDIST lower than 1
#define SCISDIST 1.f //close plane clipping distance
#define SOFTROTMAT 0
int32_t r_pogoDebug = 0;
int32_t polymostcenterhoriz = 100;
static float gviewxrange;
static float ghoriz, ghoriz2;
static float ghorizcorrect;
double gxyaspect;
float gyxscale, ghalfx, grhalfxdown10, grhalfxdown10x, ghalfy;
float gcosang, gsinang, gcosang2, gsinang2;
float gchang, gshang, gctang, gstang;
float gtang = 0.f;
float gvrcorrection = 1.f;
static vec3d_t xtex, ytex, otex, xtex2, ytex2, otex2;
float fcosglobalang, fsinglobalang;
float fxdim, fydim, fydimen, fviewingrange;
float fsearchx, fsearchy, fsearchz;
int psectnum, pwallnum, pbottomwall, pisbottomwall, psearchstat;
static int32_t drawpoly_srepeat = 0, drawpoly_trepeat = 0;
static int32_t lastglpolygonmode = 0; //FUK
#ifdef USE_GLEXT
int32_t glmultisample = 0, glnvmultisamplehint = 0;
int32_t glprojectionhacks = 2;
static FHardwareTexture *polymosttext = 0;
int32_t glrendmode = REND_POLYMOST;
int32_t r_downsize = 0;
int32_t r_downsizevar = -1;
int32_t r_scenebrightness = 0;
int32_t r_rortexture = 0;
int32_t r_rortexturerange = 0;
int32_t r_rorphase = 0;
int32_t r_yshearing = 0;
// used for fogcalc
static float fogresult, fogresult2;
static inline float float_trans(uint32_t maskprops, uint8_t blend)
switch (maskprops)
return glblend[blend].def[maskprops-2].alpha;
return 1.0f;
char ptempbuf[MAXWALLSB<<1];
// polymost ART sky control
int32_t r_parallaxskyclamping = 1;
#define Bfabsf fabsf
int32_t mdtims, omdtims;
uint8_t alphahackarray[MAXTILES];
int32_t drawingskybox = 0;
int32_t hicprecaching = 0;
hitdata_t polymost_hitdata;
void polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(uint8_t severity, const char* format, ...)
void gltexapplyprops(void)
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_CLASSIC)
if (GLInterface.glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.f)
if (hw_anisotropy <= 0 || hw_anisotropy > GLInterface.glinfo.maxanisotropy)
hw_anisotropy = (int32_t)GLInterface.glinfo.maxanisotropy;
GLInterface.mSamplers->SetTextureFilterMode(hw_texfilter, hw_anisotropy);
// do not force switch indexed textures with the filter.
float glox1, gloy1, glox2, gloy2, gloyxscale, gloxyaspect, glohoriz2, glohorizcorrect, glotang;
//Use this for both initialization and uninitialization of OpenGL.
static int32_t gltexcacnum = -1;
//in-place multiply m0=m0*m1
float* multiplyMatrix4f(float m0[4*4], const float m1[4*4])
float mR[4*4];
#define multMatrix4RowCol(r, c) mR[r*4+c] = m0[r*4]*m1[c] + m0[r*4+1]*m1[c+4] + m0[r*4+2]*m1[c+8] + m0[r*4+3]*m1[c+12]
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(0, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(1, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(2, 3);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 0);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 1);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 2);
multMatrix4RowCol(3, 3);
Bmemcpy(m0, mR, sizeof(float)*4*4);
return m0;
#undef multMatrix4RowCol
static void calcmat(vec3f_t a0, const vec2f_t *offset, float f, float mat[16], int16_t angle)
float g;
float k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7;
k0 = a0.y;
k1 = a0.x;
a0.x += offset->x;
a0.z += offset->y;
f = gcosang2*gshang;
g = gsinang2*gshang;
k4 = (float)sintable[(angle+1024)&2047] * (1.f/16384.f);
k5 = (float)sintable[(angle+512)&2047] * (1.f/16384.f);
k2 = k0*(1-k4)+k1*k5;
k3 = k1*(1-k4)-k0*k5;
k6 = f*gstang - gsinang*gctang; k7 = g*gstang + gcosang*gctang;
mat[0] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[4] = gchang*gstang; mat[ 8] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[12] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
k6 = f*gctang + gsinang*gstang; k7 = g*gctang - gcosang*gstang;
mat[1] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[5] = gchang*gctang; mat[ 9] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[13] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
k6 = gcosang2*gchang; k7 = gsinang2*gchang;
mat[2] = k4*k6 + k5*k7; mat[6] =-gshang; mat[10] = k4*k7 - k5*k6; mat[14] = k2*k6 + k3*k7;
mat[12] = (mat[12] + a0.y*mat[0]) + (a0.z*mat[4] + a0.x*mat[ 8]);
mat[13] = (mat[13] + a0.y*mat[1]) + (a0.z*mat[5] + a0.x*mat[ 9]);
mat[14] = (mat[14] + a0.y*mat[2]) + (a0.z*mat[6] + a0.x*mat[10]);
void polymost_glreset()
//Reset if this is -1 (meaning 1st texture call ever), or > 0 (textures in memory)
if (gltexcacnum < 0)
gltexcacnum = 0;
//Hack for polymost_dorotatesprite calls before 1st polymost_drawrooms()
gcosang = gcosang2 = 16384.f/262144.f;
gsinang = gsinang2 = 0.f;
if (polymosttext)
delete polymosttext;
glox1 = -1;
FileReader GetBaseResource(const char* fn);
// one-time initialization of OpenGL for polymost
void polymost_glinit()
for (int basepalnum = 0; basepalnum < MAXBASEPALS; ++basepalnum)
for (int palookupnum = 0; palookupnum < MAXPALOOKUPS; ++palookupnum)
GLInterface.SetPalswapData(palookupnum, (uint8_t*)palookup[palookupnum], numshades+1);
static float get_projhack_ratio(void)
if ((glprojectionhacks == 1) && !r_yshearing)
// calculates the extend of the zenith glitch
float verticalfovtan = (fviewingrange * (windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y) * 5.f) / ((float)yxaspect * (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x) * 4.f);
float verticalfov = atanf(verticalfovtan) * (2.f / fPI);
static constexpr float const maxhorizangle = 0.6361136f; // horiz of 199 in degrees
float zenglitch = verticalfov + maxhorizangle - 0.95f; // less than 1 because the zenith glitch extends a bit
if (zenglitch <= 0.f)
return 1.f;
float const zenglitchtan = tanf((verticalfov - zenglitch) * (fPI / 2.f));
static constexpr float const maxcoshoriz = 0.54097117f; // 128/sqrt(128^2+199^2) = cos of an horiz diff of 199
return 1.f + (((verticalfovtan / zenglitchtan) - 1.f) * ((1.f - Bfabsf(gchang)) / maxcoshoriz ));
// No projection hacks (legacy or new-aspect)
return 1.f;
static void resizeglcheck(void)
if (lastglpolygonmode != hw_polygonmode)
lastglpolygonmode = hw_polygonmode;
GLInterface.SetWireframe(hw_polygonmode == 1);
if (hw_polygonmode) //FUK
GLInterface.ClearScreen(1, 1, 1, true);
if ((glox1 != windowxy1.x) || (gloy1 != windowxy1.y) || (glox2 != windowxy2.x) || (gloy2 != windowxy2.y) || (gloxyaspect != gxyaspect) || (gloyxscale != gyxscale) || (glohoriz2 != ghoriz2) || (glohorizcorrect != ghorizcorrect) || (glotang != gtang))
const int32_t ourxdimen = (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x+1);
float ratio = get_projhack_ratio();
const int32_t fovcorrect = (int32_t)(ourxdimen*ratio - ourxdimen);
ratio = 1.f/ratio;
glox1 = (float)windowxy1.x; gloy1 = (float)windowxy1.y;
glox2 = (float)windowxy2.x; gloy2 = (float)windowxy2.y;
GLInterface.SetViewport(windowxy1.x-(fovcorrect/2), ydim-(windowxy2.y+1),
ourxdimen+fovcorrect, windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y+1);
float m[4][4];
float const nearclip = 4.0f / (gxyaspect * gyxscale * 1024.f);
float const farclip = 64.f;
gloxyaspect = gxyaspect;
gloyxscale = gyxscale;
glohoriz2 = ghoriz2;
glohorizcorrect = ghorizcorrect;
glotang = gtang;
m[0][0] = 1.f;
m[1][1] = fxdimen / (fydimen * ratio);
m[2][0] = 2.f * ghoriz2 * gstang / fxdimen;
m[2][1] = 2.f * (ghoriz2 * gctang + ghorizcorrect) / fydimen;
m[2][2] = (farclip + nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip);
m[2][3] = 1.f;
m[3][2] = -(2.f * farclip * nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Projection, &m[0][0]);
VSMatrix identity(0);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_ModelView, &identity);
void uploadbasepalette(int32_t basepalnum)
if (!basepaltable[basepalnum])
uint8_t basepalWFullBrightInfo[4*256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
basepalWFullBrightInfo[i*4+0] = basepaltable[basepalnum][i*3+2];
basepalWFullBrightInfo[i*4+1] = basepaltable[basepalnum][i*3+1];
basepalWFullBrightInfo[i*4+2] = basepaltable[basepalnum][i*3+0];
basepalWFullBrightInfo[i*4+3] = 0-(IsPaletteIndexFullbright(i) != 0);
GLInterface.SetPaletteData(basepalnum, basepalWFullBrightInfo);
// Used by RRRA fog hackery - the only place changing the palswaps at run time.
void uploadpalswaps(int count, int32_t* swaps)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
GLInterface.SetPalswapData(i, (uint8_t*)palookup[i], numshades + 1);
//(dpx,dpy) specifies an n-sided polygon. The polygon must be a convex clockwise loop.
// n must be <= 8 (assume clipping can double number of vertices)
//method: 0:solid, 1:masked(255 is transparent), 2:transluscent #1, 3:transluscent #2
// +4 means it's a sprite, so wraparound isn't needed
// drawpoly's hack globals
static int32_t pow2xsplit = 0, skyclamphack = 0, skyzbufferhack = 0, flatskyrender = 0;
static float drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
static uint8_t drawpoly_blend = 0;
int32_t polymost_maskWallHasTranslucency(uwalltype const * const wall)
if (wall->cstat & CSTAT_WALL_TRANSLUCENT)
return true;
auto tex = TileFiles.tiles[wall->picnum];
auto si = tex->FindReplacement(wall->pal);
if (si && hw_hightile) tex = si->faces[0];
if (tex->Get8BitPixels()) return false;
return tex && tex->GetTranslucency();
int32_t polymost_spriteHasTranslucency(uspritetype const * const tspr)
((unsigned)tspr->owner < MAXSPRITES && spriteext[tspr->owner].alpha))
return true;
auto tex = TileFiles.tiles[tspr->picnum];
auto si = tex->FindReplacement(tspr->shade, 0);
if (si && hw_hightile) tex = si->faces[0];
if (tex->Get8BitPixels()) return false;
return tex && tex->GetTranslucency();
static void polymost_updaterotmat(void)
if (1)
float matrix[16] = {
1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
//Up/down rotation
float udmatrix[16] = {
1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, gchang, -gshang*gvrcorrection, 0.f,
0.f, gshang/gvrcorrection, gchang, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
// Tilt rotation
float tiltmatrix[16] = {
gctang, -gstang, 0.f, 0.f,
gstang, gctang, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
multiplyMatrix4f(matrix, udmatrix);
multiplyMatrix4f(matrix, tiltmatrix);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_View, matrix);
static void polymost_identityrotmat(void)
if (1)
VSMatrix matrix(0);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_View, &matrix);
static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t& tilesiz);
static void polymost_drawpoly(vec2f_t const * const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t &tilesize)
if (method == DAMETH_BACKFACECULL ||
g_nodraw ||
(uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES)
const int32_t method_ = method;
if (n == 3)
if ((dpxy[0].x-dpxy[1].x) * (dpxy[2].y-dpxy[1].y) >=
(dpxy[2].x-dpxy[1].x) * (dpxy[0].y-dpxy[1].y)) return; //for triangle
else if (n > 3)
float f = 0; //f is area of polygon / 2
for (bssize_t i=n-2, j=n-1,k=0; k<n; i=j,j=k,k++)
f += (dpxy[i].x-dpxy[k].x)*dpxy[j].y;
if (f <= 0) return;
static int32_t skyzbufferhack_pass = 0;
if (flatskyrender && skyzbufferhack_pass == 0)
polymost_flatskyrender(dpxy, n, method|DAMETH_SKY, tilesize);
if (palookup[globalpal] == NULL)
globalpal = 0;
//Load texture (globalpicnum)
vec2_t tsiz = { tilesize.x, tilesize.y };
int j = 0;
float px[8], py[8], dd[8], uu[8], vv[8];
float const ozgs = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) * gshang,
ozgc = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) * gchang;
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
//Up/down rotation
vec3f_t const orot = { dpxy[i].x - ghalfx,
(dpxy[i].y - ghoriz) * gchang - ozgs,
(dpxy[i].y - ghoriz) * gshang + ozgc };
// Tilt rotation
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / orot.z;
px[j] = ghalfx + (((orot.x * gctang) - (orot.y * gstang)) * r);
py[j] = ghoriz + (((orot.x * gstang) + (orot.y * gctang)) * r);
dd[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.d + dpxy[i].y * ytex.d + otex.d) * r;
if (dd[j] <= 0.f) // invalid polygon
uu[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.u + dpxy[i].y * ytex.u + otex.u) * r;
vv[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.v + dpxy[i].y * ytex.v + otex.v) * r;
if ((!j) || (px[j] != px[j-1]) || (py[j] != py[j-1]))
px[j] = dpxy[i].x;
py[j] = dpxy[i].y;
dd[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.d + dpxy[i].y * ytex.d + otex.d);
if (dd[j] <= 0.f) // invalid polygon
uu[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.u + dpxy[i].y * ytex.u + otex.u);
vv[j] = (dpxy[i].x * xtex.v + dpxy[i].y * ytex.v + otex.v);
while ((j >= 3) && (px[j-1] == px[0]) && (py[j-1] == py[0])) j--;
if (j < 3)
int const npoints = j;
if (skyclamphack) method |= DAMETH_CLAMPED;
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawpoly(dpxy:%p, n:%d, method_:%X), method: %X", dpxy, n, method_, method);
// This only takes effect for textures with their default set to SamplerClampXY.
