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synced 2025-03-06 09:21:04 +00:00
The scrollwheel is unique among PC input because it has no innate "hold length". Previously, the layers gave the mousewheel a fake hold length to allow the not-necessarily-synchronous game/editor code to pick up the input before the layers marked it as "no longer pressed". This passed under Windows, but it didn't slide under SDL. Besides the two problems listed above, it also potentially limited the rate of weapon selection, where scrolling too fast would not register every clicks. [Unrelatedly, this is still the case when you scroll faster than the game's own tickrate, but addressing that would require rewriting input handling to go through a list of "events" for each tic instead of looking at overall pressed/unpressed states.] git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@4200 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
201 lines
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201 lines
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// Base services interface declaration
// for the Build Engine
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
#ifndef __baselayer_h__
#define __baselayer_h__
#include "compat.h"
#include "osd.h"
#ifdef EXTERNC
extern "C" {
extern char quitevent, appactive;
extern int32_t vsync;
extern void app_crashhandler(void);
// NOTE: these are implemented in game-land so they may be overridden in game specific ways
extern int32_t startwin_open(void);
extern int32_t startwin_close(void);
extern int32_t startwin_puts(const char *);
extern int32_t startwin_settitle(const char *);
extern int32_t startwin_idle(void *);
// video
extern int32_t r_usenewaspect, newaspect_enable;
extern int32_t setaspect_new_use_dimen;
extern uint32_t r_screenxy;
extern int32_t xres, yres, bpp, fullscreen, bytesperline;
extern intptr_t frameplace;
extern char offscreenrendering;
void calc_ylookup(int32_t bpl, int32_t lastyidx);
extern int32_t (*baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func)(const osdfuncparm_t *parm);
void fullscreen_tint_gl(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t f);
extern int32_t osdcmd_glinfo(const osdfuncparm_t *parm);
struct glinfo_t {
const char *vendor;
const char *renderer;
const char *version;
const char *extensions;
float maxanisotropy;
char bgra;
char clamptoedge;
char texcompr;
char texnpot;
char multisample;
char nvmultisamplehint;
char arbfp;
char depthtex;
char shadow;
char fbos;
char rect;
char multitex;
char envcombine;
char vbos;
char vsync;
char sm4;
char occlusionqueries;
char glsl;
char debugoutput;
char dumped;
extern struct glinfo_t glinfo;
extern void setvsync(int32_t sync);
extern char inputdevices;
// keys
#define KEYFIFOSIZ 64
extern char keystatus[256], keyfifo[KEYFIFOSIZ], keyfifoplc, keyfifoend;
extern char keyasciififo[KEYFIFOSIZ], keyasciififoplc, keyasciififoend;
extern char scantoasc[128], remap[256], key_names[256][24];
extern int32_t remapinit;
extern int32_t defaultres[][2];
extern void SetKey(int32_t key, int32_t state);
// mouse
extern volatile int32_t mousex, mousey, mouseb, mouseabsx, mouseabsy;
extern volatile uint8_t mousegrab, moustat;
// joystick
extern int32_t *joyaxis, *joyhat, joyb;
extern char joyisgamepad, joynumaxes, joynumbuttons, joynumhats;
extern int32_t joyaxespresent;
extern int32_t qsetmode;
#define in3dmode() (qsetmode==200)
int32_t initsystem(void);
void uninitsystem(void);
void system_getcvars(void);
extern int32_t flushlogwindow;
void initprintf(const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,1,2)));
void debugprintf(const char *,...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,1,2)));
int32_t handleevents(void);
int32_t handleevents_peekkeys(void);
extern void (*keypresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t);
extern void (*mousepresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t);
extern void (*joypresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t);
int32_t initinput(void);
void uninitinput(void);
void releaseallbuttons(void);
void setkeypresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
void setmousepresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
void setjoypresscallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
const char *getkeyname(int32_t num);
const char *getjoyname(int32_t what, int32_t num); // what: 0=axis, 1=button, 2=hat
char bgetchar(void);
#define bkbhit() (keyasciififoplc != keyasciififoend)
static inline int keyascfifo_isfull(void)
return ((keyasciififoend+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)) == keyasciififoplc;
static inline void keyascfifo_insert(char code)
keyasciififo[keyasciififoend] = code;
keyasciififoend = ((keyasciififoend+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1));
void bflushchars(void);
int32_t initmouse(void);
void uninitmouse(void);
void grabmouse(char a);
void readmousexy(int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
void readmouseabsxy(int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
void readmousebstatus(int32_t *b);
void readjoybstatus(int32_t *b);
void setjoydeadzone(int32_t axis, uint16_t dead, uint16_t satur);
void getjoydeadzone(int32_t axis, uint16_t *dead, uint16_t *satur);
extern int32_t inputchecked;
int32_t inittimer(int32_t);
void uninittimer(void);
void sampletimer(void);
uint32_t getticks(void);
int32_t gettimerfreq(void);
uint64_t getu64ticks(void);
uint64_t getu64tickspersec(void);
double gethiticks(void);
void (*installusertimercallback(void (*callback)(void)))(void);
int32_t checkvideomode(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t c, int32_t fs, int32_t forced);
int32_t setvideomode(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t c, int32_t fs);
void getvalidmodes(void);
void resetvideomode(void);
void begindrawing(void);
void enddrawing(void);
void showframe(int32_t);
int32_t setpalette(int32_t start, int32_t num);
//int32_t getpalette(int32_t start, int32_t num, char *dapal);
int32_t setgamma(void);
extern double vid_gamma, vid_contrast, vid_brightness;
#define DEFAULT_GAMMA 1.0
#define GAMMA_CALC ((int32_t)(min(max((double)((vid_gamma-1.0)*10.0),0),15)))
//int32_t switchrendermethod(int32_t,int32_t); // 0 = software, 1 = opengl | bool = reinit
int32_t wm_msgbox(char *name, char *fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,2,3)));
int32_t wm_ynbox(char *name, char *fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,2,3)));
void wm_setapptitle(char *name);
// baselayer.c
int32_t baselayer_init();
void makeasmwriteable(void);
void maybe_redirect_outputs(void);
#ifdef EXTERNC
#endif // __baselayer_h__