-- INTERNAL -- definitions of BUILD and game types for the Lunatic Interpreter local require = require local ffi = require("ffi") local ffiC = ffi.C -- Lua C API functions. local CF = CF local bit = bit local coroutine = coroutine local string = string local table = table local math = math local assert = assert local error = error local getfenv = getfenv local getmetatable = getmetatable local ipairs = ipairs local loadstring = loadstring local pairs = pairs local pcall = pcall local rawget = rawget local rawset = rawset local select = select local setmetatable = setmetatable local setfenv = setfenv local tonumber = tonumber local tostring = tostring local type = type -- Create a new module for passing stuff to other modules. local lprivate = {} require("package").loaded.lprivate = lprivate require("jit.opt").start("maxmcode=10240") -- in KiB -- The "gv" global will provide access to C global *scalars* and safe functions. -- NOTE: This exposes C library functions from e.g. the global C namespace, but -- without their declarations, they will be sitting there like a stone. local gv_ = {} -- [key]=<boolean> forbids, [key]=<non-boolean (e.g. table, function)> overrides local gv_access = {} -- This is for declarations of arrays or pointers which should not be -- accessible through the "gv" global. The "defs_common" module will -- use this function. -- -- Notes: do not declare multiple scalars on one line (this is bad: -- "int32_t a, b"). Do not name array arguments (or add a space -- between the identifier and the '[' instead). function decl(str, ...) -- NOTE that the regexp also catches non-array/non-function identifiers -- like "user_defs ud;" for varname in string.gmatch(str, "([%a_][%w_]*)[[(;]") do if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then print("FORBID "..varname) end gv_access[varname] = true end ffi.cdef(str, ...) end lprivate.decl = decl ffi.cdef[[ enum { LUNATIC_CLIENT_MAPSTER32 = 0, LUNATIC_CLIENT_EDUKE32 = 1, LUNATIC_CLIENT = LUNATIC_CLIENT_EDUKE32 } ]] -- Load the definitions common to the game's and editor's Lua interface. local defs_c = require("defs_common") local cansee = defs_c.cansee local strip_const = defs_c.strip_const local setmtonce = defs_c.setmtonce -- Must be after loading "defs_common" which redefines "print" to use -- OSD_Printf() local print, printf = print, defs_c.printf ---=== EDuke32 game definitions ===--- local INV_NAMES = { "STEROIDS", "SHIELD", "SCUBA", "HOLODUKE", "JETPACK", "DUMMY1", "ACCESS", "HEATS", "DUMMY2", "FIRSTAID", "BOOTS", } local WEAPON_NAMES = { "KNEE", "PISTOL", "SHOTGUN", "CHAINGUN", "RPG", "HANDBOMB", "SHRINKER", "DEVISTATOR", "TRIPBOMB", "FREEZE", "HANDREMOTE", "GROW", } ---- game structs ---- lprivate.GET = defs_c.conststruct(INV_NAMES) lprivate.WEAPON = defs_c.conststruct(WEAPON_NAMES) ffi.cdef([[ enum { GET_MAX = 11, MAX_WEAPONS = 12, MAXPLAYERS = 16, GTICSPERSEC = 30, // The real number of movement updates per second }; ]]) ffi.cdef[[ struct action { int16_t startframe, numframes; int16_t viewtype, incval, delay; uint16_t flags; }; struct move { int16_t hvel, vvel; }; #pragma pack(push,1) typedef struct { int32_t id; struct move mv; } con_move_t; typedef struct { int32_t id; struct action ac; } con_action_t; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { int32_t id; con_action_t act; con_move_t mov; int32_t movflags; } con_ai_t; ]] defs_c.bitint_new_struct_type("int16_t", "SBit16") defs_c.bitint_new_struct_type("int32_t", "SBit32") defs_c.bitint_new_struct_type("uint32_t", "UBit32") -- Struct template for actor_t. It already has 'const' fields (TODO: might need -- to make more 'const'), but still has array members exposed, so is unsuited -- for external exposure. local ACTOR_STRUCT = [[ struct { const int32_t t_data[10]; const struct move mv; const struct action ac; const uint16_t actiontics; ]]..defs_c.bitint_member("SBit32", "flags")..[[ vec3_t bpos; //12b int32_t floorz,ceilingz,lastvx,lastvy; //16b int32_t lasttransport; //4b const int16_t picnum; int16_t ang, extra; const int16_t owner; // NOTE: not to be confused with .movflags: ]]..defs_c.bitint_member("SBit16", "_movflag")..[[ int16_t tempang, timetosleep; int16_t stayputsect; const int16_t dispicnum; // Movement flags, sprite[i].hitag in C-CON. // XXX: more research where it was used in EDuke32's C code? (also .lotag <-> actiontics) // XXX: what if CON code knew of the above implementation detail? ]]..defs_c.bitint_member("UBit16", "movflags")..[[ int16_t cgg; const int16_t lightId, lightcount, lightmaxrange; // NOTE: on 32-bit, C's lightptr+filler <=> this dummy: const union { intptr_t ptr; uint64_t dummy; } _light; } ]] local bcarray = require("bcarray") local bcheck = require("bcheck") local check_sector_idx, check_tile_idx = bcheck.sector_idx, bcheck.tile_idx local check_sprite_idx = bcheck.sprite_idx local check_weapon_idx, check_inventory_idx = bcheck.weapon_idx, bcheck.inventory_idx local check_sound_idx = bcheck.sound_idx local check_number = bcheck.number local check_type = bcheck.type bcarray.new("int16_t", 64, "loogie", "int16_x_64") -- TODO: randomize member names bcarray.new("int16_t", ffiC.MAX_WEAPONS, "weapon", "int16_x_MAX_WEAPONS", WEAPON_NAMES) bcarray.new("int16_t", ffiC.GET_MAX, "inventory", "int16_x_GET_MAX", INV_NAMES) -- NOTE: writing e.g. "ps.jetpack_on" in Lua when "ps.jetpack_on~=0" was meant -- is probably one of the most commonly committed errors, so we make it a bool -- type instead of uint8_t. The only issue is that if CON coders used these -- fields to store more than just one bit, we're in trouble. -- This will need to be documented and frozen for release. local DUKEPLAYER_STRUCT = [[ __attribute__((packed)) struct { vec3_t pos, opos, vel, npos; vec2_t bobpos, fric; int32_t truefz, truecz, player_par; int32_t randomflamex, exitx, exity; int32_t runspeed, max_player_health, max_shield_amount; int32_t autostep, autostep_sbw; uint32_t interface_toggle_flag; int32_t pipebombControl, pipebombLifetime, pipebombLifetimeVar; int32_t tripbombControl, tripbombLifetime, tripbombLifetimeVar; int32_t zrange; int16_t angrange, autoaimang; uint16_t max_actors_killed, actors_killed; ]]..defs_c.bitint_member("UBit16", "gotweapon")..[[ uint16_t zoom; int16_x_64 loogiex; int16_x_64 loogiey; int16_t sbs, sound_pitch; int16_t ang, oang, angvel; const<S> int16_t cursectnum; int16_t look_ang, last_extra, subweapon; int16_x_MAX_WEAPONS max_ammo_amount; int16_x_MAX_WEAPONS ammo_amount; int16_x_GET_MAX inv_amount; const<I-> int16_t wackedbyactor; int16_t pyoff, opyoff; int16_t horiz, horizoff, ohoriz, ohorizoff; const<I-> int16_t newowner; int16_t jumping_counter, airleft; int16_t fta; const<Q> int16_t ftq; const int16_t access_wallnum, access_spritenum; int16_t got_access, weapon_ang, visibility; int16_t somethingonplayer, on_crane; const int16_t i; const int16_t one_parallax_sectnum; int16_t random_club_frame, one_eighty_count; const<I-> int16_t dummyplayersprite; int16_t extra_extra8; int16_t actorsqu, timebeforeexit; const<X-> int16_t customexitsound; int16_t last_pissed_time; int16_x_MAX_WEAPONS weaprecs; int16_t weapon_sway, crack_time, bobcounter; int16_t orotscrnang, rotscrnang, dead_flag; // JBF 20031220: added orotscrnang int16_t holoduke_on, pycount; int16_t transporter_hold; uint8_t max_secret_rooms, secret_rooms; uint8_t frag, fraggedself, quick_kick, last_quick_kick; uint8_t return_to_center; bool reloading; const uint8_t weapreccnt; uint8_t aim_mode, auto_aim, weaponswitch, movement_lock, team; uint8_t tipincs, hbomb_hold_delay; const<P> uint8_t frag_ps; uint8_t kickback_pic; uint8_t gm; bool on_warping_sector; uint8_t footprintcount, hurt_delay; bool hbomb_on, jumping_toggle, rapid_fire_hold, on_ground; // NOTE: there's array indexing with inven_icon, but always after a // bound check: uint8_t inven_icon, buttonpalette; bool over_shoulder_on; uint8_t show_empty_weapon; bool jetpack_on, spritebridge; uint8_t lastrandomspot; // unused bool scuba_on; uint8_t footprintpal; bool heat_on; uint8_t invdisptime; bool holster_weapon; uint8_t falling_counter, footprintshade; uint8_t refresh_inventory; const<W> uint8_t last_full_weapon; const uint8_t toggle_key_flag; uint8_t knuckle_incs, knee_incs, access_incs; uint8_t walking_snd_toggle, palookup, hard_landing, fist_incs; int8_t numloogs, loogcnt; const int8_t scream_voice; const<W-> int8_t last_weapon; const int8_t cheat_phase; int8_t weapon_pos; const<W-> int8_t wantweaponfire; const<W> int8_t curr_weapon; const uint8_t palette; palette_t _pals; int8_t _palsfadespeed, _palsfadenext, _palsfadeprio, _padding2; // NOTE: In C, the struct type has no name. We only have it here to define // a metatype later. const weaponaccess_t weapon; const int8_t _padding; } ]] local PROJECTILE_STRUCT = [[ struct { int32_t workslike, cstat; int32_t hitradius, range, flashcolor; const int16_t spawns; const int16_t