mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 18:12:00 +00:00
should never go out of sync with the game yaw again (not for more than a few frames anyway)
90 lines
1.6 KiB
90 lines
1.6 KiB
// These bindings are valid for all configurationas
F1 "openhelpmenu"
F2 "opensavemenu"
F3 "openloadmenu"
F4 "openmenu SoundOptions"
F5 "openmenu OptionsMenu" //this key performs some fuckery with the music in Duke Nukem,so the default here is Blood's.
F6 "quicksave"
F7 "third_person_view"
F8 "togglemessages"
F9 "quickload"
F10 "menu_endgame"
F11 "bumpgamma"
F12 "screenshot"
Ins "+Look_Left"
KP0 "+Look_Left"
Del "+Look_Right"
leftarrow "+Turn_Left"
rightarrow "+Turn_Right"
KP8 "+Move_Forward"
KP2 "+Move_Backward"
KP4 "+Turn_Left"
KP6 "+Turn_Right"
Alt "+Strafe"
RAlt "+Strafe"
Shift "+Run"
RShift "+Run"
Capslock "togglemsg autorun 85"
PgUp "+Look_Up"
PgDn "+Look_Down"
Home "+Aim_Up"
End "+Aim_Down"
RCtrl "+Fire"
Pause "pause"
` "toggleconsole"
T "messagemode"
Tab "togglemap"
mapbind F "togglefollow"
mapbind R "togglerotate"
mapbind - "+Shrink_Screen"
mapbind = "+Enlarge_Screen"
mapbind mwheelup "am_zoom 1.2"
mapbind mwheeldown "am_zoom -1.2"
mapbind KP8 "+am_panup"
mapbind KP2 "+am_pandown"
mapbind KP4 "+am_panleft"
mapbind KP6 "+am_panright"
- "sizedown"
= "sizeup"
K "coop_view"
Mouse1 "+Fire"
Backspace "turnaround"
Scroll "HolsterWeapon"
MWheelUp "weapprev"
MWheelDown "weapnext"
Enter "invuse"
KP-Enter "invuse"
1 "slot 1"
2 "slot 2"
3 "slot 3"
4 "slot 4"
5 "slot 5"
6 "slot 6"
7 "slot 7"
8 "slot 8"
9 "slot 9"
0 "slot 10"
[ "invprev"
] "invnext"
' "weapnext"
; "weapprev"
// Xbox 360 / PS2 controllers
pad_a +open
pad_y +jump
rtrigger +attack
ltrigger +altattack
dpadleft invprev
dpadright invnext
dpaddown invuse
dpadup togglemap
pad_start pause
pad_back menu_main
lthumb crouch