//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph Oelckers This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdexcept> #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "zstring.h" #include "name.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "gamecvars.h" #include "build.h" #include "inputstate.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "rts.h" #include "printf.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "i_specialpaths.h" #include "raze_music.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "menu.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "quotemgr.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "inputstate.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "st_start.h" #include "s_music.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "resourcefile.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "glbackend/glbackend.h" #include "engineerrors.h" #include "mmulti.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "i_interface.h" #include "x86.h" #include "startupinfo.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "menustate.h" #include "screenjob.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "uiinput.h" #include "d_net.h" CVAR(Bool, autoloadlights, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR(Bool, autoloadbrightmaps, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CUSTOM_CVAR(String, language, "auto", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { GStrings.UpdateLanguage(self); } CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, mouse_capturemode, 1, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG | CVAR_ARCHIVE) { if (self < 0) { self = 0; } else if (self > 2) { self = 2; } } // The last remains of sdlayer.cpp GameInterface* gi; int myconnectindex, numplayers; int connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXMULTIPLAYERS]; auto vsnprintfptr = vsnprintf; // This is an inline in Visual Studio but we need an address for it to satisfy the MinGW compiled libraries. int lastTic; int automapMode; bool automapFollow; extern bool pauseext; CCMD(togglemap) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { automapMode++; if (automapMode == am_count) automapMode = am_off; if ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD) && automapMode == am_overlay) automapMode = am_full; // todo: investigate if this can be re-enabled gi->ResetFollowPos(false); } } CCMD(togglefollow) { automapFollow = !automapFollow; gi->ResetFollowPos(true); } cycle_t thinktime, actortime, gameupdatetime, drawtime; gamestate_t gamestate = GS_STARTUP; gameaction_t gameaction = ga_nothing; // gameaction state MapRecord* g_nextmap; int g_nextskill; FILE* hashfile; FStartupInfo GameStartupInfo; FMemArena dump; // this is for memory blocks than cannot be deallocated without some huge effort. Put them in here so that they do not register on shutdown. InputState inputState; int ShowStartupWindow(TArray<GrpEntry> &); FString GetGameFronUserFiles(); void InitFileSystem(TArray<GrpEntry>&); void I_SetWindowTitle(const char* caption); void S_ParseSndInfo(); void I_DetectOS(void); void LoadScripts(); void MainLoop(); bool AppActive = true; FString currentGame; FString LumpFilter; TMap<FName, int32_t> NameToTileIndex; // for assigning names to tiles. The menu accesses this list. By default it gets everything from the dynamic tile map in Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage. // Todo: Add additional definition file for the other games or textures not in that list so that the menu does not have to rely on indices. CVAR(Bool, queryiwad, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG); CVAR(String, defaultiwad, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG); CVAR(Bool, disableautoload, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) //CVAR(Bool, autoloadbrightmaps, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // hopefully this is an option for later //CVAR(Bool, autoloadlights, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOINITCALL | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) extern int hud_size_max; int paused; bool pausedWithKey; CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, cl_gender, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { if (self < 0 || self > 3) self = 0; } int