mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:31:10 +00:00
The main bulk of this is the new start screen code. To make this work in Raze some more work on the startup procedure is needed. What this does provide is support for the DOS end-of-game text screens in Duke and SW on non-Windows systems.
932 lines
26 KiB
932 lines
26 KiB
// Copyright(C) 2004-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** gl_shader.cpp
** GLSL shader handling
#include "gl_system.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "engineerrors.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "gl_shader.h"
#include "hw_shaderpatcher.h"
#include "shaderuniforms.h"
#include "hw_viewpointuniforms.h"
#include "hw_lightbuffer.h"
#include "i_specialpaths.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "gl_interface.h"
#include "gl_debug.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "gl_renderer.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_skipmats)
namespace OpenGLRenderer
struct ProgramBinary
uint32_t format;
TArray<uint8_t> data;
static const char *ShaderMagic = "ZDSC";
static std::map<FString, std::unique_ptr<ProgramBinary>> ShaderCache; // Not a TMap because it doesn't support unique_ptr move semantics
bool IsShaderCacheActive()
static bool active = true;
static bool firstcall = true;
if (firstcall)
const char *vendor = (const char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
active = !(strstr(vendor, "Intel") == nullptr);
firstcall = false;
return active;
static FString CalcProgramBinaryChecksum(const FString &vertex, const FString &fragment)
const GLubyte *vendor = glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
const GLubyte *renderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
const GLubyte *version = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
uint8_t digest[16];
MD5Context md5;
md5.Update(vendor, (unsigned int)strlen((const char*)vendor));
md5.Update(renderer, (unsigned int)strlen((const char*)renderer));
md5.Update(version, (unsigned int)strlen((const char*)version));
md5.Update((const uint8_t *)vertex.GetChars(), (unsigned int)vertex.Len());
md5.Update((const uint8_t *)fragment.GetChars(), (unsigned int)fragment.Len());
char hexdigest[33];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
int v = digest[i] >> 4;
hexdigest[i * 2] = v < 10 ? ('0' + v) : ('a' + v - 10);
v = digest[i] & 15;
hexdigest[i * 2 + 1] = v < 10 ? ('0' + v) : ('a' + v - 10);
hexdigest[32] = 0;
return hexdigest;
static FString CreateProgramCacheName(bool create)
FString path = M_GetCachePath(create);
if (create) CreatePath(path);
path << "/shadercache.zdsc";
return path;
static void LoadShaders()
static bool loaded = false;
if (loaded)
loaded = true;
FString path = CreateProgramCacheName(false);
FileReader fr;
if (!fr.OpenFile(path))
I_Error("Could not open shader file");
char magic[4];
fr.Read(magic, 4);
if (memcmp(magic, ShaderMagic, 4) != 0)
I_Error("Not a shader cache file");
uint32_t count = fr.ReadUInt32();
if (count > 512)
I_Error("Too many shaders cached");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
char hexdigest[33];
if (fr.Read(hexdigest, 32) != 32)
I_Error("Read error");
hexdigest[32] = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ProgramBinary> binary(new ProgramBinary());
binary->format = fr.ReadUInt32();
uint32_t size = fr.ReadUInt32();
if (size > 1024 * 1024)
I_Error("Shader too big, probably file corruption");
if (fr.Read(binary->data.Data(), binary->data.Size()) != binary->data.Size())
I_Error("Read error");
ShaderCache[hexdigest] = std::move(binary);
catch (...)
