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Christoph Oelckers 3c9a94dba8 - consolidated Duke’s ‚away from wall‘ check in the backend
This was also very useful in SW to avoid spawning ‚floating‘ footprints due to lack of an equivalent check in the original.
2022-10-21 00:00:02 +02:00

666 lines
19 KiB

Copyright (C) 2021 Christoph Oelckers & Mitchell Richters
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "gamestruct.h"
#include "intvec.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
#include "interpolate.h"
IntRect viewport3d;
// Unified chasecam function for all games.
double cameradist, cameraclock;
bool calcChaseCamPos(DVector3& ppos, DCoreActor* act, sectortype** psect, DAngle ang, fixedhoriz horiz, double const interpfrac)
HitInfoBase hitinfo;
DAngle daang;
double newdist;
if (!*psect) return false;
// Calculate new pos to shoot backwards
DVector3 npos = gi->chaseCamPos(ang, horiz);
auto bakcstat = act->spr.cstat;
act->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
updatesectorz(ppos, psect);
hitscan(ppos, *psect, npos, hitinfo, CLIPMASK1);
act->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
auto hpos = hitinfo.hitpos.XY() - ppos.XY();
if (!*psect) return false;
// If something is in the way, make cameradist lower if necessary
if (fabs(npos.X) + fabs(npos.Y) > fabs(hpos.X) + fabs(hpos.Y))
if (hitinfo.hitWall != nullptr)
// Push you a little bit off the wall
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
daang = hitinfo.hitWall->delta().Angle();
newdist = (npos.X * daang.Sin() + npos.Y * -daang.Cos()) * (1. / 1024.);
if (fabs(npos.X) > fabs(npos.Y))
hpos.X -= npos.X * newdist;
hpos.Y -= npos.Y * newdist;
else if (hitinfo.hitActor == nullptr)
// Push you off the ceiling/floor
*psect = hitinfo.hitSector;
if (fabs(npos.X) > fabs(npos.Y))
hpos.X -= npos.X * (1. / 32.);
hpos.Y -= npos.Y * (1. / 32.);
// If you hit a sprite that's not a wall sprite - try again.
auto hit = hitinfo.hitActor;
if (!(hit->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_WALL))
bakcstat = hit->spr.cstat;
calcChaseCamPos(ppos, act, psect, ang, horiz, interpfrac);
hit->spr.cstat = bakcstat;
return false;
// same as wall calculation.
daang = act->spr.angle - DAngle90;
newdist = (npos.X * daang.Sin() + npos.Y * -daang.Cos()) * (1. / 1024.);
if (fabs(npos.X) > fabs(npos.Y))
hpos.X -= npos.X * newdist;
hpos.Y -= npos.Y * newdist;
newdist = fabs(npos.X) > fabs(npos.Y) ? hpos.X / npos.X : hpos.Y / npos.Y;
if (newdist < cameradist) cameradist = newdist;
// Actually move you! (camerdist is 1 if nothing is in the way)
ppos += npos * cameradist;
// Calculate clock using GameTicRate so it increases the same rate on all speed computers.
double myclock = PlayClock + 120 / GameTicRate * interpfrac;
if (cameraclock == INT_MIN)
// Third person view was just started.
cameraclock = myclock;
// Slowly increase cameradist until it reaches 1.
cameradist = min(cameradist + ((myclock - cameraclock) * (1. / 64.)), 1.);
cameraclock = myclock;
// Make sure psectnum is correct.
