//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "fx_man.h" #include "music.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include "osd.h" #include "sounds.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "winlayer.h" #endif int32_t backflag,g_numEnvSoundsPlaying,g_maxSoundPos = 0; static int32_t MusicIsWaveform = 0; static char *MusicPtr = 0; static int32_t MusicLen = 0; static int32_t MusicVoice = -1; static int32_t MusicPaused = 0; static mutex_t s_mutex; static volatile uint32_t dq[128], dnum = 0; void S_SoundStartup(void) { int32_t fxdevicetype, i; void *initdata = 0; if (ud.config.FXDevice >= 0) fxdevicetype = ASS_AutoDetect; else return; #ifdef WIN32 initdata = (void *) win_gethwnd(); #endif initprintf("Initializing sound... "); if (FX_Init(fxdevicetype, ud.config.NumVoices, ud.config.NumChannels, ud.config.NumBits, ud.config.MixRate, initdata) != FX_Ok) { initprintf("failed! %s\n", FX_ErrorString(FX_Error)); return; } initprintf("%d voices, %d channels, %d-bit %d Hz\n", ud.config.NumVoices, ud.config.NumChannels, ud.config.NumBits, ud.config.MixRate); for (i=g_maxSoundPos; i >= 0 ; i--) { int32_t j = MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; for (; j>=0; j--) { g_sounds[i].num = 0; g_sounds[i].SoundOwner[j].voice = 0; g_sounds[i].SoundOwner[j].ow = -1; } g_soundlocks[i] = 199; } FX_SetVolume(ud.config.FXVolume); FX_SetReverseStereo(ud.config.ReverseStereo); FX_SetCallBack(S_Callback); FX_SetPrintf(initprintf); mutex_init(&s_mutex); } void S_SoundShutdown(void) { if (ud.config.FXDevice < 0) return; if (MusicVoice >= 0) S_MusicShutdown(); if (FX_Shutdown() != FX_Ok) { Bsprintf(tempbuf, "S_SoundShutdown(): error: %s", FX_ErrorString(FX_Error)); G_GameExit(tempbuf); } } void S_MusicStartup(void) { if (ud.config.MusicDevice < 0) return; initprintf("Initializing music...\n"); if (MUSIC_Init(ud.config.MusicDevice, 0) == MUSIC_Ok || MUSIC_Init((ud.config.MusicDevice = 0), 0) == MUSIC_Ok) { MUSIC_SetVolume(ud.config.MusicVolume); return; } initprintf("S_MusicStartup(): failed initializing\n"); } void S_MusicShutdown(void) { if (ud.config.MusicDevice < 0) return; S_StopMusic(); if (MUSIC_Shutdown() != MUSIC_Ok) initprintf("%s", MUSIC_ErrorString(MUSIC_ErrorCode)); } void S_PauseMusic(int32_t onf) { if (MusicPaused == onf || (MusicIsWaveform && MusicVoice < 0)) return; MusicPaused = onf; if (MusicIsWaveform) { FX_PauseVoice(MusicVoice, onf); return; } if (onf) MUSIC_Pause(); else MUSIC_Continue(); } void S_MusicVolume(int32_t volume) { if (MusicIsWaveform && MusicVoice >= 0) FX_SetPan(MusicVoice, volume, volume, volume); MUSIC_SetVolume(volume); } void S_MenuSound(void) { static int32_t SoundNum=0; static const uint8_t menusnds[] = { LASERTRIP_EXPLODE, DUKE_GRUNT, DUKE_LAND_HURT, CHAINGUN_FIRE, SQUISHED, KICK_HIT, PISTOL_RICOCHET, PISTOL_BODYHIT, PISTOL_FIRE, SHOTGUN_FIRE, BOS1_WALK, RPG_EXPLODE, PIPEBOMB_BOUNCE, PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE, NITEVISION_ONOFF, RPG_SHOOT, SELECT_WEAPON }; S_PlaySound(menusnds[SoundNum++ % (sizeof(menusnds)/sizeof(menusnds[0]))]); } int32_t S_PlayMusic(const char *fn, const int32_t sel) { char *ofn = (char *)fn, *testfn, *extension; int32_t fp; const char *alt = 0; if (ud.config.MusicToggle == 0) return 0; if (ud.config.MusicDevice < 0) return 0; if (MapInfo[sel].alt_musicfn != NULL) alt = fn = MapInfo[sel].alt_musicfn; testfn = (char *) Bmalloc(strlen(fn) + 5); strcpy(testfn, fn); extension = strrchr(testfn, '.'); do { if (extension && !Bstrcasecmp(extension, ".mid")) { // we've been asked to load a .mid file, but first let's see // if there's an ogg with the same base name lying around strcpy(extension, ".ogg"); fp = kopen4loadfrommod(testfn, 0); if (fp >= 0) { Bfree(testfn); break; } } Bfree(testfn); // just use what we've been given fp = kopen4loadfrommod((char *)fn, 0); if (alt && fp < 0) fp = kopen4loadfrommod(ofn, 0); } while (0); if (fp < 0) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "S_PlayMusic(): error: can't open \"%s\" for playback!