int sampleroverride;
if (drawpoly_srepeat && drawpoly_trepeat) sampleroverride = SamplerRepeat;
else if (drawpoly_srepeat) sampleroverride = SamplerClampY;
else if (drawpoly_trepeat) sampleroverride = SamplerClampX;
else sampleroverride = SamplerClampXY;
bool success = GLInterface.SetTexture(globalpicnum, TileFiles.tiles[globalpicnum], globalpal, method, sampleroverride);
if (!success)
tsiz.x = tsiz.y = 1;
GLInterface.SetColorMask(false); //Hack to update Z-buffer for invalid mirror textures
GLInterface.SetShade(globalshade, numshades);
if ((method & DAMETH_WALL) != 0)
int32_t size = tilesize.y;
int32_t size2;
for (size2 = 1; size2 < size; size2 += size2) {}
if (size == size2)
GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(false, 1.f, 0.f);
float xOffset = 1.f / tilesize.x;
GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(true, (1.f*size2) / size, xOffset);
GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(false, 1.f, 0.f);
vec2f_t hacksc = { 1.f, 1.f };
#if 0
if (pth->flags & PTH_HIGHTILE)
hacksc = pth->scale;
tsiz = pth->siz;
vec2_t tsiz2 = tsiz;
if (method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS)
handle_blend((method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) > DAMETH_MASK, drawpoly_blend, (method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS) == DAMETH_TRANS2);
float pc[4];
polytint_t const& tint = hictinting[globalpal];
pc[0] = (1.f - (tint.sr * (1.f / 255.f))) + (tint.sr * (1.f / 255.f));
pc[1] = (1.f - (tint.sg * (1.f / 255.f))) + (tint.sg * (1.f / 255.f));
pc[2] = (1.f - (tint.sb * (1.f / 255.f))) + (tint.sb * (1.f / 255.f));
// spriteext full alpha control
pc[3] = float_trans(method & DAMETH_MASKPROPS, drawpoly_blend) * (1.f - drawpoly_alpha);
// tinting
auto& h = hictinting[globalpal];
GLInterface.SetTinting(h.f, PalEntry(h.sr, h.sg, h.sb), PalEntry(h.r, h.g, h.b));
if (skyzbufferhack_pass)
pc[3] = 0.01f;
GLInterface.SetColor(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2], pc[3]);
vec2f_t const scale = { 1.f / tsiz2.x * hacksc.x, 1.f / tsiz2.y * hacksc.y };
auto data = GLInterface.AllocVertices(npoints);
auto vt = data.second;
for (bssize_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, vt++)
float const r = 1.f / dd[i];
//update texcoords
uu[i] * r * scale.x,
vv[i] * r * scale.y);
//update verts
(px[i] - ghalfx) * r * grhalfxdown10x,
(ghalfy - py[i]) * r * grhalfxdown10,
r * (1.f / 1024.f));
GLInterface.Draw(DT_TRIANGLE_FAN, data.first, npoints);
GLInterface.SetTinting(0, 0, PalEntry(255, 255, 255));
GLInterface.SetNpotEmulation(false, 1.f, 0.f);
if (skyzbufferhack && skyzbufferhack_pass == 0)
vec3d_t const bxtex = xtex, bytex = ytex, botex = otex;
xtex = xtex2, ytex = ytex2, otex = otex2;
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, DAMETH_MASK, tilesize);
xtex = bxtex, ytex = bytex, otex = botex;
if (!tilePtr(globalpicnum))
static inline void vsp_finalize_init(int32_t const vcnt)
for (bssize_t i=0; i<vcnt; ++i)
vsp[i].cy[1] = vsp[i+1].cy[0]; vsp[i].ctag = i;
vsp[i].fy[1] = vsp[i+1].fy[0]; vsp[i].ftag = i;
vsp[i].n = i+1; vsp[i].p = i-1;
// vsp[i].tag = -1;
vsp[vcnt-1].n = 0; vsp[0].p = vcnt-1;
//VSPMAX-1 is dummy empty node
for (bssize_t i=vcnt; i<VSPMAX; i++) { vsp[i].n = i+1; vsp[i].p = i-1; }
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = vcnt; vsp[vcnt].p = VSPMAX-1;
static inline void yax_vsp_finalize_init(int32_t const yaxbunch, int32_t const vcnt)
for (bssize_t i=0; i<vcnt; ++i)
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i+1].cy[0]; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = i;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n = i+1; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].p = i-1;
// vsp[i].tag = -1;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][vcnt-1].n = 0; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][0].p = vcnt-1;
//VSPMAX-1 is dummy empty node
for (bssize_t i=vcnt; i<VSPMAX; i++) { yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n = i+1; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].p = i-1; }
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX-1].n = vcnt; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][vcnt].p = VSPMAX-1;
#define MERGE_NODES(i, ni) \
do \
{ \
vsp[i].cy[1] = vsp[ni].cy[1]; \
vsp[i].fy[1] = vsp[ni].fy[1]; \
vsdel(ni); \
} while (0);
static inline void vsdel(int32_t const i)
//Delete i
int const pi = vsp[i].p;
int const ni = vsp[i].n;
vsp[ni].p = pi;
vsp[pi].n = ni;
//Add i to empty list
vsp[i].n = vsp[VSPMAX-1].n;
vsp[i].p = VSPMAX-1;
vsp[vsp[VSPMAX-1].n].p = i;
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = i;
# ifdef YAX_ENABLE
static inline void yax_vsdel(int32_t const yaxbunch, int32_t const i)
//Delete i
int const pi = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].p;
int const ni = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].p = pi;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][pi].n = ni;
//Add i to empty list
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX - 1].n;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].p = VSPMAX - 1;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX - 1].n].p = i;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX - 1].n = i;
# endif
static inline int32_t vsinsaft(int32_t const i)
//i = next element from empty list
int32_t const r = vsp[VSPMAX-1].n;
vsp[vsp[r].n].p = VSPMAX-1;
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = vsp[r].n;
vsp[r] = vsp[i]; //copy i to r
//insert r after i
vsp[r].p = i; vsp[r].n = vsp[i].n;
vsp[vsp[i].n].p = r; vsp[i].n = r;
return r;
static inline int32_t yax_vsinsaft(int32_t const yaxbunch, int32_t const i)
//i = next element from empty list
int32_t const r = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX - 1].n;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][yax_vsp[yaxbunch][r].n].p = VSPMAX - 1;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][VSPMAX - 1].n = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][r].n;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][r] = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i]; //copy i to r
//insert r after i
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][r].p = i; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][r].n = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n].p = r; yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n = r;
return r;
static int32_t domostpolymethod = DAMETH_NOMASK;
#define DOMOST_OFFSET .01f
static void polymost_clipmost(vec2f_t *dpxy, int &n, float x0, float x1, float y0top, float y0bot, float y1top, float y1bot)
if (y0bot < y0top || y1bot < y1top)
//Clip to (x0,y0top)-(x1,y1top)
vec2f_t dp2[8];
float t0, t1;
int n2 = 0;
t1 = -((dpxy[0].x - x0) * (y1top - y0top) - (dpxy[0].y - y0top) * (x1 - x0));
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n; i++)
int j = i + 1;
if (j >= n)
j = 0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = -((dpxy[j].x - x0) * (y1top - y0top) - (dpxy[j].y - y0top) * (x1 - x0));
if (t0 >= 0)
dp2[n2++] = dpxy[i];
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0))
float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1);
dp2[n2] = { (dpxy[j].x - dpxy[i].x) * r + dpxy[i].x,
(dpxy[j].y - dpxy[i].y) * r + dpxy[i].y };
if (n2 < 3)
n = 0;
//Clip to (x1,y1bot)-(x0,y0bot)
t1 = -((dp2[0].x - x1) * (y0bot - y1bot) - (dp2[0].y - y1bot) * (x0 - x1));
n = 0;
for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < n2; j = ++i + 1)
if (j >= n2)
j = 0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = -((dp2[j].x - x1) * (y0bot - y1bot) - (dp2[j].y - y1bot) * (x0 - x1));
if (t0 >= 0)
dpxy[n++] = dp2[i];
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0))
float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1);
dpxy[n] = { (dp2[j].x - dp2[i].x) * r + dp2[i].x,
(dp2[j].y - dp2[i].y) * r + dp2[i].y };
if (n < 3)
n = 0;
static void polymost_domost(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float y0top = 0.f, float y0bot = -1.f, float y1top = 0.f, float y1bot = -1.f)
int const dir = (x0 < x1);
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_domost(x0:%f, y0:%f, x1:%f, y1:%f, y0top:%f, y0bot:%f, y1top:%f, y1bot:%f)",
x0, y0, x1, y1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (dir) //clip dmost (floor)
else //clip umost (ceiling)
if (x0 == x1) return;
swapfloat(&x0, &x1);
swapfloat(&y0, &y1);
swapfloat(&y0top, &y1top);
swapfloat(&y0bot, &y1bot);
y1 += DOMOST_OFFSET; //necessary?
// Test if span is outside screen bounds
if (x1 < xbl || x0 > xbr)
vec2f_t dm0 = { x0 - DOMOST_OFFSET, y0 };
vec2f_t dm1 = { x1 + DOMOST_OFFSET, y1 };
float const slop = (dm1.y - dm0.y) / (dm1.x - dm0.x);
if (dm0.x < xbl)
dm0.y += slop*(xbl-dm0.x);
dm0.x = xbl;
if (dm1.x > xbr)
dm1.y += slop*(xbr-dm1.x);
dm1.x = xbr;
drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
drawpoly_blend = 0;
vec2f_t n0, n1;
float spx[4];
int32_t spt[4];
int firstnode = vsp[0].n;
for (bssize_t newi, i=vsp[0].n; i; i=newi)
newi = vsp[i].n; n0.x = vsp[i].x; n1.x = vsp[newi].x;
if (dm0.x >= n1.x)
firstnode = i;
if (n0.x >= dm1.x)
if (vsp[i].ctag <= 0) continue;
float const dx = n1.x-n0.x;
float const cy[2] = { vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].fy[0] },
cv[2] = { vsp[i].cy[1]-cy[0], vsp[i].fy[1]-cy[1] };
int scnt = 0;
//Test if left edge requires split (dm0.x,dm0.y) (nx0,cy(0)),<dx,cv(0)>
if ((dm0.x > n0.x) && (dm0.x < n1.x))
float const t = (dm0.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm0.y-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm0.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
//Test for intersection on umost (0) and dmost (1)
float const d[2] = { ((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[0]),
((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[1]) };
float const n[2] = { ((dm0.y - cy[0]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[0]),
((dm0.y - cy[1]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[1]) };
float const fnx[2] = { dm0.x + ((n[0] / d[0]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)),
dm0.x + ((n[1] / d[1]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)) };
if ((Bfabsf(d[0]) > Bfabsf(n[0])) && (d[0] * n[0] >= 0.f) && (fnx[0] > n0.x) && (fnx[0] < n1.x))
spx[scnt] = fnx[0], spt[scnt++] = 0;
if ((Bfabsf(d[1]) > Bfabsf(n[1])) && (d[1] * n[1] >= 0.f) && (fnx[1] > n0.x) && (fnx[1] < n1.x))
spx[scnt] = fnx[1], spt[scnt++] = 1;
//Nice hack to avoid full sort later :)
if ((scnt >= 2) && (spx[scnt-1] < spx[scnt-2]))
swapfloat(&spx[scnt-1], &spx[scnt-2]);
swaplong(&spt[scnt-1], &spt[scnt-2]);
//Test if right edge requires split
if ((dm1.x > n0.x) && (dm1.x < n1.x))
float const t = (dm1.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm1.y-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm1.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
vsp[i].tag = vsp[newi].tag = -1;
float const rdx = 1.f/dx;
for (bssize_t i = 0; i < scnt; i++)
if (spx[i] < x0)
spx[i] = x0;
else if (spx[i] > x1)
spx[i] = x1;
for (bssize_t z=0, vcnt=0; z<=scnt; z++,i=vcnt)
float t;
if (z == scnt)
goto skip;
t = (spx[z]-n0.x)*rdx;
vcnt = vsinsaft(i);
vsp[i].cy[1] = t*cv[0] + cy[0];
vsp[i].fy[1] = t*cv[1] + cy[1];
vsp[vcnt].x = spx[z];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[i].cy[1];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = vsp[i].fy[1];
vsp[vcnt].tag = spt[z];
skip: ;
int32_t const ni = vsp[i].n; if (!ni) continue; //this 'if' fixes many bugs!
float const dx0 = vsp[i].x; if (dm0.x > dx0) continue;
float const dx1 = vsp[ni].x; if (dm1.x < dx1) continue;
n0.y = (dx0-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
n1.y = (dx1-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
// dx0 dx1
// ~ ~
// t0+=0 t1+=0
// vsp[i].cy[0] vsp[i].cy[1]
// t0+=1 t1+=3
// vsp[i].fy[0] vsp[i].fy[1]
// t0+=2 t1+=6
// ny0 ? ny1 ?
int k = 4;
if ((vsp[i].tag == 0) || (n0.y <= vsp[i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k--;
if ((vsp[i].tag == 1) || (n0.y >= vsp[i].fy[0]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k++;
if ((vsp[ni].tag == 0) || (n1.y <= vsp[i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k -= 3;
if ((vsp[ni].tag == 1) || (n1.y >= vsp[i].fy[1]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k += 3;
if (!dir)
switch (k)
case 4:
case 5:
case 7:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = {
{ dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx0, n0.y }
int n = 4;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].cy[1], n0.y, n1.y };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].cy[0] = n0.y;
vsp[i].cy[1] = n1.y;
vsp[i].ctag = gtag;
case 1:
case 2:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx0, n0.y } };
int n = 3;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].cy[1], n0.y, vsp[i].cy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].cy[0] = n0.y;
vsp[i].ctag = gtag;
case 3:
case 6:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, n1.y } };
int n = 3;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].cy[1], vsp[i].cy[0], n1.y };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].cy[1] = n1.y;
vsp[i].ctag = gtag;
case 8:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = {
{ dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] }
int n = 4;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].cy[1], vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[i].fy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1;
default: break;
switch (k)
case 4:
case 3:
case 1:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = {
{ dx0, n0.y }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] }
int n = 4;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, n0.y, n1.y, vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[i].fy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].fy[0] = n0.y;
vsp[i].fy[1] = n1.y;
vsp[i].ftag = gtag;
case 7:
case 6:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, n0.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } };
int n = 3;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, n0.y, vsp[i].fy[1], vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[i].fy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].fy[0] = n0.y;
vsp[i].ftag = gtag;
case 5:
case 2:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] }, { dx1, n1.y }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] } };
int n = 3;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].fy[0], n1.y, vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[i].fy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].fy[1] = n1.y;
vsp[i].ftag = gtag;
case 0:
vec2f_t dpxy[8] = { { dx0, vsp[i].cy[0] }, { dx1, vsp[i].cy[1] }, { dx1, vsp[i].fy[1] }, { dx0, vsp[i].fy[0] } };
int n = 4;
polymost_clipmost(dpxy, n, x0, x1, y0top, y0bot, y1top, y1bot);
if (g_nodraw)
if (yax_drawcf != -1)
yax_holecf[yax_drawcf][yax_holencf[yax_drawcf]++] = { dx0, dx1, vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].cy[1], vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[i].fy[1] };
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, domostpolymethod, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1;
//Combine neighboring vertical strips with matching collinear top&bottom edges
//This prevents x-splits from propagating through the entire scan
int i = firstnode;
if (vsp[i].x >= dm1.x)
if ((vsp[i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET*2 >= vsp[i].fy[0]) && (vsp[i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET*2 >= vsp[i].fy[1]))
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1;
int const ni = vsp[i].n;
//POGO: specially treat the viewport nodes so that we will never end up in a situation where we accidentally access the sentinel node
if (ni >= viewportNodeCount)
if ((vsp[i].ctag == vsp[ni].ctag) && (vsp[i].ftag == vsp[ni].ftag))
if (vsp[ni].x - vsp[i].x < DOMOST_OFFSET)
vsp[i].x = vsp[ni].x;
vsp[i].cy[0] = vsp[ni].cy[0];
vsp[i].fy[0] = vsp[ni].fy[0];
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[ni].ctag;
vsp[i].ftag = vsp[ni].ftag;
i = ni;
while (i);
static void yax_polymost_domost(const int yaxbunch, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
int const dir = (x0 < x1);
if (dir) //clip dmost (floor)
else //clip umost (ceiling)
if (x0 == x1) return;
swapfloat(&x0, &x1);
swapfloat(&y0, &y1);
y1 += DOMOST_OFFSET; //necessary?
// Test if span is outside screen bounds
if (x1 < xbl || x0 > xbr)
vec2f_t dm0 = { x0, y0 };
vec2f_t dm1 = { x1, y1 };
float const slop = (dm1.y - dm0.y) / (dm1.x - dm0.x);
if (dm0.x < xbl)
dm0.y += slop*(xbl-dm0.x);
dm0.x = xbl;
if (dm1.x > xbr)
dm1.y += slop*(xbr-dm1.x);
dm1.x = xbr;
vec2f_t n0, n1;
float spx[4];
int32_t spt[4];
for (bssize_t newi, i=yax_vsp[yaxbunch][0].n; i; i=newi)
newi = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n; n0.x = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].x; n1.x = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][newi].x;
if ((dm0.x >= n1.x) || (n0.x >= dm1.x) || (yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag <= 0)) continue;
double const dx = double(n1.x)-double(n0.x);
double const cy = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0],
cv = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1]-cy;
int scnt = 0;
//Test if left edge requires split (dm0.x,dm0.y) (nx0,cy(0)),<dx,cv(0)>
if ((dm0.x > n0.x) && (dm0.x < n1.x))
double const t = (dm0.x-n0.x)*cv - (dm0.y-cy)*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t <= 0.0)) || ((dir) && (t >= 0.0)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm0.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
//Test for intersection on umost (0) and dmost (1)
double const d = ((double(dm0.y) - double(dm1.y)) * dx) - ((double(dm0.x) - double(dm1.x)) * cv);
double const n = ((double(dm0.y) - cy) * dx) - ((double(dm0.x) - double(n0.x)) * cv);
double const fnx = double(dm0.x) + ((n / d) * (double(dm1.x) - double(dm0.x)));
if ((fabs(d) > fabs(n)) && (d * n >= 0.0) && (fnx > n0.x) && (fnx < n1.x))
spx[scnt] = fnx, spt[scnt++] = 0;
//Nice hack to avoid full sort later :)
if ((scnt >= 2) && (spx[scnt-1] < spx[scnt-2]))
swapfloat(&spx[scnt-1], &spx[scnt-2]);
swaplong(&spt[scnt-1], &spt[scnt-2]);
//Test if right edge requires split
if ((dm1.x > n0.x) && (dm1.x < n1.x))
double const t = (double(dm1.x)- double(n0.x))*cv - (double(dm1.y)- double(cy))*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t <= 0.0)) || ((dir) && (t >= 0.0)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm1.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].tag = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][newi].tag = -1;
float const rdx = 1.f/dx;
for (bssize_t z=0, vcnt=0; z<=scnt; z++,i=vcnt)
float t;
if (z == scnt)
goto skip;
t = (spx[z]-n0.x)*rdx;
vcnt = yax_vsinsaft(yaxbunch, i);
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = t*cv + cy;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][vcnt].x = spx[z];
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][vcnt].cy[0] = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1];
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][vcnt].tag = spt[z];
skip: ;
int32_t const ni = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n; if (!ni) continue; //this 'if' fixes many bugs!
float const dx0 = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].x; if (dm0.x > dx0) continue;
float const dx1 = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].x; if (dm1.x < dx1) continue;
n0.y = (dx0-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
n1.y = (dx1-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
// dx0 dx1
// ~ ~
// t0+=0 t1+=0
// vsp[i].cy[0] vsp[i].cy[1]
// t0+=1 t1+=3
// vsp[i].fy[0] vsp[i].fy[1]
// t0+=2 t1+=6
// ny0 ? ny1 ?
int k = 4;
if (!dir)
if ((yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].tag == 0) || (n0.y <= yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k--;
if ((yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].tag == 0) || (n1.y <= yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k -= 3;
switch (k)
case 4:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0] = n0.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = n1.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
case 1:
case 2:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0] = n0.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
case 3:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = n1.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
default: break;
if ((yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].tag == 0) || (n0.y >= yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k++;
if ((yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].tag == 0) || (n1.y >= yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k += 3;
switch (k)
case 4:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0] = n0.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = n1.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
case 7:
case 6:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[0] = n0.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
case 5:
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = n1.y;
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag = gtag;
//Combine neighboring vertical strips with matching collinear top&bottom edges
//This prevents x-splits from propagating through the entire scan
int i = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][0].n;
int const ni = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].n;
if ((yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].ctag == yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].ctag))
yax_vsp[yaxbunch][i].cy[1] = yax_vsp[yaxbunch][ni].cy[1];
yax_vsdel(yaxbunch, ni);
else i = ni;
while (i);
static int32_t should_clip_cfwall(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
int const dir = (x0 < x1);
if (dir && yax_globallev >= YAX_MAXDRAWS)
return 1;
if (!dir && yax_globallev <= YAX_MAXDRAWS)
return 1;
if (dir) //clip dmost (floor)
else //clip umost (ceiling)
if (x0 == x1) return 1;
swapfloat(&x0, &x1);
swapfloat(&y0, &y1);
y1 += DOMOST_OFFSET; //necessary?
