mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 15:21:58 +00:00
In particular this means to remove the option to disable widescreen aspect ratios. The way this was handled makes no sense with the current render backend. The aspect ratio code will have to be redone entirely to properly obey the backend's settings.
827 lines
18 KiB
827 lines
18 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "build.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#define BLOODWIDESCREENDEF "blood_widescreen.def"
#define BYTEVERSION 103
#define EXEVERSION 101
void _SetErrorLoc(const char *pzFile, int nLine);
void __dassert(const char *pzExpr, const char *pzFile, int nLine);
void QuitGame(void);
void _consoleSysMsg(const char* pMessage, ...);
#define ThrowError(...) \
{ \
_SetErrorLoc(__FILE__,__LINE__); \
I_Error(__VA_ARGS__); \
// print error to console only
#define consoleSysMsg(...) \
{ \
_SetErrorLoc(__FILE__,__LINE__); \
_consoleSysMsg(__VA_ARGS__); \
#define dassert(x) assert(x)
#define kMaxSectors MAXSECTORS
#define kMaxWalls MAXWALLS
#define kMaxSprites MAXSPRITES
#define kMaxTiles MAXTILES
#define kMaxStatus MAXSTATUS
#define kMaxPlayers 8
#define kMaxViewSprites maxspritesonscreen
#define kMaxVoxels MAXVOXELS
#define kTicRate 120
#define kTicsPerFrame 4
#define kTicsPerSec (kTicRate/kTicsPerFrame)
#define TILTBUFFER 4078
#define kExplodeMax 8
#define kLensSize 80
#define kViewEffectMax 19
#define kNoTile -1
// defined by NoOne:
// -------------------------------
#define kMaxPAL 5
#define kUserPLUStart 15
#define kDmgFall 0
#define kDmgBurn 1
#define kDmgBullet 2
#define kDmgExplode 3
#define kDmgChoke 4
#define kDmgSpirit 5
#define kDmgElectric 6
#define kDmgMax 7
// MEDIUM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kMediumNormal = 0,
kMediumWater = 1,
kMediumGoo = 2,
// STATNUMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kStatNothing = -1,
kStatDecoration = 0,
kStatFX = 1,
kStatExplosion = 2,
kStatItem = 3,
kStatThing = 4,
kStatProjectile = 5,
kStatDude = 6,
kStatInactive = 7, // inactive (ambush) dudes
kStatRespawn = 8,
kStatPurge = 9,
kStatMarker = 10,
kStatTraps = 11,
kStatAmbience = 12,
kStatSpares = 13,
kStatFlare = 14,
kStatDebris = 15,
kStatPathMarker = 16,
kStatFree = 1024,
// POWERUPS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kPwUpFeatherFall = 12,
kPwUpShadowCloak = 13,
kPwUpDeathMask = 14,
kPwUpJumpBoots = 15,
kPwUpTwoGuns = 17,
kPwUpDivingSuit = 18,
kPwUpGasMask = 19,
kPwUpCrystalBall = 21,
kPwUpDoppleganger = 23,
kPwUpReflectShots = 24,
kPwUpBeastVision = 25,
kPwUpShadowCloakUseless = 26,
kPwUpDeliriumShroom = 28,
kPwUpGrowShroom = 29,
kPwUpShrinkShroom = 30,
kPwUpDeathMaskUseless = 31,
kPwUpAsbestArmor = 39,
kMaxPowerUps = 51,
enum {
kExplosionSmall = 0,
kExplosionStandard = 1,
kExplosionLarge = 2,
kExplosionFireball = 3,
kExplosionSpray = 4,
kExplosion5 = 5,
kExplosion6 = 6,
kExplosionNapalm = 7,
kExplosionMax = 8
// SPRITE TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSpriteDecoration = 0,
// markers
kMarkerSPStart = 1,
kMarkerMPStart = 2,
kMarkerOff = 3,
kMarkerOn = 4,
kMarkerAxis = 5,
kMarkerLowLink = 6,
kMarkerUpLink = 7,
kMarkerWarpDest = 8,
kMarkerUpWater = 9,
kMarkerLowWater = 10,
kMarkerUpStack = 11,
kMarkerLowStack = 12,
kMarkerUpGoo = 13,
kMarkerLowGoo = 14,
kMarkerPath = 15,
kMarkerDudeSpawn = 18,
kMarkerEarthQuake = 19,
// switches
kSwitchBase = 20,
kSwitchToggle = 20,
kSwitchOneWay = 21,
kSwitchCombo = 22,
kSwitchPadlock = 23,
kSwitchMax = 24,
// decorations
kDecorationTorch = 30,
kDecorationCandle = 32,
// (weapons)
kItemWeaponBase = 40,
kItemWeaponSawedoff = 41,
kItemWeaponTommygun = 42,
kItemWeaponVoodooDoll = 44,
kItemWeaponLifeLeech = 50,
kItemWeaponMax = 51,
// items (ammos)
kItemAmmoBase = 60,
kItemAmmoSawedoffFew = 67,
kItemAmmoTommygunFew = 69,
kAmmoItemVoodooDoll = 70,
kItemAmmoMax = 81,
