NoOneBlood e79a693313 Refactor of NOONE_EXTESNIONS:
All functions and definitions was moved to nnexts.h and nnexts.cpp files
to minimize ifdefs and generally make code more clear

# Conflicts:
#	GNUmakefile
#	platform/Windows/nblood.vcxproj
#	platform/Windows/nblood.vcxproj.filters
#	platform/Windows/props/build_common.props
#	source/blood/src/actor.cpp
#	source/blood/src/ai.h
#	source/blood/src/aiunicult.cpp
#	source/blood/src/blood.cpp
#	source/blood/src/db.cpp
#	source/blood/src/eventq.cpp
#	source/blood/src/gameutil.cpp
#	source/blood/src/gameutil.h
#	source/blood/src/loadsave.cpp
#	source/blood/src/player.cpp
#	source/blood/src/player.h
#	source/blood/src/triggers.h
#	source/blood/src/view.cpp
2020-02-07 22:23:33 +01:00

374 lines
14 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#define kMaxXSprites 16384
#define kMaxXWalls 512
#define kMaxXSectors 512
// by NoOne: functions to quckly check range of specifical arrays
inline bool xspriRangeIsFine(int nXindex) {
return (nXindex >= 0 && nXindex < kMaxXSprites);
inline bool xsectRangeIsFine(int nXindex) {
return (nXindex >= 0 && nXindex < kMaxXSectors);
inline bool xwallRangeIsFine(int nXindex) {
return (nXindex >= 0 && nXindex < kMaxXWalls);
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct AISTATE;
struct XSPRITE {
unsigned int unused1 : 2; // unused
unsigned int unused2 : 1; // unused
unsigned int unused3 : 2; // unused
unsigned int unused4 : 6; // unused
signed int reference : 15;
unsigned int state : 1; // State 0
unsigned int busy : 17;
unsigned int txID : 10; // TX ID
unsigned int rxID : 10; // RX ID
unsigned int command : 8; // Cmd
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // going ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // going OFF
unsigned int busyTime : 12; // busyTime
unsigned int waitTime : 12; // waitTime
unsigned int restState : 1; // restState
unsigned int Interrutable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int respawnPending : 2; // respawnPending
unsigned int dropMsg : 8; // Drop Item
unsigned int Decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1; // works in case if triggerOnce selected
unsigned int key : 3; // Key
unsigned int wave : 2; // Wave
unsigned int Push : 1; // Push
unsigned int Vector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int Impact : 1; // Impact
unsigned int Pickup : 1; // Pickup
unsigned int Touch : 1; // Touch
unsigned int Sight : 1; // Sight
unsigned int Proximity : 1; // Proximity
unsigned int lSkill : 5; // Launch 12345
unsigned int lS : 1; // Single
unsigned int lB : 1; // Bloodbath
unsigned int lT : 1; // Launch Team
unsigned int lC : 1; // Coop
unsigned int DudeLockout : 1; // DudeLockout
signed int data1 : 16; // Data 1
signed int data2 : 16; // Data 2
signed int data3 : 16; // Data 3
unsigned int data4 : 16; // Data 4
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int medium : 2; // medium
unsigned int respawn : 2; // Respawn option
unsigned int lockMsg : 8; // Lock msg
unsigned int health : 20;
unsigned int dudeDeaf : 1; // dudeDeaf
unsigned int dudeAmbush : 1; // dudeAmbush
unsigned int dudeGuard : 1; // dudeGuard
unsigned int dudeFlag4 : 1; // unused
signed int target : 16; // target sprite
signed int targetX : 32; // target x
signed int targetY : 32; // target y
signed int targetZ : 32; // target z
unsigned int goalAng : 11; // Dude goal ang
signed int dodgeDir : 2; // Dude dodge direction
unsigned int burnTime : 16;
signed int burnSource : 16;
unsigned int height : 16;
unsigned int stateTimer : 16; // ai timer
AISTATE* aiState; // ai
signed int sysData1 : 16; // used to keep here various system data, so user can't change it in map editor
unsigned int physAttr : 12; // currently used by additional physics sprites to keep it's attributes.