// Test if span is outside screen bounds
if (x1 < xbl || x0 > xbr)
return 1;
vec2f_t dm0 = { x0, y0 };
vec2f_t dm1 = { x1, y1 };
float const slop = (dm1.y - dm0.y) / (dm1.x - dm0.x);
if (dm0.x < xbl)
dm0.y += slop*(xbl-dm0.x);
dm0.x = xbl;
if (dm1.x > xbr)
dm1.y += slop*(xbr-dm1.x);
dm1.x = xbr;
vec2f_t n0, n1;
float spx[6], spcy[6], spfy[6];
int32_t spt[6];
for (bssize_t newi, i=vsp[0].n; i; i=newi)
newi = vsp[i].n; n0.x = vsp[i].x; n1.x = vsp[newi].x;
if ((dm0.x >= n1.x) || (n0.x >= dm1.x) || (vsp[i].ctag <= 0)) continue;
float const dx = n1.x-n0.x;
float const cy[2] = { vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[i].fy[0] },
cv[2] = { vsp[i].cy[1]-cy[0], vsp[i].fy[1]-cy[1] };
int scnt = 0;
spx[scnt] = n0.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++;
//Test if left edge requires split (dm0.x,dm0.y) (nx0,cy(0)),<dx,cv(0)>
if ((dm0.x > n0.x) && (dm0.x < n1.x))
float const t = (dm0.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm0.y-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm0.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
//Test for intersection on umost (0) and dmost (1)
float const d[2] = { ((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[0]),
((dm0.y - dm1.y) * dx) - ((dm0.x - dm1.x) * cv[1]) };
float const n[2] = { ((dm0.y - cy[0]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[0]),
((dm0.y - cy[1]) * dx) - ((dm0.x - n0.x) * cv[1]) };
float const fnx[2] = { dm0.x + ((n[0] / d[0]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)),
dm0.x + ((n[1] / d[1]) * (dm1.x - dm0.x)) };
if ((Bfabsf(d[0]) > Bfabsf(n[0])) && (d[0] * n[0] >= 0.f) && (fnx[0] > n0.x) && (fnx[0] < n1.x))
spx[scnt] = fnx[0], spt[scnt++] = 0;
if ((Bfabsf(d[1]) > Bfabsf(n[1])) && (d[1] * n[1] >= 0.f) && (fnx[1] > n0.x) && (fnx[1] < n1.x))
spx[scnt] = fnx[1], spt[scnt++] = 1;
//Nice hack to avoid full sort later :)
if ((scnt >= 2) && (spx[scnt-1] < spx[scnt-2]))
swapfloat(&spx[scnt-1], &spx[scnt-2]);
swaplong(&spx[scnt-1], &spx[scnt-2]);
//Test if right edge requires split
if ((dm1.x > n0.x) && (dm1.x < n1.x))
float const t = (dm1.x-n0.x)*cv[dir] - (dm1.y-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0.f)) || ((dir) && (t > 0.f)))
{ spx[scnt] = dm1.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
spx[scnt] = n1.x; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++;
float const rdx = 1.f/dx;
for (bssize_t z=0; z<scnt; z++)
float const t = (spx[z]-n0.x)*rdx;
spcy[z] = t*cv[0]+cy[0];
spfy[z] = t*cv[1]+cy[1];
for (bssize_t z=0; z<scnt-1; z++)
float const dx0 = spx[z];
float const dx1 = spx[z+1];
n0.y = (dx0-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
n1.y = (dx1-dm0.x)*slop + dm0.y;
// dx0 dx1
// ~ ~
// t0+=0 t1+=0
// vsp[i].cy[0] vsp[i].cy[1]
// t0+=1 t1+=3
// vsp[i].fy[0] vsp[i].fy[1]
// t0+=2 t1+=6
// ny0 ? ny1 ?
int k = 4;
if (dir)
if ((spt[z] == 0) || (n0.y <= spcy[z]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k--;
if ((spt[z+1] == 0) || (n1.y <= spcy[z+1]+DOMOST_OFFSET)) k -= 3;
if (k != 0)
return 1;
if ((spt[z] == 1) || (n0.y >= spfy[z]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k++;
if ((spt[z+1] == 1) || (n1.y >= spfy[z+1]-DOMOST_OFFSET)) k += 3;
if (k != 8)
return 1;
return 0;
// variables that are set to ceiling- or floor-members, depending
// on which one is processed right now
static int32_t global_cf_z;
static float global_cf_xpanning, global_cf_ypanning, global_cf_heinum;
static int32_t global_cf_shade, global_cf_pal, global_cf_fogpal;
static float (*global_getzofslope_func)(usectorptr_t, float, float);
static void polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(vec2f_t n0, vec2f_t n1, float ryp0, float ryp1, float x0, float x1,
float y0, float y1, int32_t sectnum)
int const have_floor = sectnum & MAXSECTORS;
sectnum &= ~MAXSECTORS;
usectortype const * const sec = (usectortype *)§or[sectnum];
// comments from floor code:
//(singlobalang/-16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (cosviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposx = u*16
//(cosglobalang/ 16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (sinviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposy = v*16
//( 0*(sx-ghalfx) + 1*(sy-ghoriz) + ( 0)*ghalfx)*d + globalposz/16 = (sec->floorz/16)
float ft[4] = { fglobalposx, fglobalposy, fcosglobalang, fsinglobalang };
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0:{x:%f, y:%f}, n1:{x:%f, y:%f}, ryp0:%f, ryp1:%f, x0:%f, x1:%f, y0:%f, y1:%f, sectnum:%d)",
n0.x, n0.y, n1.x, n1.y, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, y0, y1, sectnum);
if (globalorientation & 64)
//relative alignment
vec2_t const xy = { wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].x - wall[sec->wallptr].x,
wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].y - wall[sec->wallptr].y };
float r;
if (globalorientation & 2)
int i = krecipasm(nsqrtasm(uhypsq(xy.x,xy.y)));
r = i * (1.f/1073741824.f);
int i = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(xy.x,xy.y)); if (i == 0) i = 1024; else i = tabledivide32(1048576, i);
r = i * (1.f/1048576.f);
vec2f_t const fxy = { xy.x*r, xy.y*r };
ft[0] = ((float)(globalposx - wall[sec->wallptr].x)) * fxy.x + ((float)(globalposy - wall[sec->wallptr].y)) * fxy.y;
ft[1] = ((float)(globalposy - wall[sec->wallptr].y)) * fxy.x - ((float)(globalposx - wall[sec->wallptr].x)) * fxy.y;
ft[2] = fcosglobalang * fxy.x + fsinglobalang * fxy.y;
ft[3] = fsinglobalang * fxy.x - fcosglobalang * fxy.y;
globalorientation ^= (!(globalorientation & 4)) ? 32 : 16;
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect;
if (!(globalorientation&2) && global_cf_z-globalposz) // PK 2012: don't allow div by zero
ytex.d /= (double)(global_cf_z-globalposz);
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
if (globalorientation & 8)
ft[0] *= (1.f / 8.f);
ft[1] *= -(1.f / 8.f);
ft[2] *= (1.f / 2097152.f);
ft[3] *= (1.f / 2097152.f);
ft[0] *= (1.f / 16.f);
ft[1] *= -(1.f / 16.f);
ft[2] *= (1.f / 4194304.f);
ft[3] *= (1.f / 4194304.f);
xtex.u = ft[3] * -(1.f / 65536.f) * (double)viewingrange;
xtex.v = ft[2] * -(1.f / 65536.f) * (double)viewingrange;
ytex.u = ft[0] * ytex.d;
ytex.v = ft[1] * ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0] * otex.d;
otex.v = ft[1] * otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2] - xtex.u) * ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3] + xtex.v) * ghalfx;
//Texture flipping
if (globalorientation&4)
swapdouble(&xtex.u, &xtex.v);
swapdouble(&ytex.u, &ytex.v);
swapdouble(&otex.u, &otex.v);
if (globalorientation&16) { xtex.u = -xtex.u; ytex.u = -ytex.u; otex.u = -otex.u; }
if (globalorientation&32) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; }
//Texture panning
vec2f_t fxy = { global_cf_xpanning * ((float)(1 << (picsiz[globalpicnum] & 15))) * (1.0f / 256.f),
global_cf_ypanning * ((float)(1 << (picsiz[globalpicnum] >> 4))) * (1.0f / 256.f) };
if ((globalorientation&(2+64)) == (2+64)) //Hack for panning for slopes w/ relative alignment
float r = global_cf_heinum * (1.0f / 4096.f);
r = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(r * r + 1);
if (!(globalorientation & 4))
fxy.y *= r;
fxy.x *= r;
ytex.u += ytex.d*fxy.x; otex.u += otex.d*fxy.x;
ytex.v += ytex.d*fxy.y; otex.v += otex.d*fxy.y;
if (globalorientation&2) //slopes
//Pick some point guaranteed to be not collinear to the 1st two points
vec2f_t dxy = { n1.y - n0.y, n0.x - n1.x };
float const dxyr = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(dxy.x * dxy.x + dxy.y * dxy.y);
dxy.x *= dxyr * 4096.f;
dxy.y *= dxyr * 4096.f;
vec2f_t const oxy = { n0.x + dxy.x, n0.y + dxy.y };
float const ox2 = (oxy.y - fglobalposy) * gcosang - (oxy.x - fglobalposx) * gsinang;
float oy2 = 1.f / ((oxy.x - fglobalposx) * gcosang2 + (oxy.y - fglobalposy) * gsinang2);
double const px[3] = { x0, x1, (double)ghalfx * ox2 * oy2 + ghalfx };
oy2 *= gyxscale;
double py[3] = { ryp0 + (double)ghoriz, ryp1 + (double)ghoriz, oy2 + (double)ghoriz };
vec3d_t const duv[3] = {
{ (px[0] * xtex.d + py[0] * ytex.d + otex.d),
(px[0] * xtex.u + py[0] * ytex.u + otex.u),
(px[0] * xtex.v + py[0] * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (px[1] * xtex.d + py[1] * ytex.d + otex.d),
(px[1] * xtex.u + py[1] * ytex.u + otex.u),
(px[1] * xtex.v + py[1] * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (px[2] * xtex.d + py[2] * ytex.d + otex.d),
(px[2] * xtex.u + py[2] * ytex.u + otex.u),
(px[2] * xtex.v + py[2] * ytex.v + otex.v)
py[0] = y0;
py[1] = y1;
py[2] = double(global_getzofslope_func((usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum], oxy.x, oxy.y) - globalposz) * oy2 + ghoriz;
vec3f_t oxyz[2] = { { (float)(py[1] - py[2]), (float)(py[2] - py[0]), (float)(py[0] - py[1]) },
{ (float)(px[2] - px[1]), (float)(px[0] - px[2]), (float)(px[1] - px[0]) } };
float const r = 1.f / (oxyz[0].x * px[0] + oxyz[0].y * px[1] + oxyz[0].z * px[2]);
xtex.d = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].d + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].d + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].d) * r;
xtex.u = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].u + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].u + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].u) * r;
xtex.v = (oxyz[0].x * duv[0].v + oxyz[0].y * duv[1].v + oxyz[0].z * duv[2].v) * r;
ytex.d = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].d + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].d + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].d) * r;
ytex.u = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].u + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].u + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].u) * r;
ytex.v = (oxyz[1].x * duv[0].v + oxyz[1].y * duv[1].v + oxyz[1].z * duv[2].v) * r;
otex.d = duv[0].d - px[0] * xtex.d - py[0] * ytex.d;
otex.u = duv[0].u - px[0] * xtex.u - py[0] * ytex.u;
otex.v = duv[0].v - px[0] * xtex.v - py[0] * ytex.v;
if (globalorientation&64) //Hack for relative alignment on slopes
float r = global_cf_heinum * (1.0f / 4096.f);
r = Bsqrtf(r*r+1);
if (!(globalorientation&4)) { xtex.v *= r; ytex.v *= r; otex.v *= r; }
else { xtex.u *= r; ytex.u *= r; otex.u *= r; }
domostpolymethod = (globalorientation>>7) & DAMETH_MASKPROPS;
pow2xsplit = 0;
drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
drawpoly_blend = 0;
if (have_floor)
if (globalposz > getflorzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy))
domostpolymethod = DAMETH_BACKFACECULL; //Back-face culling
if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS)
polymost_domost(x0, y0, x1, y1); //flor
if (globalposz < getceilzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy))
domostpolymethod = DAMETH_BACKFACECULL; //Back-face culling
if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS)
polymost_domost(x1, y1, x0, y0); //ceil
if (domostpolymethod & DAMETH_MASKPROPS)
domostpolymethod = DAMETH_NOMASK;
static void calc_ypanning(int32_t refposz, float ryp0, float ryp1,
float x0, float x1, uint8_t ypan, uint8_t yrepeat,
int32_t dopancor, const vec2_16_t &tilesize)
float const t0 = ((float)(refposz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
float const t1 = ((float)(refposz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
float t = (float(xtex.d*x0 + otex.d) * (float)yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f);
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4));
if (i < tilesize.y) i <<= 1;
float const fy = (float)(ypan * i) * (1.f / 256.f);
xtex.v = double(t0 - t1) * t;
ytex.v = double(x1 - x0) * t;
otex.v = -xtex.v * x0 - ytex.v * t0 + fy * otex.d;
xtex.v += fy * xtex.d;
ytex.v += fy * ytex.d;
static inline int32_t testvisiblemost(float const x0, float const x1)
for (bssize_t i=vsp[0].n, newi; i; i=newi)
newi = vsp[i].n;
if ((x0 < vsp[newi].x) && (vsp[i].x < x1) && (vsp[i].ctag >= 0))
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int polymost_getclosestpointonwall(vec2_t const * const pos, int32_t dawall, vec2_t * const n)
vec2_t const w = { wall[dawall].x, wall[dawall].y };
vec2_t const d = { POINT2(dawall).x - w.x, POINT2(dawall).y - w.y };
int64_t i = d.x * ((int64_t)pos->x - w.x) + d.y * ((int64_t)pos->y - w.y);
if (i < 0)
return 1;
int64_t const j = (int64_t)d.x * d.x + (int64_t)d.y * d.y;
if (i > j)
return 1;
i = tabledivide64((i << 15), j) << 15;
n->x = w.x + ((d.x * i) >> 30);
n->y = w.y + ((d.y * i) >> 30);
return 0;
float fgetceilzofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day)
if (!(sec->ceilingstat&2))
return float(sec->ceilingz);
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
vec2_t const w = *(vec2_t const *)wal;
vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - w.x, wal2->y - w.y };
int const i = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5;
if (i == 0) return sec->ceilingz;
float const j = (d.x*(day-w.y)-d.y*(dax-w.x))*(1.f/8.f);
return float(sec->ceilingz) + (sec->ceilingheinum*j)/i;
float fgetflorzofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day)
if (!(sec->floorstat&2))
return float(sec->floorz);
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
vec2_t const w = *(vec2_t const *)wal;
vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - w.x, wal2->y - w.y };
int const i = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5;
if (i == 0) return sec->floorz;
float const j = (d.x*(day-w.y)-d.y*(dax-w.x))*(1.f/8.f);
return float(sec->floorz) + (sec->floorheinum*j)/i;
void fgetzsofslope(usectorptr_t sec, float dax, float day, float* ceilz, float *florz)
*ceilz = float(sec->ceilingz); *florz = float(sec->floorz);
if (((sec->ceilingstat|sec->floorstat)&2) != 2)
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[sec->wallptr];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
vec2_t const d = { wal2->x - wal->x, wal2->y - wal->y };
int const i = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(d.x,d.y))<<5;
if (i == 0) return;
float const j = (d.x*(day-wal->y)-d.y*(dax-wal->x))*(1.f/8.f);
if (sec->ceilingstat&2)
*ceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum*j)/i;
if (sec->floorstat&2)
*florz += (sec->floorheinum*j)/i;
static void polymost_flatskyrender(vec2f_t const* const dpxy, int32_t const n, int32_t method, const vec2_16_t &tilesiz)
flatskyrender = 0;
vec2f_t xys[8];
// Transform polygon to sky coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vec3f_t const o = { dpxy[i].x-ghalfx, dpxy[i].y-ghalfy, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation
vec3d_t v = { o.x, o.y * gchang - o.z * gshang, o.z * gchang + o.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
xys[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
xys[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
float const fglobalang = fix16_to_float(qglobalang);
int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale;
int8_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*dapyscale*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1)+ghorizcorrect;
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(daptileyscale*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz.y>>1)+dapyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int ti = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (ti != tilesiz.y) ti += ti;
vec3f_t o;
skyclamphack = 0;
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * double(((uint64_t)xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.0 / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = hw_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)global_cf_ypanning*(float)ti*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
float x0 = xys[0].x, x1 = xys[0].x;
for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=1; i--)
if (xys[i].x < x0) x0 = xys[i].x;
if (xys[i].x > x1) x1 = xys[i].x;
int const npot = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15)) != tilesiz.x;
int const xpanning = (hw_parallaxskypanning?global_cf_xpanning:0);
GLInterface.SetClamp((npot || xpanning != 0) ? 0 : 2);
int picnumbak = globalpicnum;
ti = globalpicnum;
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((int32_t)(((x0-ghalfx)*o.y)+fglobalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
if (playing_blood) method |= DAMETH_CLAMPED; // Hack to make Blood's skies show properly.