static void SaveShaders()
FString path = CreateProgramCacheName(true);
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter> fw(FileWriter::Open(path));
if (fw)
uint32_t count = (uint32_t)ShaderCache.size();
fw->Write(ShaderMagic, 4);
fw->Write(&count, sizeof(uint32_t));
for (const auto &it : ShaderCache)
uint32_t size = it.second->data.Size();
fw->Write(it.first.GetChars(), 32);
fw->Write(&it.second->format, sizeof(uint32_t));
fw->Write(&size, sizeof(uint32_t));
fw->Write(it.second->data.Data(), it.second->data.Size());
TArray<uint8_t> LoadCachedProgramBinary(const FString &vertex, const FString &fragment, uint32_t &binaryFormat)
auto it = ShaderCache.find(CalcProgramBinaryChecksum(vertex, fragment));
if (it != ShaderCache.end())
binaryFormat = it->second->format;
return it->second->data;
binaryFormat = 0;
return {};
void SaveCachedProgramBinary(const FString &vertex, const FString &fragment, const TArray<uint8_t> &binary, uint32_t binaryFormat)
auto &entry = ShaderCache[CalcProgramBinaryChecksum(vertex, fragment)];
entry.reset(new ProgramBinary());
entry->format = binaryFormat;
entry->data = binary;
bool FShader::Load(const char * name, const char * vert_prog_lump, const char * frag_prog_lump, const char * proc_prog_lump, const char * light_fragprog, const char * defines)
static char buffer[10000];
FString error;
FString i_data = R"(
// these settings are actually pointless but there seem to be some old ATI drivers that fail to compile the shader without setting the precision here.
precision highp int;
precision highp float;
// This must match the HWViewpointUniforms struct
layout(std140) uniform ViewpointUBO {
mat4 ProjectionMatrix;
mat4 ViewMatrix;
mat4 NormalViewMatrix;
vec4 uCameraPos;
vec4 uClipLine;
float uGlobVis; // uGlobVis = R_GetGlobVis(r_visibility) / 32.0
int uPalLightLevels;
int uViewHeight; // Software fuzz scaling
float uClipHeight;
float uClipHeightDirection;
int uShadowmapFilter;
uniform int uTextureMode;
uniform vec2 uClipSplit;
uniform float uAlphaThreshold;
// colors
uniform vec4 uObjectColor;
uniform vec4 uObjectColor2;
uniform vec4 uDynLightColor;
uniform vec4 uAddColor;
uniform vec4 uTextureBlendColor;
uniform vec4 uTextureModulateColor;
uniform vec4 uTextureAddColor;
uniform vec4 uFogColor;
uniform float uDesaturationFactor;
uniform float uInterpolationFactor;
// Glowing walls stuff
uniform vec4 uGlowTopPlane;
uniform vec4 uGlowTopColor;
uniform vec4 uGlowBottomPlane;
uniform vec4 uGlowBottomColor;
uniform vec4 uGradientTopPlane;
uniform vec4 uGradientBottomPlane;
uniform vec4 uSplitTopPlane;
uniform vec4 uSplitBottomPlane;
uniform vec4 uDetailParms;
// Lighting + Fog
uniform vec4 uLightAttr;
#define uLightLevel uLightAttr.a
#define uFogDensity uLightAttr.b
#define uLightFactor uLightAttr.g
#define uLightDist uLightAttr.r
uniform int uFogEnabled;
// dynamic lights
uniform int uLightIndex;
// Blinn glossiness and specular level
uniform vec2 uSpecularMaterial;
// matrices
uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 NormalModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 TextureMatrix;
// light buffers
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer LightBufferSSO
vec4 lights[];
#elif defined NUM_UBO_LIGHTS
uniform LightBufferUBO
vec4 lights[NUM_UBO_LIGHTS];
// textures
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform sampler2D ShadowMap;
uniform sampler2DArray LightMap;
uniform sampler2D texture2;
uniform sampler2D texture3;
uniform sampler2D texture4;
uniform sampler2D texture5;
uniform sampler2D texture6;
uniform sampler2D texture7;
uniform sampler2D texture8;
uniform sampler2D texture9;
uniform sampler2D texture10;
uniform sampler2D texture11;
// timer data
uniform float timer;
// material types
#if defined(SPECULAR)
#define normaltexture texture2
#define speculartexture texture3
#define brighttexture texture4
#define detailtexture texture5
#define glowtexture texture6
#elif defined(PBR)
#define normaltexture texture2
#define metallictexture texture3
#define roughnesstexture texture4
#define aotexture texture5
#define brighttexture texture6
#define detailtexture texture7
#define glowtexture texture8
#define brighttexture texture2
#define detailtexture texture3
#define glowtexture texture4
#ifdef __APPLE__
// The noise functions are completely broken in macOS OpenGL drivers
