Christoph Oelckers 49f87e6227 - got rid of gotpic.
Now everything uses the 'seen' flag in the texture which indicates that the texture was actually used for hardware rendering since the last check.
It's also only the 3 places checking this flag which are responsible for clearing it.
2022-12-11 19:43:58 +01:00

454 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright(C) 2000-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** gl_flat.cpp
** Flat processing
#include "matrix.h"
#include "hw_dynlightdata.h"
#include "hw_cvars.h"
#include "hw_clock.h"
#include "hw_material.h"
#include "hw_drawinfo.h"
#include "flatvertices.h"
#include "hw_lightbuffer.h"
#include "hw_drawstructs.h"
#include "hw_renderstate.h"
#include "sectorgeometry.h"
#include "hw_sections.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
CVAR(Int, gl_breaksec, -1, 0)
#if 0
void HWFlat::SetupLights(HWDrawInfo *di, FLightNode * node, FDynLightData &lightdata, int portalgroup)
Plane p;
if (renderstyle == STYLE_Add && !di->Level->lightadditivesurfaces)
dynlightindex = -1;
return; // no lights on additively blended surfaces.
while (node)
FDynamicLight * light = node->lightsource;
if (!light->IsActive())
node = node->nextLight;
// we must do the side check here because gl_GetLight needs the correct plane orientation
// which we don't have for Legacy-style 3D-floors
double planeh = plane.plane.ZatPoint(light->Pos);
if ((planeh<light->Z() && ceiling) || (planeh>light->Z() && !ceiling))
node = node->nextLight;
p.Set(plane.plane.Normal(), plane.plane.fD());
draw_dlightf += GetLight(lightdata, portalgroup, p, light, false);
node = node->nextLight;
dynlightindex = screen->mLights->UploadLights(lightdata);
void HWFlat::MakeVertices(HWDrawInfo* di)
if (vertcount > 0) return;
bool canvas = texture->isHardwareCanvas();
if (Sprite == nullptr)
TArray<int>* pIndices;
auto mesh = sectionGeometry.get(&sections[section], plane, geoofs, &pIndices);
auto ret = screen->mVertexData->AllocVertices(pIndices->Size());
auto vp = ret.first;
float base = -(plane == 0 ? sec->floorz : sec->ceilingz);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pIndices->Size(); i++)
auto ii = (*pIndices)[i];
auto& pt = mesh->vertices[ii];
auto& uv = mesh->texcoords[ii];
vp->SetVertex(pt.X, base + pt.Z, pt.Y);
vp->SetTexCoord(uv.X, canvas ? 1.f - uv.Y : uv.Y);
vertindex = ret.second;
vertcount = pIndices->Size();
normal = mesh->normal;
DVector2 pos[4];
double ofsz[4];
auto cstat = Sprite->cstat;
if (tspriteGetSlope(Sprite)) cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP; // NBlood doesn't y-flip slope sprites.
GetFlatSpritePosition(Sprite, Sprite->pos.XY(), pos, ofsz, true);
Sprite->cstat = cstat;
auto ret = screen->mVertexData->AllocVertices(6);
auto vp = ret.first;
float x = !(Sprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP) ? 0.f : 1.f;
float y = !(Sprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) ? 0.f : 1.f;
if (Sprite->clipdist & TSPR_SLOPESPRITE)
DVector3 posi = { di->Viewpoint.Pos.X, -di->Viewpoint.Pos.Y, -di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z };
// Make adjustments for poorly aligned slope sprites on floors or ceilings
constexpr float ONPLANE_THRESHOLD = 3.f;
if (spriteGetZOfSlopef(Sprite, posi.XY(), tspriteGetSlope(Sprite)) < posi.Z)
float maxofs = -FLT_MAX, minofs = FLT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float vz = -getceilzofslopeptr(Sprite->sectp, posi);
float sz = z - ofsz[i];
int diff = vz - sz;
if (diff > maxofs) maxofs = diff;
if (diff < minofs) minofs = diff;
if (maxofs > 0 && minofs >= -ONPLANE_THRESHOLD && maxofs <= ONPLANE_THRESHOLD) z -= maxofs;
float maxofs = -FLT_MAX, minofs = FLT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
float vz = -getflorzofslopeptr(Sprite->sectp, posi);
float sz = z - ofsz[i];
int diff = vz - sz;
if (diff > maxofs) maxofs = diff;
if (diff < minofs) minofs = diff;
if (minofs < 0 && maxofs <= -ONPLANE_THRESHOLD && minofs >= ONPLANE_THRESHOLD) z -= minofs;
if (z < di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z) normal = { 0,1,0 };
else normal = { 0, -1, 0 };
unsigned svi = di->SlopeSpriteVertices.Reserve(4);
auto svp = &di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi];
auto& vpt = di->Viewpoint;
depth = (float)((Sprite->pos.X - vpt.Pos.X) * vpt.TanCos + (-Sprite->pos.Y - vpt.Pos.Y) * vpt.TanSin);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; j++)
svp->SetVertex(pos[j].X, z - ofsz[j], -pos[j].Y);
if (!canvas) svp->SetTexCoord(j == 1 || j == 2 ? 1.f - x : x, j == 2 || j == 3 ? 1.f - y : y);
else svp->SetTexCoord(j == 1 || j == 2 ? 1.f - x : x, j == 2 || j == 3 ? y : 1.f - y);
if (Sprite->clipdist & TSPR_SLOPESPRITE)
FVector3 v1 = {
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 1].x - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].x,
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 1].y - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].y,
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 1].z - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].z };
FVector3 v2 = {
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 2].x - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].x,
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 2].y - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].y,
di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + 2].z - di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi].z };
normal = (v1 ^ v2).Unit();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; i++)
const static unsigned indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 };
*vp++ = di->SlopeSpriteVertices[svi + indices[i]];
slopeindex = svi;