\n",fn); return 0; } S_StopMusic(); MusicPtr = (char *) Bmalloc((MusicLen = kfilelength(fp))); if ((g_musicSize = kread(fp, (char *)MusicPtr, MusicLen)) != MusicLen) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "S_PlayMusic(): error: read %d bytes from \"%s\", expected %d\n",g_musicSize, fn, MusicLen); kclose(fp); g_musicSize = 0; return 0; } kclose(fp); if (!Bmemcmp(MusicPtr, "MThd", 4)) { MUSIC_PlaySong(MusicPtr, MUSIC_LoopSong); MusicIsWaveform = 0; } else { if ((MusicVoice = FX_PlayLoopedAuto(MusicPtr, MusicLen, 0, 0, 0, ud.config.MusicVolume, ud.config.MusicVolume, ud.config.MusicVolume, FX_MUSIC_PRIORITY, MUSIC_ID)) > FX_Ok) MusicIsWaveform = 1; } return (alt != 0); } void S_StopMusic(void) { MusicPaused = 0; if (MusicIsWaveform && MusicVoice >= 0) { FX_StopSound(MusicVoice); MusicVoice = -1; MusicIsWaveform = 0; } MUSIC_StopSong(); if (MusicPtr) { Bfree(MusicPtr); MusicPtr = NULL; g_musicSize = MusicLen = 0; } } void S_Cleanup(void) { // process from our own local copy of the delete queue so we don't hold the lock long uint32_t ldq[128], ldnum; mutex_lock(&s_mutex); if (!dnum) { mutex_unlock(&s_mutex); return; } ldnum = dnum; Bmemcpy(ldq, (void *)dq, ldnum*sizeof(int32_t)); dnum = 0; mutex_unlock(&s_mutex); do { uint32_t num = ldq[--ldnum]; // negative index is RTS playback if ((int32_t)num < 0) { if (rts_lumplockbyte[-(int32_t)num] >= 200) rts_lumplockbyte[-(int32_t)num]--; continue; } // num + (MAXSOUNDS*MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) is a sound played globally // for which there was no open slot to keep track of the voice if (num >= (MAXSOUNDS*MAXSOUNDINSTANCES)) { g_soundlocks[num-(MAXSOUNDS*MAXSOUNDINSTANCES)]--; continue; } { int32_t j = num & (MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1); int32_t i; num = (num - j) / MAXSOUNDINSTANCES; i = g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow; if (g_sounds[num].num > MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "S_Cleanup(): num exceeds MAXSOUNDINSTANCES! g_sounds[%d].num %d wtf?\n", num, g_sounds[num].num); if (g_sounds[num].num > 0) g_sounds[num].num--; // MUSICANDSFX uses t_data[0] to control restarting the sound if (i != -1 && sprite[i].picnum == MUSICANDSFX && sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag < 3 && sprite[i].lotag < 999) actor[i].t_data[0] = 0; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow = -1; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice = 0; } g_soundlocks[num]--; } while (ldnum); } // returns number of bytes read int32_t S_LoadSound(uint32_t num) { int32_t fp = -1, l; if (num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos || ud.config.SoundToggle == 0 || ud.config.FXDevice < 0) return 0; if (g_sounds[num].filename == NULL && g_sounds[num].filename1 == NULL) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "Sound (#%d) not defined!\n",num); return 0; } if (g_sounds[num].filename1) fp = kopen4loadfrommod(g_sounds[num].filename1,g_loadFromGroupOnly); if (fp == -1) fp = kopen4loadfrommod(g_sounds[num].filename,g_loadFromGroupOnly); if (fp == -1) { OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Sound %s(#%d) not found!\n",g_sounds[num].filename,num); return 0; } g_sounds[num].soundsiz = l = kfilelength(fp); g_soundlocks[num] = 200; allocache((intptr_t *)&g_sounds[num].ptr, l, (char *)&g_soundlocks[num]); l = kread(fp, g_sounds[num].ptr, l); kclose(fp); return l; } int32_t S_PlaySound3D(int32_t num, int32_t i, const vec3_t *pos) { vec3_t *c; int32_t sndist, j = 0; int32_t cs; int32_t voice, sndang, ca, pitch; if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_SOUND]) num = VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SOUND, i, screenpeek, -1, num); if ((unsigned)num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos || ud.config.FXDevice < 0 || ((g_sounds[num].m&8) && ud.lockout) || ud.config.SoundToggle == 0 || g_sounds[num].num >= MAXSOUNDINSTANCES || (unsigned)i >= MAXSPRITES || FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[num].pr) == 0 || (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->timebeforeexit > 0 && g_player[myconnectindex].ps->timebeforeexit <= GAMETICSPERSEC*3) || g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_MENU) return -1; if (g_sounds[num].m&128) // Duke-Tag sound { if ((voice = S_PlaySound(num)) <= FX_Ok) return -1; while (j < MAXSOUNDINSTANCES && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice != voice) j++; if (j >= MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "%s %d: WTF?