// Garbage values are returned, and their infrequent usage causes extreme slowdown
// Also, these functions must return zeroes since GLSL 4.4
i_data += "#define noise1(unused) 0.0\n";
i_data += "#define noise2(unused) vec2(0)\n";
i_data += "#define noise3(unused) vec3(0)\n";
i_data += "#define noise4(unused) vec4(0)\n";
#endif // __APPLE__
i_data += "#define NPOT_EMULATION\nuniform vec2 uNpotEmulation;\n";
int vp_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(vert_prog_lump, 0);
if (vp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", vert_prog_lump);
FileData vp_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(vp_lump);
int fp_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(frag_prog_lump, 0);
if (fp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", frag_prog_lump);
FileData fp_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(fp_lump);
// The following code uses GetChars on the strings to get rid of terminating 0 characters. Do not remove or the code may break!
FString vp_comb;
assert(screen->mLights != NULL);
bool lightbuffertype = screen->mLights->GetBufferType();
unsigned int lightbuffersize = screen->mLights->GetBlockSize();
if (!lightbuffertype)
vp_comb.Format("#version 330 core\n#define NUM_UBO_LIGHTS %d\n", lightbuffersize);
// This differentiation is for Intel which do not seem to expose the full extension, even if marked as required.
if (gl.glslversion < 4.3f)
vp_comb = "#version 400 core\n#extension GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object : require\n#define SHADER_STORAGE_LIGHTS\n";
vp_comb = "#version 430 core\n#define SHADER_STORAGE_LIGHTS\n";
if ((gl.flags & RFL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER) && screen->allowSSBO())
vp_comb << "#define SUPPORTS_SHADOWMAPS\n";
FString fp_comb = vp_comb;
vp_comb << defines << i_data.GetChars();
fp_comb << "$placeholder$\n" << defines << i_data.GetChars();
vp_comb << "#line 1\n";
fp_comb << "#line 1\n";
vp_comb << RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(vp_data.GetString(), "out").GetChars() << "\n";
fp_comb << RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(fp_data.GetString(), "in").GetChars() << "\n";
FString placeholder = "\n";
if (proc_prog_lump != NULL)
fp_comb << "#line 1\n";
if (*proc_prog_lump != '#')
int pp_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(proc_prog_lump, 0); // if it's a core shader, ignore overrides by user mods.
if (pp_lump == -1) pp_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(proc_prog_lump);
if (pp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", proc_prog_lump);
FileData pp_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(pp_lump);
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessMaterial") < 0 && pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("SetupMaterial") < 0)
// this looks like an old custom hardware shader.
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("GetTexCoord") >= 0)
int pl_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName("shaders/glsl/func_defaultmat2.fp", 0);
if (pl_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", "shaders/glsl/func_defaultmat2.fp");
FileData pl_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(pl_lump);
fp_comb << "\n" << pl_data.GetString().GetChars();
int pl_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName("shaders/glsl/func_defaultmat.fp", 0);
if (pl_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", "shaders/glsl/func_defaultmat.fp");
FileData pl_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(pl_lump);
fp_comb << "\n" << pl_data.GetString().GetChars();
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessTexel") < 0)
// this looks like an even older custom hardware shader.
// We need to replace the ProcessTexel call to make it work.
fp_comb.Substitute("material.Base = ProcessTexel();", "material.Base = Process(vec4(1.0));");
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessLight") >= 0)
// The ProcessLight signatured changed. Forward to the old one.
fp_comb << "\nvec4 ProcessLight(vec4 color);\n";
fp_comb << "\nvec4 ProcessLight(Material material, vec4 color) { return ProcessLight(color); }\n";
fp_comb << RemoveLegacyUserUniforms(pp_data.GetString()).GetChars();
fp_comb.Substitute("gl_TexCoord[0]", "vTexCoord"); // fix old custom shaders.
