/* ** mainloop.cpp ** Implements the main game loop ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2020 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ // For TryRunTics the following applies: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit // Copyright 2002-2020 Christoph Oelckers // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // DOOM Network game communication and protocol, // all OS independent parts. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <chrono> #include <thread> #include "c_cvars.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "razemenu.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "raze_sound.h" #include "raze_music.h" #include "vm.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "screenjob_.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "uiinput.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "glbackend/glbackend.h" #include "palette.h" #include "build.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "automap.h" #include "statusbar.h" #include "gamestruct.h" #include "savegamehelp.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "gamehud.h" #include "wipe.h" CVAR(Bool, vid_activeinbackground, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) CVAR(Bool, r_ticstability, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_capfps) CVAR(Bool, cl_resumesavegame, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) ticcmd_t playercmds[MAXPLAYERS]; static uint64_t stabilityticduration = 0; static uint64_t stabilitystarttime = 0; bool pauseext; bool r_NoInterpolate; int entertic; int oldentertics; int gametic; int nextwipe = wipe_None; FString savename; FString BackupSaveGame; void DoLoadGame(const char* name); bool sendsave; FString savedescription; FString savegamefile; //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t* cmd) { if (sendsave) { sendsave = false; Net_WriteByte(DEM_SAVEGAME); Net_WriteString(savegamefile); Net_WriteString(savedescription); savegamefile = ""; } cmd->ucmd = {}; I_GetEvent(); auto input = CONTROL_GetInput(); gi->GetInput(&input, I_GetInputFrac(SyncInput()), &cmd->ucmd); cmd->consistency = consistency[myconnectindex][(maketic / ticdup) % BACKUPTICS]; } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== bool newGameStarted; void NewGame(MapRecord* map, int skill, bool ns = false) { newGameStarted = true; ShowIntermission(nullptr, map, nullptr, [=](bool) { gi->NewGame(map, skill, ns); ResetStatusBar(); Net_ClearFifo(); }); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== static void GameTicker() { int i; handleevents(); // Todo: Migrate state changes to here instead of doing them ad-hoc while (gameaction != ga_nothing) { auto ga = gameaction; gameaction = ga_nothing; switch (ga) { case ga_autoloadgame: C_FlushDisplay(); if (BackupSaveGame.IsNotEmpty() && cl_resumesavegame) { DoLoadGame(BackupSaveGame); } else { g_nextmap = currentLevel; FX_StopAllSounds(); FX_SetReverb(0); gi->FreeLevelData(); gameaction = ga_level; NewGame(g_nextmap, -1); BackupSaveGame = ""; } break; case ga_completed: FX_StopAllSounds(); FX_SetReverb(0); gi->LevelCompleted(g_nextmap, g_nextskill); break; case ga_nextlevel: gi->FreeLevelData(); gameaction = ga_level; gi->NextLevel(g_nextmap, g_nextskill); ResetStatusBar(); Net_ClearFifo(); break; case ga_newgame: FX_StopAllSounds(); [[fallthrough]]; case ga_newgamenostopsound: DeleteScreenJob(); FX_SetReverb(0); gi->FreeLevelData(); C_FlushDisplay(); gameaction = ga_level; BackupSaveGame = ""; NewGame(g_nextmap, g_nextskill, ga == ga_newgamenostopsound); break; case ga_startup: Mus_Stop(); FX_StopAllSounds(); gi->FreeLevelData(); gamestate = GS_STARTUP; break; case ga_mainmenu: FX_StopAllSounds(); if (isBlood()) Mus_Stop(); [[fallthrough]]; case ga_mainmenunostopsound: gi->FreeLevelData(); gamestate = GS_MENUSCREEN; M_StartControlPanel(ga == ga_mainmenu); M_SetMenu(NAME_Mainmenu); break; case ga_creditsmenu: FX_StopAllSounds(); gi->FreeLevelData(); gamestate = GS_MENUSCREEN; M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_Mainmenu); M_SetMenu(NAME_CreditsMenu); break; case ga_savegame: G_DoSaveGame(true, false, savegamefile, savedescription); gameaction = ga_nothing; savegamefile = ""; savedescription = ""; break; case ga_loadgame: case ga_loadgamehidecon: //case ga_autoloadgame: G_DoLoadGame(); break; case ga_autosave: if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && !newGameStarted) M_Autosave(); newGameStarted = false; break; case ga_level: gamestate = GS_LEVEL; break; case ga_intro: