/* ** palette.cpp ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2019-2020 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "build.h" #include "imagehelpers.h" #include "palette.h" #include "superfasthash.h" #include "memarena.h" #include "palettecontainer.h" #include "palutil.h" #include "colormatcher.h" #include "m_swap.h" #include "v_colortables.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "printf.h" #include "v_draw.h" LookupTableInfo lookups; int numshades; //========================================================================== // // Adds a palette to the global list of base palettes // //========================================================================== void paletteSetColorTable(int32_t id, uint8_t const* table, bool notransparency, bool twodonly) { if (id == 0) { GPalette.SetPalette(table, 255); GPalette.BaseColors[255] = 0; BuildTransTable(GPalette.BaseColors); } FRemapTable remap; remap.AddColors(0, 256, table, -1); if (!notransparency) { remap.Palette[255] = 0; remap.Remap[255] = 255; } remap.TwodOnly = twodonly; // remap.NoTransparency = notransparency; GPalette.UpdateTranslation(TRANSLATION(Translation_BasePalettes, id), &remap); } //========================================================================== // // loads the main palette file. // //========================================================================== void paletteLoadFromDisk(void) { for (auto& x : glblend) { x = defaultglblend; } auto fil = fileSystem.OpenFileReader("palette.dat"); if (!fil.isOpen()) return; // Base palette uint8_t palette[768]; if (768 != fil.Read(palette, 768)) return; for (auto & pe : palette) pe <<= 2; paletteSetColorTable(0, palette, false, false); paletteloaded |= PALETTE_MAIN; // LameDuke and Witchaven use an older variant. if (fil.GetLength() == 41600) { numshades = 32; } else { // Shade tables numshades = fil.ReadInt16(); if (numshades <= 1) { Printf("Warning: Invalid number of shades in \"palette.dat\"!\n"); numshades = 0; return; } } // Read base shade table (lookuptables 0). unsigned length = numshades * 256; auto buffer = fil.Read(length); if (buffer.Size() != length) return; lookups.setTable(0, buffer.Data()); paletteloaded |= PALETTE_SHADE | PALETTE_TRANSLUC; } //========================================================================== // // postprocess the palette data after everything has been loaded // //========================================================================== void LookupTableInfo::postLoadTables(void) { GPalette.GenerateGlobalBrightmapFromColormap(getTable(0), numshades); // Try to detect fullbright translations. Unfortunately this cannot be used to detect fade strength because of loss of color precision in the palette map. for (int j = 0; j < MAXPALOOKUPS; j++) { if (tables[j].FadeColor) continue; auto lookup = tables[j].Shades; if (lookup.Len() > 0) { auto basetable = (uint8_t*)lookup.GetChars(); auto midtable = basetable + ((numshades / 2) - 1) * 256; int lumibase = 0, lumimid = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++) // intentionally leave out 0 and 255, because the table here is not translucency adjusted to the palette. { lumibase += GPalette.BaseColors[basetable[i]].Amplitude(); lumimid += GPalette.BaseColors[midtable[i]].Amplitude(); } float divider = float(lumimid) / float(lumibase); bool isbright = false; if (divider > 0.9) { tables[j].ShadeFactor = 1 / 10000.f; // this translation is fullbright. } else { if (tables[j].ShadeFactor == 0) tables[j].ShadeFactor = 1.f; // Fullbright lookups do not need brightmaps. auto fog = tables[j].FadeColor; if (GPalette.HasGlobalBrightmap && fog.r == 0 && fog.g == 0 && fog.b == 0) { isbright = true; // A translation is fullbright only if all fullbright colors in the base table are mapped to another fullbright color. auto brightmap = GPalette.GlobalBrightmap.Remap; for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++) // This also ignores entries 0 and 255 for the same reason as above. { int map = basetable[i]; if (brightmap[i] == GPalette.WhiteIndex && brightmap[map] != GPalette.WhiteIndex) { isbright = false; break; } } } } tables[j].hasBrightmap = isbright; DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Lookup %d is %sbright\n", j, isbright ? "" : "not "); } } } //========================================================================== // // load the lookup tables from lookup.dat // //========================================================================== int32_t LookupTableInfo::loadTable(FileReader &fp) { uint8_t buffer[256]; int numlookups = fp.ReadUInt8(); if (numlookups < 1) return -1; for (int j=0; j<numlookups; j++) { int palnum = fp.ReadUInt8(); if (256 != fp.Read(buffer, 256)) return -1; if (palnum < 0 || palnum >= 256 - RESERVEDPALS) { Printf("ERROR: attempt to load lookup at invalid index %d\n", palnum); } else makeTable(palnum, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return 0; } //========================================================================== // // Find a gap of four consecutive unused pal numbers to generate fog shade tables. // //========================================================================== void LookupTableInfo::setupDefaultFog(void) { for (int j = 1; j <= 255 - 3; j++) { if (tables[j].Shades.IsEmpty() && tables[j+1].Shades.IsEmpty() && tables[j + 2].Shades.IsEmpty() && tables[j + 3].Shades.IsEmpty()) { makeTable(j, NULL, 60, 60, 60, 1); makeTable(j + 1, NULL, 60, 0, 0, 1); makeTable(j + 2, NULL, 0, 60, 0, 1); makeTable(j + 3, NULL, 0, 0, 60, 1); break; } } } //========================================================================== // // post process the lookup tables once everything has been loaded // //========================================================================== void LookupTableInfo::postLoadLookups() { int numpalettes = GPalette.NumTranslations(Translation_BasePalettes); if (numpalettes == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < numpalettes; i++) { auto palette = GPalette.GetTranslation(Translation_BasePalettes, i); if (!palette) continue; if (palette->TwodOnly) { GPalette.CopyTranslation(TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + i, 0), TRANSLATION(Translation_BasePalettes, i)); } else { for (int l = 0; l < MAXPALOOKUPS; l++) { if (!tables[l].Shades.IsEmpty()) { const uint8_t* lookup = (uint8_t*)tables[l].Shades.GetChars(); FRemapTable remap; memcpy(remap.Remap, lookup, 256); for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { remap.Palette[j] = palette->Palette[remap.Remap[j]]; } remap.NumEntries = 256; GPalette.UpdateTranslation(TRANSLATION(i + Translation_Remap, l), &remap); } } } } // Swap colors 0 and 255. Note that color 255 may not be translucent! auto colorswap = [](FRemapTable* remap) { std::swap(remap->Palette[255], remap->Palette[0]); std::swap(remap->Remap[255], remap->Remap[0]); for (auto& c : remap->Remap) { if (c == 0) c = 255; else if (c == 255) c = 0; } if (!remap->NoTransparency) { remap->Remap[0] = 0; remap->Palette[0] = 0; } }; for (auto remap : GPalette.uniqueRemaps) { if (!remap->ForFont) colorswap(remap); } colorswap(&GPalette.GlobalBrightmap); std::swap(GPalette.BaseColors[0], GPalette.BaseColors[255]); GPalette.Remap[0] = 255; } //========================================================================== // // set a lookup table from external data // //========================================================================== int32_t LookupTableInfo::setTable(int palnum, const uint8_t *shtab) { if (shtab != NULL) { int length = numshades * 256; tables[palnum].Shades = FString((const char*)shtab, length); } return 0; } //========================================================================== // // creates a lookup table from scratch // //========================================================================== void LookupTableInfo::makeTable(int palnum, const uint8_t *remapbuf, int r, int g, int b, bool noFloorPal) { uint8_t idmap[256]; // NOTE: palnum==0 is allowed if (paletteloaded == 0 || (unsigned)palnum >= MAXPALOOKUPS) return; tables[palnum].noFloorPal = noFloorPal; if (remapbuf == nullptr) { if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) { clearTable(palnum); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) idmap[i] = i; remapbuf = idmap; } int length = numshades * 256; auto p = tables[palnum].Shades.LockNewBuffer(length); if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) { // "black fog"/visibility case -- only remap color indices auto src = getTable(0); for (int j = 0; j < numshades; j++) for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { p[256 * j + i] = src[256 * j + remapbuf[i]]; } } else { // colored fog case for (int i = 0; i < numshades; i++) { int colfac = (numshades - i); for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) { PalEntry pe = GPalette.BaseColors[remapbuf[j]]; p[256 * i + j] = ColorMatcher.Pick( (pe.r * colfac + r * i) / numshades, (pe.g * colfac + g * i) / numshades, (pe.b * colfac + b * i) / numshades); } } } tables[palnum].FadeColor.r = r; tables[palnum].FadeColor.g = g; tables[palnum].FadeColor.b = b; tables[palnum].FadeColor.a = 1; } //========================================================================== // // hicsetpalettetint(pal,r,g,b,sr,sg,sb,effect) // The tinting values represent a mechanism for emulating the effect of global sector // palette shifts on true-colour textures and only true-colour textures. // effect bitset: 1 = greyscale, 2 = invert // //========================================================================== void LookupTableInfo::setPaletteTint(int palnum, int r, int g, int b, int sr, int sg, int sb, int flags) { if ((unsigned)palnum >= MAXPALOOKUPS) return; auto &lookup = tables[palnum]; lookup.tintColor = PalEntry(r, g, b); lookup.tintShade = PalEntry(sr, sg, sb); if (flags == 0) flags = TINTF_COLORIZE; lookup.tintFlags = flags | TINTF_ENABLE; } //========================================================================== // // todo: everything below belongs elsewhere. Move it out // //========================================================================== #include "v_2ddrawer.h" uint8_t curbasepal; int32_t r_scenebrightness; PalEntry palfadergb; static int32_t tint_blood_r = 0, tint_blood_g = 0, tint_blood_b = 0; glblend_t glblend[MAXBLENDTABS]; void videoSetPalette(int palid) { curbasepal = (GPalette.GetTranslation(Translation_BasePalettes, palid) == nullptr)? 0 : palid; } //========================================================================== // // map Build blend definitions to actual render style / alpha combos. // //========================================================================== glblend_t const nullglblend = { { { 1.f, STYLEALPHA_One, STYLEALPHA_Zero, 0 }, { 1.f, STYLEALPHA_One, STYLEALPHA_Zero, 0 }, }, }; glblend_t const defaultglblend = { { { 2.f / 3.f, STYLEALPHA_Src, STYLEALPHA_InvSrc, 0 }, { 1.f / 3.f, STYLEALPHA_Src, STYLEALPHA_InvSrc, 0 }, }, }; FRenderStyle GetRenderStyle(int blend, int def) { FRenderStyle rs; rs.BlendOp = STYLEOP_Add; auto glbdef = &glblend[blend].def[def]; rs.SrcAlpha = glbdef->src; rs.DestAlpha = glbdef->dst; rs.Flags = 0; return rs; } float GetAlphaFromBlend(uint32_t method, uint32_t blend) { return method == DAMETH_TRANS1 || method == DAMETH_TRANS2 ? glblend[blend].def[method - DAMETH_TRANS1].alpha : 1.f; } //========================================================================== // // Fullscreen blend effects // //========================================================================== void DrawFullscreenBlends() { // These get prepended to the 2D drawer so they must be submitted in reverse order of drawing. if (tint_blood_r | tint_blood_g | tint_blood_b) { PalEntry color2(255, max(-tint_blood_r, 0), max(-tint_blood_g, 0), max(-tint_blood_b, 0)); twod_blend->AddColorOnlyQuad(0, 0, twod_blend->GetWidth(), twod_blend->GetHeight(), color2, &LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Subtract], true); PalEntry color(255, max(tint_blood_r, 0), max(tint_blood_g, 0), max(tint_blood_b, 0)); twod_blend->AddColorOnlyQuad(0, 0, twod_blend->GetWidth(), twod_blend->GetHeight(), color, &LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add], true); } if (palfadergb.a > 0) { twod_blend->AddColorOnlyQuad(0, 0, twod_blend->GetWidth(), twod_blend->GetHeight(), palfadergb, &LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent], true); } } void videoTintBlood(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b) { tint_blood_r = r; tint_blood_g = g; tint_blood_b = b; }