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessLight") < 0)
int pl_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName("shaders/glsl/func_defaultlight.fp", 0);
if (pl_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", "shaders/glsl/func_defaultlight.fp");
FileData pl_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(pl_lump);
fp_comb << "\n" << pl_data.GetString().GetChars();
// ProcessMaterial must be considered broken because it requires the user to fill in data they possibly cannot know all about.
if (pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("ProcessMaterial") >= 0 && pp_data.GetString().IndexOf("SetupMaterial") < 0)
// This reactivates the old logic and disables all features that cannot be supported with that method.
placeholder << "#define LEGACY_USER_SHADER\n";
// Proc_prog_lump is not a lump name but the source itself (from generated shaders)
fp_comb << proc_prog_lump + 1;
fp_comb.Substitute("$placeholder$", placeholder);
if (light_fragprog)
int pp_lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(light_fragprog, 0);
if (pp_lump == -1) I_Error("Unable to load '%s'", light_fragprog);
FileData pp_data = fileSystem.ReadFile(pp_lump);
fp_comb << pp_data.GetString().GetChars() << "\n";
if (gl.flags & RFL_NO_CLIP_PLANES)
// On ATI's GL3 drivers we have to disable gl_ClipDistance because it's hopelessly broken.
// This will cause some glitches and regressions but is the only way to avoid total display garbage.
vp_comb.Substitute("gl_ClipDistance", "//");
hShader = glCreateProgram();
FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_PROGRAM, hShader, name);
uint32_t binaryFormat = 0;
TArray<uint8_t> binary;
if (IsShaderCacheActive())
binary = LoadCachedProgramBinary(vp_comb, fp_comb, binaryFormat);
bool linked = false;
if (binary.Size() > 0 && glProgramBinary)
glProgramBinary(hShader, binaryFormat, binary.Data(), binary.Size());
GLint status = 0;
glGetProgramiv(hShader, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
linked = (status == GL_TRUE);
if (!linked)
hVertProg = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
hFragProg = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_SHADER, hVertProg, vert_prog_lump);
FGLDebug::LabelObject(GL_SHADER, hFragProg, frag_prog_lump);
int vp_size = (int)vp_comb.Len();
int fp_size = (int)fp_comb.Len();
const char *vp_ptr = vp_comb.GetChars();
const char *fp_ptr = fp_comb.GetChars();
glShaderSource(hVertProg, 1, &vp_ptr, &vp_size);
glShaderSource(hFragProg, 1, &fp_ptr, &fp_size);
glAttachShader(hShader, hVertProg);
glAttachShader(hShader, hFragProg);
glGetShaderInfoLog(hVertProg, 10000, NULL, buffer);
if (*buffer)
error << "Vertex shader:\n" << buffer << "\n";
glGetShaderInfoLog(hFragProg, 10000, NULL, buffer);
if (*buffer)
error << "Fragment shader:\n" << buffer << "\n";
glGetProgramInfoLog(hShader, 10000, NULL, buffer);
if (*buffer)
error << "Linking:\n" << buffer << "\n";
GLint status = 0;
glGetProgramiv(hShader, GL_LINK_STATUS, &status);
linked = (status == GL_TRUE);
if (!linked)
// only print message if there's an error.
