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// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
// by the EDuke32 team (development@voidpoint.com)
#include "build.h"
#include "clip.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "coreactor.h"
enum { MAXCLIPDIST = 1024 };
static int clipnum;
static linetype clipit[MAXCLIPNUM];
static int32_t clipsectnum, origclipsectnum, clipspritenum;
int clipsectorlist[MAXCLIPSECTORS];
static int origclipsectorlist[MAXCLIPSECTORS];
static CollisionBase clipobjectval[MAXCLIPNUM];
static uint8_t clipignore[(MAXCLIPNUM+7)>>3];
static int32_t rxi[8], ryi[8];
BitArray clipsectormap;
int32_t quickloadboard=0;
vec2_t hitscangoal = { (1<<29)-1, (1<<29)-1 };
int32_t hitallsprites = 0;
////////// CLIPMOVE //////////
inline char bitmap_test(uint8_t const* const ptr, int const n) { return ptr[n >> 3] & (1 << (n & 7)); }
// x1, y1: in/out
// rest x/y: out
template <typename T>
static inline void get_wallspr_points(T const * const spr, int32_t *x1, int32_t *x2,
int32_t *y1, int32_t *y2)
//These lines get the 2 points of the rotated sprite
//Given: (x1, y1) starts out as the center point
const int32_t tilenum=spr->picnum, ang=spr->ang;
const int32_t xrepeat = spr->xrepeat;
int32_t xoff = tileLeftOffset(tilenum) + spr->xoffset;
int32_t k, l, dax, day;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP)
xoff = -xoff;
dax = bsin(ang) * xrepeat;
day = -bcos(ang) * xrepeat;
l = tileWidth(tilenum);
k = (l>>1)+xoff;
*x1 -= MulScale(dax,k, 16);
*x2 = *x1 + MulScale(dax,l, 16);
*y1 -= MulScale(day,k, 16);
*y2 = *y1 + MulScale(day,l, 16);
// x1, y1: in/out
// rest x/y: out
template <typename T>
static inline void get_floorspr_points(T const * const spr, int32_t px, int32_t py,
int32_t *x1, int32_t *x2, int32_t *x3, int32_t *x4,
int32_t *y1, int32_t *y2, int32_t *y3, int32_t *y4)
const int32_t tilenum = spr->picnum;
const int32_t cosang = bcos(spr->ang);
const int32_t sinang = bsin(spr->ang);
vec2_t const span = { tileWidth(tilenum), tileHeight(tilenum)};
vec2_t const repeat = { spr->xrepeat, spr->yrepeat };
vec2_t adjofs = { tileLeftOffset(tilenum) + spr->xoffset, tileTopOffset(tilenum) + spr->yoffset };
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP)
adjofs.x = -adjofs.x;
if (spr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)
adjofs.y = -adjofs.y;
vec2_t const center = { ((span.x >> 1) + adjofs.x) * repeat.x, ((span.y >> 1) + adjofs.y) * repeat.y };
vec2_t const rspan = { span.x * repeat.x, span.y * repeat.y };
vec2_t const ofs = { -MulScale(cosang, rspan.y, 16), -MulScale(sinang, rspan.y, 16) };
*x1 += DMulScale(sinang, center.x, cosang, center.y, 16) - px;
*y1 += DMulScale(sinang, center.y, -cosang, center.x, 16) - py;
*x2 = *x1 - MulScale(sinang, rspan.x, 16);
*y2 = *y1 + MulScale(cosang, rspan.x, 16);
*x3 = *x2 + ofs.x, *x4 = *x1 + ofs.x;
*y3 = *y2 + ofs.y, *y4 = *y1 + ofs.y;
// clipinsidebox
int clipinsidebox(vec2_t *vect, int wallnum, int walldist)
int const r = walldist << 1;
auto const wal1 = (uwallptr_t)&wall[wallnum];
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)wal1->point2Wall();
vec2_t const v1 = { wal1->x + walldist - vect->x, wal1->y + walldist - vect->y };
vec2_t v2 = { wal2->x + walldist - vect->x, wal2->y + walldist - vect->y };
if (((v1.x < 0) && (v2.x < 0)) || ((v1.y < 0) && (v2.y < 0)) || ((v1.x >= r) && (v2.x >= r)) || ((v1.y >= r) && (v2.y >= r)))
return 0;
v2.x -= v1.x; v2.y -= v1.y;
if (v2.x * (walldist - v1.y) >= v2.y * (walldist - v1.x)) // Front
v2.x *= ((v2.x > 0) ? (0 - v1.y) : (r - v1.y));
v2.y *= ((v2.y > 0) ? (r - v1.x) : (0 - v1.x));
return v2.x < v2.y;
v2.x *= ((v2.x > 0) ? (r - v1.y) : (0 - v1.y));
v2.y *= ((v2.y > 0) ? (0 - v1.x) : (r - v1.x));
return (v2.x >= v2.y) << 1;
// clipinsideboxline
int clipinsideboxline(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int walldist)
int const r = walldist << 1;
x1 += walldist - x;
x2 += walldist - x;
if (((x1 < 0) && (x2 < 0)) || ((x1 >= r) && (x2 >= r)))
return 0;
y1 += walldist - y;
y2 += walldist - y;
if (((y1 < 0) && (y2 < 0)) || ((y1 >= r) && (y2 >= r)))
return 0;
x2 -= x1;
y2 -= y1;
if (x2 * (walldist - y1) >= y2 * (walldist - x1)) // Front
x2 *= ((x2 > 0) ? (0 - y1) : (r - y1));
y2 *= ((y2 > 0) ? (r - x1) : (0 - x1));
return x2 < y2;
x2 *= ((x2 > 0) ? (r - y1) : (0 - y1));
y2 *= ((y2 > 0) ? (0 - x1) : (r - x1));
return (x2 >= y2) << 1;
static int32_t clipmove_warned;
static inline void addclipsect(int const sectnum)
if (clipsectnum < MAXCLIPSECTORS)
clipsectorlist[clipsectnum++] = sectnum;
clipmove_warned |= 1;
static void addclipline(int32_t dax1, int32_t day1, int32_t dax2, int32_t day2, const CollisionBase& daoval, int nofix)
if (clipnum >= MAXCLIPNUM)
clipmove_warned |= 2;
clipit[clipnum].x1 = dax1; clipit[clipnum].y1 = day1;
clipit[clipnum].x2 = dax2; clipit[clipnum].y2 = day2;
clipobjectval[clipnum] = daoval;
uint32_t const mask = (1 << (clipnum&7));
uint8_t &value = clipignore[clipnum>>3];
value = (value & ~mask) | (-nofix & mask);
inline void clipmove_tweak_pos(const vec3_t *pos, int32_t gx, int32_t gy, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2,
int32_t y2, int32_t *daxptr, int32_t *dayptr)
int32_t daz;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829 ||
rintersect(pos->x, pos->y, 0, gx, gy, 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, daxptr, dayptr, &daz) == -1)
*daxptr = pos->x;
*dayptr = pos->y;
// Returns: should clip?
