Christoph Oelckers 0e19d4262e - savegame and mapinfo cleanup in DN3D and RR frontends.
Also added an "end game" flag to the mapinfo. For those who like to assemble single levels into custom episodes. More features for that to come. ;)
2019-12-10 22:22:59 +01:00

786 lines
22 KiB

#include <filesystem>
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "tarray.h"
#include "zstring.h"
#include "name.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "gameconfigfile.h"
#include "gamecvars.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "inputstate.h"
#include "_control.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "rts.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "c_bind.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "i_specialpaths.h"
#include "z_music.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "quotemgr.h"
#include "mapinfo.h"
#include "enet.h"
MapRecord mapList[512]; // Due to how this gets used it needs to be static. EDuke defines 7 episode plus one spare episode with 64 potential levels each and relies on the static array which is freely accessible by scripts.
MapRecord *currentLevel; // level that is currently played. (The real level, not what script hacks modfifying the current level index can pretend.)
MapRecord* lastLevel; // Same here, for the last level.
MapRecord userMapRecord; // stand-in for the user map.
void C_CON_SetAliases();
InputState inputState;
void SetClipshapes();
int ShowStartupWindow(TArray<GrpEntry> &);
void InitFileSystem(TArray<GrpEntry>&);
bool gHaveNetworking;
FString currentGame;
FString LumpFilter;
TMap<FName, int32_t> NameToTileIndex; // for assigning names to tiles. The menu accesses this list. By default it gets everything from the dynamic tile map in Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage.
// Todo: Add additional definition file for the other games or textures not in that list so that the menu does not have to rely on indices.
CVAR(Int, cl_defaultconfiguration, 2, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
UserConfig userConfig;
void UserConfig::ProcessOptions()
// -help etc are omitted
// -cfg / -setupfile refer to Build style config which are not supported.
if (Args->CheckParm("-cfg") || Args->CheckParm("-setupfile"))
initprintf("Build-format config files not supported and will be ignored\n");
auto v = Args->CheckValue("-port");
if (v) netPort = strtol(v, nullptr, 0);
netServerMode = Args->CheckParm("-server");
netServerAddress = Args->CheckValue("-connect");
netPassword = Args->CheckValue("-password");
v = Args->CheckValue("-addon");
if (v)
auto val = strtol(v, nullptr, 0);
static const char* const addons[] = { "DUKE3D.GRP", "DUKEDC.GRP", "NWINTER.GRP", "VACATION.GRP" };
if (val > 0 && val < 4) gamegrp = addons[val];
else initprintf("%s: Unknown Addon\n", v);
else if (Args->CheckParm("-nam"))
gamegrp = "NAM.GRP";
else if (Args->CheckParm("-napalm"))
gamegrp = "NAPALM.GRP";
else if (Args->CheckParm("-ww2gi"))
gamegrp = "WW2GI.GRP";
v = Args->CheckValue("-gamegrp");
if (v)
gamegrp = v;
// This is to enable the use of Doom launchers. that are limited to -iwad for specifying the game's main resource.
v = Args->CheckValue("-iwad");
if (v)
gamegrp = v;
Args->CollectFiles("-rts", ".rts");
auto rts = Args->CheckValue("-rts");
if (rts) RTS_Init(rts);
Args->CollectFiles("-map", ".map");
CommandMap = Args->CheckValue("-map");
static const char* defs[] = { "-def", "-h", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-def", defs, ".def");
DefaultDef = Args->CheckValue("-def");
static const char* cons[] = { "-con", "-x", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-con", cons, ".con");
DefaultCon = Args->CheckValue("-con");
static const char* demos[] = { "-playback", "-d", "-demo", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-demo", demos, ".dmo");
CommandDemo = Args->CheckValue("-demo");
static const char* names[] = { "-pname", "-name", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-name", names, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension
CommandName = Args->CheckValue("-name");
static const char* nomos[] = { "-nomonsters", "-nodudes", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-nomonsters", nomos, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension
nomonsters = Args->CheckParm("-nomonsters");
static const char* acons[] = { "-addcon", "-mx", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-addcon", acons, ".con");
static const char* adefs[] = { "-adddef", "-mh", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-adddef", adefs, ".def");
Args->CollectFiles("-art", ".art");
CommandIni = Args->CheckValue("-ini");
nologo = Args->CheckParm("-nologo") || Args->CheckParm("-quick");
nomusic = Args->CheckParm("-nomusic");
nosound = Args->CheckParm("-nosfx");
if (Args->CheckParm("-nosound")) nomusic = nosound = true;
if (Args->CheckParm("-setup")) setupstate = 1;
else if (Args->CheckParm("-nosetup")) setupstate = 0;
if (Args->CheckParm("-file"))
// For file loading there's two modes:
// If -file is given, all content will be processed in order and the legacy options be ignored entirely.
