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synced 2025-03-02 07:13:26 +00:00
1480 lines
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1480 lines
35 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT
This file is part of PCExhumed.
PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ns.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "exhumed.h"
#include "aistuff.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "view.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "mapinfo.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
int nPushBlocks;
// TODO - moveme?
sectortype* overridesect;
kMaxPushBlocks = 100,
kMaxMoveChunks = 75
TObjPtr<DExhumedActor*> nBodySprite[50];
TObjPtr<DExhumedActor*> nChunkSprite[kMaxMoveChunks];
BlockInfo sBlockInfo[kMaxPushBlocks];
TObjPtr<DExhumedActor*> nBodyGunSprite[50];
int nCurBodyGunNum;
int sprceiling, sprfloor;
Collision loHit, hiHit;
// think this belongs in init.c?
size_t MarkMove()
GC::MarkArray(nBodySprite, 50);
GC::MarkArray(nChunkSprite, kMaxMoveChunks);
for(int i = 0; i < nPushBlocks; i++)
return 50 + kMaxMoveChunks + nPushBlocks;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, BlockInfo& w, BlockInfo* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("at8", w.field_8)
("sprite", w.pActor)
("x", w.x)
("y", w.y)
return arc;
void SerializeMove(FSerializer& arc)
if (arc.BeginObject("move"))
arc ("pushcount", nPushBlocks)
.Array("blocks", sBlockInfo, nPushBlocks)
("chunkcount", nCurChunkNum)
.Array("chunks", nChunkSprite, kMaxMoveChunks)
("overridesect", overridesect)
.Array("bodysprite", nBodySprite, countof(nBodySprite))
("curbodygun", nCurBodyGunNum)
.Array("bodygunsprite", nBodyGunSprite, countof(nBodyGunSprite))
signed int lsqrt(int a1)
int v1;
int v2;
signed int result;
v1 = a1;
v2 = a1 - 0x40000000;
result = 0;
if (v2 >= 0)
result = 32768;
v1 = v2;
if (v1 - ((result << 15) + 0x10000000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 15) + 0x10000000;
result += 16384;
if (v1 - ((result << 14) + 0x4000000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 14) + 0x4000000;
result += 8192;
if (v1 - ((result << 13) + 0x1000000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 13) + 0x1000000;
result += 4096;
if (v1 - ((result << 12) + 0x400000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 12) + 0x400000;
result += 2048;
if (v1 - ((result << 11) + 0x100000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 11) + 0x100000;
result += 1024;
if (v1 - ((result << 10) + 0x40000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 10) + 0x40000;
result += 512;
if (v1 - ((result << 9) + 0x10000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 9) + 0x10000;
result += 256;
if (v1 - ((result << 8) + 0x4000) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 8) + 0x4000;
result += 128;
if (v1 - ((result << 7) + 4096) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 7) + 4096;
result += 64;
if (v1 - ((result << 6) + 1024) >= 0)
v1 -= (result << 6) + 1024;
result += 32;
if (v1 - (32 * result + 256) >= 0)
v1 -= 32 * result + 256;
result += 16;
if (v1 - (16 * result + 64) >= 0)
v1 -= 16 * result + 64;
result += 8;
if (v1 - (8 * result + 16) >= 0)
v1 -= 8 * result + 16;
result += 4;
if (v1 - (4 * result + 4) >= 0)
v1 -= 4 * result + 4;