static int cliptestsector(int const dasect, int const nextsect, int32_t const flordist, int32_t const ceildist, vec2_t const pos, int32_t const posz)
assert(validSectorIndex(dasect) && validSectorIndex(nextsect));
auto const sec2 = (usectorptr_t)§or[nextsect];
switch (enginecompatibility_mode)
int32_t daz = getflorzofslopeptr(§or[dasect], pos.x, pos.y);
int32_t daz2 = getflorzofslopeptr(sec2, pos.x, pos.y);
if (daz2 < daz-(1<<8) && (sec2->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0)
if (posz >= daz2-(flordist-1)) return 1;
daz = getceilzofslopeptr(§or[dasect], pos.x, pos.y);
daz2 = getceilzofslopeptr(sec2, pos.x, pos.y);
if (daz2 > daz+(1<<8) && (sec2->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0)
if (posz <= daz2+(ceildist-1)) return 1;
return 0;
int32_t daz2 = sec2->floorz;
int32_t dacz2 = sec2->ceilingz;
if ((sec2->floorstat|sec2->ceilingstat) & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)
getcorrectzsofslope(nextsect, pos.x, pos.y, &dacz2, &daz2);
if (daz2 <= dacz2)
return 1;
auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[dasect];
int32_t daz = sec->floorz;
int32_t dacz = sec->ceilingz;
if ((sec->floorstat|sec->ceilingstat) & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)
getcorrectzsofslope(dasect, pos.x, pos.y, &dacz, &daz);
int32_t const sec2height = abs(daz2-dacz2);
return ((abs(daz-dacz) > sec2height && // clip if the current sector is taller and the next is too small
sec2height < (ceildist+(CLIPCURBHEIGHT<<1))) ||
((sec2->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0 && // parallaxed floor curbs don't clip
posz >= daz2-(flordist-1) && // also account for desired z distance tolerance
daz2 < daz-CLIPCURBHEIGHT) || // curbs less tall than 256 z units don't clip
((sec2->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0 &&
posz <= dacz2+(ceildist-1) &&
dacz2 > dacz+CLIPCURBHEIGHT)); // ceilings check the same conditions ^^^^^
// raytrace (internal)
static inline int32_t cliptrace(vec2_t const pos, vec2_t * const goal)
int32_t hitwall = -1;
for (int z=clipnum-1; z>=0; z--)
vec2_t const p1 = { clipit[z].x1, clipit[z].y1 };
vec2_t const p2 = { clipit[z].x2, clipit[z].y2 };
vec2_t const area = { p2.x-p1.x, p2.y-p1.y };
int32_t topu = area.x*(pos.y-p1.y) - (pos.x-p1.x)*area.y;
if (topu <= 0 || area.x*(goal->y-p1.y) > (goal->x-p1.x)*area.y)
vec2_t const diff = { goal->x-pos.x, goal->y-pos.y };
if (diff.x*(p1.y-pos.y) > (p1.x-pos.x)*diff.y || diff.x*(p2.y-pos.y) <= (p2.x-pos.x)*diff.y)
int32_t const bot = diff.x*area.y - area.x*diff.y;
int cnt = 256;
if (!bot)
vec2_t n;
if (--cnt < 0)
*goal = pos;
return z;
n = { pos.x+Scale(diff.x, topu, bot), pos.y+Scale(diff.y, topu, bot) };
} while (area.x*(n.y-p1.y) <= (n.x-p1.x)*area.y);
if (abs(pos.x-n.x)+abs(pos.y-n.y) < abs(pos.x-goal->x)+abs(pos.y-goal->y))
*goal = n;
hitwall = z;
return hitwall;
// keepaway (internal)
static inline void keepaway(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t w)
const int32_t x1 = clipit[w].x1, dx = clipit[w].x2-x1;
const int32_t y1 = clipit[w].y1, dy = clipit[w].y2-y1;
const int32_t ox = Sgn(-dy), oy = Sgn(dx);
char first = (abs(dx) <= abs(dy));
if (dx*(*y-y1) > (*x-x1)*dy)
if (first == 0)
*x += ox;
*y += oy;
first ^= 1;
while (1);
static int get_floorspr_clipyou(vec2_t const v1, vec2_t const v2, vec2_t const v3, vec2_t const v4)
int clipyou = 0;
if ((v1.y^v2.y) < 0)
if ((v1.x^v2.x) < 0) clipyou ^= (v1.x*v2.y < v2.x*v1.y)^(v1.y<v2.y);
else if (v1.x >= 0) clipyou ^= 1;
if ((v2.y^v3.y) < 0)
if ((v2.x^v3.x) < 0) clipyou ^= (v2.x*v3.y < v3.x*v2.y)^(v2.y<v3.y);
else if (v2.x >= 0) clipyou ^= 1;
if ((v3.y^v4.y) < 0)
if ((v3.x^v4.x) < 0) clipyou ^= (v3.x*v4.y < v4.x*v3.y)^(v3.y<v4.y);
else if (v3.x >= 0) clipyou ^= 1;
if ((v4.y^v1.y) < 0)
if ((v4.x^v1.x) < 0) clipyou ^= (v4.x*v1.y < v1.x*v4.y)^(v4.y<v1.y);
else if (v4.x >= 0) clipyou ^= 1;
