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synced 2025-03-04 16:30:58 +00:00
790 lines
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790 lines
21 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT
This file is part of PCExhumed.
PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "compat.h"
#include "freelistarray.h"
#include "exhumedactor.h"
// anims
void InitAnims();
void DestroyAnim(DExhumedActor* nAnim);
DExhumedActor* BuildAnim(DExhumedActor* actor, int val, int val2, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nRepeat, int nFlag);
void FuncAnim(int, int, int, int);
void BuildExplosion(DExhumedActor* actor);
void BuildSplash(DExhumedActor* actor, int nSector);
// anubis
void BuildAnubis(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle, uint8_t bIsDrummer);
void FuncAnubis(int, int a, int b, int c);
// bubbles
void BuildBubbleMachine(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
void DoBubbleMachines();
void DoBubbles(int nPlayer);
void FuncBubble(int, int, int, int);
// bullet
// 32 bytes
struct bulletInfo
short nDamage; // 0
short field_2; // 2
int field_4; // 4
short field_8; // 8
short nSeq; // 10
short field_C; // 12
short nFlags;
short nRadius; // damage radius
short xyRepeat;
extern bulletInfo BulletInfo[];
extern short nRadialBullet;
extern short lasthitsect;
extern int lasthitz;
extern int lasthitx;
extern int lasthity;
extern TArray<DExhumedActor*> EnergyBlocks;
void InitBullets();
int GrabBullet();
void DestroyBullet(short nRun);
int MoveBullet(short nBullet);
void SetBulletEnemy(short nBullet, DExhumedActor* nEnemy);
DExhumedActor* BuildBullet(DExhumedActor* pActor, int nType, int val1, int nAngle, DExhumedActor* pTarget, int val3);
void IgniteSprite(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
void FuncBullet(int, int, int, int);
void BackUpBullet(int *x, int *y, short nAngle);
// fish
void BuildFish(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle);
void FuncFish(int, int, int, int);
void FuncFishLimb(int a, int b, int c);
// grenade
enum { kMaxGrenades = 50 };
void BuildGrenade(int nPlayer);
void DestroyGrenade(short nGrenade);
void ThrowGrenade(short nPlayer, int edx, int ebx, int ecx, int push1);
void FuncGrenade(int, int, int, int);
// gun
enum { kMaxWeapons = 7 };
kWeaponSword = 0,
struct Weapon
short nSeq;
short b[12]; // seq offsets?
short nAmmoType;
short c;
short d; // default or min ammo? or ammo used per 'shot' ?
short bFireUnderwater;
// short pad[15];
extern Weapon WeaponInfo[];
extern short nTemperature[];
void RestoreMinAmmo(short nPlayer);
void FillWeapons(short nPlayer);
void ResetPlayerWeapons(short nPlayer);
void InitWeapons();
void SetNewWeapon(short nPlayer, short nWeapon);
void SetNewWeaponImmediate(short nPlayer, short nWeapon);
void SetNewWeaponIfBetter(short nPlayer, short nWeapon);
void SelectNewWeapon(short nPlayer);
void StopFiringWeapon(short nPlayer);
void FireWeapon(short nPlayer);
void CheckClip(short nPlayer);
void MoveWeapons(short nPlayer);
void DrawWeapons(double smooth);
// items
kItemHeart = 0,
extern short nItemMagic[];
void BuildItemAnim(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
void ItemFlash();
void FillItems(short nPlayer);
void UseItem(short nPlayer, short nItem);
void UseCurItem(short nPlayer);
int GrabItem(short nPlayer, short nItem);
void DropMagic(DExhumedActor* actor);
void InitItems();
void StartRegenerate(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
void DoRegenerates();
// lavadude
void BuildLava(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle, int nChannel);
DExhumedActor* BuildLavaLimb(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int edx, int ebx);
void FuncLavaLimb(int, int, int, int);
void FuncLava(int, int, int, int);
// lighting
extern short nFlashDepth;
void InitLights();
void AddFlash(int nSector, int x, int y, int z, int val);
void SetTorch(int nPlayer, int bTorchOnOff);
void UndoFlashes();
void DoLights();
void AddFlow(int nSprite, int nSpeed, int b, int ang = -1);
void BuildFlash(int nPlayer, int nVal);
void AddGlow(int nSector, int nVal);
void AddFlicker(int nSector, int nVal);
extern short bTorch;
// lion
void BuildLion(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle);
void FuncLion(int, int, int, int);
// move
// 16 bytes
struct BlockInfo
DExhumedActor* pActor;
int x;
int y;
int field_8;
extern BlockInfo sBlockInfo[];
extern Collision hiHit;
extern DExhumedActor* nChunkSprite[];
extern DExhumedActor* nBodySprite[];
signed int lsqrt(int a1);
void MoveThings();
void ResetMoveFifo();