kItemBase = 100,
// items (keys)
kItemKeyBase = kItemBase,
kItemKeySkull = kItemKeyBase,
kItemKeyEye = 101,
kItemKeyFire = 102,
kItemKeyDagger = 103,
kItemKeySpider = 104,
kItemKeyMoon = 105,
kItemKeyKey7 = 106,
kItemKeyMax = 107,
// items (health)
kItemHealthDoctorBag = 107,
kItemHealthMedPouch = 108,
kItemHealthLifeEssense = 109,
kItemHealthLifeSeed = 110,
kItemHealthRedPotion = 111,
// items (misc)
kItemFeatherFall = 112,
kItemShadowCloak = 113, // ltdInvisibility
kItemDeathMask = 114, // invulnerability
kItemJumpBoots = 115,
kItemTwoGuns = 117,
kItemDivingSuit = 118,
kItemGasMask = 119,
kItemCrystalBall = 121,
kItemReflectShots = 124,
kItemBeastVision = 125,
kItemShroomDelirium = 128,
kItemArmorAsbest = 139,
kItemArmorBasic = 140,
kItemArmorBody = 141,
kItemArmorFire = 142,
kItemArmorSpirit = 143,
kItemArmorSuper = 144,
kItemFlagABase = 145,
kItemFlagBBase = 146,
kItemFlagA = 147,
kItemFlagB = 148,
kItemMax = 151,
// dudes
kDudeBase = 200,
kDudeCultistTommy = 201,
kDudeCultistShotgun = 202,
kDudeZombieAxeNormal = 203,
kDudeZombieButcher = 204,
kDudeZombieAxeBuried = 205,
kDudeGargoyleFlesh = 206,
kDudeGargoyleStone = 207,
kDudeGargoyleStatueFlesh = 208,
kDudeGargoyleStatueStone = 209,
kDudePhantasm = 210,
kDudeHellHound = 211,
kDudeHand = 212,
kDudeSpiderBrown = 213,
kDudeSpiderRed = 214,
kDudeSpiderBlack = 215,
kDudeSpiderMother = 216,
kDudeGillBeast = 217,
kDudeBoneEel = 218,
kDudeBat = 219,
kDudeRat = 220,
kDudePodGreen = 221,
kDudeTentacleGreen = 222,
kDudePodFire = 223,
kDudeTentacleFire = 224,
kDudePodMother = 225,
kDudeTentacleMother = 226,
kDudeCerberusTwoHead = 227,
kDudeCerberusOneHead = 228,
kDudeTchernobog = 229,
kDudeCultistTommyProne = 230,
kDudePlayer1 = 231,
kDudePlayer2 = 232,
kDudePlayer3 = 233,
kDudePlayer4 = 234,
kDudePlayer5 = 235,
kDudePlayer6 = 236,
kDudePlayer7 = 237,
kDudePlayer8 = 238,
kDudeBurningInnocent = 239,
kDudeBurningCultist = 240,
kDudeBurningZombieAxe = 241,
kDudeBurningZombieButcher = 242,
kDudeCultistReserved = 243, // unused
kDudeZombieAxeLaying = 244,
kDudeInnocent = 245,
kDudeCultistShotgunProne = 246,
kDudeCultistTesla = 247,
kDudeCultistTNT = 248,
kDudeCultistBeast = 249,
kDudeTinyCaleb = 250,
kDudeBeast = 251,
kDudeBurningTinyCaleb = 252,
kDudeBurningBeast = 253,
kDudeVanillaMax = 254,
kDudeMax = 256,
kMissileBase = 300,
kMissileButcherKnife = kMissileBase,
kMissileFlareRegular = 301,
kMissileTeslaAlt = 302,
kMissileFlareAlt = 303,
kMissileFlameSpray = 304,
kMissileFireball = 305,
kMissileTeslaRegular = 306,
kMissileEctoSkull = 307,
kMissileFlameHound = 308,
kMissilePukeGreen = 309,
kMissileUnused = 310,
kMissileArcGargoyle = 311,
kMissileFireballNapam = 312,
kMissileFireballCerberus = 313,
kMissileFireballTchernobog = 314,
kMissileLifeLeechRegular = 315,
kMissileLifeLeechAltNormal = 316,
kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall = 317,
kMissileMax = 318,
// things
kThingBase = 400,
kThingTNTBarrel = 400,
kThingArmedProxBomb = 401,
kThingArmedRemoteBomb = 402,
kThingCrateFace = 405,
kThingGlassWindow = 406,
kThingFluorescent = 407,
kThingWallCrack = 408,
kThingSpiderWeb = 410,
kThingMetalGrate = 411,
kThingFlammableTree = 412,
kTrapMachinegun = 413, // not really a thing, should be in traps instead
kThingFallingRock = 414,
kThingKickablePail = 415,
kThingObjectGib = 416,
kThingObjectExplode = 417,
kThingArmedTNTStick = 418,
kThingArmedTNTBundle = 419,
kThingArmedSpray = 420,
kThingBone = 421,
kThingDripWater = 423,
kThingDripBlood = 424,
kThingBloodBits = 425,
kThingBloodChunks = 426,
kThingZombieHead = 427,
kThingNapalmBall = 428,
kThingPodFireBall = 429,
kThingPodGreenBall = 430,
kThingDroppedLifeLeech = 431,
kThingVoodooHead = 432, // unused
kThingMax = 436,
// traps
kTrapFlame = 452,
kTrapSawCircular = 454,
kTrapZapSwitchable = 456,
kTrapExploder = 459,
// generators
kGenTrigger = 700,
kGenDripWater = 701,
