#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- Usage: luajit bittest.lua <number or "x"> [-ffi] [-bchk] local require = require local string = require "string" local math = require "math" local bitar = require "bitar" local print = print local tonumber = tonumber local getticks if (string.dump) then -- stand-alone local os = require "os" function getticks() return os.clock()*1000 end else -- embedded getticks = gv.gethiticks module(...) end -- based on example from http://bitop.luajit.org/api.html local m = string.dump and tonumber(arg[1]) or 1e7 local maxidx = math.floor(m/32) local ffiar_p, boundchk_p = false, false if (string.dump) then if (arg[2]=="-ffi" or arg[3]=="-ffi") then ffiar_p = true end if (arg[2]=="-bchk" or arg[3]=="-bchk") then boundchk_p = true end end function sieve() local count = 0 local p = {} if (ffiar_p) then -- stand-alone using unchecked int32_t array: on x86_64 approx. 80 ms -- for m = 1e7 (enabling bound checking makes it be around 100 ms) local ffi = require "ffi" local pp = ffi.new("int32_t [?]", maxidx + 1) p = pp if (boundchk_p) then local mt = { __index = function(tab,idx) if (idx >= 0 and idx <= maxidx) then return pp[idx] end end, __newindex = function(tab,idx,val) if (idx >= 0 and idx <= maxidx) then pp[idx] = val end end, } p = setmetatable({}, mt) end for i=0,maxidx do p[i] = -1; end else p = bitar.new(m, 1) end local t = getticks() if (ffiar_p) then local bit = require "bit" for i=2,m do if (bit.band(p[bit.rshift(i, 5)], bit.lshift(1, i)) ~= 0) then count = count + 1 for j=i+i,m,i do local jx = bit.rshift(j, 5) p[jx] = bit.band(p[jx], bit.rol(0xfffffffe, j)); end end end else for i=2,m do if (p:isset(i)) then count = count + 1 for j=i+i,m,i do p:set0(j); end end end end -- When using bitar module: x86_64: approx. 110 ms print(string.format("[%s] Found %d primes up to %d (%.02f ms)", ffiar_p and "ffi-ar"..(boundchk_p and ", bchk" or "") or "tab-ar", count, m, getticks()-t)) return p, count end if (string.dump) then local function printf(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, ...)) end local p, count = sieve() local t = getticks() if (ffiar_p) then return end -- test serialization local ser = tostring(p) local maxbidx_str = string.match(ser, '%(([0-9]+),') local p2 = bitar.new(tonumber(maxbidx_str), string.match(ser, "'(.*)'")) printf("serialization + new: %.02f ms", tostring(getticks()-t)) assert(p==p2) if (m >= 2) then assert(#p == count+2) -- +2 is because 0 and 1 are set even though they're not primes end if (not ffiar_p) then math.randomseed(os.time()) local maxbidx = math.random(0, 65536) local p3 = bitar.new(maxbidx, 1) assert(#p3 == maxbidx+1) -- bits 0 to maxbidx inclusive are set end --[[ print(p) print(p-p) -- test set difference print(-p) --]] -- Set difference of self with self is the same as set intersection of self -- with complement of self: assert(p-p == p*(-p)) end