sound, isound; int16_t vel; const int16_t decal, trail; int16_t tnum, drop; int16_t offset, bounces; const int16_t bsound; int16_t toffset; int16_t extra, extra_rand; int8_t sxrepeat, syrepeat, txrepeat, tyrepeat; int8_t shade, xrepeat, yrepeat, pal; int8_t movecnt; uint8_t clipdist; int8_t filler[2]; int32_t userdata; } ]] -- KEEPINSYNC weapondata_mt below. local WEAPONDATA_STRUCT = "struct {"..table.concat(con_lang.wdata_members, ';').."; }" local randgen = require("randgen") local ma_rand = randgen.new(true) -- initialize to "random" (time-based) seed local ma_count = nil local function ma_replace_array(typestr, neltstr) local nelts = tonumber(neltstr) if (nelts==nil) then nelts = ffiC[neltstr] assert(type(nelts)=="number") end local strtab = { "const ", typestr.." " } for i=1,nelts do local ch1 = 97 + (ma_rand:getu32() % 25) -- 'a'..'z' strtab[i+2] = string.format("_%c%x%s", ch1, ma_count, (i<nelts) and "," or ";") ma_count = ma_count+1 end return table.concat(strtab) end ---=== Protection of scalars in (currently only) DukePlayer_t struct. ===--- -- This is more convenient than writing dozens of set-member methods. local prot_scalar_chkfunc = { S = check_sector_idx, I = check_sprite_idx, P = bcheck.player_idx, W = check_weapon_idx, X = check_sound_idx, Q = bcheck.quote_idx, } local DukePlayer_prot_allowneg = {} -- [<member name>] = true if setting <0 allowed local DukePlayer_prot_chkfunc = {} -- [<member name>] = <checking function> local function ma_replace_scalar(what, typestr, membname) DukePlayer_prot_chkfunc[membname] = assert(prot_scalar_chkfunc[what:sub(1,1)]) DukePlayer_prot_allowneg[membname] = (what:sub(2)=="-") return ma_replace_array(typestr, 1) end -- Converts a template struct definition to an external one, in which arrays -- have been substituted by randomly named scalar fields. -- <also_scalars>: also handle protected scalars like "const<W-> ..." etc. local function mangle_arrays(structstr, also_scalars) ma_count = 0 -- NOTE: regexp only works for non-nested arrays and for one array per line. structstr = structstr:gsub("const%s+([%w_]+)[^\n]+%[([%w_]+)%];", ma_replace_array) if (also_scalars) then -- One protected scalar per line, too. structstr = structstr:gsub("const<(.-)>%s+([%w_]-)%s+([%w_]-);", ma_replace_scalar) end return structstr end --print(mangle_arrays(DUKEPLAYER_STRUCT, true)) --- default defines etc. local con_lang = require("con_lang") local xmath = require("xmath") ffi.cdef([[ typedef struct { int32_t _p; } weaponaccess_t; typedef struct { ]]..defs_c.bitint_member("UBit32", "bits")..[[ int16_t fvel, svel, avel; int8_t horz, extbits; } input_t; typedef ]].. mangle_arrays(ACTOR_STRUCT) ..[[ actor_t; typedef ]].. mangle_arrays(DUKEPLAYER_STRUCT, true) ..[[ DukePlayer_t; typedef __attribute__((packed)) struct { DukePlayer_t *ps; input_t *sync; int32_t netsynctime; int16_t ping, filler; int32_t pcolor, pteam; uint8_t frags[MAXPLAYERS], wchoice[MAX_WEAPONS]; char vote, gotvote, pingcnt, playerquitflag, ready; char user_name[32]; uint32_t revision; } playerdata_t; typedef struct { int32_t cur, count; int32_t gunposx, lookhalfang; int32_t gunposy, lookhoriz; int32_t shade; } hudweapon_t; typedef ]].. WEAPONDATA_STRUCT ..[[ weapondata_t; typedef ]].. PROJECTILE_STRUCT ..[[ projectile_t; typedef struct { uint32_t _flags; // XXX: do we want to have this accessible at game time? int32_t _cacherange; projectile_t *_proj; const projectile_t *_defproj; } tiledata_t; typedef struct { vec3_t pos; int32_t dist, clock; int16_t ang, horiz; int16_t sect; // NOTE: protected in camera_mt's __newindex } camera_t; enum { MAXMOUSEBUTTONS = 10, MAXMOUSEAXES = 2, MAXJOYBUTTONS = 32, MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS = (32+4), MAXJOYAXES = 9, NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS = 56, // game.h MAXRIDECULE = 10, MAXRIDECULELENGTH = 40, MAXSAVEGAMES = 10, MAXSAVEGAMENAME = 22, MAXPWLOCKOUT = 128, MAXRTSNAME = 128, }; typedef struct { int32_t const_visibility,uw_framerate; int32_t camera_time,folfvel,folavel,folx,foly,fola; int32_t reccnt,crosshairscale; int32_t runkey_mode,statusbarscale,mouseaiming,weaponswitch,drawweapon; // JBF 20031125 int32_t democams,color,msgdisptime,statusbarmode; int32_t m_noexits,noexits,autovote,automsg,idplayers; int32_t team, viewbob, weaponsway, althud, weaponscale, textscale; int32_t entered_name,screen_tilting,shadows,fta_on,executions,auto_run; int32_t coords,tickrate,levelstats,m_coop,coop,screen_size,lockout,crosshair; int32_t playerai,angleinterpolation,obituaries; int32_t respawn_monsters,respawn_items,respawn_inventory,recstat,monsters_off,brightness; int32_t m_respawn_items,m_respawn_monsters,m_respawn_inventory,m_recstat,m_monsters_off,detail; int32_t m_ffire,ffire,m_player_skill,m_level_number,m_volume_number,multimode; int32_t player_skill,level_number,volume_number,m_marker,marker,mouseflip; vec2_t m_origin; int32_t playerbest; int32_t configversion; int16_t pause_on,from_bonus; int16_t camerasprite,last_camsprite; int16_t last_level,secretlevel, bgstretch; struct { int32_t UseJoystick; int32_t UseMouse; int32_t AutoAim; int32_t ShowOpponentWeapons; int32_t MouseDeadZone,MouseBias; int32_t SmoothInput; // JBF 20031211: Store the input settings because // (currently) jmact can't regurgitate them int32_t MouseFunctions[MAXMOUSEBUTTONS][2]; int32_t MouseDigitalFunctions[MAXMOUSEAXES][2]; int32_t MouseAnalogueAxes[MAXMOUSEAXES]; int32_t MouseAnalogueScale[MAXMOUSEAXES]; int32_t JoystickFunctions[MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS][2]; int32_t JoystickDigitalFunctions[MAXJOYAXES][2]; int32_t JoystickAnalogueAxes[MAXJOYAXES]; int32_t JoystickAnalogueScale[MAXJOYAXES]; int32_t JoystickAnalogueDead[MAXJOYAXES]; int32_t JoystickAnalogueSaturate[MAXJOYAXES]; uint8_t KeyboardKeys[NUMGAMEFUNCTIONS][2]; // // Sound variables // int32_t MasterVolume; int32_t FXVolume; int32_t MusicVolume; int32_t SoundToggle; int32_t MusicToggle; int32_t VoiceToggle; int32_t AmbienceToggle; int32_t NumVoices; int32_t NumChannels; int32_t NumBits; int32_t MixRate; int32_t ReverseStereo; // // Screen variables // int32_t ScreenMode; int32_t ScreenWidth; int32_t ScreenHeight; int32_t ScreenBPP; int32_t ForceSetup; int32_t NoAutoLoad; const int32_t scripthandle; int32_t setupread; int32_t CheckForUpdates; int32_t LastUpdateCheck; int32_t useprecache; } config; char overhead_on,last_overhead,showweapons; char god,warp_on,cashman,eog,showallmap; char show_help,scrollmode,noclip; char ridecule[MAXRIDECULE][MAXRIDECULELENGTH]; char savegame[MAXSAVEGAMES][MAXSAVEGAMENAME]; char pwlockout[MAXPWLOCKOUT],rtsname[MAXRTSNAME]; char display_bonus_screen; char show_level_text; char wchoice[MAX_WEAPONS]; } user_defs; typedef struct { int32_t partime, designertime; char *name, *filename, *musicfn; void *savedstate; } map_t; ]]) bcarray.new("weapondata_t", ffiC.MAX_WEAPONS, "weapon", "weapondata_x_MAX_WEAPONS", WEAPON_NAMES) bcarray.new("int32_t", con_lang.MAXSESSIONVARS, "sessionvar", "int32_x_MAXSESSIONVARS") -- EXTERNALLY EXPOSED GAME VARIABLES ffi.cdef[[ const int32_t screenpeek; hudweapon_t hudweap; int32_t g_logoFlags; ]] -- INTERNAL VARIABLES/FUNCTIONS decl("map_t MapInfo[$*$];", con_lang.MAXVOLUMES+1, con_lang.MAXLEVELS) decl("char EpisodeNames[$][33];", con_lang.MAXVOLUMES) decl[[ const int32_t myconnectindex; int32_t g_RETURN; int32_t g_elCONSize; char *g_elCON; void El_SetCON(const char *conluacode); void El_OnError(const char *str); char *g_elSavecode; void El_FreeSaveCode(void); const char *(*El_SerializeGamevars)(int32_t *slenptr, int32_t levelnum); int32_t (*El_RestoreGamevars)(const char *savecode); int32_t (*El_GetLabelValue)(const char *label); const char *s_buildRev; const char *g_sizes_of_what[]; int32_t g_sizes_of[]; int32_t g_elFirstTime; int32_t g_elCallDepth; int32_t block_deletesprite; const char **g_elModules; char g_modDir[]; int32_x_MAXSESSIONVARS g_elSessionVar; actor_t actor[MAXSPRITES]; camera_t g_camera; user_defs ud; playerdata_t *const g_player; DukePlayer_t *g_player_ps[MAXPLAYERS]; weapondata_x_MAX_WEAPONS g_playerWeapon[MAXPLAYERS]; weapondata_t g_weaponOverridden[MAX_WEAPONS]; int16_t WeaponPickupSprites[MAX_WEAPONS]; tiledata_t g_tile[MAXTILES]; projectile_t SpriteProjectile[MAXSPRITES]; int32_t g_noResetVars; void (*A_ResetVars)(int32_t iActor); // Used from lunacon.lua for dynamic {tile,sound} remapping: struct { const char *str; int32_t *dynvalptr; const int16_t staticval; } g_dynTileList[], g_dynSoundList[]; char *ScriptQuotes[]; const int32_t playerswhenstarted; int16_t g_spriteDeleteQueueSize; int16_t BlimpSpawnSprites[15]; int32_t g_scriptVersion; const int32_t g_currentFrameRate; const int32_t g_currentMenu; uint16_t g_earthquakeTime; uint32_t g_moveThingsCount; char CheatKeys[2]; // Must not have functions here that may call events directly or // indirectly. See lunatic_game.c. int32_t