//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DukeStatusBar : DukeCommonStatusBar { int fontheight[2]; TextureID ThreeByFive[12]; HUDFont indxfont; override void Init() { numberFont = HUDFont.Create(BigFont, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1 ); indxfont = HUDFont.Create(Font.FindFont("IndexFont"), 4, Mono_CellRight, 1, 1 ); miniFont = HUDFont.Create(SmallFont2, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1 ); digiFont = HUDFont.Create(Font.FindFont("DigiFont"), 1, Mono_Off, 1, 1 ); // optionally draw at the top of the screen. SetSize(tileHeight("BOTTOMSTATUSBAR"), 320, 200); scale = 1; ammo_sprites.PushV("", "AMMO", "SHOTGUNAMMO", "BATTERYAMMO", "RPGAMMO", "HBOMBAMMO", "CRYSTALAMMO", "DEVISTATORAMMO", "TRIPBOMBSPRITE", "FREEZEAMMO1", "HBOMBAMMO", "GROWAMMO", "FLAMETHROWERAMMO1" ); item_icons.PushV("", "FIRSTAID_ICON", "STEROIDS_ICON", "HOLODUKE_ICON", "JETPACK_ICON", "HEAT_ICON", "AIRTANK_ICON", "BOOT_ICON" ); // get the true size of the font. fontheight[1] = fontheight[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { let name = String.Format("BIGALPHANUM%d", i); let zerotex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(name, TexMan.Type_Any); if (zerotex.IsValid()) { int fh0 = TexMan.CheckRealHeight(zerotex); int fh1 = fh0; let hitex = Raze.PickTexture(zerotex); if (hitex.IsValid()) { let osize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(zerotex); let dsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(hitex); int dReal = TexMan.CheckRealHeight(hitex); fh1 = int(dReal * osize.Y / dsize.Y); } if (fh0 > fontheight[0]) fontheight[0] = fh0; if (fh1 > fontheight[1]) fontheight[1] = fh1; } } for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { let str = String.Format("THREEBYFIVE%d", i); ThreeByFive[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(str, TexMan.Type_Any); } } //========================================================================== // // Helpers // //========================================================================== int getinvamountforitem(DukePlayer p, int which) { switch (which) { case Duke.ICON_FIRSTAID: return p.firstaid_amount; case Duke.ICON_STEROIDS: return (p.steroids_amount + 3) >> 2; case Duke.ICON_HOLODUKE: return (p.holoduke_amount + 15) / 24; case Duke.ICON_JETPACK: return (p.jetpack_amount + 15) >> 4; case Duke.ICON_HEATS: return p.heat_amount / 12; case Duke.ICON_SCUBA: return (p.scuba_amount + 63) >> 6; case Duke.ICON_BOOTS: return p.boot_amount >> 1; } return -1; } int getinvamount(DukePlayer p) { return getinvamountforitem(p, p.inven_icon); } int GetMoraleOrShield(DukePlayer p) { // special handling for WW2GI int lAmount = p.GetGameVar("PLR_MORALE", -1); if (lAmount == -1) lAmount = p.shield_amount; return lAmount; } //========================================================================== // // Fullscreen HUD variant #1 // //========================================================================== void FullscreenHUD1(DukePlayer p) { int fh = fontheight[hw_hightile ? 1 : 0]; String format; TextureID img; double imgScale; double baseScale = (scale * (fh+1)); double texty = -fh - 2.5; // // Health // img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(Raze.isNamWW2GI()? "FIRSTAID_ICON" : "COLA"); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; DrawTexture(img, (2, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); if (!althud_flashing || p.last_extra > (Duke.MaxPlayerHealth() >> 2) || (PlayClock & 32) || (p.IsFrozen() && p.last_extra < 2)) { int s = -8; if (althud_flashing && p.last_extra > Duke.MaxPlayerHealth()) s += Raze.bsin(Raze.GetBuildTime() << 5) >> 10; int intens = clamp(255 - 6 * s, 0, 255); format = String.Format("%d", p.last_extra); DrawString(numberFont, format, (25, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, intens / 255., 0, 0); } // // Armor // img = TexMan.CheckForTexture("SHIELD"); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; DrawTexture(img, (67.375, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); format = String.Format("%d", GetMoraleOrShield(p)); DrawString(numberFont, format, (85, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, 1, 0, 0); // // Weapon // int weapon = p.curr_weapon; if (weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) weapon = DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON; let wicon = ammo_sprites[weapon]; if (wicon.length() > 0) { int ammo = p.ammo_amount[weapon]; if (weapon != DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON || (weapon == DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON && !cl_showmagamt)) { format = String.Format("%d", ammo); } else { int clip = CalcMagazineAmount(ammo, Raze.isNam() ? 