//This allows mixing directories and GRP files in arbitrary order.
Args->CollectFiles("-file", NULL);
// Trying to emulate Build. This means to treat RFF files as lowest priority, then all GRPs and then all directories.
// This is only for people depending on lauchers. Since the semantics are so crappy it is strongly recommended to
// use -file instead which gives the user full control over the order in which things are added.
// For single mods this is no problem but don't even think about loading more stuff consistently...
static const char* grps[] = { "-g", "-grp", nullptr };
static const char* dirs[] = { "-game_dir", "-j", nullptr };
static const char* rffs[] = { "-rff", "-snd", nullptr };
static const char* twostep[] = { "-rff", "-grp", nullptr };
// Abuse the inner workings to get the files into proper order. This is not 100% accurate but should work fine for everything that doesn't intentionally fuck things up.
Args->CollectFiles("-rff", rffs, ".rff");
Args->CollectFiles("-grp", grps, nullptr);
Args->CollectFiles("-grp", twostep, nullptr); // The two previous calls have already brought the content in order so collecting it again gives us one list with everything.
Args->CollectFiles("-game_dir", dirs, nullptr);
namespace Duke
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace Redneck
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace Blood
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace ShadowWarrior
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
void CheckFrontend(int flags)
if (flags & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD)
gi = Blood::CreateInterface();
else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_RR)
gi = Redneck::CreateInterface();
else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_SW)
gi = ShadowWarrior::CreateInterface();
gi = Duke::CreateInterface();
int GameMain()
// Set up the console before anything else so that it can receive text.
C_InitConsole(1024, 768, true);
FStringf logpath("logfile %sdemolition.log", M_GetDocumentsPath().GetChars());
gHaveNetworking = !enet_initialize();
if (!gHaveNetworking)
initprintf("An error occurred while initializing ENet.\n");
int r;
r = CONFIG_Init();
catch (const std::runtime_error & err)
wm_msgbox("Error", "%s", err.what());
return 3;
catch (const ExitEvent & exit)
// Just let the rest of the function execute.
r = exit.Reason();
if (gHaveNetworking) enet_deinitialize();
return r;
#define LOCALIZED_STRING(s) "$" s
void SetDefaultStrings()
// Blood hard codes its skill names, so we have to define them manually.
if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD)
gSkillNames[0] = "$STILL KICKING";
gSkillNames[1] = "$PINK ON THE INSIDE";
gSkillNames[2] = "$LIGHTLY BROILED";
gSkillNames[3] = "$WELL DONE";
gSkillNames[4] = "$EXTRA CRISPY";
//Set a few quotes which are used for common handling of a few status messages
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(23, "$MESSAGES: ON");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(24, "$MESSAGES: OFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(83, "$FOLLOW MODE OFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(84, "$FOLLOW MODE ON");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(85, "$AUTORUNOFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(86, "$AUTORUNON");
#if 0 // todo: print a message
if (gAutoRun)
viewSetMessage("Auto run ON");
viewSetMessage("Auto run OFF");
int CONFIG_Init()
// This must be done before initializing any data, so doing it late in the startup process won't work.
if (CONTROL_Startup(controltype_keyboardandmouse, BGetTime, 120))
return 1;
// Startup dialog must be presented here so that everything can be set up before reading the keybinds.
auto groups = GrpScan();
if (groups.Size() == 0)
// Abort if no game data found.