\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); return -1; } g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow = i; return voice; } // Duke talk if (g_sounds[num].m&4) { if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && PN == APLAYER && sprite[i].yvel != screenpeek) // other player sound { if (!(ud.config.VoiceToggle&4)) return -1; } else if (!(ud.config.VoiceToggle&1)) return -1; // don't play if any Duke talk sounds are already playing for (j=g_maxSoundPos; j>=0; j--) if ((g_sounds[j].m&4) && g_sounds[j].num > 0) return -1; } c = (vec3_t *)&ud.camera; cs = ud.camerasect; ca = ud.cameraang; sndist = FindDistance3D((c->x-pos->x),(c->y-pos->y),(c->z-pos->z)>>4); if (i >= 0 && (g_sounds[num].m&16) == 0 && PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999 && (sector[SECT].lotag&0xff) < 9) sndist = divscale14(sndist,(SHT+1)); sndist += g_sounds[num].vo; if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (cs > -1 && sndist && PN != MUSICANDSFX && !cansee(c->x,c->y,c->z-(24<<8),cs,SX,SY,SZ-(24<<8),SECT)) sndist += sndist>>5; pitch = (j = klabs(g_sounds[num].pe-g_sounds[num].ps)) ? (g_sounds[num].ps < g_sounds[num].pe ? g_sounds[num].ps : g_sounds[num].pe) + rand()%j : g_sounds[num].ps; switch (num) { case PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE: case LASERTRIP_EXPLODE: case RPG_EXPLODE: if (sndist > (6144)) sndist = 6144; if (g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum > -1 && sector[g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum].lotag == 2) pitch -= 1024; break; default: if (sndist > 32767 && PN != MUSICANDSFX && (g_sounds[num].m & 3) == 0) return -1; if (g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum > -1 && sector[g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum].lotag == 2 && (g_sounds[num].m&4) == 0) pitch = -768; break; } if (g_player[screenpeek].ps->sound_pitch) pitch += g_player[screenpeek].ps->sound_pitch; if (g_sounds[num].num > 0 && PN != MUSICANDSFX) S_StopEnvSound(num, i); if (PN == APLAYER && sprite[i].yvel == screenpeek) sndang = sndist = 0; else { sndang = 2048 + ca - getangle(c->x-pos->x,c->y-pos->y); sndang &= 2047; } if (g_sounds[num].ptr == 0) { if (S_LoadSound(num) == 0) return -1; } else { if (g_soundlocks[num] < 200) g_soundlocks[num] = 200; else g_soundlocks[num]++; } if (g_sounds[num].m&16) sndist = 0; if (sndist < ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6)) sndist = ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6); j = 0; while (j < MAXSOUNDINSTANCES && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice > 0) j++; if (j >= MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) { g_soundlocks[num]--; return -1; } if (g_sounds[num].m&1) { if (g_sounds[num].num > 0) { g_soundlocks[num]--; return -1; } voice = FX_PlayLoopedAuto(g_sounds[num].ptr, g_sounds[num].soundsiz, 0, -1, pitch,sndist>>6,sndist>>6,0,g_sounds[num].pr,(num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j); } else { voice = FX_PlayAuto3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr, g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,sndang>>4,sndist>>6, g_sounds[num].pr, (num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j); } if (voice <= FX_Ok) { g_soundlocks[num]--; return -1; } g_sounds[num].num++; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow = i; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice = voice; return voice; } int32_t S_PlaySound(int32_t num) { int32_t pitch, cx; int32_t voice, j; int32_t doretry = 0; if (apScriptGameEvent[EVENT_SOUND]) num = VM_OnEvent(EVENT_SOUND, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek, -1, num); if (ud.config.FXDevice < 0) return -1; if (ud.config.SoundToggle==0) return -1; if (!