// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright(C) 2018 Kevin Caccamo // All rights reserved. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "filesystem.h" #include "model_obj.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "modelrenderer.h" #include "printf.h" #include "textureid.h" /** * Load an OBJ model * * @param fn The path to the model file * @param lumpnum The lump index in the wad collection * @param buffer The contents of the model file * @param length The size of the model file * @return Whether or not the model was parsed successfully */ bool FOBJModel::Load(const char* fn, int lumpnum, const char* buffer, int length) { FString objName = fileSystem.GetFileFullPath(lumpnum); FString objBuf(buffer, length); // Do some replacements before we parse the OBJ string { // Ensure usemtl statements remain intact TArray<FString> mtlUsages; TArray<ptrdiff_t> mtlUsageIdxs; ptrdiff_t bpos = 0, nlpos = 0, slashpos = 0; while (1) { bpos = objBuf.IndexOf("\nusemtl", bpos); if (bpos == -1) break; slashpos = objBuf.IndexOf('/', bpos); nlpos = objBuf.IndexOf('\n', ++bpos); if (slashpos > nlpos || slashpos == -1) { continue; } if (nlpos == -1) { nlpos = objBuf.Len(); } FString lineStr(objBuf.GetChars() + bpos, nlpos - bpos); mtlUsages.Push(lineStr); mtlUsageIdxs.Push(bpos); } // Replace forward slashes with percent signs so they aren't parsed as line comments objBuf.ReplaceChars('/', *newSideSep); char* wObjBuf = objBuf.LockBuffer(); // Substitute broken usemtl statements with old ones for (size_t i = 0; i < mtlUsages.Size(); i++) { bpos = mtlUsageIdxs[i]; nlpos = objBuf.IndexOf('\n', bpos); if (nlpos == -1) { nlpos = objBuf.Len(); } memcpy(wObjBuf + bpos, mtlUsages[i].GetChars(), nlpos - bpos); } bpos = 0; // Find each OBJ line comment, and convert each to a C-style line comment while (1) { bpos = objBuf.IndexOf('#', bpos); if (bpos == -1) break; if (objBuf[(unsigned int)bpos + 1] == '\n') { wObjBuf[bpos] = ' '; } else { wObjBuf[bpos] = '/'; wObjBuf[bpos+1] = '/'; } bpos += 1; } wObjBuf = nullptr; objBuf.UnlockBuffer(); } sc.OpenString(objName, objBuf); FTextureID curMtl = FNullTextureID(); OBJSurface *curSurface = nullptr; unsigned int aggSurfFaceCount = 0; unsigned int curSurfFaceCount = 0; unsigned int curSmoothGroup = 0; while(sc.GetString()) { if (sc.Compare("v")) // Vertex { ParseVector<FVector3, 3>(this->verts); } else if (sc.Compare("vn")) // Vertex normal { ParseVector<FVector3, 3>(this->norms); } else if (sc.Compare("vt")) // UV Coordinates { ParseVector<FVector2, 2>(this->uvs); } else if (sc.Compare("usemtl")) { // Get material name and try to load it sc.MustGetString(); curMtl = LoadSkin("", sc.String); if (!curMtl.isValid()) { // Relative to model file path? curMtl = LoadSkin(fn, sc.String); } if (!curMtl.isValid()) { sc.ScriptMessage("Material %s (#%u) not found.", sc.String, surfaces.Size()); } // Build surface... if (curSurface == nullptr) { // First surface curSurface = new OBJSurface(curMtl); } else { if (curSurfFaceCount > 0) { // Add previous surface curSurface->numFaces = curSurfFaceCount; curSurface->faceStart = aggSurfFaceCount; surfaces.Push(*curSurface); delete curSurface; // Go to next surface curSurface = new OBJSurface(curMtl); aggSurfFaceCount += curSurfFaceCount; } else { curSurface->skin = curMtl; } } curSurfFaceCount = 0; } else if (sc.Compare("f")) { FString sides[4]; OBJFace face; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // A face must have at least 3 sides sc.MustGetString(); sides[i] = sc.String; if (!ParseFaceSide(sides[i], face, i)) return false; } face.sideCount = 3; if (sc.GetString()) { if (!sc.Compare("f") && FString(sc.String).IndexOfAny("-0123456789") == 0) { sides[3] = sc.String; face.sideCount += 1; if (!ParseFaceSide(sides[3], face, 3)) return false; } else { sc.UnGet(); // No 4th side, move back } } face.smoothGroup = curSmoothGroup; faces.Push(face); curSurfFaceCount += 1; } else if (sc.Compare("s")) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("off")) { curSmoothGroup = 0; } else { sc.UnGet(); sc.MustGetNumber(); curSmoothGroup = sc.Number; hasSmoothGroups = hasSmoothGroups || curSmoothGroup > 0; } } } sc.Close(); if (curSurface == nullptr) { // No valid materials detected FTextureID dummyMtl = LoadSkin("", "-NOFLAT-"); // Built-in to GZDoom curSurface = new OBJSurface(dummyMtl); } curSurface->numFaces = curSurfFaceCount; curSurface->faceStart = aggSurfFaceCount; surfaces.Push(*curSurface); delete curSurface; if (uvs.Size() == 0) { // Needed so that OBJs without UVs can work uvs.Push(FVector2(0.0, 0.0)); } return true; } /** * Parse an x-Dimensional vector * * @tparam T A subclass of TVector2 to be used * @tparam L The length of the vector to parse * @param[out] array The array to append the parsed vector to */ template<typename T, size_t L> void FOBJModel::ParseVector(TArray<T> &array) { T vec; for (unsigned axis = 0; axis < L; axis++) { sc.MustGetFloat(); vec[axis] = (float)sc.Float; } array.Push(vec); } /** * Parse a side of a face * * @param[in] sideStr The side definition string * @param[out] face The face to assign the parsed side data to * @param sidx The 0-based index of the side * @return Whether or not the face side was parsed successfully */ bool FOBJModel::ParseFaceSide(const FString &sideStr, OBJFace &face, int sidx) { OBJFaceSide side; int origIdx; if (sideStr.IndexOf(newSideSep) >= 0) { TArray<FString> sides = sideStr.Split(newSideSep, FString::TOK_KEEPEMPTY); if (sides[0].Len() > 0) { origIdx = atoi(sides[0].GetChars()); side.vertref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VertexIndex); } else { sc.ScriptError("Vertex reference is not optional!"); return false; } if (sides[1].Len() > 0) { origIdx = atoi(sides[1].GetChars()); side.uvref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::UVIndex); } else { side.uvref = -1; } if (sides.Size() > 2) { if (sides[2].Len() > 0) { origIdx = atoi(sides[2].GetChars()); side.normref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VNormalIndex); } else { side.normref = -1; hasMissingNormals = true; } } else { side.normref = -1; hasMissingNormals = true; } } else { origIdx = atoi(sideStr.GetChars()); side.vertref = ResolveIndex(origIdx, FaceElement::VertexIndex); side.normref = -1; hasMissingNormals = true; side.uvref = -1; } face.sides[sidx] = side; return true; } /** * Resolve an OBJ index to an absolute index * * OBJ indices are 1-based, and can also be negative * * @param origIndex The original OBJ index to resolve * @param el What type of element the index references * @return The absolute index of the element */ int FOBJModel::ResolveIndex(int origIndex, FaceElement el) { if (origIndex > 0) { return origIndex - 1; // OBJ indices start at 1 } else if (origIndex < 0) { if (el == FaceElement::VertexIndex) { return verts.Size() + origIndex; // origIndex is negative } else if (el == FaceElement::UVIndex) { return uvs.Size() + origIndex; } else if (el == FaceElement::VNormalIndex) { return norms.Size() + origIndex; } } return -1; } /** * Construct the vertex buffer for this model * * @param renderer A pointer to the model renderer. Used to allocate the vertex buffer. */ void FOBJModel::BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer *renderer) { if (GetVertexBuffer(renderer->GetType())) { return; } unsigned int vbufsize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { ConstructSurfaceTris(surfaces[i]); surfaces[i].vbStart = vbufsize; vbufsize += surfaces[i].numTris * 3; } // Initialize/populate vertFaces if (hasMissingNormals && hasSmoothGroups) { AddVertFaces(); } auto vbuf = renderer->CreateVertexBuffer(false,true); SetVertexBuffer(renderer->GetType(), vbuf); FModelVertex *vertptr = vbuf->LockVertexBuffer(vbufsize); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < surfaces[i].numTris; j++) { for (size_t side = 0; side < 3; side++) { FModelVertex *mdv = vertptr + side + j * 3 + // Current surface and previous triangles surfaces[i].vbStart; // Previous