void InitChunks();
void InitPushBlocks();
void Gravity(DExhumedActor* actor);
DExhumedActor* UpdateEnemy(DExhumedActor** ppEnemy);
Collision MoveCreature(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
Collision MoveCreatureWithCaution(DExhumedActor* actor);
void WheresMyMouth(int nPlayer, vec3_t* pos, int *sectnum);
int GetActorHeight(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
DExhumedActor* insertActor(int, int);
DExhumedActor* GrabBody();
DExhumedActor* GrabBodyGunSprite();
void CreatePushBlock(int nSector);
void FuncCreatureChunk(int a, int, int nRun);
DExhumedActor* FindPlayer(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int nDistance, bool dontengage = false);
DExhumedActor* BuildCreatureChunk(DExhumedActor* pSrc, int nPic, bool bSpecial = false);
void BuildNear(int x, int y, int walldist, int nSector);
int PlotCourseToSprite(DExhumedActor* nSprite1, DExhumedActor* nSprite2);
void CheckSectorFloor(int nSector, int z, int *x, int *y);
int GetAngleToSprite(DExhumedActor* nSprite1, DExhumedActor* nSprite2);
int GetWallNormal(int nWall);
int GetUpAngle(DExhumedActor* nSprite1, int nVal, DExhumedActor* nSprite2, int ecx);
void MoveSector(int nSector, int nAngle, int *nXVel, int *nYVel);
Collision AngleChase(DExhumedActor* nSprite, DExhumedActor* nSprite2, int ebx, int ecx, int push1);
void SetQuake(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int nVal);
// mummy
enum { kMaxMummies = 150 };
void BuildMummy(DExhumedActor* val, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle);
void FuncMummy(int nSector, int edx, int nRun);
// object
enum kStatus
kStatDestructibleSprite = 97,
kStatExplodeTrigger = 141,
kStatExplodeTarget = 152,
kStatBubbleMachine = 1022,
extern short nSmokeSparks;
extern short nDronePitch;
extern int lFinaleStart;
extern DExhumedActor* pFinaleSpr;
void InitObjects();
void InitElev();
void InitPoint();
void InitSlide();
void InitWallFace();
void DoDrips();
void DoMovingSects();
void DoFinale();
void PostProcess();
void FuncElev(int, int, int, int);
void FuncWallFace(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSlide(int, int, int, int);
void FuncObject(int, int, int, int);
void FuncTrap(int, int, int, int);
void FuncEnergyBlock(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSpark(int, int, int, int);
void SnapBobs(int nSectorA, int nSectorB);
DExhumedActor* FindWallSprites(int nSector);
void AddMovingSector(int nSector, int edx, int ebx, int ecx);
void ProcessTrailSprite(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int nLotag, int nHitag);
void AddSectorBob(int nSector, int nHitag, int bx);
DExhumedActor* BuildObject(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int nOjectType, int nHitag);
int BuildArrow(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int nVal);
int BuildFireBall(DExhumedActor*, int a, int b);
void BuildDrip(DExhumedActor* nSprite);
DExhumedActor* BuildEnergyBlock(int nSector);
int BuildElevC(int arg1, int nChannel, int nSector, DExhumedActor* nWallSprite, int arg5, int arg6, int nCount, ...);
int BuildElevF(int nChannel, int nSector, DExhumedActor* nWallSprite, int arg_4, int arg_5, int nCount, ...);
int BuildWallFace(short nChannel, int nWall, int nCount, ...);
int BuildSlide(int nChannel, int edx, int ebx, int ecx, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);
// queen
void InitQueens();
void BuildQueen(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle, int nVal);
void FuncQueenEgg(int, int, int, int);
void FuncQueenHead(int, int, int, int);
void FuncQueen(int, int, int, int);
// ra
struct RA
DExhumedActor* pActor;
DExhumedActor* pTarget;
short nAction;
short nFrame;
short nRun;
short field_A;
short field_C;
short nPlayer;
// ra
extern RA Ra[];
void FreeRa(short nPlayer);
void BuildRa(short nPlayer);
void InitRa();
void MoveRaToEnemy(short nPlayer);
void FuncRa(int, int, int, int);
// rat
void InitRats();
void SetRatVel(short nSprite);
void BuildRat(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle);
int FindFood(short nSprite);
void FuncRat(int a, int, int b, int nRun);
// rex
void BuildRex(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle, int nChannel);
void FuncRex(int, int, int, int);
// roach
void BuildRoach(int nType, DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int angle);
void FuncRoach(int a, int, int nDamage, int nRun);
// runlist
kMaxRuns = 25600,
kMaxChannels = 4096
struct RunStruct
int nAIType; // todo later: replace this with an AI pointer
int nObjIndex; // If object is a non-actor / not refactored yet.