result += 2;
if (v1 - (2 * result + 1) >= 0)
result += 1;
return result;
void MoveThings()
if (nFreeze)
if (nFreeze == 1 || nFreeze == 2) {
if (currentLevel->gameflags & LEVEL_EX_COUNTDOWN)
if (lCountDown < 1800 && nDronePitch < 2400 && !lFinaleStart)
nDronePitch += 64;
void ResetMoveFifo()
movefifoend = 0;
movefifopos = 0;
// not used
void clipwall()
int BelowNear(DExhumedActor* pActor, int x, int y, int walldist)
auto pSector = pActor->spr.sector();
int z = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
int z2;
if (loHit.type == kHitSprite)
z2 = loHit.actor()->spr.pos.Z;
z2 = pSector->floorz + pSector->Depth;
BFSSectorSearch search(pSector);
sectortype* pTempSect = nullptr;
while (auto pCurSector = search.GetNext())
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(pCurSector))
if (wal.twoSided())
if (!search.Check(wal.nextSector()))
vec2_t pos = { x, y };
if (clipinsidebox(&pos, wallnum(&wal), walldist))
auto pSect2 = pCurSector;
while (pSect2)
pTempSect = pSect2;
pSect2 = pSect2->pBelow;
int ecx = pTempSect->floorz + pTempSect->Depth;
int eax = ecx - z;
if (eax < 0 && eax >= -5120)
z2 = ecx;
pSector = pTempSect;
if (z2 < pActor->spr.pos.Z)
pActor->spr.pos.Z = z2;
overridesect = pSector;
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
bTouchFloor = true;
return kHitAux2;
return 0;
Collision movespritez(DExhumedActor* pActor, int z, int height, int, int clipdist)
auto pSector = pActor->spr.sector();
overridesect = pSector;
auto pSect2 = pSector;
// backup cstat
auto cstat = pActor->spr.cstat;
pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK;
Collision nRet;
int nSectFlags = pSector->Flag;
if (nSectFlags & kSectUnderwater) {
z >>= 1;
int spriteZ = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
int floorZ = pSector->floorz;
int ebp = spriteZ + z;
int eax = pSector->ceilingz + (height >> 1);
if ((nSectFlags & kSectUnderwater) && ebp < eax) {
ebp = eax;
// loc_151E7:
while (ebp > pActor->spr.sector()->floorz && pActor->spr.sector()->pBelow != nullptr)
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pActor->spr.sector()->pBelow);
if (pSect2 != pSector)
pActor->spr.pos.Z = ebp;
if (pSect2->Flag & kSectUnderwater)
if (pActor == PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].Actor()) {
D3PlayFX(StaticSound[kSound2], pActor);
if (pActor->spr.statnum <= 107) {
pActor->spr.hitag = 0;
while ((ebp < pActor->spr.sector()->ceilingz) && (pActor->spr.sector()->pAbove != nullptr))
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pActor->spr.sector()->pAbove);
// This function will keep the player from falling off cliffs when you're too close to the edge.
// This function finds the highest and lowest z coordinates that your clipping BOX can get to.
vec3_t pos = pActor->spr.pos;
pos.Z -= 256;
getzrange(pos, pActor->spr.sector(), &sprceiling, hiHit, &sprfloor, loHit, 128, CLIPMASK0);
int mySprfloor = sprfloor;
if (loHit.type != kHitSprite) {
mySprfloor += pActor->spr.sector()->Depth;
if (ebp > mySprfloor)
if (z > 0)
bTouchFloor = true;
if (loHit.type == kHitSprite)
// Path A
auto pFloorActor = loHit.actor();
if (pActor->spr.statnum == 100 && pFloorActor->spr.statnum != 0 && pFloorActor->spr.statnum < 100)
int nDamage = (z >> 9);
if (nDamage)
runlist_DamageEnemy(loHit.actor(), pActor, nDamage << 1);