A_IncurDamage(int32_t sn); // not bound-checked! int32_t G_CheckActivatorMotion(int32_t lotag); int32_t A_Dodge(spritetype *s); int32_t A_MoveSpriteClipdist(int32_t spritenum, const vec3_t *change, uint32_t cliptype, int32_t clipdist); void P_DoQuote(int32_t q, DukePlayer_t *p); void P_SetGamePalette(DukePlayer_t *player, uint32_t palid, int32_t set); void G_AddUserQuote(const char *daquote); void G_ClearCameraView(DukePlayer_t *ps); void VM_DrawTileGeneric(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t zoom, int32_t tilenum, int32_t shade, int32_t orientation, int32_t p); void G_InitTimer(int32_t ticspersec); void G_GetTimeDate(int32_t *vals); int32_t G_ToggleWallInterpolation(int32_t w, int32_t doset); int32_t G_StartTrack(int32_t level); int32_t VM_CheckSquished2(int32_t i, int32_t snum); void M_ChangeMenu(int32_t cm); const char *KB_ScanCodeToString(uint8_t scancode); int32_t A_CheckAnySoundPlaying(int32_t i); int32_t S_CheckSoundPlaying(int32_t i, int32_t num); void S_StopEnvSound(int32_t num, int32_t i); int32_t FX_StopAllSounds(void); void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int32_t num, int32_t i, int32_t pitchoffset); int32_t S_GetMusicPosition(void); void S_SetMusicPosition(int32_t position); int32_t minitext_(int32_t x,int32_t y,const char *t,int32_t s,int32_t p,int32_t sb); void G_DrawTXDigiNumZ(int32_t starttile, int32_t x,int32_t y,int32_t n,int32_t s,int32_t pal, int32_t cs,int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t z); int32_t G_PrintGameText(int32_t f, int32_t tile, int32_t x, int32_t y, const char *t, int32_t s, int32_t p, int32_t o, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t z); vec2_t G_ScreenText(const int32_t font, int32_t x, int32_t y, const int32_t z, const int32_t blockangle, const int32_t charangle, const char *str, const int32_t shade, int32_t pal, int32_t o, int32_t alpha, int32_t xspace, int32_t yline, int32_t xbetween, int32_t ybetween, const int32_t f, const int32_t x1, const int32_t y1, const int32_t x2, const int32_t y2); vec2_t G_ScreenTextSize(const int32_t font, int32_t x, int32_t y, const int32_t z, const int32_t blockangle, const char *str, const int32_t o, int32_t xspace, int32_t yline, int32_t xbetween, int32_t ybetween, const int32_t f, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2); const char* G_PrintYourTime(void); const char* G_PrintParTime(void); const char* G_PrintDesignerTime(void); const char* G_PrintBestTime(void); void G_UpdateScreenArea(void); void G_SaveMapState(void); void G_RestoreMapState(void); void G_FreeMapState(int32_t mapnum); ]] decl[[ int32_t kopen4loadfrommod(const char *filename, char searchfirst); char **g_scriptModules; int32_t g_scriptModulesNum; const char *G_ConFile(void); void G_DoGameStartup(const int32_t *params); int32_t C_DefineSound(int32_t sndidx, const char *fn, int32_t args [5]); void C_DefineMusic(int32_t vol, int32_t lev, const char *fn); void C_DefineQuote(int32_t qnum, const char *qstr); void C_DefineVolumeName(int32_t vol, const char *name); void C_DefineVolumeFlags(int32_t vol, int32_t flags); void C_UndefineVolume(int32_t vol); void C_DefineSkillName(int32_t skill, const char *name); void C_UndefineSkill(int32_t skill); void C_DefineLevelName(int32_t vol, int32_t lev, const char *fn, int32_t partime, int32_t designertime, const char *levelname); void C_UndefineLevel(int32_t vol, int32_t lev); void C_DefineProjectile(int32_t j, int32_t what, int32_t val); void C_DefineGameFuncName(int32_t idx, const char *name); void C_DefineGameType(int32_t idx, int32_t flags, const char *name); int32_t C_SetDefName(const char *name); void C_SetCfgName(const char *cfgname); int32_t SCRIPT_GetNumber(int32_t scripthandle, const char *sectionname, const char *entryname, int32_t *number); void SCRIPT_PutNumber(int32_t scripthandle, const char *sectionname, const char *entryname, int32_t number, int32_t hexadecimal, int32_t defaultvalue); ]] -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SandBoxes says "potentially unsafe" -- as it allows to see implementations of functions. --local string_dump = string.dump string.dump = nil -- sanity-check struct type sizes local good = true for i=0,10 do local what = ffi.string(ffiC.g_sizes_of_what[i]) local fsz = ffi.sizeof(what) local csz = ffiC.g_sizes_of[i] if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then print(i..": "..what..": C sizeof = "..tostring(csz)..", FFI sizeof = "..tostring(fsz)) end if (fsz ~= csz) then good = false; end end if (not good) then error("Some sizes don't match between C and LuaJIT/FFI.") end --== "player" global, needed by the "control" module ==-- local player_static_members = defs_c.static_members_tab() --[[ player_static_members._INPUT_BITS = defs_c.conststruct { JUMP = 1, CROUCH = 2, FIRE = 4, AIM_UP = 8, AIM_DOWN = 16, RUNNING = 32, LOOK_LEFT = 64, LOOK_RIGHT = 128, -- weapons... STEROIDS = 4096, LOOK_UP = 8192, LOOK_DOWN = 16384, NIGHTVISION = 32768, MEDKIT = 65536, RESERVED = 131072, CENTER_VIEW = 262144, HOLSTER_WEAPON = 524288, INVENTORY_LEFT = 1048576, PAUSE = 2097152, QUICK_KICK = 4194304, AIM_MODE = 8388608, HOLODUKE = 16777216, JETPACK = 33554432, QUIT = 67108864, INVENTORY_RIGHT = 134217728, TURN_AROUND = 268435456, OPEN = 536870912, INVENTORY = 1073741824, ESC = 2147483648, } player_static_members._INPUT_EXT_BITS = defs_c.conststruct { MOVE_FORWARD = 1, MOVE_BACKWARD = 2, STRAFE_LEFT = 4, STRAFE_RIGHT = 8, TURN_LEFT = 16, TURN_RIGHT = 32, } --]] local band = bit.band local lsh = bit.lshift local ivec3 = xmath.ivec3 do -- player.all() iterator local function iter_allplayers(_nil, pli) if (pli+1 < ffiC.playerswhenstarted) then return pli+1 end end function player_static_members.all() return iter_allplayers, nil, -1 end -- player.holdskey(pli, keyname) local KEYS = { -- SK_CROUCH etc. -- "sync keys" CROUCH = lsh(1,1), RUN = lsh(1,5), OPEN = lsh(1,29), } function player_static_members.holdskey(pli, keyname) bcheck.player_idx(pli) if (KEYS[keyname] == nil) then error("invalid key name: "..tostring(keyname), 2) end return ffiC.g_player[pli].sync.bitsbits:test(KEYS[keyname]) end end local player_holdskey = player_static_members.holdskey -- Actor flags local actor_static_members = defs_c.static_members_tab() do local our_SFLAG = {} local ext_SFLAG = con_lang.labels[4] -- external actor flags only local USER_MASK = 0 for name, flag in pairs(ext_SFLAG) do our_SFLAG[name:sub(7)] = flag -- strip "SFLAG_" USER_MASK = bit.bor(USER_MASK, flag) end -- Add a couple of convenience defines. our_SFLAG.enemy = con_lang.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUY our_SFLAG.enemystayput = con_lang.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUY + con_lang.SFLAG.SFLAG_BADGUYSTAYPUT our_SFLAG.rotfixed = con_lang.SFLAG.SFLAG_ROTFIXED -- Callback function chaining control flags. our_SFLAG.replace = 0x08000000 our_SFLAG.replace_soft = 0x08000000 -- compat our_SFLAG.replace_hard = 0x08000000 -- compat, deprecated our_SFLAG.chain_beg = 0x20000000 our_SFLAG.chain_end = 0x40000000 our_SFLAG._CHAIN_MASK_ACTOR = 0x78000000 our_SFLAG._CHAIN_MASK_EVENT = 0x68000000 -- XXX: CON doesn't export BADGUYSTAYPUT or ROTFIXED SFLAGs, but they are considered -- external for Lunatic. our_SFLAG.USER_MASK = bit.bor(USER_MASK, our_SFLAG.enemystayput, our_SFLAG.rotfixed) actor_static_members.FLAGS = defs_c.conststruct(our_SFLAG) -- Sprite status numbers. Kept in 'actor', because it's more of a game-side -- concept (event though status lists are implemented in the engine), and -- to prevent confusion with sprite.CSTAT. local our_STAT = {} for name, statnum in pairs(con_lang.STAT) do -- Strip 'STAT_'. our_STAT[name:sub(6)] = statnum end actor_static_members.STAT = defs_c.conststruct(our_STAT) actor_static_members.MOVFLAGS = defs_c.conststruct { -- NOTE: no underscores, like in DEFS.CON. faceplayer = 1, geth = 2, getv = 4, randomangle = 8, faceplayerslow = 16, spin = 32, faceplayersmart = 64, fleeenemy = 128, jumptoplayer_only = 256, jumptoplayer_bits = 257, -- NOTE: two bits set! jumptoplayer = 257, seekplayer = 512, furthestdir = 1024, dodgebullet = 4096, } end function actor_static_members.fall(i) check_sprite_idx(i) CF.VM_FallSprite(i) end -- actor.move(i, vec, cliptype [, clipdist]) function actor_static_members.move(i, vec, cliptype, clipdist) check_sprite_idx(i) local vel = ivec3(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z) return ffiC.A_MoveSpriteClipdist(i, vel, cliptype, clipdist or -1) end -- Delete sprite with index <i>. function actor_static_members.delete(i) check_sprite_idx(i) if (ffiC.sprite[i].statnum == ffiC.MAXSTATUS) then error("Attempt to delete a sprite already not in the game world", 2) end if (ffiC.block_deletesprite ~= 0) then error("Attempt to delete sprite in EVENT_EGS", 2) end -- TODO_MP if (ffiC.g_player_ps[0].i == i) then error("Attempt to delete player 0's APLAYER