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synced 2025-03-12 12:02:43 +00:00
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261 lines
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// m32 script test & show-off file
// do "include a" in the console
include names.h
gamevar i 0 1 // per-block (top-level, event, or state) variable
gamevar j 0 1
gamevar k 0 1
gamevar l 0 1
gamevar tmp 0 0
gamevar davr 65536 0
gamevar dayx 65536 0
gamevar drawcol 9 0
define TQUOTE 3
definequote 0 OK
definequote 1 DAMN
definequote 2 BU:%d ABS:%d
definequote TQUOTE write on me!
definequote 4 ASPECT: VR=%d, YX=%d
definequote 5 KEY:%d
definequote 6 time: %d ms
definequote 7 door sector not an island sector!
definequote 8 door sector has no SE sprite!
gamearray ar 128
gamearray parm 8
defstate artest
getarraysize ar tmp
resizearray ar 65536
getticks parm[2]
for j range 65536
set ar[j] j
set i 0
for j range 65536
add i ar[j]
getticks parm[3]
resizearray ar tmp
ife i 2147450880 quote 0 else quote 1
sub parm[3] parm[2]
qsprintf TQUOTE 6 parm[3]
quote TQUOTE
defstate setas
set j dayx
mul j ydim mul j 8
div j xdim div j 5
setaspect davr j
state setas
for i drawnsprites
switch tsprite[i].picnum
case LIZTROOP spritepal 1 break
case PIGCOP spritepal 2 break
case BOSS1 spritepal 6 break
for i drawnsprites
ife tsprite[i].picnum LIZTROOP spritepal 1 else
ife tsprite[i].picnum PIGCOP spritepal 2 else
ife tsprite[i].picnum BOSS1 spritepal 6
defstate cmp_by_lotag
set RETURN sprite[SV2].lotag
sub RETURN sprite[SV1].lotag
ifl cursectnum 0 return
getarraysize ar tmp
set j 0
for i spritesofsector cursectnum
ifge j tmp nullop else
ifactor LOCATORS
set ar[j] i
add j 1
set tmp j
sort ar tmp cmp_by_lotag
sub tmp 1
for i range tmp
set j ar[i]
set k i, add k 1, set k ar[k]
drawline16b sprite[j].x sprite[j].y sprite[k].x sprite[k].y drawcol
set drawlinepat -1
for i allsprites
ifactor LIZTROOP
drawcircle16b sprite[i].x sprite[i].y 256 9
set i totalclock
shiftr i 6
drawcircle16b posx posy 256 i
set j i
add j 8
drawcircle16 halfxdim16 midydim16 12 j
qsprintf 3 2 i j
printmessage16 3
for i range 27
ifholdkey alphakeys[i]
qsprintf TQUOTE 5 i
quote TQUOTE
for i range 10
ifholdkey numberkeys[i]
qsprintf TQUOTE 5 i
quote TQUOTE
onevent EVENT_KEYS3D
for i range 10
// ife 0 1
ifholdkey numberkeys[i]
qsprintf TQUOTE 5 i
quote TQUOTE
ife searchstat 0
ifhitkey KEY_SPACE // SE11 ST23 up:ccw
set k wall[searchwall].nextsector
ifl k 0 return
ifn sector[k].lotag 23 return
set tmp 0
for i loopofwall searchwall
ifl wall[i].nextsector 0 set tmp 1 else
ifn wall[i].nextsector k set tmp 1
// a weaker condition
// for i loopofwall wall[searchwall].nextwall
// {
// ifl wall[i].nextsector 0 set tmp 1 else
// ifn wall[i].nextsector searchsector set tmp 1
// }
ifn tmp 0
quote 7
set l -1
for i spritesofsector k
ifactor SECTOREFFECTOR ife sprite[i].lotag 11
set l i
ifn sprite[i].ang 512 ifn sprite[i].ang 1024 ifn sprite[i].ang 1536 set l -1
ifl l 0
quote 8
for tmp wallsofsector k
rotatepoint (sprite[l].x sprite[l].y) (wall[tmp].x wall[tmp].y) sprite[l].ang (i j)
dragpoint tmp i j
for tmp spritesofsector k
ifn tmp l
rotatepoint (sprite[l].x sprite[l].y) (sprite[tmp].x sprite[tmp].y) sprite[l].ang (i j)
bsetsprite tmp i j sprite[tmp].z
inv sprite[l].ang
ife searchstat 3
ifhitkey KEY_SPACE
ifn sprite[searchwall].picnum SECTOREFFECTOR return
set tmp 0
ife sprite[searchwall].lotag 7 set tmp 1
ife sprite[searchwall].lotag 17 set tmp 1
ife tmp 0 return
for i allsprites
ifn i searchwall, ifactor SECTOREFFECTOR, ife sprite[i].lotag sprite[searchwall].lotag
ife sprite[i].hitag sprite[searchwall].hitag
add posx sprite[i].x, sub posx sprite[searchwall].x
add posy sprite[i].y, sub posy sprite[searchwall].y
add posz sprite[i].z, sub posz sprite[searchwall].z
ifholdkey KEY_0
// ife 0 1
ifeithershift sub davr 512 else add davr 512
ifl davr 32768 set davr 32768
ifg davr 256000 set davr 256000
setaspect davr yxaspect
qsprintf TQUOTE 4 davr yxaspect
quote TQUOTE
defstate replacestuff
for i spritesofsector searchsector
// ife sprite[i].picnum AMMO set sprite[i].picnum BATTERYAMMO
ifactor parm[0] cactor parm[1]