//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 sirlemonhead, Nuke.YKT This file is part of PCExhumed. PCExhumed is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "automap.h" #include "aistuff.h" #include "player.h" #include "view.h" #include "engine.h" #include "sound.h" #include "exhumed.h" #include "input.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "status.h" #include #include #include "statusbar.h" BEGIN_PS_NS enum { kTagRamses = 61, }; int initx, inity, initz; int16_t inita; sectortype* initsectp; int nCurChunkNum = 0; int movefifoend; int movefifopos; int Counters[kNumCounters]; uint8_t bIsVersion6 = true; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // this is just a dummy for now to provide the intended setup. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static TArray spawnactors(SpawnSpriteDef& sprites) { TArray spawns(sprites.sprites.Size(), true); InitSpriteLists(); int j = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sprites.sprites.Size(); i++) { if (sprites.sprites[i].statnum == MAXSTATUS) { spawns.Pop(); continue; } auto sprt = &sprites.sprites[i]; auto actor = insertActor(sprt->sectp, sprt->statnum); spawns[j++] = actor; actor->spr = sprites.sprites[i]; actor->time = i; if (sprites.sprext.Size()) actor->sprext = sprites.sprext[i]; else actor->sprext = {}; actor->spsmooth = {}; } leveltimer = sprites.sprites.Size(); return spawns; } uint8_t LoadLevel(MapRecord* map) { if (map->gameflags & LEVEL_EX_COUNTDOWN) { lCountDown = 81000; nAlarmTicks = 30; nRedTicks = 0; nClockVal = 0; nEnergyTowers = 0; } // init stuff { StopAllSounds(); nCreaturesKilled = 0; nCreaturesTotal = 0; nFreeze = 0; pSpiritSprite = nullptr; PlayClock = 0; memset(Counters, 0, sizeof(Counters)); InitQueens(); InitRats(); InitBullets(); InitWeapons(); InitAnims(); InitSnakes(); InitLights(); ClearAutomap(); InitObjects(); InitPushBlocks(); InitPlayer(); InitItems(); if (map->gameflags & LEVEL_EX_COUNTDOWN) { InitEnergyTile(); } } if (map->gameflags & LEVEL_EX_ALTSOUND) { nSwitchSound = 35; nStoneSound = 23; nElevSound = 51; nStopSound = 35; } else { nSwitchSound = 33; nStoneSound = 23; nElevSound = 23; nStopSound = 66; } vec3_t startPos; int initsect; SpawnSpriteDef spawned; loadMap(currentLevel->fileName, 0, &startPos, &inita, &initsect, spawned); initx = startPos.X; inity = startPos.Y; initz = startPos.Z; initsectp = §or[initsect]; auto actors = spawnactors(spawned); int i; for (i = 0; i < kMaxPlayers; i++) { PlayerList[i].pActor = nullptr; } g_visibility = 1024; flash = 0; precache(); LoadObjects(actors); return true; } void InitLevel(MapRecord* map) { StopCD(); currentLevel = map; if (!LoadLevel(map)) { I_Error("Cannot load %s...\n", map->fileName.GetChars()); } for (int i = 0; i < nTotalPlayers; i++) { SetSavePoint(i, initx, inity, initz, initsectp, inita); RestartPlayer(i); InitPlayerKeys(i); } EndLevel = 0; ResetView(); ResetEngine(); totalmoves = 0; GrabPalette(); ResetMoveFifo(); lPlayerXVel = 0; lPlayerYVel = 0; movefifopos = movefifoend; if (!mus_redbook && map->music.IsNotEmpty()) Mus_Play(map->music, true); // Allow non-CD music if defined for the current level playCDtrack(map->cdSongId, true); setLevelStarted(currentLevel); } void InitNewGame() { bCamera = false; PlayerCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nTotalPlayers; i++) { int nPlayer = GrabPlayer(); if (nPlayer < 0) { I_Error("Can't create local player\n"); } InitPlayerInventory(nPlayer); } } void SnapSectors(sectortype* pSectorA, sectortype* pSectorB, int b) { for(auto& wal1 : wallsofsector(pSectorA)) { int bestx = 0x7FFFFFF; int besty = bestx; int x = wal1.wall_int_pos().X; int y = wal1.wall_int_pos().Y; walltype* bestwall = nullptr; for(auto& wal2 : wallsofsector(pSectorB)) { int thisx = x - wal2.wall_int_pos().X; int thisy = y - wal2.wall_int_pos().Y; int thisdist = abs(thisx) + abs(thisy); int bestdist = abs(bestx) + abs(besty); if (thisdist < bestdist) { bestx = thisx; besty = thisy; bestwall = &wal2; } } dragpoint(bestwall, bestwall->wall_int_pos().X + bestx, bestwall->wall_int_pos().Y + besty); } if (b) { pSectorB->set_int_ceilingz(pSectorA->int_floorz()); } if (pSectorA->Flag & 