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270 lines
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// Base services interface declaration
// for the Build Engine
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
#pragma once
#ifndef baselayer_h_
#define baselayer_h_
#include "compat.h"
#include "osd.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern int app_main(int argc, char const * const * argv);
extern const char* AppProperName;
extern const char* AppTechnicalName;
extern int32_t g_maskDrawMode;
extern char quitevent, appactive;
extern char modechange;
extern int32_t vsync;
extern void app_crashhandler(void);
// NOTE: these are implemented in game-land so they may be overridden in game specific ways
extern int32_t startwin_open(void);
extern int32_t startwin_close(void);
extern int32_t startwin_puts(const char *);
extern int32_t startwin_settitle(const char *);
extern int32_t startwin_idle(void *);
extern int32_t startwin_run(void);
// video
extern int32_t r_usenewaspect, newaspect_enable;
extern int32_t setaspect_new_use_dimen;
extern uint32_t r_screenxy;
extern int32_t xres, yres, bpp, fullscreen, bytesperline;
extern intptr_t frameplace;
extern char offscreenrendering;
extern int32_t nofog;
void calc_ylookup(int32_t bpl, int32_t lastyidx);
int32_t videoCheckMode(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t c, int32_t fs, int32_t forced);
int32_t videoSetMode(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t c, int32_t fs);
void videoGetModes(void);
void videoResetMode(void);
void videoEndDrawing(void);
void videoShowFrame(int32_t);
int32_t videoUpdatePalette(int32_t start, int32_t num);
int32_t videoSetGamma(void);
int32_t videoSetVsync(int32_t newSync);
void videoBeginDrawing(void);
void begindrawing_real(void);
extern uint32_t begindrawing_line[BEGINDRAWING_SIZE];
extern const char *begindrawing_file[BEGINDRAWING_SIZE];
extern int32_t lockcount;
# define videoBeginDrawing() do { \
if (lockcount < BEGINDRAWING_SIZE) { \
begindrawing_line[lockcount] = __LINE__; \
begindrawing_file[lockcount] = __FILE__; \
} \
begindrawing_real(); \
} while(0)
extern float g_videoGamma, g_videoContrast, g_videoBrightness;
#define DEFAULT_GAMMA 1.0f
#define GAMMA_CALC ((int32_t)(min(max((float)((g_videoGamma - 1.0f) * 10.0f), 0.f), 15.f)))
extern int32_t (*baselayer_osdcmd_vidmode_func)(osdfuncparm_t const * const parm);
extern int32_t osdcmd_glinfo(osdfuncparm_t const * const parm);
struct glinfo_t {
const char *vendor;
const char *renderer;
const char *version;
const char *extensions;
float maxanisotropy;
char bgra;
char clamptoedge;
char texcompr;
char texnpot;
char multisample;
char nvmultisamplehint;
char arbfp;
char depthtex;
char shadow;
char fbos;
char rect;
char multitex;
char envcombine;
char vbos;
char vsync;
char sm4;
char occlusionqueries;
char glsl;
char debugoutput;
char bufferstorage;
char sync;
char dumped;
extern struct glinfo_t glinfo;
extern vec2_t const g_defaultVideoModes[];
extern char inputdevices;
// keys
#define NUMKEYS 256
#define KEYFIFOSIZ 64
extern char const g_keyAsciiTable[128];
extern char keystatus[NUMKEYS];
extern char g_keyFIFO[KEYFIFOSIZ];
extern char g_keyAsciiFIFO[KEYFIFOSIZ];
extern uint8_t g_keyAsciiPos;
extern uint8_t g_keyAsciiEnd;
extern uint8_t g_keyFIFOend;
extern char g_keyRemapTable[NUMKEYS];
extern char g_keyNameTable[NUMKEYS][24];
extern int32_t keyGetState(int32_t key);
extern void keySetState(int32_t key, int32_t state);
// mouse
extern vec2_t g_mousePos;
extern vec2_t g_mouseAbs;
extern int32_t g_mouseBits;
extern uint8_t g_mouseClickState;
extern bool g_mouseGrabbed;
extern bool g_mouseEnabled;
extern bool g_mouseInsideWindow;
extern bool g_mouseLockedToWindow;
extern int32_t mouseAdvanceClickState(void);
// joystick
typedef struct
int32_t *pAxis;
int32_t *pHat;
void (*pCallback)(int32_t, int32_t);
int32_t bits;
int32_t numAxes;
int32_t numButtons;
int32_t numHats;
} controllerinput_t;
extern controllerinput_t joystick;
extern int32_t qsetmode;
#define in3dmode() (qsetmode==200)
int32_t initsystem(void);
void uninitsystem(void);
void system_getcvars(void);
extern int32_t g_logFlushWindow;
void initputs(const char *);
#define buildputs initputs
void initprintf(const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,1,2)));
#define buildprintf initprintf
void debugprintf(const char *,...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,1,2)));
int32_t handleevents(void);
int32_t handleevents_peekkeys(void);
extern void (*keypresscallback)(int32_t,int32_t);
extern void (*g_mouseCallback)(int32_t,int32_t);
int32_t initinput(void);
void uninitinput(void);
void keySetCallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
void mouseSetCallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
void joySetCallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
const char *keyGetName(int32_t num);
const char *joyGetName(int32_t what, int32_t num); // what: 0=axis, 1=button, 2=hat
char keyGetChar(void);
#define keyBufferWaiting() (g_keyAsciiPos != g_keyAsciiEnd)
static FORCE_INLINE int keyBufferFull(void)
return ((g_keyAsciiEnd+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)) == g_keyAsciiPos;
static FORCE_INLINE void keyBufferInsert(char code)
g_keyAsciiFIFO[g_keyAsciiEnd] = code;
g_keyAsciiEnd = ((g_keyAsciiEnd+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1));
void keyFlushChars(void);
int32_t mouseInit(void);
void mouseUninit(void);
int32_t mouseReadAbs(vec2_t *const destination, vec2_t const *const source);
void mouseGrabInput(bool grab);
void mouseLockToWindow(char a);
void mouseReadButtons(int32_t *b);
void mouseReadPos(int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
void joyReadButtons(int32_t *b);
void joySetDeadZone(int32_t axis, uint16_t dead, uint16_t satur);
void joyGetDeadZone(int32_t axis, uint16_t *dead, uint16_t *satur);
extern int32_t inputchecked;
int32_t timerInit(int32_t);
void timerUninit(void);
void timerUpdate(void);
int32_t timerGetFreq(void);
uint64_t timerGetTicksU64(void);
uint64_t timerGetFreqU64(void);
double timerGetHiTicks(void);
void (*timerSetCallback(void (*callback)(void)))(void);
#if defined RENDERTYPESDL && !defined LUNATIC
static FORCE_INLINE uint32_t timerGetTicks(void) { return (uint32_t)SDL_GetTicks(); }
uint32_t timerGetTicks(void);
int32_t wm_msgbox(const char *name, const char *fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,2,3)));
int32_t wm_ynbox(const char *name, const char *fmt, ...) ATTRIBUTE((format(printf,2,3)));
void wm_setapptitle(const char *name);
// baselayer.c
int32_t baselayer_init();
void makeasmwriteable(void);
void maybe_redirect_outputs(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "print.h"
#endif // baselayer_h_