StrTable_GetGender() { return cl_gender; } bool validFilter(const char* str); static StringtableCallbacks stblcb = { validFilter, StrTable_GetGender }; extern int chatmodeon; bool System_WantGuiCapture() { bool wantCapt; if (menuactive == MENU_Off) { wantCapt = ConsoleState == c_down || ConsoleState == c_falling || chatmodeon; } else { wantCapt = (menuactive == MENU_On || menuactive == MENU_OnNoPause); } return wantCapt; } bool System_WantLeftButton() { return false;// (gamestate == GS_MENUSCREEN || gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL); } bool System_NetGame() { return false; // fixme later. For now there is no netgame support. } bool System_WantNativeMouse() { return false; } static bool System_CaptureModeInGame() { return true; } static bool System_DisableTextureFilter() { return hw_useindexedcolortextures; } static IntRect System_GetSceneRect() { // Special handling so the view with a visible status bar displays properly int height = windowxy2.y - windowxy1.y + 1, width = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x + 1; IntRect mSceneViewport; mSceneViewport.left = windowxy1.x; mSceneViewport.top = windowxy1.y; mSceneViewport.width = width; mSceneViewport.height = height; return mSceneViewport; } //========================================================================== // // DoomSpecificInfo // // Called by the crash logger to get application-specific information. // //========================================================================== void System_CrashInfo(char* buffer, size_t bufflen, const char *lfstr) { const char* arg; char* const buffend = buffer + bufflen - 2; // -2 for CRLF at end int i; buffer += mysnprintf(buffer, buffend - buffer, GAMENAME " version %s (%s)", GetVersionString(), GetGitHash()); buffer += snprintf(buffer, buffend - buffer, "%sCommand line:", lfstr); for (i = 0; i < Args->NumArgs(); ++i) { buffer += snprintf(buffer, buffend - buffer, " %s", Args->GetArg(i)); } for (i = 0; (arg = fileSystem.GetResourceFileName(i)) != NULL; ++i) { buffer += mysnprintf(buffer, buffend - buffer, "%sFile %d: %s", lfstr, i, arg); } buffer += mysnprintf(buffer, buffend - buffer, "%s", lfstr); *buffer = 0; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== UserConfig userConfig; void UserConfig::ProcessOptions() { // -help etc are omitted // -cfg / -setupfile refer to Build style config which are not supported. if (Args->CheckParm("-cfg") || Args->CheckParm("-setupfile")) { Printf("Build-format config files not supported and will be ignored\n"); } auto v = Args->CheckValue("-addon"); if (v) { auto val = strtol(v, nullptr, 0); static const char* const addons[] = { "DUKE3D.GRP", "DUKEDC.GRP", "NWINTER.GRP", "VACATION.GRP" }; if (val >= 0 && val < 4) gamegrp = addons[val]; else Printf("%s: Unknown Addon\n", v); } else if (Args->CheckParm("-nam")) { gamegrp = "NAM.GRP"; } else if (Args->CheckParm("-napalm")) { gamegrp = "NAPALM.GRP"; } else if (Args->CheckParm("-ww2gi")) { gamegrp = "WW2GI.GRP"; } // Set up all needed content for these two mod which feature a very messy distribution. // As an alternative they can be zipped up - the launcher will be able to detect and set up such versions automatically. else if (Args->CheckParm("-route66")) { gamegrp = "REDNECK.GRP"; DefaultCon = "GAME66.CON"; const char* argv[] = { "tilesa66.art" , "tilesb66.art" }; AddArt.reset(new FArgs(2, argv)); toBeDeleted.Push("turd66.anm*turdmov.anm"); toBeDeleted.Push("turd66.voc*turdmov.voc"); toBeDeleted.Push("end66.anm*rr_outro.anm"); toBeDeleted.Push("end66.voc*rr_outro.voc"); } else if (Args->CheckParm("-cryptic")) { gamegrp = "BLOOD.RFF"; DefaultCon = "CRYPTIC.INI"; const char* argv[] = { "cpart07.ar_" , "cpart15.ar_" }; AddArt.reset(new FArgs(2, argv)); } v = Args->CheckValue("-gamegrp"); if (v) { gamegrp = v; } else { // This is to enable the use of Doom launchers. that are limited to -iwad for specifying the game's main resource. v = Args->CheckValue("-iwad"); if (v) { gamegrp = v; } } Args->CollectFiles("-rts", ".rts"); auto rts = Args->CheckValue("-rts"); if (rts) RTS_Init(rts); Args->CollectFiles("-map", ".map"); CommandMap = Args->CheckValue("-map"); static const char* defs[] = { "-def", "-h", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-def", defs, ".def"); DefaultDef = Args->CheckValue("-def"); if (DefaultCon.IsEmpty()) { static const char* cons[] = { "-con", "-x", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-con", cons, ".con"); DefaultCon = Args->CheckValue("-con"); if (DefaultCon.IsEmpty()) DefaultCon = Args->CheckValue("-ini"); } static const char* demos[] = { "-playback", "-d", "-demo", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-demo", demos, ".dmo"); CommandDemo = Args->CheckValue("-demo"); static const char* names[] = { "-pname", "-name", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-name", names, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension CommandName = Args->CheckValue("-name"); static const char* nomos[] = { "-nomonsters", "-nodudes", "-nocreatures", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-nomonsters", nomos, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension nomonsters = Args->CheckParm("-nomonsters"); static const char* acons[] = { "-addcon", "-mx", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-addcon", acons, ".con"); AddCons.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-addcon")); static const char* adefs[] = { "-adddef", "-mh", nullptr }; Args->CollectFiles("-adddef", adefs, ".def"); AddDefs.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-adddef")); Args->CollectFiles("-art", ".art"); AddArt.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-art")); nologo = Args->CheckParm("-nologo") || Args->CheckParm("-quick"); nosound = Args->CheckParm("-nosfx") || Args->CheckParm("-nosound"); if (Args->CheckParm("-setup")) queryiwad = 1; else if (Args->CheckParm("-nosetup")) queryiwad = 0; if (Args->CheckParm("-file")) { // For file loading there's two modes: // If -file is given, all content will be processed in order and the legacy options be ignored entirely. //This allows mixing directories and GRP files in arbitrary order. Args->CollectFiles("-file", NULL); AddFiles.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-file")); } else { // Trying to emulate Build. This means to treat RFF files as lowest priority, then all GRPs and then all directories. // This is only for people depending on lauchers. Since the semantics are so crappy it is strongly recommended to // use -file instead which gives the user full control over the order in which things are added. // For single mods this is no problem but don't even think about loading more stuff consistently... static const char* grps[] = { "-g", "-grp", nullptr }; static const char* dirs[] = { "-game_dir", "-j", nullptr }; static const char* rffs[] = { "-rff", "-snd", nullptr }; static const char* twostep[] = { "-rff", "-grp", nullptr }; // Abuse the inner workings to get the files into proper order. This is not 100% accurate but should work fine for everything that doesn't intentionally fuck things up. Args->CollectFiles("-rff", rffs, ".rff"); Args->CollectFiles("-grp", grps, nullptr); Args->CollectFiles("-grp", twostep, nullptr); // The two previous calls have already brought the content in order so collecting it again gives us one list with everything. AddFilesPre.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-grp")); Args->CollectFiles("-game_dir", dirs, nullptr); AddFiles.reset(Args->GatherFiles("-game_dir")); } if (Args->CheckParm("-showcoords") || Args->CheckParm("-w")) { C_DoCommand("stat coord"); } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void CheckUserMap() { if (userConfig.CommandMap.IsEmpty()) return; FString startupMap = userConfig.CommandMap; if (startupMap.IndexOfAny("/\\") < 0) startupMap.Insert(0, "/"); DefaultExtension(startupMap, ".map"); startupMap.Substitute("\\", "/"); NormalizeFileName(startupMap); if (fileSystem.FileExists(startupMap)) { Printf("Using level: \"%s\".\n", startupMap.GetChars()); } else { Printf("Level \"%s\" not found.