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+ti;
if (skytile > 0)
globalpicnum = skytile;
if (npot)
fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
int tang = (y<<(11-dapskybits))&2047;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(tang)) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*fx;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(fglobalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + xpanning) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-fglobalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; ti = -1; }
vec3d_t otexbak = otex, xtexbak = xtex, ytexbak = ytex;
// Transform texture mapping factors
vec2f_t fxy[3] = { { ghalfx * (1.f - 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) },
{ ghalfx, ghalfy * (1.f + 0.25f) },
{ ghalfx * (1.f + 0.25f), ghalfy * (1.f - 0.25f) } };
vec3d_t duv[3] = {
{ (fxy[0].x * xtex.d + fxy[0].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[0].x * xtex.u + fxy[0].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[0].x * xtex.v + fxy[0].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (fxy[1].x * xtex.d + fxy[1].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[1].x * xtex.u + fxy[1].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[1].x * xtex.v + fxy[1].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
{ (fxy[2].x * xtex.d + fxy[2].y * ytex.d + otex.d),
(fxy[2].x * xtex.u + fxy[2].y * ytex.u + otex.u),
(fxy[2].x * xtex.v + fxy[2].y * ytex.v + otex.v)
vec2f_t fxyt[3];
vec3d_t duvt[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vec2f_t const o = { fxy[i].x-ghalfx, fxy[i].y-ghalfy };
vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x, o.y, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation (backwards)
vec3d_t v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
fxyt[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
fxyt[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
duvt[i].d = duv[i].d*r;
duvt[i].u = duv[i].u*r;
duvt[i].v = duv[i].v*r;
vec3f_t oxyz[2] = { { (float)(fxyt[1].y - fxyt[2].y), (float)(fxyt[2].y - fxyt[0].y), (float)(fxyt[0].y - fxyt[1].y) },
{ (float)(fxyt[2].x - fxyt[1].x), (float)(fxyt[0].x - fxyt[2].x), (float)(fxyt[1].x - fxyt[0].x) } };
float const rr = 1.f / (oxyz[0].x * fxyt[0].x + oxyz[0].y * fxyt[1].x + oxyz[0].z * fxyt[2].x);
xtex.d = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].d) * rr;
xtex.u = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].u) * rr;
xtex.v = (oxyz[0].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[0].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[0].z * duvt[2].v) * rr;
ytex.d = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].d + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].d + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].d) * rr;
ytex.u = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].u + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].u + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].u) * rr;
ytex.v = (oxyz[1].x * duvt[0].v + oxyz[1].y * duvt[1].v + oxyz[1].z * duvt[2].v) * rr;
otex.d = duvt[0].d - fxyt[0].x * xtex.d - fxyt[0].y * ytex.d;
otex.u = duvt[0].u - fxyt[0].x * xtex.u - fxyt[0].y * ytex.u;
otex.v = duvt[0].v - fxyt[0].x * xtex.v - fxyt[0].y * ytex.v;
vec2f_t cxy[8];
vec2f_t cxy2[8];
int n2 = 0, n3 = 0;
// Clip to o.x
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n; i++)
int const j = i < n-1 ? i + 1 : 0;
if (xys[i].x >= o.x)
cxy[n2++] = xys[i];
if ((xys[i].x >= o.x) != (xys[j].x >= o.x))
float const r = (o.x - xys[i].x) / (xys[j].x - xys[i].x);
cxy[n2++] = { o.x, (xys[j].y - xys[i].y) * r + xys[i].y };
// Clip to fx
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n2; i++)
int const j = i < n2-1 ? i + 1 : 0;
if (cxy[i].x <= fx)
cxy2[n3++] = cxy[i];
if ((cxy[i].x <= fx) != (cxy[j].x <= fx))
float const r = (fx - cxy[i].x) / (cxy[j].x - cxy[i].x);
cxy2[n3++] = { fx, (cxy[j].y - cxy[i].y) * r + cxy[i].y };
// Transform back to polymost coordinates
for (int i = 0; i < n3; i++)
vec3f_t const o = { cxy2[i].x-ghalfx, cxy2[i].y-ghalfy, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation
vec3d_t v = { o.x, o.y * gchang + o.z * gshang, o.z * gchang - o.y * gshang };
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / v.z;
cxy[i].x = v.x * r + ghalfx;
cxy[i].y = v.y * r + ghalfy;
polymost_drawpoly(cxy, n3, method|DAMETH_WALL, tilesiz);
otex = otexbak, xtex = xtexbak, ytex = ytexbak;
while (ti >= 0);
globalpicnum = picnumbak;
flatskyrender = 1;
static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
drawpoly_blend = 0;
int32_t const sectnum = thesector[bunchfirst[bunch]];
auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum];
float const fglobalang = fix16_to_float(qglobalang);
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawalls(bunch:%d)", bunch);
for (bssize_t z=bunchfirst[bunch]; z>=0; z=bunchp2[z])
int32_t const wallnum = thewall[z];
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wallnum];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
int32_t const nextsectnum = wal->nextsector;
auto const nextsec = nextsectnum>=0 ? (usectorptr_t)§or[nextsectnum] : NULL;
//Offset&Rotate 3D coordinates to screen 3D space
vec2f_t walpos = { (float)(wal->x-globalposx), (float)(wal->y-globalposy) };
vec2f_t p0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang, walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const op0 = p0;
walpos = { (float)(wal2->x - globalposx),
(float)(wal2->y - globalposy) };
vec2f_t p1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang, walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
vec2f_t n0, n1;
float t0, t1;
if (p0.y < SCISDIST)
if (p1.y < SCISDIST) continue;
t0 = (SCISDIST-p0.y)/(p1.y-p0.y);
p0 = { (p1.x-p0.x)*t0+p0.x, SCISDIST };
n0 = { (wal2->x-wal->x)*t0+wal->x,
(wal2->y-wal->y)*t0+wal->y };
t0 = 0.f;
n0 = { (float)wal->x, (float)wal->y };
if (p1.y < SCISDIST)
t1 = (SCISDIST-op0.y)/(p1.y-op0.y);
p1 = { (p1.x-op0.x)*t1+op0.x, SCISDIST };
n1 = { (wal2->x-wal->x)*t1+wal->x,
(wal2->y-wal->y)*t1+wal->y };
t1 = 1.f;
n1 = { (float)wal2->x, (float)wal2->y };
float ryp0 = 1.f/p0.y, ryp1 = 1.f/p1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
float const x0 = ghalfx*p0.x*ryp0 + ghalfx, x1 = ghalfx*p1.x*ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (x1 <= x0) continue;
ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale;
float cz, fz;
float const cy0 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz, fy0 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz;
float const cy1 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz, fy1 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz;
xtex2.d = (ryp0 - ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0 - x1);
ytex2.d = 0;
otex2.d = ryp0 * gxyaspect - xtex2.d*x0;
xtex2.u = ytex2.u = otex2.u = 0;
xtex2.v = ytex2.v = otex2.v = 0;
yax_holencf[YAX_FLOOR] = 0;
yax_drawcf = YAX_FLOOR;
// Floor
globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum;
globalshade = sec->floorshade;
globalpal = sec->floorpal;
globalorientation = sec->floorstat;
globvis = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalcisibility, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
globvis2 = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalcisibility2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, sectnum);
int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale;
int8_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->floorshade, global_cf_pal = sec->floorpal; global_cf_z = sec->floorz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->floorxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->floorypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->floorheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &fgetflorzofslope;
if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0)
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0;
xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0;
polymost_domost(x0, fy0, x1, fy1);
else if (!(globalorientation&1))
int32_t fz = getflorzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy);
if (globalposz <= fz)
polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, fy0, fy1, sectnum | MAXSECTORS);
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].floorstat&1)))
globvis2 = globalpisibility;
if (sec->visibility != 0)
globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sec->visibility + 16));
float viscale = xdimscale*fxdimen*(.0000001f/256.f);
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2*viscale, fviewingrange);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
//(don't wrap around edges if the sky use multiple panels)
for (bssize_t i=(1<<dapskybits)-1; i>0; i--)
if (dapskyoff[i] != dapskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
skyzbufferhack = 1;
//if (!hw_hightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2*xdimscale*fviewingrange*(1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
flatskyrender = 0;
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
#if 0
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
//Skybox code for parallax floor!
float sky_t0, sky_t1; // _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
float sky_ryp0, sky_ryp1, sky_x0, sky_x1, sky_cy0, sky_fy0, sky_cy1, sky_fy1, sky_ox0, sky_ox1;
static vec2f_t const skywal[4] = { { -512, -512 }, { 512, -512 }, { 512, 512 }, { -512, 512 } };
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++)
walpos = skywal[i&3];
vec2f_t skyp0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
walpos = skywal[(i + 1) & 3];
vec2f_t skyp1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const oskyp0 = skyp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (skyp0.y < SCISDIST)
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST) continue;
sky_t0 = (SCISDIST - skyp0.y) / (skyp1.y - skyp0.y);
skyp0 = { (skyp1.x - skyp0.x) * sky_t0 + skyp0.x, SCISDIST };
else { sky_t0 = 0.f; }
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST)
sky_t1 = (SCISDIST - oskyp0.y) / (skyp1.y - oskyp0.y);
skyp1 = { (skyp1.x - oskyp0.x) * sky_t1 + oskyp0.x, SCISDIST };
else { sky_t1 = 1.f; }
sky_ryp0 = 1.f/skyp0.y; sky_ryp1 = 1.f/skyp1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
sky_x0 = ghalfx*skyp0.x*sky_ryp0 + ghalfx;
sky_x1 = ghalfx*skyp1.x*sky_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if ((sky_x1 <= sky_x0) || (sky_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= sky_x1)) continue;
sky_ryp0 *= gyxscale; sky_ryp1 *= gyxscale;
sky_cy0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_fy0 = 8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_cy1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_fy1 = 8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_ox0 = sky_x0; sky_ox1 = sky_x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=x1
float nfy[2] = { fy0, fy1 };
if (sky_x0 < x0)
float const t = (x0-sky_x0)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy0 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy0 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x0 = x0;
else if (sky_x0 > x0) nfy[0] += (sky_x0-x0)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
if (sky_x1 > x1)
float const t = (x1-sky_x1)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy1 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy1 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x1 = x1;
else if (sky_x1 < x1) nfy[1] += (sky_x1-x1)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox floor)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox ceiling)
//floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 6; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, 512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(1.0/4194304.0);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; //y-flip skybox floor
if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_fy1 > nfy[1]))
else if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_fy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_fy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_fy1+sky_fy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1-sky_x0)*t, sky_fy0 + (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_fy0)
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
xtex.d = (sky_ryp0-sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.0/512.0) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.0/512.0) - xtex.d*sky_ox0;
xtex.u = (sky_t0*sky_ryp0 - sky_t1*sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.0/512.0) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
otex.u = sky_t0*sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.0/512.0) - xtex.u*sky_ox0;
ytex.u = 0;
sky_t0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_t1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
float const t = ((xtex.d*sky_ox0 + otex.d)*8.f) / ((sky_ox1-sky_ox0) * sky_ryp0 * 2048.f);
xtex.v = (sky_t0-sky_t1)*t;
ytex.v = (sky_ox1-sky_ox0)*t;
otex.v = -xtex.v*sky_ox0 - ytex.v*sky_t0;
if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_cy1 > nfy[1]))
else if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_cy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_cy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_cy1+sky_cy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_cy0 + (sky_cy1 - sky_cy0) * t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_cy0)
//Ceiling of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, -512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(-1.0/4194304.0);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
skyzbufferhack = 0;
// Ceiling
yax_holencf[YAX_CEILING] = 0;
yax_drawcf = YAX_CEILING;
globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum;
globalshade = sec->ceilingshade;
globalpal = sec->ceilingpal;
globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat;
globvis = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalcisibility, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
globvis2 = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalcisibility2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, sectnum);
dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->ceilingshade, global_cf_pal = sec->ceilingpal; global_cf_z = sec->ceilingz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->ceilingxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->ceilingypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->ceilingheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &fgetceilzofslope;
if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0)
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0;
xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0;
polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0);
else if (!(globalorientation&1))
int32_t cz = getceilzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy);
if (globalposz >= cz)
polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, cy0, cy1, sectnum);
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat&1)))
globvis2 = globalpisibility;
if (sec->visibility != 0)
globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sec->visibility + 16));
float viscale = xdimscale*fxdimen*(.0000001f/256.f);
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2*viscale, fviewingrange);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
//(don't wrap around edges if the sky use multiple panels)
for (bssize_t i=(1<<dapskybits)-1; i>0; i--)
if (dapskyoff[i] != dapskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
skyzbufferhack = 1;
//if (!hw_hightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
flatskyrender = 1;
globalshade += globvis2 * xdimscale * fviewingrange * (1.f / (64.f * 65536.f * 256.f * 1024.f));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(0.f, fviewingrange);
polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0);
flatskyrender = 0;
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
#if 0
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
float sky_t0, sky_t1; // _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
float sky_ryp0, sky_ryp1, sky_x0, sky_x1, sky_cy0, sky_fy0, sky_cy1, sky_fy1, sky_ox0, sky_ox1;
static vec2f_t const skywal[4] = { { -512, -512 }, { 512, -512 }, { 512, 512 }, { -512, 512 } };
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++)
walpos = skywal[i&3];
vec2f_t skyp0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
walpos = skywal[(i + 1) & 3];
vec2f_t skyp1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const oskyp0 = skyp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (skyp0.y < SCISDIST)
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST) continue;
sky_t0 = (SCISDIST - skyp0.y) / (skyp1.y - skyp0.y);
skyp0 = { (skyp1.x - skyp0.x) * sky_t0 + skyp0.x, SCISDIST };
else { sky_t0 = 0.f; }
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST)
sky_t1 = (SCISDIST - oskyp0.y) / (skyp1.y - oskyp0.y);
skyp1 = { (skyp1.x - oskyp0.x) * sky_t1 + oskyp0.x, SCISDIST };
else { sky_t1 = 1.f; }
sky_ryp0 = 1.f/skyp0.y; sky_ryp1 = 1.f/skyp1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
sky_x0 = ghalfx*skyp0.x*sky_ryp0 + ghalfx;
sky_x1 = ghalfx*skyp1.x*sky_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if ((sky_x1 <= sky_x0) || (sky_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= sky_x1)) continue;
sky_ryp0 *= gyxscale; sky_ryp1 *= gyxscale;
sky_cy0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_fy0 = 8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_cy1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_fy1 = 8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_ox0 = sky_x0; sky_ox1 = sky_x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=x1
float ncy[2] = { cy0, cy1 };
if (sky_x0 < x0)
float const t = (x0-sky_x0)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy0 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy0 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x0 = x0;
else if (sky_x0 > x0) ncy[0] += (sky_x0-x0)*(cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0);
if (sky_x1 > x1)
float const t = (x1-sky_x1)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy1 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy1 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x1 = x1;
else if (sky_x1 < x1) ncy[1] += (sky_x1-x1)*(cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox ceiling)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox floor)
//ceiling of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, -512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(-1.0/4194304.0);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
if ((sky_cy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_cy1 < ncy[1]))
else if ((sky_cy0 < ncy[0]) != (sky_cy1 < ncy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_cy0)-(_x1,_cy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
float const t = (sky_cy0-ncy[0])/(ncy[1]-ncy[0]-sky_cy1+sky_cy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1-sky_x0)*t, sky_cy0 + (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t };
if (ncy[0] < sky_cy0)
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
xtex.d = (sky_ryp0-sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.0/512.0) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.0/512.0) - xtex.d*sky_ox0;
xtex.u = (sky_t0*sky_ryp0 - sky_t1*sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.0/512.0) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
otex.u = sky_t0*sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.0/512.0) - xtex.u*sky_ox0;
ytex.u = 0;
sky_t0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_t1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
float const t = ((xtex.d*sky_ox0 + otex.d)*8.f) / ((sky_ox1-sky_ox0) * sky_ryp0 * 2048.f);
xtex.v = (sky_t0-sky_t1)*t;
ytex.v = (sky_ox1-sky_ox0)*t;
otex.v = -xtex.v*sky_ox0 - ytex.v*sky_t0;
if ((sky_fy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_fy1 < ncy[1]))
else if ((sky_fy0 < ncy[0]) != (sky_fy1 < ncy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
float const t = (sky_fy0-ncy[0])/(ncy[1]-ncy[0]-sky_fy1+sky_fy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_fy0 + (sky_fy1 - sky_fy0) * t };
if (ncy[0] < sky_fy0)
//Floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 6; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, 512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(1.0/4194304.0);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; //y-flip skybox floor
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
skyzbufferhack = 0;
if (g_nodraw)
int32_t baselevp, checkcf, i, j;
int16_t bn[2];
baselevp = (yax_globallev == YAX_MAXDRAWS);
yax_getbunches(sectnum, &bn[0], &bn[1]);
checkcf = (bn[0]>=0) + ((bn[1]>=0)<<1);
if (!baselevp)
checkcf &= (1<<yax_globalcf);
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
if (checkcf&(1<<i))
if ((haveymost[bn[i]>>3]&pow2char[bn[i]&7])==0)
// init yax *most arrays for that bunch
haveymost[bn[i]>>3] |= pow2char[bn[i]&7];
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2][1].x = xbl;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2][2].x = xbr;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2][1].cy[0] = xbb;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2][2].cy[0] = xbb;
yax_vsp_finalize_init(bn[i]*2, 3);
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2+1][1].x = xbl;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2+1][2].x = xbr;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2+1][1].cy[0] = xbt;
yax_vsp[bn[i]*2+1][2].cy[0] = xbt;
yax_vsp_finalize_init(bn[i]*2+1, 3);
for (j = 0; j < yax_holencf[i]; j++)
yax_hole_t *hole = &yax_holecf[i][j];
yax_polymost_domost(bn[i]*2, hole->x0, hole->cy[0], hole->x1, hole->cy[1]);
yax_polymost_domost(bn[i]*2+1, hole->x1, hole->fy[1], hole->x0, hole->fy[0]);
// Wall
yax_drawcf = -1;
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
xtex.u = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1);
otex.u = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*wal->xrepeat*8.0 - xtex.u*x0;
otex.u += (float)wal->xpanning*otex.d;
xtex.u += (float)wal->xpanning*xtex.d;
ytex.u = 0;
float const ogux = xtex.u, oguy = ytex.u, oguo = otex.u;
Bassert(domostpolymethod == DAMETH_NOMASK);
domostpolymethod = DAMETH_WALL;
if (yax_nomaskpass==0 || !yax_isislandwall(wallnum, !yax_globalcf) || (yax_nomaskdidit=1, 0))
if (nextsectnum >= 0)
float const ocy0 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz;
float const ofy0 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp0 + ghoriz;
float const ocy1 = (cz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz;
float const ofy1 = (fz-globalposz)*ryp1 + ghoriz;
if ((wal->cstat&48) == 16) maskwall[maskwallcnt++] = z;
if (((cy0 < ocy0) || (cy1 < ocy1)) && (!((sec->ceilingstat§or[nextsectnum].ceilingstat)&1)))
globalpicnum = wal->picnum; globalshade = wal->shade; globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)wal->pal);
globvis = globalvisibility;
if (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) globvis = mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility+16));
globvis2 = globalvisibility2;
if (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility+16));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
globalorientation = wal->cstat;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384);
int i = (!(wal->cstat&4)) ? sector[nextsectnum].ceilingz : sec->ceilingz;
// over
calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, wal->ypanning, wal->yrepeat, wal->cstat&4, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u;
ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u;
otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u;
if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip
pow2xsplit = 1;
if (should_clip_cfwall(x1,cy1,x0,cy0))
if (wal->cstat&8) { xtex.u = ogux; ytex.u = oguy; otex.u = oguo; }
if (((ofy0 < fy0) || (ofy1 < fy1)) && (!((sec->floorstat§or[nextsectnum].floorstat)&1)))
uwallptr_t nwal;
if (!(wal->cstat&2)) nwal = wal;
nwal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->nextwall];
otex.u += (float)(nwal->xpanning - wal->xpanning) * otex.d;
xtex.u += (float)(nwal->xpanning - wal->xpanning) * xtex.d;
ytex.u += (float)(nwal->xpanning - wal->xpanning) * ytex.d;
globalpicnum = nwal->picnum; globalshade = nwal->shade; globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)nwal->pal);
globvis = globalvisibility;
if (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) globvis = mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility+16));
globvis2 = globalvisibility2;
if (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility+16));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
globalorientation = nwal->cstat;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384);
int i = (!(nwal->cstat&4)) ? sector[nextsectnum].floorz : sec->ceilingz;
// under
calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, nwal->ypanning, wal->yrepeat, !(nwal->cstat&4), tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + nwal->xpanning*2);
xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u;
ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u;
otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u;
if (nwal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip
pow2xsplit = 1;
if (should_clip_cfwall(x0,fy0,x1,fy1))
if (wal->cstat&(2+8)) { otex.u = oguo; xtex.u = ogux; ytex.u = oguy; }
if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (wal->cstat&32)) //White/1-way wall
const int maskingOneWay = (nextsectnum >= 0 && (wal->cstat&32));
if (maskingOneWay)
vec2_t n, pos = { globalposx, globalposy };
if (!polymost_getclosestpointonwall(&pos, wallnum, &n) && klabs(pos.x - n.x) + klabs(pos.y - n.y) <= 128)
globalpicnum = (nextsectnum < 0) ? wal->picnum : wal->overpicnum;
globalshade = wal->shade;
globalpal = wal->pal;
globvis = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalvisibility, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
globvis2 = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalvisibility2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
globalorientation = wal->cstat;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, wallnum+16384);
int i;
int const nwcs4 = !(wal->cstat & 4);
if (nextsectnum >= 0) { i = nwcs4 ? nextsec->ceilingz : sec->ceilingz; }
else { i = nwcs4 ? sec->ceilingz : sec->floorz; }
// white / 1-way
calc_ypanning(i, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, wal->ypanning, wal->yrepeat, nwcs4 && !maskingOneWay, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
float const t = (float) (wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u;
ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u;
otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u;
if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip
pow2xsplit = 1;
// TODO: slopes?