I_Error("Unable to find any game data. Please verify your settings.");
decltype(groups) usedgroups;
int groupno = -1;
// If the user has specified a file name, let's see if we know it.
if (userConfig.gamegrp.Len())
FString gamegrplower = "/" + userConfig.gamegrp.MakeLower();
int g = 0;
for (auto& grp : groups)
auto grplower = grp.FileName.MakeLower();
grplower.Substitute("\\", "/");
if (grplower.LastIndexOf(gamegrplower) == grplower.Len() - gamegrplower.Len())
groupno = g;
if (groupno == -1 || userConfig.setupstate == 1)
groupno = ShowStartupWindow(groups);
if (groupno == -1) return 0;
auto &group = groups[groupno];
// Now filter out the data we actually need and delete the rest.
auto crc = group.FileInfo.dependencyCRC;
if (crc != 0) for (auto& dep : groups)
if (dep.FileInfo.CRC == crc)
usedgroups.Insert(0, dep); // Order from least dependent to most dependent, which is the loading order of data.
FString selectedScript;
FString selectedDef;
for (auto& ugroup : usedgroups)
// For CONs the command line has priority, aside from that, the last one wins. For Blood this handles INIs - the rules are the same.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedScript = ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname;
if (ugroup.FileInfo.defname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedDef = ugroup.FileInfo.defname;
// CVAR has priority. This also overwrites the global variable each time. Init here is lazy so this is ok.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname.IsNotEmpty() && **rtsname == 0) RTS_Init(ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname);
// For the game filter the last non-empty one wins.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter.IsNotEmpty()) LumpFilter = ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter;
g_gameType |= ugroup.FileInfo.flags;
if (userConfig.DefaultCon.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultCon = selectedScript;
if (userConfig.DefaultDef.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultDef = selectedDef;
// This can only happen with a custom game that does not define any filter.
// In this case take the display name and strip all whitespace and invaliid path characters from it.
if (LumpFilter.IsEmpty())
LumpFilter = usedgroups.Last().FileInfo.name;
LumpFilter.StripChars(".:/\\<>?\"*| \t\r\n");
currentGame = LumpFilter;
CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys(cl_defaultconfiguration == 1 ? "demolition/origbinds.txt" : cl_defaultconfiguration == 2 ? "demolition/leftbinds.txt" : "demolition/defbinds.txt");
if (!GameConfig->IsInitialized())
if (userConfig.CommandName.IsNotEmpty())
playername = userConfig.CommandName;
if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_RR) InitRREndMap(); // this needs to be done better later
return gi->app_main();
CVAR(String, combatmacro0, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro1, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro2, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro3, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro4, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro5, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro6, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro7, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro8, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro9, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
FStringCVar* const CombatMacros[] = { &combatmacro0, &combatmacro1, &combatmacro2, &combatmacro3, &combatmacro4, &combatmacro5, &combatmacro6, &combatmacro7, &combatmacro8, &combatmacro9};
void CONFIG_ReadCombatMacros()
FScanner sc;
for (auto s : CombatMacros)
if (strlen(*s) == 0)
*s = sc.String;
static FString CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(uint8_t const* const md4)
return FStringf("MD4_%08x%08x%08x%08x",
B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[0])), B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[4])),
B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[8])), B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[12])));
int32_t CONFIG_GetMapBestTime(char const* const mapname, uint8_t const* const mapmd4)
auto m = CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(mapmd4);
if (GameConfig->SetSection("MapTimes"))
auto s = GameConfig->GetValueForKey(m);
if (s) return (int)strtoull(s, nullptr, 0);
return -1;
int CONFIG_SetMapBestTime(uint8_t const* const mapmd4, int32_t tm)
FStringf t("%d", tm);
auto m = CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(mapmd4);
if (GameConfig->SetSection("MapTimes"))
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(m, t);
return 0;
int32_t MouseAnalogueAxes[MAXMOUSEAXES];
int32_t JoystickFunctions[MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS][2];
int32_t JoystickDigitalFunctions[MAXJOYAXES][2];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueAxes[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueScale[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueDead[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueSaturate[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueInvert[MAXJOYAXES];
static const char* mouseanalogdefaults[MAXMOUSEAXES] =
static const char* joystickclickeddefaults[MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS] =
static const char* joystickanalogdefaults[MAXJOYAXES] =
int32_t CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum(const char* func)
if (!func)
return -1;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_turning"))
return analog_turning;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_strafing"))
return analog_strafing;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_moving"))