kGenDripBlood = 702,
kGenMissileFireball = 703,
kGenMissileEctoSkull = 704,
kGenDart = 705,
kGenBubble = 706,
kGenBubbleMulti = 707,
// sound sprites
kGenSound = 708,
kSoundSector = 709,
kSoundPlayer = 711,
// WALL TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kWallBase = 500,
kWallStack = 501,
kWallGib = 511,
kWallMax = 512,
// SECTOR TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSectorBase = 600,
kSectorZMotion = 600,
kSectorZMotionSprite = 602,
kSectorTeleport = 604,
kSectorPath = 612,
kSectorRotateStep = 613,
kSectorSlideMarked = 614,
kSectorRotateMarked = 615,
kSectorSlide = 616,
kSectorRotate = 617,
kSectorDamage = 618,
kSectorCounter = 619,
kSectorMax = 620,
// ai state types
enum {
kAiStateOther = -1,
kAiStateIdle = 0,
kAiStateGenIdle = 1,
kAiStateMove = 2,
kAiStateSearch = 3,
kAiStateChase = 4,
kAiStateRecoil = 5,
kAiStateAttack = 6,
// sprite attributes
#define kHitagAutoAim 0x0008
#define kHitagRespawn 0x0010
#define kHitagFree 0x0020
#define kHitagSmoke 0x0100
// sprite physics attributes
#define kPhysMove 0x0001 // affected by movement physics
#define kPhysGravity 0x0002 // affected by gravity
#define kPhysFalling 0x0004 // currently in z-motion
// sector cstat
#define kSecCParallax 0x01
#define kSecCSloped 0x02
#define kSecCSwapXY 0x04
#define kSecCExpand 0x08
#define kSecCFlipX 0x10
#define kSecCFlipY 0x20
#define kSecCFlipMask 0x34
#define kSecCRelAlign 0x40
#define kSecCFloorShade 0x8000
#define kAng5 28
#define kAng15 85
#define kAng30 170
#define kAng45 256
#define kAng60 341
#define kAng90 512
#define kAng120 682
#define kAng180 1024
#define kAng360 2048
// -------------------------------
enum searchpathtypes_t {
extern void G_ExtInit(void);
extern void G_SetupGlobalPsky(void);
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct LOCATION {
int x, y, z;
int ang;
struct POINT2D {
int x, y;
struct POINT3D {
int x, y, z;
struct VECTOR2D {
int dx, dy;
struct Aim {
int dx, dy, dz;
#pragma pack(pop)
inline int ksgnf(float f)
if (f < 0)
return -1;
if (f > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
inline int IncBy(int a, int b)
a += b;
int q = a % b;
a -= q;
if (q < 0)
a -= b;
return a;
inline int DecBy(int a, int b)
int q = a % b;
a -= q;
if (q < 0)
a -= b;
return a;
inline int ClipLow(int a, int b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipHigh(int a, int b)
if (a >= b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipRange(int a, int b, int c)
if (a < b)
return b;
if (a > c)
return c;
return a;
inline float ClipRangeF(float a, float b, float c)
if (a < b)
return b;
if (a > c)
return c;
return a;
inline int interpolate(int a, int b, int c)
return a+mulscale16(b-a,c);
inline double finterpolate(double a, double b, double c)
return a+fmulscale16(b-a,c);
inline int interpolateang(int a, int b, int c)
return a+mulscale16(((b-a+1024)&2047)-1024, c);
inline fix16_t interpolateangfix16(fix16_t a, fix16_t b, int c)
return a+mulscale16(((b-a+0x4000000)&0x7ffffff)-0x4000000, c);
inline char Chance(int a1)
return wrand() < (a1>>1);
inline unsigned int Random(int a1)
return mulscale(wrand(), a1, 15);
inline int Random2(int a1)
return mulscale(wrand(), a1, 14)-a1;
inline int Random3(int a1)
return mulscale(wrand()+wrand(), a1, 15) - a1;
inline unsigned int QRandom(int a1)
return mulscale(qrand(), a1, 15);
inline int QRandom2(int a1)
return mulscale(qrand(), a1, 14)-a1;
template<class T>
inline void SetBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
pArray[nIndex>>3] |= 1<<(nIndex&7);
template<class T>
inline void ClearBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
pArray[nIndex >> 3] &= ~(1 << (nIndex & 7));
template<class T>
inline char TestBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
return pArray[nIndex>>3] & (1<<(nIndex&7));
// This is to override the namepace prioritization without altering the actual calls.