if (globalposz > sec->floorz && yax_isislandwall(wallnum, YAX_FLOOR))
polymost_domost(x1, fy1, x0, fy0, cy1, fy1, cy0, fy0);
polymost_domost(x0, cy0, x1, cy1, cy0, fy0, cy1, fy1);
} while (0);
domostpolymethod = DAMETH_NOMASK;
if (nextsectnum >= 0)
if ((!(gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]&pow2char[nextsectnum&7])) && testvisiblemost(x0,x1))
static int32_t polymost_bunchfront(const int32_t b1, const int32_t b2)
int b1f = bunchfirst[b1];
const double x2b2 = dxb2[bunchlast[b2]];
const double x1b1 = dxb1[b1f];
if (nexttowardf(x1b1, x2b2) >= x2b2)
return -1;
int b2f = bunchfirst[b2];
const double x1b2 = dxb1[b2f];
if (nexttowardf(x1b2, dxb2[bunchlast[b1]]) >= dxb2[bunchlast[b1]])
return -1;
if (nexttowardf(x1b1, x1b2) > x1b2)
while (nexttowardf(dxb2[b2f], x1b1) <= x1b1) b2f=bunchp2[b2f];
return wallfront(b1f, b2f);
while (nexttowardf(dxb2[b1f], x1b2) <= x1b2) b1f=bunchp2[b1f];
return wallfront(b1f, b2f);
void polymost_scansector(int32_t sectnum)
if (sectnum < 0) return;
if (automapping)
show2dsector[sectnum>>3] |= pow2char[sectnum&7];
sectorborder[0] = sectnum;
int sectorbordercnt = 1;
sectnum = sectorborder[--sectorbordercnt];
if (scansector_collectsprites)
for (bssize_t z=headspritesect[sectnum]; z>=0; z=nextspritesect[z])
auto const spr = (uspriteptr_t)&sprite[z];
if ((spr->cstat & 0x8000 && !showinvisibility) || spr->xrepeat == 0 || spr->yrepeat == 0)
vec2_t const s = { spr->x-globalposx, spr->y-globalposy };
if ((spr->cstat&48) ||
(hw_models && tile2model[spr->picnum].modelid>=0) ||
((s.x * gcosang) + (s.y * gsinang) > 0))
if ((spr->cstat&(64+48))!=(64+16) ||
(r_voxels && tiletovox[spr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[tiletovox[spr->picnum]]) ||
dmulscale6(sintable[(spr->ang+512)&2047],-s.x, sintable[spr->ang&2047],-s.y) > 0)
if (renderAddTsprite(z, sectnum))
gotsector[sectnum>>3] |= pow2char[sectnum&7];
int const bunchfrst = numbunches;
int const onumscans = numscans;
int const startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr;
int const endwall = sector[sectnum].wallnum + startwall;
int scanfirst = numscans;
vec2d_t p2 = { 0, 0 };
uwallptr_t wal;
int z;
for (z=startwall,wal=(uwallptr_t)&wall[z]; z<endwall; z++,wal++)
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
vec2d_t const fp1 = { double(wal->x - globalposx), double(wal->y - globalposy) };
vec2d_t const fp2 = { double(wal2->x - globalposx), double(wal2->y - globalposy) };
int const nextsectnum = wal->nextsector; //Scan close sectors
if (nextsectnum >= 0 && !(wal->cstat&32) && sectorbordercnt < ARRAY_SSIZE(sectorborder))
if (yax_nomaskpass==0 || !yax_isislandwall(z, !yax_globalcf) || (yax_nomaskdidit=1, 0))
if ((gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]&pow2char[nextsectnum&7]) == 0)
double const d = fp1.x*fp2.y - fp2.x*fp1.y;
vec2d_t const p1 = { fp2.x-fp1.x, fp2.y-fp1.y };
// this said (SCISDIST*SCISDIST*260.f), but SCISDIST is 1 and the significance of 260 isn't obvious to me
// is 260 fudged to solve a problem, and does the problem still apply to our version of the renderer?
if (d*d < (p1.x*p1.x + p1.y*p1.y) * 256.f)
sectorborder[sectorbordercnt++] = nextsectnum;
gotsector[nextsectnum>>3] |= pow2char[nextsectnum&7];
vec2d_t p1;
if ((z == startwall) || (wall[z-1].point2 != z))
p1 = { (((fp1.y * fcosglobalang) - (fp1.x * fsinglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)),
(((fp1.x * cosviewingrangeglobalang) + (fp1.y * sinviewingrangeglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)) };
else { p1 = p2; }
p2 = { (((fp2.y * fcosglobalang) - (fp2.x * fsinglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)),
(((fp2.x * cosviewingrangeglobalang) + (fp2.y * sinviewingrangeglobalang)) * (1.0/64.0)) };
if (numscans >= MAXWALLSB-1)
//if wall is facing you...
if ((p1.y >= SCISDIST || p2.y >= SCISDIST) && (nexttoward(p1.x*p2.y, p2.x*p1.y) < p2.x*p1.y))
dxb1[numscans] = (p1.y >= SCISDIST) ? float(p1.x*ghalfx/p1.y + ghalfx) : -1e32f;
dxb2[numscans] = (p2.y >= SCISDIST) ? float(p2.x*ghalfx/p2.y + ghalfx) : 1e32f;
if (dxb1[numscans] < xbl)
dxb1[numscans] = xbl;
else if (dxb1[numscans] > xbr)
dxb1[numscans] = xbr;
if (dxb2[numscans] < xbl)
dxb2[numscans] = xbl;
else if (dxb2[numscans] > xbr)
dxb2[numscans] = xbr;
if (nexttowardf(dxb1[numscans], dxb2[numscans]) < dxb2[numscans])
thesector[numscans] = sectnum;
thewall[numscans] = z;
bunchp2[numscans] = numscans + 1;
if ((wall[z].point2 < z) && (scanfirst < numscans))
bunchp2[numscans-1] = scanfirst;
scanfirst = numscans;
for (bssize_t z=onumscans; z<numscans; z++)
if ((wall[thewall[z]].point2 != thewall[bunchp2[z]]) || (dxb2[z] > nexttowardf(dxb1[bunchp2[z]], dxb2[z])))
bunchfirst[numbunches++] = bunchp2[z];
bunchp2[z] = -1;
if (scansector_retfast)
for (bssize_t z=bunchfrst; z<numbunches; z++)
int zz;
for (zz=bunchfirst[z]; bunchp2[zz]>=0; zz=bunchp2[zz]) { }
bunchlast[z] = zz;
while (sectorbordercnt > 0);
/*Init viewport boundary (must be 4 point convex loop):
// (px[0],py[0]).----.(px[1],py[1])
// / \
// / \
// (px[3],py[3]).--------------.(px[2],py[2])
static void polymost_initmosts(const float * px, const float * py, int const n)
if (n < 3) return;
int32_t imin = (px[1] < px[0]);
for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=2; i--)
if (px[i] < px[imin]) imin = i;
int32_t vcnt = 1; //0 is dummy solid node
vsp[vcnt].x = px[imin];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[imin];
int i = imin+1, j = imin-1;
if (i >= n) i = 0;
if (j < 0) j = n-1;
if (px[i] < px[j])
if (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i];
int k = j+1; if (k >= n) k = 0;
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = (px[i]-px[k])*(py[j]-py[k])/(px[j]-px[k]) + py[k];
i++; if (i >= n) i = 0;
else if (px[j] < px[i])
if (px[j] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[j];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j];
int k = i-1; if (k < 0) k = n-1;
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = (px[j]-px[k])*(py[i]-py[k])/(px[i]-px[k]) + py[k];
j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1;
if (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j];
i++; if (i >= n) i = 0; if (i == j) break;
j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1;
} while (i != j);
if (px[i] > vsp[vcnt-1].x)
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[i];
domost_rejectcount = 0;
xbl = px[0];
xbr = px[0];
xbt = py[0];
xbb = py[0];
for (bssize_t i=n-1; i>=1; i--)
if (xbl > px[i]) xbl = px[i];
if (xbr < px[i]) xbr = px[i];
if (xbt > py[i]) xbt = py[i];
if (xbb < py[i]) xbb = py[i];
gtag = vcnt;
viewportNodeCount = vcnt;
void polymost_drawrooms()
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_CLASSIC) return;
// This is a global setting for the entire scene, so let's do it here, right at the start.
auto& hh = hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS - 1];
// This sets a tinting color for global palettes, e.g. water or slime - only used for hires replacements (also an option for low-resource hardware where duplicating the textures may be problematic.)
GLInterface.SetBasepalTint(PalEntry(hh.sr, hh.sg, hh.sb));
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawrooms()");
frameoffset = frameplace + windowxy1.y*bytesperline + windowxy1.x;
if (yax_polymostclearzbuffer)
gvrcorrection = viewingrange*(1.f/65536.f);
if (glprojectionhacks == 2)
// calculates the extend of the zenith glitch
float verticalfovtan = (fviewingrange * (windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y) * 5.f) / ((float)yxaspect * (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x) * 4.f);
float verticalfov = atanf(verticalfovtan) * (2.f / fPI);
static constexpr float const maxhorizangle = 0.6361136f; // horiz of 199 in degrees
float zenglitch = verticalfov + maxhorizangle - 0.95f; // less than 1 because the zenith glitch extends a bit
if (zenglitch > 0.f)
gvrcorrection /= (zenglitch * 2.5f) + 1.f;
//Polymost supports true look up/down :) Here, we convert horizon to angle.
//gchang&gshang are cos&sin of this angle (respectively)
gyxscale = ((float)xdimenscale)*(1.0f/131072.f);
gxyaspect = ((double)xyaspect*fviewingrange)*(5.0/(65536.0*262144.0));
gviewxrange = fviewingrange * fxdimen * (1.f/(32768.f*1024.f));
gcosang = fcosglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f);
gsinang = fsinglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f);
gcosang2 = gcosang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
gsinang2 = gsinang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
ghalfx = (float)(xdimen>>1);
ghalfy = (float)(ydimen>>1);
grhalfxdown10 = 1.f/(ghalfx*1024.f);
ghoriz = fix16_to_float(qglobalhoriz);
ghorizcorrect = fix16_to_float((100-polymostcenterhoriz)*divscale16(xdimenscale, viewingrange));
//global cos/sin height angle
if (r_yshearing)
gshang = 0.f;
gchang = 1.f;
ghoriz2 = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz + ghorizcorrect);
float r = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz + ghorizcorrect);
gshang = r / Bsqrtf(r * r + ghalfx * ghalfx / (gvrcorrection * gvrcorrection));
gchang = Bsqrtf(1.f - gshang * gshang);
ghoriz2 = 0.f;
ghoriz = (float)(ydimen>>1);
float const ratio = 1.f/get_projhack_ratio();
//global cos/sin tilt angle
gctang = cosf(gtang);
gstang = sinf(gtang);
if (Bfabsf(gstang) < .001f) // This hack avoids nasty precision bugs in domost()
gstang = 0.f;
gctang = (gctang > 0.f) ? 1.f : -1.f;
if (inpreparemirror)
gstang = -gstang;
//Generate viewport trapezoid (for handling screen up/down)
vec3f_t p[4] = { { 0-1, 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ 0-1, (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 } };
for (auto & v : p)
//Tilt rotation (backwards)
vec2f_t const o = { (v.x-ghalfx)*ratio, (v.y-ghoriz)*ratio };
vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x*gctang + o.y*gstang, o.y*gctang - o.x*gstang + ghoriz2, ghalfx / gvrcorrection };
//Up/down rotation (backwards)
v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang };
if (inpreparemirror)
gstang = -gstang;
//Clip to SCISDIST plane
int n = 0;
vec3f_t p2[6];
for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++)
int const j = i < 3 ? i + 1 : 0;
if (p[i].z >= SCISDIST)
p2[n++] = p[i];
if ((p[i].z >= SCISDIST) != (p[j].z >= SCISDIST))
float const r = (SCISDIST - p[i].z) / (p[j].z - p[i].z);
p2[n++] = { (p[j].x - p[i].x) * r + p[i].x, (p[j].y - p[i].y) * r + p[i].y, SCISDIST };
if (n < 3)
float sx[6], sy[6];
for (bssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
float const r = (ghalfx / gvrcorrection) / p2[i].z;
sx[i] = p2[i].x * r + ghalfx;
sy[i] = p2[i].y * r + ghoriz;
polymost_initmosts(sx, sy, n);
if (yax_globallev != YAX_MAXDRAWS)
int i, newi;
int32_t nodrawbak = g_nodraw;
g_nodraw = 1;
for (i = yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][0].n; i; i=newi)
newi = yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][i].n;
if (!newi)
polymost_domost(yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][newi].x, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][i].cy[1]-DOMOST_OFFSET, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][i].x, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2][i].cy[0]-DOMOST_OFFSET);
for (i = yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][0].n; i; i=newi)
newi = yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][i].n;
if (!newi)
polymost_domost(yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][i].x, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][i].cy[0]+DOMOST_OFFSET, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][newi].x, yax_vsp[yax_globalbunch*2+1][i].cy[1]+DOMOST_OFFSET);
g_nodraw = nodrawbak;
i = vsp[0].n;
int const ni = vsp[i].n;
//POGO: specially treat the viewport nodes so that we will never end up in a situation where we accidentally access the sentinel node
if (ni >= viewportNodeCount)
if (Bfabsf(vsp[i].cy[1]-vsp[ni].cy[0]) < 0.1f && Bfabsf(vsp[i].fy[1]-vsp[ni].fy[0]) < 0.1f)
float const dx = 1.f/(vsp[ni].x-vsp[i].x);
float const dx2 = 1.f/(vsp[vsp[ni].n].x-vsp[i].x);
float const cslop[2] = { vsp[i].cy[1]-vsp[i].cy[0], vsp[ni].cy[1]-vsp[i].cy[0] };
float const fslop[2] = { vsp[i].fy[1]-vsp[i].fy[0], vsp[ni].fy[1]-vsp[i].fy[0] };
if (Bfabsf(cslop[0]*dx-cslop[1]*dx2) < 0.001f && Bfabsf(fslop[0]*dx-fslop[1]*dx2) < 0.001f)
i = ni;
while (i);
//else if (!g_nodraw) { videoEndDrawing(); return; }
numscans = numbunches = 0;
// Fixes access of stale maskwall[maskwallcnt] (a "scan" index, in BUILD lingo):
maskwallcnt = 0;
// NOTE: globalcursectnum has been already adjusted in ADJUST_GLOBALCURSECTNUM.