gamestate = GS_INTRO; break; case ga_intermission: gamestate = GS_CUTSCENE; break; case ga_fullconsole: C_FullConsole(); Mus_Stop(); gameaction = ga_nothing; break; case ga_endscreenjob: EndScreenJob(); break; // for later // case ga_recordgame, // start a new demo recording (later) // case ga_loadgameplaydemo, // load a savegame and play a demo. default: break; } C_AdjustBottom(); } // get commands, check consistancy, and build new consistancy check int buf = (gametic / ticdup) % BACKUPTICS; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { ticcmd_t* cmd = &playercmds[i]; ticcmd_t* newcmd = &netcmds[i][buf]; if ((gametic % ticdup) == 0) { RunNetSpecs(i, buf); } #if 0 if (demorecording) { G_WriteDemoTiccmd(newcmd, i, buf); } if (demoplayback) { G_ReadDemoTiccmd(cmd, i); } else #endif { *cmd = *newcmd; } if (netgame && /*!demoplayback &&*/ (gametic % ticdup) == 0) { #if 0 //players[i].inconsistant = 0; if (gametic > BACKUPTICS * ticdup && consistancy[i][buf] != cmd->consistancy) { players[i].inconsistant = gametic - BACKUPTICS * ticdup; } #endif consistency[i][buf] = gi->GetPlayerChecksum(i); } } } C_RunDelayedCommands(); updatePauseStatus(); switch (gamestate) { default: case GS_STARTUP: artClearMapArt(); gi->Startup(); break; case GS_LEVEL: gameupdatetime.Reset(); gameupdatetime.Clock(); gi->Ticker(); TickStatusBar(); levelTextTime--; gameupdatetime.Unclock(); break; case GS_MENUSCREEN: case GS_FULLCONSOLE: break; case GS_CUTSCENE: case GS_INTRO: if (ScreenJobTick()) { // synchronize termination with the playsim. Net_WriteByte(DEM_ENDSCREENJOB); } break; } } void DrawOverlays() { NetUpdate(); // send out any new accumulation if (gamestate != GS_INTRO) // do not draw overlays on the intros { // Draw overlay elements CT_Drawer(); C_DrawConsole(); M_Drawer(); FStat::PrintStat(twod); } DrawRateStuff(); } //========================================================================== // // Display // //========================================================================== EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vid_renderer); void Display() { if (screen == nullptr || (!AppActive && (screen->IsFullscreen() || !vid_activeinbackground))) { return; } FTexture* wipestart = nullptr; if (nextwipe != wipe_None) { wipestart = screen->WipeStartScreen(); } screen->FrameTime = I_msTimeFS(); tileUpdateAnimations(); screen->BeginFrame(); twodpsp.Clear(); twodpsp.SetSize(screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); twodpsp.ClearClipRect(); twod->Clear(); //twod->SetSize(screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); twod->Begin(screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight()); twod->ClearClipRect(); switch (gamestate) { case GS_MENUSCREEN: case GS_FULLCONSOLE: gi->DrawBackground(); break; case GS_INTRO: case GS_CUTSCENE: ScreenJobDraw(); break; case GS_LEVEL: if (gametic != 0) { screen->FrameTime = I_msTimeFS(); screen->BeginFrame(); screen->SetSceneRenderTarget(gl_ssao != 0); updateModelInterpolation(); gi->Render(); if (vid_renderer == 0) videoShowFrame(); DrawFullscreenBlends(); drawMapTitle(); break; } [[fallthrough]]; default: twod->ClearScreen(); break; } if (nextwipe == wipe_None) DrawOverlays(); else { PerformWipe(wipestart, screen->WipeEndScreen(), nextwipe, true, DrawOverlays); nextwipe = wipe_None; } screen->Update(); } //========================================================================== // // Forces playsim processing time to be consistent across frames. // This improves interpolation for frames in between tics. // // With this cvar off the mods with a high playsim processing time will appear // less smooth as the measured time used for interpolation will vary. // //========================================================================== static void TicStabilityWait() { using namespace std::chrono; using namespace std::this_thread; if (!r_ticstability) return; uint64_t start = duration_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); while (true) { uint64_t cur = duration_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); if (cur - start > stabilityticduration) break; } } static void TicStabilityBegin() { using namespace std::chrono; stabilitystarttime = duration_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); } static void TicStabilityEnd() { using namespace std::chrono; uint64_t stabilityendtime = duration_cast<microseconds>(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); stabilityticduration = min(stabilityendtime - stabilitystarttime, (uint64_t)1'000'000); } //========================================================================== // // The most important function in the engine. // //========================================================================== void TryRunTics (void) { int i; int lowtic; int realtics; int availabletics; int counts; int numplaying; // If paused, do not eat more CPU time than we need, because it // will all be wasted anyway. bool doWait = (cl_capfps || pauseext || (r_NoInterpolate && !M_IsAnimated() && gamestate != GS_CUTSCENE && gamestate != GS_INTRO)); // get real tics if (doWait) { entertic = I_WaitForTic (oldentertics); } else { entertic = I_GetTime (); } realtics = entertic - oldentertics; oldentertics = entertic; // get available tics NetUpdate (); if (pauseext) return; lowtic = INT_MAX; numplaying = 0; for (i = 0; i < doomcom.numnodes; i++) { if (nodeingame[i]) { numplaying++; if (nettics[i] < lowtic) lowtic = nettics[i]; } } availabletics = lowtic - gametic / ticdup; // decide how many tics to run if (realtics < availabletics-1) counts = realtics+1; else if (realtics < availabletics) counts = realtics; else counts = availabletics; // Uncapped framerate needs seprate checks if (counts == 0 && !doWait) { TicStabilityWait(); // Check possible stall conditions Net_CheckLastReceived(counts); if (realtics >= 1) { C_Ticker(); M_Ticker(); // Repredict the player for new buffered movement #if 0 gi->Unpredict(); gi->Predict(myconnectindex); #endif } if (!SyncInput()) { I_GetEvent(); auto input = CONTROL_GetInput(); gi->GetInput(&input, I_GetInputFrac(SyncInput())); } return; } if (counts < 1) counts = 1; // wait for new tics if needed while (lowtic < gametic + counts) { NetUpdate (); lowtic = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < doomcom.numnodes; i++) if (nodeingame[i] && nettics[i] < lowtic) lowtic = nettics[i]; lowtic = lowtic * ticdup; if (lowtic < gametic) I_Error ("TryRunTics: lowtic < gametic"); // Check possible stall conditions Net_CheckLastReceived (counts); // Update time returned by I_GetTime, but only if we are stuck in this loop if (lowtic < gametic + counts) I_SetFrameTime(); // don't stay in here forever -- give the menu a chance to work if (I_GetTime () - entertic >= 1) { C_Ticker (); M_Ticker (); // Repredict the player for new buffered movement #if 0 gi->Unpredict(); gi->Predict(myconnectindex); #endif return; } } //Tic lowtic is high enough to process this gametic. Clear all possible waiting info hadlate = false; #if 0 for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) players[i].waiting = false; #endif lastglobalrecvtime = I_GetTime (); //Update the last time the game tic'd over // run the count tics if (counts > 0) { #if 0 gi->Unpredict(); #endif while (counts--) { TicStabilityBegin(); if (gametic > lowtic) { I_Error ("gametic>lowtic"); } #if 0 if (advancedemo) { D_DoAdvanceDemo (); } #endif C_Ticker (); M_Ticker (); GameTicker(); gametic++; NetUpdate (); // check for new console commands TicStabilityEnd(); } #if 0 gi->Predict(myconnectindex); #endif gi->UpdateSounds(); soundEngine->UpdateSounds(I_GetTime()); } else { TicStabilityWait(); } } //========================================================================== // // MainLoop - will never return aside from exceptions being thrown. // //========================================================================== void MainLoop () { int lasttic = 0; // Clamp the timer to TICRATE until the playloop has been entered. r_NoInterpolate = true; if (userConfig.CommandMap.IsNotEmpty()) { auto maprecord = FindMapByName(userConfig.CommandMap); if (maprecord == nullptr) { maprecord = SetupUserMap(userConfig.CommandMap, g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_DUKE? "dethtoll.mid" : nullptr); } userConfig.CommandMap = ""; if (maprecord) { DeferredStartGame(maprecord, g_nextskill); } } for (;;) { try { // frame syncronous IO operations if (gametic > lasttic) { lasttic = gametic; I_StartFrame (); } I_SetFrameTime(); TryRunTics (); // will run at least one tic // Update display, next frame, with current state. I_StartTic(); Display(); Mus_UpdateMusic(); // must be at the end. } catch (CRecoverableError &error) { if (error.GetMessage ()) { Printf (PRINT_BOLD, "\n%s\n", error.GetMessage()); } gi->ErrorCleanup(); M_ClearMenus(); C_FullConsole(); gameaction = ga_nothing; } catch (CVMAbortException &error) { error.MaybePrintMessage(); Printf("%s", error.stacktrace.GetChars()); gi->ErrorCleanup(); twod->SetOffset(DVector2(0, 0)); M_ClearMenus(); C_FullConsole(); } } }