//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Raze. Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License aint with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms ( not much left of the original code, though... ;) ) */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // contains all global Duke definitions struct Duke native { enum ESpecialMusic { MUS_INTRO = 0, MUS_BRIEFING = 1, MUS_LOADING = 2, }; enum EPalette { BASEPAL = 0, WATERPAL, SLIMEPAL, TITLEPAL, DREALMSPAL, ENDINGPAL, // 5 ANIMPAL, // not used anymore. The anim code now generates true color textures. DRUGPAL, BASEPALCOUNT }; enum dukeinvicon_t { ICON_NONE, // 0 ICON_FIRSTAID, ICON_STEROIDS, ICON_HOLODUKE, ICON_JETPACK, ICON_HEATS, // 5 ICON_SCUBA, ICON_BOOTS, ICON_MAX }; enum EClipMask { CLIPMASK0 = (1 << 16) + 1, CLIPMASK1 = (256 << 16) + 64 } enum ETextureFlags { TFLAG_WALLSWITCH = 1 << 0, TFLAG_ADULT = 1 << 1, TFLAG_ELECTRIC = 1 << 2, TFLAG_CLEARINVENTORY = 1 << 3, // really dumb Duke stuff... TFLAG_SLIME = 1 << 4, TFLAG_DOORWALL = 1 << 5, TFLAG_BLOCKDOOR = 1 << 6, TFLAG_OUTERSPACE = 1 << 7, TFLAG_NOBLOODSPLAT = 1 << 8, TFLAG_NOCIRCLEREFLECT = 1 << 9, TFLAG_MUDDY = 1 << 10, }; enum ESoundFlags { SF_LOOP = 1, SF_MSFX = 2, SF_TALK = 4, SF_ADULT = 8, SF_GLOBAL = 16, SF_ONEINST_INTERNAL = 32, SF_DTAG = 128, }; enum ESyncBits { SB_FIRST_WEAPON_BIT = 1 << 0, SB_ITEM_BIT_1 = 1 << 4, SB_ITEM_BIT_2 = 1 << 5, SB_ITEM_BIT_3 = 1 << 6, SB_ITEM_BIT_4 = 1 << 7, SB_ITEM_BIT_5 = 1 << 8, SB_ITEM_BIT_6 = 1 << 9, SB_ITEM_BIT_7 = 1 << 10, SB_INVPREV = 1 << 11, SB_INVNEXT = 1 << 12, SB_INVUSE = 1 << 13, SB_CENTERVIEW = 1 << 14, SB_TURNAROUND = 1 << 15, SB_HOLSTER = 1 << 16, SB_OPEN = 1 << 17, SB_AIMMODE = 1 << 18, SB_QUICK_KICK = 1 << 19, SB_ESCAPE = 1 << 20, SB_AIM_UP = 1 << 21, SB_AIM_DOWN = 1 << 22, SB_LOOK_LEFT = 1 << 23, SB_LOOK_RIGHT = 1 << 24, SB_LOOK_UP = 1 << 25, SB_LOOK_DOWN = 1 << 26, SB_RUN = 1 << 27, SB_JUMP = 1 << 28, SB_CROUCH = 1 << 29, SB_FIRE = 1 << 30, SB_ALTFIRE = 1u << 31, SB_WEAPONMASK_BITS = (15u * SB_FIRST_WEAPON_BIT), // Weapons take up 4 bits SB_ITEMUSE_BITS = (127u * SB_ITEM_BIT_1), SB_BUTTON_MASK = SB_ALTFIRE|SB_FIRE|SB_CROUCH|SB_JUMP|SB_LOOK_UP|SB_LOOK_DOWN|SB_AIM_UP|SB_AIM_DOWN|SB_LOOK_LEFT|SB_LOOK_RIGHT, // all input from buttons (i.e. active while held) SB_INTERFACE_MASK = (SB_INVPREV|SB_INVNEXT|SB_INVUSE|SB_CENTERVIEW|SB_TURNAROUND|SB_HOLSTER|SB_OPEN|SB_ESCAPE|SB_QUICK_KICK), // all input from CCMDs SB_INTERFACE_BITS = (SB_WEAPONMASK_BITS | SB_ITEMUSE_BITS | SB_INTERFACE_MASK), SB_ALL = ~0u }; const SLEEPTIME = 1536; native static void PlaySpecialMusic(int which); native static int PlaySound(Sound num, int channel = CHAN_AUTO, int flags = 0, float vol =0.8f); native static void StopSound(Sound num); native static bool CheckSoundPlaying(Sound num); native static DukePlayer GetViewPlayer(); native static DukePlayer GetLocalPlayer(); native static int MaxAmmoAmount(int weap); native static DukePlayer checkcursectnums(sectortype sect); native static int global_random(); native static int GetSoundFlags(Sound snd); native static int badguyID(int id); native static void updatepindisplay(int tag, int pinmask); static int rnd(int val) { return (random(0, 255) >= (255 - (val))); } static void PlayBonusMusic() { if (System.MusicEnabled()) PlaySound("BONUSMUSIC", CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_UI); } //========================================================================== // // wrappers around DrawText to allow easier reuse of the old code. // The vertical displacements are to have the same positioning as with the original code. // //========================================================================== static void BigText(double x, double y, String text, int align = -1, double alpha = 1.) { let myfont = Raze.PickBigFont(); if (!Raze.isRR()) { if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(text) * (align == 0 ? 0.5 : 1); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y - 12, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_Alpha, alpha); } else { if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(text) * (align == 0 ? 