updatesectorz(ppos, psect);
return true;
// consolidated slope calculation
void calcSlope(const sectortype* sec, float xpos, float ypos, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
int bits = 0;
if (pceilz)
bits |= sec->ceilingstat;
*pceilz = float(sec->int_ceilingz());
if (pflorz)
bits |= sec->floorstat;
*pflorz = float(sec->int_floorz());
auto wal = sec->firstWall();
int len = wal->Length();
if (len != 0)
float fac = (wal->int_delta().X * (float(ypos - wal->wall_int_pos().Y)) - wal->int_delta().Y * (float(xpos - wal->wall_int_pos().X))) * (1.f / 256.f) / len;
if (pceilz && sec->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pceilz += (sec->ceilingheinum * fac);
if (pflorz && sec->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE) *pflorz += (sec->floorheinum * fac);
// for the renderer
void PlanesAtPoint(const sectortype* sec, float dax, float day, float* pceilz, float* pflorz)
calcSlope(sec, dax * worldtoint, day * worldtoint, pceilz, pflorz);
if (pceilz) *pceilz *= -(1 / 256.f);
if (pflorz) *pflorz *= -(1 / 256.f);
// for the games (these are not inlined so that they can inline calcSlope)
int getceilzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &z, nullptr);
return int(z);
int getflorzofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day)
float z;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, nullptr, &z);
return int(z);
void getzsofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, int dax, int day, int* ceilz, int* florz)
float c, f;
calcSlope(sec, dax, day, &c, &f);
*ceilz = int(c);
*florz = int(f);
void getzsofslopeptr(const sectortype* sec, double dax, double day, double* ceilz, double* florz)
float c, f;
calcSlope(sec, dax * worldtoint, day * worldtoint, &c, &f);
*ceilz = c * zinttoworld;
*florz = f * zinttoworld;
void getcorrectzsofslope(int sectnum, int dax, int day, int* ceilz, int* florz)
DVector2 closestv;
SquareDistToSector(dax * inttoworld, day * inttoworld, &sector[sectnum], &closestv);
float ffloorz, fceilz;
calcSlope(&sector[sectnum], closestv.X * worldtoint, closestv.Y * worldtoint, &fceilz, &ffloorz);
if (ceilz) *ceilz = int(fceilz);
if (florz) *florz = int(ffloorz);
int getslopeval(sectortype* sect, int x, int y, int z, int basez)
auto wal = sect->firstWall();
auto delta = wal->int_delta();
int i = (y - wal->wall_int_pos().Y) * delta.X - (x - wal->wall_int_pos().X) * delta.Y;
return i == 0? 0 : Scale((z - basez) << 8, wal->Length(), i);
// Calculate the distance to the closest point in the given sector
double SquareDistToSector(double px, double py, const sectortype* sect, DVector2* point)
if (inside(px, py, sect))
if (point)
*point = { px, py };
return 0;
double bestdist = DBL_MAX;
DVector2 bestpt = { px, py };
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect))
DVector2 pt;
auto dist = SquareDistToWall(px, py, &wal, &pt);
if (dist < bestdist)
bestdist = dist;
bestpt = pt;
if (point) *point = bestpt;
return bestdist;
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void GetWallSpritePosition(const spritetypebase* spr, const DVector2& pos, DVector2* out, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
double width, xoffset;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize;
xoffset = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + spr->xoffset);
width = tex->GetDisplayWidth();
xoffset = tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + spr->xoffset;
double x = spr->angle.Sin() * spr->xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
double y = -spr->angle.Cos() * spr->xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) xoffset = -xoffset;
double origin = (width * 0.5) + xoffset;
out[0].X = pos.X - x * origin;
out[0].Y = pos.Y - y * origin;
out[1].X = out[0].X + x * width;
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + y * width;
// Calculate the position of a wall sprite in the world
void TGetFlatSpritePosition(const spritetypebase* spr, const DVector2& pos, DVector2* out, double* outz, int heinum, bool render)
auto tex = tileGetTexture(spr->picnum);
double width, height, leftofs, topofs;
double sloperatio = sqrt(heinum * heinum + 4096 * 4096) * (1. / 4096.);
double xrepeat = spr->xrepeat * (1. / 64.);
double yrepeat = spr->yrepeat * (1. / 64.);
int xo = heinum ? 0 : spr->xoffset;
int yo = heinum ? 0 : spr->yoffset;
if (render && hw_hightile && TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize)
width = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xsize * xrepeat;
height = TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.ysize * yrepeat;
leftofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.xoffs + xo) * xrepeat;
topofs = (TileFiles.tiledata[spr->picnum].hiofs.yoffs + yo) * yrepeat;
width = (int)tex->GetDisplayWidth() * xrepeat;
height = (int)tex->GetDisplayHeight() * yrepeat;
leftofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + xo) * xrepeat;
topofs = ((int)tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() + yo) * yrepeat;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) leftofs = -leftofs;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) topofs = -topofs;
double sprcenterx = (width * 0.5) + leftofs;
double sprcentery = (height * 0.5) + topofs;
double cosang = spr->angle.Cos();
double sinang = spr->angle.Sin();
double cosangslope = cosang / sloperatio;
double sinangslope = sinang / sloperatio;
out[0].X = pos.X + sinang * sprcenterx + cosangslope * sprcentery;
out[0].Y = pos.Y + sinangslope * sprcentery - cosang * sprcenterx;
out[1].X = out[0].X - sinang * width;
out[1].Y = out[0].Y + cosang * width;
DVector2 sub = { cosangslope * height, sinangslope * height };
out[2] = out[1] - sub;
out[3] = out[0] - sub;
if (outz)
if (!heinum) outz[3] = outz[2] = outz[1] = outz[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
outz[i] = (sinang * (out[i].Y - pos.Y) + cosang * (out[i].X - pos.X)) * heinum * (1. / 4096);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(DCoreActor* actor, const DVector2& pos, DVector2* out, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(&actor->spr, pos, out, nullptr, spriteGetSlope(actor), render);
void GetFlatSpritePosition(const tspritetype* spr, const DVector2& pos, DVector2* out, double* outz, bool render)
TGetFlatSpritePosition(spr, pos, out, outz, tspriteGetSlope(spr), render);
// checks if the given point is sufficiently close to the given line segment.
EClose IsCloseToLine(const DVector2& point, const DVector2& start, const DVector2& end, double maxdist)
auto const v1 = start - point;
auto const v2 = end - point;
// trivially outside the box.
if (
((v1.X < -maxdist) && (v2.X < -maxdist)) || // fully to the left
((v1.Y < -maxdist) && (v2.Y < -maxdist)) || // fully below
((v1.X >= maxdist) && (v2.X >= maxdist)) || // fully to the right
((v1.Y >= maxdist) && (v2.Y >= maxdist))) // fully above
return EClose::Outside;
auto waldelta = end - start;
if (waldelta.X * v1.Y <= waldelta.Y * v1.X)
// is it in front?
waldelta.X *= waldelta.X > 0 ? v1.Y + maxdist : v1.Y - maxdist;
waldelta.Y *= waldelta.Y > 0 ? v1.X - maxdist : v1.X + maxdist;
return waldelta.X > waldelta.Y ? EClose::InFront : EClose::Outside;
// or behind?
waldelta.X *= waldelta.X > 0 ? v1.Y - maxdist : v1.Y + maxdist;
waldelta.Y *= waldelta.Y > 0 ? v1.X + maxdist : v1.X - maxdist;
return (waldelta.X <= waldelta.Y) ? EClose::Behind : EClose::Outside;
EClose IsCloseToWall(const DVector2& point, walltype* wal, double maxdist)
return IsCloseToLine(point, wal->pos, wal->point2Wall()->pos, maxdist);
// Check if some walls are set to use rotated textures.
// Ideally this should just have been done with texture rotation,
// but the effects on the render code would be too severe due to the alignment mess.
void checkRotatedWalls()
for (auto& w : wall)
if (w.cstat & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90)
int picnum = w.picnum;
auto& tile = RotTile(picnum);
if (tile.newtile == -1 && tile.owner == -1)
tile.newtile = TileFiles.tileCreateRotated(picnum);
assert(tile.newtile != -1);
RotTile(tile.newtile).owner = picnum;
// check if two sectors share a wall connection
bool sectorsConnected(int sect1, int sect2)
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect1))
if (wal.nextsector == sect2) return true;
return false;
void dragpoint(walltype* startwall, int newx, int newy)
vertexscan(startwall, [&](walltype* wal)
wal->movexy(newx, newy);
wal->sectorp()->exflags |= SECTOREX_DRAGGED;
void dragpoint(walltype* startwall, const DVector2& pos)
vertexscan(startwall, [&](walltype* wal)
wal->sectorp()->exflags |= SECTOREX_DRAGGED;
int inside(double x, double y, const sectortype* sect)
if (sect)
int64_t acc = 1;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(sect))
// Perform the checks here in 48.16 fixed point.