20 : 12, p.kickback_pic >= 1); format = String.Format("%d/%d", clip, ammo - clip); } img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(wicon, TexMan.TYPE_Any); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; let imgX = 20.; let strlen = format.length(); if (strlen > 1) { imgX += (imgX * 0.6) * (strlen - 1); } if (weapon != DukeWpn.KNEE_WEAPON && (!althud_flashing || PlayClock & 32 || ammo > (Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(weapon) / 10))) { DrawString(numberFont, format, (-3, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED); } if (weapon != 7 || !Raze.isNam()) DrawTexture(img, (-imgX, -1.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); } // // Selected inventory item // uint icon = p.inven_icon; if (icon > 0) { int x = 128; if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX) { img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(item_icons[icon], TexMan.TYPE_Any); siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img); imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y; DrawTexture(img, (x, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale)); } int percentv = getinvamount(p); format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv); int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2; DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 36.5, -indxfont.mFont.GetHeight() + 0.5), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color)); String text; int pal; [text, pal] = ontext(p); if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 36.5, -miniFont.mFont.GetHeight() - 9.5), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal)); } // // keys // if (p.got_access & 1) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-12, -23.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 0)); if (p.got_access & 4) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-7 , -21.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 23)); if (p.got_access & 2) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-2 , -19.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 21)); } //========================================================================== // // Fullscreen HUD variant #2 // //========================================================================== void FullscreenHUD2(DukePlayer p) { // // health // DrawImage("HEALTHBOX", (5, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale)); int health = p.IsFrozen() ? 1 : p.last_extra; String format = String.Format("%d", health); DrawString(digiFont, format, (20, -digiFont.mFont.GetHeight() * scale - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, scale:(scale, scale)); // // ammo // DrawImage("AMMOBOX", (37, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale)); int wp = (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) ? DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON : p.curr_weapon; format = String.Format("%d", p.ammo_amount[wp]); DrawString(digiFont, format, (52, -digiFont.mFont.GetHeight() * scale - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, scale:(scale, scale)); // // inventory // uint icon = p.inven_icon; if (icon > 0) { int x = 73; DrawImage("INVENTORYBOX", (69, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale)); if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX) DrawImage(item_icons[icon], (x, -13.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER, scale:(scale, scale)); int percentv = getinvamount(p); format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv); int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2; DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 34, -indxfont.mFont.GetHeight() - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color)); String text; int pal; [text, pal] = ontext(p); if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 34, -miniFont.mFont.GetHeight() - 14), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal)); } } //========================================================================== // // Fullscreen HUD drawer // //========================================================================== void DrawHud(DukePlayer p, int style, SummaryInfo info) { BeginHUD(1, false, 320, 200); if (style == 1) { DrawInventory(p, 0, -46, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM); FullscreenHUD1(p); DoLevelStats(fontheight[hw_hightile ? 1 : 0] + 6, info); } else if (style == 2) { DrawInventory(p, netgame ? 