0x1000) { SnapBobs(pSectorA, pSectorB); } } void ProcessSpriteTag(DExhumedActor* pActor, int nLotag, int nHitag) { static const DVector3 nulvec = {0,0,0}; int nChannel = runlist_AllocChannel(nHitag % 1000); int nSpeed = nLotag / 1000; if (!nSpeed) { nSpeed = 1; } int nVal = nHitag; if (nLotag >= 900 && nLotag <= 949) { ProcessTrailSprite(pActor, nLotag, nHitag); return; } // handle tags 6 to 60 switch (nLotag) { case 8: // M-60 ammo belt { nVal = 3 * (nHitag / 3); // fall through to 6,7 etc [[fallthrough]]; } case 6: case 7: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 15: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 26: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 60: { pActor->spr.hitag = nVal; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } case 12: // berry twig { pActor->spr.hitag = 40; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } case 13: // blood bowl { pActor->spr.hitag = 160; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } case 14: // venom bowl { pActor->spr.hitag = -200; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } case 16: // reserved DeleteActor(pActor); return; case 25: case 59: { // extra life or checkpoint scarab. Delete for multiplayer if (nNetPlayerCount != 0) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } else { pActor->spr.hitag = nVal; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } } case 27: { pActor->spr.hitag = 1; ChangeActorStat(pActor, 9 + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } case 38: // raw energy { nVal++; nVal--; // CHECKME ?? pActor->spr.hitag = nVal; ChangeActorStat(pActor, nLotag + 900); pActor->spr.cstat &= ~CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL; BuildItemAnim(pActor); return; } } int v6 = nLotag % 1000; if (!userConfig.nomonsters || v6 < 100 || v6 > 118) { if (v6 > 999) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } switch (v6) { case 999: { AddFlicker(pActor->sector(), nSpeed); break; } case 998: { AddGlow(pActor->sector(), nSpeed); break; } case 118: // Anubis with drum { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildAnubis(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, 1); return; } case 117: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildWasp(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, false); return; } case 116: { BuildRat(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, -1); return; } case 115: // Rat (eating) { BuildRat(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 113: { BuildQueen(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, nChannel); return; } case 112: { BuildScorp(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, nChannel); return; } case 111: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildSet(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, nChannel); return; } case 108: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildLava(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, nChannel); return; } case 107: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildRex(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, nChannel); return; } case 106: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildFish(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 105: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildSpider(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 104: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildRoach(1, pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 103: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildRoach(0, pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 102: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildLion(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 101: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildMummy(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0); return; } case 100: { if (userConfig.nomonsters) { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } BuildAnubis(pActor, nulvec, nullptr, 0, 0); return; } case 99: // underwater type 2 { auto pSector =pActor->sector(); pSector->pAbove = §or[nHitag]; pSector->Flag |= kSectUnderwater; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 