mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:51:45 +00:00
This caused twq problems: 1. It made it impossible to let the client apply effects to the video. 2. The client had no control when rendering stopped. Now the backends only provide a texture handle that the client must draw. One immediate benefit is that Blood's fixed viewport scaling is now available to all video formats.
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563 lines
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class ScreenJob : Object
int flags;
float fadetime; // in milliseconds
int fadestate;
int ticks;
int jobstate;
enum EJobState
running = 0, // normal operation
skipped = 1, // finished by user skipping
finished = 2, // finished by completing its sequence
stopping = 3, // running ending animations / fadeout, etc. Will not accept more input.
stopped = 4, // we're done here.
enum EJobFlags
visible = 0,
fadein = 1,
fadeout = 2,
stopmusic = 4,
stopsound = 8,
void Init(int fflags = 0, float fadet = 250.f)
flags = fflags;
fadetime = fadet;
jobstate = running;
virtual bool ProcessInput()
return false;
virtual void Start() {}
virtual bool OnEvent(InputEvent evt) { return false; }
virtual void OnTick() {}
virtual void Draw(double smoothratio) {}
virtual void OnSkip() {}
int DrawFrame(double smoothratio)
if (jobstate != running) smoothratio = 1; // this is necessary to avoid having a negative time span because the ticker won't be incremented anymore.
if (jobstate == skipped) return -1;
if (jobstate == finished) return 0;
return 1;
int GetFadeState() { return fadestate; }
override void OnDestroy()
if (flags & stopmusic) Raze.StopMusic();
if (flags & stopsound) Raze.StopAllSounds();
class SkippableScreenJob : ScreenJob
void Init(int flags = 0, float fadet = 250.f)
Super.Init(flags, fadet);
override bool OnEvent(InputEvent evt)
if (evt.type == InputEvent.Type_KeyDown && !Raze.specialKeyEvent(evt))
jobstate = skipped;
return true;
class BlackScreen : ScreenJob
int wait;
bool cleared;
ScreenJob Init(int w, int flags = 0)
Super.Init(flags & ~(fadein|fadeout));
wait = w;
cleared = false;
return self;
static ScreenJob Create(int w, int flags = 0)
return new("BlackScreen").Init(w, flags);
override void OnTick()
if (cleared)
int span = ticks * 1000 / GameTicRate;
if (span > wait) jobstate = finished;
override void Draw(double smooth)
cleared = true;
class ImageScreen : SkippableScreenJob
int tilenum;
int trans;
int waittime; // in ms.
bool cleared;
TextureID texid;
ScreenJob Init(TextureID tile, int fade = fadein | fadeout, int wait = 3000, int translation = 0)
waittime = wait;
texid = tile;
trans = translation;
cleared = false;
return self;
ScreenJob InitNamed(String tex, int fade = fadein | fadeout, int wait = 3000, int translation = 0)
waittime = wait;
texid = TexMan.CheckForTexture(tex, TexMan.Type_Any, TexMan.TryAny | TexMan.ForceLookup);
trans = translation;
cleared = false;
return self;
static ScreenJob Create(TextureID tile, int fade = fadein | fadeout, int wait = 3000, int translation = 0)
return new("ImageScreen").Init(tile, fade, wait, translation);
static ScreenJob CreateNamed(String tex, int fade = fadein | fadeout, int wait = 3000, int translation = 0)
return new("ImageScreen").InitNamed(tex, fade, wait, translation);
override void OnTick()
if (cleared)
int span = ticks * 1000 / GameTicRate;
if (span > waittime) jobstate = finished;
override void Draw(double smooth)
if (texid.IsValid()) Screen.DrawTexture(texid, true, 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, STYLE_Normal, DTA_TranslationIndex, trans);
cleared = true;
// this is to have a unified interface to the summary screens
// that can be set up automatically by the games to avoid direct access to game data.
class SummaryScreenBase : ScreenJob
MapRecord level;
SummaryInfo stats;
void SetParameters(MapRecord map, SummaryInfo thestats)
level = map;
stats = thestats;
String FormatTime(int time)
if (time >= 60 * 50)
return String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", time / (60*60), (time / 60) % 60, time % 60);
return String.Format("%02d:%02d", (time / 60) % 60, time % 60);
// internal polymorphic movie player object
struct MoviePlayer native
enum EMovieFlags
FIXEDVIEWPORT = 2, // Forces fixed 640x480 screen size like for Blood's intros.