pActor->spr.zvel = -z;
if (pFloorActor->spr.statnum == 0 || pFloorActor->spr.statnum > 199)
nRet.exbits |= kHitAux2;
nRet = loHit;
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
// Path B
if (pActor->spr.sector()->pBelow == nullptr)
nRet.exbits |= kHitAux2;
int nSectDamage = pActor->spr.sector()->Damage;
if (nSectDamage != 0)
if (pActor->spr.hitag < 15)
pActor->spr.hitag = 20;
nSectDamage >>= 2;
nSectDamage = nSectDamage - (nSectDamage>>2);
if (nSectDamage) {
runlist_DamageEnemy(pActor, nullptr, nSectDamage);
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
// loc_1543B:
ebp = mySprfloor;
pActor->spr.pos.Z = mySprfloor;
if ((ebp - height) < sprceiling && (hiHit.type == kHitSprite || pActor->spr.sector()->pAbove == nullptr))
ebp = sprceiling + height;
nRet.exbits |= kHitAux1;
if (spriteZ <= floorZ && ebp > floorZ)
if ((pSector->Depth != 0) || (pSect2 != pSector && (pSect2->Flag & kSectUnderwater)))
BuildSplash(pActor, pSector);
pActor->spr.cstat = cstat; // restore cstat
pActor->spr.pos.Z = ebp;
if (pActor->spr.statnum == 100)
nRet.exbits |= BelowNear(pActor, pActor->spr.pos.X, pActor->spr.pos.Y, clipdist + (clipdist / 2));
return nRet;
int GetActorHeight(DExhumedActor* actor)
return tileHeight(actor->spr.picnum) * actor->spr.yrepeat * 4;
DExhumedActor* insertActor(sectortype* s, int st)
return static_cast<DExhumedActor*>(::InsertActor(RUNTIME_CLASS(DExhumedActor), s, st));
Collision movesprite(DExhumedActor* pActor, int dx, int dy, int dz, int ceildist, int flordist, unsigned int clipmask)
bTouchFloor = false;
int x = pActor->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
int z = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
int nSpriteHeight = GetActorHeight(pActor);
int nClipDist = (int8_t)pActor->spr.clipdist << 2;
auto pSector = pActor->spr.sector();
int floorZ = pSector->floorz;
if ((pSector->Flag & kSectUnderwater) || (floorZ < z))
dx >>= 1;
dy >>= 1;
Collision nRet = movespritez(pActor, dz, nSpriteHeight, flordist, nClipDist);
pSector = pActor->spr.sector(); // modified in movespritez so re-grab this variable
if (pActor->spr.statnum == 100)
int nPlayer = GetPlayerFromActor(pActor);
int varA = 0;
int varB = 0;
CheckSectorFloor(overridesect, pActor->spr.pos.Z, &varB, &varA);
if (varB || varA)
PlayerList[nPlayer].nXDamage = varB;
PlayerList[nPlayer].nYDamage = varA;
dx += PlayerList[nPlayer].nXDamage;
dy += PlayerList[nPlayer].nYDamage;
CheckSectorFloor(overridesect, pActor->spr.pos.Z, &dx, &dy);
Collision coll;
clipmove(pActor->spr.pos, &pSector, dx, dy, nClipDist, nSpriteHeight, flordist, clipmask, coll);
if (coll.type != kHitNone) // originally this or'ed the two values which can create unpredictable bad values in some edge cases.
coll.exbits = nRet.exbits;
nRet = coll;
if ((pSector != pActor->spr.sector()) && pSector != nullptr)
if (nRet.exbits & kHitAux2) {
dz = 0;
if ((pSector->floorz - z) < (dz + flordist))
pActor->spr.pos.X = x;
pActor->spr.pos.Y = y;
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pSector);
if (pActor->spr.pal < 5 && !pActor->spr.hitag)
pActor->spr.pal = pActor->spr.sector()->ceilingpal;
return nRet;
void Gravity(DExhumedActor* pActor)
if (pActor->spr.sector()->Flag & kSectUnderwater)
if (pActor->spr.statnum != 100)
if (pActor->spr.zvel <= 1024)
