class DukePipeBomb : DukeActor { default { pic "HEAVYHBOMB"; detail 3; // ceiling distance // do not add anything here! } override void Initialize() { // This is only for placed items, not for armed weapons! if (self.mapSpawned) { self.extra = gs.impact_damage; self.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; // Make it hitable if (ud.multimode < 2 && self.pal != 0) { self.scale = (0, 0); self.ChangeStat(STAT_MISC); return; } self.ChangeStat(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR); self.yint = 4; self.pal = 0; self.shade = -17; self.Scale = (0.140625, 0.140625); } } override void Tick() { if (self.statnum != STAT_ACTOR) return; let Owner = self.ownerActor; let sectp = self.sector; DukePlayer p; double xx; if ((self.cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE)) { self.temp_data[2]--; if (self.temp_data[2] <= 0) { self.PlayActorSound("TELEPORTER"); self.spawn("DukeTransporterStar"); self.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; } return; } [p, xx] = self.findplayer(); if (xx < 1220 / 16.) self.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; else self.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; if (self.temp_data[3] == 0) { int j = self.ifhitbyweapon(); if (j >= 0) { self.temp_data[4] = 0; self.vel.X = 0; self.DetonateIt(); return; } } self.makeitfall(); // Feature check later needs to be map controlled, not game controlled. if (sectp.lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && (!Raze.isRRRA() || sectp.lotag != ST_160_FLOOR_TELEPORT) && self.pos.Z >= self.floorz - 1 && self.yint < 3) { if (self.yint > 0 || (self.yint == 0 && self.floorz == sectp.floorz)) { self.PlayActorSound("PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE"); } self.vel.Z = -(4 - self.yint); if (sectp.lotag == 2) self.vel.Z *= 0.25; self.yint++; } if (self.pos.Z < self.ceilingz + 16 && (!Raze.isRR() || sectp.lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER)) // underwater check only for RR { self.pos.Z = self.ceilingz + self.detail; self.vel.Z = 0; } CollisionData coll; self.movesprite_ex((self.angle.ToVector() * self.vel.X, self.vel.Z), CLIPMASK0, coll); if (sectp.lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER && self.vel.Z == 0) { self.pos.Z += 32; if (self.temp_data[5] == 0) { self.temp_data[5] = 1; self.spawn("DukeWaterSplash2"); } } else self.temp_data[5] = 0; if(self.vel.X > 0) { self.vel.X -= 5. / 16; if (sectp.lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) self.vel.X -= 10. / 16; if(self.vel.X < 0) self.vel.X = 0; if (int(self.vel.X * 16) & 8) self.cstat ^= CSTAT_SPRITE_XFLIP; } if (coll.type == kHitWall) { let wal = coll.hitWall(); dlevel.checkhitwall(wal, self, self.pos); let k =; self.angle = k * 2 - self.angle; self.vel.X *= 0.5; } bool bBoom = false; if (Owner && Owner.isPlayer()) { if (Raze.isNamWW2GI()) { self.extra--; if (self.extra <= 0) bBoom = true; } else bBoom = Owner.GetPlayer().hbomb_on == 0; } if (bBoom) self.DetonateIt(); else self.pickupCheck(p); if (self.temp_data[0] < 8) self.temp_data[0]++; } void DetonateIt() { self.temp_data[4]++; if (self.temp_data[4] == 2) { int x = self.extra; int m = gs.pipebombblastradius; if (self.sector.lotag != 800 || !Raze.isRR()) // this line is RR only { self.hitradius(m, x >> 2, x >> 1, x - (x >> 2), x); self.spawn("DukeExplosion2"); if (self.vel.Z == 0 && !Raze.isRR()) self.spawn("DukeExplosion2Bot"); // this line is Duke only self.PlayActorSound("PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE"); for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) self.RANDOMSCRAP(); } } if (self.scale.Y) { self.scale.Y = 0; return; } if (self.temp_data[4] > 20) { self.Destroy(); } } protected bool doPickupCheck(DukePlayer p, int weapon1, int weapon2) { let xx = ( - self.pos).Sum(); let Owner = self.ownerActor; // Duke if (xx < 788 / 16. && self.temp_data[0] > 7 && self.vel.X == 0) if (Raze.cansee(self.pos.plusZ(-8), self.sector,, p.cursector)) if (p.ammo_amount[weapon1] < gs.max_ammo_amount[weapon1]) { if ( >= 1 && Owner == self) { p.CheckWeapRec(self, false); } p.addammo(weapon1, 1); if (weapon2 >= 0) p.addammo(weapon2, 1);"PLAYER_GET"); if (p.gotweapon[weapon1] == 0 || Owner == p.addweapon(weapon1, true); if (!Owner || !Owner.isPlayer()) { p.pals = Color(32, 0, 32, 0); } if (Owner != self || ud.respawn_items == 0) { if (Owner == self && >= 1) return false; self.Destroy(); return false; } else { self.temp_data[2] = gs.respawnitemtime; self.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; return true; } } return false; } virtual void pickupCheck(DukePlayer p) { if (doPickupCheck(p, DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON, -1)) self.spawn("DukeRespawnMarker"); } } class RedneckDynamite : DukePipeBomb { default { pic "DYNAMITE"; detail 16; } override void pickupCheck(DukePlayer p) { if (doPickupCheck(p, RRWpn.DYNAMITE_WEAPON, RRWpn.CROSSBOW_WEAPON)) self.spawn("RedneckRespawnMarker"); } }