sprite", 2) end CF.A_DeleteSprite(i) end local tile_static_members = defs_c.static_members_tab() do tile_static_members.sizx = defs_c.creategtab_membidx(ffiC.tilesiz, "x", ffiC.MAXTILES, "tilesizx[]") tile_static_members.sizy = defs_c.creategtab_membidx(ffiC.tilesiz, "y", ffiC.MAXTILES, "tilesizy[]") end -- XXX: error message will say "g_player_ps" player = setmtonce({}, defs_c.GenStructMetatable("g_player_ps", "playerswhenstarted", player_static_members)) -- needed by "control" actor = setmtonce({}, defs_c.GenStructMetatable("actor", "MAXSPRITES", actor_static_members)) -- Some bitwise NOTs of various actor flag masks. local BNOT = { USER_MASK = bit.bnot(actor.FLAGS.USER_MASK), CHAIN_MASK_ACTOR = bit.bnot(actor.FLAGS._CHAIN_MASK_ACTOR), CHAIN_MASK_EVENT = bit.bnot(actor.FLAGS._CHAIN_MASK_EVENT), } local projectile = defs_c.creategtab_membidx_ptr(ffiC.g_tile, "_proj", ffiC.MAXTILES, "projectile") local g_tile = setmtonce({}, defs_c.GenStructMetatable("g_tile", "MAXTILES", tile_static_members)) --== Custom operations for BUILD data structures ==-- -- Among other things, declares struct action and struct move, and their -- ID-wrapped types con_action_t and con_move_t local con = require("control") do local isenemytile = con.isenemytile -- Add game-side metamethods to "spritetype" and register it with "metatype" local spr_mt_index_add = { isenemy = function(s) return isenemytile(s.picnum) end, } defs_c.finish_spritetype(spr_mt_index_add) end -- Check a literal numeric action or move value. local function check_literal_am(am, typename) if (type(am) ~= "number") then error("bad argument: expected number or "..typename, 3) end -- Negative values are generated as con.action/con.move IDs. if (not (am >= 0 and am <= 32767)) then error("bad argument: expected number in [0 .. 32767]", 3) end end -- An unrestricted actor_t pointer, for internal use: local actor_ptr_ct = ffi.typeof("$ *", ffi.typeof(strip_const(ACTOR_STRUCT))) local player_ptr_ct = ffi.typeof("$ *", ffi.typeof(strip_const(DUKEPLAYER_STRUCT))) local projectile_ptr_ct = ffi.typeof("$ *", ffi.typeof(strip_const(PROJECTILE_STRUCT))) -- An unrestricted weapondata_t pointer, but with the member names stripped of -- the leading underscore, too: local weapondata_ptr_ct = ffi.typeof("$ *", ffi.typeof((strip_const(WEAPONDATA_STRUCT):gsub(" _"," ")))) local con_action_ct = ffi.typeof("const con_action_t") local con_move_ct = ffi.typeof("const con_move_t") local con_ai_ct = ffi.typeof("const con_ai_t") -- All-zero bare action and move. local nullac, nullmv = ffi.new("const struct action"), ffi.new("const struct move") -- All-zero action and move with IDs. Mostly for CON support. local literal_act = { [0]=con_action_ct(0), [1]=con_action_ct(1) } local literal_mov = { [0]=con_move_ct(0), [1]=con_move_ct(1) } local function get_actor_idx(a) local i = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a)-ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, ffiC.actor) -- assert(not (i >= ffiC.MAXSPRITES+0ULL)) return i end local actor_methods = { -- action set_action = function(a, act) a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) if (ffi.istype(con_action_ct, act)) then a.t_data[4] = act.id a.ac = act.ac else check_literal_am(act, "action") a.t_data[4] = act a.ac = nullac end a.t_data[2] = 0 a.t_data[3] = 0 end, has_action = function(a, act) a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) if (ffi.istype(con_action_ct, act)) then return (a.t_data[4]==act.id) else check_literal_am(act, "action") return (a.t_data[4]==act) end end, -- count set_count = function(a, count) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[0] = count end, get_count = function(a) return ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[0] end, -- action count reset_acount = function(a) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[2] = 0 end, get_acount = function(a) return ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[2] end, -- Override action delay. The action ID is kept. set_action_delay = function(a, delay) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).ac.delay = delay end, -- move set_move = function(a, mov, movflags) a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) if (ffi.istype(con_move_ct, mov)) then a.t_data[1] = mov.id a.mv = mov.mv else check_literal_am(mov, "move") a.t_data[1] = mov a.mv = nullmv end a.t_data[0] = 0 a.movflags = movflags or 0 local spr = ffiC.sprite[get_actor_idx(a)] if (not spr:isenemy() or spr.extra > 0) then if (bit.band(a.movflags, 8) ~= 0) then -- random_angle spr.ang = bit.band(ffiC.krand(), 2047) end end end, has_move = function(a, mov) a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) if (ffi.istype(con_move_ct, mov)) then return (a.t_data[1]==mov.id) else check_literal_am(mov, "move") return (a.t_data[1]==mov) end end, -- Override velocity, keeping move ID. set_hvel = function(a, hvel) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).mv.hvel = hvel end, set_vvel = function(a, vvel) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).mv.vvel = vvel end, -- ai set_ai = function(a, ai) local oa = a a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) -- TODO: literal number AIs? if (not ffi.istype(con_ai_ct, ai)) then error("bad argument: expected ai", 2) end -- NOTE: compare with gameexec.c, "CON_AI:" a.t_data[5] = ai.id oa:set_action(ai.act) oa:set_move(ai.mov, ai.movflags) -- Already reset with set_move(): -- a.t_data[0] = 0 end, has_ai = function(a, ai) a = ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a) if (ffi.istype(con_ai_ct, ai)) then return (a.t_data[5]==ai.id) else check_literal_am(ai, "ai") return (a.t_data[5]==ai) end end, -- Getters/setters. _get_t_data = function(a, idx) if (not (idx >= 0 and idx < 10)) then error("invalid t_data index "..idx, 2) end return ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[idx] end, _set_t_data = function(a, idx, val) if (not (idx >= 0 and idx < 10)) then error("invalid t_data index "..idx, 2) end ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).t_data[idx] = val end, set_picnum = function(a, picnum) if (not (picnum < 0)) then check_tile_idx(picnum) end ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).picnum = picnum end, set_owner = function(a, owner) -- XXX: is it permissible to set to -1? check_sprite_idx(owner) ffi.cast(actor_ptr_ct, a).owner = owner end, --- Custom methods --- -- Checkers for whether the movement update made the actor hit -- something. checkhit = function(a) -- Check whether we hit *anything*, including ceiling/floor. return a._movflagbits:test(49152) end, checkbump = function(a) -- Check whether we bumped into a wall or sprite. return (a._movflagbits:mask(49152) >= 32768) end, hitwall = function(a) if (a._movflagbits:mask(49152) == 32768) then return a._movflagbits:mask(32767) end end, hitsprite = function(a) if (a._movflagbits:mask(49152) == 49152) then return a._movflagbits:mask(32767) end end, -- NOTE: no 'hitsector' or 'hitceiling' / 'hitfloor' for now because -- more research is needed as to what the best way of checking c/f is. } local actor_mt = { __index = function(a, key) if (actor_methods[key] ~= nil) then return actor_methods[key] elseif (key == "proj") then return ffiC.SpriteProjectile[get_actor_idx(a)] else error("invalid indexing key to actor object", 2) end end, } ffi.metatype("actor_t", actor_mt) --- PER-PLAYER WEAPON SETTINGS local wd_sound_member = {} for _, declstr in pairs(con_lang.wdata_members) do local member = declstr:match("const int32_t _(.*sound)$") if (member) then wd_sound_member[member] = true if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then printf("weapondata_t member %s denotes a sound", member) end end end local weapondata_mt = { __index = function(wd, member) -- Handle protected members that are renamed (e.g. shoots/_shoots). return ffi.cast(weapondata_ptr_ct, wd)[0][member] end, __newindex = function(wd, member, val) -- Set to 'true' if we set a tile or sound member. local didit = false check_type(member, "string") -- MEMBER_IS_STRING check_number(val) if (wd_sound_member[member]) then -- XXX: sound2time is a time, not a sound if (val < 0) then val = 0 -- Set to 0 if negative (e.g. CrackDown). else check_sound_idx(val) end didit = true elseif (member=="workslike") then check_weapon_idx(val) elseif (member=="spawn" or member=="shoots") then if (val < 0) then -- Set to 0 if oob (e.g. CrackDown). This is a bit problematic -- for .shoots because it's used unconditionally except in one -- case (see player.c). val = 0 else check_tile_idx(val) end didit = true end -- DEBUG: -- printf("assigning %s to weapon's %s", tostring(val), member) -- NOTE: we're indexing a *pointer* with the user-supplied 'member', -- which could be dangerouns if it could be a number. However, we have -- assured that is is not in MEMBER_IS_STRING