if (pActor->spr.zvel < 2048) {
pActor->spr.zvel += 512;
pActor->spr.zvel -= 64;
if (pActor->spr.zvel > 0)
pActor->spr.zvel -= 64;
if (pActor->spr.zvel < 0) {
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
else if (pActor->spr.zvel < 0)
pActor->spr.zvel += 64;
if (pActor->spr.zvel > 0) {
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
pActor->spr.zvel += 512;
if (pActor->spr.zvel > 16384) {
pActor->spr.zvel = 16384;
Collision MoveCreature(DExhumedActor* pActor)
return movesprite(pActor, pActor->spr.xvel << 8, pActor->spr.yvel << 8, pActor->spr.zvel, 15360, -5120, CLIPMASK0);
Collision MoveCreatureWithCaution(DExhumedActor* pActor)
int x = pActor->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
int z = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
auto pSectorPre = pActor->spr.sector();
auto ecx = MoveCreature(pActor);
auto pSector =pActor->spr.sector();
if (pSector != pSectorPre)
int zDiff = pSectorPre->floorz - pSector->floorz;
if (zDiff < 0) {
zDiff = -zDiff;
if (zDiff > 15360 || (pSector->Flag & kSectUnderwater) || (pSector->pBelow != nullptr && pSector->pBelow->Flag) || pSector->Damage)
pActor->spr.pos.X = x;
pActor->spr.pos.Y = y;
pActor->spr.pos.Z = z;
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pSectorPre);
pActor->spr.ang = (pActor->spr.ang + 256) & kAngleMask;
pActor->spr.xvel = bcos(pActor->spr.ang, -2);
pActor->spr.yvel = bsin(pActor->spr.ang, -2);
Collision c;
return c;
return ecx;
int GetAngleToSprite(DExhumedActor* a1, DExhumedActor* a2)
if (!a1 || !a2)
return -1;
return GetMyAngle(a2->spr.pos.X - a1->spr.pos.X, a2->spr.pos.Y - a1->spr.pos.Y);
int PlotCourseToSprite(DExhumedActor* pActor1, DExhumedActor* pActor2)
if (pActor1 == nullptr || pActor2 == nullptr)
return -1;
int x = pActor2->spr.pos.X - pActor1->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor2->spr.pos.Y - pActor1->spr.pos.Y;
pActor1->spr.ang = GetMyAngle(x, y);
uint32_t x2 = abs(x);
uint32_t y2 = abs(y);
uint32_t diff = x2 * x2 + y2 * y2;
if (diff > INT_MAX)
DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__);
diff = INT_MAX;
return ksqrt(diff);
DExhumedActor* FindPlayer(DExhumedActor* pActor, int nDistance, bool dontengage)
int var_18 = !dontengage;
if (nDistance < 0)
nDistance = 100;
int x = pActor->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
auto pSector =pActor->spr.sector();
int z = pActor->spr.pos.Z - GetActorHeight(pActor);
nDistance <<= 8;
DExhumedActor* pPlayerActor = nullptr;
int i = 0;
while (1)
if (i >= nTotalPlayers)
return nullptr;
pPlayerActor = PlayerList[i].Actor();
if ((pPlayerActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL) && (!(pPlayerActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE)))
int v9 = abs(pPlayerActor->spr.pos.X - x);
if (v9 < nDistance)
int v10 = abs(pPlayerActor->spr.pos.Y - y);
if (v10 < nDistance && cansee(pPlayerActor->spr.pos.X, pPlayerActor->spr.pos.Y, pPlayerActor->spr.pos.Z - 7680, pPlayerActor->spr.sector(), x, y, z, pSector))
if (var_18) {
PlotCourseToSprite(pActor, pPlayerActor);
return pPlayerActor;
void CheckSectorFloor(sectortype* pSector, int z, int *x, int *y)
int nSpeed = pSector->Speed;
if (!nSpeed) {
int nFlag = pSector->Flag;
int nAng = nFlag & kAngleMask;
if (z >= pSector->floorz)
*x += bcos(nAng, 3) * nSpeed;
*y += bsin(nAng, 3) * nSpeed;