return clipyou;
static void clipupdatesector(vec2_t const pos, int * const sectnum, int walldist)
#if 0
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
updatesector(pos.x, pos.y, sectnum);
if (inside_p(pos.x, pos.y, *sectnum))
int16_t nsecs = min<int16_t>(getsectordist(pos, *sectnum), INT16_MAX);
if (nsecs > (walldist + 8))
Printf("%s(): initial position (%d, %d) not within initial sector %d; shortest distance %d.\n", __func__, pos.x, pos.y, *sectnum, nsecs);
walldist = 0x7fff;
BFSSearch search(numsectors, *sectnum);
for (unsigned listsectnum; (listsectnum = search.GetNext()) != BFSSearch::EOL;)
if (inside_p(pos.x, pos.y, listsectnum))
*sectnum = listsectnum;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(listsectnum))
if (wal.nextsector >= 0 && clipsectormap[wal.nextsector])
BFSSearch search(numsectors, *sectnum);
for (unsigned listsectnum; (listsectnum = search.GetNext()) != BFSSearch::EOL;)
if (inside_p(pos.x, pos.y, listsectnum))
*sectnum = listsectnum;
for (auto& wal : wallsofsector(listsectnum))
if (wal.nextsector >= 0 && getwalldist(pos, wallnum(&wal)) <= (walldist + 8))
*sectnum = -1;
// clipmove
CollisionBase clipmove_(vec3_t * const pos, int * const sectnum, int32_t xvect, int32_t yvect,
int32_t const walldist, int32_t const ceildist, int32_t const flordist, uint32_t const cliptype, int clipmoveboxtracenum)
CollisionBase b{};
if ((xvect|yvect) == 0 || *sectnum < 0)
return b;
DCoreActor* curspr=NULL; // non-NULL when handling sprite with sector-like clipping
int const initialsectnum = *sectnum;
int32_t const dawalclipmask = (cliptype & 65535); // CLIPMASK0 = 0x00010001 (in desperate need of getting fixed!)
int32_t const dasprclipmask = (cliptype >> 16); // CLIPMASK1 = 0x01000040
vec2_t const move = { xvect, yvect };
vec2_t goal = { pos->x + (xvect >> 14), pos->y + (yvect >> 14) };
vec2_t const cent = { (pos->x + goal.x) >> 1, (pos->y + goal.y) >> 1 };
//Extra walldist for sprites on sector lines
vec2_t const diff = { goal.x - (pos->x), goal.y - (pos->y) };
int32_t const rad = ksqrt(compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32(uhypsq(diff.x, diff.y))) + MAXCLIPDIST + walldist + 8;
vec2_t const clipMin = { cent.x - rad, cent.y - rad };
vec2_t const clipMax = { cent.x + rad, cent.y + rad };
int clipsectcnt = 0;
int clipspritecnt = 0;
clipsectorlist[0] = *sectnum;
clipsectnum = 1;
clipnum = 0;
clipspritenum = 0;
clipmove_warned = 0;
int const dasect = clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt++];
//if (curspr)
// Printf("sprite %d/%d: sect %d/%d (%d)\n", clipspritecnt,clipspritenum, clipsectcnt,clipsectnum,dasect);
////////// Walls //////////
auto const sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[dasect];
int const startwall = sec->wallptr;
int const endwall = startwall + sec->wallnum;
auto wal = (uwallptr_t)&wall[startwall];
for (int j=startwall; j<endwall; j++, wal++)
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)wal->point2Wall();
if ((wal->x < clipMin.x && wal2->x < clipMin.x) || (wal->x > clipMax.x && wal2->x > clipMax.x) ||
(wal->y < clipMin.y && wal2->y < clipMin.y) || (wal->y > clipMax.y && wal2->y > clipMax.y))
vec2_t p1 = wal->pos;
vec2_t p2 = wal2->pos;
vec2_t d = { p2.x-p1.x, p2.y-p1.y };
if (d.x * (pos->y-p1.y) < (pos->x-p1.x) * d.y)
continue; //If wall's not facing you
vec2_t const r = { (d.y > 0) ? clipMax.x : clipMin.x, (d.x > 0) ? clipMin.y : clipMax.y };
vec2_t v = { d.x * (r.y - p1.y), d.y * (r.x - p1.x) };
if (v.x >= v.y)
int clipyou = 0;
if (wal->nextsector < 0 || (wal->cstat & EWallFlags::FromInt(dawalclipmask)))
clipyou = 1;
clipmove_tweak_pos(pos, diff.x, diff.y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, &v.x, &v.y);
clipyou = cliptestsector(dasect, wal->nextsector, flordist, ceildist, v, pos->z);
// We're not interested in any sector reached by portal traversal that we're "inside" of.