native static MoviePlayer Create(String filename, Array<int> soundinfo, int flags, int frametime, int firstframetime, int lastframetime);
native void Start();
native bool Frame(double clock);
native void Destroy();
native TextureID GetTexture();
class MoviePlayerJob : SkippableScreenJob
MoviePlayer player;
bool started;
int flag;
ScreenJob Init(MoviePlayer mp, int flags)
flag = flags;
player = mp;
return self;
static ScreenJob CreateWithSoundInfo(String filename, Array<int> soundinfo, int flags, int frametime, int firstframetime = -1, int lastframetime = -1)
let movie = MoviePlayer.Create(filename, soundinfo, flags, frametime, firstframetime, lastframetime);
if (movie) return new("MoviePlayerJob").Init(movie, flags);
return null;
static ScreenJob Create(String filename, int flags, int frametime = -1)
Array<int> empty;
return CreateWithSoundInfo(filename, empty, flags, frametime);
static ScreenJob CreateWithSound(String filename, Sound soundname, int flags, int frametime = -1)
Array<int> empty;
return CreateWithSoundInfo(filename, empty, flags, frametime);
virtual void DrawFrame()
let tex = player.GetTexture();
let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(tex);
if (!(flag & MoviePlayer.FIXEDVIEWPORT) || (size.x <= 320 && size.y <= 200) || size.x >= 640 || size.y >= 480)
Screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 0, 0, DTA_FullscreenEx, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_Masked, false);
Screen.DrawTexture(tex, false, 320, 240, DTA_VirtualWidth, 640, DTA_VirtualHeight, 480, DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_Masked, false);
override void Draw(double smoothratio)
if (!player)
jobstate = stopped;
if (!started)
started = true;
double clock = (ticks + smoothratio) * 1000000000. / GameTicRate;
if (jobstate == running && !player.Frame(clock))
jobstate = finished;
override void OnDestroy()
if (player)
player = null;
class ScreenJobRunner : Object
enum ERunState
Array<ScreenJob> jobs;
//CompletionFunc completion;
int index;
float screenfade;
bool clearbefore;
bool skipall;
bool advance;
int actionState;
int terminateState;
int fadeticks;
int last_paused_tic;
void Init(bool clearbefore_, bool skipall_)
clearbefore = clearbefore_;
skipall = skipall_;
index = -1;
fadeticks = 0;
last_paused_tic = -1;
override void OnDestroy()
protected void DeleteJobs()
// Free all allocated resources now.
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Size(); i++)
if (jobs[i]) jobs[i].Destroy();
void Append(ScreenJob job)
if (job != null) jobs.Push(job);
virtual bool Validate()
return jobs.Size() > 0;
protected void AdvanceJob(bool skip)
if (index == jobs.Size()-1)
return; // we need to retain the last element until the runner is done.
if (index >= 0) jobs[index].Destroy();
while (index < jobs.Size() && (jobs[index] == null || (skip && skipall)))
if (jobs[index] != null) jobs[index].Destroy();
actionState = clearbefore ? State_Clear : State_Run;
if (index < jobs.Size())
jobs[index].fadestate = !paused && jobs[index].flags & ScreenJob.fadein? ScreenJob.fadein : ScreenJob.visible;
virtual int DisplayFrame(double smoothratio)
if (jobs.Size() == 0)
return 1;
int x = index >= jobs.Size()? jobs.Size()-1 : index;
let job = jobs[x];
bool processed = job.ProcessInput();
if (job.fadestate == ScreenJob.fadein)
double ms = (job.ticks + smoothratio) * 1000 / GameTicRate / job.fadetime;
double screenfade = clamp(ms, 0., 1.);
if (screenfade == 1.) job.fadestate = ScreenJob.visible;
int state = job.DrawFrame(smoothratio);
return state;
virtual int FadeoutFrame(double smoothratio)
int x = index >= jobs.Size()? jobs.Size()-1 : index;
let job = jobs[x];
double ms = (fadeticks + smoothratio) * 1000 / GameTicRate / job.fadetime;
float screenfade = 1. - clamp(ms, 0., 1.);
return (screenfade > 0.);
virtual bool OnEvent(InputEvent ev)
if (paused || index < 0 || index >= jobs.Size()) return false;
if (jobs[index].jobstate != ScreenJob.running) return false;
return jobs[index].OnEvent(ev);
virtual bool OnTick()
if (paused) return false;
if (index >= jobs.Size() || jobs.Size() == 0) return true;
if (advance || index < 0)
advance = false;
AdvanceJob(terminateState < 0);
if (index >= jobs.Size())
return true;
if (jobs[index].jobstate == ScreenJob.running)
else if (jobs[index].jobstate == ScreenJob.stopping)
return false;
virtual bool RunFrame(double smoothratio)
if (index < 0)
// ensure that we won't go back in time if the menu is dismissed without advancing our ticker
if (index < jobs.Size())
bool menuon = paused;
if (menuon) last_paused_tic = jobs[index].ticks;
else if (last_paused_tic == jobs[index].ticks) menuon = true;
if (menuon) smoothratio = 1.;
else smoothratio = 1.;
if (actionState == State_Clear)
actionState = State_Run;
else if (actionState == State_Run)
terminateState = DisplayFrame(smoothratio);
if (terminateState < 1 && index < jobs.Size())
if (jobs[index].flags & ScreenJob.fadeout)
jobs[index].fadestate = ScreenJob.fadeout;
jobs[index].jobstate = ScreenJob.stopping;
actionState = State_Fadeout;
fadeticks = 0;
advance = true;
else if (actionState == State_Fadeout)
int ended = FadeoutFrame(smoothratio);
if (ended < 1 && index < jobs.Size())
jobs[index].jobstate = ScreenJob.stopped;
advance = true;
return true;
void AddGenericVideo(String fn, int snd, int framerate)
Array<int> sounds;
if (snd > 0) sounds.Pushv(1, snd);
Append(MoviePlayerJob.CreateWithSoundInfo(fn, sounds, 0, framerate));