else if (nFlag & 0x800)
*x += bcos(nAng, 4) * nSpeed;
*y += bsin(nAng, 4) * nSpeed;
int GetUpAngle(DExhumedActor* pActor1, int nVal, DExhumedActor* pActor2, int ecx)
int x = pActor2->spr.pos.X - pActor1->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor2->spr.pos.Y - pActor1->spr.pos.Y;
int ebx = (pActor2->spr.pos.Z + ecx) - (pActor1->spr.pos.Z + nVal);
int edx = (pActor2->spr.pos.Z + ecx) - (pActor1->spr.pos.Z + nVal);
ebx >>= 4;
edx >>= 8;
ebx = -ebx;
ebx -= edx;
int nSqrt = lsqrt(x * x + y * y);
return GetMyAngle(nSqrt, ebx);
void InitPushBlocks()
nPushBlocks = 0;
memset(sBlockInfo, 0, sizeof(sBlockInfo));
int GrabPushBlock()
if (nPushBlocks >= kMaxPushBlocks) {
return -1;
return nPushBlocks++;
void CreatePushBlock(sectortype* pSector)
int nBlock = GrabPushBlock();
int xSum = 0;
int ySum = 0;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(pSector))
xSum += wal.pos.X;
ySum += wal.pos.Y;
int xAvg = xSum / pSector->wallnum;
int yAvg = ySum / pSector->wallnum;
sBlockInfo[nBlock].x = xAvg;
sBlockInfo[nBlock].y = yAvg;
auto pActor = insertActor(pSector, 0);
sBlockInfo[nBlock].pActor = pActor;
pActor->spr.pos.X = xAvg;
pActor->spr.pos.Y = yAvg;
pActor->spr.pos.Z = pSector->floorz - 256;
pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE;
int var_28 = 0;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(pSector))
uint32_t xDiff = abs(xAvg - wal.pos.X);
uint32_t yDiff = abs(yAvg - wal.pos.Y);
uint32_t sqrtNum = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff;
if (sqrtNum > INT_MAX)
DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__);
sqrtNum = INT_MAX;
int nSqrt = ksqrt(sqrtNum);
if (nSqrt > var_28) {
var_28 = nSqrt;
sBlockInfo[nBlock].field_8 = var_28;
pActor->spr.clipdist = (var_28 & 0xFF) << 2;
pSector->extra = nBlock;
void MoveSector(sectortype* pSector, int nAngle, int *nXVel, int *nYVel)
if (pSector == nullptr) {
int nXVect, nYVect;
if (nAngle < 0)
nXVect = *nXVel;
nYVect = *nYVel;
nAngle = GetMyAngle(nXVect, nYVect);
nXVect = bcos(nAngle, 6);
nYVect = bsin(nAngle, 6);
int nBlock = pSector->extra;
int nSectFlag = pSector->Flag;
int nFloorZ = pSector->floorz;
walltype *pStartWall = pSector->firstWall();
sectortype* pNextSector = pStartWall->nextSector();
BlockInfo *pBlockInfo = &sBlockInfo[nBlock];
vec3_t pos;
pos.X = sBlockInfo[nBlock].x;
int x_b = sBlockInfo[nBlock].x;
pos.Y = sBlockInfo[nBlock].y;
int y_b = sBlockInfo[nBlock].y;
int nZVal;
int bUnderwater = nSectFlag & kSectUnderwater;
if (nSectFlag & kSectUnderwater)
nZVal = pSector->ceilingz;
pos.Z = pNextSector->ceilingz + 256;
pSector->ceilingz = pNextSector->ceilingz;
nZVal = pSector->floorz;
pos.Z = pNextSector->floorz - 256;
pSector->floorz = pNextSector->floorz;
auto pSectorB = pSector;
Collision scratch;
clipmove(pos, &pSectorB, nXVect, nYVect, pBlockInfo->field_8, 0, 0, CLIPMASK1, scratch);
int yvect = pos.Y - y_b;
int xvect = pos.X - x_b;
if (pSectorB != pNextSector && pSectorB != pSector)
yvect = 0;
xvect = 0;
if (!bUnderwater)
pos = { x_b, y_b, nZVal };
clipmove(pos, &pSectorB, nXVect, nYVect, pBlockInfo->field_8, 0, 0, CLIPMASK1, scratch);
int ebx = pos.X;
int ecx = x_b;
int edx = pos.Y;
int eax = xvect;
int esi = y_b;
if (eax < 0) {
eax = -eax;
ebx -= ecx;
ecx = eax;
eax = ebx;
edx -= esi;
if (eax < 0) {
eax = -eax;