56 : 65, -28, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM); FullscreenHUD2(p); DoLevelStats(tileHeight("HEALTHBOX") + 4, info); } else { DrawInventory(p, 0, -28, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM); DoLevelStats(2, info); } } //========================================================================== // // Helper for weapon display // //========================================================================== void DrawWeaponNum(int index, double x, double y, int num1, int num2, int shade, int numdigits) { /* if (isShareware() && (ind > DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON || ind < 0)) { minitextshade(x + 1, y - 4, "ORDER", 20, 11, 2 + 8 + 16); return; } */ String format; bool parsedDivisor = false; if (numdigits == 2) { if (num1 > 99) num1 = 99; if (num2 > 99) num2 = 99; format = String.Format("%2d/%d", num1, num2); } else { if (num1 > 999) num1 = 999; if (num2 > 999) num2 = 999; format = String.Format("%3d/%d", num1, num2); } y--; DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[index], (x - 7, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER, 1, (-1, -1), (1, 1), STYLE_Translucent, Raze.ShadeToLight(shade - 10), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 7)); let pe = Raze.ShadeToLight(shade); DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[10], (x - 3, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER, 1, (-1, -1), (1, 1), STYLE_Translucent, pe); for (uint i = 0; i < format.Length(); i++) { int cc = format.ByteAt(i); if (cc != " ") { int c = cc == "/" ? 11 : cc - int("0"); DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[c], (x + 4 * i + (parsedDivisor ? 1 : 0), y), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER, col:pe); } if (cc == "/") { parsedDivisor = true; } } } //========================================================================== // // Weapon display (Duke only) // //========================================================================== int ShadeForWeapon(DukePlayer p, int weapon, int optweapon = -1) { // Headache-inducing math at play here. return (((!p.ammo_amount[weapon]) | (!p.gotweapon[weapon])) * 9) + 12 - 18 * ((p.curr_weapon == weapon) || (optweapon != -1 && p.curr_weapon == optweapon)); } void DrawWeaponAmounts(DukePlayer p, double x, double y) { int cw = p.curr_weapon; DrawWeaponNum(2, x, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON), 12 - 20 * (cw == DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON), 3); DrawWeaponNum(3, x, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON), 3); DrawWeaponNum(4, x, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON), 3); DrawWeaponNum(5, x + 39, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON), 2); DrawWeaponNum(6, x + 39, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON, DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON), 2); if (p.subweapon & (1 << DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON)) // original code says: if(!p.ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] || cw == GROW_WEAPON) DrawWeaponNum(7, x + 39, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON), 2); else DrawWeaponNum(7, x + 39, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON), 2); DrawWeaponNum(8, x + 70, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON), 2); DrawWeaponNum(9, x + 70, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON), 2); DrawWeaponNum(0, x + 70, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON), 2); } //========================================================================== // // Status bar drawer // //========================================================================== void Statusbar(DukePlayer p) { let bsb = TexMan.CheckForTexture("BOTTOMSTATUSBAR", Texman.Type_Any); let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(bsb); int h = int(siz.Y); int top = 200 - h; int left = (320 - int(siz.X)) / 2; BeginStatusBar(false, 320, 200, h); DrawInventory(p, 160, 154, 0); if (hud_size == Hud_StbarOverlay) Set43ClipRect(); DrawTexture(bsb, (left, top), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, 1); screen.ClearClipRect(); String format; /* if (ud.multimode > 1 && !ud.coop) { DrawTexture("KILLSICON", (228, top + 8), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, 1, 0, 0); format = String.Format("%d", max(p.frag - p.fraggedself, 0)); DrawString(digiFont, format, (287, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); } else*/ { let key = TexMan.CheckForTexture("ACCESS_ICON", TexMan.Type_Any); if (p.got_access & 4) DrawTexture(key, (275.5, top + 16), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 23)); if (p.got_access & 2) DrawTexture(key, (288.5, top + 16), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 21)); if (p.got_access & 1) DrawTexture(key, (282, top + 23), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 0)); } DrawWeaponAmounts(p, 96, top + 15.5); int num = (p.IsFrozen()) ? 1 : p.last_extra; format = String.Format("%d", num); DrawString(digiFont, format, (31, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); format = String.Format("%d", GetMoraleOrShield(p)); DrawString(digiFont, format, (63, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); if (p.curr_weapon != DukeWpn.KNEE_WEAPON) { int wep = (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON)? DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON : p.curr_weapon; format = String.Format("%d", p.ammo_amount[wep]); DrawString(digiFont, format, (207, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); } int icon = p.inven_icon; if (icon) { int x = 232; if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX) DrawImage(item_icons[icon], (x, top + 20.