//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else! #include #include #include "build.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "blood.h" #include "choke.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "v_font.h" BEGIN_BLD_NS void fakePlayerProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, InputPacket* pInput); void fakeActProcessSprites(void); bool gPrediction = true; void viewInitializePrediction(void) { #if 0 predict.angle = gMe->angle.ang; predict.horiz = gMe->horizon.horiz; predict.horizoff = gMe->horizon.horizoff; predict.slope = gMe->slope; predict.cantJump = gMe->cantJump; predict.isRunning = gMe->isRunning; predict.isUnderwater = gMe->isUnderwater; predict.jump = !!(gMe->input.actions & SB_JUMP); predict.x = gMe->actor->spr.x; predict.y = gMe->actor->spr.y; predict.z = gMe->actor->spr.z; predict.sector = gMe->actor->spr.sector; predict.sprflags = gMe->actor->spr.flags; predict.xvel = gMe->actor->xvel; predict.yvel = gMe->actor->yvel; predict.zvel = gMe->actor->zvel; predict.floordist = gMe->actor->xspr.height; predict.posture = gMe->posture; predict.spin = gMe->angle.spin; predict.lookCenter = !!(gMe->input.actions & SB_CENTERVIEW); predict.hit = gMe->actor->hit; predict.bobPhase = gMe->bobPhase; predict.Kills = gMe->bobAmp; predict.bobHeight = gMe->bobHeight; predict.bobWidth = gMe->bobWidth; predict.swayPhase = gMe->swayPhase; predict.swayAmp = gMe->swayAmp; predict.shakeBobY = gMe->swayHeight; predict.shakeBobX = gMe->swayWidth; predict.weaponZ = gMe->zWeapon - gMe->zView - (12 << 8); predict.viewz = gMe->zView; predict.zViewVel = gMe->zViewVel; predict.zWeapon = gMe->zWeapon; predict.zWeaponVel = gMe->zWeaponVel; predictOld = predict; #endif } void viewUpdatePrediction(InputPacket* pInput) { #if 0 predictOld = predict; auto bakCstat = gMe->actor->spr.cstat; gMe->actor->spr.cstat = 0; fakePlayerProcess(gMe, pInput); fakeActProcessSprites(); gMe->actor->spr.cstat = bakCstat; predictFifo[gPredictTail&255] = predict; gPredictTail++; #endif } static void fakeProcessInput(PLAYER* pPlayer, InputPacket* pInput) { #if 0 POSTURE* pPosture = &pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.posture]; predict.isRunning = !!(gMe->input.actions & SB_RUN); predict.jump = !!(gMe->input.actions & SB_JUMP); if (predict.posture == 1) { int x = predict.angle.Cos_(); int y = predict.angle.Sin_(); if (pInput->fvel) { int forward = pInput->fvel; if (forward > 0) forward = MulScale(pPosture->frontAccel, forward, 8); else forward = MulScale(pPosture->backAccel, forward, 8); predict.xvel += MulScale(forward, x, 30); predict.yvel += MulScale(forward, y, 30); } if (pInput->svel) { int strafe = pInput->svel; strafe = MulScale(pPosture->sideAccel, strafe, 8); predict.xvel += MulScale(strafe, y, 30); predict.yvel -= MulScale(strafe, x, 30); } } else if (predict.floordist < 0x100) { int speed = 0x10000; if (predict.floordist > 0) speed -= DivScale(predict.floordist, 0x100, 16); int x = predict.angle.Cos_(); int y = predict.angle.Sin_(); if (pInput->fvel) { int forward = pInput->fvel; if (forward > 0) forward = MulScale(pPosture->frontAccel, forward, 8); else forward = MulScale(pPosture->backAccel, forward, 8); if (predict.floordist) forward = MulScale(forward, speed, 16); predict.xvel += MulScale(forward, x, 30); predict.yvel += MulScale(forward, y, 30); } if (pInput->svel) { int strafe = pInput->svel; strafe = MulScale(pPosture->sideAccel, strafe, 