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE && !curspr && dasect != initialsectnum
&& inside(pos->x, pos->y, sec) == 1)
int k;
for (k=startwall; k<endwall; k++)
if (wall[k].nextsector == initialsectnum)
if (k == endwall)
if (clipyou)
CollisionBase objtype;
if (curspr) objtype.setSprite(curspr);
else objtype.setWall(j);
//Add 2 boxes at endpoints
int32_t bsz = walldist; if (diff.x < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(p1.x-bsz, p1.y-bsz, p1.x-bsz, p1.y+bsz, objtype, false);
addclipline(p2.x-bsz, p2.y-bsz, p2.x-bsz, p2.y+bsz, objtype, false);
bsz = walldist; if (diff.y < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(p1.x+bsz, p1.y-bsz, p1.x-bsz, p1.y-bsz, objtype, false);
addclipline(p2.x+bsz, p2.y-bsz, p2.x-bsz, p2.y-bsz, objtype, false);
v.x = walldist; if (d.y > 0) v.x = -v.x;
v.y = walldist; if (d.x < 0) v.y = -v.y;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE && d.x * (pos->y-p1.y-v.y) < (pos->x-p1.x-v.x) * d.y)
v.x >>= 1, v.y >>= 1;
addclipline(p1.x+v.x, p1.y+v.y, p2.x+v.x, p2.y+v.y, objtype, false);
else if (wal->nextsector>=0)
if (!clipsectormap[wal->nextsector])
if (clipmove_warned & 1)
Printf("clipsectnum >= MAXCLIPSECTORS!\n");
if (clipmove_warned & 2)
Printf("clipnum >= MAXCLIPNUM!\n");
////////// Sprites //////////
if (dasprclipmask==0)
TSectIterator<DCoreActor> it(dasect);
while (auto actor = it.Next())
auto const spr = &actor->s();
const int32_t cstat = spr->cstat;
if ((cstat&dasprclipmask) == 0)
auto p1 = spr->pos.vec2;
CollisionBase obj;
if (p1.x >= clipMin.x && p1.x <= clipMax.x && p1.y >= clipMin.y && p1.y <= clipMax.y)
int32_t height, daz = spr->z+spriteheightofsptr(spr, &height, 1);
if (pos->z > daz-height-flordist && pos->z < daz+ceildist)
int32_t bsz = (spr->clipdist << 2)+walldist;
if (diff.x < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(p1.x-bsz, p1.y-bsz, p1.x-bsz, p1.y+bsz, obj, false);
bsz = (spr->clipdist << 2)+walldist;
if (diff.y < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(p1.x+bsz, p1.y-bsz, p1.x-bsz, p1.y-bsz, obj, false);
int32_t height, daz = spr->z+spriteheightofsptr(spr, &height, 1);
if (pos->z > daz-height-flordist && pos->z < daz+ceildist)
vec2_t p2;
get_wallspr_points(spr, &p1.x, &p2.x, &p1.y, &p2.y);
if (clipinsideboxline(cent.x, cent.y, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, rad) != 0)
vec2_t v = { MulScale(bcos(spr->ang + 256), walldist, 14),
MulScale(bsin(spr->ang + 256), walldist, 14) };
if ((p1.x-pos->x) * (p2.y-pos->y) >= (p2.x-pos->x) * (p1.y-pos->y)) // Front
addclipline(p1.x+v.x, p1.y+v.y, p2.x+v.y, p2.y-v.x, obj, false);
if ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0)
addclipline(p2.x-v.x, p2.y-v.y, p1.x-v.y, p1.y+v.x, obj, false);
//Side blocker
if ((p2.x-p1.x) * (pos->x-p1.x)+(p2.y-p1.y) * (pos->y-p1.y) < 0)
addclipline(p1.x-v.y, p1.y+v.x, p1.x+v.x, p1.y+v.y, obj, true);
else if ((p1.x-p2.x) * (pos->x-p2.x)+(p1.y-p2.y) * (pos->y-p2.y) < 0)
addclipline(p2.x+v.y, p2.y-v.x, p2.x-v.x, p2.y-v.y, obj, true);
if (pos->z > spr->z-flordist && pos->z < spr->z+ceildist)
if ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0)
if ((pos->z > spr->z) == ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)==0))
rxi[0] = p1.x;
ryi[0] = p1.y;
get_floorspr_points((uspriteptr_t) spr, 0, 0, &rxi[0], &rxi[1], &rxi[2], &rxi[3],
&ryi[0], &ryi[1], &ryi[2], &ryi[3]);
vec2_t v = { MulScale(bcos(spr->ang - 256), walldist, 14),
MulScale(bsin(spr->ang - 256), walldist, 14) };
if ((rxi[0]-pos->x) * (ryi[1]-pos->y) < (rxi[1]-pos->x) * (ryi[0]-pos->y))
if (clipinsideboxline(cent.x, cent.y, rxi[1], ryi[1], rxi[0], ryi[0], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[1]-v.y, ryi[1]+v.x, rxi[0]+v.x, ryi[0]+v.y, obj, false);
else if ((rxi[2]-pos->x) * (ryi[3]-pos->y) < (rxi[3]-pos->x) * (ryi[2]-pos->y))
if (clipinsideboxline(cent.x, cent.y, rxi[3], ryi[3], rxi[2], ryi[2], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[3]+v.y, ryi[3]-v.x, rxi[2]-v.x, ryi[2]-v.y, obj, false);
if ((rxi[1]-pos->x) * (ryi[2]-pos->y) < (rxi[2]-pos->x) * (ryi[1]-pos->y))
if (clipinsideboxline(cent.x, cent.y, rxi[2], ryi[2], rxi[1], ryi[1], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[2]-v.x, ryi[2]-v.y, rxi[1]-v.y, ryi[1]+v.x, obj, false);
else if ((rxi[3]-pos->x) * (ryi[0]-pos->y) < (rxi[0]-pos->x) * (ryi[3]-pos->y))
if (clipinsideboxline(cent.x, cent.y, rxi[0], ryi[0], rxi[3], ryi[3], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[0]+v.x, ryi[0]+v.y, rxi[3]+v.y, ryi[3]-v.x, obj, false);
