#pragma once #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "maptypes.h" #include "dobject.h" #include "m_fixed.h" #include "m_random.h" class FScanner; class FInternalLightAssociation; enum EDefaultFlags { DEFF_PICNUM = 1, DEFF_STATNUM = 2, DEFF_ANG = 4, DEFF_XVEL = 8, DEFF_YVEL = 16, DEFF_ZVEL = 32, DEFF_HITAG = 64, DEFF_LOTAG = 128, DEFF_EXTRA = 256, DEFF_DETAIL = 512, DEFF_SHADE = 1024, DEFF_PAL = 2048, DEFF_CLIPDIST = 8192, DEFF_BLEND = 16384, DEFF_XREPEAT = 32768, DEFF_YREPEAT = 65536, DEFF_XOFFSET = 0x20000, DEFF_YOFFSET = 0x40000, DEFF_OWNER = 0x80000, DEFF_INTANG = 0x100000 }; struct FActorInfo { TArray<FInternalLightAssociation *> LightAssociations; TArray<int> SpriteSet; PClassActor *Replacement = nullptr; PClassActor *Replacee = nullptr; int TypeNum = -1; int DefaultFlags = 0; int DefaultCstat = 0; int Health = 0; // not used yet - this will stand in if no CON defines a health value for Duke. // these are temporary. Due to how Build games handle their tiles, we cannot look up the textures when scripts are being parsed. FString PicName; TArray<FString> SpriteSetNames; FActorInfo() = default; FActorInfo(const FActorInfo& other) { // only copy the fields that get inherited TypeNum = other.TypeNum; DefaultFlags = other.DefaultFlags; DefaultCstat = other.DefaultCstat; PicName = other.PicName; SpriteSetNames = other.SpriteSetNames; } void ResolveTextures(const char* clsname, DCoreActor *defaults); }; // No objects of this type will be created ever - its only use is to static_cast // PClass to it. class PClassActor : public PClass { protected: public: static void StaticInit (); void BuildDefaults(); void ApplyDefaults(uint8_t *defaults); bool SetReplacement(FName replaceName); void InitializeDefaults(); FActorInfo *ActorInfo() const { return (FActorInfo*)Meta; } PClassActor *GetReplacement(); PClassActor *GetReplacee(); // For those times when being able to scan every kind of actor is convenient inline static TArray<PClassActor *> AllActorClasses; };