\n", startupMap.GetChars()); startupMap = ""; } userConfig.CommandMap = startupMap; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== namespace Duke3d { ::GameInterface* CreateInterface(); } namespace Blood { ::GameInterface* CreateInterface(); } namespace ShadowWarrior { ::GameInterface* CreateInterface(); } namespace Powerslave { ::GameInterface* CreateInterface(); } extern int MinFPSRate; // this is a bit messy. void CheckFrontend(int flags) { if (flags & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD) { gi = Blood::CreateInterface(); } else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_SW) { MinFPSRate = 40; gi = ShadowWarrior::CreateInterface(); } else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED) { gi = Powerslave::CreateInterface(); } else { gi = Duke3d::CreateInterface(); } } void I_StartupJoysticks(); void I_ShutdownInput(); int RunGame(); int GameMain() { int r; static SystemCallbacks syscb = { System_WantGuiCapture, System_WantLeftButton, System_NetGame, System_WantNativeMouse, System_CaptureModeInGame, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, System_DisableTextureFilter, nullptr, System_GetSceneRect, }; sysCallbacks = &syscb; try { r = RunGame(); } catch (const CExitEvent & exit) { // Just let the rest of the function execute. r = exit.Reason(); } catch (const std::exception & err) { // shut down critical systems before showing a message box. I_ShowFatalError(err.what()); r = -1; } DeleteScreenJob(); M_ClearMenus(true); if (gi) { gi->FreeGameData(); // Must be done before taking down any subsystems. } S_StopMusic(true); if (soundEngine) delete soundEngine; soundEngine = nullptr; I_CloseSound(); I_ShutdownInput(); G_SaveConfig(); C_DeinitConsole(); V_ClearFonts(); vox_deinit(); TexMan.DeleteAll(); TileFiles.CloseAll(); // delete the texture data before shutting down graphics. GLInterface.Deinit(); I_ShutdownGraphics(); M_DeinitMenus(); engineUnInit(); if (gi) { delete gi; gi = nullptr; } DeleteStartupScreen(); PClass::StaticShutdown(); if (Args) delete Args; return r; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void SetDefaultStrings() { if ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_DUKE) && fileSystem.FindFile("E4L1.MAP") < 0) { // Pre-Atomic releases do not define this. gVolumeNames[0] = "$L.A. Meltdown"; gVolumeNames[1] = "$Lunar Apocalypse"; gVolumeNames[2] = "$Shrapnel City"; if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SHAREWARE) gVolumeNames[3] = "$The Birth"; gSkillNames[0] = "$Piece of Cake"; gSkillNames[1] = "$Let's Rock"; gSkillNames[2] = "$Come get Some"; gSkillNames[3] = "$Damn I'm Good"; } // Blood hard codes its skill names, so we have to define them manually. if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD) { gSkillNames[0] = "$STILL KICKING"; gSkillNames[1] = "$PINK ON THE INSIDE"; gSkillNames[2] = "$LIGHTLY BROILED"; gSkillNames[3] = "$WELL DONE"; gSkillNames[4] = "$EXTRA CRISPY"; } //Set a few quotes which are used for common handling of a few status messages quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(23, "$MESSAGES: ON"); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(24, "$MESSAGES: OFF"); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(83, "$FOLLOW MODE OFF"); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(84, "$FOLLOW MODE ON"); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(85, "$AUTORUNOFF"); quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(86, "$AUTORUNON"); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static TArray<GrpEntry> SetupGame() { // Startup dialog must be presented here so that everything can be set up before reading the keybinds. auto groups = GrpScan(); if (groups.Size() == 0) { // Abort if no game data found. G_SaveConfig(); I_Error("Unable to find any game data. Please verify your settings."); } decltype(groups) usedgroups; int groupno = -1; // If the user has specified a file name, let's see if we know it. // FString game = GetGameFronUserFiles(); if (userConfig.gamegrp.IsEmpty()) { userConfig.gamegrp = game; } if (userConfig.gamegrp.Len()) { FString gamegrplower = "/" + userConfig.gamegrp.MakeLower(); int g = 0; for (auto& grp : groups) { auto grplower = grp.FileName.MakeLower(); grplower.Substitute("\\", "/"); if (grplower.LastIndexOf(gamegrplower) == grplower.Len() - gamegrplower.Len()) { groupno = g; break; } g++; } } if (groupno == -1) { int pick = 0; // We got more than one so present the IWAD selection box. if (groups.Size() > 1) { // Locate the user's prefered IWAD, if it was found. if (defaultiwad[0] != '\0') { for (unsigned i = 0; i < groups.Size(); ++i) { FString& basename = groups[i].FileName; if (stricmp(basename, defaultiwad) == 0) { pick = i; break; } } } if (groups.Size() > 1) { TArray<WadStuff> wads; for (auto& found : groups) { WadStuff stuff; stuff.Name = found.FileInfo.name; stuff.Path = ExtractFileBase(found.FileName); wads.Push(stuff); } pick = I_PickIWad(&wads[0], (int)wads.Size(), queryiwad, pick); if (pick >= 0) { // The newly selected IWAD becomes the new default defaultiwad = groups[pick].FileName; } groupno = pick; } } else if (groups.Size() == 1) { groupno = 0; } } if (groupno == -1) return TArray<GrpEntry>(); auto& group = groups[groupno]; if (GameStartupInfo.Name.IsNotEmpty()) I_SetWindowTitle(GameStartupInfo.Name); else I_SetWindowTitle(group.FileInfo.name); // Now filter out the data we actually need and delete the rest. usedgroups.Push(group); auto crc = group.FileInfo.dependencyCRC; if (crc != 0) for (auto& dep : groups) { if (dep.FileInfo.CRC == crc) { usedgroups.Insert(0, dep); // Order from least dependent to most dependent, which is the loading order of data. } } groups.Reset(); FString selectedScript; FString selectedDef; for (auto& ugroup : usedgroups) { // For CONs the command line has priority, aside from that, the last one wins. For Blood this handles INIs - the rules are the same. if (ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedScript = ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname; if (ugroup.FileInfo.defname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedDef = ugroup.FileInfo.defname; // CVAR has priority. This also overwrites the global variable each time. Init here is lazy so this is ok. if (ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname.IsNotEmpty() && **rtsname == 0) RTS_Init(ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname); // For the game filter the last non-empty one wins. if (ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter.IsNotEmpty()) LumpFilter = ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter; g_gameType |= ugroup.FileInfo.flags; } if (userConfig.DefaultCon.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultCon = selectedScript; if (userConfig.DefaultDef.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultDef = selectedDef; // This can only happen with a custom game that does not define any filter. // In this case take the display name and strip all whitespace and invaliid path characters from it. if (LumpFilter.IsEmpty()) { LumpFilter = usedgroups.Last().FileInfo.name; LumpFilter.StripChars(".:/\\<>?\"*| \t\r\n"); } currentGame = LumpFilter; currentGame.Truncate(currentGame.IndexOf(".")); CheckFrontend(g_gameType); return usedgroups; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== int RunGame() { // Set up the console before anything else so that it can receive text. C_InitConsole(1024, 768, true); // +logfile gets checked too late to catch the full startup log in the logfile so do some extra check for it here. FString logfile = Args->TakeValue("+logfile"); // As long as this engine is still in prerelease mode let's always write a log file. if (logfile.IsEmpty()) logfile.Format("%s" GAMENAMELOWERCASE ".log", M_GetDocumentsPath().GetChars()); if (logfile.IsNotEmpty()) { execLogfile(logfile); } I_DetectOS(); userConfig.ProcessOptions(); G_LoadConfig(); auto usedgroups = SetupGame(); InitFileSystem(usedgroups); if (usedgroups.Size() == 0) return 0; // Handle CVARs with game specific defaults here. if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD) { mus_redbook.SetGenericRepDefault(false, CVAR_Bool); // Blood should default to CD Audio off - all other games must default to on. am_showlabel.SetGenericRepDefault(true, CVAR_Bool); } if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SW) { cl_weaponswitch.SetGenericRepDefault(1, CVAR_Int); if (cl_weaponswitch > 1) cl_weaponswitch = 1; } if (g_gameType & (GAMEFLAG_BLOOD|GAMEFLAG_RR)) { am_nameontop.SetGenericRepDefault(true, CVAR_Bool); // Blood and RR show the map name on the top of the screen by default. } G_ReadConfig(currentGame); V_InitFontColors(); GStrings.LoadStrings(language); CheckCPUID(&CPU); CalculateCPUSpeed(); auto ci = DumpCPUInfo(&CPU); Printf("%s", ci.GetChars()); V_InitScreenSize(); V_InitScreen(); StartScreen = FStartupScreen::CreateInstance(100); TArray<FString> addArt; for (auto& grp : usedgroups) { for (auto& art : grp.FileInfo.loadart) { addArt.Push(art); } } if (userConfig.AddArt) for (auto& art : *userConfig.AddArt) { addArt.Push(art); } TileFiles.AddArt(addArt); inputState.ClearAllInput(); if (!GameConfig->IsInitialized()) { CONFIG_ReadCombatMacros(); } if (userConfig.CommandName.IsNotEmpty()) { playername = userConfig.CommandName; } GameTicRate = 30; CheckUserMap(); GPalette.Init(MAXPALOOKUPS + 2); // one slot for each translation, plus a separate one for the base palettes and the internal one TexMan.Init([]() {}, [](BuildInfo &) {}); V_InitFonts(); TileFiles.Init(); sfx_empty = fileSystem.FindFile("engine/dsempty.lmp"); // this must be done outside the sound code because it's initialized late. I_InitSound(); Mus_InitMusic(); S_ParseSndInfo(); InitStatistics(); LoadScripts(); M_Init(); SetDefaultStrings(); if (Args->CheckParm("-sounddebug")) C_DoCommand("stat sounddebug"); if (enginePreInit()) { I_FatalError("There was a problem initializing the Build engine: %s\n", engineerrstr); } auto exec = C_ParseCmdLineParams(nullptr); if (exec) exec->ExecCommands(); SetupGameButtons(); gi->app_init(); enginePostInit(); // This must not be done earlier! videoInit(); D_CheckNetGame(); MainLoop(); return 0; // this is never reached. MainLoop only exits via exception. } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The one and only main loop in the entire engine. Yay! // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TickSubsystems() { // run these on an independent timer until we got something working for the games. static const uint64_t tickInterval = 1'000'000'000 / 30; static uint64_t nexttick = 0; auto nowtick = I_nsTime(); if (nexttick == 0) nexttick = nowtick; int cnt = 0; while (nexttick <= nowtick && cnt < 5) { nexttick += tickInterval; C_Ticker(); M_Ticker(); C_RunDelayedCommands(); cnt++; } // If this took too long the engine was most likely suspended so recalibrate the timer. // Perfect precision is not needed here. if (cnt == 5) nexttick = nowtick + tickInterval; } void updatePauseStatus() { // This must go through the network in multiplayer games. if (M_Active() || System_WantGuiCapture()) { paused = 1; } else if (!M_Active() || !System_WantGuiCapture()) { if (!pausedWithKey) { paused = 0; } if (sendPause) { sendPause = false; paused = pausedWithKey ? 0 : 2; pausedWithKey = !!paused; } } paused ? S_PauseSound(!pausedWithKey, !paused) : S_ResumeSound(paused); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void PolymostProcessVoxels(void); void videoInit() { lookups.postLoadLookups(); V_Init2(); videoSetGameMode(vid_fullscreen, screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), 32, 1); PolymostProcessVoxels(); GLInterface.Init(screen->GetWidth()); GLInterface.InitGLState(4, 4/*glmultisample*/); screen->SetTextureFilterMode(); setViewport(hud_size); } void G_FatalEngineError(void) { I_FatalError("There was a problem initializing the engine: %s\n\nThe application will now close.", engineerrstr); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== CVAR(String, combatmacro0, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro1, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro2, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro3, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro4, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro5, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro6, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro7, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro8, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) CVAR(String, combatmacro9, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO) FStringCVar* const CombatMacros[] = { &combatmacro0, &combatmacro1, &combatmacro2, &combatmacro3, &combatmacro4, &combatmacro5, &combatmacro6, &combatmacro7, &combatmacro8, &combatmacro9}; void CONFIG_ReadCombatMacros() { FScanner sc; try { sc.Open("engine/combatmacros.txt"); for (auto s : CombatMacros) { sc.