DExhumedActor* pObjActor; // If object is an actor
short next;
short prev;
struct RunChannel
short a;
short b;
short c;
short d;
struct RunListEvent
int nMessage;
int nParam; // mostly the player, sometimes the channel list
int nObjIndex;
DExhumedActor* pObjActor;
tspritetype* pTSprite; // for the draw event
DExhumedActor* pOtherActor; // for the damage event, radialSpr for radial damage - owner will not be passed as it can be retrieved from this.
int nDamage, nRun;
int nRadialDamage; // Radial damage needs a bit more info.
int nDamageRadius;
DExhumedActor* pRadialActor;
bool isRadialEvent() const { return nMessage == 1; }
struct ExhumedAI
//virtual ~ExhumedAI() = default;
virtual void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void Process(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void Use(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void TouchFloor(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void LeaveSector(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void EnterSector(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) {}
virtual void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) {}
struct AIAnim : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIAnubis : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIBubble : ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
class AIBullet : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIFish : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
class AIFishLimb : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIGrenade : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AILavaDude : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AILavaDudeLimb : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AILion : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AICreatureChunk : public ExhumedAI
virtual void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIMummy : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIElev : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIWallFace : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISlide : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AITrap : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISpark : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIEnergyBlock : public ExhumedAI
virtual void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
virtual void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIObject : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIPlayer : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIQueenEgg : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIQueenHead : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIQueen : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIRa : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIRat : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIRex : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIRoach : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIScorp : public ExhumedAI
void Effect(RunListEvent* ev, DExhumedActor* nTarget, int mode);
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISet : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISoul : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISnake : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISpider : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AIWasp : public ExhumedAI
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Damage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Draw(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void RadialDamage(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWReady : public ExhumedAI
void Process(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWPause : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Process(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWStepOn : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void TouchFloor(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWNotOnPause : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Tick(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Process(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void TouchFloor(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWPressSector : public ExhumedAI
void ProcessChannel(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Use(RunListEvent* ev) override;
struct AISWPressWall : public ExhumedAI
void Process(RunListEvent* ev) override;
void Use(RunListEvent* ev) override;
typedef void(*AiFunc)(int, int, int, int nRun);
extern FreeListArray<RunStruct, kMaxRuns> RunData;
extern RunChannel sRunChannels[kMaxChannels];
extern short NewRun;
void runlist_InitRun();
int runlist_GrabRun();
int runlist_FreeRun(int nRun);
int runlist_AddRunRec(int index, int object, int aitype);
int runlist_AddRunRec(int index, DExhumedActor* object, int aitype);
int runlist_AddRunRec(int index, RunStruct* other);
int runlist_HeadRun();
void runlist_InitChan();
void runlist_ChangeChannel(int eax, short dx);
void runlist_ReadyChannel(short eax);
void runlist_ProcessSectorTag(int nSector, int nLotag, int nHitag);
int runlist_AllocChannel(int a);
void runlist_DoSubRunRec(int RunPtr);
void runlist_SubRunRec(int RunPtr);
void runlist_ProcessWallTag(int nWall, short nLotag, short nHitag);
int runlist_CheckRadialDamage(DExhumedActor* actor);
void runlist_RadialDamageEnemy(DExhumedActor* nSprite, short nSprite2, short nDamage);
void runlist_DamageEnemy(DExhumedActor* nSprite, DExhumedActor* nSprite2, short nDamage);
void runlist_SignalRun(int NxtPtr, int edx, void(ExhumedAI::* func)(RunListEvent*), RunListEvent* ev = nullptr);
void runlist_CleanRunRecs();
void runlist_ExecObjects();
// scorp
void BuildScorp(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle, int nChannel);
void FuncScorp(int, int, int, int);
// set
void BuildSet(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle, int nChannel);
void FuncSoul(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSet(int, int, int, int);
// snake
enum { kSnakeSprites = 8 }; // or rename to kSnakeParts?
// 32bytes
struct Snake
DExhumedActor* pEnemy; // nRun
DExhumedActor* pSprites[kSnakeSprites];
short nCountdown;
short sC;
short nRun;
uint8_t c[8];
short sE;
short nSnakePlayer;
enum { kMaxSnakes = 50 };
extern FreeListArray<Snake, kMaxSnakes> SnakeList;
void InitSnakes();
short GrabSnake();
void BuildSnake(short nPlayer, short zVal);
void FuncSnake(int, int, int, int);
// spider
DExhumedActor* BuildSpider(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, int nAngle);
void FuncSpider(int a, int, int b, int nRun);
// switch
void InitLink();
void InitSwitch();
void FuncSwReady(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSwPause(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSwStepOn(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSwNotOnPause(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSwPressSector(int, int, int, int);
void FuncSwPressWall(int, int, int, int);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwPause(int nChannel, int nLink, int ebx);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwNotOnPause(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector, int ecx);
int BuildLink(int nCount, ...);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwPressSector(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector, int ecx);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwStepOn(int nChannel, int nLink, int nSector);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwReady(int nChannel, short nLink);
std::pair<int, int> BuildSwPressWall(short nChannel, short nLink, int nWall);
// wasp
DExhumedActor* BuildWasp(DExhumedActor* nSprite, int x, int y, int z, int nSector, short nAngle, bool bEggWasp);
void FuncWasp(int eax, int, int edx, int nRun);
enum { kMessageMask = 0x7F0000 };
inline int GrabTimeSlot(int nVal) { return -1; }
inline int dmgAdjust(int dmg, int fact = 2) { return dmg; }
inline bool easy() { return false; }