8); if (predict.floordist) strafe = MulScale(strafe, speed, 16); predict.xvel += MulScale(strafe, y, 30); predict.yvel -= MulScale(strafe, x, 30); } } if (pInput->avel) predict.angle = degang(pInput->avel); if (pInput->actions & SB_TURNAROUND) if (!predict.spin) predict.spin = -1024; if (predict.spin < 0) { int speed; if (predict.posture == 1) speed = 64; else speed = 128; predict.spin = min(int(predict.spin) + speed, 0); predict.angle += DAngle::fromBuild(speed); } if (!predict.jump) predict.cantJump = 0; switch (predict.posture) { case 1: if (predict.jump) predict.zvel -= pPosture->normalJumpZ;//0x5b05; if (pInput->actions & SB_CROUCH) predict.zvel += pPosture->normalJumpZ;//0x5b05; break; case 2: if (!(pInput->actions & SB_CROUCH)) predict.posture = 0; break; default: if (!predict.cantJump && predict.jump && predict.floordist == 0) { if (packItemActive(pPlayer, 4)) predict.zvel = pPosture->pwupJumpZ;//-0x175555; else predict.zvel = pPosture->normalJumpZ;//-0xbaaaa; predict.cantJump = 1; } if (pInput->actions & SB_CROUCH) predict.posture = 2; break; } #if 0 if (predict.lookCenter && !(pInput->actions & (SB_LOOK_UP | SB_LOOK_DOWN))) { if (predict.at20 < 0) predict.at20 = min(predict.at20 + IntToFixed(4), 0); if (predict.at20 > 0) predict.at20 = max(predict.at20 - IntToFixed(4), 0); if (predict.at20 == 0) predict.lookCenter = 0; } else { if (pInput->actions & SB_LOOK_UP) predict.at20 = min(predict.at20 + IntToFixed(4), IntToFixed(60)); if (pInput->actions & SB_LOOK_DOWN) predict.at20 = max(predict.at20 - IntToFixed(4), IntToFixed(-60)); } predict.at20 = clamp(predict.at20 + pInput->horz, IntToFixed(-60), IntToFixed(60)); if (predict.at20 > 0) predict.at24 = FloatToFixed(MulScaleF(120., b sinf(FixedToFloat(predict.at20) * 8., 16)), 30); else if (predict.at20 < 0) predict.at24 = FloatToFixed(MulScaleF(180., b sinf(FixedToFloat(predict.at20) * 8., 16)), 30); else predict.at24 = 0; #endif int nSector = predict.sector; int florhit = predict.hit.florhit.type; bool va = (predict.floordist < 16 && (florhit == kHitSector || florhit == 0)); if (va && (sector[nSector].floorstat & 2) != 0) { int z1 = getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.x, predict.y); int x2 = predict.x + MulScale(64, predict.angle.Cos_(), 30); int y2 = predict.y + MulScale(64, predict.angle.Sin_(), 30); int nSector2 = nSector; updatesector(x2, y2, &nSector2); if (nSector2 == nSector) { int z2 = getflorzofslope(nSector2, x2, y2); predict.horizoff = interpolatedvalue(predict.horizoff, maphoriz((z1 - z2) * 8), 0x4000); } } else { predict.horizoff = interpolatedvalue(predict.horizoff, nullAngle, 0x4000); if (abs(predict.horizoff.Degrees()) < 1.79) predict.horizoff = nullAngle; } predict.slope = -predict.horiz.Tan() * 16384.; #endif } void fakePlayerProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, InputPacket* pInput) { #if 0 auto pSprite = pPlayer->actor; POSTURE* pPosture = &pPlayer->pPosture[pPlayer->lifeMode][predict.posture]; int top, bottom; GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom); top += predict.z - pSprite->z; bottom += predict.z - pSprite->z; int dzb = (bottom - predict.z) / 4; int dzt = (predict.z - top) / 4; int dw = pSprite->clipdist << 2; int nSector = predict.sector; if (!gNoClip) { pushmove(&predict.pos, &predict.sector, dw, dzt, dzb, CLIPMASK0); if (predict.sector == -1) predict.sector = nSector; } fakeProcessInput(pPlayer, pInput); int nSpeed = a pproxDist(predict.xvel, predict.yvel); predict.zViewVel = interpolatedvalue(predict.zViewVel, predict.zvel, FixedToFloat(0x7000)); int dz = predict.z - pPosture->eyeAboveZ - predict.viewz; if (dz > 0) predict.zViewVel += MulScale(dz << 8, 0xa000, 16); else predict.zViewVel += MulScale(dz << 8, 0x1800, 16); predict.viewz += predict.zViewVel >> 8; predict.zWeaponVel = interpolatedvalue(predict.zWeaponVel, predict.zvel, FixedToFloat(0x5000)); dz = predict.z - pPosture->weaponAboveZ - predict.zWeapon; if (dz > 0) predict.azWeaponVelt44 += MulScale(dz << 8, 0x8000, 16); else predict.zWeaponVel += MulScale(dz << 8, 0xc00, 16); predict.zWeapon += predict.zWeaponVel >> 8; predict.weaponZ = predict.zWeapon - predict.viewz - (12 << 8); predict.bobPhase = ClipLow(predict.bobPhase - 4, 0); nSpeed >>= FRACBITS; if (predict.posture == 1) { predict.Kills = (predict.Kills + 17) & 2047; predict.at14 = (predict.at14 + 17) & 2047; predict.bobHeight = MulScale(10 * pPosture->bobV, Sin_(predict.Kills * 2), 30); predict.bobWidth = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->bobH, Sin_(predict.Kills - 256), 30); predict.shakeBobY = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->swayV, Sin_(predict.at14 * 2), 30); predict.shakeBobX = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->swayH, Sin_(predict.at14 - 0x155), 30); } else { if (pXSprite->height < 256) { predict.Kills = (predict.Kills + (pPosture->pace[predict.isRunning] * 4)) & 2047; predict.at14 = (predict.at14 + (pPosture->pace[predict.isRunning] * 4) / 2) & 2047; if (predict.isRunning) { if (predict.bobPhase < 60) predict.bobPhase = ClipHigh(predict.bobPhase + nSpeed, 60); } else { if (predict.bobPhase < 30) predict.bobPhase = ClipHigh(predict.bobPhase + nSpeed, 30); } } predict.bobHeight = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->bobV, Sin_(predict.Kills * 2), 30); predict.bobWidth = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->bobH, Sin_(predict.Kills - 256), 30); predict.shakeBobY = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->swayV, Sin_(predict.at14 * 2), 30); predict.shakeBobX = MulScale(predict.bobPhase * pPosture->swayH, Sin_(predict.at14 - 0x155), 30); } if (!pXSprite->health) return; predict.isUnderwater = 0; if (predict.posture == 1) { predict.isUnderwater = 1; int nSector = predict.sector; auto nLink = getLowerLink(nSector); if (nLink && (nLink->spr.type == kMarkerLowGoo || nLink->spr.type == kMarkerLowWater)) { if (getceilzofslope(nSector, predict.x, predict.y) > predict.viewz) predict.isUnderwater = 0; } } #endif } static void fakeMoveDude(DBloodActor* actor) { #if 0 // not needed for single player, temporarily disabled due to icompatibilities with the refactored API. PLAYER* pPlayer = NULL; int bottom, top; if (IsPlayerSprite(pSprite)) pPlayer = &gPlayer[pSprite->type - kDudePlayer1]; assert(pSprite->type >= kDudeBase && pSprite->type < kDudeMax); GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom); top += predict.z - pSprite->z; bottom += predict.z - pSprite->z; int bz = (bottom - predict.z) / 4; int tz = (predict.z - top) / 4; int wd = pSprite->clipdist * 4; int nSector = predict.sector; assert(validSectorIndex(nSector)); if (predict.xvel || predict.yvel) { if (pPlayer && gNoClip) { predict.x += predict.xvel >> 12; predict.y += predict.yvel >> 12; if (!FindSector(predict.x, predict.y, &nSector)) nSector = predict.sector; } else { auto bakCstat = pSprite->cstat; pSprite->cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; ClipMove(&predict.pos, &nSector, predict.xvel >> 12, predict.yvel >> 12, wd, tz, bz, CLIPMASK0, predict.hit.hit); if (nSector == -1) nSector = predict.sector; if (sector[nSector].type >= kSectorPath && sector[nSector].type <= kSectorRotate) { int nSector2 = nSector; pushmove(&predict.pos, &nSector2, wd, tz, bz, CLIPMASK0); if (nSector2 != -1) nSector = nSector2; } assert(nSector >= 0); pSprite->cstat = bakCstat; } switch (predict.hit.hit.type) { case kHitSprite: { int nHitWall = predict.hit.hit.index; walltype* pHitWall = &wall[nHitWall]; if (pHitWall->twoSided()) { sectortype* pHitSector = &pHitWall->nextSector(); if (top < pHitSector->ceiling z || bottom > pHitSector->floor z) { // ??? } } actWallBounceVector(&predict.xvel, &predict.yvel, pHitWall, 0); break; } } } if (predict.sector != nSector) { assert(validSectorIndex(nSector)); predict.sector = nSector; } bool bUnderwater = 0; bool bDepth = 0; if (sector[sector].hasX()) { XSECTOR* pXSector = §or[sector].xs(); if (pXSector->Underwater) bUnderwater = 1; if (pXSector->Depth) bDepth = 1; } auto nUpperLink = getUpperLink(nSector); auto nLowerLink = getLowerLink(nSector); if (nUpperLink >= 0 && (nUpperLink->spr.type == kMarkerUpWater || nUpperLink->spr.type == kMarkerUpGoo)) bDepth = 1; if (nLowerLink >= 0 && (nLowerLink->spr.type == kMarkerLowWater || nLowerLink->spr.type == kMarkerLowGoo)) bDepth = 1; if (pPlayer) wd += 16; if (predict.zvel) predict.z += predict.zvel >> 8; spritetype pSpriteBak; memcpy(&pSpriteBak, pSprite, sizeof(pSpriteBak)); auto pTempSprite = pSprite; pTempSprite->x = predict.x; pTempSprite->y = predict.y; pTempSprite->z = predict.z; pTempSprite->sector = predict.sector; int ceilZ, floorZ; Collision ceilColl, floorColl; GetZRange(pTempSprite, &ceilZ, &ceilColl, &floorZ, &floorColl, wd, CLIPMASK0); GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom); if (predict.sprflags & 2) { int vc = 58254; if (bDepth) { if (bUnderwater) { int cz = getceilzofslope(nSector, predict.x, predict.y); if (cz > top) vc += ((bottom - cz) * -80099) / (bottom - top); else vc = 0; } else { int fz = getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.x, predict.y); if (fz < bottom) vc += ((bottom - fz) * -80099) / (bottom - top); } } else { if (bUnderwater) vc = 0; else if (bottom >= floorZ) vc = 0; } if (vc) { predict.z += ((vc * 4) / 2) >> 8; predict.zvel += vc; } } GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom); if (bottom >= floorZ) { int floorZ2 = floorZ; auto floorHit2 = floorColl; GetZRange(pTempSprite, &ceilZ, &ceilColl, &floorZ, &floorColl, pSprite->clipdist << 2, CLIPMASK0, PARALLAXCLIP_CEILING | PARALLAXCLIP_FLOOR); if (bottom <= floorZ && predict.z - floorZ2 < bz) { floorZ = floorZ2; floorColl = floorHit2; } } if (floorZ <= bottom) { predict.hit.florhit = floorColl; predict.z += floorZ - bottom; int var44 = predict.zvel - predict.sector()->velFloor; if (var44 > 0) { actFloorBounceVector(&predict.xvel, &predict.yvel, &var44, predict.sector, 0); predict.zvel = var44; if (abs(predict.zvel) < 0x10000) { predict.zvel = predict.sector()->velFloor; predict.sprflags &= ~4; } else predict.sprflags |= 4; } else if (predict.zvel == 0) predict.sprflags &= ~4; } else { predict.hit.florhit.setNone(); if (predict.sprflags & 2) predict.sprflags |= 4; } if (top <= ceilZ) { predict.hit.ceilhit = ceilColl; predict.z += ClipLow(ceilZ - top, 0); if (predict.zvel <= 0 && (predict.sprflags & 4)) predict.zvel = MulScale(-predict.zvel, 0x2000, 16); } else predict.hit.ceilhit = 0; GetSpriteExtents(pTempSprite, &top, &bottom); memcpy(pSprite, &pSpriteBak, sizeof(pSpriteBak)); predict.floordist = ClipLow(floorZ - bottom, 0) >> 8; if (predict.xvel || predict.yvel) { if (floorColl.type == kHitSprite) { auto hitactor = floorColl.actor; if ((hitactor->spr.cstat & 0x30) == 0) { predict.xvel += MulScale(4, predict.x - hitactor->spr.x, 2); predict.yvel += MulScale(4, predict.y - hitactor->spr.y, 2); return; } } if (pSprite->sector()->hasX() && pSprite->sector()->xs().Underwater) return; if (predict.floordist >= 0x100) return; int nDrag = gDudeDrag; if (predict.floordist > 0) nDrag -= scale(gDudeDrag, predict.floordist, 0x100); predict.xvel -= mulscale16r(predict.xvel, nDrag); predict.yvel -= mulscale16r(predict.yvel, nDrag); if (a pproxDist(predict.xvel, predict.yvel) < 0x1000) predict.xvel = predict.yvel = 0; } #endif } static void fakeActAirDrag(DBloodActor*, int num) { #if 0 int xvec = 0; int yvec = 0; assert(validSectorIndex(predict.sector)); sectortype* pSector = §or[predict.sector]; if (pSector->hasX()) { XSECTOR* pXSector = &pSector->xs(); if (pXSector->windVel && (pXSector->windAlways || pXSector->busy)) { int vel = pXSector->windVel << 12; if (!pXSector->windAlways && pXSector->busy) vel = MulScale(vel, pXSector->busy, 16); xvec = MulScale(vel, Cos_(pXSector->windAng), 30); yvec = MulScale(vel, Sin_(pXSector->windAng), 30); } } predict.xvel += MulScale(xvec - predict.xvel, num, 16); predict.yvel += MulScale(yvec - predict.yvel, num, 16); predict.zvel -= MulScale(predict.zvel, num, 16); #endif } void fakeActProcessSprites(void) { #if 0 auto pSprite = gMe->actor; if (pSprite->statnum == kStatDude) { int nSector = predict.sector; auto pSector = §or[predict.sector]; auto pXSector = pSector->hasX() ? &pSector->xs() : nullptr; if (pXSector) { int top, bottom; GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &top, &bottom); top += predict.z - pSprite->z; bottom += predict.z - pSprite->z; if (getflorzofslope(nSector, predict.x, predict.y) < bottom) { int angle = pXSector->panAngle; int speed = 0; if (pXSector->panAlways || pXSector->state || pXSector->busy) { speed = pXSector->panVel << 9; if (!pXSector->panAlways && pXSector->busy) speed = MulScale(speed, pXSector->busy, 16); } if (pSector->floorstat & 64) angle = (GetWallAngle(pSector->firstWall()) + 512) & 2047; predict.xvel += MulScale(speed, Cos_(angle), 30); predict.yvel += MulScale(speed, Sin_(angle), 30); } } if (pXSector && pXSector->Underwater) fakeActAirDrag(pSprite, 5376); else fakeActAirDrag(pSprite, 128); if ((predict.sprflags & 4) != 0 || predict.xvel != 0 || predict.yvel != 0 || predict.zvel != 0 || predict.sector()->velFloor != 0 || predict.sector()->velCeil != 0) { fakeMoveDude(pSprite); } } #endif } void viewCorrectPrediction(void) { #if 0 auto pSprite = gMe->actor; VIEW* pView = &predictFifo[(gNetFifoTail - 1) & 255]; if (gMe->angle.ang != pView->at30 || pView->at24 != gMe->horizon.horiz || pView->at50 != pSprite->x || pView->at54 != pSprite->y || pView->at58 != pSprite->z) { viewInitializePrediction(); predictOld = gPrevView[myconnectindex]; gPredictTail = gNetFifoTail; while (gPredictTail < gNetFifoHead[myconnectindex]) { viewUpdatePrediction(&gFifoInput[gPredictTail & 255][myconnectindex]); } } #endif } END_BLD_NS