I_Error("Init Shader '%s':\n%s\n", name, error.GetChars());
else if (glProgramBinary && IsShaderCacheActive())
int binaryLength = 0;
glGetProgramiv(hShader, GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH, &binaryLength);
glGetProgramBinary(hShader, binary.Size(), &binaryLength, &binaryFormat, binary.Data());
SaveCachedProgramBinary(vp_comb, fp_comb, binary, binaryFormat);
hVertProg = 0;
hFragProg = 0;
muDesaturation.Init(hShader, "uDesaturationFactor");
muFogEnabled.Init(hShader, "uFogEnabled");
muTextureMode.Init(hShader, "uTextureMode");
muLightParms.Init(hShader, "uLightAttr");
muClipSplit.Init(hShader, "uClipSplit");
muLightIndex.Init(hShader, "uLightIndex");
muFogColor.Init(hShader, "uFogColor");
muDynLightColor.Init(hShader, "uDynLightColor");
muObjectColor.Init(hShader, "uObjectColor");
muObjectColor2.Init(hShader, "uObjectColor2");
muGlowBottomColor.Init(hShader, "uGlowBottomColor");
muGlowTopColor.Init(hShader, "uGlowTopColor");
muGlowBottomPlane.Init(hShader, "uGlowBottomPlane");
muGlowTopPlane.Init(hShader, "uGlowTopPlane");
muGradientBottomPlane.Init(hShader, "uGradientBottomPlane");
muGradientTopPlane.Init(hShader, "uGradientTopPlane");
muSplitBottomPlane.Init(hShader, "uSplitBottomPlane");
muSplitTopPlane.Init(hShader, "uSplitTopPlane");
muDetailParms.Init(hShader, "uDetailParms");
muNpotEmulation.Init(hShader, "uNpotEmulation");
muInterpolationFactor.Init(hShader, "uInterpolationFactor");
muAlphaThreshold.Init(hShader, "uAlphaThreshold");
muSpecularMaterial.Init(hShader, "uSpecularMaterial");
muAddColor.Init(hShader, "uAddColor");
muTextureAddColor.Init(hShader, "uTextureAddColor");
muTextureModulateColor.Init(hShader, "uTextureModulateColor");
muTextureBlendColor.Init(hShader, "uTextureBlendColor");
muTimer.Init(hShader, "timer");
lights_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "lights");
modelmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "ModelMatrix");
texturematrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "TextureMatrix");
normalmodelmatrix_index = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "NormalModelMatrix");
if (!lightbuffertype)
int tempindex = glGetUniformBlockIndex(hShader, "LightBufferUBO");
if (tempindex != -1) glUniformBlockBinding(hShader, tempindex, LIGHTBUF_BINDINGPOINT);
int tempindex = glGetUniformBlockIndex(hShader, "ViewpointUBO");
if (tempindex != -1) glUniformBlockBinding(hShader, tempindex, VIEWPOINT_BINDINGPOINT);
// set up other texture units (if needed by the shader)
for (int i = 2; i<16; i++)
char stringbuf[20];
mysnprintf(stringbuf, 20, "texture%d", i);
tempindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, stringbuf);
if (tempindex != -1) glUniform1i(tempindex, i - 1);
int shadowmapindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "ShadowMap");
if (shadowmapindex != -1) glUniform1i(shadowmapindex, 16);
int lightmapindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, "LightMap");
if (lightmapindex != -1) glUniform1i(lightmapindex, 17);
return linked;
if (hVertProg != 0)
if (hFragProg != 0)
bool FShader::Bind()
return true;
// Since all shaders are REQUIRED, any error here needs to be fatal
FShader *FShaderCollection::Compile (const char *ShaderName, const char *ShaderPath, const char *LightModePath, const char *shaderdefines, bool usediscard, EPassType passType)
FString defines;
if (shaderdefines) defines += shaderdefines;
// this can't be in the shader code due to ATI strangeness.