Bassert((unsigned)globalcursectnum < MAXSECTORS);
grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10;
if (inpreparemirror)
if (numbunches > 0)
grhalfxdown10x = -grhalfxdown10;
bunchfirst[0] = bunchfirst[numbunches];
bunchlast[0] = bunchlast[numbunches];
} else
inpreparemirror = 0;
while (numbunches > 0)
Bmemset(ptempbuf,0,numbunches+3); ptempbuf[0] = 1;
int32_t closest = 0; //Almost works, but not quite :(
for (bssize_t i=1; i<numbunches; ++i)
int const bnch = polymost_bunchfront(i,closest); if (bnch < 0) continue;
ptempbuf[i] = 1;
if (!bnch) { ptempbuf[closest] = 1; closest = i; }
for (bssize_t i=0; i<numbunches; ++i) //Double-check
if (ptempbuf[i]) continue;
int const bnch = polymost_bunchfront(i,closest); if (bnch < 0) continue;
ptempbuf[i] = 1;
if (!bnch) { ptempbuf[closest] = 1; closest = i; i = 0; }
if (automapping)
for (int z=bunchfirst[closest]; z>=0; z=bunchp2[z])
show2dwall[thewall[z]>>3] |= pow2char[thewall[z]&7];
bunchfirst[closest] = bunchfirst[numbunches];
bunchlast[closest] = bunchlast[numbunches];
static void polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(int32_t wallIndex)
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wallIndex];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wal->point2];
int32_t const sectnum = wall[wal->nextwall].nextsector;
auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[sectnum];
// if (wal->nextsector < 0) return;
// wal->nextsector is -1, WGR2 SVN Lochwood Hollow (Til' Death L1) (or trueror1.map)
auto const nsec = (usectorptr_t)§or[wal->nextsector];
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(wallIndex:%d)", wallIndex);
globalpicnum = wal->overpicnum;
if ((uint32_t)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES)
globalpicnum = 0;
globalorientation = (int32_t)wal->cstat;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, (int16_t)wallIndex+16384);
globvis = globalvisibility;
globvis = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ? mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) : globalvisibility;
globvis2 = globalvisibility2;
globvis2 = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ? mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) : globalvisibility2;
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
globalshade = (int32_t)wal->shade;
globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)wal->pal);
vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(wal->x-globalposx), (float)(wal->y-globalposy) };
vec2f_t p0 = { s0.y*gcosang - s0.x*gsinang, s0.x*gcosang2 + s0.y*gsinang2 };
vec2f_t s1 = { (float)(wal2->x-globalposx), (float)(wal2->y-globalposy) };
vec2f_t p1 = { s1.y*gcosang - s1.x*gsinang, s1.x*gcosang2 + s1.y*gsinang2 };
if ((p0.y < SCISDIST) && (p1.y < SCISDIST)) return;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
vec2f_t const op0 = p0;
float t0 = 0.f;
if (p0.y < SCISDIST)
t0 = (SCISDIST - p0.y) / (p1.y - p0.y);
p0 = { (p1.x - p0.x) * t0 + p0.x, SCISDIST };
float t1 = 1.f;
if (p1.y < SCISDIST)
t1 = (SCISDIST - op0.y) / (p1.y - op0.y);
p1 = { (p1.x - op0.x) * t1 + op0.x, SCISDIST };
int32_t m0 = (int32_t)((wal2->x - wal->x) * t0 + wal->x);
int32_t m1 = (int32_t)((wal2->y - wal->y) * t0 + wal->y);
int32_t cz[4], fz[4];
getzsofslope(sectnum, m0, m1, &cz[0], &fz[0]);
getzsofslope(wal->nextsector, m0, m1, &cz[1], &fz[1]);
m0 = (int32_t)((wal2->x - wal->x) * t1 + wal->x);
m1 = (int32_t)((wal2->y - wal->y) * t1 + wal->y);
getzsofslope(sectnum, m0, m1, &cz[2], &fz[2]);
getzsofslope(wal->nextsector, m0, m1, &cz[3], &fz[3]);
float ryp0 = 1.f/p0.y;
float ryp1 = 1.f/p1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
float const x0 = ghalfx*p0.x*ryp0 + ghalfx;
float const x1 = ghalfx*p1.x*ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (x1 <= x0) return;
ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale;
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
//gux*x0 + guo = t0*wal->xrepeat*8*yp0
//gux*x1 + guo = t1*wal->xrepeat*8*yp1
xtex.u = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1);
otex.u = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f - xtex.u*x0;
otex.u += (float)wal->xpanning*otex.d;
xtex.u += (float)wal->xpanning*xtex.d;
ytex.u = 0;
// mask
calc_ypanning((!(wal->cstat & 4)) ? max(nsec->ceilingz, sec->ceilingz) : min(nsec->floorz, sec->floorz), ryp0, ryp1,
x0, x1, wal->ypanning, wal->yrepeat, 0, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
float const t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
xtex.u = xtex.d*t - xtex.u;
ytex.u = ytex.d*t - ytex.u;
otex.u = otex.d*t - otex.u;
if (wal->cstat&256) { xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; } //yflip
if (wal->cstat & 128)
method = DAMETH_WALL | (((wal->cstat & 512)) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1);
uint8_t const blend = wal->blend;
uint8_t const blend = wallext[wallIndex].blend;
handle_blend(!!(wal->cstat & 128), blend, !!(wal->cstat & 512));
drawpoly_alpha = 0.f;
drawpoly_blend = blend;
float const csy[4] = { ((float)(cz[0] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz,
((float)(cz[1] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz,
((float)(cz[2] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz,
((float)(cz[3] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz };
float const fsy[4] = { ((float)(fz[0] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz,
((float)(fz[1] - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz,
((float)(fz[2] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz,
((float)(fz[3] - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz };
//Clip 2 quadrilaterals
// /csy3
// / |
// csy0------/----csy2
// | /xxxxxxx|
// | /xxxxxxxxx|
// csy1/xxxxxxxxxxx|
// |xxxxxxxxxxx/fsy3
// |xxxxxxxxx/ |
// |xxxxxxx/ |
// fsy0----/------fsy2
// | /
// fsy1/
vec2f_t dpxy[16] = { { x0, csy[1] }, { x1, csy[3] }, { x1, fsy[3] }, { x0, fsy[1] } };
//Clip to (x0,csy[0])-(x1,csy[2])
vec2f_t dp2[8];
int n2 = 0;
t1 = -((dpxy[0].x - x0) * (csy[2] - csy[0]) - (dpxy[0].y - csy[0]) * (x1 - x0));
for (bssize_t i=0; i<4; i++)
int j = i + 1;
if (j >= 4)
j = 0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = -((dpxy[j].x - x0) * (csy[2] - csy[0]) - (dpxy[j].y - csy[0]) * (x1 - x0));
if (t0 >= 0)
dp2[n2++] = dpxy[i];
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0))
float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1);
dp2[n2++] = { (dpxy[j].x - dpxy[i].x) * r + dpxy[i].x, (dpxy[j].y - dpxy[i].y) * r + dpxy[i].y };
if (n2 < 3)
//Clip to (x1,fsy[2])-(x0,fsy[0])
t1 = -((dp2[0].x - x1) * (fsy[0] - fsy[2]) - (dp2[0].y - fsy[2]) * (x0 - x1));
int n = 0;
for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < n2; j = ++i + 1)
if (j >= n2)
j = 0;
t0 = t1;
t1 = -((dp2[j].x - x1) * (fsy[0] - fsy[2]) - (dp2[j].y - fsy[2]) * (x0 - x1));
if (t0 >= 0)
dpxy[n++] = dp2[i];
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0) && (t0 <= 0) != (t1 <= 0))
float const r = t0 / (t0 - t1);
dpxy[n++] = { (dp2[j].x - dp2[i].x) * r + dp2[i].x, (dp2[j].y - dp2[i].y) * r + dp2[i].y };
if (n < 3)
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
polymost_drawpoly(dpxy, n, method, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
void polymost_drawmaskwall(int32_t damaskwallcnt)
int const z = maskwall[damaskwallcnt];
void polymost_prepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fix16_t daang, fix16_t dahoriz, int16_t mirrorWall)
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_prepareMirror(%u)", mirrorWall);
//POGO: prepare necessary globals for drawing, as we intend to call this outside of drawrooms
gvrcorrection = viewingrange*(1.f/65536.f);
if (glprojectionhacks == 2)
// calculates the extend of the zenith glitch
float verticalfovtan = (fviewingrange * (windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y) * 5.f) / ((float)yxaspect * (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x) * 4.f);
float verticalfov = atanf(verticalfovtan) * (2.f / fPI);
static constexpr float const maxhorizangle = 0.6361136f; // horiz of 199 in degrees
float zenglitch = verticalfov + maxhorizangle - 0.95f; // less than 1 because the zenith glitch extends a bit
if (zenglitch > 0.f)
gvrcorrection /= (zenglitch * 2.5f) + 1.f;
set_globalpos(dax, day, daz);
globalhoriz = mulscale16(fix16_to_int(dahoriz)-100,divscale16(xdimenscale,viewingrange))+(ydimen>>1);
qglobalhoriz = mulscale16(dahoriz-F16(100), divscale16(xdimenscale, viewingrange))+fix16_from_int(ydimen>>1);
gyxscale = ((float)xdimenscale)*(1.0f/131072.f);
gxyaspect = ((double)xyaspect*fviewingrange)*(5.0/(65536.0*262144.0));
gviewxrange = fviewingrange * fxdimen * (1.f/(32768.f*1024.f));
gcosang = fcosglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f);
gsinang = fsinglobalang*(1.0f/262144.f);
gcosang2 = gcosang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
gsinang2 = gsinang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
ghalfx = (float)(xdimen>>1);
ghalfy = (float)(ydimen>>1);
grhalfxdown10 = 1.f/(ghalfx*1024.f);
ghoriz = fix16_to_float(qglobalhoriz);
ghorizcorrect = fix16_to_float((100-polymostcenterhoriz)*divscale16(xdimenscale, viewingrange));
if (r_yshearing)
gshang = 0.f;
gchang = 1.f;
ghoriz2 = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz+ghorizcorrect);
float r = (float)(ydimen >> 1) - (ghoriz+ghorizcorrect);
gshang = r / Bsqrtf(r * r + ghalfx * ghalfx / (gvrcorrection * gvrcorrection));
gchang = Bsqrtf(1.f - gshang * gshang);
ghoriz2 = 0.f;
ghoriz = (float)(ydimen>>1);
gctang = cosf(gtang);
gstang = sinf(gtang);
if (Bfabsf(gstang) < .001f)
gstang = 0.f;
gctang = (gctang > 0.f) ? 1.f : -1.f;
grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10;
//POGO: write the mirror region to the stencil buffer to allow showing mirrors & skyboxes at the same time
//POGO: render only to the mirror region
void polymost_completeMirror()
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_completeMirror()");
typedef struct
uint32_t wrev;
uint32_t srev;
int16_t wall;
int8_t wdist;
int8_t filler;
} wallspriteinfo_t;
wallspriteinfo_t wsprinfo[MAXSPRITES];
void Polymost_prepare_loadboard(void)
Bmemset(wsprinfo, 0, sizeof(wsprinfo));
static inline int32_t polymost_findwall(uspriteptr_t const tspr, vec2_t const * const tsiz, int32_t * rd)
int32_t dist = 4, closest = -1;
auto const sect = (usectortype * )§or[tspr->sectnum];
vec2_t n;
for (bssize_t i=sect->wallptr; i<sect->wallptr + sect->wallnum; i++)
if ((wall[i].nextsector == -1 || ((sector[wall[i].nextsector].ceilingz > (tspr->z - ((tsiz->y * tspr->yrepeat) << 2))) ||
sector[wall[i].nextsector].floorz < tspr->z)) && !polymost_getclosestpointonwall((const vec2_t *) tspr, i, &n))
int const dst = klabs(tspr->x - n.x) + klabs(tspr->y - n.y);
if (dst <= dist)
dist = dst;
closest = i;
*rd = dist;
return closest;
int32_t polymost_lintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2,
int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t x4, int32_t y4)
// p1 to p2 is a line segment
int32_t const x21 = x2 - x1, x34 = x3 - x4;
int32_t const y21 = y2 - y1, y34 = y3 - y4;
int32_t const bot = x21 * y34 - y21 * x34;
if (!bot)
return 0;
int32_t const x31 = x3 - x1, y31 = y3 - y1;
int32_t const topt = x31 * y34 - y31 * x34;
int rv = 1;
if (bot > 0)
if ((unsigned)topt >= (unsigned)bot)
rv = 0;
int32_t topu = x21 * y31 - y21 * x31;
if ((unsigned)topu >= (unsigned)bot)
rv = 0;
if ((unsigned)topt <= (unsigned)bot)
rv = 0;
int32_t topu = x21 * y31 - y21 * x31;
if ((unsigned)topu <= (unsigned)bot)
rv = 0;
return rv;
#define TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR .000008f
#define TSPR_OFFSET(tspr) ((TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR + ((tspr->owner != -1 ? tspr->owner & 63 : 1) * TSPR_OFFSET_FACTOR)) * (float)sepdist(globalposx - tspr->x, globalposy - tspr->y, globalposz - tspr->z) * 0.025f)
void polymost_drawsprite(int32_t snum)
auto const tspr = tspriteptr[snum];
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(bad_tspr(tspr)))
usectorptr_t sec;
int32_t spritenum = tspr->owner;
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawsprite(snum:%d)", snum);
if ((tspr->cstat&48) != 48)
tileUpdatePicnum(&tspr->picnum, spritenum + 32768);
globalpicnum = tspr->picnum;
globalshade = tspr->shade;
globalpal = tspr->pal;
globalorientation = tspr->cstat;
globvis = globalvisibility;
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility != 0)
globvis = mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility + 16));
globvis2 = globalvisibility2;
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility != 0)
globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility + 16));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
vec2_t off = { 0, 0 };
if ((globalorientation & 48) != 48) // only non-voxel sprites should do this
int const flag = hw_hightile && h_xsize[globalpicnum];
off = { (int32_t)tspr->xoffset + (flag ? h_xoffs[globalpicnum] : picanm[globalpicnum].xofs),
(int32_t)tspr->yoffset + (flag ? h_yoffs[globalpicnum] : picanm[globalpicnum].yofs) };
int32_t method = DAMETH_MASK | DAMETH_CLAMPED;
if (tspr->cstat & 2)
method = DAMETH_CLAMPED | ((tspr->cstat & 512) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1);
handle_blend(!!(tspr->cstat & 2), tspr->blend, !!(tspr->cstat & 512));
drawpoly_alpha = spriteext[spritenum].alpha;
drawpoly_blend = tspr->blend;
sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[tspr->sectnum];
while (!(spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_NOTMD))
if (hw_models && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].modelid >= 0 &&
tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum, tspr->pal)].framenum >= 0)
if (polymost_mddraw(tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if (r_voxels && (tspr->cstat & 48) != 48 && tiletovox[tspr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]])
if (polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tiletovox[tspr->picnum]], tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if ((tspr->cstat & 48) == 48 && voxmodels[tspr->picnum])
polymost_voxdraw(voxmodels[tspr->picnum], tspr);
vec2_t pos = tspr->pos.vec2;
if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY1)
pos.x += (sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 13);
pos.y += (sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] >> 13);
else if (spriteext[spritenum].flags & SPREXT_AWAY2)
pos.x -= (sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 13);
pos.y -= (sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] >> 13);
vec2_16_t const oldsiz = tilesiz[globalpicnum];
vec2_t tsiz = { oldsiz.x, oldsiz.y };
if (hw_hightile && h_xsize[globalpicnum])
tsiz = { h_xsize[globalpicnum], h_ysize[globalpicnum] };
if (tsiz.x <= 0 || tsiz.y <= 0)
vec2f_t const ftsiz = { (float) tsiz.x, (float) tsiz.y };
switch ((globalorientation >> 4) & 3)
case 0: // Face sprite
// Project 3D to 2D
if (globalorientation & 4)
off.x = -off.x;
// NOTE: yoff not negated not for y flipping, unlike wall and floor
// aligned sprites.
int const ang = (getangle(tspr->x - globalposx, tspr->y - globalposy) + 1024) & 2047;
float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr);
vec2f_t const offs = { (float) (sintable[(ang + 512) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
(float) (sintable[(ang) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs };
vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(tspr->x - globalposx) + offs.x,
(float)(tspr->y - globalposy) + offs.y};
vec2f_t p0 = { s0.y * gcosang - s0.x * gsinang, s0.x * gcosang2 + s0.y * gsinang2 };
if (p0.y <= SCISDIST)
goto _drawsprite_return;
float const ryp0 = 1.f / p0.y;
s0 = { ghalfx * p0.x * ryp0 + ghalfx, ((float)(tspr->z - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz };
float const f = ryp0 * fxdimen * (1.0f / 160.f);
vec2f_t ff = { ((float)tspr->xrepeat) * f,
((float)tspr->yrepeat) * f * ((float)yxaspect * (1.0f / 65536.f)) };
if (tsiz.x & 1)
s0.x += ff.x * 0.5f;
if (globalorientation & 128 && tsiz.y & 1)
s0.y += ff.y * 0.5f;
s0.x -= ff.x * (float) off.x;
s0.y -= ff.y * (float) off.y;
ff.x *= ftsiz.x;
ff.y *= ftsiz.y;
vec2f_t pxy[4];
pxy[0].x = pxy[3].x = s0.x - ff.x * 0.5f;
pxy[1].x = pxy[2].x = s0.x + ff.x * 0.5f;
if (!(globalorientation & 128))
pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y - ff.y;
pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y;
pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y - ff.y * 0.5f;
pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y + ff.y * 0.5f;
xtex.d = ytex.d = ytex.u = xtex.v = 0;
otex.d = ryp0 * gviewxrange;
if (!(globalorientation & 4))
xtex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d / (pxy[1].x - pxy[0].x + .002f);