signed int scale; // used for scaling SEQ size on sprites
struct XSECTOR {
signed int reference : 14;
unsigned int state : 1; // State
unsigned int busy : 17;
unsigned int data : 16; // Data
unsigned int txID : 10; // TX ID
unsigned int rxID : 10; // RX ID
unsigned int busyWaveA : 3; // OFF->ON wave
unsigned int busyWaveB : 3; // ON->OFF wave
unsigned int command : 8; // Cmd
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // Send at ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // Send at OFF
unsigned int busyTimeA : 12; // OFF->ON busyTime
unsigned int waitTimeA : 12; // OFF->ON waitTime
unsigned int restState : 1;
unsigned int interruptable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int reTriggerA : 1; // OFF->ON wait
unsigned int reTriggerB : 1; // ON->OFF wait
signed int amplitude : 8; // Lighting amplitude
unsigned int freq : 8; // Lighting freq
unsigned int phase : 8; // Lighting phase
unsigned int wave : 4; // Lighting wave
unsigned int shadeAlways : 1; // Lighting shadeAlways
unsigned int shadeFloor : 1; // Lighting floor
unsigned int shadeCeiling : 1; // Lighting ceiling
unsigned int shadeWalls : 1; // Lighting walls
signed int shade : 8; // Lighting value
unsigned int panAlways : 1; // Pan always
unsigned int panFloor : 1; // Pan floor
unsigned int panCeiling : 1; // Pan ceiling
unsigned int Drag : 1; // Pan drag
unsigned int panVel : 8; // Motion speed
unsigned int panAngle : 11; // Motion angle
unsigned int Underwater : 1; // Underwater
unsigned int Depth : 3; // Depth
unsigned int unused1 : 1;
unsigned int decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1;
unsigned int Key : 3; // Key
unsigned int Push : 1; // Push
unsigned int Vector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int Reserved : 1; // Reserved
unsigned int Enter : 1; // Enter
unsigned int Exit : 1; // Exit
unsigned int Wallpush : 1; // WallPush
unsigned int color : 1; // Color Lights
unsigned int unused2 : 1;
unsigned int busyTimeB : 12; // ON->OFF busyTime
unsigned int waitTimeB : 12; // ON->OFF waitTime
unsigned int stopOn : 1;
unsigned int stopOff : 1;
unsigned int ceilpal : 4; // Ceil pal2
signed int offCeilZ : 32;
signed int onCeilZ : 32;
signed int offFloorZ : 32;
signed int onFloorZ : 32;
unsigned int marker0 : 16;
unsigned int marker1 : 16;
unsigned int Crush : 1; // Crush
unsigned int ceilXPanFrac : 8; // Ceiling x panning frac
unsigned int ceilYPanFrac : 8; // Ceiling y panning frac
unsigned int floorXPanFrac : 8; // Floor x panning frac
unsigned int damageType : 3; // DamageType
unsigned int floorpal : 4; // Floor pal2
unsigned int floorYPanFrac : 8; // Floor y panning frac
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int windVel : 32; // Wind vel (changed from 10 bit to use higher velocity values)
unsigned int windVel : 10;
unsigned int windAng : 11; // Wind ang
unsigned int windAlways : 1; // Wind always
unsigned int dudeLockout : 1;
unsigned int bobTheta : 11; // Motion Theta
unsigned int bobZRange : 5; // Motion Z range
signed int bobSpeed : 12; // Motion speed
unsigned int bobAlways : 1; // Motion always
unsigned int bobFloor : 1; // Motion bob floor
unsigned int bobCeiling : 1; // Motion bob ceiling
unsigned int bobRotate : 1; // Motion rotate
struct XWALL {
signed int reference : 15;
unsigned int state : 1; // State
unsigned int busy : 17;
signed int data : 16; // Data
unsigned int txID : 10; // TX ID
unsigned int unused1 : 6; // unused
unsigned int rxID : 10; // RX ID
unsigned int command : 8; // Cmd
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // going ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // going OFF
unsigned int busyTime : 12; // busyTime
unsigned int waitTime : 12; // waitTime
unsigned int restState : 1; // restState
unsigned int interruptable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int panAlways : 1; // panAlways
signed int panXVel : 8; // panX
signed int panYVel : 8; // panY
unsigned int decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1;
unsigned int key : 3; // Key
unsigned int triggerPush : 1; // Push
unsigned int triggerVector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int triggerTouch : 1; // by NoOne: renamed from Reserved to Touch as it works with Touch now.