if (!usediscard) defines += "#define NO_ALPHATEST\n";
if (passType == GBUFFER_PASS) defines += "#define GBUFFER_PASS\n";
FShader *shader = NULL;
shader = new FShader(ShaderName);
if (!shader->Load(ShaderName, "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/main.fp", ShaderPath, LightModePath, defines.GetChars()))
I_FatalError("Unable to load shader %s\n", ShaderName);
catch(CRecoverableError &err)
if (shader != NULL) delete shader;
shader = NULL;
I_FatalError("Unable to load shader %s:\n%s\n", ShaderName, err.GetMessage());
return shader;
for (int passType = 0; passType < MAX_PASS_TYPES; passType++)
mPassShaders.Push(new FShaderCollection((EPassType)passType));
bool FShaderManager::CompileNextShader()
if (mPassShaders[mCompilePass]->CompileNextShader())
if (mCompilePass >= MAX_PASS_TYPES)
mCompilePass = -1;
return true;
return false;
mActiveShader = NULL;
for (auto collection : mPassShaders)
delete collection;
void FShaderManager::SetActiveShader(FShader *sh)
if (mActiveShader != sh)
glUseProgram(sh!= NULL? sh->GetHandle() : 0);
mActiveShader = sh;
FShader *FShaderManager::BindEffect(int effect, EPassType passType)
if (passType < mPassShaders.Size() && mCompilePass == -1)
return mPassShaders[passType]->BindEffect(effect);
return nullptr;
FShader *FShaderManager::Get(unsigned int eff, bool alphateston, EPassType passType)
if (mCompilePass > -1)
return mPassShaders[0]->Get(0, false);
if ((r_skipmats && eff >= 3 && eff <= 4))
eff = 0;
if (passType < mPassShaders.Size())
return mPassShaders[passType]->Get(eff, alphateston);
return nullptr;
FShaderCollection::FShaderCollection(EPassType passType)
mPassType = passType;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++)
mEffectShaders[i] = NULL;
bool FShaderCollection::CompileNextShader()
int i = mCompileIndex;
if (mCompileState == 0)
FShader *shc = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, defaultshaders[i].lightfunc, defaultshaders[i].Defines, true, mPassType);
if (defaultshaders[mCompileIndex].ShaderName == nullptr)
mCompileIndex = 0;
else if (mCompileState == 1)
FShader *shc1 = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, defaultshaders[i].lightfunc, defaultshaders[i].Defines, false, mPassType);
if (mCompileIndex >= SHADER_NoTexture)
mCompileIndex = 0;
if (usershaders.Size() == 0) mCompileState++;
else if (mCompileState == 2)
FString name = ExtractFileBase(usershaders[i].shader);
FString defines = defaultshaders[usershaders[i].shaderType].Defines + usershaders[i].defines;
FShader *shc = Compile(name, usershaders[i].shader, defaultshaders[usershaders[i].shaderType].lightfunc, defines, true, mPassType);
if (mCompileIndex >= (int)usershaders.Size())
mCompileIndex = 0;
else if (mCompileState == 3)
FShader *eff = new FShader(effectshaders[i].ShaderName);
if (!eff->Load(effectshaders[i].ShaderName, effectshaders[i].vp, effectshaders[i].fp1,
effectshaders[i].fp2, effectshaders[i].fp3, effectshaders[i].defines))
delete eff;
else mEffectShaders[i] = eff;
if (mCompileIndex >= MAX_EFFECTS)
return true;
return false;
void FShaderCollection::Clean()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMaterialShadersNAT.Size(); i++)
if (mMaterialShadersNAT[i] != NULL) delete mMaterialShadersNAT[i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMaterialShaders.Size(); i++)
if (mMaterialShaders[i] != NULL) delete mMaterialShaders[i];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++)
if (mEffectShaders[i] != NULL) delete mEffectShaders[i];
mEffectShaders[i] = NULL;
int FShaderCollection::Find(const char * shn)
FName sfn = shn;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<mMaterialShaders.Size();i++)
if (mMaterialShaders[i]->mName == sfn)
return i;
return -1;
FShader *FShaderCollection::BindEffect(int effect)
if (effect >= 0 && effect < MAX_EFFECTS && mEffectShaders[effect] != NULL)
return mEffectShaders[effect];
return NULL;
void gl_DestroyUserShaders()
// todo