0.2 : 0.4); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y - 12, text, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200, DTA_ScaleX, 0.4, DTA_ScaleY, 0.4, DTA_Alpha, alpha); } } static void GameText(double x, double y, String t, int shade, int align = -1, int trans = 0) { let myfont = Raze.PickSmallFont(); int fsmode = FSMode_Fit320x200; if (Raze.isRR()) { x *= 2; y *= 2; fsmode = FSMode_Fit640x400; } if (align != -1) x -= myfont.StringWidth(t) * (align == 0 ? 0.5 : 1); Screen.DrawText(myfont, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, x, y + 2, t, DTA_FullscreenScale, fsmode, DTA_TranslationIndex, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, trans), DTA_Color, Raze.shadeToLight(shade)); } } struct DukePlayer native { /* // player's horizon and angle structs. PlayerHorizon horizon; PlayerAngle angle; uint16_t frags[MAXPLAYERS]; */ native bool gotweapon[DukeWpn.MAX_WEAPONS]; // Palette management uses indices into the engine's palette table now. native color pals; // this was a global variable originally. native Vector2 fric; // weapon drawer variables and their interpolation counterparts. native int weapon_sway; native int oweapon_sway; native int16 weapon_pos, kickback_pic, random_club_frame; native int16 oweapon_pos, okickback_pic, orandom_club_frame; native uint8 hard_landing; native uint8 ohard_landing; // Store current psectlotag as determined in processinput() for use with scaling angle aiming. native int16 psectlotag; native Vector2 loogie[64]; native int numloogs, loogcnt; native int invdisptime; native double pyoff, opyoff; native int last_pissed_time; native double truefz, truecz; native int player_par, visibility; native int bobcounter; native int randomflamex, crack_time; native int aim_mode, ftt; //native int cursectnum;// , one_parallax_sectnum //native walltype access_wall; // can't do yet. native int16 last_extra, subweapon; native int16 ammo_amount[DukeWpn.MAX_WEAPONS], frag, fraggedself; native int16 curr_weapon, last_weapon, tipincs, wantweaponfire; native int16 holoduke_amount, hurt_delay, hbomb_hold_delay; native int16 jumping_counter, airleft, knee_incs, access_incs; native int16 ftq; native int16 got_access, weapon_ang, firstaid_amount; native int16 over_shoulder_on, fist_incs; native int16 cheat_phase; native int16 extra_extra8, quick_kick, last_quick_kick; native int16 heat_amount, timebeforeexit, customexitsound; native DukeActor actor, actorsqu, wackedbyactor, on_crane, somethingonplayer, access_spritenum, dummyplayersprite, newOwner, holoduke_on; native sectortype cursector; native uint interface_toggle_flag; native int16 dead_flag, show_empty_weapon; // JBF 20031220: added orotscrnang native int16 scuba_amount, jetpack_amount, steroids_amount, shield_amount; native int16 pycount, frag_ps; native int16 transporter_hold, last_full_weapon, footprintshade, boot_amount; native uint8 on_warping_sector, footprintcount; native uint8 hbomb_on, jumping_toggle, rapid_fire_hold, on_ground; //char name[32]; native uint8 inven_icon, buttonpalette; native uint8 jetpack_on, spritebridge, lastrandomspot; native uint8 scuba_on, footprintpal, heat_on; native uint8 holster_weapon; native uint8 falling_counter; native uint8 refresh_inventory; native uint8 toggle_key_flag, knuckle_incs; // ,select_dir; native uint8 walking_snd_toggle, palookup; native bool quick_kick_msg; native int max_secret_rooms, secret_rooms, max_actors_killed, actors_killed; native bool resurrected; // Redneck Rampage additions. Those which did not have names in the reconstructed source got one from either RedneckGDX or RedNukem. // Items were reordered by size. native int stairs; native int detonate_count; // at57e native double noise_radius; // at286, at28a, at290 native int drink_timer; // at58e native int eat_timer; // at592 native int SlotWin; native int16 recoil; native int16 detonate_time; // at57c native int16 yehaa_timer; native int16 drink_amt, eat, drunkang, eatang; native uint8 shotgun_state[2]; native uint8 donoise; // at28e native uint8 keys[5]; // RRRA. The same as for the RR block