surfaces OBJFaceSide &curSide = surfaces[i].tris[j].sides[2 - side]; int vidx = curSide.vertref; int uvidx = (curSide.uvref >= 0 && (unsigned int)curSide.uvref < uvs.Size()) ? curSide.uvref : 0; int nidx = curSide.normref; FVector3 curVvec = RealignVector(verts[vidx]); FVector2 curUvec = FixUV(uvs[uvidx]); FVector3 nvec; mdv->Set(curVvec.X, curVvec.Y, curVvec.Z, curUvec.X, curUvec.Y); if (nidx >= 0 && (unsigned int)nidx < norms.Size()) { nvec = RealignVector(norms[nidx]); } else { if (surfaces[i].tris[j].smoothGroup == 0) { nvec = CalculateNormalFlat(i, j); } else { nvec = CalculateNormalSmooth(vidx, surfaces[i].tris[j].smoothGroup); } } mdv->SetNormal(nvec.X, nvec.Y, nvec.Z); } } delete[] surfaces[i].tris; } // Destroy vertFaces if (hasMissingNormals && hasSmoothGroups) { for (size_t i = 0; i < verts.Size(); i++) { vertFaces[i].Clear(); } delete[] vertFaces; } vbuf->UnlockVertexBuffer(); } /** * Fill in the triangle data for a surface * * @param[in,out] surf The surface to fill in the triangle data for */ void FOBJModel::ConstructSurfaceTris(OBJSurface &surf) { unsigned int triCount = 0; size_t start = surf.faceStart; size_t end = start + surf.numFaces; for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { triCount += faces[i].sideCount - 2; } surf.numTris = triCount; surf.tris = new OBJFace[triCount]; for (size_t i = start, triIdx = 0; i < end; i++, triIdx++) { surf.tris[triIdx].sideCount = 3; if (faces[i].sideCount == 3) { surf.tris[triIdx].smoothGroup = faces[i].smoothGroup; memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx].sides, faces[i].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3); } else if (faces[i].sideCount == 4) // Triangulate face { OBJFace *triangulated = new OBJFace[2]; TriangulateQuad(faces[i], triangulated); memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx].sides, triangulated[0].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3); memcpy(surf.tris[triIdx+1].sides, triangulated[1].sides, sizeof(OBJFaceSide) * 3); delete[] triangulated; triIdx += 1; // Filling out two faces } DPrintf(DMSG_SPAMMY, "Smooth group: %d\n", surf.tris[triIdx].smoothGroup); } } /** * Triangulate a 4-sided face * * @param[in] quad The 4-sided face to triangulate * @param[out] tris The resultant triangle data */ void FOBJModel::TriangulateQuad(const OBJFace &quad, OBJFace *tris) { tris[0].sideCount = 3; tris[0].smoothGroup = quad.smoothGroup; tris[1].sideCount = 3; tris[1].smoothGroup = quad.smoothGroup; int tsidx[2][3] = {{0, 1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { tris[j].sides[i].vertref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].vertref; tris[j].sides[i].uvref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].uvref; tris[j].sides[i].normref = quad.sides[tsidx[j][i]].normref; } } } /** * Add the vertices of all surfaces' triangles to the array of vertex->triangle references */ void FOBJModel::AddVertFaces() { // Initialize and populate vertFaces - this array stores references to triangles per vertex vertFaces = new TArray<OBJTriRef>[verts.Size()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < surfaces[i].numTris; j++) { OBJTriRef otr = OBJTriRef(i, j); for (size_t k = 0; k < surfaces[i].tris[j].sideCount; k++) { int vidx = surfaces[i].tris[j].sides[k].vertref; vertFaces[vidx].Push(otr); } } } } /** * Re-align a vector to match MD3 alignment * * @param vecToRealign The vector to re-align * @return The re-aligned vector */ inline FVector3 FOBJModel::RealignVector(FVector3 vecToRealign) { vecToRealign.Z *= -1; return vecToRealign; } /** * Fix UV coordinates of a UV vector * * @param vecToRealign The vector to fix * @return The fixed UV coordinate vector */ inline FVector2 FOBJModel::FixUV(FVector2 vecToRealign) { vecToRealign.Y *= -1; return vecToRealign; } /** * Calculate the surface normal for a triangle * * @param surfIdx The surface index * @param triIdx The triangle Index * @return The surface normal vector */ FVector3 FOBJModel::CalculateNormalFlat(unsigned