if (ecx > eax)
xvect = ebx;
eax = yvect;
if (eax < 0) {
eax = -eax;
ebx = eax;
eax = edx;
if (eax < 0) {
eax = -eax;
if (ebx > eax) {
yvect = edx;
if (yvect || xvect)
ExhumedSectIterator it(pSector);
while (auto pActor = it.Next())
if (pActor->spr.statnum < 99)
pActor->spr.pos.X += xvect;
pActor->spr.pos.Y += yvect;
pos.Z = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
if ((nSectFlag & kSectUnderwater) || pos.Z != nZVal || pActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE)
pos.X = pActor->spr.pos.X;
pos.Y = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
pSectorB = pSector;
clipmove(pos, &pSectorB, -xvect, -yvect, 4 * pActor->spr.clipdist, 0, 0, CLIPMASK0, scratch);
if (pSectorB) {
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pSectorB);
while (auto pActor = it.Next())
if (pActor->spr.statnum >= 99)
pos = pActor->spr.pos;
pSectorB = pNextSector;
clipmove(pos, &pSectorB,
-xvect - (bcos(nAngle) * (4 * pActor->spr.clipdist)),
-yvect - (bsin(nAngle) * (4 * pActor->spr.clipdist)),
4 * pActor->spr.clipdist, 0, 0, CLIPMASK0, scratch);
if (pSectorB != pNextSector && (pSectorB == pSector || pNextSector == pSector))
if (pSectorB != pSector || nFloorZ >= pActor->spr.pos.Z)
if (pSectorB) {
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pSectorB);
(xvect << 14) + bcos(nAngle) * pActor->spr.clipdist,
(yvect << 14) + bsin(nAngle) * pActor->spr.clipdist,
0, 0, 0, CLIPMASK0);
for(auto& wal : wallsofsector(pSector))
dragpoint(&wal, xvect + wal.pos.X, yvect + wal.pos.Y);
pBlockInfo->x += xvect;
pBlockInfo->y += yvect;
// loc_163DD
xvect <<= 14;
yvect <<= 14;
if (!(nSectFlag & kSectUnderwater))
ExhumedSectIterator it(pSector);
while (auto pActor = it.Next())
if (pActor->spr.statnum >= 99 && nZVal == pActor->spr.pos.Z && !(pActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE))
pSectorB = pSector;
clipmove(pActor->spr.pos, &pSectorB, xvect, yvect, 4 * pActor->spr.clipdist, 5120, -5120, CLIPMASK0, scratch);
if (nSectFlag & kSectUnderwater) {
pSector->ceilingz = nZVal;
else {
pSector->floorz = nZVal;
*nXVel = xvect;
*nYVel = yvect;
Update player position variables, in case the player sprite was moved by a sector,
Otherwise these can be out of sync when used in sound code (before being updated in PlayerFunc()).
Can cause local player sounds to play off-centre.
TODO: Might need to be done elsewhere too?
auto pActor = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].Actor();
initx = pActor->spr.pos.X;
inity = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
initz = pActor->spr.pos.Z;
inita = pActor->spr.ang;
initsectp = pActor->spr.sector();
void SetQuake(DExhumedActor* pActor, int nVal)
int x = pActor->spr.pos.X;
int y = pActor->spr.pos.Y;
nVal *= 256;
for (int i = 0; i < nTotalPlayers; i++)
auto pPlayerActor = PlayerList[i].Actor();
uint32_t xDiff = abs((int32_t)((pPlayerActor->spr.pos.X - x) >> 8));
uint32_t yDiff = abs((int32_t)((pPlayerActor->spr.pos.Y - y) >> 8));
uint32_t sqrtNum = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff;
if (sqrtNum > INT_MAX)
DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__);
sqrtNum = INT_MAX;
int nSqrt = ksqrt(sqrtNum);
int eax = nVal;
if (nSqrt)
eax = eax / nSqrt;
if (eax >= 256)
if (eax > 3840) {
eax = 3840;
eax = 0;
if (eax > nQuake[i]) {
nQuake[i] = eax;