(ud.config.VoiceToggle&1) && (g_sounds[num].m&4)) return -1; if ((unsigned)num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos || (g_sounds[num].filename == NULL && g_sounds[num].filename1 == NULL)) { OSD_Printf("WARNING: invalid sound #%d\n",num); return -1; } if ((g_sounds[num].m&8) && ud.lockout) return -1; if (FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[num].pr) == 0) return -1; pitch = (cx = klabs(g_sounds[num].pe-g_sounds[num].ps)) ? (g_sounds[num].ps < g_sounds[num].pe ? g_sounds[num].ps : g_sounds[num].pe) + rand()%cx : g_sounds[num].ps; if (g_sounds[num].ptr == 0) { if (S_LoadSound(num) == 0) return -1; } else { if (g_soundlocks[num] < 200) g_soundlocks[num] = 200; else g_soundlocks[num]++; } j = 0; while (j < MAXSOUNDINSTANCES && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice > 0) j++; if (j >= MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) // no slots available, so let's see if one opens up after multivoc kills a voice doretry = 1; voice = (g_sounds[num].m&1) ? FX_PlayLoopedAuto(g_sounds[num].ptr, g_sounds[num].soundsiz, 0, -1, pitch,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].soundsiz, (num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j) : FX_PlayAuto3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr, g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,0,255-LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr, (num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j); if (voice <= FX_Ok) { g_soundlocks[num]--; return -1; } if (doretry) { S_Cleanup(); j = 0; while (j < MAXSOUNDINSTANCES && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice > 0) j++; if (j >= MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) // still no slots available { FX_SetVoiceCallback(voice, num + (MAXSOUNDS*MAXSOUNDINSTANCES)); return voice; } FX_SetVoiceCallback(voice, (num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j); } g_sounds[num].num++; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow = -1; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice = voice; return voice; } int32_t A_PlaySound(uint32_t num, int32_t i) { if ((unsigned)num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos) return -1; return i < 0 ? S_PlaySound(num) : S_PlaySound3D(num, i, (vec3_t *)&sprite[i]); } void S_StopEnvSound(int32_t num, int32_t i) { int32_t j, iter = 0; if ((unsigned)num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos || g_sounds[num].num <= 0) return; do { if (iter++ > MAXSOUNDINSTANCES<<1) { initprintf(OSD_ERROR "S_StopEnvSound(): too many iterations! The following IDs are still active for sound %d:\n", num); for (j=MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; j>=0; j--) if (g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow == i) initprintf(OSD_ERROR "slot %d, voice %d, sprite %d\n", j, g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice, g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow); return; } for (j=MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; j>=0; j--) { if ((i == -1 && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice > FX_Ok) || (i != -1 && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow == i)) { if (i >= 0 && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice <= FX_Ok) initprintf(OSD_ERROR "S_StopEnvSound(): bad voice %d for sound ID %d index %d!