otex.u = -xtex.u * (pxy[0].x - .001f);
xtex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d / (pxy[0].x - pxy[1].x - .002f);
otex.u = -xtex.u * (pxy[1].x + .001f);
if (!(globalorientation & 8))
ytex.v = ftsiz.y * otex.d / (pxy[3].y - pxy[0].y + .002f);
otex.v = -ytex.v * (pxy[0].y - .001f);
ytex.v = ftsiz.y * otex.d / (pxy[0].y - pxy[3].y - .002f);
otex.v = -ytex.v * (pxy[3].y + .001f);
// sprite panning
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
ytex.u -= ytex.d * ((float) (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.x;
otex.u -= otex.d * ((float) (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.x;
drawpoly_srepeat = 1;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
ytex.v -= ytex.d * ((float) (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.y;
otex.v -= otex.d * ((float) (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.y;
drawpoly_trepeat = 1;
// Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing and not sloped
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat & 3))
s0.y = ((float) (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz;
if (pxy[0].y < s0.y)
pxy[0].y = pxy[1].y = s0.y;
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat & 3))
s0.y = ((float) (sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz)) * gyxscale * ryp0 + ghoriz;
if (pxy[2].y > s0.y)
pxy[2].y = pxy[3].y = s0.y;
vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y };
pow2xsplit = 0;
polymost_drawpoly(pxy, 4, method, tempsiz);
drawpoly_srepeat = 0;
drawpoly_trepeat = 0;
case 1: // Wall sprite
// Project 3D to 2D
if (globalorientation & 4)
off.x = -off.x;
if (globalorientation & 8)
off.y = -off.y;
vec2f_t const extent = { (float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang) & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f),
(float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang + 1536) & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f) };
float f = (float)(tsiz.x >> 1) + (float)off.x;
vec2f_t const vf = { extent.x * f, extent.y * f };
vec2f_t vec0 = { (float)(pos.x - globalposx) - vf.x,
(float)(pos.y - globalposy) - vf.y };
int32_t const s = tspr->owner;
int32_t walldist = 1;
int32_t w = (s == -1) ? -1 : wsprinfo[s].wall;
// find the wall most likely to be what the sprite is supposed to be ornamented against
// this is really slow, so cache the result
if (s == -1 || !wsprinfo[s].wall || (spritechanged[s] != wsprinfo[s].srev) ||
(w != -1 && wallchanged[w] != wsprinfo[s].wrev))
w = polymost_findwall(tspr, &tsiz, &walldist);
if (s != -1)
wallspriteinfo_t *ws = &wsprinfo[s];
ws->wall = w;
if (w != -1)
ws->wdist = walldist;
ws->wrev = wallchanged[w];
ws->srev = spritechanged[s];
else if (s != -1)
walldist = wsprinfo[s].wdist;
// detect if the sprite is either on the wall line or the wall line and sprite intersect
if (w != -1)
vec2_t v = { /*Blrintf(vf.x)*/(int)vf.x, /*Blrintf(vf.y)*/(int)vf.y };
if (walldist <= 2 || ((pos.x - v.x) + (pos.x + v.x)) == (wall[w].x + POINT2(w).x) ||
((pos.y - v.y) + (pos.y + v.y)) == (wall[w].y + POINT2(w).y) ||
polymost_lintersect(pos.x - v.x, pos.y - v.y, pos.x + v.x, pos.y + v.y, wall[w].x, wall[w].y,
POINT2(w).x, POINT2(w).y))
int32_t const ang = getangle(wall[w].x - POINT2(w).x, wall[w].y - POINT2(w).y);
float const foffs = TSPR_OFFSET(tspr);
vec2f_t const offs = { (float)(sintable[(ang + 1024) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs,
(float)(sintable[(ang + 512) & 2047] >> 6) * foffs};
vec0.x -= offs.x;
vec0.y -= offs.y;
vec2f_t p0 = { vec0.y * gcosang - vec0.x * gsinang,
vec0.x * gcosang2 + vec0.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const pp = { extent.x * ftsiz.x + vec0.x,
extent.y * ftsiz.x + vec0.y };
vec2f_t p1 = { pp.y * gcosang - pp.x * gsinang,
pp.x * gcosang2 + pp.y * gsinang2 };
if ((p0.y <= SCISDIST) && (p1.y <= SCISDIST))
goto _drawsprite_return;
// Clip to close parallel-screen plane
vec2f_t const op0 = p0;
float t0 = 0.f, t1 = 1.f;
if (p0.y < SCISDIST)
t0 = (SCISDIST - p0.y) / (p1.y - p0.y);
p0 = { (p1.x - p0.x) * t0 + p0.x, SCISDIST };
if (p1.y < SCISDIST)
t1 = (SCISDIST - op0.y) / (p1.y - op0.y);
p1 = { (p1.x - op0.x) * t1 + op0.x, SCISDIST };
f = 1.f / p0.y;
const float ryp0 = f * gyxscale;
float sx0 = ghalfx * p0.x * f + ghalfx;
f = 1.f / p1.y;
const float ryp1 = f * gyxscale;
float sx1 = ghalfx * p1.x * f + ghalfx;
tspr->z -= ((off.y * tspr->yrepeat) << 2);
if (globalorientation & 128)
tspr->z += ((tsiz.y * tspr->yrepeat) << 1);
if (tsiz.y & 1)
tspr->z += (tspr->yrepeat << 1); // Odd yspans
xtex.d = (ryp0 - ryp1) * gxyaspect / (sx0 - sx1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0 * gxyaspect - xtex.d * sx0;
if (globalorientation & 4)
t0 = 1.f - t0;
t1 = 1.f - t1;
// sprite panning
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
float const xpan = ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning) * (1.0f / 255.f));
t0 -= xpan;
t1 -= xpan;
drawpoly_srepeat = 1;
xtex.u = (t0 * ryp0 - t1 * ryp1) * gxyaspect * ftsiz.x / (sx0 - sx1);
ytex.u = 0;
otex.u = t0 * ryp0 * gxyaspect * ftsiz.x - xtex.u * sx0;
f = ((float) tspr->yrepeat) * ftsiz.y * 4;
float sc0 = ((float) (tspr->z - globalposz - f)) * ryp0 + ghoriz;
float sc1 = ((float) (tspr->z - globalposz - f)) * ryp1 + ghoriz;
float sf0 = ((float) (tspr->z - globalposz)) * ryp0 + ghoriz;
float sf1 = ((float) (tspr->z - globalposz)) * ryp1 + ghoriz;
// gvx*sx0 + gvy*sc0 + gvo = 0
// gvx*sx1 + gvy*sc1 + gvo = 0
// gvx*sx0 + gvy*sf0 + gvo = tsizy*(gdx*sx0 + gdo)
f = ftsiz.y * (xtex.d * sx0 + otex.d) / ((sx0 - sx1) * (sc0 - sf0));
if (!(globalorientation & 8))
xtex.v = (sc0 - sc1) * f;
ytex.v = (sx1 - sx0) * f;
otex.v = -xtex.v * sx0 - ytex.v * sc0;
xtex.v = (sf1 - sf0) * f;
ytex.v = (sx0 - sx1) * f;
otex.v = -xtex.v * sx0 - ytex.v * sf0;
// sprite panning
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
float const ypan = ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.y;
xtex.v -= xtex.d * ypan;
ytex.v -= ytex.d * ypan;
otex.v -= otex.d * ypan;
drawpoly_trepeat = 1;
// Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat & 1))
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz > tspr->z - (float)((tspr->yrepeat * tsiz.y) << 2))
sc0 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz) * ryp0 + ghoriz;
sc1 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz - globalposz) * ryp1 + ghoriz;
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat & 1))
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz < tspr->z)
sf0 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz) * ryp0 + ghoriz;
sf1 = (float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz - globalposz) * ryp1 + ghoriz;
if (sx0 > sx1)
if (globalorientation & 64)
goto _drawsprite_return; // 1-sided sprite
swapfloat(&sx0, &sx1);
swapfloat(&sc0, &sc1);
swapfloat(&sf0, &sf1);
vec2f_t const pxy[4] = { { sx0, sc0 }, { sx1, sc1 }, { sx1, sf1 }, { sx0, sf0 } };
vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y };
pow2xsplit = 0;
polymost_drawpoly(pxy, 4, method, tempsiz);
drawpoly_srepeat = 0;
drawpoly_trepeat = 0;
case 2: // Floor sprite
globvis2 = globalhisibility2;
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility != 0)
globvis2 = mulscale4(globvis2, (uint8_t)(sector[tspr->sectnum].visibility + 16));
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
if ((globalorientation & 64) != 0 && (globalposz > tspr->z) == (!(globalorientation & 8)))
goto _drawsprite_return;
if ((globalorientation & 4) > 0)
off.x = -off.x;
if ((globalorientation & 8) > 0)
off.y = -off.y;
vec2f_t const p0 = { (float)(((tsiz.x + 1) >> 1) - off.x) * tspr->xrepeat,
(float)(((tsiz.y + 1) >> 1) - off.y) * tspr->yrepeat },
p1 = { (float)((tsiz.x >> 1) + off.x) * tspr->xrepeat,
(float)((tsiz.y >> 1) + off.y) * tspr->yrepeat };
float const c = sintable[(tspr->ang + 512) & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f);
float const s = sintable[tspr->ang & 2047] * (1.0f / 65536.f);
vec2f_t pxy[6];
// Project 3D to 2D
for (bssize_t j = 0; j < 4; j++)
vec2f_t s0 = { (float)(tspr->x - globalposx), (float)(tspr->y - globalposy) };
if ((j + 0) & 2)
s0.y -= s * p0.y;
s0.x -= c * p0.y;
s0.y += s * p1.y;
s0.x += c * p1.y;
if ((j + 1) & 2)
s0.x -= s * p0.x;
s0.y += c * p0.x;
s0.x += s * p1.x;
s0.y -= c * p1.x;
pxy[j] = { s0.y * gcosang - s0.x * gsinang, s0.x * gcosang2 + s0.y * gsinang2 };
if (tspr->z < globalposz) // if floor sprite is above you, reverse order of points
EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(vec2f_t));
swap64bit(&pxy[0], &pxy[1]);
swap64bit(&pxy[2], &pxy[3]);
// Clip to SCISDIST plane
int32_t npoints = 0;
vec2f_t p2[6];
for (bssize_t i = 0, j = 1; i < 4; j = ((++i + 1) & 3))
if (pxy[i].y >= SCISDIST)
p2[npoints++] = pxy[i];
if ((pxy[i].y >= SCISDIST) != (pxy[j].y >= SCISDIST))
float const f = (SCISDIST - pxy[i].y) / (pxy[j].y - pxy[i].y);
vec2f_t const t = { (pxy[j].x - pxy[i].x) * f + pxy[i].x,
(pxy[j].y - pxy[i].y) * f + pxy[i].y };
p2[npoints++] = t;
if (npoints < 3)
goto _drawsprite_return;
// Project rotated 3D points to screen
int fadjust = 0;
// unfortunately, offsetting by only 1 isn't enough on most Android devices
if (tspr->z == sec->ceilingz || tspr->z == sec->ceilingz + 1)
tspr->z = sec->ceilingz + 2, fadjust = (tspr->owner & 31);
if (tspr->z == sec->floorz || tspr->z == sec->floorz - 1)
tspr->z = sec->floorz - 2, fadjust = -((tspr->owner & 31));
float f = (float)(tspr->z - globalposz + fadjust) * gyxscale;
for (bssize_t j = 0; j < npoints; j++)
float const ryp0 = 1.f / p2[j].y;
pxy[j] = { ghalfx * p2[j].x * ryp0 + ghalfx, f * ryp0 + ghoriz };
// gd? Copied from floor rendering code
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect / (double)(tspr->z - globalposz + fadjust);
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
// copied&modified from relative alignment
vec2f_t const vv = { (float)tspr->x + s * p1.x + c * p1.y, (float)tspr->y + s * p1.y - c * p1.x };
vec2f_t ff = { -(p0.x + p1.x) * s, (p0.x + p1.x) * c };
f = polymost_invsqrt_approximation(ff.x * ff.x + ff.y * ff.y);
ff.x *= f;
ff.y *= f;
float const ft[4] = { ((float)(globalposy - vv.y)) * ff.y + ((float)(globalposx - vv.x)) * ff.x,
((float)(globalposx - vv.x)) * ff.y - ((float)(globalposy - vv.y)) * ff.x,
fsinglobalang * ff.y + fcosglobalang * ff.x,
fsinglobalang * ff.x - fcosglobalang * ff.y };
f = fviewingrange * -(1.f / (65536.f * 262144.f));
xtex.u = (float)ft[3] * f;
xtex.v = (float)ft[2] * f;
ytex.u = ft[0] * ytex.d;
ytex.v = ft[1] * ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0] * otex.d;
otex.v = ft[1] * otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2] * (1.0f / 262144.f) - xtex.u) * ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3] * (1.0f / 262144.f) + xtex.v) * ghalfx;
f = 4.f / (float)tspr->xrepeat;
xtex.u *= f;
ytex.u *= f;
otex.u *= f;
f = -4.f / (float)tspr->yrepeat;
xtex.v *= f;
ytex.v *= f;
otex.v *= f;
if (globalorientation & 4)
xtex.u = ftsiz.x * xtex.d - xtex.u;
ytex.u = ftsiz.x * ytex.d - ytex.u;
otex.u = ftsiz.x * otex.d - otex.u;
// sprite panning
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
float const f = ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.x;
ytex.u -= ytex.d * f;
otex.u -= otex.d * f;
drawpoly_srepeat = 1;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
float const f = ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning) * (1.0f / 255.f)) * ftsiz.y;
ytex.v -= ytex.d * f;
otex.v -= otex.d * f;
drawpoly_trepeat = 1;
vec2_16_t tempsiz = { (int16_t)tsiz.x, (int16_t)tsiz.y };
pow2xsplit = 0;
polymost_drawpoly(pxy, npoints, method, tempsiz);
drawpoly_srepeat = 0;
drawpoly_trepeat = 0;
case 3: // Voxel sprite
if (automapping == 1 && (unsigned)spritenum < MAXSPRITES)
show2dsprite[spritenum>>3] |= pow2char[spritenum&7];
//sx,sy center of sprite; screen coords*65536
//z zoom*65536. > is zoomed in
//a angle (0 is default)
//dastat&1 1:translucence
//dastat&2 1:auto-scale mode (use 320*200 coordinates)
//dastat&4 1:y-flip
//dastat&8 1:don't clip to startumost/startdmost
//dastat&16 1:force point passed to be top-left corner, 0:Editart center
//dastat&32 1:reverse translucence
//dastat&64 1:non-masked, 0:masked
//dastat&128 1:draw all pages (permanent)
//cx1,... clip window (actual screen coords)
void polymost_dorotatespritemodel(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum,
int8_t dashade, uint8_t dapalnum, int32_t dastat, uint8_t daalpha, uint8_t dablend, int32_t uniqid)
float d, cosang, sinang, cosang2, sinang2;
float m[4][4];
const int32_t tilenum = Ptile2tile(picnum, dapalnum);
if (tile2model[tilenum].modelid == -1 || tile2model[tilenum].framenum == -1)
vec3f_t vec1;
uspritetype tspr;
Bmemset(&tspr, 0, sizeof(spritetype));
hudtyp const * const hud = tile2model[tilenum].hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2];
if (!hud || hud->flags & HUDFLAG_HIDE)
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_dorotatespritemodel(sx:%d, sy:%d, z:%d, a:%hd, picnum:%hd, dashade:%hhd, dapalnum:%hhu, dastat:%d, daalpha:%hhu, dablend:%hhu, uniqid:%d)",
sx, sy, z, a, picnum, dashade, dapalnum, dastat, daalpha, dablend, uniqid);
float const ogchang = gchang; gchang = 1.f;
float const ogshang = gshang; gshang = 0.f; d = (float) z*(1.0f/(65536.f*16384.f));
float const ogctang = gctang; gctang = (float) sintable[(a+512)&2047]*d;
float const ogstang = gstang; gstang = (float) sintable[a&2047]*d;
int const ogshade = globalshade; globalshade = dashade;
int const ogpal = globalpal; globalpal = (int32_t) ((uint8_t) dapalnum);
double const ogxyaspect = gxyaspect; gxyaspect = 1.f;
int const oldviewingrange = viewingrange; viewingrange = 65536;
float const oldfviewingrange = fviewingrange; fviewingrange = 65536.f;
float const ogvrcorrection = gvrcorrection; gvrcorrection = 1.f;
vec1 = hud->add;
if (!(hud->flags & HUDFLAG_NOBOB))
vec2f_t f = { (float)sx * (1.f / 65536.f), (float)sy * (1.f / 65536.f) };
if (dastat & RS_TOPLEFT)
vec2_16_t siz = tilesiz[picnum];
vec2_16_t off = { (int16_t)((siz.x >> 1) + picanm[picnum].xofs), (int16_t)((siz.y >> 1) + picanm[picnum].yofs) };
d = (float)z * (1.0f / (65536.f * 16384.f));
cosang2 = cosang = (float)sintable[(a + 512) & 2047] * d;
sinang2 = sinang = (float)sintable[a & 2047] * d;
if ((dastat & RS_AUTO) || (!(dastat & RS_NOCLIP))) // Don't aspect unscaled perms
d = (float)xyaspect * (1.0f / 65536.f);
cosang2 *= d;
sinang2 *= d;
vec2f_t const foff = { (float)off.x, (float)off.y };
f.x += -foff.x * cosang2 + foff.y * sinang2;
f.y += -foff.x * sinang - foff.y * cosang;
if (!(dastat & RS_AUTO))
vec1.x += f.x / ((float)(xdim << 15)) - 1.f; //-1: left of screen, +1: right of screen
vec1.y += f.y / ((float)(ydim << 15)) - 1.f; //-1: top of screen, +1: bottom of screen
vec1.x += f.x * (1.0f / 160.f) - 1.f; //-1: left of screen, +1: right of screen
vec1.y += f.y * (1.0f / 100.f) - 1.f; //-1: top of screen, +1: bottom of screen
tspr.ang = hud->angadd+globalang;
if (dastat & RS_YFLIP) { vec1.x = -vec1.x; vec1.y = -vec1.y; }
// In Polymost, we don't care if the model is very big
tspr.xrepeat = tspr.yrepeat = 32;
tspr.x = globalposx + Blrintf((gcosang*vec1.z - gsinang*vec1.x)*16384.f);
tspr.y = globalposy + Blrintf((gsinang*vec1.z + gcosang*vec1.x)*16384.f);
tspr.z = globalposz + Blrintf(vec1.y * (16384.f * 0.8f));
tspr.picnum = picnum;
tspr.shade = dashade;
tspr.pal = dapalnum;
tspr.owner = uniqid+MAXSPRITES;
// 1 -> 1
// 32 -> 32*16 = 512
// 4 -> 8
tspr.cstat = globalorientation = (dastat&RS_TRANS1) | ((dastat&RS_TRANS2)<<4) | ((dastat&RS_YFLIP)<<1);
if ((dastat&(RS_AUTO|RS_NOCLIP)) == RS_AUTO)
GLInterface.SetViewport(windowxy1.x, ydim-(windowxy2.y+1), windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x+1, windowxy2.y-windowxy1.y+1);
glox1 = -1;
GLInterface.SetViewport(0, 0, xdim, ydim);
glox1 = -1; //Force fullscreen (glox1=-1 forces it to restore)
Bmemset(m, 0, sizeof(m));
if ((dastat&(RS_AUTO|RS_NOCLIP)) == RS_AUTO)
float f = 1.f;
int32_t fov = hud->fov;
if (fov != -1)
f = 1.f/tanf(((float)fov * 2.56f) * ((.5f * fPI) * (1.0f/2048.f)));
m[0][0] = f*fydimen; m[0][2] = 1.f;
m[1][1] = f*fxdimen; m[1][2] = 1.f;
m[2][2] = 1.f; m[2][3] = fydimen;
m[3][2] =-1.f;
m[0][0] = m[2][3] = 1.f;
m[1][1] = fxdim/fydim;
m[2][2] = 1.0001f;
m[3][2] = 1-m[2][2];
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Projection, &m[0][0]);
VSMatrix identity(0);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_ModelView, &identity);
if (hud->flags & HUDFLAG_NODEPTH)
static int32_t onumframes = 0;
if (onumframes != numframes)
onumframes = numframes;
spriteext[tspr.owner].alpha = daalpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);
tspr.blend = dablend;
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
gvrcorrection = ogvrcorrection;