// Doing it directly with floats and multiplications does not work reliably.
// Unfortunately, due to the conversions, this is a bit slower. :(
int64_t xs = int64_t(0x10000 * (wal.pos.X - x));
int64_t ys = int64_t(0x10000 * (wal.pos.Y - y));
auto wal2 = wal.point2Wall();
int64_t xe = int64_t(0x10000 * (wal2->pos.X - x));
int64_t ye = int64_t(0x10000 * (wal2->pos.Y - y));
if ((ys ^ ye) < 0)
int64_t val;
if ((xs ^ xe) >= 0) val = xs;
else val = ((xs * ye) - xe * ys) ^ ye;
acc ^= val;
return acc < 0;
return -1;
// find the closest neighboring sector plane in the given direction.
// Does not consider slopes, just like the original!
sectortype* nextsectorneighborzptr(sectortype* sectp, double startz, int flags)
double factor = (flags & Find_Up)? -1 : 1;
double bestz = INT_MAX;
sectortype* bestsec = (flags & Find_Safe)? sectp : nullptr;
const auto planez = (flags & Find_Ceiling)? &sectortype::ceilingz : &sectortype::floorz;
startz *= factor;
for(auto& wal : wallsofsector(sectp))
if (wal.twoSided())
auto nextsec = wal.nextSector();
auto nextz = factor * nextsec->*planez;
if (startz < nextz && nextz < bestz)
bestz = nextz;
bestsec = nextsec;
return bestsec;
bool isAwayFromWall(DCoreActor* ac, double delta)
sectortype* s1;
updatesector(ac->spr.pos + DVector2(delta, delta), &s1);
if (s1 == ac->sector())
updatesector(ac->spr.pos - DVector2(delta, delta), &s1);
if (s1 == ac->sector())
updatesector(ac->spr.pos + DVector2(delta, -delta), &s1);
if (s1 == ac->sector())
updatesector(ac->spr.pos + DVector2(-delta, delta), &s1);
if (s1 == ac->sector())
return true;
return false;
tspritetype* renderAddTsprite(tspriteArray& tsprites, DCoreActor* actor)
auto tspr = tsprites.newTSprite();
tspr->pos = actor->spr.pos;
tspr->cstat = actor->spr.cstat;
tspr->picnum = actor->spr.picnum;
tspr->shade = actor->spr.shade;
tspr->pal = actor->spr.pal;
tspr->clipdist = 0;
tspr->blend = actor->spr.blend;
tspr->xrepeat = actor->spr.xrepeat;
tspr->yrepeat = actor->spr.yrepeat;
tspr->xoffset = actor->spr.xoffset;
tspr->yoffset = actor->spr.yoffset;
tspr->sectp = actor->spr.sectp;
tspr->statnum = actor->spr.statnum;
tspr->angle = actor->spr.angle;
tspr->xint = actor->spr.xint;
tspr->yint = actor->spr.yint;
tspr->inittype = actor->spr.inittype; // not used by tsprites.
tspr->lotag = actor->spr.lotag;
tspr->hitag = actor->spr.hitag;
tspr->extra = actor->spr.extra;
tspr->time = actor->time;
tspr->cstat2 = actor->spr.cstat2;
tspr->ownerActor = actor;
// need to copy the slope sprite flag around because for tsprites the bit combination means 'voxel'.
tspr->clipdist |= TSPR_SLOPESPRITE;
return tspr;
// vector serializers
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec2_t& c, vec2_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, vec3_t& c, vec3_t* def)
if (arc.isWriting() && def && !memcmp(&c, def, sizeof(c))) return arc;
if (arc.BeginObject(key))
arc("x", c.X, def ? &def->X : nullptr)
("y", c.Y, def ? &def->Y : nullptr)
("z", c.Z, def ? &def->Z : nullptr)
return arc;