inline int scale(int a, int b, int c)
return ::scale(a, b, c);
inline int scale(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)
return a4 + (a5-a4) * (a1-a2) / (a3-a2);
inline int mulscale16r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1<<(16-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc>>16);
inline int mulscale30r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1<<(30-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc>>30);
inline int dmulscale30r(int a, int b, int c, int d)
int64_t acc = 1<<(30-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
acc += ((int64_t)c) * d;
return (int)(acc>>30);
inline int approxDist(int dx, int dy)
dx = klabs(dx);
dy = klabs(dy);
if (dx > dy)
dy = (3*dy)>>3;
dx = (3*dx)>>3;
return dx+dy;
class Rect {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
Rect(int _x0, int _y0, int _x1, int _y1)
x0 = _x0; y0 = _y0; x1 = _x1; y1 = _y1;
bool isValid(void) const
return x0 < x1 && y0 < y1;
char isEmpty(void) const
return !isValid();
bool operator!(void) const
return isEmpty();
Rect & operator&=(Rect &pOther)
x0 = ClipLow(x0, pOther.x0);
y0 = ClipLow(y0, pOther.y0);
x1 = ClipHigh(x1, pOther.x1);
y1 = ClipHigh(y1, pOther.y1);
return *this;
void offset(int dx, int dy)
x0 += dx;
y0 += dy;
x1 += dx;
y1 += dy;
int height()
return y1 - y0;
int width()
return x1 - x0;
bool inside(Rect& other)
return (x0 <= other.x0 && x1 >= other.x1 && y0 <= other.y0 && y1 >= other.y1);
bool inside(int x, int y)
return (x0 <= x && x1 > x && y0 <= y && y1 > y);
class BitReader {
int nBitPos;
int nSize;
char *pBuffer;
BitReader(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize, int _nBitPos) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = _nBitPos; nSize -= nBitPos>>3; }
BitReader(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = 0; }
int readBit()
if (nSize <= 0)
ThrowError("Buffer overflow");
int bit = ((*pBuffer)>>nBitPos)&1;
if (++nBitPos >= 8)
nBitPos = 0;
return bit;
void skipBits(int nBits)
nBitPos += nBits;
pBuffer += nBitPos>>3;
nSize -= nBitPos>>3;
nBitPos &= 7;
if ((nSize == 0 && nBitPos > 0) || nSize < 0)
ThrowError("Buffer overflow");
unsigned int readUnsigned(int nBits)
unsigned int n = 0;
dassert(nBits <= 32);
for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
n += readBit()<<i;
return n;
int readSigned(int nBits)
dassert(nBits <= 32);
int n = (int)readUnsigned(nBits);
n <<= 32-nBits;
n >>= 32-nBits;
return n;
class BitWriter {
int nBitPos;
int nSize;
char *pBuffer;
BitWriter(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize, int _nBitPos) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = _nBitPos; memset(pBuffer, 0, nSize); nSize -= nBitPos>>3; }
BitWriter(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = 0; memset(pBuffer, 0, nSize); }
void writeBit(int bit)
if (nSize <= 0)
ThrowError("Buffer overflow");
*pBuffer |= bit<<nBitPos;
if (++nBitPos >= 8)
nBitPos = 0;
void skipBits(int nBits)
nBitPos += nBits;
pBuffer += nBitPos>>3;
nSize -= nBitPos>>3;
nBitPos &= 7;
if ((nSize == 0 && nBitPos > 0) || nSize < 0)
ThrowError("Buffer overflow");
void write(int nValue, int nBits)
dassert(nBits <= 32);
for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)