above. ffi.cast(weapondata_ptr_ct, wd)[member] = val if (didit and ffiC.g_elCallDepth==0) then -- Signal that we overrode this member at CON translation time. -- Get weapon index as pointer difference first. PLAYER_0. local wi = ffi.cast(weapondata_ptr_ct, wd) - ffi.cast(weapondata_ptr_ct, ffiC.g_playerWeapon) assert(wi >= 0 and wi < ffiC.MAX_WEAPONS) -- Set g_weaponOverridden[wi][member], but without invoking -- weapondata_t's __newindex metamethod (i.e. us)! ffi.cast(weapondata_ptr_ct, ffiC.g_weaponOverridden[wi])[member] = 1 end end, } ffi.metatype("weapondata_t", weapondata_mt) local weaponaccess_mt = { -- Syntax like "player[0].weapon.KNEE.shoots" possible because -- g_playerWeapon[] is declared as an array of corresponding bcarray types -- for us. __index = function(wa, key) if (type(key)~="number" and type(key)~="string") then error("must access weapon either by number or by name") end return ffiC.g_playerWeapon[wa._p][key] end, } ffi.metatype("weaponaccess_t", weaponaccess_mt) local function clamp(num, min, max) return num < min and min or num > max and max or num end local function clamp0to1(num) check_number(num, 4) return clamp(num, 0, 1) end local player_methods = { -- CON-like addammo/addweapon, but without the non-local control flow -- (returns true if weapon's ammo was at the max. instead). addammo = con._addammo, addweapon = con._addweapon, stomp = con._pstomp, holdskey = function(p, keyname) -- XXX: on invalid <keyname>, error will point to this next line: return player_holdskey(p.weapon._p, keyname) end, has_weapon = function(p, weap) return p.gotweaponbits:test(lsh(1,weap)) end, give_weapon = function(p, weap) p.gotweaponbits:set(lsh(1,weap)) end, take_weapon = function(p, weap) p.gotweaponbits:clear(lsh(1,weap)) end, -- Give or take weapon, for implementation of CON's .gotweapon access. _gt_weapon = function(p, weap, give_p) if (give_p ~= 0) then p:give_weapon(weap) else p:take_weapon(weap) end end, whack = function(p, no_return_to_center) p.horiz = p.horiz + 64 if (not no_return_to_center) then p.return_to_center = 9 end local n = bit.arshift(128-band(ffiC.krand(),255), 1) p.rotscrnang = n p.look_ang = n end, -- External, improved 'palfrom'. -- <speed>: possibly fractional speed of tint fading, in pals.f decrements per gametic. -- XXX: exposes internals. -- <prio>: a value from -128 to 127, higher ones trump lower or equal ones fadecol = function(p, fadefrac, r, g, b, speed, prio) -- Validate inargs: clamp f,r,g,b to [0 .. 1] first and multiply by -- 63 for the internal handling. fadefrac = clamp0to1(fadefrac)*63 -- NOTE: a fadefrac of now <1 is allowed, e.g. for clearing the tint. r = clamp0to1(r)*63 g = clamp0to1(g)*63 b = clamp0to1(b)*63 if (speed ~= nil) then check_number(speed) -- Clamp to sensible values; the speed is stored in an int8_t -- (see below). speed = clamp(speed, 1/128, 127) else speed = 1 end if (prio ~= nil) then check_number(prio) if (not (prio >= -128 and prio < 127)) then error("invalid argument #6 (priority): must be in [-128 .. 127]", 2) end else prio = 0 end -- Check if a currently active tint has higher priority. if (p._pals.f > 0 and p._palsfadeprio > prio) then return end -- The passed tint can be applied now. p:_palfrom(fadefrac, r, g, b) p._palsfadeprio = prio -- Calculate .palsfade{speed,next} if (speed >= 1) then -- Will round to the nearest integer ("banker's -- rounding"). NOTE: This is not correct for all numbers, see -- http://blog.frama-c.com/index.php?post/2013/05/02/nearbyintf1 p._palsfadespeed = speed + 0.5 p._palsfadenext = 0 else -- NOTE: Values that round to 0 have are equivalent behavior to -- passing a <speed> of 1. local negspeedrecip = -((1/speed) + 0.5) -- [-128.5 .. 1/127+0.5] p._palsfadespeed = negspeedrecip p._palsfadenext = negspeedrecip end end, -- INTERNAL and CON-only. _palfrom = function(p, f, r,g,b) local pals = p._pals -- Assume that CON's palfrom starts with prio 0 and speed 0. if (pals.f == 0 or p._palsfadeprio <= 0) then pals.f = f pals.r, pals.g, pals.b = r, g, b p._palsfadespeed, p._palsfadenext = 0, 0 end end, } local player_mt = { __index = function(p, key) if (player_methods[key] ~= nil) then return player_methods[key] elseif (key == "_input") then return ffiC.g_player[p.weapon._p].sync[0] else -- Read access to protected player members. return ffi.cast(player_ptr_ct, p)[0][key] end end, __newindex = function(p, key, val) -- Write access to protected player members. local allowneg = DukePlayer_prot_allowneg[key] assert(type(allowneg)=="boolean") if (allowneg==false or not (val == -1)) then DukePlayer_prot_chkfunc[key](val) end ffi.cast(player_ptr_ct, p)[key] = val end, } ffi.metatype("DukePlayer_t", player_mt) local function GenProjectileSetFunc(Member, checkfunc) return function(self, idx) if (not (idx == -1)) then checkfunc(idx) end ffi.cast(projectile_ptr_ct, self)[Member] = idx end end local projectile_mt = { __index = { set_spawns = GenProjectileSetFunc("spawns", check_tile_idx), set_decal = GenProjectileSetFunc("decal", check_tile_idx), set_trail = GenProjectileSetFunc("trail", check_tile_idx), set_sound = GenProjectileSetFunc("sound", check_sound_idx), set_isound = GenProjectileSetFunc("isound", check_sound_idx), set_bsound = GenProjectileSetFunc("bsound", check_sound_idx), }, } ffi.metatype("projectile_t", projectile_mt) local user_defs_mt = { __index = { set_screen_size = function(ud, screen_size) if (ud.screen_size ~= screen_size) then ud.screen_size = screen_size ffiC.G_UpdateScreenArea() end end, set_volume_number = function(ud, volume_number) -- NOTE: allow volume_number==MAXVOLUMES. if (not (volume_number==con_lang.MAXVOLUMES)) then bcheck.volume_idx(volume_number) end ud.volume_number = volume_number end, set_m_volume_number = function(ud, volume_number) -- NOTE: allow volume_number==MAXVOLUMES. if (not (volume_number==con_lang.MAXVOLUMES)) then bcheck.volume_idx(volume_number) end ud.m_volume_number = volume_number end, set_level_number = function(ud, level_number) bcheck.level_idx(level_number) ud.level_number = level_number end, }, } ffi.metatype("user_defs", user_defs_mt) --- CUSTOM "gv" VARIABLES local camera_mt = { -- TODO: "set position" method, which also updates the sectnum __index = ffiC.g_camera, __newindex = function(_, key, val) if (key=="sect") then check_sector_idx(val) end ffiC.g_camera[key] = val end, } gv_access.cam = setmtonce({}, camera_mt) gv_access._ud = ffiC.ud -- Support for some CON global system gamevars. RETURN handled separately. gv_access._csv = ffi.new "struct { int32_t LOTAG, HITAG, TEXTURE; }" gv_access.REND = defs_c.conststruct { CLASSIC = 0, POLYMOST = 3, POLYMER = 4, } gv_access.WEAPON = lprivate.WEAPON gv_access.GET = lprivate.GET function gv_access._get_yxaspect() return ffiC.yxaspect end function gv_access._get_viewingrange() return ffiC.viewingrange end function gv_access._currentFramerate() return ffiC.g_currentFrameRate end function gv_access._currentMenu() return ffiC.g_currentMenu end function gv_access._changeMenu(cm) ffiC.M_ChangeMenu(cm) end function gv_access._set_guniqhudid(id) local MAXUNIQHUDID = 256 -- KEEPINSYNC build.h if (not (id >= 0 and id < MAXUNIQHUDID)) then error("invalid unique HUD ID "..id) end ffiC.guniqhudid = id end function gv_access.currentEpisode() return ffiC.ud.volume_number + 1 end function gv_access.currentLevel() return ffiC.ud.level_number + 1 end function gv_access.doQuake(gametics, snd) ffiC.g_earthquakeTime = gametics if (snd ~= nil) then con._globalsound(ffiC.screenpeek, snd) end end -- Declare all con_lang.labels constants in the global FFI namespace. for i=1,#con_lang.labels do if (getmetatable(con_lang.labels[i]) ~= "noffiC") then local strbuf = {"enum {"} for label, val in pairs(con_lang.labels[i]) do strbuf[#strbuf+1] = string.format("%s = %d,", label, val) end strbuf[#strbuf+1] = "};" ffi.cdef(table.concat(strbuf)) end end ---=== Set up restricted global environment ===--- local allowed_modules = { coroutine=coroutine, bit=bit, table=table, math=math, string=string, os = { clock = function() return gv_.gethiticks()*0.001 end, }, randgen = randgen, engine = require("engine"), stat = require("stat"), bitar = require("bitar"), xmath = xmath, fs = require("fs"), con = con, } do local ctype_cansave = {} -- Register as "serializeable" the type of cdata object <v>. local function reg_serializable_cv(v) assert(type(v)=="cdata") assert(type(v._serialize)=="function") -- NOTE: tonumber() on a ctype cdata object gets its LuaJIT-internal -- ID, the one that would be shown with tostring(), e.g. -- ctype<struct 95> ctype_cansave[tonumber(ffi.typeof(v))] = true end function lprivate.cansave_cdata(v) return type(v)=="cdata" and ctype_cansave[tonumber(ffi.typeof(v))] end reg_serializable_cv(xmath.vec3()) reg_serializable_cv(ivec3()) end -- Protect base modules. local function basemod_newidx() error("modifying base module table forbidden", 2) end