\n", g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice, num, j); else if (g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice > FX_Ok && FX_SoundActive(g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice)) FX_StopSound(g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice); // FX_SoundActive returning false could mean one of two things: we asked to stop the sound // right when it was done playing, or we lost track of a voice somewhere (didn't get the callback) // the first scenario resolves itself, and this addresses the second mutex_lock(&s_mutex); dq[dnum++] = (num * MAXSOUNDINSTANCES) + j; mutex_unlock(&s_mutex); S_Cleanup(); break; } } } while (j >= 0); } void S_ChangeSoundPitch(int32_t num, int32_t i, int32_t pitchoffset) { int32_t j; if ((unsigned)num > (unsigned)g_maxSoundPos || g_sounds[num].num <= 0) return; for (j=MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; j>=0; j--) { int32_t voice = g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].voice; if ((i == -1 && voice > FX_Ok) || (i != -1 && g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow == i)) { if (i >= 0 && voice <= FX_Ok) initprintf(OSD_ERROR "S_ChangeSoundPitch(): bad voice %d for sound ID %d index %d!\n", voice, num, j); else if (voice > FX_Ok && FX_SoundActive(voice)) FX_SetPitch(voice, pitchoffset); break; } } } void S_Update(void) { vec3_t *s, *c; int32_t sndist,sndang,ca,j,k,i,cs; S_Cleanup(); if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & (MODE_GAME|MODE_DEMO)) == 0) return; g_numEnvSoundsPlaying = 0; if (ud.camerasprite == -1) { c = (vec3_t *)&ud.camera; cs = ud.camerasect; ca = ud.cameraang; } else { c = (vec3_t *)&sprite[ud.camerasprite]; cs = sprite[ud.camerasprite].sectnum; ca = sprite[ud.camerasprite].ang; } j = g_maxSoundPos; do { for (k=MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; k>=0; k--) { i = g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].ow; if ((unsigned)i >= MAXSPRITES || g_sounds[j].num == 0 || g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].voice <= FX_Ok) continue; if (!FX_SoundActive(g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].voice)) { /* OSD_Printf("S_Update(): stale voice %d from sound %d position %d sprite %d\n", g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].voice, j, k, g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].ow); */ continue; } s = (vec3_t *)&sprite[i]; if (PN == APLAYER && sprite[i].yvel == screenpeek) sndang = sndist = 0; else { sndang = 2048 + ca - getangle(c->x-s->x, c->y-s->y); sndang &= 2047; sndist = FindDistance3D(c->x-s->x, c->y-s->y, (c->z-s->z)>>4); if (i >= 0 && (g_sounds[j].m&16) == 0 && PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999 && (sector[SECT].lotag&0xff) < 9) sndist = divscale14(sndist,(SHT+1)); } sndist += g_sounds[j].vo; if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (cs > -1 && sndist && PN != MUSICANDSFX && !cansee(c->x,c->y,c->z-(24<<8),cs,s->x,s->y,s->z-(24<<8),SECT)) sndist += sndist>>5; if (PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999) g_numEnvSoundsPlaying++; switch (j) { case PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE: case LASERTRIP_EXPLODE: case RPG_EXPLODE: if (sndist > 6144) sndist = 6144; break; } if (g_sounds[j].m&16 || sndist < ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6)) sndist = ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6); FX_Pan3D(g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].voice, sndang>>4, sndist>>6); } } while (j--); } void S_Callback(uint32_t num) { if ((int32_t)num == MUSIC_ID) return; mutex_lock(&s_mutex); dq[dnum++] = num; mutex_unlock(&s_mutex); } void S_ClearSoundLocks(void) { int32_t i; for (i=g_maxSoundPos; i >= 0 ; i--) { if (g_soundlocks[i] >= 200) g_soundlocks[i] = 199; } for (i=0; i<11; i++) if (rts_lumplockbyte[i] >= 200) rts_lumplockbyte[i] = 199; } int32_t A_CheckSoundPlaying(int32_t i, int32_t num) { if (num > g_maxSoundPos || num < 0) return 0; if (g_sounds[num].num > 0 && i >= 0) { int32_t j=MAXSOUNDINSTANCES-1; for (; j>=0; j--) if (g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[j].ow == i) return 1; } return (i == -1) ? g_sounds[num].num : 0; } int32_t S_CheckSoundPlaying(int32_t i, int32_t num) { if (num > g_maxSoundPos || num < 0) return 0; return (i == -1) ? (g_soundlocks[num] >= 200) : g_sounds[num].num; }