unsigned int unused2 : 2; // unused
unsigned int xpanFrac : 8; // x panning frac
unsigned int ypanFrac : 8; // y panning frac
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int dudeLockout : 1; // DudeLockout
unsigned int unused3 : 4; // unused;
unsigned int unused4 : 32; // unused
char signature[4];
short version;
struct MAPHEADER {
int at0; // x
int at4; // y
int at8; // z
short atc; // ang
short ate; // sect
short at10; // pskybits
int at12; // visibility
int at16; // song id, Matt
char at1a; // parallaxtype
int at1b; // map revision
short at1f; // numsectors
short at21; // numwalls
short at23; // numsprites
struct MAPHEADER2 {
char at0[64];
int at40; // xsprite size
int at44; // xwall size
int at48; // xsector size
char pad[52];
struct SPRITEHIT {
int hit, ceilhit, florhit;
#pragma pack(pop)
extern unsigned short gStatCount[kMaxStatus + 1];;
extern bool byte_1A76C6, byte_1A76C7, byte_1A76C8;
extern MAPHEADER2 byte_19AE44;
extern XSPRITE xsprite[kMaxXSprites];
extern XSECTOR xsector[kMaxXSectors];
extern XWALL xwall[kMaxXWalls];
extern SPRITEHIT gSpriteHit[kMaxXSprites];
extern char qsprite_filler[kMaxSprites], qsector_filler[kMaxSectors];
extern int xvel[kMaxSprites], yvel[kMaxSprites], zvel[kMaxSprites];
extern int gVisibility;
extern int gMapRev, gSongId, gSkyCount;
extern const char *gItemText[];
extern const char *gAmmoText[];
extern const char *gWeaponText[];
extern unsigned short nextXSprite[kMaxXSprites];
extern unsigned short nextXWall[kMaxXWalls];
extern unsigned short nextXSector[kMaxXSectors];
static inline bool yax_hasnextwall(int nWall)
return yax_getnextwall(nWall, YAX_CEILING) >= 0 || yax_getnextwall(nWall, YAX_FLOOR) >= 0;
static inline int GetWallType(int nWall)
if (yax_hasnextwall(nWall))
return 0;
return wall[nWall].type;
template<typename T> void GetSpriteExtents(T const * const pSprite, int *top, int *bottom)
*top = *bottom = pSprite->z;
if ((pSprite->cstat & 0x30) != 0x20)
int height = tilesiz[pSprite->picnum].y;
int center = height / 2 + picanm[pSprite->picnum].yofs;
*top -= (pSprite->yrepeat << 2)*center;
*bottom += (pSprite->yrepeat << 2)*(height - center);
#ifdef POLYMER
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct PolymerLight_t {
int16_t lightId, lightmaxrange;
_prlight* lightptr;
uint8_t lightcount;
#pragma pack(pop)
extern PolymerLight_t gPolymerLight[kMaxSprites];
void DeleteLight(int32_t s);
void InsertSpriteSect(int nSprite, int nSector);
void RemoveSpriteSect(int nSprite);
void InsertSpriteStat(int nSprite, int nStat);
void RemoveSpriteStat(int nSprite);
void qinitspritelists(void);
int InsertSprite(int nSector, int nStat);
int qinsertsprite(short nSector, short nStat);
int DeleteSprite(int nSprite);
int qdeletesprite(short nSprite);
int ChangeSpriteSect(int nSprite, int nSector);
int qchangespritesect(short nSprite, short nSector);
int ChangeSpriteStat(int nSprite, int nStatus);
int qchangespritestat(short nSprite, short nStatus);
void InitFreeList(unsigned short *pList, int nCount);
void InsertFree(unsigned short *pList, int nIndex);
unsigned short dbInsertXSprite(int nSprite);
void dbDeleteXSprite(int nXSprite);
unsigned short dbInsertXWall(int nWall);
void dbDeleteXWall(int nXWall);
unsigned short dbInsertXSector(int nSector);
void dbDeleteXSector(int nXSector);
void dbXSpriteClean(void);
void dbXWallClean(void);
void dbXSectorClean(void);
void dbInit(void);
void PropagateMarkerReferences(void);
unsigned int dbReadMapCRC(const char *pPath);
int dbLoadMap(const char *pPath, int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ, short *pAngle, short *pSector, unsigned int *pCRC);