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); UCVarValue val; val.String = sc.String; s->SetGenericRepDefault(val, CVAR_String); } } catch (const CRecoverableError &) { // We do not want this to error out. Just ignore if it fails. } } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== CCMD(snd_reset) { Mus_Stop(); if (soundEngine) soundEngine->Reset(); Mus_ResumeSaved(); } //========================================================================== // // S_PauseSound // // Stop music and sound effects, during game PAUSE. // //========================================================================== void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx) { if (!notmusic) { S_PauseMusic(); } if (!notsfx) { soundEngine->SetPaused(true); GSnd->SetSfxPaused (true, 0); } } //========================================================================== // // S_ResumeSound // // Resume music and sound effects, after game PAUSE. // //========================================================================== void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx) { S_ResumeMusic(); if (!notsfx) { soundEngine->SetPaused(false); GSnd->SetSfxPaused (false, 0); } } //========================================================================== // // S_SetSoundPaused // // Called with state non-zero when the app is active, zero when it isn't. // //========================================================================== void S_SetSoundPaused(int state) { if (state) { if (paused == 0) { S_ResumeSound(true); if (GSnd != nullptr) { GSnd->SetInactive(SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Active); } } } else { if (paused == 0) { S_PauseSound(false, true); if (GSnd != nullptr) { GSnd->SetInactive(SoundRenderer::INACTIVE_Complete); } } } #if 0 if (!netgame #if 0 //def _DEBUG && !demoplayback #endif ) { pauseext = !state; } #endif } FString G_GetDemoPath() { FString path = M_GetDemoPath(); path << LumpFilter << '/'; CreatePath(path); return path; } CCMD(printinterface) { Printf("Current interface is %s\n", gi->Name()); } CCMD (togglemsg) { FBaseCVar *var, *prev; UCVarValue val; if (argv.argc() > 1) { if ( (var = FindCVar (argv[1], &prev)) ) { var->MarkUnsafe(); val = var->GetGenericRep (CVAR_Bool); val.Bool = !val.Bool; var->SetGenericRep (val, CVAR_Bool); const char *statestr = argv.argc() <= 2? "*" : argv[2]; if (*statestr == '*') { Printf(PRINT_MEDIUM|PRINT_NOTIFY, "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", var->GetName(), val.Bool ? "true" : "false"); } else { int state = (int)strtoll(argv[2], nullptr, 0); if (state != 0) { // Order of Duke's quote string varies, some have on first, some off, so use the sign of the parameter to decide. // Positive means Off/On, negative means On/Off int quote = state > 0? state + val.Bool : -(state + val.Bool); auto text = quoteMgr.GetQuote(quote); if (text) Printf(PRINT_MEDIUM|PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s\n", text); } } } } } bool OkForLocalization(FTextureID texnum, const char* substitute) { return false; } // Mainly a dummy. CCMD(taunt) { if (argv.argc() > 2) { int taunt = atoi(argv[1]); int mode = atoi(argv[2]); // In a ZDoom-style protocol this should be sent: // Net_WriteByte(DEM_TAUNT); // Net_WriteByte(taunt); // Net_WriteByte(mode); if (mode == 1) { // todo: //gi->PlayTaunt(taunt); // Duke: // startrts(taunt, 1) // Blood: // sndStartSample(4400 + taunt, 128, 1, 0); // SW: // PlaySoundRTS(taunt); // Exhumed does not implement RTS, should be like Duke // } Printf(PRINT_NOTIFY, "%s", **CombatMacros[taunt - 1]); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void startmainmenu() { gamestate = GS_MENUSCREEN; M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_Mainmenu); FX_StopAllSounds(); } void GameInterface::FreeLevelData() { // Make sure that there is no more level to toy around with. initspritelists(); numsectors = numwalls = 0; currentLevel = nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static float am_zoomdir; int GetAutomapZoom(int gZoom) { static int nonsharedtimer; int ms = screen->FrameTime; int interval; if (nonsharedtimer > 0 || ms < nonsharedtimer) { interval = ms - nonsharedtimer; } else { interval = 0; } nonsharedtimer = screen->FrameTime; if (System_WantGuiCapture()) return gZoom; if (automapMode != am_off) { if (am_zoomdir > 0) { gZoom = xs_CRoundToInt(gZoom * am_zoomdir); } else if (am_zoomdir < 0) { gZoom = xs_CRoundToInt(gZoom / -am_zoomdir); } am_zoomdir = 0; double j = interval * (120. / 1000); if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen)) gZoom += (int)fmulscale6(j, max(gZoom, 256)); if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Shrink_Screen)) gZoom -= (int)fmulscale6(j, max(gZoom, 256)); gZoom = clamp(gZoom, 48, 2048); } return gZoom; } CCMD(am_zoom) { if (argv.argc() >= 2) { am_zoomdir = (float)atof(argv[1]); } }