} while (clipsectcnt < clipsectnum || clipspritecnt < clipspritenum);
int32_t hitwalls[4], hitwall;
CollisionBase clipReturn{};
int cnt = clipmoveboxtracenum;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE && (xvect|yvect))
for (int i=clipnum-1;i>=0;--i)
if (!bitmap_test(clipignore, i) && clipinsideboxline(pos->x, pos->y, clipit[i].x1, clipit[i].y1, clipit[i].x2, clipit[i].y2, walldist))
vec2_t const vec = pos->vec2;
keepaway(&pos->x, &pos->y, i);
if (inside_p(pos->x,pos->y, *sectnum) != 1)
pos->vec2 = vec;
vec2_t vec = goal;
if ((hitwall = cliptrace(pos->vec2, &vec)) >= 0)
vec2_t const clipr = { clipit[hitwall].x2 - clipit[hitwall].x1, clipit[hitwall].y2 - clipit[hitwall].y1 };
// clamp to the max value we can utilize without reworking the scaling below
// this works around the overflow issue that affects dukedc2.map
int32_t const templl = (int32_t)clamp<int64_t>(compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((int64_t)clipr.x * clipr.x + (int64_t)clipr.y * clipr.y), INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX);
if (templl > 0)
// I don't know if this one actually overflows or not, but I highly doubt it hurts to check
int32_t const templl2
= (int32_t)clamp<int64_t>(compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((int64_t)(goal.x - vec.x) * clipr.x + (int64_t)(goal.y - vec.y) * clipr.y), INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX);
int32_t const i = (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829 || (abs(templl2)>>11) < templl) ?
(int)DivScaleL(templl2, templl, 20) : 0;
goal = { MulScale(clipr.x, i, 20)+vec.x, MulScale(clipr.y, i, 20)+vec.y };
int32_t tempint;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829)
tempint = clipr.x*(move.x>>6)+clipr.y*(move.y>>6);
tempint = DMulScale(clipr.x, move.x, clipr.y, move.y, 6);
for (int i=cnt+1, j; i<=clipmoveboxtracenum; ++i)
j = hitwalls[i];
int32_t tempint2;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829)
tempint2 = (clipit[j].x2-clipit[j].x1)*(move.x>>6)+(clipit[j].y2-clipit[j].y1)*(move.y>>6);
tempint2 = DMulScale(clipit[j].x2-clipit[j].x1, move.x, clipit[j].y2-clipit[j].y1, move.y, 6);
if ((tempint ^ tempint2) < 0)
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19961112)
updatesector(pos->x, pos->y, sectnum);
return clipReturn;
keepaway(&goal.x, &goal.y, hitwall);
xvect = (goal.x-vec.x)<<14;
yvect = (goal.y-vec.y)<<14;
if (cnt == clipmoveboxtracenum)
clipReturn = clipobjectval[hitwall];
hitwalls[cnt] = hitwall;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
clipupdatesector(vec, sectnum, rad);
pos->x = vec.x;
pos->y = vec.y;
} while ((xvect|yvect) != 0 && hitwall >= 0 && cnt > 0);
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
for (int j=0; j<clipsectnum; j++)
if (inside_p(pos->x, pos->y, clipsectorlist[j]) == 1)
*sectnum = clipsectorlist[j];
return clipReturn;
int32_t tempint2, tempint1 = INT32_MAX;
*sectnum = -1;
for (int j = numsectors - 1; j >= 0; j--)
auto sect = §or[j];
if (inside(pos->x, pos->y, sect) == 1)
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829 && (sect->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE))
tempint2 = getceilzofslopeptr(sect, pos->x, pos->y) - pos->z;
tempint2 = sect->ceilingz - pos->z;
if (tempint2 > 0)
if (tempint2 < tempint1)
*sectnum = (int16_t)j;
tempint1 = tempint2;
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829 && (sect->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE))
tempint2 = pos->z - getflorzofslopeptr(sect, pos->x, pos->y);
tempint2 = pos->z - sect->floorz;
if (tempint2 <= 0)
*sectnum = (int16_t)j;
return clipReturn;
if (tempint2 < tempint1)
*sectnum = (int16_t)j;
tempint1 = tempint2;
return clipReturn;
// pushmove
int pushmove_(vec3_t *const vect, int *const sectnum,
int32_t const walldist, int32_t const ceildist, int32_t const flordist, uint32_t const cliptype, bool clear /*= true*/)
int bad;
const int32_t dawalclipmask = (cliptype&65535);
// const int32_t dasprclipmask = (cliptype >> 16);
if (*sectnum < 0)
return -1;
int32_t k = 32;
int dir = 1;
int32_t clipsectcnt = 0;
bad = 0;
if (clear)
if (enginecompatibility_mode != ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE && *sectnum < 0)
return 0;
clipsectorlist[0] = *sectnum;
clipsectnum = 1;
uwallptr_t wal;
int32_t startwall, endwall;
auto sec = (usectorptr_t)§or[clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt]];
if (dir > 0)
startwall = sec->wallptr, endwall = startwall + sec->wallnum;
endwall = sec->wallptr - 1, startwall = endwall + sec->wallnum - 1;