int surfIdx, unsigned int triIdx) { // https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Calculating_a_Surface_Normal int curVert = surfaces[surfIdx].tris[triIdx].sides[0].vertref; int nextVert = surfaces[surfIdx].tris[triIdx].sides[2].vertref; int lastVert = surfaces[surfIdx].tris[triIdx].sides[1].vertref; // Cross-multiply the U-vector and V-vector FVector3 curVvec = RealignVector(verts[curVert]); FVector3 uvec = RealignVector(verts[nextVert]) - curVvec; FVector3 vvec = RealignVector(verts[lastVert]) - curVvec; return uvec ^ vvec; } /** * Calculate the surface normal for a triangle * * @param otr A reference to the surface, and a triangle within that surface, as an OBJTriRef * @return The surface normal vector */ FVector3 FOBJModel::CalculateNormalFlat(OBJTriRef otr) { return CalculateNormalFlat(otr.surf, otr.tri); } /** * Calculate the normal of a vertex in a specific smooth group * * @param vidx The index of the vertex in the array of vertices * @param smoothGroup The smooth group number */ FVector3 FOBJModel::CalculateNormalSmooth(unsigned int vidx, unsigned int smoothGroup) { unsigned int connectedFaces = 0; TArray<OBJTriRef>& vTris = vertFaces[vidx]; FVector3 vNormal(0,0,0); for (size_t face = 0; face < vTris.Size(); face++) { OBJFace& tri = surfaces[vTris[face].surf].tris[vTris[face].tri]; if (tri.smoothGroup == smoothGroup) { FVector3 fNormal = CalculateNormalFlat(vTris[face]); connectedFaces += 1; vNormal += fNormal; } } vNormal /= (float)connectedFaces; return vNormal; } /** * Find the index of the frame with the given name * * OBJ models are not animated, so this always returns 0 * * @param name The name of the frame * @return The index of the frame */ int FOBJModel::FindFrame(const char* name) { return 0; // OBJs are not animated. } /** * Render the model * * @param renderer The model renderer * @param skin The loaded skin for the surface * @param frameno Unused * @param frameno2 Unused * @param inter Unused * @param translation The translation for the skin */ void FOBJModel::RenderFrame(FModelRenderer *renderer, FGameTexture * skin, int frameno, int frameno2, double inter, int translation) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { OBJSurface *surf = &surfaces[i]; FGameTexture *userSkin = skin; if (!userSkin && curSpriteMDLFrame) { int ssIndex = i + curMDLIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES; if (i < MD3_MAX_SURFACES && curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[ssIndex].isValid()) { userSkin = TexMan.GetGameTexture(curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[ssIndex], true); } else if (surf->skin.isValid()) { userSkin = TexMan.GetGameTexture(surf->skin, true); } } // Still no skin after checking for one? if (!userSkin) { continue; } renderer->SetMaterial(userSkin, false, translation); renderer->SetupFrame(this, surf->vbStart, surf->vbStart, surf->numTris * 3); renderer->DrawArrays(0, surf->numTris * 3); } } /** * Pre-cache skins for the model * * @param hitlist The list of textures */ void FOBJModel::AddSkins(uint8_t* hitlist) { for (size_t i = 0; i < surfaces.Size(); i++) { size_t ssIndex = i + curMDLIndex * MD3_MAX_SURFACES; if (curSpriteMDLFrame && i < MD3_MAX_SURFACES && curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[ssIndex].isValid()) { // Precache skins manually reassigned by the user. // On OBJs with lots of skins, such as Doom map OBJs exported from GZDB, // there may be too many skins for the user to manually change, unless // the limit is bumped or surfaceskinIDs is changed to a TArray<FTextureID>. hitlist[curSpriteMDLFrame->surfaceskinIDs[ssIndex].GetIndex()] |= FTextureManager::HIT_Flat; return; // No need to precache skin that was replaced } OBJSurface * surf = &surfaces[i]; if (surf->skin.isValid()) { hitlist[surf->skin.GetIndex()] |= FTextureManager::HIT_Flat; } } } /** * Remove the data that was loaded */ FOBJModel::~FOBJModel() { verts.Clear(); norms.Clear(); uvs.Clear(); faces.Clear(); surfaces.Clear(); }