applies. native int drug_aspect; native int drug_timer; native int SeaSick; native int16 MamaEnd; // raat609 native int16 moto_drink; native float TiltStatus, oTiltStatus; native double VBumpNow, VBumpTarget; native int16 TurbCount; native int16 drug_stat[3]; // raat5f1..5 native uint8 DrugMode, lotag800kill; native uint8 sea_sick_stat; // raat5dd native uint8 hurt_delay2, nocheat; native uint8 OnMotorcycle, OnBoat, moto_underwater, NotOnWater, MotoOnGround; native uint8 moto_do_bump, moto_bump_fast, moto_on_oil, moto_on_mud; native double vehForwardScale, vehReverseScale, MotoSpeed; native bool vehTurnLeft, vehTurnRight, vehBraking; // input stuff. //InputPacket sync; /* DDukeActor* GetActor(); int GetPlayerNum(); void apply_seasick(double factor); void backuppos(bool noclipping = false); void backupweapon(); void checkhardlanding(); void playerweaponsway(double xvel); float adjustavel(float avel) { return (psectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER)? avel * 0.875f : avel; } */ native bool IsFrozen(); native int GetGameVar(String varname, int defval); native void backuppos(); native void backupxyz(); native void setpos(Vector3 pos); native void addpos(Vector3 pos); native void settargetangle(double angle, bool backup = false); native double angle(); native void clearcameras(); native void quickkill(); native void addPitch(double p); native void centerView(); native int playerinput(int bit); native int CheckWeapRec(DukeActor item, bool checkonly); native void addammo(int type, int amount); native void addweapon(int type, bool switchit); native bool hitablockingwall(); native double getPitchWithView(); native void setbobpos(); } struct DukeWpn { enum dukeweapon_t { KNEE_WEAPON, // 0 PISTOL_WEAPON, SHOTGUN_WEAPON, CHAINGUN_WEAPON, RPG_WEAPON, HANDBOMB_WEAPON, // 5 SHRINKER_WEAPON, DEVISTATOR_WEAPON, TRIPBOMB_WEAPON, FREEZE_WEAPON, HANDREMOTE_WEAPON, // 10 GROW_WEAPON, FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON, // World Tour MIN_WEAPON = 0, MAX_WEAPON = 9, MAX_WEAPONS = 17 } } struct RRWpn { enum redneck_weapon_t { // These names have been pieced together from RedneckGDX and RedNukem because the reconstructed source recycled Duke's names for the first 11 weapons. // Names for 0-2 are the same KNEE_WEAPON, // 0 PISTOL_WEAPON, SHOTGUN_WEAPON, RIFLEGUN_WEAPON, DYNAMITE_WEAPON, CROSSBOW_WEAPON, // 5 THROWSAW_WEAPON, ALIENBLASTER_WEAPON, POWDERKEG_WEAPON, TIT_WEAPON, THROWINGDYNAMITE_WEAPON, // 10 BUZZSAW_WEAPON, BOWLING_WEAPON, MOTORCYCLE_WEAPON, BOAT_WEAPON, SLINGBLADE_WEAPON, // 15 CHICKEN_WEAPON, MAX_WEAPONS } } struct DukeGameInfo native { // Static constant global state readonly native double playerfriction; readonly native double gravity; readonly native int16 max_ammo_amount[RRWpn.MAX_WEAPONS]; readonly native int respawnactortime; readonly native int bouncemineblastradius; readonly native int respawnitemtime; readonly native int morterblastradius; readonly native int numfreezebounces; readonly native int pipebombblastradius; readonly native int rpgblastradius; readonly native int seenineblastradius; readonly native int shrinkerblastradius; readonly native int tripbombblastradius; readonly native int camerashitable; readonly native int max_player_health; readonly native int max_armour_amount; readonly native int lasermode; readonly native int freezerhurtowner; readonly native int impact_damage; readonly native double playerheight; readonly native double gutsscale; readonly native int displayflags; } struct DukeUserDefs native { native readonly uint8 god, cashman, eog; native readonly uint8 clipping; native readonly uint8 user_pals[MAXPLAYERS]; native readonly int16 from_bonus; native int16 last_level, secretlevel; native readonly int const_visibility; native readonly int coop; native readonly int respawn_monsters, respawn_items, respawn_inventory, recstat, monsters_off, brightness; native readonly int ffire, multimode; native readonly int player_skill, marker, chickenplant; native int earthquaketime; native uint8 ufospawnsminion; native int16 bomb_tag; native DukeActor cameraactor; native bool joe9000; }