slopecount = 4;
vertindex = ret.second;
vertcount = 6;
void HWFlat::DrawFlat(HWDrawInfo *di, FRenderState &state, bool translucent)
if (screen->BuffersArePersistent() && !Sprite)
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (sectindex(sec) == gl_breaksec)
int a = 0;
SetLightAndFog(di, state, fade, palette, shade, visibility, alpha);
if (translucent)
if (RenderStyle.BlendOp != STYLEOP_Add)
if (texture && !checkTranslucentReplacement(texture->GetID(), palette)) state.AlphaFunc(Alpha_GEqual, texture->alphaThreshold);
else state.AlphaFunc(Alpha_GEqual, 0.f);
else if (shade > numshades && (GlobalMapFog || (fade & 0xffffff)))
state.SetObjectColor(fade | 0xff000000);
state.SetMaterial(texture, UF_Texture, 0, Sprite == nullptr? CLAMP_NONE : CLAMP_XY, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, palette), -1);
state.Draw(DT_Triangles, vertindex, vertcount);
vertexcount += vertcount;
if (translucent) state.SetRenderStyle(LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent]);
// HWFlat::PutFlat
// submit to the renderer
void HWFlat::PutFlat(HWDrawInfo *di, int whichplane)
vertcount = 0;
plane = whichplane;
if (!screen->BuffersArePersistent() || Sprite || di->ingeo) // should be made static buffer content later (when the logic is working)
#if 0
if (di->Level->HasDynamicLights && texture != nullptr && !di->isFullbrightScene() && !(hacktype & (SSRF_PLANEHACK | SSRF_FLOODHACK)))
SetupLights(di, section->lighthead, lightdata, sector->PortalGroup);
// Process a sector's flats for rendering
// This function is only called once per sector.
// Subsequent subsectors are just quickly added to the ss_renderflags array
void HWFlat::ProcessSector(HWDrawInfo *di, sectortype * frontsector, int section_, int which)
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (sectindex(sec) == gl_breaksec)
int a = 0;
dynlightindex = -1;
const auto &vp = di->Viewpoint;
float florz, ceilz;
PlanesAtPoint(frontsector, vp.Pos.X, -vp.Pos.Y, &ceilz, &florz);
visibility = sectorVisibility(frontsector);
sec = frontsector;
section = section_;
Sprite = nullptr;
geoofs = di->geoofs;
// do floors
if ((which & SSRF_RENDERFLOOR) && !(frontsector->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) && florz <= vp.Pos.Z)
// process the original floor first.
fade = lookups.getFade(frontsector->floorpal);
shade = frontsector->floorshade;
palette = frontsector->floorpal;
stack = frontsector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR || frontsector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR_REFLECT;
if (stack && (frontsector->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_METHOD))
RenderStyle = GetRenderStyle(0, !!(frontsector->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_TRANS_INVERT));
alpha = GetAlphaFromBlend((frontsector->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_TRANS_INVERT) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1, 0);
RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
alpha = 1.f;
if (alpha != 0.f)
int tilenum = frontsector->floorpicnum;
texture = tileGetTexture(tilenum);
if (texture && texture->isValid())
//iboindex = frontsector->iboindex[sector_t::floor];
PutFlat(di, 0);
// do ceilings
if ((which & SSRF_RENDERCEILING) && !(frontsector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) && ceilz >= vp.Pos.Z)
// process the original ceiling first.
fade = lookups.getFade(frontsector->ceilingpal);
shade = frontsector->ceilingshade;
palette = frontsector->ceilingpal;
stack = frontsector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING || frontsector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING_REFLECT;
if (stack && (frontsector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_METHOD))
RenderStyle = GetRenderStyle(0, !!(frontsector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_TRANS_INVERT));
alpha = GetAlphaFromBlend((frontsector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_TRANS_INVERT) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1, 0);
RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
alpha = 1.f;
if (alpha != 0.f)
//iboindex = frontsector->iboindex[sector_t::ceiling];
int tilenum = frontsector->ceilingpicnum;
texture = tileGetTexture(tilenum);
if (texture && texture->isValid())
//iboindex = frontsector->iboindex[sector_t::floor];
PutFlat(di, 1);
// Process a floor sprite
void HWFlat::ProcessFlatSprite(HWDrawInfo* di, tspritetype* sprite, sectortype* sector)
int tilenum = sprite->picnum;
texture = tileGetTexture(tilenum);
bool belowfloor = false;
if (sprite->pos.Z > sprite->sectp->floorz)
belowfloor = true;
sprite->pos.Z = sprite->sectp->floorz;
z = -sprite->pos.Z;
if (z == di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z) return; // looking right at the edge.
dynlightindex = -1;
visibility = sectorVisibility(sector) *(4.f / 5.f); // The factor comes directly from Polymost. What is it with Build and these magic factors?
// Weird Build logic that really makes no sense.
if ((sprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0)
DVector2 pos = { di->Viewpoint.Pos.X, -di->Viewpoint.Pos.Y };
double myz = !(sprite->clipdist & TSPR_SLOPESPRITE) ? z : -spriteGetZOfSlopef(sprite, pos, tspriteGetSlope(sprite));
if ((di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z < myz) == ((sprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP) == 0))
if (texture && texture->isValid())
this->Sprite = sprite;
sec = sector;
shade = sprite->shade;
palette = sprite->pal;
fade = lookups.getFade(sector->floorpal); // fog is per sector.
SetSpriteTranslucency(sprite, alpha, RenderStyle);
if (belowfloor) alpha *= 0.33f;
PutFlat(di, z > di->Viewpoint.Pos.Z);