for modname, themodule in pairs(allowed_modules) do local mt = { __index = themodule, __newindex = basemod_newidx, } allowed_modules[modname] = setmtonce({}, mt) end ---=== Module stuff ===--- local package_loaded = {} -- [<modname>] = false/true/table local modname_stack = {} -- [<depth>]=string local module_gamevars = {} -- [<modname>] = { <gvname1>, <gvname2>, ... } local module_gvlocali = {} -- [<modname>] = { <localidx_beg>, <localidx_end> } local module_thread = {} -- [<modname>] = <module_thread> local function getcurmodname(thisfuncname) if (#modname_stack == 0) then error("'"..thisfuncname.."' must be called at the top level of a require'd file", 3) -- ... as opposed to "at runtime". end return modname_stack[#modname_stack] end local function errorf(level, fmt, ...) local errmsg = string.format(fmt, ...) error(errmsg, level+1) end local function readintostr_mod(fn) -- TODO: g_loadFromGroupOnly? local fd = ffiC.kopen4loadfrommod(fn, 0) if (fd < 0) then return nil end local ret = defs_c.readintostr(fd) ffiC.kclose(fd) return ret end local debug = require("debug") -- Get the number of active locals in the function that calls the function -- calling this one. local function getnumlocals(l) -- 200 is the max. number of locals at one level for i=1,200 do -- level: -- 0 is debug.getlocal() itself. -- 1 is this function (getnumlocals). -- 2 is the function calling getnumlocals() -- 3 is the function calling that one. if (debug.getlocal(3, i) == nil) then return i-1 end end end local function error_on_nil_read(_, varname) error("attempt to read nil variable '"..varname.."'", 2) end local required_module_mt = { __index = error_on_nil_read, __newindex = function() error("modifying module table forbidden", 2) end, __metatable = true, } -- Will contain a function to restore gamevars when running from savegame -- restoration. See SAVEFUNC_ARGS for its arguments. local g_restorefunc = nil -- Local gamevar restoration function run from -- our_require('end_gamevars') <- [user module]. local function restore_local(li, lval) -- level: -- 0 is getlocal() itself. -- 1 is this function (restore_local). -- 2 is the function calling restore_local(), the savecode. -- 3 is the function calling the savecode, our_require. -- 4 is the function calling our_require, the module function. if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then printf("Restoring index #%d (%s) with value %s", li, debug.getlocal(4, li), tostring(lval)) end assert(debug.setlocal(4, li, lval)) end -- The "require" function accessible to Lunatic code. -- Base modules in allowed_modules are wrapped so that they cannot be -- modified, user modules are searched in the EDuke32 search -- path. Also, our require -- * never messes with the global environment, it only returns the module. -- * allows passing varargs beyond the name to the module. local function our_require(modname, ...) local ERRLEV = 5 -- Check module name is valid first. -- TODO: restrict valid names? if (type(modname) ~= "string" or #modname==0) then error("module name must be a nonempty string", 2) end -- For _LUNATIC_DBG if (modname:match("^_LUNATIC") and ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC == 0) then return nil end -- Handle the section between module() and require("end_gamevars"). if (modname == "end_gamevars") then local thismodname = getcurmodname("require") if (module_gamevars[thismodname] ~= nil) then error("\"require 'end_gamevars'\" must be called at most once per require'd file", 2) end local gvnames = {} for name in pairs(getfenv(2)) do gvnames[#gvnames+1] = name if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then printf("MODULE %s GAMEVAR %s", thismodname, name) end end module_gamevars[thismodname] = gvnames local gvmodi = module_gvlocali[thismodname] gvmodi[2] = getnumlocals() if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then local numlocals = gvmodi[2]-gvmodi[1]+1 if (numlocals > 0) then printf("Module '%s' has %d locals, index %d to %d", thismodname, numlocals, gvmodi[1], gvmodi[2]) end end -- Potentially restore gamevars. if (g_restorefunc) then local modtab = package_loaded[thismodname] assert(type(modtab)=="table") -- SAVEFUNC_ARGS. g_restorefunc(thismodname, modtab, restore_local) end -- Return whether we're NOT running from a savegame restore in the -- second outarg. (Lunatic-private!) return nil, (g_restorefunc==nil) end -- See whether it's a base module name. if (allowed_modules[modname] ~= nil) then return allowed_modules[modname] end --- Search user modules... if (modname:find("[/\\]")) then error("Module name must not contain directory separators", ERRLEV-1) end -- Instead, dots are translated to directory separators. For EDuke32's -- virtual file system, this is always a forward slash. Keep the original -- module name for passing to the module function. local omodname = modname modname = modname:gsub("%.", "/") local omod = package_loaded[modname] if (omod ~= nil) then if (omod==false) then error("Loop while loading modules", ERRLEV-1) end -- already loaded assert(omod==true or type(omod)=="table") return omod end local modfn = modname .. ".lua" local str = readintostr_mod(modfn) if (str == nil) then errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Couldn't open file \"%s\"", modfn) end -- Implant code that yields the module thread just before it would return -- otherwise. str = str.."\nrequire('coroutine').yield()" local modfunc, errmsg = loadstring(str, modfn) if (modfunc == nil) then errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Couldn't load \"%s\": %s", modname, errmsg) end package_loaded[modname] = false -- 'not yet loaded' table.insert(modname_stack, modname) -- Run the module code in a separate Lua thread! local modthread = coroutine.create(modfunc) local ok, retval = coroutine.resume(modthread, omodname, ...) if (not ok) then errorf(ERRLEV-1, "Failed running \"%s\": %s\n%s", modname, retval, debug.traceback(modthread)) end table.remove(modname_stack) local modtab = package_loaded[modname] if (type(modtab) ~= "table") then -- The module didn't call our 'module'. Check if it returned a table. -- In that case, the coroutine has finished its main function and has -- not reached our implanted 'yield'. if (coroutine.status(modthread)=="dead" and type(retval)=="table") then modtab = retval package_loaded[modname] = modtab else package_loaded[modname] = true end end if (type(modtab) == "table") then -- Protect module table in any case (i.e. either if the module used our -- 'module' or if it returned a table). setmetatable(modtab, required_module_mt) end local gvmodi = module_gvlocali[modname] if (gvmodi and gvmodi[2] and gvmodi[2]>=gvmodi[1]) then if (coroutine.status(modthread)=="suspended") then -- Save off the suspended thread so that we may get its locals later on. -- It is never resumed, but only ever used for debug.getlocal(). module_thread[modname] = modthread if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then printf("Keeping coroutine for module \"%s\"", modname) end end end return modtab end local module_mt = { __index = error_on_nil_read, } -- Our 'module' replacement doesn't get the module name from the function args -- since a malicious user could remove other loaded modules this way. -- Also, our 'module' takes no varargs ("option functions" in Lua). -- TODO: make transactional? local function our_module() if (#modname_stack == 0) then error("'module' must be called at the top level of a require'd file", 2) -- ... as opposed to "at runtime". end local modname = getcurmodname("module") if (package_loaded[modname]) then error("'module' must be called at most once per require'd file", 2) end local M = setmetatable({}, module_mt) package_loaded[modname] = M -- change the environment of the function which called us: setfenv(2, M) module_gvlocali[modname] = { getnumlocals()+1 } end -- overridden 'error' that always passes a string to the base 'error' local function our_error(errmsg, level) if (type(errmsg) ~= "string") then error("error using 'error': error message must be a string", 2) end if (level) then if (type(level) ~= "number") then error("error using 'error': error level must be a number", 2) end error(errmsg, level==0 and 0 or level+1) end error(errmsg, 2) end -- _G tweaks -- pull in only 'safe' stuff local G_ = {} -- our soon-to-be global environment G_.assert = assert G_.error = our_error G_.ipairs = ipairs G_.pairs = pairs G_.pcall = pcall G_.print = print G_.module = our_module G_.next = next G_.require = our_require G_.select = select G_.tostring = tostring G_.tonumber = tonumber G_.type = type G_.unpack = unpack G_.xpcall = xpcall G_._VERSION = _VERSION -- Available through our 'require': -- bit, coroutine, math, string, table -- Not available: -- collectgarbage, debug, dofile, gcinfo (DEPRECATED), getfenv, getmetatable, -- jit, load, loadfile, loadstring, newproxy (NOT STD?), package, rawequal, -- rawget, rawset, setfenv, setmetatable G_._G = G_ -- Chain together two functions taking 3 input args. local function chain_func3(func1, func2) if (func1==nil or func2==nil) then return assert(func1 or func2) end -- Return a function that runs <func1> first and then tail-calls <func2>. return function(aci, pli, dist) func1(aci, pli, dist) return func2(aci, pli, dist) end end -- Determines the last numeric index of a table using *pairs*, so that in -- arg-lists with "holes" (e.g. {1, 2, nil, function() end}) are handled -- properly. local function ourmaxn(tab) local maxi = 0 for i in pairs(tab) do if (type(i)=="number") then maxi = math.max(i, maxi) end end assert(tab[maxi] ~= nil) return maxi end -- Running for the very first time? local g_firstRun = (ffiC.g_elCONSize == 0) -- Actor functions, saved for actor chaining local actor_funcs = {} -- Event functions, saved for event chaining local event_funcs = {} -- Per-actor sprite animation callbacks local animsprite_funcs = {} local gameactor_internal = gameactor_internal -- included in lunatic.c local gameevent_internal = gameevent_internal -- included in lunatic.c local function animate_all_sprites() for i=0,ffiC.spritesortcnt-1 do local tspr = ffiC.tsprite[i] if (tspr.owner < ffiC.MAXSPRITES+0ULL) then local spr = tspr:getspr() local animfunc = animsprite_funcs[spr.picnum] if (animfunc) then animfunc(tspr) end end end end local function check_arg_number(name, argpos, val) if (type(val) ~= "number") then errorf(3, "invalid '%s' argument (#%d) to gameactor: must be a number", name, argpos) end end -- gameactor{tilenum [, flags [, strength [, action [, move [, movflags]]]]], func} -- Every arg may be positional OR key=val (with the name indicated above as key), -- but not both. local function our_gameactor(args) bcheck.top_level("gameactor") if (type(args)~="table") then error("invalid gameactor call: must be passed a table") end local tilenum = args[1] if (type(tilenum) ~= "number") then error("invalid argument #1 to gameactor: must be a number", 2) end if (not (tilenum >= 0 and tilenum < ffiC.MAXTILES)) then error("invalid argument #1 to gameactor: must be a tile number [0..gv.MAXTILES-1]", 2) end local lastargi = ourmaxn(args) local func = args[lastargi] if (type(func) ~= "function") then func = args.func lastargi = 1/0 end if (type(func) ~= "function") then error("invalid gameactor call: must provide a function with last numeric arg or .func", 2) end local flags = (lastargi > 2 and args[2]) or args.flags or 0 check_arg_number("flags", 2, flags) local AF = actor.FLAGS local chainflags = band(flags, AF._CHAIN_MASK_ACTOR) flags = band(flags, BNOT.CHAIN_MASK_ACTOR) if (chainflags == 0) then -- Default chaining behavior: don't, replace the old actor instead. chainflags = AF.replace elseif (band(chainflags, chainflags-1) ~= 0) then error("invalid chaining control flags to gameactor", 2) end local replacep = (chainflags==AF.replace) if (not replacep and not actor_funcs[tilenum]) then error("attempt to chain code to nonexistent actor tile "..tilenum, 2) end local flags_rbits = band(flags, BNOT.USER_MASK) if (flags_rbits ~= 0) then error("invalid 'flags' argument (#2) to gameactor: must not set reserved bits (0x" ..(bit.tohex(flags_rbits))..")", 2) end local strength = ((lastargi > 3 and args[3]) or args.strength) or (replacep and 0 or nil) if (replacep or strength~=nil) then check_arg_number("strength", 3, strength) end local act = ((lastargi > 4 and args[4]) or args.action) or (replacep and literal_act[0] or nil) if (replacep or act ~= nil) then if (type(act)=="number" and (act==0 or act==1)) then act = literal_act[act] elseif (not ffi.istype(con_action_ct, act)) then error("invalid 'action' argument (#4) to gameactor: must be an action", 2) end end local mov = ((lastargi > 5 and args[5]) or args.move) or (replacep and literal_mov[0] or nil) if (replacep or mov ~= nil) then if (type(mov)=="number" and (mov==0 or mov==1)) then mov = literal_mov[mov] elseif (not ffi.istype(con_move_ct, mov)) then error("invalid 'move' argument (#5) to gameactor: must be a move", 2) end end local movflags = ((lastargi > 6 and args[6]) or args.movflags) or (replacep and 0 or nil) if (replacep or movflags ~= nil) then check_arg_number("movflags", 6, movflags) end -- Register a potentially passed drawn sprite animation callback function. -- TODO: allow registering without main actor execution callback. local animfunc = args.animate if (animfunc ~= nil) then if (type(animfunc) ~= "function") then error("invalid 'animate' argument to gameactor: must be a function", 2) end animsprite_funcs[tilenum] = replacep and func or (chainflags==AF.chain_beg) and chain_func3(animfunc, animsprite_funcs[tilenum]) or (chainflags==AF.chain_end) and chain_func3(animsprite_funcs[tilenum], animfunc) or assert(false) -- Register our EVENT_ANIMATEALLSPRITES only now so that it is not -- called if there are no 'animate' definitions. gameevent_internal(97, animate_all_sprites) -- EVENT_ANIMATEALLSPRITES end -- All good, bitwise-OR the tile bits and register the actor! ffiC.g_tile[tilenum]._flags = bit.bor(ffiC.g_tile[tilenum]._flags, flags) local newfunc = replacep and func or (chainflags==AF.chain_beg) and chain_func3(func, actor_funcs[tilenum]) or (chainflags==AF.chain_end) and chain_func3(actor_funcs[tilenum], func) or assert(false) gameactor_internal(tilenum, strength, act, mov, movflags, newfunc) actor_funcs[tilenum] = newfunc end -- gameevent{<event idx or string> [, flags], <event function>} local function our_gameevent(args) bcheck.top_level("gameevent") if (type(args)~="table") then error("invalid gameevent call: must be passed a table") end local event = args[1] if (type(event) == "string") then if (event:sub(1,6) ~= "EVENT_") then event = "EVENT_"..event end local eventidx = con_lang.EVENT[event] if (eventidx == nil) then errorf(2, "gameevent: invalid event label %q", event) end event = eventidx end if (type(event) ~= "number") then error("invalid argument #1 to gameevent: must be a number or event label", 2) end if (not (event >= 0 and event < con_lang.MAXEVENTS)) then error("invalid argument #1 to gameevent: must be an event number (0 .. MAXEVENTS-1)", 2) end local AF = actor.FLAGS -- Kind of CODEDUP from our_gameactor. local lastargi = ourmaxn(args) local func = args[lastargi] if (type(func) ~= "function") then func = args.func lastargi = 1/0 end if (type(func) ~= "function") then error("invalid gameevent call: must provide a function with last numeric arg or .func", 2) end -- Event chaining: in Lunatic, chaining at the *end* is the default. local flags = (lastargi > 2 and args[2]) or args.flags or AF.chain_end if (type(flags) ~= "number") then error("invalid 'flags' argument (#2) to gameevent: must be a number", 2) end if (band(flags, BNOT.CHAIN_MASK_EVENT) ~= 0) then error("invalid 'flags' argument to gameevent: must not set reserved bits", 2) end local newfunc = (flags==AF.replace) and func or (flags==AF.chain_beg) and chain_func3(func, event_funcs[event]) or (flags==AF.chain_end) and chain_func3(event_funcs[event], func) or assert(false) gameevent_internal(event, newfunc) event_funcs[event] = newfunc end --- non-default data and functions G_.gameevent = our_gameevent G_.gameactor = our_gameactor -- These come from above: G_.player = player G_.actor = actor G_.projectile = projectile G_.g_tile = g_tile G_.LUNATIC_FIRST_TIME = (ffiC.g_elFirstTime ~= 0) -- A table that can be used for temporary data when debugging from the OSD. G_.d = {} ---=== Lunatic translator setup ===--- read_into_string = readintostr_mod -- for lunacon local lunacon = require("lunacon") local concode, lineinfo --- Get Lua code for CON (+ mutator) code. if (g_firstRun) then -- Compiling CON for the first time. local confn = { ffi.string(ffiC.G_ConFile()) } local nummods = ffiC.g_scriptModulesNum if (nummods > 0) then assert(ffiC.g_scriptModules ~= nil) for i=1,nummods do confn[i+1] = ffi.string(ffiC.g_scriptModules[i-1]) end end concode, lineinfo = lunacon.compile(confn) if (concode == nil) then error("Failure compiling CON code, exiting.", 0) end assert(lineinfo) -- Back up the translated code on the C side. assert(type(concode)=="string") ffiC.El_SetCON(concode) else -- CON was already compiled. concode = ffi.string(ffiC.g_elCON, ffiC.g_elCONSize) lineinfo = lunacon.get_lineinfo(concode) end if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then -- XXX: lineinfo of 2nd up time has one line less. printf("CON line info has %d Lua lines", #lineinfo.llines) end do -- Translate one Lua line number to a CON file name + line number local function transline(lnum) return string.format("%s:%d", lineinfo:getfline(tonumber(lnum))) end -- Register the function that tweaks an error message, looking out for -- errors from CON and translating the line numbers. local function tweak_traceback_msg(errmsg) return errmsg:gsub('%[string "CON"%]:([0-9]+)', transline) end lprivate.tweak_traceback_msg = tweak_traceback_msg set_tweak_traceback_internal(tweak_traceback_msg) end -- XXX: May still be require'd from user code, we don't want that (at least not -- under this name). local CON_MODULE_NAME = "_CON\0" -- Set up Lunatic gamevar serialization. do local savegame = require("savegame") -- Callback for: const char *(int32_t *slenptr, int32_t levelnum); ffiC.El_SerializeGamevars = function(slenptr, levelnum) local sb = savegame.savebuffer() -- Module name, module table, restore_local. See SAVEFUNC_ARGS. sb:addraw("local N,M,F=...") -- A local to temporarily hold module locals. sb:addraw("local L") -- XXX: System gamevars? Most of them ought to be saved with C data. for modname, modvars in pairs(module_gamevars) do local isCON = (modname==CON_MODULE_NAME) sb:startmod(modname) -- Handle global gamevars first. for i=1,#modvars do local varname = modvars[i] local excludedVars = isCON and varname=="_V" and package_loaded[CON_MODULE_NAME]._V._IS_NORESET_GAMEVAR or nil -- Serialize gamevar named 'varname' from module named 'modname'. -- XXX: May error. This will terminate EDuke32 since this callback -- is run unprotected. if (sb:add("M."