98: { auto pSector = pActor->sector(); pSector->pBelow = §or[nHitag]; SnapSectors(pSector, pSector->pBelow, 1); DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 97: { AddSectorBob(pActor->sector(), nHitag, 1); DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 96: // Lava sector { int nDamage = nHitag / 4; if (!nDamage) { nDamage = 1; } auto pSector =pActor->sector(); pSector->Damage = nDamage; pSector->Flag |= kSectLava; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 95: { AddSectorBob(pActor->sector(), nHitag, 0); DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 94: // water { auto pSector = pActor->sector(); pSector->Depth = nHitag << 8; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 93: { BuildBubbleMachine(pActor); return; } case 90: { BuildObject(pActor, 3, nHitag); return; } case 79: case 89: { auto pSector = pActor->sector(); pSector->Speed = nSpeed; pSector->Flag |= pActor->spr.intangle; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 88: { AddFlow(pActor->sector(), nSpeed, 0, pActor->int_ang()); DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 80: // underwater { auto pSector = pActor->sector(); pSector->Flag |= kSectUnderwater; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 78: { AddFlow(pActor->sector(), nSpeed, 1, pActor->int_ang()); auto pSector = pActor->sector(); pSector->Flag |= 0x8000; DeleteActor(pActor); return; } case 77: { int nArrow = BuildArrow(pActor, nSpeed); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nArrow, 0x1F0000); return; } case 76: // Explosion Trigger (Exploding Fire Cauldron) { BuildObject(pActor, 0, nHitag); return; } case 75: // Explosion Target (Cauldrons, fireballs and grenades will destroy nearby 75 sprites) { BuildObject(pActor, 1, nHitag); return; } case 71: { int nFireball = BuildFireBall(pActor, nHitag, nSpeed); runlist_AddRunRec(sRunChannels[nChannel].a, nFireball, 0x1F0000); return; } case 70: { BuildDrip(pActor); return; } case 63: { ChangeActorStat(pActor, 405); pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; return; } case 62: { nNetStartSprite[nNetStartSprites] = pActor; pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; nNetStartSprites++; return; } case kTagRamses: // Ramses head { pSpiritSprite = pActor; pActor->spr.cstat |= CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; return; } default: // TODO - checkme! { DeleteActor(pActor); return; } } } DeleteActor(pActor); } void ExamineSprites(TArray& actors) { nNetStartSprites = 0; nCurStartSprite = 0; for(auto& ac : actors) { int nStatus = ac->spr.statnum; if (!nStatus) { int lotag = ac->spr.lotag; int hitag = ac->spr.hitag; if ((nStatus < kMaxStatus) && lotag) { ac->spr.lotag = 0; ac->spr.hitag = 0; ProcessSpriteTag(ac, lotag, hitag); } else { ChangeActorStat(ac, 0); } } } if (nNetPlayerCount) { auto pActor = insertActor(initsectp, 0); pActor->set_int_pos({ initx, inity, initz }); pActor->spr.cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_INVISIBLE; nNetStartSprite[nNetStartSprites] = pActor; nNetStartSprites++; } } void LoadObjects(TArray& actors) { runlist_InitRun(); runlist_InitChan(); InitLink(); InitPoint(); InitSlide(); InitSwitch(); InitElev(); InitWallFace(); for (auto& sect: sector) { int hitag = sect.hitag; int lotag = sect.lotag; sect.hitag = 0; sect.lotag = 0; sect.extra = -1; if (hitag || lotag) { sect.lotag = runlist_HeadRun() + 1; sect.hitag = lotag; runlist_ProcessSectorTag(§, lotag, hitag); } } for (auto& wal : wall) { wal.extra = -1; int lotag = wal.lotag; int hitag = wal.hitag; wal.lotag = 0; if (hitag || lotag) { wal.lotag = runlist_HeadRun() + 1; runlist_ProcessWallTag(&wal, lotag, hitag); } } ExamineSprites(actors); PostProcess(); InitRa(); InitChunks(); for (int nChannel = 0; nChannel < kMaxChannels; nChannel++) { runlist_ChangeChannel(nChannel, 0); runlist_ReadyChannel(nChannel); } nCamerax = initx; nCameray = inity; nCameraz = initz; } void SerializeInit(FSerializer& arc) { if (arc.BeginObject("init")) { arc("initx", initx) ("inity", inity) ("initz", initz) ("inita", inita) ("initsect", initsectp) ("curchunk", nCurChunkNum) .Array("counters", Counters, kNumCounters) .EndObject(); } } END_PS_NS