Collision AngleChase(DExhumedActor* pActor, DExhumedActor* pActor2, int ebx, int ecx, int push1)
int nClipType = pActor->spr.statnum != 107;
/* bjd - need to handle cliptype to clipmask change that occured in later build engine version */
if (nClipType == 1) {
nClipType = CLIPMASK1;
else {
nClipType = CLIPMASK0;
int nAngle;
if (pActor2 == nullptr)
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
nAngle = pActor->spr.ang;
int nHeight = tileHeight(pActor2->spr.picnum) * pActor2->spr.yrepeat * 2;
int nMyAngle = GetMyAngle(pActor2->spr.pos.X - pActor->spr.pos.X, pActor2->spr.pos.Y - pActor->spr.pos.Y);
uint32_t xDiff = abs(pActor2->spr.pos.X - pActor->spr.pos.X);
uint32_t yDiff = abs(pActor2->spr.pos.Y - pActor->spr.pos.Y);
uint32_t sqrtNum = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff;
if (sqrtNum > INT_MAX)
DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__);
sqrtNum = INT_MAX;
int nSqrt = ksqrt(sqrtNum);
int var_18 = GetMyAngle(nSqrt, ((pActor2->spr.pos.Z - nHeight) - pActor->spr.pos.Z) >> 8);
int nAngDelta = AngleDelta(pActor->spr.ang, nMyAngle, 1024);
int nAngDelta2 = abs(nAngDelta);
if (nAngDelta2 > 63)
nAngDelta2 = abs(nAngDelta >> 6);
ebx /= nAngDelta2;
if (ebx < 5) {
ebx = 5;
int nAngDeltaC = abs(nAngDelta);
if (nAngDeltaC > push1)
if (nAngDelta >= 0)
nAngDelta = push1;
nAngDelta = -push1;
nAngle = (nAngDelta + pActor->spr.ang) & kAngleMask;
int nAngDeltaD = AngleDelta(pActor->spr.zvel, var_18, 24);
pActor->spr.zvel = (pActor->spr.zvel + nAngDeltaD) & kAngleMask;
pActor->spr.ang = nAngle;
int eax = abs(bcos(pActor->spr.zvel));
int x = ((bcos(nAngle) * ebx) >> 14) * eax;
int y = ((bsin(nAngle) * ebx) >> 14) * eax;
int xshift = x >> 8;
int yshift = y >> 8;
uint32_t sqrtNum = xshift * xshift + yshift * yshift;
if (sqrtNum > INT_MAX)
DPrintf(DMSG_WARNING, "%s %d: overflow\n", __func__, __LINE__);
sqrtNum = INT_MAX;
int z = bsin(pActor->spr.zvel) * ksqrt(sqrtNum);
return movesprite(pActor, x >> 2, y >> 2, (z >> 13) + bsin(ecx, -5), 0, 0, nClipType);
int GetWallNormal(walltype* pWall)
auto delta = pWall->delta();
int nAngle = GetMyAngle(delta.X, delta.Y);
return (nAngle + 512) & kAngleMask;
void WheresMyMouth(int nPlayer, vec3_t* pos, sectortype **sectnum)
auto pActor = PlayerList[nPlayer].Actor();
int height = GetActorHeight(pActor) >> 1;
*sectnum = pActor->spr.sector();
*pos = pActor->spr.pos;
pos->Z -= height;
Collision scratch;
clipmove(*pos, sectnum,
bcos(pActor->spr.ang, 7),
bsin(pActor->spr.ang, 7),
5120, 1280, 1280, CLIPMASK1, scratch);
void InitChunks()
nCurChunkNum = 0;
memset(nChunkSprite, 0, sizeof(nChunkSprite));
memset(nBodyGunSprite, 0, sizeof(nBodyGunSprite));
memset(nBodySprite, 0, sizeof(nBodySprite));
nCurBodyNum = 0;
nCurBodyGunNum = 0;
nBodyTotal = 0;
nChunkTotal = 0;
DExhumedActor* GrabBodyGunSprite()
DExhumedActor* pActor = nBodyGunSprite[nCurBodyGunNum];
if (pActor == nullptr)
pActor = insertActor(0, 899);
nBodyGunSprite[nCurBodyGunNum] = pActor;
pActor->spr.lotag = -1;
pActor->spr.owner = -1;
pActor->spr.lotag = -1;
pActor->spr.owner = -1;
if (nCurBodyGunNum >= 50) { // TODO - enum/define
nCurBodyGunNum = 0;
pActor->spr.cstat = 0;
return pActor;
DExhumedActor* GrabBody()
DExhumedActor* pActor = nullptr;
pActor = nBodySprite[nCurBodyNum];
if (pActor == nullptr)