..varname, package_loaded[modname][varname], excludedVars)) then -- We couldn't serialize that gamevar. slenptr[0] = -1 -- Signal which gamevar that was. return (isCON and "<CON>" or modname).."."..varname end end local modthread = module_thread[modname] if (modthread) then -- Handle local gamevars. local gvmodi = module_gvlocali[modname] for li=gvmodi[1],gvmodi[2] do -- Serialize local with index <li>. Get its value first. local lname, lval = debug.getlocal(modthread, 1, li) if (sb:add("L", lval)) then -- We couldn't serialize that gamevar. slenptr[0] = -1 return "local "..modname.."."..lname end -- Emit code to call restore_local. sb:addrawf("F(%d,L)", li) end end sb:endmod() end -- Get the whole code as a string. local savecode = sb:getcode() if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then -- Dump the code if Lunatic debugging is enabled (-Lopts=diag) and -- there is a LUNATIC_SAVECODE_FN variable in the environment. local os = require("os") local fn = os.getenv("LUNATIC_SAVECODE_FN") if (fn ~= nil) then if (levelnum >= 0) then fn = fn .. levelnum end local io = require("io") local f = io.open(fn, "w") if (f ~= nil) then f:write(savecode) f:close() printf("Wrote Lunatic gamevar restoration code to \"%s\".", fn) end end end -- Set the size of the code and return the code to C. slenptr[0] = #savecode return savecode end end -- change the environment of this chunk to the table G_ -- NOTE: all references to global variables from this point on -- (also in functions created after this point) refer to G_ ! setfenv(1, G_) -- Print keys and values of a table. local function printkv(label, table) print("========== Keys and values of "..label.." ("..tostring(table)..")") for k,v in pairs(table) do print(k .. ": " .. tostring(v)) end print("----------") end --printkv('_G AFTER SETFENV', _G) ---=== Restricted access to C variables from Lunatic ===--- -- error(..., 2) is to blame the caller and get its line numbers -- Map of 'gv' variable names to C ones. local varnameMap = { gametic = "g_moveThingsCount", RETURN = "g_RETURN", _sessionVar = "g_elSessionVar", } gv_access.gametic = true gv_access.RETURN = true gv_access._sessionVar = true local tmpmt = { __index = function(_, key) if (gv_access[key] == nil) then -- Read access allowed. return ffiC[key] elseif (type(gv_access[key])~="boolean") then -- Overridden 'gv' pseudo-member... return gv_access[key] elseif (varnameMap[key]) then -- Variable known under a different name on the C side. return ffiC[varnameMap[key]] end error("access forbidden", 2) end, __newindex = function(_, key, val) if (gv_access[key] == nil) then -- Variables declared 'const' are handled by LuaJIT. ffiC[key] = val elseif (varnameMap[key]) then ffiC[varnameMap[key]] = val else error("write access forbidden", 2) end end, } gv = setmtonce(gv_, tmpmt) -- This will create 'sprite', 'wall', etc. HERE, i.e. in the environment of this chunk defs_c.create_globals(_G) -- REMOVE this for release if (ffiC._DEBUG_LUNATIC ~= 0) then local DBG_ = {} DBG_.debug = require("debug") DBG_.printkv = printkv DBG_.loadstring = loadstring DBG_.oom = function() local s = "1" for i=1,math.huge do s = s..s end end -- Test reading from all struct members DBG_.testmembread = function() for _1, sac in pairs { con_lang.StructAccessCode, con_lang.StructAccessCode2 } do for what, labels in pairs(sac) do if (what~="tspr") then for _3, membaccode in pairs(labels) do if (type(membaccode)=="table") then membaccode = membaccode[1] end if (membaccode) then local codestr = [[ do local _bit,_math=require'bit',require'math' local _con=require'con' local _band,_gv=_bit.band,gv local tmp=]].. membaccode:gsub("^_gud%(_pli%)", "_con._get_userdef(0)"):gsub("%%s","0").." end" local code = assert(loadstring(codestr)) code() end end end end end end allowed_modules._LUNATIC_DBG = DBG_ end ---=== Finishing environment setup ===--- --printkv('_G AFTER DECLS', _G) local index_error_mt = { __index = function(_, key) error("attempt to read undeclared variable '"..key.."'", 2) end, __metatable = true, } -- PiL 14.2 continued -- We need this at the end because we were previously doing just that! setmetatable(G_, index_error_mt) local global_mt = { __index = G_, __newindex = function() error("attempt to write into the global environment") end, __metatable = true, } -- Change the environment of the running Lua thread so that everything -- what we've set up will be available when this chunk is left. -- In particular, we need the globals defined after setting this chunk's -- environment earlier. setfenv(0, setmetatable({}, global_mt)) do -- If we're running from a savegame restoration, create the restoration -- function. Must be here, after the above setfenv(), because it must be -- created in this protected ('user') context! local cstr = ffiC.g_elSavecode if (cstr~=nil) then local restorecode = ffi.string(cstr) ffiC.El_FreeSaveCode() g_restorefunc = assert(loadstring(restorecode)) end end -- Restore CON gamevars from loadmapstate. -- TODO: non-user-defined gamevars. -- TODO: savegames. -- int32_t El_RestoreGamevars(const char *) ffiC.El_RestoreGamevars = function(savecode) savecode = ffi.string(savecode) local restorefunc = assert(loadstring(savecode)) restorefunc(CON_MODULE_NAME, package_loaded[CON_MODULE_NAME], nil) return 0 end -- Run the CON code translated into Lua. if (assert(concode ~= nil)) then local confunc, conerrmsg = loadstring(concode, "CON") if (confunc == nil) then error("Failure loading translated CON code: "..conerrmsg, 0) end -- Emulate our 'require' for the CON module when running it, for -- our_module() which is called from the generated Lua code. table.insert(modname_stack, CON_MODULE_NAME) local conlabels, conaction, conmove, conai = confunc() table.remove(modname_stack) local function protect_con_table(tab) -- NOTE: Some of our code specifically excepts the name tables to be -- indexable with nonexistent keys. See e.g. control.lua: _A_SpawnGlass() if (ffiC._LUNATIC_STRICT ~= 0) then tab = setmetatable(tab, index_error_mt) end return setmtonce({}, { __index=tab, __newindex=basemod_newidx }) end -- Set up CON.* modules, providing access to diffenrent kinds of labels -- defined in CON from Lua. See CONCODE_RETURN in lunacon.lua. allowed_modules["CON.DEFS"] = protect_con_table(conlabels) allowed_modules["CON.ACTION"] = protect_con_table(conaction) allowed_modules["CON.MOVE"] = protect_con_table(conmove) allowed_modules["CON.AI"] = protect_con_table(conai) -- Propagate potentially remapped defines to the control module. con._setuplabels(conlabels) local function getLabelValue(str, doupper) return conlabels[doupper and string.upper(str) or str] end ffiC.El_GetLabelValue = function(label) local str = ffi.string(label) local ok, val = pcall(getLabelValue, str, false) if (not ok or type(val)~="number") then ok, val = pcall(getLabelValue, str, true) end return (ok and type(val)=="number") and val or bit.tobit(0x80000000) end end -- When starting a map, load Lua modules given on the command line. if (not g_firstRun) then local i=0 while (ffiC.g_elModules[i] ~= nil) do -- Get the module name and strip the trailing extension. local modname = ffi.string(ffiC.g_elModules[i]):gsub("%.lua$","") if (modname:find("%.")) then -- Because they will be replaced by dirseps in our_require(). error("Dots are not permitted in module names", 0) end -- Allow forward slashes in module names from the cmdline. our_require((modname:gsub("%.lua$",""):gsub("/","."))) i = i+1 end ffiC.g_elFirstTime = 0 end if (g_restorefunc) then -- Clear it so that it may be garbage-collected. g_restorefunc = nil end