return analog_moving;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_lookingupanddown"))
return analog_lookingupanddown;
return -1;
const char* CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(int32_t func)
switch (func)
case analog_turning:
return "analog_turning";
case analog_strafing:
return "analog_strafing";
case analog_moving:
return "analog_moving";
case analog_lookingupanddown:
return "analog_lookingupanddown";
return NULL;
void CONFIG_SetupMouse(void)
CONTROL_MouseEnabled = (in_mouse && CONTROL_MousePresent);
void CONFIG_SetupJoystick(void)
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYAXES; i++)
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, JoystickAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][0], 0, controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][1], 1, controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(i, JoystickAnalogueScale[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisInvert(i, JoystickAnalogueInvert[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_JoystickEnabled = (in_joystick && CONTROL_JoyPresent);
// JBF 20040215: evil and nasty place to do this, but joysticks are evil and nasty too
for (int i=0; i<joystick.numAxes; i++)
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(int i, int j, int function)
JoystickFunctions[i][j] = function;
//CONTROL_MapButton(function, i, j, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(int i, int scale)
JoystickAnalogueScale[i] = scale;
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(i, scale, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisInvert(int i, int invert)
JoystickAnalogueInvert[i] = invert;
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisInvert(i, invert, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisDeadSaturate(int i, int dead, int saturate)
JoystickAnalogueDead[i] = dead;
JoystickAnalogueSaturate[i] = saturate;
joySetDeadZone(i, dead, saturate);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(int i, int j, int function)
JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][j] = function;
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, function, j, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(int i, int function)
JoystickAnalogueAxes[i] = function;
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, function, controldevice_joystick);
struct GameControllerButtonSetting
GameControllerButton button;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(button, 0, function);
struct GameControllerAnalogAxisSetting
GameControllerAxis axis;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(axis, function);
struct GameControllerDigitalAxisSetting
GameControllerAxis axis;
int polarity;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(axis, polarity, function);
void CONFIG_SetGameControllerDefaultsClear()
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS; i++)
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(i, 0, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(i, 1, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYAXES; i++)
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisInvert(i, 0);
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(i, 0, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(i, 1, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(i, -1);
static void CONFIG_SetGameControllerAxesModern()
static GameControllerAnalogAxisSetting const analogAxes[] =
{ GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX, analog_strafing },
{ GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY, analog_lookingupanddown },
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX, 32768 + 16384);
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY, 32768 + 16384);
for (auto const& analogAxis : analogAxes)
void CONFIG_InitMouseAndController()
memset(JoystickFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickFunctions));
memset(JoystickDigitalFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickDigitalFunctions));
for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOUSEAXES; i++)
MouseAnalogueAxes[i] = CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum(mouseanalogdefaults[i]);
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, MouseAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_mouse);
void CONFIG_PutNumber(const char* key, int number)
FStringf str("%d", number);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(key, str);
void CONFIG_WriteControllerSettings()
FString buf;
if (in_joystick)
FString section = currentGame + ".ControllerSettings";
for (int dummy = 0; dummy < MAXJOYAXES; dummy++)
if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[dummy]))
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogAxes%d", dummy);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(buf, CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[dummy]));
if (buttonMap.GetButtonName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[dummy][1]))
buf.Format("ControllerDigitalAxes%d_1", dummy);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(buf, buttonMap.GetButtonName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[dummy][1]));
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogScale%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueScale[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogInvert%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueInvert[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogDead%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueDead[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogSaturate%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueSaturate[dummy]);