int i;
for (i=startwall, wal=(uwallptr_t)&wall[startwall]; i!=endwall; i+=dir, wal+=dir)
if (clipinsidebox(&vect->vec2, i, walldist-4) == 1)
int j = 0;
if (wal->nextsector < 0 || wal->cstat & EWallFlags::FromInt(dawalclipmask)) j = 1;
int32_t daz2;
vec2_t closest;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_19950829)
closest = vect->vec2;
//Find closest point on wall (dax, day) to (vect->x, vect->y)
int32_t dax = wal->point2Wall()->x-wal->x;
int32_t day = wal->point2Wall()->y-wal->y;
int32_t daz = dax*((vect->x)-wal->x) + day*((vect->y)-wal->y);
int32_t t;
if (daz <= 0)
t = 0;
daz2 = dax*dax+day*day;
if (daz >= daz2) t = (1<<30); else t = DivScale(daz, daz2, 30);
dax = wal->x + MulScale(dax, t, 30);
day = wal->y + MulScale(day, t, 30);
closest = { dax, day };
j = cliptestsector(clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt], wal->nextsector, flordist, ceildist, closest, vect->z);
if (j != 0)
j = getangle(wal->point2Wall()->x-wal->x, wal->point2Wall()->y-wal->y);
int32_t dx = -bsin(j, -11);
int32_t dy = bcos(j, -11);
int bad2 = 16;
vect->x = (vect->x) + dx; vect->y = (vect->y) + dy;
bad2--; if (bad2 == 0) break;
} while (clipinsidebox(&vect->vec2, i, walldist-4) != 0);
bad = -1;
k--; if (k <= 0) return bad;
clipupdatesector(vect->vec2, sectnum, walldist);
if (*sectnum < 0) return -1;
else if (!clipsectormap[wal->nextsector])
} while (clipsectcnt < clipsectnum);
dir = -dir;
} while (bad != 0);
return bad;
// getzrange
void getzrange(const vec3_t& pos, sectortype* sect, int32_t* ceilz, CollisionBase& ceilhit, int32_t* florz, CollisionBase& florhit, int32_t walldist, uint32_t cliptype)
if (sect == nullptr)
*ceilz = INT32_MIN; ceilhit.setVoid();
*florz = INT32_MAX; florhit.setVoid();
int32_t clipsectcnt = 0;
int32_t clipspritecnt = 0;
//Extra walldist for sprites on sector lines
const int32_t extradist = walldist+MAXCLIPDIST+1;
const int32_t xmin = pos.x-extradist, ymin = pos.y-extradist;
const int32_t xmax = pos.x+extradist, ymax = pos.y+extradist;
const int32_t dawalclipmask = (cliptype&65535);
const int32_t dasprclipmask = (cliptype >> 16);
vec2_t closest = pos.vec2;
int sectnum = ::sectnum(sect);
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
getsectordist(closest, sectnum, &closest);
clipsectorlist[0] = sectnum;
clipsectnum = 1;
clipspritenum = 0;
do //Collect sectors inside your square first
////////// Walls //////////
auto const startsec = (usectorptr_t)§or[clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt]];
for(auto&wal : wallsofsector(startsec))
if (wal.twoSided())
auto nextsect = wal.nextSector();
vec2_t const v1 = wal.pos;
vec2_t const v2 = wal.point2Wall()->pos;
if ((v1.x < xmin && (v2.x < xmin)) || (v1.x > xmax && v2.x > xmax) ||
(v1.y < ymin && (v2.y < ymin)) || (v1.y > ymax && v2.y > ymax))
vec2_t const d = { v2.x-v1.x, v2.y-v1.y };
if (d.x*(pos.y-v1.y) < (pos.x-v1.x)*d.y) continue; //back
vec2_t da = { (d.x > 0) ? d.x*(ymin-v1.y) : d.x*(ymax-v1.y),
(d.y > 0) ? d.y*(xmax-v1.x) : d.y*(xmin-v1.x) };
if (da.x >= da.y)
if (wal.cstat & EWallFlags::FromInt(dawalclipmask)) continue; // XXX?
if (((nextsect->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0) && (pos.z <= nextsect->ceilingz+(3<<8))) continue;
if (((nextsect->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) == 0) && (pos.z >= nextsect->floorz-(3<<8))) continue;
int nextsectno = ::sectnum(nextsect);
if (!clipsectormap[nextsectno])
if (((v1.x < xmin + MAXCLIPDIST) && (v2.x < xmin + MAXCLIPDIST)) ||
((v1.x > xmax - MAXCLIPDIST) && (v2.x > xmax - MAXCLIPDIST)) ||
((v1.y < ymin + MAXCLIPDIST) && (v2.y < ymin + MAXCLIPDIST)) ||
((v1.y > ymax - MAXCLIPDIST) && (v2.y > ymax - MAXCLIPDIST)))
if (d.x > 0) da.x += d.x*MAXCLIPDIST; else da.x -= d.x*MAXCLIPDIST;
if (d.y > 0) da.y -= d.y*MAXCLIPDIST; else da.y += d.y*MAXCLIPDIST;
if (da.x >= da.y)
//It actually got here, through all the continue's!!!
int32_t daz = 0, daz2 = 0;
closest = pos.vec2;
if (enginecompatibility_mode == ENGINECOMPATIBILITY_NONE)
getsectordist(closest, nextsectno, &closest);
getzsofslopeptr(nextsect, closest.x,closest.y, &daz,&daz2);
if (daz > *ceilz)
*ceilz = daz, ceilhit.setSector(nextsect);
if (daz2 < *florz)
*florz = daz2, florhit.setSector(nextsect);
while (clipsectcnt < clipsectnum || clipspritecnt < clipspritenum);
////////// Sprites //////////
if (dasprclipmask)
for (int i=0; i<clipsectnum; i++)
if (!validSectorIndex(clipsectorlist[i])) continue; // we got a deleted sprite in here somewhere. Skip this entry.