viewingrange = oldviewingrange;
fviewingrange = oldfviewingrange;
gxyaspect = ogxyaspect;
globalshade = ogshade;
globalpal = ogpal;
gchang = ogchang;
gshang = ogshang;
gctang = ogctang;
gstang = ogstang;
void polymost_dorotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum,
int8_t dashade, uint8_t dapalnum, int32_t dastat, uint8_t daalpha, uint8_t dablend,
int32_t cx1, int32_t cy1, int32_t cx2, int32_t cy2, int32_t uniqid)
if (hw_models && tile2model[picnum].hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2])
polymost_dorotatespritemodel(sx, sy, z, a, picnum, dashade, dapalnum, dastat, daalpha, dablend, uniqid);
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_dorotatesprite(sx:%d, sy:%d, z:%d, a:%hd, picnum:%hd, dashade:%hhd, dapalnum:%hhu, dastat:%d, daalpha:%hhu, dablend:%hhu, cx1:%d, cy1:%d, cx2:%d, cy2:%d, uniqid:%d)",
sx, sy, z, a, picnum, dashade, dapalnum, dastat, daalpha, dablend, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, uniqid);
GLInterface.SetViewport(0,0,xdim,ydim); glox1 = -1; //Force fullscreen (glox1=-1 forces it to restore)
auto oldproj = GLInterface.GetMatrix(Matrix_Projection);
auto oldmv = GLInterface.GetMatrix(Matrix_ModelView);
globvis = 0;
globvis2 = 0;
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
int32_t const ogpicnum = globalpicnum;
globalpicnum = picnum;
int32_t const ogshade = globalshade;
globalshade = dashade;
int32_t const ogpal = globalpal;
globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)dapalnum);
float const oghalfx = ghalfx;
ghalfx = fxdim * .5f;
float const oghalfy = ghalfy;
ghalfy = fydim * .5f;
float const ogrhalfxdown10 = grhalfxdown10;
grhalfxdown10 = 1.f / (ghalfx * 1024.f);
float const ogrhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10x;
grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10;
float const oghoriz = ghoriz;
ghoriz = fydim * .5f;
int32_t const ofoffset = frameoffset;
frameoffset = frameplace;
float const ogchang = gchang;
gchang = 1.f;
float const ogshang = gshang;
gshang = 0.f;
float const ogctang = gctang;
gctang = 1.f;
float const ogstang = gstang;
gstang = 0.f;
float const ogvrcorrection = gvrcorrection;
gvrcorrection = 1.f;
float m[4][4];
m[0][0] = m[2][3] = 1.0f;
m[1][1] = fxdim / fydim;
m[2][2] = 1.0001f;
m[3][2] = 1 - m[2][2];
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Projection, &m[0][0]);
VSMatrix identity(0);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_ModelView, &identity);
int32_t method = DAMETH_CLAMPED; //Use OpenGL clamping - dorotatesprite never repeats
if (!(dastat & RS_NOMASK))
if (dastat & RS_TRANS1)
method |= (dastat & RS_TRANS2) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1;
method |= DAMETH_MASK;
handle_blend(!!(dastat & RS_TRANS1), dablend, !!(dastat & RS_TRANS2));
drawpoly_alpha = daalpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);
drawpoly_blend = dablend;
vec2_16_t const siz = tilesiz[globalpicnum];
vec2_16_t ofs = { 0, 0 };
if (!(dastat & RS_TOPLEFT))
ofs = { int16_t(picanm[globalpicnum].xofs + (siz.x>>1)),
int16_t(picanm[globalpicnum].yofs + (siz.y>>1)) };
if (dastat & RS_YFLIP)
ofs.y = siz.y - ofs.y;
int32_t ourxyaspect, ouryxaspect;
dorotspr_handle_bit2(&sx, &sy, &z, dastat, cx1 + cx2, cy1 + cy2, &ouryxaspect, &ourxyaspect);
int32_t cosang = mulscale14(sintable[(a + 512) & 2047], z);
int32_t cosang2 = cosang;
int32_t sinang = mulscale14(sintable[a & 2047], z);
int32_t sinang2 = sinang;
if ((dastat & RS_AUTO) || (!(dastat & RS_NOCLIP))) // Don't aspect unscaled perms
cosang2 = mulscale16(cosang2,ourxyaspect);
sinang2 = mulscale16(sinang2,ourxyaspect);
int32_t const cx = sx - ofs.x * cosang2 + ofs.y * sinang2;
int32_t const cy = sy - ofs.x * sinang - ofs.y * cosang;
vec2_t pxy[8] = { { cx, cy },
{ cx + siz.x * cosang2, cy + siz.x * sinang },
{ 0, 0 },
{ cx - siz.y * sinang2, cy + siz.y * cosang } };
pxy[2]= { pxy[1].x + pxy[3].x - pxy[0].x,
pxy[1].y + pxy[3].y - pxy[0].y };
vec2_t const gxy = pxy[0];
int32_t n = 4, nn = 0, nz = 0;
int32_t px2[8], py2[8];
cx1 <<= 16;
cy1 <<= 16;
cx2 <<= 16;
cy2 <<= 16;
int32_t zz = nz+1; if (zz == n) zz = 0;
int32_t const x1 = pxy[nz].x, x2 = pxy[zz].x-x1;
if ((cx1 <= x1) && (x1 <= cx2)) { px2[nn] = x1; py2[nn] = pxy[nz].y; nn++; }
int32_t fx = (x2 <= 0 ? cx2 : cx1), t = fx-x1;
if ((t < x2) != (t < 0)) { px2[nn] = fx; py2[nn] = scale(pxy[zz].y-pxy[nz].y,t,x2) + pxy[nz].y; nn++; }
fx = (x2 <= 0 ? cx1 : cx2); t = fx-x1;
if ((t < x2) != (t < 0)) { px2[nn] = fx; py2[nn] = scale(pxy[zz].y-pxy[nz].y,t,x2) + pxy[nz].y; nn++; }
nz = zz;
while (nz);
n = 0;
if (nn >= 3)
nz = 0;
int32_t zz = nz+1; if (zz == nn) zz = 0;
int32_t const y1 = py2[nz], y2 = py2[zz]-y1;
if ((cy1 <= y1) && (y1 <= cy2)) { pxy[n].y = y1; pxy[n].x = px2[nz]; n++; }
int32_t fy = (y2 <= 0 ? cy2 : cy1), t = fy - y1;
if ((t < y2) != (t < 0)) { pxy[n].y = fy; pxy[n].x = scale(px2[zz]-px2[nz],t,y2) + px2[nz]; n++; }
fy = (y2 <= 0 ? cy1 : cy2); t = fy - y1;
if ((t < y2) != (t < 0)) { pxy[n].y = fy; pxy[n].x = scale(px2[zz]-px2[nz],t,y2) + px2[nz]; n++; }
nz = zz;
while (nz);
if (n >= 3)
int32_t i = divscale32(1,z);
int32_t xv = mulscale14(sintable[a&2047],i);
int32_t yv = mulscale14(sintable[(a+512)&2047],i);
int32_t xv2, yv2;
if ((dastat&RS_AUTO) || (dastat&RS_NOCLIP)==0) //Don't aspect unscaled perms
yv2 = mulscale16(-xv,ouryxaspect);
xv2 = mulscale16(yv,ouryxaspect);
yv2 = -xv;
xv2 = yv;
int32_t lx = pxy[0].x;
for (int v=n-1; v>0; v--)
if (pxy[v].x < lx) lx = pxy[v].x;
vec2_t oxy = { (lx>>16), 0 };
int32_t x = (oxy.x<<16)-1-gxy.x;
int32_t y = (oxy.y<<16)+65535-gxy.y;
int32_t bx = dmulscale16(x,xv2,y,xv);
int32_t by = dmulscale16(x,yv2,y,yv);
if (dastat & RS_YFLIP)
yv = -yv;
yv2 = -yv2;
by = (siz.y<<16)-1-by;
vec2f_t fpxy[8];
for (int v=0; v<n; v++)
fpxy[v] = { float((pxy[v].x+8192)>>16), float((pxy[v].y+8192)>>16) };
xtex.d = 0; ytex.d = 0; otex.d = 1.0;
otex.u = (bx-(oxy.x-1+0.7)*xv2-(oxy.y+0.7)*xv)*(1.0/65536.0);
xtex.u = xv2*(1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = xv*(1.0/65536.0);
otex.v = (by-(oxy.x-1+0.7)*yv2-(oxy.y+0.7)*yv)*(1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = yv2*(1.0/65536.0);
ytex.v = yv*(1.0/65536.0);
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_drawpoly(fpxy,n,method, tilesiz[globalpicnum]);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Projection, &oldproj);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_ModelView, &oldmv);
globalpicnum = ogpicnum;
globalshade = ogshade;
globalpal = ogpal;
ghalfx = oghalfx;
ghalfy = oghalfy;
grhalfxdown10 = ogrhalfxdown10;
grhalfxdown10x = ogrhalfxdown10x;
ghoriz = oghoriz;
frameoffset = ofoffset;
gchang = ogchang;
gshang = ogshang;
gctang = ogctang;
gstang = ogstang;
gvrcorrection = ogvrcorrection;
static float trapextx[2];
static void drawtrap(float x0, float x1, float y0, float x2, float x3, float y1)
if (y0 == y1) return;
float px[4], py[4];
int32_t n = 3;
px[0] = x0; py[0] = y0; py[2] = y1;
if (x0 == x1) { px[1] = x3; py[1] = y1; px[2] = x2; }
else if (x2 == x3) { px[1] = x1; py[1] = y0; px[2] = x3; }
else { px[1] = x1; py[1] = y0; px[2] = x3; px[3] = x2; py[3] = y1; n = 4; }
auto data = GLInterface.AllocVertices(n);
auto vt = data.second;
for (bssize_t i=0; i<n; i++, vt++)
px[i] = min(max(px[i],trapextx[0]),trapextx[1]);
vt->SetTexCoord(px[i]*xtex.u + py[i]*ytex.u + otex.u,
px[i]*xtex.v + py[i]*ytex.v + otex.v);
GLInterface.Draw(DT_TRIANGLE_FAN, data.first, n);
static void tessectrap(const float *px, const float *py, const int32_t *point2, int32_t numpoints)
float x0, x1, m0, m1;
int32_t i, j, k, z, i0, i1, i2, i3, npoints, gap, numrst;
static int32_t allocpoints = 0, *slist = 0, *npoint2 = 0;
typedef struct { float x, y, xi; int32_t i; } raster;
static raster *rst = 0;
if (numpoints+16 > allocpoints) //16 for safety
allocpoints = numpoints+16;
rst = (raster *)Xrealloc(rst,allocpoints*sizeof(raster));
slist = (int32_t *)Xrealloc(slist,allocpoints*sizeof(int32_t));
npoint2 = (int32_t *)Xrealloc(npoint2,allocpoints*sizeof(int32_t));
//Remove unnecessary collinear points:
for (i=0; i<numpoints; i++) npoint2[i] = point2[i];
npoints = numpoints; z = 0;
for (i=0; i<numpoints; i++)
j = npoint2[i]; if ((i < numpoints-1) && (point2[i] < i)) z = 3;
if (j < 0) continue;
k = npoint2[j];
m0 = (px[j]-px[i])*(py[k]-py[j]);
m1 = (py[j]-py[i])*(px[k]-px[j]);
if (m0 < m1) { z |= 1; continue; }
if (m0 > m1) { z |= 2; continue; }
npoint2[i] = k; npoint2[j] = -1; npoints--; i--; //collinear
if (!z) return;
trapextx[0] = trapextx[1] = px[0];
for (i=j=0; i<numpoints; i++)
if (npoint2[i] < 0) continue;
if (px[i] < trapextx[0]) trapextx[0] = px[i];
if (px[i] > trapextx[1]) trapextx[1] = px[i];
slist[j++] = i;
if (z != 3) //Simple polygon... early out
auto data = GLInterface.AllocVertices(npoints);
auto vt = data.second;
for (i=0; i<npoints; i++, vt++)
j = slist[i];
vt->SetTexCoord(px[j]*xtex.u + py[j]*ytex.u + otex.u,
px[j]*xtex.v + py[j]*ytex.v + otex.v);
GLInterface.Draw(DT_TRIANGLE_FAN, data.first, npoints);
//Sort points by y's
for (gap=(npoints>>1); gap; gap>>=1)
for (i=0; i<npoints-gap; i++)
for (j=i; j>=0; j-=gap)
if (py[npoint2[slist[j]]] <= py[npoint2[slist[j+gap]]]) break;
k = slist[j]; slist[j] = slist[j+gap]; slist[j+gap] = k;
numrst = 0;
for (z=0; z<npoints; z++)
i0 = slist[z]; i1 = npoint2[i0]; if (py[i0] == py[i1]) continue;
i2 = i1; i3 = npoint2[i1];
if (py[i1] == py[i3]) { i2 = i3; i3 = npoint2[i3]; }
//i0 i3
// \ /
// i1--i2
// / \ ~
//i0 i3
if ((py[i1] < py[i0]) && (py[i2] < py[i3])) //Insert raster
for (i=numrst; i>0; i--)
if (rst[i-1].xi*(py[i1]-rst[i-1].y) + rst[i-1].x < px[i1]) break;
rst[i+1] = rst[i-1];
numrst += 2;
if (i&1) //split inside area
j = i-1;
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+3].x = x1; rst[j+3].y = py[i1];
m0 = (px[i0]-px[i1]) / (py[i0]-py[i1]);
m1 = (px[i3]-px[i2]) / (py[i3]-py[i2]);
j = ((px[i1] > px[i2]) || ((i1 == i2) && (m0 >= m1))) + i;
k = (i<<1)+1 - j;
rst[j].i = i0; rst[j].xi = m0; rst[j].x = px[i1]; rst[j].y = py[i1];
rst[k].i = i3; rst[k].xi = m1; rst[k].x = px[i2]; rst[k].y = py[i2];
//NOTE:don't count backwards!
if (i1 == i2) { for (i=0; i<numrst; i++) if (rst[i].i == i1) break; }
else { for (i=0; i<numrst; i++) if ((rst[i].i == i1) || (rst[i].i == i2)) break; }
j = i&~1;
if ((py[i1] > py[i0]) && (py[i2] > py[i3])) //Delete raster
for (; j<=i+1; j+=2)
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
if ((i == j) && (i1 == i2)) x1 = x0; else x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+1].x = x1; rst[j+1].y = py[i1];
numrst -= 2; for (; i<numrst; i++) rst[i] = rst[i+2];
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+1].x = x1; rst[j+1].y = py[i1];
if (py[i0] < py[i3]) { rst[i].x = px[i2]; rst[i].y = py[i2]; rst[i].i = i3; }
else { rst[i].x = px[i1]; rst[i].y = py[i1]; rst[i].i = i0; }
rst[i].xi = (px[rst[i].i] - rst[i].x) / (py[rst[i].i] - py[i1]);
void polymost_fillpolygon(int32_t npoints)
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_fillpolygon(npoints:%d)", npoints);
globvis2 = 0;
GLInterface.SetVisibility(globvis2, fviewingrange);
globalx1 = mulscale16(globalx1,xyaspect);
globaly2 = mulscale16(globaly2,xyaspect);
xtex.u = ((float)asm1) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
xtex.v = ((float)asm2) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
ytex.u = ((float)globalx1) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
ytex.v = ((float)globaly2) * (-1.f / 4294967296.f);
otex.u = (fxdim * xtex.u + fydim * ytex.u) * -0.5f + fglobalposx * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
otex.v = (fxdim * xtex.v + fydim * ytex.v) * -0.5f - fglobalposy * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
//Convert int32_t to float (in-place)
for (bssize_t i=0; i<npoints; ++i)
((float *)rx1)[i] = ((float)rx1[i])*(1.0f/4096.f);
((float *)ry1)[i] = ((float)ry1[i])*(1.0f/4096.f);
if (gloy1 != -1) polymostSet2dView(); //disables blending, texturing, and depth testing
GLInterface.SetTexture(globalpicnum, TileFiles.tiles[globalpicnum], globalpal, DAMETH_NOMASK, -1);
uint8_t const maskprops = (globalorientation>>7)&DAMETH_MASKPROPS;
handle_blend(maskprops > DAMETH_MASK, 0, maskprops == DAMETH_TRANS2);
if (maskprops > DAMETH_MASK)
GLInterface.SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, float_trans(maskprops, 0));
GLInterface.SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
tessectrap((float *)rx1,(float *)ry1,xb1,npoints);
static int32_t gen_font_glyph_tex(void)
// construct a 256x128 texture for the font glyph matrix
polymosttext = GLInterface.NewTexture();
if (!polymosttext) return -1;
char * const tbuf = (char *)Xmalloc(256*128*4);
Bmemset(tbuf, 0, 256*128*4);
char * cptr = (char *)textfont;
for (bssize_t h=0; h<256; h++)
char *tptr = tbuf + (h%32)*8*4 + (h/32)*256*8*4;
for (bssize_t i=0; i<8; i++)
for (bssize_t j=0; j<8; j++)
if (cptr[h*8+i] & pow2char[7-j])
Bmemset(tptr+4*j, 255, 4);
tptr += 256*4;
cptr = (char *)smalltextfont;
for (bssize_t h=0; h<256; h++)
char *tptr = tbuf + 256*64*4 + (h%32)*8*4 + (h/32)*256*8*4;
for (bssize_t i=1; i<7; i++)
for (bssize_t j=2; j<6; j++)
if (cptr[h*8+i] & pow2char[7-j])
Bmemset(tptr+4*(j-2), 255, 4);
tptr += 256*4;
polymosttext->CreateTexture(256, 128, FHardwareTexture::TrueColor, false);
return 0;
int32_t polymost_printext256(int32_t xpos, int32_t ypos, int16_t col, int16_t backcol, const char *name, char fontsize)
int const arbackcol = (unsigned)backcol < 256 ? backcol : 0;
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_printtext256(xpos:%d, ypos:%d, col:%hd, backcol:%hd, name:%p, fontsize:%hhu)",
xpos, ypos, col, backcol, name, fontsize);
if (col < 0)
col = 0;
palette_t p, b;
bricolor(&p, col);
bricolor(&b, arbackcol);
if (videoGetRenderMode() < REND_POLYMOST || !in3dmode() || (!polymosttext && gen_font_glyph_tex() < 0))
return -1;
GLInterface.BindTexture(0, polymosttext);
polymostSet2dView(); // disables blending, texturing, and depth testing
// We want to have readable text in wireframe mode, too:
lastglpolygonmode = 0;
if (backcol >= 0)
int const c = Bstrlen(name);
auto data = GLInterface.AllocVertices(4);
auto vt = data.second;
vt->SetTexCoord(); vt->SetVertex(xpos, ypos); vt++;
vt->SetTexCoord(); vt->SetVertex(xpos, ypos + (fontsize ? 6 : 8)); vt++;
vt->SetTexCoord(); vt->SetVertex(xpos + (c << (3 - fontsize)), ypos + (fontsize ? 6 : 8)); vt++;
vt->SetTexCoord(); vt->SetVertex(xpos+(c<<(3-fontsize)), ypos);
GLInterface.Draw(DT_TRIANGLE_FAN, data.first, 4);
vec2f_t const tc = { fontsize ? (4.f / 256.f) : (8.f / 256.f),
fontsize ? (6.f / 128.f) : (8.f / 128.f) };
for (bssize_t c=0; name[c]; ++c)
if (name[c] == '^' && isdigit(name[c+1]))
char smallbuf[8];
int bi = 0;
while (isdigit(name[c+1]) && bi<3)
smallbuf[bi++] = 0;
if (col)
col = Batol(smallbuf);
if ((unsigned) col >= 256)
col = 0;
bricolor(&p, col);
GLInterface.SetColorub(p.r, p.g, p.b, 255);
vec2f_t const t = { (float)(name[c] % 32) * (1.0f / 32.f),
(float)((name[c] / 32) + (fontsize * 8)) * (1.0f / 16.f) };
auto data = GLInterface.AllocVertices(4);
auto vt = data.second;
vt->SetTexCoord(t.x, t.y);
vt->SetVertex(xpos, ypos);
vt->SetTexCoord(t.x + tc.x, t.y);
vt->SetVertex(xpos + (8 >> fontsize), ypos);
vt->SetTexCoord(t.x + tc.x, t.y + tc.y);
vt->SetVertex(xpos + (8 >> fontsize), ypos + (fontsize ? 6 : 8));
vt->SetTexCoord(t.x, t.y + tc.y);
vt->SetVertex(xpos, ypos + (fontsize ? 6 : 8));
GLInterface.Draw(DT_TRIANGLE_FAN, data.first, 4);
xpos += (8>>fontsize);
return 0;
void polymost_initosdfuncs(void)
void polymost_precache(int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t datype)
// dapicnum and dapalnum are like you'd expect
// datype is 0 for a wall/floor/ceiling and 1 for a sprite
// basically this just means walls are repeating
// while sprites are clamped
if (videoGetRenderMode() < REND_POLYMOST) return;
if ((dapalnum < (MAXPALOOKUPS - RESERVEDPALS)) && (palookup[dapalnum] == NULL)) return;//dapalnum = 0;
//OSD_Printf("precached %d %d type %d\n", dapicnum, dapalnum, datype);
hicprecaching = 1;
GLInterface.SetTexture(dapicnum, TileFiles.tiles[dapicnum], dapalnum, 0, -1);
hicprecaching = 0;
if (datype == 0 || !hw_models) return;
int const mid = md_tilehasmodel(dapicnum, dapalnum);
if (mid < 0 || models[mid]->mdnum < 2) return;
int const surfaces = (models[mid]->mdnum == 3) ? ((md3model_t *)models[mid])->head.numsurfs : 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= surfaces; i++)
auto tex = mdloadskin((md2model_t *)models[mid], 0, dapalnum, i, nullptr);
if (tex) GLInterface.SetTexture(-1, tex, dapalnum, 0, -1);
void PrecacheHardwareTextures(int nTile)
// This really *really* needs improvement on the game side - the entire precaching logic has no clue about the different needs of a hardware renderer.
polymost_precache(nTile, 0, 1);