pActor = insertActor(0, 899);
nBodySprite[nCurBodyNum] = pActor;
pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE;
if (nCurBodyNum >= 50) {
nCurBodyNum = 0;
} while (pActor->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL);
if (nBodyTotal < 50) {
pActor->spr.cstat = 0;
return pActor;
DExhumedActor* GrabChunkSprite()
DExhumedActor* pActor = nChunkSprite[nCurChunkNum];
if (pActor == nullptr)
pActor = insertActor(0, 899);
nChunkSprite[nCurChunkNum] = pActor;
else if (pActor->spr.statnum)
// TODO MonoOut("too many chunks being used at once!\n");
return nullptr;
ChangeActorStat(pActor, 899);
if (nCurChunkNum >= kMaxMoveChunks)
nCurChunkNum = 0;
if (nChunkTotal < kMaxMoveChunks)
pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER;
return pActor;
DExhumedActor* BuildCreatureChunk(DExhumedActor* pSrc, int nPic, bool bSpecial)
auto pActor = GrabChunkSprite();
if (pActor == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
pActor->spr.pos = pSrc->spr.pos;
ChangeActorSect(pActor, pSrc->spr.sector());
pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_YCENTER;
pActor->spr.shade = -12;
pActor->spr.pal = 0;
pActor->spr.xvel = (RandomSize(5) - 16) << 7;
pActor->spr.yvel = (RandomSize(5) - 16) << 7;
pActor->spr.zvel = (-(RandomSize(8) + 512)) << 3;
if (bSpecial)
pActor->spr.xvel *= 4;
pActor->spr.yvel *= 4;
pActor->spr.zvel *= 2;
pActor->spr.xrepeat = 64;
pActor->spr.yrepeat = 64;
pActor->spr.xoffset = 0;
pActor->spr.yoffset = 0;
pActor->spr.picnum = nPic;
pActor->spr.lotag = runlist_HeadRun() + 1;
pActor->spr.clipdist = 40;
// GrabTimeSlot(3);
pActor->spr.extra = -1;
pActor->spr.owner = runlist_AddRunRec(pActor->spr.lotag - 1, pActor, 0xD0000);
pActor->spr.hitag = runlist_AddRunRec(NewRun, pActor, 0xD0000);
return pActor;
void AICreatureChunk::Tick(RunListEvent* ev)
auto pActor = ev->pObjActor;
if (!pActor) return;
auto pSector = pActor->spr.sector();
pActor->spr.pal = pSector->ceilingpal;
auto nVal = movesprite(pActor, pActor->spr.xvel << 10, pActor->spr.yvel << 10, pActor->spr.zvel, 2560, -2560, CLIPMASK1);
if (pActor->spr.pos.Z >= pSector->floorz)
// re-grab this variable as it may have changed in movesprite(). Note the check above is against the value *before* movesprite so don't change it.
pSector = pActor->spr.sector();
pActor->spr.xvel = 0;
pActor->spr.yvel = 0;
pActor->spr.zvel = 0;
pActor->spr.pos.Z = pSector->floorz;
if (!nVal.type && !nVal.exbits)
int nAngle;
if (nVal.exbits & kHitAux2)
pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE;
if (nVal.exbits & kHitAux1)
pActor->spr.xvel >>= 1;
pActor->spr.yvel >>= 1;
pActor->spr.zvel = -pActor->spr.zvel;
else if (nVal.type == kHitSprite)
nAngle = nVal.actor()->spr.ang;
else if (nVal.type == kHitWall)
nAngle = GetWallNormal(nVal.hitWall);
// loc_16E0C
int nSqrt = lsqrt(((pActor->spr.yvel >> 10) * (pActor->spr.yvel >> 10)
+ (pActor->spr.xvel >> 10) * (pActor->spr.xvel >> 10)) >> 8);
pActor->spr.xvel = bcos(nAngle) * (nSqrt >> 1);
pActor->spr.yvel = bsin(nAngle) * (nSqrt >> 1);
runlist_FreeRun(pActor->spr.lotag - 1);
ChangeActorStat(pActor, 0);
pActor->spr.hitag = 0;
pActor->spr.lotag = 0;
DExhumedActor* UpdateEnemy(DExhumedActor** ppEnemy)
if (*ppEnemy)
if (!((*ppEnemy)->spr.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL)) {
*ppEnemy = nullptr;
return *ppEnemy;