TSectIterator<DCoreActor> it(clipsectorlist[i]);
while (auto actor = it.Next())
auto spr = &actor->s();
const int32_t cstat = spr->cstat;
int32_t daz = 0, daz2 = 0;
if (spr->cstat2 & CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOFIND) continue;
if (cstat&dasprclipmask)
int32_t clipyou = 0;
vec2_t v1 = spr->pos.vec2;
int32_t k = walldist+(spr->clipdist<<2)+1;
if ((abs(v1.x-pos.x) <= k) && (abs(v1.y-pos.y) <= k))
daz = spr->z + spriteheightofsptr(spr, &k, 1);
daz2 = daz - k;
clipyou = 1;
vec2_t v2;
get_wallspr_points(spr, &v1.x, &v2.x, &v1.y, &v2.y);
if (clipinsideboxline(pos.x,pos.y,v1.x,v1.y,v2.x,v2.y,walldist+1) != 0)
int32_t k;
daz = spr->z + spriteheightofsptr(spr, &k, 1);
daz2 = daz-k;
clipyou = 1;
daz = spr->z; daz2 = daz;
if ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0 && (pos.z > daz) == ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)==0))
vec2_t v2, v3, v4;
get_floorspr_points((uspriteptr_t) spr, pos.x, pos.y, &v1.x, &v2.x, &v3.x, &v4.x,
&v1.y, &v2.y, &v3.y, &v4.y);
vec2_t const da = { MulScale(bcos(spr->ang - 256), walldist + 4, 14),
MulScale(bsin(spr->ang - 256), walldist + 4, 14) };
v1.x += da.x; v2.x -= da.y; v3.x -= da.x; v4.x += da.y;
v1.y += da.y; v2.y += da.x; v3.y -= da.y; v4.y -= da.x;
clipyou = get_floorspr_clipyou(v1, v2, v3, v4);
if (clipyou != 0)
if ((pos.z > daz) && (daz > *ceilz))
*ceilz = daz;
if ((pos.z < daz2) && (daz2 < *florz))
*florz = daz2;
// intp: point of currently best (closest) intersection
int32_t try_facespr_intersect(uspriteptr_t const spr, vec3_t const in,
int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
vec3_t * const intp, int32_t strictly_smaller_than_p)
vec3_t const sprpos = spr->pos;
int32_t const topt = vx * (sprpos.x - in.x) + vy * (sprpos.y - in.y);
if (topt <= 0) return 0;
int32_t const bot = vx * vx + vy * vy;
if (!bot) return 0;
vec3_t newpos = { 0, 0, in.z + Scale(vz, topt, bot) };
int32_t siz;
int32_t const z1 = sprpos.z + spriteheightofsptr(spr, &siz, 1);
if (newpos.z < z1 - siz || newpos.z > z1)
return 0;
int32_t const topu = vx * (sprpos.y - in.y) - vy * (sprpos.x - in.x);
vec2_t const off = { Scale(vx, topu, bot), Scale(vy, topu, bot) };
int32_t const dist = off.x * off.x + off.y * off.y;
siz = tileWidth(spr->picnum) * spr->xrepeat;
if (dist > MulScale(siz, siz, 7)) return 0;
newpos.vec2 = { in.x + Scale(vx, topt, bot), in.y + Scale(vy, topt, bot) };
if (abs(newpos.x - in.x) + abs(newpos.y - in.y) + strictly_smaller_than_p >
abs(intp->x - in.x) + abs(intp->y - in.y))
return 0;
*intp = newpos;
return 1;
static inline void hit_set(HitInfoBase *hit, sectortype* sect, walltype* wal, DCoreActor* actor, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z)
hit->hitSector = sect;
hit->hitWall = wal;
hit->hitActor = actor;
hit->hitpos.x = x;
hit->hitpos.y = y;
hit->hitpos.z = z;
static int32_t hitscan_hitsectcf=-1;
// stat, heinum, z: either ceiling- or floor-
// how: -1: behave like ceiling, 1: behave like floor
static int32_t hitscan_trysector(const vec3_t *sv, sectortype* sec, HitInfoBase *hit,
int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
uint16_t stat, int16_t heinum, int32_t z, int32_t how)
int32_t x1 = INT32_MAX, y1 = 0, z1 = 0;
int32_t i;
if (stat&2)
auto const wal = (uwallptr_t)sec->firstWall();
auto const wal2 = (uwallptr_t)wal->point2Wall();
int32_t j, dax=wal2->x-wal->x, day=wal2->y-wal->y;
i = ksqrt(compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32(uhypsq(dax,day))); if (i == 0) return 1; //continue;
i = DivScale(heinum,i, 15);
dax *= i; day *= i;
j = (vz<<8)-DMulScale(dax,vy,-day,vx, 15);
if (j != 0)
i = ((z - sv->z)<<8)+DMulScale(dax,sv->y-wal->y,-day,sv->x-wal->x, 15);
if (((i^j) >= 0) && ((abs(i)>>1) < abs(j)))
i = DivScale(i,j, 30);
x1 = sv->x + MulScale(vx,i, 30);
y1 = sv->y + MulScale(vy,i, 30);
z1 = sv->z + MulScale(vz,i, 30);
else if ((how*vz > 0) && (how*sv->z <= how*z))
z1 = z; i = z1-sv->z;
if ((abs(i)>>1) < vz*how)
i = DivScale(i,vz, 30);
x1 = sv->x + MulScale(vx,i, 30);
y1 = sv->y + MulScale(vy,i, 30);
if ((x1 != INT32_MAX) && (abs(x1-sv->x)+abs(y1-sv->y) < abs((hit->hitpos.x)-sv->x)+abs((hit->hitpos.y)-sv->y)))
if (inside(x1,y1,sec) == 1)
hit_set(hit, sec, nullptr, nullptr, x1, y1, z1);
hitscan_hitsectcf = (how+1)>>1;
return 0;
// hitscan
int hitscan(const vec3_t& start, const sectortype* startsect, const vec3_t& direction, HitInfoBase& hitinfo, unsigned cliptype)
auto const sv = &start;
int const vx = direction.x, vy = direction.y, vz = direction.z;
int32_t x1, y1=0, z1=0, x2, y2, intx, inty, intz;
int32_t i, k, daz;
uspriteptr_t curspr = NULL;
// tmp: { (int32_t)curidx, (spritetype *)curspr, (!=0 if outer sector) }
const int32_t dawalclipmask = (cliptype&65535);
const int32_t dasprclipmask = (cliptype >> 16);
hitinfo.clearObj(); // note that this case leaves hitpos untouched.