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER); int percentv = getinvamount(p); format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv); int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2; DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 34, top + 24), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, 1, 0, 0, (1, 1), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color)); String text; int pal; [text, pal] = ontext(p); if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 34, top + 14), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, 1, 0, 0, (1, 1), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal)); } } override void UpdateStatusBar(SummaryInfo info) { let p = Duke.GetViewPlayer(); if (hud_size >= Hud_Mini) { DrawHud(p, hud_size == Hud_Nothing ? 0 : hud_size == Hud_full ? 1 : 2, info); } else { Statusbar(p); DoLevelStats(-1, info); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- override void GetAllStats(HudStats stats) { stats.Clear(); stats.info.fontscale = 1.; stats.info.statfont = SmallFont; stats.info.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE; if (Raze.isNamWW2GI()) { stats.info.statfont = ConFont; stats.info.spacing = 8; stats.info.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW; stats.info.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_FIRE; } else { stats.info.spacing = 7; stats.info.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_CREAM; stats.info.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_FIRE; } let p = Duke.GetViewPlayer(); stats.healthicon = Raze.isNamWW2GI()? "FIRSTAID_ICON" : "COLA"; stats.healthvalue = p.last_extra; let armorval = GetMoraleOrShield(p); if (armorval > 0) { stats.armoricons.Push("SHIELD"); stats.armorvalues.Push(armorval); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (p.got_access & (1 << i)) { static const int translations[] = { 8, 23, 21 }; stats.keyicons.Push("ACCESSCARD"); stats.keytranslations.Push(Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, translations[i])); } } // omits all weapons where ammo == weapon or secondary fire mode. static const String weaponIcons[] = { "", "FIRSTGUNSPRITE", "SHOTGUNSPRITE", "CHAINGUNSPRITE", "RPGSPRITE", "" /*pipe bomb*/, "SHRINKERSPRITE", "DEVISTATORSPRITE", "" /*trip bomb*/, "FREEZESPRITE", "" /*handremote*/, "" /*grower*/, "FLAMETHROWERSPRITE" }; int maxweap = Raze.IsWorldTour()? 12 : 10; for(int i = 0; i <= maxweap; i++) { if (p.gotweapon[i] && weaponIcons[i] != "") { if (p.curr_weapon == i || (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON && i == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) || (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON && i == DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON)) { stats.weaponselect = stats.weaponicons.Size(); } stats.weaponicons.Push(weaponIcons[i]); } } static const int ammoOrder[] = { DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON, DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON, DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON, DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON, DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON, DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON, DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON, DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON, DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON, DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON, DukeWpn.FLAMETHROWER_WEAPON }; int maxammo = Raze.IsWorldTour()? 11 : 10; for(int i = 0; i < maxammo; i++) { int ammonum = ammoorder[i]; if (ammonum == DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON && !Raze.isPlutoPak()) continue; if (p.curr_weapon == ammonum) { stats.ammoselect = stats.ammoicons.Size(); } stats.ammoicons.Push(ammo_sprites[ammonum]); int num = p.ammo_amount[ammonum]; stats.ammovalues.Push(num); stats.ammomaxvalues.Push(Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(ammonum)); } int n = 0, j = 0; if (p.firstaid_amount > 0) { n |= 1; j++; } if (p.steroids_amount > 0) { n |= 2; j++; } if (p.holoduke_amount > 0) { n |= 4; j++; } if (p.jetpack_amount > 0) { n |= 8; j++; } if (p.heat_amount > 0) { n |= 16; j++; } if (p.scuba_amount > 0) { n |= 32; j++; } if (p.boot_amount > 0) { n |= 64; j++; } for(int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++) { int i = 1 << bit; if (n & i) { if (p.inven_icon == bit + 1) stats.inventoryselect = stats.inventoryicons.Size(); stats.inventoryicons.Push(item_icons[bit+1]); stats.inventoryamounts.Push(getinvamountforitem(p, bit + 1)); } } } }