if (startsect == nullptr)
return -1;
hitinfo.hitpos.vec2 = hitscangoal;
BFSSectorSearch search(startsect);
while (auto sec = search.GetNext())
i = 1;
if (hitscan_trysector(sv, sec, &hitinfo, vx,vy,vz, sec->ceilingstat, sec->ceilingheinum, sec->ceilingz, -i))
if (hitscan_trysector(sv, sec, &hitinfo, vx,vy,vz, sec->floorstat, sec->floorheinum, sec->floorz, i))
////////// Walls //////////
for(auto& w : wallsofsector(sec))
auto wal = &w;
auto wal2 = wal->point2Wall();
auto const nextsect = wal->nextSector();
if (curspr && !wal->twoSided()) continue;
x1 = wal->x; y1 = wal->y; x2 = wal2->x; y2 = wal2->y;
if (compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((coord_t)(x1-sv->x)*(y2-sv->y))
< compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((coord_t)(x2-sv->x)*(y1-sv->y))) continue;
if (rintersect(sv->x,sv->y,sv->z, vx,vy,vz, x1,y1, x2,y2, &intx,&inty,&intz) == -1) continue;
if (abs(intx-sv->x)+abs(inty-sv->y) >= abs((hitinfo.hitpos.x)-sv->x)+abs((hitinfo.hitpos.y)-sv->y))
if (!curspr)
if ((!wal->twoSided()) || (wal->cstat & EWallFlags::FromInt(dawalclipmask)))
hit_set(&hitinfo, sec, wal, nullptr, intx, inty, intz);
int32_t daz2;
if (intz <= daz || intz >= daz2)
hit_set(&hitinfo, sec, wal, nullptr, intx, inty, intz);
////////// Sprites //////////
if (dasprclipmask==0)
TSectIterator<DCoreActor> it(sec);
while (auto actor = it.Next())
auto const spr = &actor->s();
uint32_t const cstat = spr->cstat;
if (spr->cstat2 & CSTAT2_SPRITE_NOFIND)
if (!hitallsprites)
if ((cstat&dasprclipmask) == 0)
x1 = spr->x; y1 = spr->y; z1 = spr->z;
case 0:
if (try_facespr_intersect(spr, *sv, vx, vy, vz, &hitinfo.hitpos, 0))
hitinfo.hitSector = sec;
hitinfo.hitWall = nullptr;
hitinfo.hitActor = actor;
int32_t ucoefup16;
int32_t tilenum = spr->picnum;
get_wallspr_points(spr, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2);
if ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0) //back side of 1-way sprite
if (compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((coord_t)(x1-sv->x)*(y2-sv->y))
< compat_maybe_truncate_to_int32((coord_t)(x2-sv->x)*(y1-sv->y))) continue;
ucoefup16 = rintersect(sv->x,sv->y,sv->z,vx,vy,vz,x1,y1,x2,y2,&intx,&inty,&intz);
if (ucoefup16 == -1) continue;
if (abs(intx-sv->x)+abs(inty-sv->y) > abs((hitinfo.hitpos.x)-sv->x)+abs((hitinfo.hitpos.y)-sv->y))
daz = spr->z + spriteheightofsptr(&actor->s(), &k, 1);
if (intz > daz-k && intz < daz)
if (picanm[tilenum].sf&PICANM_TEXHITSCAN_BIT)
tileUpdatePicnum(&tilenum, 0, 0);
if (tileLoad(tilenum))
// daz-intz > 0 && daz-intz < k
int32_t xtex = MulScale(ucoefup16, tileWidth(tilenum), 16);
int32_t vcoefup16 = 65536-DivScale(daz-intz, k, 16);
int32_t ytex = MulScale(vcoefup16, tileHeight(tilenum), 16);
auto texel = (tilePtr(tilenum) + tileHeight(tilenum)*xtex + ytex);
if (*texel == TRANSPARENT_INDEX)
hit_set(&hitinfo, sec, nullptr, actor, intx, inty, intz);
int32_t x3, y3, x4, y4;
intz = z1;
if (vz == 0 || ((intz-sv->z)^vz) < 0) continue;
if ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ONE_SIDE) != 0)
if ((sv->z > intz) == ((cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_YFLIP)==0)) continue;
// avoid overflow errors by using 64 bit math.
intx = int(sv->x + (int64_t(intz) - sv->z) * vx / vz);
inty = int(sv->y + (int64_t(intz) - sv->z) * vy / vz);
if (abs(intx-sv->x)+abs(inty-sv->y) > abs((hitinfo.hitpos.x)-sv->x)+abs((hitinfo.hitpos.y)-sv->y))
get_floorspr_points((uspriteptr_t)spr, intx, inty, &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4,
&y1, &y2, &y3, &y4);
if (get_floorspr_clipyou({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, {x3, y3}, {x4, y4}))
hit_set(&hitinfo, sec, nullptr, actor, intx, inty, intz);
return 0;